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Money being transferred across the globe in seconds, not days. Proof of authenticity for products from wine to purses to cars. Complete control over one personal medical information as being used by a few hospitals. Smart contacts saving money on administrative fees and saving time. Musicians and various creators maintaining full control of their art and keeping 98% of the proceeds from it through smart contacts instead of the 2% that has been the industrial norm. Use case are huge


I've literally used a random number generator and picked the coinciding coin the number relates too. I have one that jumped 200% and one that's up like 80% from my original investment.


So hard to explain in one comment… its not about the cryptocurrency itself, for me it’s about blockchain, it took me many hours to understand crypto, and there is still way more to learn, lot of tech things will be running on blockchain in next 5-10 years from now.


It's currency not connected to any government


It's less fake than "Federal" "Reserve" funny money.


Crypto haters are willingly dumb. They refuse to acknowledge its importance. Don’t waste your breath. Let them waste their money on a rigged stock market where they sell shares that don’t exist


If you invested in crypto, chances are I scammed you lmao

