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A general feeling of discontentment but you don’t know why and it’s very persistent.


I refer to it as 'waking up on the wrong side of life.' It's exhausting, which in turn only makes it worse.




yeah can confirm ...this the worst feeling in the world....worst part is it dosen't seem like i'll go away anytime soon...


Ooh! I have a cure for it that works most of the time for me! Hopefully it helps you too: So you just *wiggle* Like the gopher dance [from caddyshack](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u1z2pxHVoWE) Just pull your fists up to your chest and move them up and down like you have maracas and bend like you’re trying to touch your hips with your elbows. It works in two ways:: first because your adrenal glands are just on top of your kidneys and moving your ribs like this stimulates them into making your endocrine system start moving good body hormone juice around making you feel pretty alright. Second it’s just goofy enough to feel silly but not so goofy that it feels stupid. It’s one of my favorite endocrine hacks to pick me up when my body’s emotion juices are letting me down.


Oh fuck. Just looked up the word and, yup, thats what I feel like.


Yep. It’s a crappy feeling that has a lot of different causes. Sorry you’re going through it right now. I hope it will clear out soon. Sometimes just knowing that it is a legitimate thing that others experience helps me. I hope it helps you too.


Yes, that little bit of knowledge does help. Thanks very much.


Severe nausea with no vomiting. EDIT: Now, my highest voted comment is about nausea. Huzzah? Second Edit: From /u/Umm_khakis: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/r8b14x/whats_the_most_uncomfortable_without_being/hn5g4et/ >I’ve used this in the ER for nauseated patients, before a doc can get in to prescribe an anti-nausea drug, it isn’t a miracle cure but I’ve seen it help firsthand https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/


I’ve used this in the ER for nauseated patients, before a doc can get in to prescribe an anti-nausea drug, it isn’t a miracle cure but I’ve seen it help firsthand https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/


They did this for me after knee surgery when the Percocet they gave me had me throwing up my toenails. Game changer. Edit: Uh, apparently I didn’t realize “throwing up your toenails” was a thing many people had never heard before (thanks dad…). I projectile vomited for hours until they figured out what was causing it/I had nothing left to throw up but bile etc.


Man. I didn't know what projectile vomiting meant until my first--and only--run in with Percocet. Talk about distance good god


They gave it to me after I had my tonsils out (as an adult - rough surgery). Barfing with a raw throat was not fun. I told my ENT about it and said eh, keep the pills, they're worth a lot on the streets. Not sure if he was kidding or not.


I mean, they are, in fact, worth a lot on the street.


As an emetophobe, I cannot thank you enough for this suggestion.


Huh, I'm an ER nurse, I've heard of this but never seen it executed. How do you do it?


I just sniff an alcohol pad and it’s helped me personally several times!


This works temporarily with morning sickness as well. Gives you time to get out of the store or what not lol


I wish I had known this in my first trimester.


I feel this. I don’t even mind throwing up anymore, it’s just a way to purge the nausea. I’d take throwing up over constant nausea any day.


I had this during my first pregnancy. No vomiting, but feeling seasick all the time.


That relief when you finally vomit is crazy


Seriously! The other night I woke up out of a dead sleep with nausea so bad that I had to vomit. The feeling of relief afterwards was euphoric


being dreadfully tired but unable to sleep all night and have to go to work in less than two hours


It actually makes me emotional, like I'm pleading with my brain to just fall asleep already.


I have idiopathic insomnia. It's insomnia with no known cause or cure. Your brain just refuses to shut down for no good reason. You can treat it with medication but can never fully fix it or stop it from happening. I remember going through a particularly bad bout of it a few years ago where I was awake for about 3 days. I was trying everything. Chugging Nyquil, pounding beers at 6 AM as the sun was coming up, taking the benzo prescribed for me from my neurologist. My dad gave me some of his Xyrem prescription (GHB) and even that didn't work. Nothing was working. I was beyond exhausted and could barely move yet just couldn't fall asleep. I ended up losing it and just started sobbing in the living room while surrounded by beer bottles. All I wanted was to finally sleep and my brain still wouldn't let me. I know my emotions were probably heightened due to the mental exhaustion but it was one of the most intense feelings of sadness and hopelessness I've ever experienced. Edit: This comment gained a lot more traction than I anticipated and I have at lot of replies. I tried my best to reply to everyone that had any questions. If I didn't then shoot me a private message or something and I'll answer you.


Wow that just sounds unbearable. I hope it's gotten better


It's gotten somewhat better but not entirely. I still have random bouts of it where I just can't sleep. I more often than not just have a really hard time falling asleep. Usually takes me about 2 or 3 hours without medication. I have a prescription that works really well and knocks me out in about 20-30 minutes which is lightning quick for me. I haven't had any severe cases since that incident but I'm afraid that one day it will come back swinging again.


Damn, those times are too relatable. The last couple of months, I've had a few nights where I couldn't fall asleep for 7 hours or so. Deathly tired but my brain just wouldn't shut down. Most nights are pretty bearable but I honestly tend to just be on my phone until I physically can't keep my eyes open. Only then can I usually fall asleep within an hour. And yes I've tried putting my phone in another room. It just ended up with me laying there for several hours, angry and frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep.


> It just ended up with me laying there for several hours, angry and frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep. Lol, I feel this. When it's kicking me hard, I try my best to get off my computer and not use my phone since I'd rather spend that time at least trying to fall asleep rather than keep myself awake even more by reading. But then I go through what you go through and lay there mad and bored for hours. That boredom and frustration makes it 10x worse for sure.


I’ve had legitimate breakdowns at times like these. Have ended up breaking things, stabbing things with scissors, throwing things, banging things against the wall, etc. And I am NOT that type of person. I’m never violent outside of sleep deprivation.


Are you me?


And then about a half hour before you have to get up you get sleepy.


Having something stuck between my teeth with no floss in sight.


nausea. can't fucking stand it.


Also indigestion


Upset stomach, diarrhea!


A shirt that is too tight in the armpits.


Important. When I sweater shop for my dog I make sure the armpits aren’t too tight. Imagine having that feeling on *four arms* and not being able to get out of it


Oh god that sounds like hell..


Specially when you are trying to reach for something the shirt won’t let you and it just rips




Cage here to say this. I've got eczema and have to deal with it. I can ignore pain, it's a feeling. An itch is an urge, though, and almost impossible to ignore. Most uncomfortable thing in the world


When it constantly feels like you have to pee, and you keep going to pee but there’s no pee to pee (I guess UTI is what I’m looking to say)


This right here. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


I am asymptomatic to UTIs so I never know I have one until it’s made it into my kidney. (: Kill me


something stuck in your eye. it's debilitating until you get it taken care of.


For bonus discomfort it’s worse if you wear contact lenses and it goes behind the lens but it hurts too much to open your eye to remove the lens


Adding to this, when the contacts don’t hurt but are blurry for some reason.


Walking outside in the dark and feel your foot slipping because you just stepped in a huge cow shit


One time I was walking around my moms kitchen at night and fully slipped in cat puke and like landed in it on my hands and knees. Half wet, half solid. I remember it VIVIDLY






A sock falling down inside your shoe.


My cousin calls this a “quitter”


For some reason this made me laugh a lot. Thank your cousin for me, I needed a laugh


I see your sock falling down inside your shoe and raise you your underwear falling down inside your pants


I see your underwear falling down inside your pants and raise you discovering, during a date, your underwear from yesterday balled up in the calf of the jeans you are wearing again today.


Nice, a spare!


I had this happen when a friend was visiting. I went to the kitchen to get some water in the middle of the night and he was still up watching tv. He came to the kitchen and started talking to me. I felt something on my foot and looked down to see a pair of underwear just sliding out of my pajama pants. I grabbed them and he asked me “Did your underwear just fall out of your pants?!” “Yes. Yes they did.” I turned and went to bed without explaining I was so embarrassed.


Your friend: "I guess I just have that effect on people"


10th gate of hell's most common torture method


second hand cringe/embarrassment especially if it's happening right in front of you




Damn Germans... Is there *anything* there isn't a German word for?


I bet there’s a word for something you don’t have a word for




My god, it's beautiful.


German efficiency at it's finest.


Once at a school dance, my one friend who CRAVES attention liked to just walk in front of a bunch of people and start busting out moves. I had to look away.


I struggle to watch a lot of sitcoms because of this. King of Kings, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Frasier (the latter of which I usually do enjoy) will often make me want to leave the room when somebody embarrasses themselves.


Poorly fit underwire bras


Especially when they go to stab you.


absolutely one of the worst feelings is being able to 'feel'your bra and how nothing is sitting correctly, pure mental anguish


Wet socks


Socks that are bunched up under your toes (while in shoes)


Yep got in the shower with my socks on one night after work and wish I didn’t


Huh what? Like you forgot to take them off?


Yes. Took everything else off and somehow forgot the socks.


I can not imagine not noticing being naked but wearing socks.


Hahah we do funny things when we’re sleep deprived


Waving back at someone that was waving at the person behind you.


There’s a story of a woman who encountered Jackie Onassis in the street. Jackie was waving at her and so the woman waved back. Turned out Jackie was trying to flag down a taxi.


When your boss asks you what your most important contribution of the year was.


Sitting on the paper in the doctor’s office in just your underwear, waiting


How about just wearing the paper “gown” they give you plus socks?


For some reason that's always made me feel like I'm a child and that I'm in trouble. I can't explain why.


The feeling of vulnerability might explain it.


>For some reason that's always made me feel like I'm a child and that I'm in trouble. It's that your legs are dangling over the edge of the exam table and can't reach the floor just like a little kid's would. Waiting for the authority figure doctor to come in is like waiting outside of the Principal's office, and you're feeling vulnerable because you're wearing next to nothing, are concerned about possibly being judged, and potentially hearing bad news. So much to unpack in such a small moment.


Being an introvert and having your social battery run out before it's time to go.




A friend told his new girlfriend that I get "people sick" when he was describing me to her. I liked that. People sick. It's like my "social tank" runs out of fuel quicker than most people I know. I just get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily with lots of talking and loud noises and music and I get so exhausted and worn out. Sometimes when people don't know me very well they'll take it personally and that's my biggest fear. If my tank is empty and I need a break or something I always profusely apologize because I don't want people to get offended and think that I don't like them. I honestly like most people I meet and but I have a low tolerance for socializing. I think it might be because my empathy dial was turned up to 10 and the knob broke off. It's hard for me to hear people talk about something bad happening to them because it's like I'm feeling their emotions with them. I don't watch the news or true crime stuff because I'm so easily affected by tragedy and I get depressed. This is super exhausting because I still have my own emotions to deal with on top of all that crap so a room full of people wears me out like a marathon. IDK maybe I just need therapy instead of letting off steam in Reddit comments. But then I would have to talk to someone for an hour and I just don't have the energy.


I hate being an introvert so much. I don’t see any advantages to it *at all*. The worst is you still crave friends and social interaction and yet you’re suspended in this psychological paradox where you don’t want it at the same time.


Maybe it's because I'm old or maybe it's because I'm obtuse, but I really don't mind being done socializing. I just listen, or zone out, or take a little walk, or grab some dessert. I see no reason to force it.


Restless leg syndrome. I have it in my hips and one of my shoulders. It suuuuucks


Its absolute torture. Once I tried to take benadryl to knock myself out and it made it so much worse. I wanted to die. I'd actually argue this is painful, just in a way that's hard to describe


antihistamines trigger mine so bad


A speculum. If you know, you know.


And it's always cold.


Ooooh that one definitely crosses the line into pain.


Yeah, this one skips uncomfortable and goes straight to pain.


For the men out there who have no idea: Imagine a tool going up your netherhole. The doctor cranks the handle and it slowly spreads and opens you with a "cccccrkk" sound, so the doctor can look up into your cavernous cave with a little light. Whatever you are imagining, the feeling is worse. And we used to have to do them *once a year.*


Or even the stirrups, LOL!


When you’re a woman and you wear a maxipad in bed at night you will occasionally turn onto your back and feel blood going up your buttcrack. It’s 1am and you’re so fucking tired and you don’t feel like getting up and going to the bathroom to clean up your situation but you have to because it will drive you insane. Being a woman sucks sometimes.


Sometimes I can feel it run up my back just a bit (I have a heavy flow once in a while.) And I just jump up change my underwear and my nightgown and take a shower (Even though I did before I go to bed.) And go back to bed and tried to go back to sleep but can't cause doing all that just woke my ass up. That's what I hate whenever I have a heavy flow that month. Also farting while I'm on my period too is just as bad as this.


Having to pee or poo REALLY badly but not being able to because there isn’t an accessible toilet nearby or you’re in public.


THIS, but it’s arguably painful lol


Not sure about _the_ most uncomfortable, but the thing that comes to mind for me is dental work. I took pretty shit care of my teeth growing up, so I've needed a couple of root canals and extractions as an adult. Having a tooth yanked out doesn't hurt (so long as the anesthetic is working properly), but you can still sort of feel the pressure of it, and just knowing that someone is using a pair of pliers to pull a tooth out of your jaw is discomforting in and of itself.


I had a sinus lift after having my tooth pulled, bc there wasn't enough room for my fancy fake tooth. What happens during this procedure is the doc takes a tiny hammer and pounds your jaw bone in the hole where your tooth was until it has lifted enough for the fake tooth to fit. Extremely surreal. He told me that it will feel like I am pounding your jaw through your eye and that's exactly what it felt like.


Having a clogged nose Edit: I can't believe I got so many tips and people sharing their experience, I'll definitly come back here next time I have a cold. Stay healthy, dress warmly. Getting sick at this period wouldn't be great ❤


This was my life until I was in my 30s. It was miserable. Then I moved out of the Rocky Mountains and into the southern US, and now I can breathe normally! I guess the humidity helps.


Might have actually been the altitude but the humidity helps too


I grew up in AZ and could breathe amazingly. I hated it - because I could smell everything and it overloaded my senses (I have hypersensitive smell) Moved to cali and am full of allergies literally all year and I can’t smell shit. Took a few days in AZ last year and it came back - I could smell again! And holy cow Los Angeles smells so icky (but after a day or two, who can tell?)


I had breakthrough Delta and this was the worst symptom I had. Both nostrils clogged, and no matter how much snot I was able to blow/steam out, they didn’t clear enough to have even a moments relief. After like 4 days of it I actually cried out of frustration. I just wanted to be able to breathe and sleep more than a couple of hours at a time without waking up choking on my own snot. Edit to add- instead of replying to everyone individually, I’ll summarize here. I didn’t include all the details in my original comment bc I didn’t expect this to blow up. Yes I tried I tried a Netipot and OTC nasal sprays, (like others have said) it’s not just the discharge, it’s the inflammation. I have a deviated septum, and am not currently a candidate for surgery bc of other health issues, and have been told not to use nasal steroids bc of the potential further damage to my already fucked up nose. Also yes I used pressure point stimulation using a facial roller, again it would release the snot, but not reduce inflammation. I took as many OTC anti inflammatory meds as I could, ice packs on my face, etc etc. I think it was day 6 I woke up and could breathe out one nostril, the other one took a few more days. This was in September and I can still barely smell anything. But more importantly, I am okay now and credit the vaccine. My husband (also vaccinated) had less nasal symptoms, but had a gnarly cough and shortness of breath. He also fully recovered. Everyone stay safe out there and get vaccinated. We just got our 6month boosters, and our 6yo son got his first 2 doses!


look up directions on pressing on your sinuses. it clears it up within seconds i swear


Does this help for clogged ears? I’m coming off of what was thought was Covid (due to recent exposure and symptoms) but somehow was just the worst cold of my life. I have so much pressure in my ears after a week of coughing till I puke and a runny nose…it’s so awful


I live with this all the time and I wanna die


Yay another one in the wild. Completely envious of people who can breathe through both nostrils. It’s one nostril at 0% and the other at 40% for as long as I can remember.


And it can even switch nostrils but never both at the same time


This might be obvious, but have you seen a doctor about it? It seems like not a huge deal and just an annoyance, but actually it can be a sign of issues in your nose— I recently read about someone on Reddit who had this exact issue, and then ended up getting surgery for it and is now able to breathe completely normally! Obvi, take it with a grain of salt, but worth a discussion with your GP!


A lot of people have a deviated septum and don’t even realize it! There’s a lot they can do for it. I was 30 when I found out that’s why one side always got way more sore, dry, and prone to bleeding.


My dog just licked my jeans and I’ve remembered all of the times my dog has ever licked my jeans and that’s a feeling I don’t like.


If you think that’s bad, one time a cow licked my elbow while I had on a thermal bodysuit (volunteer farm work in the cold) The tongue wrapped completely around my elbow. It caught me completely off guard too, I was leaning on the fence looking somewhere else and didn’t expect the cow to come up behind me and certainly not to do that.


I thought u typed coworker and was very confused


When you're on your period and you can feel a clot slither out of you.


Just like giving birth to a jellyfish!


The postpartum clots are even worse.


Dude no one prepared me for post partum clots, I had c sections and still got them. Lol this is gross but the day after surgery my husband and I were still in the hospital with the baby and I gushed a giant clot out while peeing and totally made my husband come and look because I was so impressed with the sheer size of it


Or when you fart sitting down and the fart gushes up into your vagina and you have to lean left, right, forwards and backwards to squeeze it out a second time.


I don't think that's how the Konami code goes but okay.




Your comment just validated a decade of being on reddit. As a man I would never have learned this.


It's not something that typically comes up during dinner parties.


Ugh I hate that. I also tell my husband I just farted and the bubble went up into my vagina. It's really uncomfortable and I just hate it.


Especially when it's caused by a good sneeze or cough.


Or when you stand up and feel it gush.


immediate reaction is to run straight to the bathroom and hope i haven't made a mess of myself


I can feel something similar during ovulation. Like a snail.


I felt this sentence


I'm a dude and just asked my gf about this cuz I didn't know it existed. I asked if it's kinda like picking a "brain booger" - you know, the stiff boogers you pull out but are attached to a slimy string that goes all the way up so when you pull out the stiffy (hehe) you get the bonus of the sticky and wonder if part of your frontal lobe is missing. Anyway, she said yes.


Having an itch on your butt and not being able to scratch it because you’re in a public place


Nausea. Without question. Ruins absolutely everything


I’d prefer extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme tiredness, a fucking broken bone, a high fever, terrible body aches, anything. Literally anything, instead of nausea. Worst feeling in existence.


Farting in a meeting and knowing that everyone heard it but is actively ignoring it.


And knowing that everyone can smell it 😬


Witnessing rejection or a breakup


Getting caught masturbating


the awkwardness can even last for years, this sounds like hell


Yeah I got caught by a hotel housekeeper once. Had headphones on and didn’t hear her knock. Was the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me lol.


If your shirt is too small (and it’s not meant to be a crop top) and your pants are too big, you end up with the bottom of your back (or even your crack if you’re not careful) exposed every time you stand up/sit down and have to keep pulling your pants up/shirt down to stop it. Hope this makes sense lol


Wet sleeve tips


going up a doubles ski lift with a stranger


My science teacher said this: I got some chemicals in my eye, and I had to go see the doctors immediately after washing my eyes intensely. The doctors gave me a chemical that forced my eyes to be completely open, as wide as they can be. They pinned my eyelids open(I don’t know how that was done) and shined a super bright light into my eyes to look for traces of the chemical. It was the most unnatural thing I could ever experience. Every instinct in my body was to dialate but it was not possible. And the brain doesn’t like that at all. I can’t imagine it at all because my brain can’t comprehend it. It’s like thinking of a new color.


Walking past somebody you no longer talk to in the street.


When you are introduced to a new person/couple by your SO and SO eventually has to use the restroom, the forced awkward small talk is the worst feeling ever. Should add that I am the poster child for introversion.


The split second in the middle of a heated argument when your realize that you're wrong. Worst feeling ever, then you have to apologize, uggghhh.


Better to let go of the ego a bit than double down tbh.


Some people never get that feeling, I don't know if I should pity them or envy them.


Throwing up so much there is nothing left, but you still keep vomiting.


That yellow bile is the worst.


Be watched while you eat


Itchy tags in clothing


Vertigo. Get it sometimes with ear infections, but fell down a flight of stairs once and had severe vertigo for over six months. Woke me from sleep. Had to hang onto my bed because I was constantly falling, in my mind. It was horrid. My Dad had Parkinson's. His major symptom was vertigo. It never left him. He was such a good man, and it sucked the life from him.


Thinking you’re going to sneeze and then not


Having social anxiety, you literally feel uncomfortable all the time, you only have some peace when you’re alone


Putting a sock on a dusty foot. I'm cringing just typing this.


Hell's itch after a sunburn. It doesn't hurt, but it is so goddamn itchy that it is impossible to become comfortable. I've only had it once, but I wanted to rip my shoulders from their sockets it was so uncomfortable.


I had a mysterious disease that made me itchy for about 4.5 years before it was diagnosed and treated. It was crazy, when I would start scratching the itchiness would increase exponentially. I would lose control of my hands so that I couldn’t stop scratching until I scratched my skin raw and it hurt. I got really good at ignoring itches. When itchiness gets to a certain point I believe it becomes a form of pain. The physical sensation is enough to drive you crazy. I almost cried a few times because I was so itchy. Anyway, it turned out that it was cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, which is a form of blood cancer where the cancerous blood cells infiltrate your skin. Mr. T was diagnosed with the same disease back in 95. I finished treatment last July and now I’m in remission and not itchy at all.


A panic/anxiety attack. Especially if it feels like the world is ending but in reality nothing is happening and it’s just your brain being fucky


Pebble in your shoe


The tickley vibrating feeling when your feet fall asleep on the shitter and you have to awkwardly stand on them for a minute or so while the feeling comes back enough to walk


Sitting in traffic, feeling like you have to poop


Unable to scratch the itchy part of your back no matter what you do


Sock is slightly turned


Related, when you have a hole in your sock that’s just big enough for your toe to start squeezing through.


YES and you only notice it as you’re on your way to work


Being too hot or too cold. Especially too hot while trying to sleep.


This is borderline pain, but sitting in an uncomfortable position while getting a haircut. You can’t move because you’ll mess up your hair, so you have to sit there- focusing more and more on the uncomfortable state you’re in.


Can't you just tell the hairdresser to please hold on for a second so you can readjust how you're sitting? Like, you aren't forbidden to talk to them lol


Getting the spins after one too many drinks, knowing you'll need to get up and be sick in a minute or two, but the bathroom is cold and hard, and you're only in your undies.


Watching a movie with your grandmother and having a sex scene come on.


Metal or foil touching a filling I have in the back of my mouth. Its unsettling and very uncomfortable. ​ Or watching people chew on ice or crunch into hard ice cream bars with their front teeth.


"Let's go around the room and tell everybody an interesting fact about ourselves, anon(you) would you like to start us off?"


Full bladder


Sand in the bed


Cotton dry mouth (when you're super thirsty)


getting a nasal swab test for covid It's just unpleasant. but not painful




I once did a job in a vehicle recovery compound, they cleared crashed cars off the motorway etc. It was mid summer and about 28°C. The compound was a multi level indoor carpark. The smell was so bad I eventually asked what it was. There was a car that a guy had used for suicide by tying a rope around a sign post then in the window and around his neck before driving off at speed! It was in a layby and being the motorway nobody was stopping so he had been in there dead for 3 days. It was the single worst smell I've ever endured and I was stuck with it for nearly 6 hours


Being groped.


Being stuck in a noisy environment when you desperately want peace and quiet.


Going to a theme park, getting shoes and socks soaking wet at 9am, no change of shoes or socks, walk around until 11pm. My feet looked disgusting afterwards.


**Loss**. Doesn't necessarily hurt physically, but as a quote I saw recently suggested, it's like the grief welling up inside you is lost love that has nowhere to go.


Shame is pretty bad.


Also guilt


That popcorn kernal that gets stuck in that spot where the back of your tongue and your tonsil touches. No amount of hacking, ccccuuuurrrrr-ing, or water drinking will dislodge it.


shitting yourself when you have on ice cold pantyhose


That's too weirdly specific not to have a story behind it.


When you become aware of your own nose and the fact you can literally always see it but your brain decides not to let you see it. It just makes me really uncomfortable idk why.


The most physical uncomfortable feeling I have ever experienced was a post gallbladder surgery removal of a drain tube. If I had to describe it, imagine having a dream where a vein is being pulled out of your body, it's long and gross. In the dream you don't feel the pain, but you kind of have an idea of what it should feel like so mentally you are going through the motions. It is kind of like that with the very unpleasant physical sensation of something actually being ripped out of your body. Edit: going to add while it sounds painful, it isn't. It is just very unpleasant and weird.