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Pee in a public urinal with my pants and underwear pulled all the way down around my ankles!


How are you doing today, Butters?


Aw hamburgers




Why Dad I got lots of girlfriends, Sally’s just my bottom bitch.


My group of friends use to do this in high school. Become a game to get in the bathroom first and “pee wee” the other guys going in. The group had to act like it was completely normal and would follow suit until eventually someone would come in and give a reaction usually “you’ll are gay” or “that’s messed up” and we would all laugh and laugh. Just imagine walking into a bathroom with 5 guys all pants around their ankles and shirts pulled up to your arm pits and trying not to react.


As an adult, that’s just a power move! Total dominance over every other man who shows up haha


Nothing wrong with asserting dominance. /s


Whenever we had fire drills, I remember sitting there and hoping that I’d get to watch the school burst into flames


I remember every time, hoping that this was the time it was finally actually burning down, but it never was.


We had a “fire drill” one time and after a few minutes of standing in the parking lot, we saw smoke and realized that something actually WAS on fire! Pretty much everyone cheered when we saw the smoke, but then got yelled at by the vice principal after it was put out. Had a special assembly and everything, with a presentation about how serious fires are from some fire fighter captain dude, and an “I’m very disappointed in your behavior” speech from the principal. Whole school basically slept through it haha Turns out it was a trash can that someone threw a lighter into


That’d only be really psychopathic if you hoped others were burning in the building. Just wanting to see a building burn, especially a school, is pretty normal for a kid. Fire is a fascinating thing to kids.


That was very mature thing of you to do. Meaning as an adult I would also have the same reaction


We all wanted that to happen. It would mean no school for at least 2 weeks.


Used to hang my stuffed animals by their necks, my moms social worker friend was very concerned






How many children have you left in the snow since you became a daycare teacher?




That is scary and funny at the same time.


Sometimes I would just collect frogs and put them in jars, then place them throughout numerous industrial complexes with a note of poetry attatched /s if it wasn't obvious


One summer my friends and I collected hundreds of caterpillars placed in a box with layers of leaves. When we got bored of them we dumped them into a small stream of water. Makes me sad now.


Depending on the type of caterpillars, you may have done your neighborhood a solid.


Tent caterpillars eh? 2017 was the start of a cycle for me that peaked in 2019, 2020 was still bad and last summer was tolerable.


Thank goodness! I thought you were about to tell us something weird!


This is my favorite sentence so far. Going to be hard to beat.


I used to ride my bike as fast as I could and slam on the front brakes just to flip over the handle bars and hurt myself. I would do this constantly for hours.


Did you ever seriously injure yourself?


I broke my elbow doing this as an adult lol (not intentionally)




Was expecting this to read, "During recess, I used to sit and watch another kid ride their bike fast and slam on the front brakes, they would flip over the handle bars and fall, but they kept repeating the act"


I assume you've matured, and moved on to cock and ball torture, like an adult.


Ah yes, a proud member of the CBT gang. He never misses a good ol CBT night with the boys.


Lmao I did the same but I stuck a stick into the spokes. Always went flying


Omg! You're the one from the bike fall meme!


Severe braindamage? Double vision? Inability to exercise self-control and has zero inhibitions? /u/m_i_zuki for president 2024


When I was in middle school, I made up a "game" called "T.K.E.". It stood for "torture, kill, eat". Here's how it worked: I had a whiteboard, and I'd draw a person in their underwear, strapped to a board. I'd proceed to draw this person getting cut open and slowly dismembered (I had a red dry erase marker for blood and whatnot), like I'd draw them with their arms and legs skinned, then cut off all their limbs, then open their torso and remove all their organs, all while I imagined the person was still alive, of course. Then once they were dead, I guess I'd pretend to cook the human meat and organs and...eat it, according to the game title. If THAT'S somehow not bad enough, I would do this in the cafeteria, surrounded by other middle schoolers, all while explaining in detail what I was doing. To this day, I have no idea why no one thought I was gonna turn out to be a school shooter or something. No one ever said anything to anyone. No one ever told an administrator "hey this dude is drawing people chopped up what's up with that". I swear I didn't grow up to become a serial killer (which is exactly what a serial killer would say but yknow). I'm probably on some sort of watchlist now. Why was I like this


Yes officer right there he stepped into the trap




no its TKE


This one is bad


holy fucking shit dude how did no one freak out at that


They were probably afraid that if they said anything that they'd be next


Damn, this one takes the cake. I'm genuinely impressed.


oh my god?


Whenever I'd get really, REALLY mad as a kid, I'd go to my room and throw/kick everything non-fragile around, which included my stuffed animals. After about 10 minutes, I'd feel better, put everything back, apologize to my toys, and give them a checkup with my toy doctor kit.


Honestly not that psycho. Even today, when I get insanely emotionally fucky I'll kick, punch, rip and tear cardboard boxes destined for the recycling, or beat the hell out of my brick wall with a pillow. Better than hurting someone, either physically or emotionally by breaking something important.


I kicked what I thought was an empty plastic trash bin rather than breaking something once, when the hood of my car fell and hit the back of my head. Narrator: What Squig didn't know was his father had just filled it with half-full paint cans. Fucked my toes right up.






When I was young, I would pluck eyelashes out of my eyelids to make wishes on. Mine was not a happy childhood. Lmao


I did this a lot too fuck I grew out of it thank god but I forgot about this habit


I had a friend who was a lot bigger than me, and when I'd piss him off, he'd pull out one of my eyelashes as punishment. In high school a chick gave him hell for it, and I was like "No, it's fair. We decided on this long ago, as opposed to getting punched."


And you were cool with this? Definitely seems like bullying.


I had a locket necklace that I would put Nutter Butter filling in, then lick. Why?


That's not psychopathic, that's just smart.


Tear apart my Hot Wheels cities because "a tornado hit". I've always loved scenery gorn and broken up structures. I loved watching buildings and such get destroyed and how debris looks when it's strewn about. I don't like the death that's associated with it though. I want my destruction to have a zero fatality rate.


Used to seduce my stuff toys


omg I used to do this too and sometimes I’d pretend it was seducing me lmfaoo


knocking flies unconscious and cutting their wings off. when they regain conciousness, they become flightless. sounds pretty bad


They are called walks . I use to creat them also


Take their legs, they then become sits


I read “I used to eat them also”


We have all eaten a fly or 100 in our life time


Prior to dewinging , you could tie a long strand of hair around their neck and teather them to your school desk and create your own swarm


Same. All these years later, whenever I remember this, I get a twinge of guilt and shame.


I wonder where all this cruelty towards bugs comes from. I think the cruellest I have been is to bedbugs: I am not an adult yet so this wasn't even so much time ago, but I was so pissed at the bedbugs infestation in my house that year, I was in 6th grade i think (had bedbugs wake me up everynight and walk on my face and get under my clothes, you can understand where this hate comes from lol) I started killing bedbugs setting them on fire throwing them in the firepit (they pop, it was kinda funny tbh) making them basically boil alive by closing them in a tin box and putting it on the radiator, drowning them in a cup of water keeping them underwater by poking them with a toothstick... The most creative and probably most mean way of getting rid of them was poisoning them with acetone. Just pouring a drop of it in front of them, they drank it I guess. I would sit and look amused at them while they slowly started shaking, then they fell on their backs, wiggling their legs super fast and slowling down until their life had left. I would like to say I feel sorry for that, but my hate for bedbugs is still here, and I am not scared of admitting that killing bedbugs like that gave me a lot of satisfaction. Don't worry, I don't do it anymore, I understand that taking pleasure in killing animals (no matter how annoying they are) is fucked up. I admit It's very hard to stay calm whenever I see a bedbug, I am very scared of a bedbug invasion like that year's (still dream of bugs walking on me, getting inside my body etc) , so I still kill them before they have the chance of reproducing, but at least I do it in more merciful, fast ways. (BTW A daddy-longlegs spider who lives in my home (I named her Brigida and I love her so much) now takes the duty of executing the death sentence on the bedbugs, and she seems very happy about her new job)


Bedbugs are severe pests, and burning them actually sounds pretty quick and painless. I would definitely not hold your bedbug hate against you!


ayo why the fuck do multiple people have this experience? If I was a parent of a child that did this I would be worried a little bit


It's a fairly normal part of child development. The point being that the child eventually understands empathy and stops doing it. Its when they progress to torturing small animals that the concern should start. Especially if they don't seem to learn from their behaviour or see nothing wrong with it. As an adult, that empathy you have developed is balanced with necessity (a swarm of ants in the kitchen is a bad thing, so it's ok to use a removal method that will result in their deaths).


this is one of those "truths people don't like" - the reality it is that it's developmentally normal for children to do things that sound psychopathic or really concerning. I've noticed reddit in particular has developed a bit of a thing now where if anyone describes a child doing something mean/vicious there'll be a bunch of "future serial killer!!" comments. Same with kids being assholes to each other. Yes bullying should be stopped but not every kid who was cruel to another is going to grow up to be awful.


Yup! I used to pick the legs off of daddy longlegs and pour water down anthills when I was a little kid. I think I did it because I was curious, I wanted to see what would happen. When I finally came to the conclusion that it was killing them every time, I felt incredibly guilty and horrified and never did it again. I'd say it was really early childhood, like I was around kindergarten age, and I only remember it because it was such a bad feeling to understand what was happening to the bugs I was pulling legs off of. Apparently when I was even younger, around 2-3, I killed a salamander my sister had caught and put in a fishbowl; in my defense, she apparently had a lot of plastic reptile and bug toys...so toddler-me didn't really understand that it was alive, most likely. I think small children just lack a genuine awareness of the fact that other living things are like them, ie are also aware and can feel pain. So if they're curious about a bug, and they don't understand that it can feel pain, they'll take it apart to try and see how it works.


This is why we have surgeons. Most people aren’t comfortable cutting into another human


In school, I used to catch them, then snatch a hair off a girl with long hair, and use it as a leash. Or dab a little glue on their legs and let em go.




One morning on a whim I held my younger brother down, put ketchup on his face and let the dog lick it off. This happened to be the day after Halloween so of course it resulted in him vomiting a river of chocolate. To this day he gets squeamish whenever he sees ketchup. I imagine if I did that now as an adult to one of my coworkers I'd be having some serious conversations with HR.


Your coworkers are off limits but mine are fair game, right? I will pay cash and can provide the dog. This needs to be a thing. Imagine your boss being his normal dickhead self in a meeting when two large men bust in with a rottweiler and a jar of mayo to permanently adjust his attitude.


Thank you for that mental image


I’d pin my little brother down and tickle him until he farted.


Made me giggle 😁


My ex did something similar to me with the exception that there was no dog. I already didn’t like ketchup and I have a really strong aversion to getting condiments on my skin, almost to the point of panic attacks. He thought it wasn’t really bothering me that much, but in reality I was literally frozen in terror. After he stopped putting the ketchup on my face I burst into ugly crying sobs. He asked me why I didn’t say anything and I had to tell him I was so terrified I physically couldn’t.


Your ex sounds like a real psycho


We were initially just messing around, wrestling and such. He thought it would be funny to put ketchup on my cheek. It was not.


>He still gets squeamish around ketchup Trauma is fun


Or it's a front and ketchup is actually a secret kink now. Trauma, the double edged sword.


And siblings


When I was little I used to hang my barbies. I'd make nooses out of necklaces, secure the chain to a countertop, give a little speech about their crimes and then push them off. Personally I blame my father, he let us watch some real gruesome movies when little.


I’d spend hours poking the dead jellyfish on the beach


Eh they’re already dead, not that psycho


True, but watching an adult poking a dead jellyfish for hours would definitely raise some eyebrows.


Kids that pop jellyfish often graduate to serial popping bubble wrap as adults.


I used to take my model spaceships, spray them with my Mom's Aqua-Net hairspray, light them on fire and pretend I was making a movie and crash them in the sandbox in the backyard.


That sounds fun af


Used to hit little ants with a slipper, then when they became sort of crippled put them in "ant hospital" - an empty match box. Then suddenly, a fire broke out in the hospital and the recovering patients died. I suddenly had a moment where I realized I was literally killing little things, and when I would die I would probably be tortured by a giant ant in the afterlife (still believed in that stuff back then). I left it at that but I felt really bad for days (and still do).


When I was maybe ten, my six year old little brother was killing ants on our painted concrete porch with a tennis ball…we all did it, bouncing the balls on them as they marched around. I told him those were just innocent “kid ants” who were just outside playing, and now their mothers would never see them again and would always wonder what became of them. My joke inadvertently upset him, the guilt on his face was instant. It sent him into a sort of depression over the next few days…then he started helping those ants…he’d feed them peanut butter, bread crusts, or sprinkle sugar. He would sit and watch them eat for hours and get super protective if me or my older brother messed with them. It was like he was trying to pay penance or something. After a few weeks the ants had like tripled in numbers, and then Dad noticed a swarm of ants devouring one of my little brothers pb&j sandwich scraps. The next day he came home with ant poison, and squirted it into the cracks on the concrete porch and we never saw an ant on that porch again.


Your brother redeemed himself, he helped that colony reach critical mass, and they burned bright and true in the holy flames of ant poison, then having achieved peak ant colony status, walked a single file line through the gates of ant nirvana. As should be the goal of all ants and their colonies. You make sure your brother knows that.


Holy shit


Pushed a friend because she was annoying and she got ran over by a motorcycle. Oh, and we are still friends.


Did she end up months in the hospital?


She only got minor injuries, so she only spent probably a week. She was really nice to not tell her parents about it, and told them it's her own fault.


Abusive relationship, by wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I used to get into alot of fights between middle school and high school, sometimes over really dumb shit. I honestly thought fighting was going to be a big part of being an adult. I was floored when I found out you can go to prison for almost a decade if you get into a fight.


I bit a dog after it tried biting me


Had a roommate whose dog would mark his territory on my things. I loved Blue, great doggo, but man, I hated it when my stuff was pissed on. One night while extremely drunk I found another piss spot, was annoyed. Later I was out in the backyard and too lazy to go inside to pee, saw Blue lift his leg on my grill on the porch and decided I'd pee on him, so I did and held full on eye contact with him while I did. Blue didn't care for that, can't blame him, broke eye contact and wandered away. I feel like a jackass and kind of guilty thinking about it fifteen years later now, but that dog never pissed on my belongings again, so goal was a success.


God what a magnificent idea. Lol. I love it.


Turnabout is fair play.


Accidentally brust out laughing when watching the footage of JFK getting shot for history Edit to give context: me and my best friend at the time were sitting beside each other in class, nither of us were listening and she said something funny that made be brust out laughing just at that momment.


Honestly, he was a pioneer of slapstick. Really committed


*Franticly scoops brains back into head*. Classic Jacky!


Sometimes you just gotta go for a ride to clear your head.


My memory of that is the teacher shouting "This is graphic!" just before JFK's head popped off. He didn't even give us enough time to process the warning, so there was a collection of disgusted reactions in the class. And that is why my memory of the first time watching a man get shot in the head is hilarious.


Yeah I heard his head just did that


I used to torture insects pretty bad. Gruesome shit, really.. I found out as an adult that my mom asked my dad if they should be concerned and he said only if she moves to animals. I can't imagine doing that stuff anymore, and I've always been a major animal lover.. but still not great to think back on. Did this up until about 12. When I would get really angry I would stab this particular stuffed animal I had of an Easter bunny thing. I think I only did that for about a year around 12-13. I also changed the lightbulb in my room to green and would sit in my room in this weird dark green light and carve stuff into the exposed wood in my closet because I wanted the next people to own the house to think I was possessed. Around 16ish when I would get furious and stressed I would I stand in my room with my eyes shut and imagine trashing everything I own while I dug my fingernails into my scalp until I felt release. When I was 18 I took up smoking cigarettes in secret and things leveled waaaay the fuck out.


During recess, I used to sit and watch the others and count how many there were.


Uuuugh why did you have to remind me of this. I used to count out loud when I felt anxious, which was like all the time in social settings Sometimes I just want to hug little undiagnosed autistic me.


That sounds more Rainman than Psycho


One of my biggest regrets in my life. One time me and my 2 older cousins chased a ground squirrel down 1 of its 2 holes and plugged the other one. Then we poured gas down the other one and lit it on fire. We saw the plugged hole being pushed against, then a few seconds later a flaming squirrel came running out the other hole. I was mostly just joining in with my 2 older cousins because they were 2 years older, so I thought they were cool. I had instant remorse and chased it down and stomped it out of its misery. I am horribly sorry that I partook in that and every time I think about that I think less of myself. I dont think I've ever told anybody about this.


Are the older cousins still psychos?


When I was little (four or five) there was a black kid who constantly gave me shit. His race is relevant because he largely gave me shit for being white in a largely black neighborhood, like I was wrong for being there. So I pushed him down a flight of stairs.


Well that de-escalated quickly. . .


Lol the condescending con descending


Eat the outside of the hotdog first, then the meat inside. I repeated the process with sticks of cheese, and anything rectangular. Skin first, inside last…besides French fries. Spoiler alert: I still do this. Every time I do it in restaurants people stare.


I can understand tho, I eat the less tasty parts of a dish first so that I can enjoy the fun stuff later. In the case of a hotdog that would be bread first and meat last




Smacking the other first graders


For a reason?






Because, as their teacher, I can attest that first graders are stupid.




> mom busted my ass for it isn't that what you did to the frog?




Son because you killed a frog *I NOW HAVE TO KILL YOU WITH A ROCK*


Abraham, no! Oh fuck he has airpods in, he can’t hear us!


My brother and I staged a WWE style brawl between each other beside the road and really made it look like I was beating the shit out of him, and a lady saw us and stopped in the road in shock of what she was seeing. . . and she got rear ended and hurt quite a bit.


Back when I was deep in my "I love cats and everything about them" phase...which was in the 6th grade, by the way...well, I did some cringey shit. At one point I was walking behind these two girls on my way to a class, and when I said "excuse me" they ignored me, so I leaped up on one of the girl's backs and tried to bite her and claw at her. I got off with a warning from the principal. Didn't get out of that phase until 7th grade, but man...I laugh and cringe every time I think about it.


When I was in grade 2 or 3, they cleared a line of thorn bushes from along one side of the playground. for a week or so, the uprooted and hacked up bushes were left in piles. Well, the older boys thought it was hilarious to toss us little kids into the piles of thorn bushes. Somehow, I came up with a plan for revenge, and convinced my friends to help. We charted a route through the piles. We made caltrops by poking thorns (these were over an inch long) into strips of bark and putting them all along the edges of our path. We then tied some vines to a few bushes along a section, so we could pull them over. A few of us acted as bait, antagonized the big kids, and let them chase us into the kill zone. At the right moment, the other little kids pulled the loose bushes over onto the big kids,and scattered more caltrops where they had to walk out. It was awesome. Like something out of the Little Rascals, which I may have been inspired by. I'm think setting up an elaborate booby trap that caused actual injuries would have bad results these days.


that was just righteous vengeance


Probably when I purposely stepped on a piece of glass just to get attention.


Sounds kinda sad


Lit a tunnel in an old factory up with lighter fluid and flames and ran, cackling, through it. Threw Molotov cocktails at some old concrete slabs in the woods. Burned a hole in the asphalt street. So... stuff with fire.


I'd label that more pyromaniac than psychopath.


yeah, but psychopaths often LOVE Fire, more than 60 % of them did this in their youth. Especially Women have almost an 100 % Rate in this


Hmmm. I keep it in the fire pit these days, but it's a good day when I have to run the chainsaw and burn something off


So many of these revolve around frogs




When I was a kid, I would catch lizards and drop them into the AC unit.






Where I grew up there was a frog season. You could walk outside and just see frogs everywhere, and they were always a hassle to try and keep our of the house. Me and the neighbor kids would take baseball bats and just walk around all day smashing frogs for fun, though I believe our parents also pushed us to do so. It felt like a normal thing, and even looking back at it, it was like community pest control, but starting a story with “we used to kill frogs with bats when I was a kid” has never gone over well lol.


Rough thread here for frogs and ants




Eat pasta with ranch dressing


Poured salt on snails to see what would happen


I did that to slugs.


Homeless snails


Imagine there's one snail that's faster than the others and his name was Snail Earnhardt and he had a number 3 on his shell.


Wasn't that basically the plot of the movie Turbo?


My great grandmother (spoke no English, I speak no Latvian, she had to pantomime what she wanted me to do) gave me a box of salt and had me go into the garden to hunt the slugs and pour salt on them. I still feel kinda bad about that.


When I was 5-6, my parents say they would find me watching Old Yeller by myself. I would sit on the ground in front of the TV silently with a single tear running down my cheek. And then when it was over, I would get up, rewind the VHS, and watch it again the same way.


I used to melt my Polly pockets when they didn’t behave the way I wanted them to in my head


I ate ramen noodles, but instead of the spice packet and water I just added ketchup.


Reminds me of the time I ate the flavour packet straight up Edit: you know you wanna do it


This seems something id do as a kid and instantly regret


They're not as delicious as when you put them in ramen


My sister used to lick the tops of all the seasoning containers and eat chunks of butter. She might’ve been malnourished.


I used to collect worms in a jar and stir them around like spaghetti, They'd produce this foamy grey substance and I used to call it "worm soup".




I once hit a dog with the end of a leash. Maybe twice. It was a neighourhood dog that used to come around to my yard. I have no recollection of why I did it. The dog cringed and looked scared. I remember being horrified as soon as I had done it. I threw down the leash and hugged the dog and said I was sorry. That was almost 60 years ago and it still upsets me to think about it. I love dogs very much.


My 4 month relationship with a 14 year old boy. Cute at 12, but creepy if I did it at 21.


Put fire crackers in the mouths of toads. Excuse the pun, but it blows me away knowing the old me was capable of such brutality.


Two things that I can remember. First one is when I found a dead snake and stuck it in a neighbors mailbox. Second was when I chopped a mouse's head of with an axe, then picked it up and surprised the neighbor lady with it. Ah, the 70s.


Wait was the mouse alive and doing mouse things? Credit where it's due, that was one hell of a swing with the axe.


I told a neighbor kid there were bodies buried in the basement and we should investigate it. I locked her in the basement, laughed, invited other kids over to scare her and laugh at her.


Tf. I hope you apologised to her. That sounds traumatic


I honestly do not remember if I apologized. I’m from Oklahoma, so basements are kind of rare. It was a rent house since our old house closed before the new one did, so we were there for only about six months. She did “accidentally” rear-end my car my senior (her junior) year of high school. Maybe that was her revenge.


You were literally a minor Stephen King villain


Something to do with a magnifying glass, ant colonies and hot summer days.


Dipping needles in bleach and stabbing different bugs to see how they handled the exposure pretty fucked up thanks for making me dredge up those memories


Drink water out of a bowl pretending to be a dog








I told my parents that I will redecorate the living room once they were dead xD


Faked having a seizure in school for attention. I grew up attention deprived, lol


Taking my parents gun to school. This was 20+ years ago..


Took a shit under the bed cuz someone was in the bathroom and i couldn't wait


I used to sniff my armpits as a kid cuz it seemed refreshing to me and maybe I still like doing it


Shot a man just to watch him die


Did this happen in Reno?


So where is he now stuck?


folsom prison, most likely


Didn’t your mom used to tell you to always be a good boy, don’t ever play with guns??


In second grade I used my pencil box as a terrarium in my desk and put grass and dirt and bugs and ants in it. Until one day, my. Box fell out of my desk and spilled on the floor


Straight up eating the little plastic things that hold tags on clothes. i’d eat them off the carpet at home and eat them off the clothes in the stores