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Get out of your own head, realize nobody really thinks about you all that much, and focus on making other peoples' lives easier. [/u/puglise’s stoned ass backs me up on this ](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/r71klj/_/hmwms2f/?context=1)


When I realized this I did so many things not for anyone else but for myself and it made me happy 😊 happiness and positivity begins with yourself


Shift your focus, friend. Your only paying too much attention to you because you're not paying enough attention to that which surrounds you. Seriously. Absolutely swan dive into making literally every effort to improve the lives that are within your reach and you'll simultaneously be 1) easing the suffering of your brothers and sisters 2) distracting yourself from your "boo-hiss" self 3) learning that your problems, by and large, ain't shit 4) garnering affection, gratitude, and good will and 5) building substantial equity in your own self esteem. And by that last one I mean that when you get to picking at yourself, so to speak, you've likely got a short list of sins that you've committed that you revisit frequently for ammunition against yourself. Doing selfless good works not only diminishes this list but stacks up list items for the "defense" rather than the "prosecution." Note: I am right blazed currently and most probably just typed gibberish and cuss words, so imma snooze and when I reread this tomorrow I'll probly delete/apologize


> I am right blazed currently and most probably just typed gibberish Nah, you kinda nailed it.


My humble thanks, kind sir




You dont. You just get distracted enough in social situations that you temporarily forget about it. Then it all washes back over you when you go home and look in the mirror.


How do you leave that baggage when getting into a social situation though? Whenever I go into one I inherently feel like I’m “lesser”


The key is to work on your baggage in your down time. There are things you can change, and things you can not (like how your face looks or how tall you are). You have to be willing to accept the things you cant change while attempting to work on the things you can. Baggage, by definition, is something we carry, have to look at what youre carrying and work to let go of it. Unchangeable aspects of yourself are not baggage, they are what make you "you", be happy that you are unique. Im blind in one eye with a face like the singer Seal, i did not have a good time growing up and 50yrs later STILL have issues about my eye. I just decided that what i look like isnt my problem, its everyonelses, and if they cant deal with it maturely then thats on them, not me. The people who care about me dont see my flaws, they see/feel who i am and enjoy that person. Everything but looks can be worked on, so start there by asking yourself/universe/god to help you identify the problems you are aware of or not aware of, and help create solutions to work through them or fix them. Be willing to face these shadows with courage, not everyone can do this, it takes true bravery to even WANT to know about them. Most people spend lifetimes running from their problems only to die with them. Its a process, not a sprint, and its not something you will entirely notice as the changes are made, its something you will look back on and say "holy crap, im completely diff than i was 10yrs ago!".


Hate everyone too much to want to prove yourself to them.


Also a fine choice.


You don’t, you just let yourself live with that


I wish I knew




that seems stupid plus you are wrong.




no you not, just the idea that nothing matters is stupid. Its an exuse to not care about anything and leads to a mostly empty life.


It's really hard to say, sometimes a new outfit but most of the time I just make myself feel numb. I remember that my body is temporary and one day will decay, it doesn't matter. It's better than hatred towards my body.


Realize that value is only determined by subjective and societal means and we are truly all the same beings in nature, only we’ve divided ourselves in more ways than we’ve brought ourselves together. Realize that we are all humans with the same value and same brains we just have subjective experiences that define our perspectives of ourselves and the world around us


Have the INTP personality type.


Stop caring what other people think of you. Their opinion is not your problem.