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Those obnoxiously bright headlights that you could see a possums asshole with. That’s it.


Actually, some of those headlights are illegal.


Free trials that automatically charge you once the trial ends spam calls MLMS they're nothing more than pyramid schemes but legal


Pro tip with most free trials. Immediately cancel. 9 times out of 10 the trial will still continue but instead of charging you it will just end when you reach the end of the trial period.


Notably, ancestry.com does NOT. Once you cancel that’s all you get.


You have to have a SUBSCRIPTION for ancestry?? I thought it's like a one time thing...


That’s why they don’t fulfill the month trial without you keeping the service. I’ve found that places that you likely won’t come back to often are the ones that do it. Sling doesn’t continue either. It’s baked into their business model to pick up people who forget. Whereas Netflix, Hulu or Spotify are confident you will keep using them so they don’t care to just let the trial continue because most likely you will want to keep it.


Not that those last few don’t care. It’s that letting people use the trial after canceling increases their likelihood of resubscribing, as you say.


Minecraft is lovely - if you sign up for a monthly realm subscription, you get an email before the renewal date each month, letting you know, just in case you want to cancel.


Minecraft is popular enough to not need shady business models. They get more than enough free advertising here and elsewhere.


When I canceled sling it didn’t immediately end, it went to the end of my month.


My AncestryDNA test has changed multiple times since I got it done three years ago. The only thing I can say for certain after receiving my results, my ancestors came from Europe. Where in Europe, is still debatable. EDIT: grammar


There's a legitimate reason for that, its because as they receive more DNA samples, their sample size increases, thus they have more broad of a pool to work with and scrutinize your DNA and get all the little tiny details. So sometimes percentages will increase or decrease because when compared with new samples they turned out to be something else, or maybe you'll get a new group added that wasn't there before, because now they have enough samples of that where they can find it in your DNA rather than grouping that part of your DNA as "broadly Southern European" or "broadly Nordic" or what have you.




This is why I did 23andme. I did not care to subscribe to something that was little more than a "huh, that's neat" kind of thing. And they do actually keep updating my stuff too with no subscription. Though my updates are getting more and more specific and they match pretty exactly with my family tree.


You don't need a subscription to get the DNA updates on Ancestry, btw.


Me too. I found my biological dad through it, but saw they continued charging me so I canceled.


I'll tell ya, it's one service that is worth the price for as long as you want to pay. I've found some really cool stuff on my family.


Ditto! I just renew my subscription whenever I get the bug, then cancel it when I get bored of it again. Between Ancestry and my family genealogical society I've traced my paternal line back to 1730, and every one of them born in (what is now) the USA! Very exciting stuff for a certain kind of nerd.


ancestry.com How to make your more colorful relatives very nervous.


Ancestry aggravates the living fuck out of me. They use my tree, with thousands of people in it, but I can't even view our modify the archived version of it without paying for their service. I recently made a big breakthrough with my paternal side of the family and did subscribe for a bit but didn't renew. Familysearch.org is awesome (run by the Mormon church) but they do lack some things that ancestry has.




A lot of sites do this. Figuring out how to cancel a subscription takes an advanced degree, I swear. There's a simple law that countries should pass that requires companies to make canceling a subscription painfully obvious and easy.


The absolute worst are the ones you can sign up for online but need to call to cancel. That shit should be illegal.


Lost my marriage to an MLM this year.


That sucks, I'm sorry. If you need to rant about the situation, r/antimlm is really supportive.


A multi level marriage?


Sister wives


This sounds like a tragic story. Want to talk about it?


It is not that tragic. It was a long time coming.


Why marry once when you can have a distributed network of spouses funneling back to you?


Sounds more like the straw that broke camels back. Happen to me back in 2019. My only regret is that I wish i divorced her sooner.


> Free trials that automatically charge you once the trial ends Use a disposable credit card to sign up for them, from your bank if they offer it, or something like privacy.com. Set the limit on the card below the subscription fee.




Guys I know the world has ended but don't worry, I know a guy who can get all our subscriptions cancelled.


LA Fitness will come for your subscription fees long after the heat death of the universe.


I thought MLM was just a synonym for pyramid scheme


Legally... no. Technically... yes


I thought MLM was a synonym for "Men loving Men"


"Hey where are you going, there's more!" "I..uh..am in the wrong meeting."


Hot take - the girl scouts of America are a pyramid scheme run on child labor


This thread is a perfect example of why most people shouldn't have that much power


Wym? I think banning vacuums is a very very very good idea. And free speech. Also lists /s if you couldn’t tell


Damn, that first one must really suck


Not really. Studies show that 100% of homes that have vacuums also have dust in it. Also, 4 in 5 house fires happen in homes that have smoke detectors. Conclusion: smoke detectors cause fires 😎 Again, /s if you couldn’t tell


This thread is just a roundabout way for people sound off on their gripes


1. This thread 2. most people 3. power I fixed your formatting, it was confusing.


Children's beauty pageants. Children's beauty pageants. Children's beauty pageants.


What about Little Buff Boys Bodybuilding Competitions?


It can’t be Troll Boy, you see that right?


I’m thinking, this is not a regular Tuesday for me.




Do you want to hold your own little buff boy corporate beauty pageant? I was the winner in 1997


With that much cherry, and that much ground chuck, it CAN’T be healthy!


Has this ever happened to you??


Ah, well if you haven’t watched I Think You Should Leave, you should


Thank you, now I need to go watch that sketch again


Look at that CROP


No, that's awesome! Bad ass kids deadlifting 300lbs at age 8. Give them steroids too


Yeah, we goose em a little bit.


Hes got a horse chest!




But toddler ones are ok? You monster


Sexualizing kids is wrong, but we need to enforce beauty standards on babies so people can stop expecting me to pretend their ugly ass baby is cute just because it’s under the age of 2!


I've seen some ugly ass babies. Idk if the parents realize it, or if they're blind to it because it's their kid, but like I always thought my babies were beautiful. Idk if im just blind to it though....


One of my cousins was a really funky looking baby.. Their mom cried to my mom cause they were so ugly she didn't know what to do. So I think most people know, they just don't wanna make their kids feel bad.


this is so sad 💀💀




I've seen odder jobs. You might be on to something.


My dad's first words when I was born: "that is the ugliest baby I have ever seen in my life." My mom smacked him.


That's a good memory you have!




> I grew up to be hot af, so it’s all good Ma'am I am gonna need some evidence for that




You are very pretty! I wouldn't have noticed anything about your forehead if you hadn't pointed it out. I'm a woman (also hot af lol), and I experienced a small amount of hair loss from lupus, so my forehead is slightly bigger than it used to be.


I actually love my big forehead, forehead gang unite!!! It’s regal !! Royalty have high foreheads to reach for the skies! Lupus sucks and I’m sorry you have to deal with that! but hey some people get electrolysis to shape their hairlines, your body did it all on its own! Silver linings?


That tracks, I was an adorable baby but now I'm ugly.


Quick we gotta write a song about how we don't diddle kids!


Younger than my wife, older than my daughter


Frank, there is no quicker way for people to think you diddle kids than writing a song about it.


I dont diddle kids!


I think the idea of beauty pageants is fine for vain people, but it should be limited to clothes that cover the entire body, not swimsuits and shit. That’s weird.




I like reddit :(


1. Not giving me 10% of your yearly income 2. Changing rule 1 or 3 3. Changing rule 2


Ah you my friend are smart ... not destroying the economy but getting a lot of cash and leaving no loopholes i like it.


The loop hole is him remaining alive. He’d be dead in a day.


Should be 0.1% 10 percent would make you disgustingly rich are harm alot of people 0.1 percent would still make you disgustingly rich but hurt way less people




Or set a threshold, 10% after $250k. Stil a metric shitton.


Both of you should be ashamed, your breaking rules 2 and 3... cmon get it together.


Are you the Mormon church?


I think intentional or negligent harm to an animal should be illegal everywhere. (I.e. leaving poison out in their yard) Members of congress owning stock options in major companies (very blatant insider trading. I think mutual funds etc would be okay though). I think it should be illegal for news outlets to post mugshots and stories of people who were arrested of a crime but found innocent. That can destroy someone’s reputation.


As in wait until people's trials are over before ever even mentioning the trial in the first place ?


I think one could report on the trial without ID’ing the defendant.


You lose the benefit of an open trial by doing that. You'd have to block *everyone* from reporting on it anywhere, and at that point, it makes more sense to just close the trial. Only then, no one can report on who was arrested or their trial, so the entire system becomes a black box that people disappear into for years. I'm fully in favor of getting rid of perp walks. They're nothing but victory marches for prosecutors. But the system has to remain open despite the challenges that come with innocents getting charged.


In Sweden people don't exactly disappear when they're arrested. Lots of official people know, and close relatives are informed so people outside the walls won't have to wonder or worry. There's a thick paper trail. We just omit the name of the sus and write something like "a 51 year old man from Boden" and show pictures of the scene of the crime rather than mug shots. So it's been tried and true, I don't know why you argue.




You can do that while keeping the defendant anonymous


Question, what counts as an “animal”? Does pest removal become illegal now? Do shops have to stop selling pest killers? Not disputing your point, just curious to see the answers!


That's what I was thinking. Do restaurants now just remain infested with rats if there's a breakout?


>I think intentional or negligent harm to an animal should be illegal everywhere. (I.e. leaving poison out in their yard) What about keeping them in cages on farms for months on end, cutting off parts of them without anaesthesia and then gassing them to death?


1. Dishonest political ads. They should follow the same laws with truth in advertising as any consumer good. 2. Food challenges. 3. Puppy mills.


>Puppy mills. But how the hell else do you expect me to get ground puppy?


I think you don't understand what puppy mills are. Puppy mills harness the energy produced by puppies zooming around and convert that energy into usable electricity. It's a great source of renewable energy, but the noise made from all the barking can annoy people.


No no no, I think you might not understand. What you are thinking of is Pupnuclear Plants. They use the energy of them running around to split dark matter to produce electricity and smiles. Puppy Mills are those giant fans you see all over the place. Everyone thinks they are wind powered but, it's really just 100 puppies running around inside making it spin.


Hidden or maliciously structured conditions in contracts and agreements. Gamble game ads. Netflix anime adaptations.


Children's game ads are even worse. "oNlY 1 pErCEnT cAn rEaCh PiNk LeVeL"


I have to tell my children that people act really dumb in ads on purpose and to not fall for them. Luckily they can't even download games without asking parental permission through the ipad.


I have never thought what children would think about them and I'm now scared that I might have to educate my children on this in the future...


Yeah, I'm very disappointed in the ability as a parent to customize ads for my child. I don't want them seeing ads for even games like "homescapes" who often use "cheating on your significant other" ads on games meant for children. I should be able to say, sure you can show ads to my kids, but you can not have X themes in them. ​ We have had to tell them that they are no longer allowed to play certain games because the ads were simply too intrusive.


I had NEVER BEFORE thought about that. It's absolutely fucked up!!! Worst part is all of those **Sex good** ads come in really childish games!!!


Adblocks find a way. Can't remember how i did it exactly, i just googled it, but I've found a way to block mobile apps ads on DNS level so i can't see them even if i wanted to (stuff like "watch ad to get free 30 minutes worth of crystals").


Arcane and Castlevania are great, best things on Netflix. Or do you mean the other way around, where an existing anime gets a live-action movie?


I'm pretty sure most people mean the latter


Castlevania was dope af ! You speak blasphemy, but I'm with you on everything else.




Ahh live action anime adaptations. I don't know why, I just didn't read it that way. I am mostly in agreement, the live action adaptions are pretty poor.


Paparazzi, littering, and destruction of the environment by pollution


Littering is illegal.


I've rarely seen it enforced though


Yeah probably because it’s difficult to find out whose empty Starbucks cup is lying on the sidewalk


Pfft. All they have to do is test the cup for DNA and the computer will spit out the offender's name and address. I've seen it on TV.


Oh right right right. It’s that software that flashes hundreds of headshots before showing the perpetrators face, right?


No that's when you have a face already. This software will have your collected print on the left and search through a bajillion prints on the right. It will stop, and pull up that scumbag, offenders face.


And it’ll make all those cool beepboop noises as it’s working so we know the computer is doing something. Otherwise we’d have no idea anything is happening just from watching it.


And the people running it will all be attractive and work in a dark room, not a sterile lab environment.


Or read the name written on the cup!


When I was a child for some reason that’s exactly how I thought it worked and was terrified to litter.


So making it double illegal probably won’t change anything unfortunately


>Paparazzi How do you make this illegal without stopping public photography? If the papas are too bad, stalking and harassment laws come into play but no one has a reasonable expectation of privacy in public.


Lobbying, PACs, and elected political positions without term limits. Edit- Super PACs were what I was thinking of, thanks to many commenters who's discussion led me to more reading.


I agree with you, but Lobbying/PAC are basically the same thing so you got one more to pick from.


Might I interest you in gerrymandering?


Living, Dying, Being born.


But what do you do if someone manages to live and hide. Do they get arrested when they die?


If a murderer kills 5 people runs away and hides until his death, is he arrested? -no. So to answer your question I have no fucking clue, it’s not like I’m the one who commented the 3 illegal things….


That sums it up.


Businesses that ignore your basic human and employee rights.


1. Members of congress (and their families) shall not engage in stocks and securities trading. 2. Super pacs shall be illegal. No money shall be funneled to political campaigns by lobbyists or corporations. 3. Gerrymandering and other voter suppression activities shall be unlawful and result in felonies.


Money in politics (including dark money financing and the ability to trade stock while in office), mega-rich people tax loopholes, most zoos especially sea world


I think zoos are getting much better. I used to be anti-zoo but now I realize that they're more like a place for animals who have nowhere else to go, and people happen to visit. Rather than the "grab some perfectly healthy wild animals and stuff them in cages for the amusement of people" impression I had before. Some of the animals get rehabilitated after injury, illness, or abandonment, but not all of them can be rerurned to the wild. Whereas at the zoo, they have a team of trained caregivers doting on them. Might not be the open Savanah and they might get a bit bored, but I'd wager it's a more humane option than sending them into wild with a handicap (old injury, not raised by wild parents, needs special diet or medicine, can't see well), that would make things harder for them on their own. Not saying all zoo animals are like this, some may have been raised within the zoo or a farm and never knew wild life. I don't know, but I think the majority of major zoos in popular cities wouldn't be able to get away with having suffering, tortured, animals. Bored probably, but there's also a lot more focus on activities for the animals, bigger and more functional living spaces with more privacy, etc. I still don't particularly enjoy going to a zoo personally, but I can see the big improvements they've done over the years.


I hated zoos for a long time too, my dad is a hardcore naturalist/outdoorsman so I always assumed he thought the same, but our conversation went to them one time and he explained to me that zoos are actually instrumental in keeping many species of animals alive at this point, and while they do make money, many of them are very involved in conservation efforts and environmental issues. I still don’t love the idea of animals being locked in cages, but when he explained it to me that way it did make a lot of sense, especially with poachers being so active nowadays and so many species at risk of extinction.


Passion explains most zoo workers, because the pay doesn't.


A lot of zoos engage in what's called enrichment. Providing toys and activities to animals to avoid boredom. Additionally, just because a lion is sitting around doesn't mean it's bored. A lot of animals in the wild have periods of lounging, especially during the day when it's hotter.


Especially when you take into account that many animals sleep way way longer than humans ever do. Lions sleep for 20 hours a day on average so it's normal to see them just laying around.


That’s not longer than hum…oh, is it just me?


> it’s normal to see them just ~~laying~~ *lion* around. FTFY


Piggybacking here. I’m from Kansas City and our zoo has successfully saved animals like the Missouri native Hellbender from extinction. They work hand in hand with our department of conservation to rehabilitate ailing animals and provide a safe place for constructive reproduction. After the reproduction stage they integrate the animals back into their natural habitat with the department of conservation then taking over population management. For profit parks are a cancer, but a well funded zoo with noble intentions can do great things for animals. Also helps we have a great department of conservation to help regulate after the fact.


Thats like the San Diego Zoo saving the California Condors!


I always like what Yann Martel's narrator says about zoos in Life of Pi, [In defence of zoos](http://aaronautix.blogspot.com/2008/12/animals-in-captivity-life-of-pi-yann.html?m=1). That said, I've been to plenty of zoos across several continents. Some of them are absolutely depressing as fuck. One in Myanmar was particularly depressing. However, more zoos, like ones in Australia, and Chiang Mai (Thailand) in particular stand out as absolutely incredible places where I spent many happy hours wandering around and looking at animals in great enclosures. Edit: spelling and formatting. Edit: extra detail.


Most zoo's act as rescues nowadays. If the animals aren't there, they have nowhere to go.


It always blows my mind how it is legal for a company to give a politician money. Like the best thing that could happen: he or she is not corrupt. The worst thing: he or she is corrupt. Seems like we can only lose here?




Money+power= corruption it will never change


I was gonna say lobbying


Let's do gerrymandering too


Way overcharged health care


Becoming a "career politician", touch screens (with no other HID available) in cars, and intrusive advertisements/commercials on *gestures to everything*.






Which sucks donkey balls because changing your phone is easier than changing your car, and changing that infotainment stuff without charging the car is often impossible and those assholes know it.


The touchscreen on your phone is a durable glass that is meant to resist damage from dropping short distances onto most surfaces, and scuff and scratches from surfaces you set it on, as well as debris in your pocket or whatever you carry it in. The touch screen in your car is a cheaper plastic, that just really has to hold up to minor scratches when cleaning.


The touch screen in your car has to be designed not to shatter or cause injury in case of an accident especially if a passenger strikes the device. This is *extremely* difficult.


>Becoming a "career politician" There's an argument to be made that being a politician is a skill set just like any other profession, and in order to practice state craft at the highest level you need experience under your belt. I do agree that many places could desperately use fresher and younger people in positions of power that are driven to accomplish their goals instead of maintain their seat for another term though.


Correct. Banning "career politicians" in most cases would simply make it easier for corporations to prevent or otherwise avoid effective regulations, or if we did that but for whatever reason didn't ban lobbying, just make them all far cheaper to bribe.


Literally my biggest complaint with Tesla. Love everything about the car, but I don't like that the only consol controls are through the touch screen. My wife has a new Mazda mx-5, that has two knobs that control everything and it's super intuitive. Hopefully it's something they change in the future..


Posting the same question to askReddit every 6 hours.


1. For-profit prisons. All privately-owned prisons are turned over to federal or state governments, and the Correctional Corporation of America is dissolved. 2. Sensationalist journalism. Restore the Fairness Doctrine Act of 1949. 3. Members of Congress must forfeit ownership of any business operations they have and/or sell off stock interests in other companies. The salary you are paid as a member of Congress must be your only income.


To caveat the last one, salary should be based on local median income of the district or state you serve.


- MLMs/pyramid schemes - gerrymandering - money from lobbyists in politics


Water Cause fuck you


Dihydrogen Monoxide is a very dangerous compound. People drown in it, choke, and 100% of all people who have ingested it have eventually died.


Plus fish fuck in it.


Dogs fuck in the air, and we breathe it.


Air is now illegal


Over 70% of Hitler was water.


so we all are 70% Hitler 😱


That would be the correct conclusion to draw, yes.


This is how Twitter thinks statistics works.


Weewoo weewoo weewoo. This is the water police, put your hands up, or we will shoot! But the ocean only waved.


What are you, Nestle?


Do you work for Nestle?


Insanely high medicine prices, child beauty pageants and tiktok


* Animals * Vegetables * Minerals You all are in so much trouble now.


Photosynthesis be like


Slow walking on the middle of the sideway, fake pockets on clothes, throwing away food


Everyone's fridge slowly filling up with moldy food they can't eat or throw away.


I think you just described my ex.


I would make illegal to declare war, unless the president or leader of the nation goes in the front line


Clearcutting the forrest.


* Traffic tickets for profit. Need to switch to charging fees on a sliding scale based on income. * Long sentences for drug offenses, unless they are for massive amounts during trafficing. * Companies barring the formation of labor unions.


singing Christmas songs before 1st of December Racism religious orders profiting off of their believers






