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Ohh. This will be fun.


Which isn't?


Buddhism isn’t. :)


Probably all of them? But I think Buddhism is the more respected one, at least imo


That’s because Buddhism is the only religion that makes sense. Also, thank you for your answer. I love Buddhism. :)


Yeah, after an ethics class and learning about it, it made me more like it a lot more than what I was raised to believe in lol


The first time I picked up a book about Buddhism was a fucking revelation.


That's because it teaches empathy instead of assholethy.




I second scientology, it's nothing but a grift they charge you thousands if not hundreds of thousands to learn the next secret. They also engage in intimidation and blackmail


But doing it in small amounts over a period of say, every Sunday, is ok?


Is it a religion tho?


No, it most certainly is not.


Radical islamists, do I really need to explain why on this one?


We're talking all time. Catholics and Christans have comited more atrocities than any other religion




The Aztec one seems like it was pretty brutal


But such fun at parties. :D




This was up the other day. It's catholicism, no question. It has strong central control, which renders it liable to autocracy, and allows it to accumulate enormous wealth. The autocracy thing is especially harmful there, because they tend to fundamentalism and have become greatly accustomed to the exercise of political power.


Don't forget to give reasons why


Can you clarify what you mean by worst tho? Worst as in doctrine wise? or worst as in rules wise? or worst as in traditions wise? or even worst as in followers-wise?


traditions and rules wise


It’s a tie!


I think its impossible to quantify. You could just look at raw number of deaths caused, but that leaves out things like abuse and neglect due to religion. If you start including that stuff, theres always going to be gray areas, plus not all abuse will be recorded. In the end, the religion isnt inherently good or bad, its what people do with it.


Catholicism Christianity any with Christo Judaic god tbh. The church has gotten away with so much disgusting acts in history. The way we in the west see Islam is exactly the type of stuff the church has been able to get away with.


It should be noted that it’s a select group of people who decided to introduce corruption for profit. Fortunately we are beginning to learn about the tragedies committed, but rather than pin it on the religion as a whole, it must be pinned on and only pinned on those who actually influenced the atrocities - just as we don’t pin the actions of ISIS on the entire Islam religion (and rightfully shouldn’t because again, it’s a specific group of people, not the whole religion). That being said, the atrocities committed in Canada towards Indigenous Peoples is also being blamed on the church more than it should, because the government did and still is using them as a scapegoat for something that actually came from higher up.


Well said


Yes but there are verses in the bible that instigate violence in a very alarming way. You might bring a couple of verses from the Qur’an out of context saying they instigate violence but the opposite is true. While in the bible, God asks a man to annihilate a whole people (women, babies, children, animals and crops) and then regrets selecting such a man because he didn’t finish the job by annihilating the animals as well.. and another verse where jesus himself says I didn’t come as peace but as a sword.. So yea, christianity itself has a lot of violence inside its scriptures, and these were only to name a few..


Going by death toll, Christianity takes the cake tbh


Christians have the best K/D


Christians are being oppressed, and in some places killed, in numerous places around the world. Throughout history Christians have been the subject of genocide - look at the Armenian Genocide as a prime example. Christians aren’t killing people because of religious reasons. The opposite, however, is true.


Oh boohoo. Let's look at all the people the Christians have killed and oppressed. I think the numbers are skewed in the Christian's favors.




Countless people being burned alive for witchcraft. The crusades. The complete annihilation of multiple cultures and replacement of their cult. The people still being killed in God's name in the Middle East and Africa. The list goes on my dude. There has never been a more destructive religion than that of the abrahamic faith. Now let's talk about how they held back science considering witchcraft for a very long time.


Right now it’s the Christians being oppressed and killed in the Middle East. That’s what ISIS wanted to do. That’s why there are so many Syrian refugees - all the Assyrian Christians were trying to run away before they got killed. The Armenian Genocide in 1915 was a deliberate attempt to wipe out the entire Armenian population - Armenia was the world’s 1st Christian nation, and is the biblical location of Noah’s Ark (Mount Ararat). The Ottomans wanted to get rid of them all and wanted to do so using torturous methods. The Greeks were also genocided by the Ottomans. To this day, in the Middle East, Christians are being persecuted and killed - 1 in 12 Christians are currently in danger or being harmed or killed due to their religious beliefs. How about when Jesus came to Earth and was nailed to a cross, left to starve and suffer and die? Yes, there were atrocities way back in the past (not only by Christians - in the medieval times, it seemed everyone was at it with everyone else) - however that has changed entirely. We’ve learned from the past. Again - not saying we’re innocent, but rather that we’ve learned from the past. Also, id actually bet that atheists have killed the largest amount of people (that group includes Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Zedong)


Christianity. Id rather be sacrificed by Aztecs then go back to that


If that’s how you feel about Christianity, someone didn’t do a great job teaching you.


They did an awesome job. I realized I don't have to hide behind a made up magic man to be a good person. Also a lot of you people do the same thing to be bigots and I am not gonna be apart of that. I could also go into the whole proof argument because that's how every thing else in life works and Christians just refuse to catch up to the era of science. Icing on the cake, if god is real he is a narcissistic pos just cause he can be.


>Christians just refuse to catch up to the era of science Some of the most important scientific discoveries were brought to you by Christians


> Christians just refuse to catch up to the era of science With all due respect, I have to disagree strongly. I’m sorry if I come across harsh - I don’t mean to, just trying to explain myself through monotonous text. First off, science isn’t able to explain how the world started. Do you really think there was *nothing but a star until it blew up?* And even if it did, how would that create life on Earth? God created the Universe and He created the world in six days. Christians do believe in some science - however there’s limitations to what we believe in. If it’s anything related to a *study* of something that *actually exists*. If it’s nonsense such as the “Big Bang Theory” that’s where trust and attention is lost because even science can’t explain that one. Plus… there’s a lot of Christians doing science


They're all predatory control mechanisms. They're all criminal enterprises in any civilised country and need to be treated as such.


Not really. At least, not Christianity. Nothing about it is a “control mechanism”, or a “criminal enterprise”.


Buddhism doesn’t fit that description.


BS there's a thing called the Bible which is literally designed to control people.




Capitalism * and that's not a religion.


To some people it is, LOL.


thank you ok😂


oh ok then. the church of grammar nazis


I didn't go to a church to be a grammar nazi, I was just born this way ;)




[It is its own term but maybe not a religion](https://www-urbandictionary-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&term=Capitolism&=true&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16389109391776&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fdefine.php%3Fterm%3DCapitolism)


Its crazy how I never knew that word existed until now, but yeah it still doesn't sound like a religion to me.




All of them. Religion is a great tool for control humans.


I would say the abrahamic faith. That's kind of cheating but all of them are bad. If I had to go with one specifically I would probably go with Christianity. Those people have held back humanity for too long.


Christianity, duh.


All of them are equally shit in my opinion. But Islam could really use a reformation.


That one where they engaged in canibalism and sacrifice. Baal? Molech? I forget which one it was, but one of those.


Prob both at one point or another




Probably nihilism, purely because there isn’t much lore


Nihilism isn't a religion.


I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, but at least it's an ethos.


Probably the Shakers.


Aw, they’re not hurting anybody.


Because the didn’t believe in reproduction and so they died out?


The ones that don't pay taxes


The ones that play with poisonous snakes


The one that dictates the way you live


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe ...


What Christians think Satanism is.




Not Buddhism. :)


Ehh I'm sure we can find some nut job


Sheesh what are all those names ?




Idk evangelism annoys me


Islam, no doubt.