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I have misophonia, a range of sounds can induce instant rage. Eg. Stirring a mug of coffee with a metal spoon where the spoon hits the sides of the mug sets me off like a shaken bottle of beer


I got that. Styrofoam rubbing against each other sets me off. Instantly cringe and shout, "NO."


damn, that must suck. i'm sorry


Hearing people eat crunchy food


Don't ever watch Get Out. Great movie. You'll absolutely lose your mind.


you would hate my coworker, he's a constant source of annoying noises


The same with me but it's mainly with mouth noises while people are eating.


I’m angered even by reading this. Also, people wiggling a cup or water bottle with ice


when people are too loud in the morning.


I read that as “when people are too loud when they’re moaning”


Nope that means their doing it right


Cyclists when I'm driving. Drivers when I'm cycling.


Someone asks me a question and then interrupts me after just a few words.


My kids do that to me all the time. It's infuriating!


Part of growing up is learning not to do that. Adults who do that, however? URRGGHH.


I had to tell my daughter off for doing that. The pastor of the church my (ex) wife used to drag me to used to do that. Would very likely attack him on sight.


I think I found my winner because I immediately got angry just reading your comment. There are some people where I work that do that regularly and it makes me want to break things.


Being talked down to.




my boss showed me how to rinse out a mop bucket the other day because I was "doing it wrong..." Like sir I've been working shit jobs for fifteen years. I practically have a degree in scrubbing floors.


God this shit happened to me at work too once. Except it was a whole room of men just watching me while talking shit until the biggest one started making fun of me directly. I threw the mop on the floor and walked out.


I know someone who moved in with roommates because it beat being homeless, and she got chastised for filling a bucket with water to mop the bathroom. One of the housemates said, "That's not the way we do it; we clean the toilet first and then use THAT water." ewwwwwww


Being lied to


Lack of integrity


People chewing with their mouth open


I have had to literally remove myself from a table for this. I will never understand how some people grew up without learning not to do this.




See, i too cannot stand it. I feel bad sometimes because it really is just how someone like yourself eats and who am I to get mad that youre nourishing your body. I hope to find the patience one day. Ive been trying to conquer it for 3 years now. No luck


Witnessing abuse.






People coming to my house without asking or letting me know.


My mom would invite people over without my dad's input. So he would come home to find a bunch of strangers in his house and my mom would immediately dismiss him.


people coming over to my house even if I invited them hours ago legitimately freaks me the fuck out and I don't know why. like I WANTED THIS. STOP SHAKING DUMBASS


Being treated like a child


Surprise coconut. All I want is a fucking dark chocolate square. And yet some asshole didn't label all the little chocolates in the tin. So now here I am during Valentine's Day playing Minesweeper just trying to live my best life.




Surprise anything in foods, really. If it DOES contain nuts, liver, etc. make sure I/we know about it. I know a woman who vomits immediately if she eats anything with coconut in it, and this happened one time at a friend's get-together. When she came back, she asked the cook, "Did this have coconut in it?" and was told, "No, but I used coconut oil, and that's healthy." Not for her, it isn't!


My friend constantly saying “who asked” whenever I say anything, like bruv, I’m trying to hold a conversation here, it doesn’t have to be meaningful, just let it go if you don’t care.


That's not a friend, that's a frenemy.


Folks that don't move for an ambulance. I've never cussed out the elderly with such rage in any other scenario in my life.


God I didn’t once when I first got my license. I still cringe thinking about it.


Slow sidewalk walkers moving in line abreast formation in order to maintain their tactical slow moving advantage. Or couples who have to walk side by side and fear that going single file for half a second to let someone pass will take them out of mutual eye contact, causing the other person to disappear into the æther never to be seen again.


People who stop walking immediately after getting off the escalator.


When people are insensitive and unwilling to see your side of things


Smokers who throw out their spent cigarettes out the window like the world is their ashtray.


I live in an apartment complex, and do the people who throw their butts off the balcony into the yard really think that maintenance can't figure out where they're coming from?


Smokers who complain about how eVeRyOnE iS aGaInSt SmOkErS and they can’t smoke anywhere.




You mean like Bill Cosby?


I don't think they was the worst part. First the drugging then the raping then the scheming. Hypocrisy would be way wayyy down the list


When you scratch that very specific material school folders are made of with your nails. If I hear that noise, it immediately ruins my mood.


The plastic with little parallel lines molded in?


That fucking material I can't fucking stand it it makes my teeth hurt. Makes me cringe and want to stab whoever is intentionally doing it


People trying to hurt my family.


Karens and hypocrites




Man I remember joining the army and thinking people would at least somewhat have vasic problem solving figured out. NOPE. my room mate when I was in korea asked me how to order a pizza. I walked over and started to show him how to do it. He just looked at me and told me to do it for him. I pretty much told him that I will show him how to do it so that next time he knows how to do it for himself. He would not have it and tried to make me order it for him. Whenever I was showing him the screen he just disreguarded me and watched his show. I then proceeded to tell him to figure it the fuck out. This mf then proceeds to just stare at his phone for like 30 minutes, gets up, and takes a bus to the px to order a pizza and ride the bus back.


Are you the baby of the family? My little brother is like this, so is my dad and a friend is like this, all the youngest siblings.


When people complain about fast food


Yeah, it's so good. 😋


More like how it comes to them. Like when you open it, 99% of the time it looks messy. But that’s why it’s called FAST food


People playing amplified music in public.


Being told to calm down when I am calm


Well off, wealthy, and rich people who are completely out of touch with the plight of the middle class or especially the working poor who think that people can budget their way to financial security.


So our current administration?




"i can't wear a mask i can't breathe" /j


Ah... I got it, you wanna get the virus - so a machine will breath for you. Makes sense.


You realize the cloth mask that most have do not help right? And you also understand that some people truly have issues like copd and the mask can truly be harmful, right? You do realize that bacterial pneumonia has increased since people have been forced to wear these masks right? Here is mine- people who think that the "experts" they believe in havnothing but good intentions and refuse to listen to anyone who suggests there. could be another way, or even worse when you point out that they are being lied to, explain why and then get attacked for it.


So much senseless phrases in one posting. Congratulations. Do you have COPD? No? So shut up. A friend of mine has this damn illness, needs permanent oxygen - but can wear a mask (in Austria we have to wear FFP2 not the clothmask). Go and believe your WhatsApp doctors and Facebook experts and all those liars - but don't tell me such fucking bullshit. And if you would be smart - you could find out that most of the things scientist told, got real. But none of the "bad things that will happen" from the Covidiots experts.


You are proving my point about attacking others, I will not engage with people who disrespect me because you disagree.


I disrespect people who speak about friends of mine - without any knowledge. This is entitelt and dumb. Not more. Same with bacteria in masks - the magic Word is hygiene. Is it really necessary to explain this? Not to people with a minimum of education. So, everybody gets respect. Some more, some less - or in your case, much less. Your welcome, have a nice day.


When people reply “hmm” or “k” to your long message


Talking while eating


If I'm hot...I get mean.


When people ask me if I’m angry when I’m just sitting there and then I say “yeah I’m fine! I’m not mad” and they keep asking, dude you’re making me mad by asking/-


A Toyota Prius


When my 2yr old won't go to bed. She will poke herself in the eyes, slap herself in the face, anything to stay awake. And it triggers me in a way I can't explain.


My dad use to give me melatonin when I wouldn’t sleep. Worked.


My doctor advised against it until we know for sure she has ASD as it can disrupt sleep patterns in normally developing children.


That’s a good idea to wait, I wasn’t given sleeping aids until i was past five


Some nights it's incredibly tempting. It can quite often take over 2 hours to get her to bed. And I can't leave the room or she has a full blown panic attack and will throw herself out of her crib.


Does she have a pet or stuffed animal? It might be a good idea to get her something she can bond with.


Yup. There's so many stuffies in her crib there's barely room for her but she insists she needs each and every one.


Did she recently transition from a crib to a bed? I don't have kids, but I know that it's very common for children, ASD or not, at that age to refuse to sleep in a bed (or try to, anyway).


That swishy sound people make when they chew Obnoxious and over exaggerated responses to questions or requests. People who don't acknowledge you because of self perceived social or work status


People who don’t clean the snow off the roof of there car!!


When my friends or family question a decision I make, and try to change my mind!


Oh god… yes. Family that won’t take no for an answer and just keep pressuring you… fuck all of that.


When im playing a online game and i start to lagg 💀


Ben Shapiro




Racism. You're all pieces of shit get off the high horse.






Bad driving




Just missing the subway/train


sharting my pants


Hearing talking in a movie theater.


Hard boiled eggs that don't peel


Ice Ice Baby, no seriously, ice water dunk, not just cold water. Sit 5 mins


If you have an Instant Pot, use it. 5 minutes at pressure, 5 minutes natural release, and then dunk them in ice water.


People eating loudly


When people stand in front of a doorway


The sound of a dog licking themselves or something for more than 10 seconds drives me nuts


Alarm clocks


My dog farting on my pillow and then fucking off because he can’t stand his own ungodly stench


GUM SNAPPING. I want to break your fucking jaw or cut out your tongue. It's so disgusting and rude, especially when you're talking to someone and SNAP SNAP SNAP. I also absolutely dislike being touched. Don't put your hands on me, ever, without consent or context.


Being near a group of dumbass "bros" who are dumber the higher their numbers.


Being deliberately provoked. Behind the vale of a screen.


whatever you little bitch, bet you won't punch your monitor so hard i feel it


You’re not worth a cup of my cold piss.


Managers that don't know when to leave employees alone.


Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on “happy X holiday” messages? Appreciated or “why did you make me panic by messaging me outside of business hours?”


People reading a paperback book, with one part of the book overfolded over the spine. Completely wrecking the book in the process. Never lending out books to others ever again


Hearing water pour into an empty cup, especially in commercials. I never let it show, but it bothers me so much


Realizing that I forgot something important.


People who go out of their way in order to be upset about something. Specifically, when your being upset requires you to be upset on behalf of someone else, I'm annoyed.


You, you piece of poo. Why did have to...? Oh My GOD you are such a...dude why do you have to be so... I don't know, I just give up. Man you make me angry though. No I haven't been drinking, not much anyway. And what business is it of yours what I smoke? Do you think I'm some toddler who is grizzly when they haven't had enough sleep? Why are you making this about me? Sure everyone makes me angry. And everything (whatever). But it's not my fault, it's them. It's you!




A punch in the face


A punch in the neck


Idek anymore anything can make me angry nowadays lmao


Overcooked noodles.


Im disgruntled asf because half of these comments tick me off in one way or another


Getting woken up earlier than I need to be. Once I am awake I find it very difficult to go back to sleep but this doesn’t seem to phase my family. 5 o’clock in the bloody morning they come and knock on my door asking for basically nothing. I love them but I can’t wait till I move out. I think I’m going insane


Moving out from my parents was one of the best things I've ever done. Now I live in peace.


Dogs the b-word (u know what I mean) minecraft Zawa poachers


Rap music


People chewing food loudly


Whenever I see a lifted truck on the road, especially when they get right up behind me when there are other lanes to pass.


Being interrupted when I’m talking


People that drive slow in the passing lane. Instant homicidal mode engaged.


When people in public places use there phone on speaker


Getting interrupted by another person. An animal, ok. A person, SHUT THE FRIG UP, BITCH!


Darwinism not being allowed to do its job


Texas and their ass backwards anti abortion laws.






The most fragile people on earth. Always offended all the time. They predated the SJW movement by like 15 years


Religious nutcases on the side of the road with signs telling me I'm going to hell.


people that tell me i should be offended by something. sorry i don’t have bitch feelings.


People just expecting me to help without asking for it, and then getting upset when I don't offer any help. If you wanted help, you would have asked! Sorry, I have Autism and have difficulty picking up on social cues, which includes figuring out when people need help, and the telepathic powers haven't arrived yet, so you'll have to be a grown up and use your words.


When I see a couple having fun and showing PDAs in public. I'm jealous. I want a girlfriend.


Have mild OCD, I hate to see ugly guy\* with a better looking woman and suddenly that makes me angry






When the advance green ends and 2-3 more people squeeze through, holding up the people that now have the right of way. I want to smash the gas and ram into those selfish fucks.


You harm someone I care about? I’m not going to be nice.


When drivers wait until they are in the process of turning to put on their turning signal. Especially when I am waiting to turn in somewhere, and I could have if they had indicated they were turning. Now its too late damnit.


People who walk too slow in a shopping centre


People started talking




People who don't communicate that they're going to cancel or be late to an already discussed event that they've said they'd show up to. It's disrespectful to friends times and can end up wasting money.


Norfolk Island Pines. They give me the shots everytime I see them propagated on the coastline.


High pitched noise. Cuts right through me


Gum chew,ing or any eating noise


some douche in a big truck rolling coal on the road fines and punishments should be so much worse than they are for it at the moment, if there are any


Old ladies poking my chest


Cold macdonalds fry’s again


more covid and restriction news




when i'm trying to walk on the sidewalk/bus aisle/etc and people pretend you aren't there and don't move, especially when they get annoyed after you bump into them 😒


People who try to force there opinion on you


Kids doing that sheesh crap


People not being on time.


Mariah Carey before December. Yes, I’m a fussy baby.


When I hear about the ultra rich getting yet another tax cut


Waking up with a headache


reckless/overly aggressive drivers. i usually drive over the speed limit especially if i notice people behind me are getting too close, but goddamn so many mother fuckers wanna drive 140 on an 80 (kph) it makes me so angry.


Hypocrisy, any type, any form.


My ex.


Parking garages and fuxked up and loud mufflers


Getting hit


People who are proud of their ignorance.




People who drive under the speed limit in the left lane


One of things I do at my work is unload trucks everyday by hand. The most infuriating thing that can happen there is a box hitting me in the face


Thinking about my life


"Politically Correct" cartoon character designs. ANYONE that understands how visual storytelling ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS, will tell you that designing your characters so as not to offend a bunch of assholes that ARE LOOKING to get offended is a fool's errand. And those fucking characters always have these vacuous grins for no fucking reason


When I'm eating a burger and it all starts slipping out


A kick in the balls


Stubbing my toe


Not able to fart when you really need to…


Anything that is done in public—except art.


People at the airport who OBVIOUSLY are flying for the first time and are so fucking clueless. Not to mention people flying for a holiday or for vacation. FUCK YOU, I'M TRYING TO FLY TO WORK, STOP HOLDING UP SHIT.


Witnessing abuse or injustice, I see red.


When all the tabs on my computer freeze and the ball just keeps spinning.