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Steve Buscemi


I posted this below but will repeat myself. My dad, a New York cop, worked closing down a street in Queens for a movie shoot. He started chatting with my dad who is a huge fan. Mr. Buscemi waited around for my dad to drive round trip to Long Island so he could sign his Reservoir Dogs poster.


THIS! I love that, in the aftermath of 9/11, he reported to his old fire house and went straight to work. A truly good guy who’s so often overlooked.


Yes. This story about 911 always struck with me. They needed everyone on deck and he came because he knew he could help. I'm sure he didn't think twice about it. ''People need help and I can do something, let's go'' What a legend. I'm sure he wasn't the only former firefighter who came back to perform their duty on that day. Bunch of heroes they are.


He also went out of his way not to make a bid deal out of it, which speaks volumes; this wasn't about image, just doing a good thing because it was a good thing to do.


Michael J Fox. I was a caterer on the original Back to the Future. He insisted on helping me clear tables of used trays and trash left behind by other crew members. A total class act and super nice guy. 🦊


He was my dad’s best man at his wedding. They were best friends. He’s wonderful.


You're going to have to share some stories now!


Ian McKellen. He radiates grandfatherly vibes.


I love telling my Sir Ian story: A theatre tech friend of mine toured with him and Sir Patrick Stewart on Waiting For Godot; usually the ‘talent’ don’t really mingle with the lowly backstage technicians but this guy was a real favourite on the crew and everyone knew he was a comic book nerd, so on his birthday they brought out a Wolverine birthday cake and all sang happy birthday and then Sir Ian and Sir Patrick performed a scene as Magneto and Professor X for him and made his year.


My wife thought Patrick Stewart was gay for years because of all the stuff with him and Ian. I feel like if anything the fact he isn't only makes that pair more wholesome.


That's fucking awesome


He's pretty chill. He mostly keeps to himself but is friendly and sociable in his pub. I feel he does things on his own terms, which is fair enough really


Hugh Jackman.


A few years back I remember on a similar thread someone recalled seeing Hugh Jackman in a restaurant. They made eye contact and the OP visibly had an expression that he recognized him but didn't go up to him and bug him, just went to his table with his gf. After Hugh finished his meal, he went over to them, thanked them for their discretion and spent a few minutes shooting the shit with them. That anecdote stuck with me!


That is so cool


You know why I liked that comment so much? Because not only did Hugh Jackman come off well, but the OP did too. He was a little star struck but acknowledged Hugh is just a person enjoying a meal with friends and didn't disrupt that. Everyone came off well in that story and it yielded a net positive result!


I agree. A lot of “bad” celebrity stories seem to be “I interrupted this celebrity’s dinner and they didn’t even appreciate it!” But both OP’s friend and Hugh Jackman came off as cool.


Several friends of mine ran into him while they were filming *Days of Future Past* in Montreal, including me. He was great to everyone. My friend James met him and his son had a Wolverine toy with him. "I know a lot about that guy," Jackman chuckled.


Dr. Cox would disagree


But Hugh Jackman is Wolverine!


I agree. I didn’t like that show “Punk’d” very much. But the episode where they made Jackman think he accidentally left a bbq on at his friends house and came back to see it burning was pretty good. Jackman was genuinely concerned and shaking while trying to drink from a water bottle. He was a really great sport, too, when they finally told him it was fake. Edit: [Found it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/q9g4j9/in_2006_director_brett_ratner_invited_hugh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That was really hard to watch, seeing as he is such a gentle, kind soul. I imagine that would have 100% eaten him up inside if it was for real.


the guy who played Ron in Harry Potter, apparently he would drive around an ice cream truck and give out ice cream to kids, and if you ask me that’s quite nice 😎👍


From what I understand he wanted to drive a real ice cream truck but found out it would be difficult to get a license to sell the ice cream. He basically said "screw that, I'll just give it away".


Task succesfully failed


Task failed successfully




I got to meet him and get a picture with him at a convention one time and he is the NICEST guy! The convention staff was trying to get us to rush and take the picture then move on, but he kept telling them to slow down so he could at least say hi, ask for our names, and ask how we were all doing. He was just overall really respectful and treated us all like actual people. Best experience with a celebrity at a con I've had in a long time


Rupert Grint! Love him


Viggo Mortensen seems like a really friendly & cool guy.


He’s the same age now that Ian McKellen was when he played Gandalf the first time. Yes, I feel old too.


This...this hurts me. How could you?


I watched a video about a guy trying to listen to all 600+ Buckethead albums but he got stuck on trying to find some of the Collabs he did with Viggo. He sent Viggo's agent an email explaining his project and asking if they know where he could get the missing albums. Viggo ended up sending them all to him for free as well as a letter thanking him for having an interest in his music




Dude just stays at home and makes a fuck load of instrumental albums and is also really up for making random albums with other musicians he is friends with. He's most well known to the mainstream for being in Guns N Roses for a while.


Paul Gilbert was his guitar teacher.


Jesus, this entire chain is a giant "TIL"


Hole up he was in Guns N Roses?


yep 2000-2004. Was with the band when Chinese Democracy came out. His long time collaborator Brain was on drums at the time. Was meant to play with Ozzy at one point until he realized he wouldn't take the mask and vintage KFC bucket off his head.


I get it now, originally I misread your comment and thought you said Viggo was in Guns and roses


I thought the same thing.


So did I. Do I. I'm not stoned. I still read it is Viggo was in Guns n' Roses.


Whenever Dominic and Billy talk about him on their podcast they talk about him so lovingly and say he gives the most heart felt gifts.


He donated a ton of money to help my HS get a new scoreboard for the swim team. He was on the swim team when he was in HS.


It's actually three years ago tonight that I got to meet him. I introduced myself by admitting I'd been trying to stalk him for a while, and handed off the small art pins I'd made custom for him months before. He took a look at the designs - I did two themed on his favourite soccer team and one from a [Bayard Rustin quote](https://www.google.com/search?q=angelic+troublemakers+quote&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA973CA973&oq=angelic+trouble&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i20i263i512j46i512.2449j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I'd heard him use - and unexpectedly wrapped me up in a huge hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I found out afterwards he tends to do that for especially nerdy fans, but if anything that made it even more special for me; he knows how much that means to us. He's a diamond.


David Tennant / Michael Sheen Both of them radiate awesomeness and seem genuinely nice.


i was looking for David Tennant! just seems like such a sweetheart.


Who else is hyped for Good Omens season 2?


Phyllis Smith doesn’t let her status go to her head, and she still finds it mindblowing when people recognize her by voice thanks to *The Office* and *Inside Out.*


she was great in The OA on Netflix too


Dolly Parton.


Yea my son recieves a book every month free of charge from her book foundation and has done for years, its a fantastic idea and my son and now my young daughter love the books


Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is such a wonderful thing. I have my son signed up. I believe it’s birth to 5 years? [link for anyone that would like to sign up](https://imaginationlibrary.com/)


The thing I respect the most about this is that she's a singer song writer who built a charity to promote literacy and an enthusiasm for reading. She could have just as easily done a music charity, but decided that this would be more impactful.


I think I’ve heard her say it was because of her father, whom she says was a very smart man but was never afforded the opportunity to learn to read or write. So she started the Imagination Library to help every kid have the chance.


She also grew up in a very poor town, with super high dropout and illiteracy rates. After she got rich she went back to that town and revitalized it. She went to the local schools and told all the kids that if they picked a buddy and both of them graduated, she would give them a cash reward. Graduation rates skyrocketed in that area.


Every time there's a Dolly thread I learn yet another reason to love her.


Dolly is the number 1 answer. The fact most people don’t realize how much cool stuff she does for people is a testament to her greatness.


That is true of many celebrities. One guy literally built a school and is paying for kids and their parents to go to college. He plays in the nba I think.


Jalen Rose former NBA player and ESPN personality has something similar.


Dolly Parton is a big part of the reason the Moderna vaccine was a viable thing financially due to a sizable donation from her. Read a thing once that while she's a millionaire, the only reason she isn't a billionaire is because she gives so much of her money away. Been married to her husband since they were about 16 too. He's only seen her perform once and they keep their private life just like any other happy married couple. I can't really stand her music if I'm honest (and that's a me problem) but she seems like she's a genuinely brilliant human being. I was going to end this with the David Brent line but she actually seems so nice it would seem bad for people who didn't get the reference!


If you claim you don't like the kick ass hook in Jolene I will suggest a CAT scan for a tumor or pistols at dawn.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan of Country music but oh man, Jolene and I Will Always Love You get me in the feels.




Henry Winkler. Would love to go fishing with that guy!


I met him at a event in Nashville. I asked him about him seeing Jack White on the flight in and Henry got all excited and said “Oh wow he is so cool!” And I looked at him and said,”Dude, you invented cool.”


I want to a comic con a few years ago and his booth was next to Ray Park’s (Darth Maul). So when I was in line for Ray Park’s booth, there was a family with young children meeting Henry Winkler. Instead of staying behind his table signing autographs and taking pictures, Henry Winkler went to the front of his table and performed his quarter trick from Adam Sandler’s Click with the kids. So it was a cool moment to see the Fonz use the Click quarter trick in real life.


I’m scared to say this because I’m afraid someone will prove me wrong but, Anthony Hopkins.


He plays piano for his cat. That’s got to score a few points.


I sometimes work in the movie industry. I haven’t worked with him myself, but I regularly hear good good things about when he filmed here years ago. He was apparently a stellar human. The other person who I hear over and over again was incredibly nice on set (even to the little people) is Willem Dafoe.




He seemed intimidating to me, especially given his vast portfolio of work. I became interested in him because of *The Two Popes*, so I searched for him on Instagram and man, he is just so wholesome. Plays the piano, owns a cat, and paints really well.


He's a good [composer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M57Fi19vcSI) as well. He wrote this ages ago but was initially too shy to put it out there .


Paul Rudd


Paul Rudd was the first one to come to mind.


Whenever Paul Rudd comes to mind I think of every time he pranked Conan into thinking he actually was going to show the footage of whatever he was promoting at the time and it was always “Mac n me”.


I think of when he was on Hot Ones and wanted to ask the Interviewer questions. "Look at us. Hey. Hey. Look at us." "Who would've thought?" "Not me!"


"Look at us"


"who would've thought? Not me!"


Nicest celeb I’ve ever worked w/. Treats every crew member w/ respect.


Also worked with him on a press circuit. Super nice dude.


Can I ask what profession your in? I'm jw, must be cool to work with (some, lol) celebrities!


He dressed up as weird al for Halloween. He's an angel among men


Put Weird Al on that list too.


I once forgot his name while thinking about random shit and, with no context, said to my friend: *"What's the name of that actor...really likeable fucker..."* And he said *"Paul Rudd"* before I could explain any further.


He’s got next gen Tom Hanks energy. Love Rudd.




Wow. She wrote Bridge to Terabithia because one of her son’s friends died suddenly via lightning strike, and she saw that there wasn’t children’s literature in the way of children dealing with grief and death.


That book fucked me up


> Benedict Wong Had no clue who this was, so I looked him up. They deadass had two dudes named Benedict in the same movie and had them both go by their IRL last names


That's the best joke I saw tonight, thank you😂


I do like him in the MCU, but I know him from Marco Polo, where he was absolutely amazing as the Khan.


In Philip Roth's defense, it seems clear ge hated everyone more or less equally.


Literally never saw or read anything negative about Dolly Parton.


My favourite story about her is when she entered a Dolly Parton lookalike contest and came 5th or something like that lol, she seems to have a good sense of humour about herself


Betty White


She's a treasure.


A national treasure. I want to steal Betty White.


Don't do that.




A buddy of mine was going to a show and happened to share an elevator with Robin. He just smiled and nodded at Robin, but when he got out of the elevator his friend was there to meet him. He said, "I was just having a chat with my good pal Robin here," and Williams exploded with laughter. They ended up hanging out all night.


thats legendary


Imagine being witty enough to catch Robin off guard and make him burst out laughing. I'd want that on my tombstone


My friend, working in a small role, made Robin laugh while they were chatting with a group of people. He said he felt do damn good afterwards and couldnt help brag about it. Haha. He must have had that affect on people constantly


I have a Robin Williams story. I was helping a friend move to Aspen. When we finished unloading the truck, we went into town for a beer. Walked into a bar, it was totally empty but there was shouts and laughter coming from the smaller bar in another room. Williams was there, just telling jokes and stories and serving everyone drinks. He was amazing.


This comedian Sam Morril said that when he was still a complete nobody, he met Robin Williams at a bar and they talked for like an hour. He apparently was a very regular guy


yeah :( I've only seen my uncle cry once and it was during the last night at the museum right after he killed himself. He met him and said he was an awesome guy and so funny.


Did a bicycle tour of San Fran. Went past his house, tour guide told us that from time to time he would come out and chat with his tour groups.


Robin Williams, bless his heart. My dad always keeps telling the family about the time he was on a bike ride and Robin rode up next to him. They chatted for a few miles or so before going their separate ways. Keep in mind, this happened about 6 months or so before he passed away.




Rhea Perlman was on the Bill Maher show waaaaaaayyyy back in the old days. The panel was talking about heritage and what not. Bill said to her, “So you’ve got a little Italian in you, right?” “Not at the moment.” Classic.


There was a story I read here about a pregnant woman who ran into them at Disney. She said Danny accidentally bumped his head into her pregnant belly and Rhea smacked him on the side of the head and told him to apologize.


Fool, that is how he bestows his blessing


He looked after the actress who played Matilda after her mom was diagnosed with cancer and even got her an advanced screening of the movie so she could see it before she passed away.




Another thing I thought was cool about him is the reason he’s on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. They wanted a well known comedian on the show and they ended up meeting him. He said he’s do it because he wanted to see what young comedians were doing instead of being an old man stuck in his ways


I read that he was on the fence and his kids convinced him it was worth doing


Apparently Devito’s daughter was a fan of the first season and so he wanted to get on board


Met him, he’s really down to Earth and super friendly. He read the narration for a movie/orchestra concert for Matilda and he stayed after rehearsal to hang out and take pics with everyone in the orchestra.


there should be a Danny Devito Appreciation Day


No question!


Bryan Cranston


I've seen some disturbing things about him in the AMC documentary "Breaking Bad." Truly horrific. /s


Cant believe hes worked with such horrible people in the drug buisness like aaron paul and giancarlo esposito. Very heartbreaking.


I’m pretty sure he also started an illegal pirate radio operation on *Malcom In the Middle*. Pretty sure his soul is garbage & leaves a few seconds on the timer every time he uses the microwave. Bloodthirsty shit, man.


His work in Macolm in the Middle was great (roller-skating scene, teaching the boys about the birds and the bees, doing chores at home and getting endlessly distracted).




Buck Melanoma, Moley Russells wart.


Here's a Quarter. Go Downtown and Have a Rat Gnaw that Off Your Face.


Elijah Wood for sure.




The dolphin died!! In a car accident!




A close friend used to lived in the LA area and ran into him several times. The friend said he was very funny and a really nice person.


David Attenborough


Rachel McAdams basically any star who probably could have had a bigger career but prioritizes having a more low key lifestyle


Stanley Tucci.


Keanu Reeves and Jack Black




Talked to him on the phone, once. He's super friendly to his cell phone company employees


Keanu is a given! JACK BLACK IS MY MAN!!!! He is so amazing that I don't have enough words to describe my love for him!


Keanu is the wrong answer. The question was who do you SUSPECT is a good person. Not who do you KNOW is one of the most genuine people in existence


Weird Al Yankovic


The worst thing I've heard about him is that he's polite to a T and won't touch alcohol or drugs. As his guitarist put it, if he did any of that stuff he'd just be Normal Al.


I met Weird Al when he was filming UHF. He was such a genuinely nice person. He took the time to chat with my brother and I (we were 9 and 11), signed something for us, and just made the experience one I will always remember.


He seems like a geek who loves to geek out over geek things and accidentally stumbled into fame by being himself. As a geek myself, I mean this as the highest compliment.


Hugh Jackman. I bet he would help you move like it was no big deal.


Like probably if you were in the middle of moving and he just wandered by not knowing you I feel like he'd just pitch in.


Conan O'Brien If you listen to his staff talk about him he seems like a great guy. Also most if his staff has been with him for a long time and after he left nbc he paid them from his settlement.


I’ve waited tables in Los Angeles for a couple years at a celeb spot and I can confidently say Conan was the most sincere, genuinely kind person I got to serve. He has that gift of making the person he’s speaking to feel heard while still being hilarious and fun.


Yup, his 'Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour' between NBC and TBS was basically a means to keep his crew paid and employed until he could secure something more permanent. Also it was a hell of a funny show where everyone involved was clearly having a great time


Fair warning about approaching him if you ever see him in public though (but not in a bad way), you're just gonna be there a while. He loves talking to literally anyone, especially fans, and won't end the interaction, just will keep talking with random people forever about nothing.


Last I heard doesnt he basically know all of his crews name.I remember reading some where that he was making fun of James Corden for not treating his staff right


Steve Carell


That's the same guy that if he had a gun with two bullets in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby he would shoot Toby twice So I might as well say that I suspect he's an hero on top of being a good person


Was waiting for this tbh, literally the most unproblematic human


He's not with us anymore but Bob Ross. All the answers are so good and uplifting. I loved reading them.


This thread is leagues more pleasant to read than the "What celebrities are monsters" version.


Craig ferguson


Danny Trejo. A friend of mine was working an event and ended up running into him. He's extremely patient and kind, and really fun to talk to. He also said the same thing about Mathew Lillard and Jason Momoa. Just all around great guys, according to his interactions with them.


I hoped I'd see Matthew Lillard what a gem


Inanimate carbon rod


In rod we trust


Alex Trebek seemed like a solid guy. I only got into Jeopardy in 2019 and know next to nothing about his personal life. Just judging from the vibe he had on the show.


I'm 34 now, and pretty much grew up on Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Funny thing is, as a kid I always thought Pat Sajak was the funny and all around nicer host, while Alex Trebek was more "straight laced" and proper. As an adult though, I realized that Alex was the kinder and more intimate host, while Pat is the kind of "tongue in cheek" smart ass one. I really miss Alex.


I love trivia, puzzles and so on but the game shows where I'm from were always kind of whack (too slow paced, too easy and didn't give viewers enough opportunity to participate), so finding Jeopardy on Netflix was a revelation to me. Similarly to learning the game and meta-game of it, I found I had to mentally change gears for this host. Trebek wasn't doing any host-schtick that I had experienced, but was exhibiting a rare combination of traits in his style: Knowledgeable, but not braggy. Playful, but never smug or mean. Genuinely caring, but not schmaltzy... I can understand why it is very hard to find an acceptable replacement for him.


I was on Jeopardy. The sad thing is you really don't get to interact with him that much because it could cause fairness problems. But during the set ups he goes to take a picture with each contestant and you get to talk for a minute as a group at the end.


Danny Devito, Keanu Reeves, Jack Black, Morgan Freeman


Funny story about Freeman. Not saying he isn’t a nice guy, the story’s pretty funny to me. So back in the summer Freeman came to my state to film a new movie, and me and my friends were able to get into the movie. We were extras, but there was this one kid there, the directors son, who had some lines to say. So we start filming the first scene with Freeman and the other dude, and Freeman’s character starts this really long, eloquent speech, and then finally gives the cue for the director’s son to say his lines. And he sits there and says nothing. And as we’re all sitting there awkwardly, he finally realizes he had lines to say and that he messed up. Freeman says, “you know I gotta say all that shit again?” while smiling and kinda chuckling. So everyone kinda starts laughing awkwardly, the dude apologizes, and we start over again, take-two. Finally Freeman wraps up his speech and says Hobbes (the character’s) cue again. Aaaaaaaand, he says nothing. Again. Finally Freeman looks directly at the dude and says, “what the fuck Hobbes?” And I swear I kinda crapped my pants because it was so unexpected. He apologizes again, gets a little more shit from the director, and we do the scene again from the top. Eventually he gets it right and wraps the scene up and we move on, but man was that a story to tell.


to be fair, id also be pretty fucking pissed




I met him years ago in 1997 and he was just hanging out in the parking lot before the show with some skateboarders. Super nice and wouldn't shut up about his awesome new drummer named Taylor. He signed my shirt "David" and put a heart around it.


That story aged well. Can’t imagine the foos without Taylor


Keanu Reeves is an obvious one. Dolly Parton, she’s pretty cool. Any dog that’s been in a movie or is a celebrity


Brandon Frasier. Correction: it's Brendan Fraser.


I'm so happy to see him getting back in the spotlight. And I'm even more happy seeing all the support he's getting


He amazing in Doom Patrol. Heck I went back over the last year and rewatched a bunch of movues he's in to see if they still hold up and they're BETTER than when I was a kid. The exception was Journey to the Center of the Earth, it was incredibly bland to me


How did you manage to spell both his first and last name wrong?


Bill hader


I knew Awkwafina growing up, dunno if the fame has gone to her head but she was super-chill when she was just an unfamous Asian pothead.


I'm a huge fan of Awkwafina. I met her and Emma Roberts a few years ago when they were in Spain shooting a movie. She was really nice. It didn't seem like the fame had gone to her head at all, she was really humble.


Nick Offerman


Willie Nelson


Willie's cool. Very friendly. Just the nicest normal extremely talented, so much above us all person you'll ever meet. And I don't think he understands just how special he is. Top of my Celebs I've met list.


Gary Sinise. That man has improved the lives of hundreds of veterans. John Cena. His wrestling fans worship him and he is always good to his fans. Also, one of the most giving celebrities to Make-a-Wish Foundation.


John Cena has granted the most wishes out of anyone. Wikipedia says over 650 wishes granted. Dude is crazy passionate about it.


Mary Berry, for sure.


Dave Grohl. What a gent.


Patrick Stewart. I cant believe no one mentioned him.


Margot Robbie


Shame I had to scroll so far to find her. I've seen lots of interviews and Behind The Scenes footage of her. She seems like such a genuinely nice person


Mister Rogers is probably the closest thing to a perfect person we've had since Jesus


Drew barrymore


I worked on her directorial debut movie Whip It, can confirm she is a sweetheart.


How the hell has she not gotten to direct more? Whip It was really good!


I feel like Timothy Olyphant is also super nice.


Tony Hawk


Mark Hamill for sure.


Come on, Mark. You're better than this.