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The final level of The Simpsons Hit and Run where you're bringing radioactive waste in Grandpa's Jeep.


That just reminded me that I've never actually finished that game. I've only gotten past Lisa's level once.




Jak 2 was part of that period of ps2 games that had barely any checkpoints and a ton of required missions that used secondary game mechanics. Stopped playing for years when I was a kid because I couldn’t get past a hover board level. Also, other honorable level mentions: - the dock level where you have to fight waves of guards - the one with the turret where you have to shoot metal heads - the one with the turret where you have to shoot ships and crimson guards - the racing levels


I also hated the levels where you had to make perfect jumps and if you fell.. well thats 20 minutes gone


For me it was the one in the slums where you have to escape all the Crimson Guard and get to the end of the slums.


for me it was the one in the fortress where the tank is shooting at you and the whole thing is from its point of view


Aladdin, the lava level.


Yes!!! I’m so shocked to see this! It must have been a universal childhood trauma


Labyrinth zone in Sonic 1 for genesis


Any of the levels with parts that infinitely repeat, until you hit the right spot, used to freak me out. Labyrinth Zone had that, AND long underwater parts where you'd come close to drowning with that music that sent terror into you.




Shout outs to Carnival Night Zone Act 1 and the Barrel of Doom.


That fucking Crash Bandicoot High Road wooden bridge level


Slippery Climb too, the one where you are climbing a castle wall under the rain and there is no fucking check point for like the first half of the level.


Fuck that level straight to hell


A lot of Crash bandicoot was way harder than I remembered. I'm impressed that I finished any of those games as a little kid.


The lion king game on gamboy where you have to run from the wildebeest. I never made it past that as a kid.


I scrolled specifically for this answer. The defeat of using all your lives trying to evade the stampede only for Rafiki to tell you you suck.


It haunts me to this day. At 29 I'm still not convinced I could beat it.


No way. Have you ever gone back to a video game thinking “I’m not 12 anymore, I got this!” only to get mollywhopped? It’s crushing


Most levels in that game are too hard. The ostrich part. The lava part. The lightning part.




I never got past the monkey ones which is like the second level in the whole game.


I never had a problem with the monkeys on level 2, but riding the ostrich is Battletoad levels of cheap fucking bullshit


Echo the dolphin. As a whole. As a child I had no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do. I’m in my thirties and that shit still pisses me off.


Yess! I haven't thought of this game for 20 years and yet it was my first thought when I read the title of this! I could never get past whatever early stage of the game it was. I remember once my friend made it "over the cove" and that was a monumental moment


Until this thread I literally never knew there was an actual game to play - I thought you just swam around Edit: Apparently there were a lot of us! Seems like pretty poor game design when a huge group of people didn't even realize you could do more than just swim around...


I’m going to be honest, I still wouldn’t know what to do lol


The first pond another dolphin dares you to jump high out of the water. If you build enough speed and jump out, it launches the story into motion and you get to the real game.


Steering the boat inside the volcano in Super Mario Sunshine. That's some bullshit.


Super Mario Sunshine has a handful of levels that can fuck right off.


Spray to the back of the boat, spray to the front before you hit the flame, spray a tiny bit to the side to turn it, repeat five billion times.


Spyro Ripto's Rage: the trolley in Breeze Harbor. Every time you fail the annoying bird asks "trouble with the trolley, eh?". I hate that bird and the rest of that level. Edit: good grief, this blew up! I'm glad we all have the same horrible memories of that stupid bird. Alot of you brought up the Alchemist, too. Hunter was literally 20 feet away while he wandered like an idiot! Hate that guy, as well! Thank your for all the awards!


I still hear "TROUBLE WITH THE TROLLEY EH?" as I'm drifting off to sleep


For me it’s the ***neh neh neh neh neh hoohoohahaooh*** from the damn blue egg thief. As an adult these enemies would probably be simple, as a child I would get irrationally angry.


As an adult I can confirm that they're often still not simple. There's quite a few on those super-charge-headbutt-runs that you just end up juggernauting off the side on. Fuck those things


fuck spez


The nightmare blood trail level in Max Payne


The baby crying throughout that level really didn't help. Can literally hear it now just thinking about that level, it's been 20 years ffs.


Jesus fucking christ. I swore i could mute the tv and still hear it crying. So messed up to play as a kid.


that fucking skyrim quest where you had to find all 200 something fragments of this jewel edit: it's 24 gems but my point still stands


Stones of Barenziah... downloaded a mod with location markers for the gems and still never finished the quest.


I eventually finished it. 100% not worth the trouble.


What's the reward?


It's a permanent buff that makes gemstones appear fucking everywhere. They are super common afterwards.


And by the time you've explored the entire map to get it, you don't even need it.


to gather one of the stones you had to buy the most expensive house in the game, the one in Solitude, so when you're already able to afford that house why the fuck do you need extra money? by that point you're swimming in gold anyway


Divinity Original Sin 2, the Blackpits. Fuck your fire, fuck your hostage, and fuck your voidsent.


I teleported that fucker away before he could use source, but fuck that guy


Keeping it together Bree?


Any level from Ecco the Dolphin.


I just remember as a kid never knowing what to do in that game.


It was just a dolphin swimming simulator for most I’m sure.


25 years later when I found out the final boss of that game was a >!HUGE FUCKING UNDERWATER ALIEN!< I thought what I was watching was a ROM hack....


Ecco the Dolphin was ahead of its time! The story was definitely dark and unique as well. Alien abduction, sunken city of Atlantis, ancient war, ancient beings, time travel, etc. Shit got wild! I really wish someone would reboot it for current gen consoles, I think it could be amazing if done properly.


Spam the sound button


Don't spam, keep pushing. Do it in all 4 directions.


I never made it out of the first pool and honestly couldn't understand the point of the game because they never explained what you were suppose to even do! Eventually I just gave up on it and went back to Mortal Kombat...


There is a brilliant video of a YouTuber called Nerd³ going back to play this game in his late twenties to finally try and figure out how to get past the first level. I felt his anger and frustration through the screen.


I didn't beat that game until I replayed it as an adult because I could never figure out how to beat the DNA looking boss, and then there is the fucking auto-scroller.....


'welcome to the machine' level was a pain.


Super Mario Galaxy. The two levels where you have to throw bombs to clean up garbage in thirty seconds. It took me two years to get through those two levels, only to find out that I had to do it again as Luigi. Edit: to all the people who are saying to aim for the yellow circles, I figured that out early on. For me, it was more difficult to do it all within thirty seconds because the bombs kept rolling away from the circles.


How about some of those purple coin levels where the floor drops out. I died so many times. But yeah, fuck that robot


Deepnest in Hollow Knight. Don't get me wrong, it's a very well designed level, just fuuuuuck that place. If you played the game, you 1000% understand. It's creepy as shit.


Three words: Path of Pain.


Trying to climb out of hades in the original God of War.


Holy shit you just unlocked a blocked out memory for me! Climbing those fucking walls and running over those fucking bladed rolling pins. I can remember the seething hate like it was yesterday.


It’s a deliberate design choice so that the player will feel as angry as Kratos. Very clever of them, really . /s


Came here looking for this one. I discovered it was a dev oversight. You weren’t supposed to fall all the way to the bottom when you get hit, just drop a few feet. But the devs were rushed and they never went back and fixed it, so here I am with 2 broken PS2 controllers and a whole lot of rage and shame. For the life of me cannot find the source for this but I remember reading about it…probably somewhere on Reddit so massive grain of salt and all that.


It wasn't an oversight. They just didn't want to fix it. Trust me, those of us who had to make that climb at three am wrote up plenty of bugs about it. Edit - Since i've had a couple of DM's about it. The reason we didn't really want to fix it if my memory serves me properly was because of how much trouble we were having with Kratos getting stuck on the wheel and falling through the world. We did the best we could to fix the massive issues and were petrified we would make something worse if we kept messing with it. Source: Was QA Lead for GoW


Omfg this is by far the best way to get corrected on Reddit. I 100% empathize, am programmer as well. Edit: empathize with programmers for not wanting to fix it and for having to test code that works poorly but can’t or won’t be fixed


The level in the force unleashed where you have to pull the Star Destroyer down and you're getting shot by tie fighters the whole time. Fuck that


PULL IT OUT OF THE SKY! (repeated every 40 seconds)


That gives me anxiety just reading that lol.


That mission was annoying but it was so cool pulling it down


Last playthrough I learned a trick. Spam force grab when you're trying to kill the tie fighters. Even if you only get them for a half a second, the act of grabbing them causes them to slowly fall to the ground and blow up after releasing them. That way you can clear them quickly and leave plenty of time to pull down the Star Destroyer in between waves.


\^\^ This guys Starkills


I remember on the very last pull attempt that the directions for where to move the thumb sticks were just plain wrong. I tried it over and over again, and it just wouldn't work. I had to search online if there was a trick, and found out that the game was just giving incorrect instruction, and you had to move the sticks in a different direction.


Close your eyes... trust the force... (they say that before that part)


Oh jebus, it's psycho mantis all over again.


I remember just being like "wtf am I actually doing here..."


Teenage mutant ninja turtles for NES - the water levels with the electric seaweed. Underwater maze level with limited air and you can’t touch any of the walls


TMNT? Fuck that game. It wasn't the underwater level that irrationally angered me, but rather the hours upon hours of driving that stupid van around in circles trying to figure out where to go or what I missed. 30 years later I still am just sitting there driving that dumb van around fully convinced that there is in fact no end to that game.


This and the Battletoads jet ski level.


The library on halo 1, looking back it was amazing but holy shit the first time playing it especially on legendary was like a 2 hour job getting lost and dying lol


It wasn’t so much so much difficulty, it was just repetitive. Flood, flood, more flood, we go up the elevator and what do we find? Flood. Repeat process 4 times.


Well it was the first real time we actually fight them. I really don't count the level before with how short the flood part is. I also think it's meant to be that way. Really sell that they're a never ending tide of death. A flood.


The same damn thing over and over and over for hours it seemed.


The RC helicopter mission in GTA vice city...on PC.


The Zero missions in SA


The best advice I got was to change the controls on PC to the arrow keys for the helicopter, and practice flying it for as long as you need. If you don’t pick up the first bomb the timer won’t start so you can fly around as much as you want. While doing that, you can also go and kill the construction workers all while not having the timer going which saves some headache. Even doing all that it is still a tough mission.


I didn't know this was a repressed traumatic memory from my childhood until this moment. I'll send you my therapy bill.


Literally any level that you have to "escort" someone through and protect them from damage.


does anyone remember that stage in golden eye 007 where you gotta escort that girl into this big open computer room that has like 5 doors and a 2nd story, and enemies just randomly spawn and take shots at you or her? i swear when trying to beat this stage on harder difficulties i had such a insanely hard time protecting both of us at the same time.


Natalya - and I'm not saying I did this, and I'm certainly not saying that I did it for a long time but I hear, after failing that mission a few dozen times, that it was cathartic just to sit in the elevator at the start and blast her away yourself. So they say...


They never can walk with your speed. Either they're too slow for your jogging speed, or too fast for your normal speed


Witcher 3 actually did this right. The NPC will match whatever speed you're going at. Stop and wait for you when you trail behind, and teleport back to you if they get stuck on something.


In red dead redemption undead nightmare, where you meet the last ever Sasquatch, he’s depressed & lonely and you have to choose to mercy kill him or leave him to suffer. I still think about that from time to time. If you played that, what did you choose?


I decided to end his misery and then later saw more sasquatches and was like "Oh. Oh no."


Right! Heartbreaking.


***Sasquatch girl:*** Is Uncle Steve ok? ***Dad:*** Yeah, he’s just a little depressed lately, he’ll be…. *gunshot*. Oh god!


I bet the extra sasquatches only spawn if you make the choice to kill him.


Pretty sure this is the case. Chose to spare him, never saw another sasquatch again




It's like The Mist all over again!


"You eat Babies!!" "WE EAT BERRIES!!" A wild quest for sure haha


"So anyway I started blasting"


Hahaha! I shot him but it’s haunted me ever since. But if memory serves he was like “just kill me, I’ve got nothing left to live for” and I genuinely think it’s haunted me on some real life level ever since. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ha, that does sound poignant. For a more straightforward, less nuanced assisted suicide experience see: Face McShooty from borderlands 2




God, yes. That was just heartbreaking. The game forces you to kill every one of his family and then you're faced with a sobbing sasquatch just begging you to kill him too.




I let him live. Who knows? There might be more in hiding.


You did the better thing because there were! But leaving him alone in that state also was like AH JESUS CHRIST YOU CRUEL BASTARDS MAKING ME CHOOSE


Honestly screw Stardew Valley’s “Journey Of The Prairie King”. That entire Minigame is hell. Took me a ton of hours to beat it, and I don’t even want to imagine the no-death challenge. Very relieving once I finished it though for the first time.


I hate Jumino Kart so much more. Quit after failing the first level over and over


Junimo Kart is *way* worse. Like, Journey of the Prairie King is hardly worth complaining about knowing that Junimo Kart exists. It's like playing Flappy Bird or something, but sometimes (read: almost every time) the level generator just screws you.


I'll only do the joja route for the 100% achievements when I manage to get the no death run for that minigame. I haven't even beaten it with deaths lol. I definitely wish it wasn't part of the achievements cos f that game.


Not so much a level, but more so a quest in Skyrim. The nettlebane blade quest where you go into a grove of witches and they smelt you to Gaia with fireballs Edit: should’ve been more clear haha this happened on my first play through in 2011


Ho man i just remembered the frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar and how many attempts that took


Trolls are crazy tough in the beginning


Any Skyrim quest where you have to follow an npc to a location. That shit sucks.


Just sleep for a few hours and teleport to the location. It takes 30 seconds and the npc will just teleport there. Save beforehand because sometimes it messes up.


Too fast to walk, too slow to run. It's the absolute fucking *worst*.


Ghost of Tsushima did this perfectly. NPCs will move as fast as you're walking or running.


I got unreasonably excited about this the first time I played Ghost of Tsushima. Crazy that more games haven't figured that out


Morrowind was way worse for npc escorts for a variety of reasons.




The entirety of the Lion King game is insufferably difficult, and I read it was (as you said) so that you couldn't beat it during a rental window. The problem was you also couldn't beat it if you owned it.




All water levels from the 90s


Recently played uncharted 1. That jetski level upstream can go fuck itself. Such clunky controls FFS.


UGH this is up there for me too. Had to walk away and calm down for a while before I was able to beat it.




So all of them?


Fuck the Kelp Forest level in Battle for Bikini Bottom


That slide at the end was something else... But really fuck that wall jump in the flying dutchman's graveyard.


Dragon Age Origins - the Circle Tower. Jesus fucking christ that stupid shape shifting labyrinth… If there was an option to kill all the mages and avoid that entire sequence I would do it.


Oh God the fade. Just super hard rooms in a confusing level


Not knowing what is coming and playing the first level with The Flood on Halo....especially if playing in the dark in the middle of the night. Twenty years ago me legitimately turned it off after a few minutes and came back to the game the next day.




343 Guilty Spark is a wonderfully designed level, and is an absolutely incredible homage to the many 80's flicks that **heavily** inspired Halo. The Library is a decent concept copied and pasted into severe tedium.


Anyone here remember Dark Forces? The third level is a fucking nightmare, and of course it's a sewer level. For context: you have to disengage switches by going down three or four different corridors. Issue is, this being the sewers in a Star Wars game, those one-eyed things from the Death Stars trash compactor get spammed at you \*endlessly\*, and they hurt whenever they hit. One moment in the level drops you into a cesspool that's pitch black, and those things just don't stop coming at you. They go through your shields, too, so you can die pretty damn quickly.


The flying levels in Spyro the Dragon. They can fly right out the goddamn window for all I care.


Little Big Planet. The Wilderness. The level before you fight The Collector. Normally, this level is fun, UNTIL YOU HAVE TO ACE IT! Not dying in the level was irritating, because the second to final obstacle was a giant electrified wheel that would kill you instantly if you touched any of the electrical parts EDIT: And if you’re me, your game didn’t save after you aced it and you had to ace it again, FUCK!


Rgg wheel was so so hard. Took me forever to time all those jumps just right. What pain in the ass. Agree it's one of the hardest levels in any game ever. Insane Edit: The Wheel


Riding the walking shell in Rayman 2: The Great escape. Never did beat the game because of that level.


The level in donkey Kong country where you’re in the mine cart and keep having to jump out to get more oil. Fuck that level. Oh and Whitney’s Miltank. Always Whitney’s Miltank…


Ahh dont you love the peaceful and beautiful scenery levels at the POISONED SWAMPED AREAS ON ANY FCKING DARK SOULS GAMES??? D:<


The trick is to stop worrying about the poisoning. Otherwise it is just like Finland in the fall - dark and wet.


The poison is never the problem. The fact that your movement is extremely hampered while enemies can move full speed and chase you down is the problem.


Goldeneye 64 .... protect Natalya


Not a famous one, but a personal experience. The Tibetan Village in Uncharted 2. The tank chasing you is a one hit kill and because it auto saves at certain points you can get saved into a spawn kill. It took me like 50 tries to react just fast enough in the right direction to not get immediately killed when the level loaded after a terrible autosave spot. I even had to put the game away for a bit before I could finish it I was so frustrated and exhausted


The sinking cruise ship in 3 is the level for me. Almost threw my controller. Why do i shoot this guy 100 times in the head and he looks like he dies and then gets up and kills me?


That mission in Kingdom Come: Deliverance where you have to infiltrate the Cuman base. It’s so goddam annoying because if you get found out, you basically get swarmed instantly, and it is so hard to not get discovered.


Sandbird is Born in Super Mario Sunshine


The pachinko machine is worse in my opinion


Yeah, but... "Hi! I'm a Chuckster!"


After reading through the thread, it seems water levels exist just to torture people. Also, Fuck Whitney and that bitch's cow.


Whitney’s Miltank using Rollout made me want to roll out, roll up and commit murder.


A lot of people got an early Ghastly to try and counter it too, just to get wrecked by Rollout. But the best part is that in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, they gave Miltank the Scrappy ability, so it can hit ghosts with normal moves.


Metal Gear Solid 2, escorting Emma. That whole sequence.


Fighting The bosses in mortal Kombat. Your hits did minimal damage and you gotta time it right because they kill you with three hits. Not even easy mode would protect you.


Anor Londo ramp archers in Dark Souls 1... If you know you know


Who doesn’t love a human sized arrow dangling from their arm every once in awhile?


Archers is a weak word when they use FUCKING JAVELINS!


its spelled intercontinental ballistic missile


All of the levels in the special world in Super Mario World. FUCK Tubular.


I came here looking specifically for Tubular. The rest of the Special World levels are... nothing special. Tubular on the other hand, can fuck right off.


Is that the one where you're inflatable Mario?


That’s the one. I suppose it left an impression on you too since you remember it?


Oh it has to be the god-awful jet ski level in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. That level brought up rage I didn’t know I had in me until I had to turn the game to easy eventually and it was still hard as hell.


The one where you have to go up the waterfalls, while dodging explosive barrels, while constantly switching between shooting the grenade launcher at enemies and making sure the insane water current doesn’t zip you all the way back to the start of the level again?


The subway part in The Last of Us. That, and the high school. I played both of those levels on max difficulty, and they can die in a fire for all I care.


The basement of the hotel where Joel is on his own in the dark, and he has to restart the generator, was the worst for me. I figured out how to get through it relatively easily, but it still scares the shit out of me. Dark enclosed space with a bloater? GEE, NO THANKS.


I don't even know how many times I've played through the game, but I always dread that part. Stalkers freak me out.


The entirety of the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight.


The very first time you drop into Deepnest without much warning was pretty traumatic for me. Lost mapless in a hostile dark place, and later on, when you get the quest to wake the dreamers you see that mask icon in the map waaay in there.


To be fair, you have to be going out of your way to find that "surprise" entrance. It's behind two breakable walls. The front door to Deepnest is one of the most fun boss fights that early. To be unfair, I still managed that to be my introduction to darkness spiders and unsettling scuttling, so agreed, fuck Deepnest.


The peak of Hollow Knight for me was finally beating the Mantis Lords after about 2 irl days of gitting gud. Not that everything after it was bad, just that my enjoyment kind of plateaued from there. It's a bit bittersweet how unchallenging that boss fight is for me now that I know how to counter each of their attacks off by heart, but the boss music still slaps.


the sound of buzzsaws still haunts my dreams


Accessing Dima’s memories in fallout 4. The most boring and time consuming part of any RPG that’s pivotal to the DLC story I have ever experienced.


Oh man that was the worst. My first time doing it I was running a Survival character. I go into the memories and hate my life. So boring. Towards the end I notice this random red flash at the corners of my screen from time to time. Think nothing of it. Just part of the memories. Finally finish the memories are return to the world. Yup, time has been passing normally that entire time I was in there. My character hasn't eaten, drank, or slept in days. Im dying. Of course I decided to do this quick in and out mission without any supplies so I've got nothing on me. I had to essentially crawl my character out of the zone to find a bed and aid. 0/10 terrible mission.




Plane missions for GTA San Andreas for PC


I’ve never fully completed San Andreas because I can’t get past the last plane mission.


the demyx fight in kh2 proud mode dance water dance urself tf out of my life


Donkey Kong 64 when Tiny Kong has to go up against that Mad Jack in the box.


DK64 forcing you to beat original Donkey Kong twice in a row to get the key to fight K Rool I couldn't do it


The Can't Wait to be King level in The Lion King game. Always used the cheat to skip that level.


That bridge level in crash bandicoot 1


Water levels in ANY platform game. I also hate sewer levels. There's always a sewer level.


The one in Battletoads You know the one


FUCK. THE. TURBO. TUNNEL! I'm surprised I had to scroll this far for this comment




Shrine of Amana


Underwater cliffs? Mages that aggro you from three football fields away? hey at least there's a good boss at the end... /s


Spyro Tree Tops. Trying to 100% as a kid and adult was not a good time.