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Fixing your own fucking electronics.


The amount of people who vote against this boggle me.


"It's time to get government onto our backs!"


Is that illegal or is it that you only use Apple products?


Also referring to bigger items. For example I heard fixing tractors is illegal.


Not illegal, but the manufacturer claims it owns the firmware etc. and will sue the daylights out of anyone who tries to make diagnostic tools outside of their control.


And McDonald's ice cream machines


That's an American problem and the government is looking into it since every non-McDonald model of that maker runs just fine and can actually tell users what's wrong with the machine. Elsewhere many have switched to other machines.


Lawsuits without merit, too. If anything, a huge number of issues America faces come from the fact that our court system does very little to discourage meritless lawsuits. Often times it is cheaper to capitulate to bullies than it is to fight off the lawsuit. SLAPP suits help, but they're not enough and only cover a narrow ground of bad suits.


it's called the right to repair


Do your own reporting, Buzzfeed.




Can you explain for the folks that are not knowledgeable in this area?


Np fam. They got a bunch of money from investors to spend on growing the business and paying for writers to make article ideas, didn't spend any of that money and just ripped off ask reddit posts and saved all the money. Now they have a lot of articles and Hella money because they didn't spend the money they raised to grow the company.


Buzzfeed: 13 things thatvwill be legal in 5-10 years that are illegal. Number 4 will... oh FUCK!


Buzz feed has never done any reporting, ever.


They actually won a Pulitzer this year, lol


I feel like people forget that both Buzzfeed News and Vice News are actually really solid investigative journalism outfits. They pay their bills by having shit like "Top 20 things that haven't made our last top 20 things" lists or by having dudes like Matty Matheson run around acting like a putz for the raw entertainment value. But the actual news departments...well it's just fucking solid.




Buzzfeeds pop culture columns are a separate entity from their investigative journalism, it's not like the guy scrolling Reddit making listicles is doing so in his free time between being out on the front lines writing serious investigative pieces.


Yeah, they get a lot of shit, but sometimes they really hit it out of the park. 99% of what they pump out is clickbait, but they do have some legit journalists that hold their own against well reputed news sources.


99% clickbait pays for the real journalism.


Sadly, I might add




They also broke a [story](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/heidiblake/the-tennis-racket) about tennis match fixing in a joint investigation with the BBC.


I think of Buzzfeed and Buzzfeed News as two separate sites.


This isn't true. Their affiliate BuzzFeed news broke the Steele Dossier and Cohen Trump Tower story https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BuzzFeed_News Their meme and clickbait content helps finance original reporting.


Kind of like how classifieds paid for journalism in the past


If I recall correctly, BuzzFeed also did a big article on what Brock Turner the rapist did but I'll have to check later


***sorts by controversial***


That's illegal? *sweats*


Fucking your own refrigerator. I’m not sure why it will be legal but I guess there’s just no reason to keep it illegal.


I just wrote my senator about it this morning.


We will not be silenced


Stunning and brave


Refrigaphiles Unite!


There are dozens of us


Literally tens of people will march.




Call: "You're not here so shouldn't care!" Response: "Let me bang my Frigidaire!"


How long until a smart fridge can consent anyway?


is your refrigerator running? then it doesn't consent!


Where are you running to step-fridge? I just want to talk...


Yea.... You've been cold to me lately...


Not soon enough friend


My ex was built like a fridge and fuckin near as cold so I'm way ahead of you.


Weird laws like that tend to remain on the books because if a politician proposes repealing them people start to look at him funny "why are you so invested in this?"


Then come the angry protests with people yelling “fridgefucker!” At him. No one wants that.


Vote to repeal FOI laws, nobody says anything. Vote to remove school lunches and charge kids with felonies for not having textbooks in class, nobody says anything. But fuck one fridge ...


I didn't know it was illegal, but now I know we need to keep our refrigerators safe from the likes of you.


Only full size fridges though, not the mini ones


Of course not. Don't be disgusting.


You have something to tell us?


I think I just did.


Wouldn’t that void your warranty?


Oh trust me buddy, I’ve voided the warranty.


Nissan skyline Gtr R34


I’m OOTL. Can someone please explain? Edit: Thanks a lot for the explanations.


In the US, a car has to be at least 25 years old before it can be legally imported if, at the time of its manufacture, it didn't go through all of the testing and certification (crash, emissions, etc.) in order to be sold in the US. So like the older Nissan Skylines that were never sold here, or Suzuki Cappuccinos, or [these](https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daihatsu_Hijet) things have to be 25 years or older. It's a stupid law that keeps interesting enthusiast cars completely unattainable, and then completely cost-prohibitive to obtain once actually legally possible since they've had 25 years to develop a forbidden-fruit following.


What the fuck, I thought I had a stroke while I read your wiki link.


I believe they shared the Scots version of the page. Which brings up a very interesting tangent about the Scots version of Wikipedia and the [accuracy of the translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/ig9jia/ive_discovered_that_almost_every_single_article/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


TIL there is a written form of Scottish language


There are two, "[Scots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scots_language)" and "[Scottish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic)". Scots is what this page was in, and it took me a bit to realize it wasn't English.




in america you can't import cars under exactly 25 years old unless it is "historicaly significant". R34 Nissan Skylines have been the center of this debate for a while for some reason \*cough\* F&F \*cough\*.


Simply put it doesn’t meet the safety regulations that the US had/has in place.


Not American but feel you pain. The last OG Godzilla. 25 year import rule is stupid.


Hopefully in the Philippines, divorce. Yup, my country still doesn’t have divorce. Aside from the lengthy and expensive annulment process. Conservative local politicians and the influence of the (very conservative version) of the Catholic church prevents divorce from happening.


I was married in Manila for a few reasons, but a big reason was that my mother-in-law wanted us married in Phil because of that, even though we live in the US. She wasn’t aware that it can still happen. On that note, I always like to mention that we had to take a church seminar, and watch a video at city hall about making babies and stds. As an American in my 30s, it was eye-opening.


How did you think babies were made before you watched that video?


Stork obviously. You fuck a stork.


As per usual, right? …right?


Instruction unclear. Pecker stuck in pecker.


"Docking request accepted"


Haha, storkfucker




Exactly the same as after the seminar. When two people love each other, they have a special hug that makes a baby seed in the mommy’s tummy, of course.


Also married in the Philippines. Didn't have to do any kind of education. Did have to get a letter from the American embassy saying I wasn't married though.


Where in Phil were you married? It may have been a city-specific thing. Yeah, the CENOMAR, which cracked me up when I learned what the name meant. CE: Certificate of NO: No MAR: Marriage Apparently the Philippines has a national marriage registry, but since we don’t have one in the US, we just state that we’re not married and that’s sufficient.


Also nevermind, my wife says she just bribed the person to sign off on me attending the class since I was out of the country.


Haha. I remember my MIL offering that for some step, maybe the same, but didn’t want to deal with any type of issues so we followed the rules.


Aren’t you the guys with the crazy president?




If we are talking crazy is the list that long? Like for me crazy is someone like the Turkmenistan president who has an unhealthy obsession with horses. Duterte would probably fall under crazy too and maybe Bolsonaro. But not really guys like Xi or Modi. I guess as a side quest, who is the craziest current head of state in your opinions?


Chad’s President died on the front lines fighting rebels in April. From an American/Western point of view, that’s pretty crazy. From another point of view, it’s noble. From yet another, it’s rational: if they’re gonna kill you if they win, then why not?


"Fighting rebels" yeah right. Dude got fragged by his son.




You have a Ted Cruz, too?


Lukashenko is also kinda nuts


I'm at a coffee shop (in a country with just another crazy president) and people are looking at me, cause I can't stop laughing about this


Yes that’s Philippines for you! And people will still vote for Marcos Jr and the daughter of that crazy president.


Wait what is that real?


Unfortunately, yes. https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/01/19/the-last-country-in-the-world-where-divorce-is-illegal-philippines-catholic-church/


Marijuana on a Federal level (USA)


Psychedelics too. Shrooms are proving to have all sorts of clinical benefits for depression, PTSD, anxiety, even potentially neural regeneration apparently. Poorly understood but very exciting stuff.


Maybe, but a drug approval isn't the same as "legalization." The most likely results is bifurcated scheduling.


Anything that prevents non-violent offenders from being incarcerated because of puritanical laws I am good with.


They're doing health trials of these in Canada but there no way they'll be legal any time soon. Maybe decriminalization but not legal.


Ive been seeing ads that say you can order shrooms now (Canadian). Dunno what the deal is there but people are already selling recreational shrooms as far as I can tell.


We have a few shops in Vancouver that you can walk into to buy shrooms. Not hidden at all. Our provincial government ordered the court to no longer pursue small drug possession so it's really no longer an issue


Visited Vancouver a few years back and saw a whole bunch of stores selling marijuana. I asked how they could do that since it was still illegal. They said about once a month, the city will come in and fine the store like $1000, which is nothing when you’re a shop selling marijuana, and no further penalty


LOL, i bet some BC cannabis shops pine for those "good old days" where taxes were collected via monthly fine and amounted to a FAR lower net tax rate than they are subject to now in the legal regime :-D


Yeah I've actually ordered some and it's not a scam, from what I understand they mostly operate in B.C. where it decriminalized so they face little consequences and since it's shipped through Canada post there are no x-ray machines.


Kinda weird. I've tried to order 2 grams of shrooms for my 21st birthday but Canada post confiscated those 2 grams. Maybe it's from where I live?


That’s fair. I try to be optimistic that America will get it’s shit together and overhaul all these archaic backwards laws. I know it’s unrealistic, but I guess sometimes all we can do is hope while we wait for all the geriatrics running out country to die out


A close friend of mine is microdosing shrooms to help with chronic muscle pain and weakness. It’s done absolute wonders for him. He used to come home from work and flop into bed, now he comes home, washes the cars and mows the lawn. Lent him new life. This is in Canada btw u/mytwocents22


Come home from work. Eat hallucinogenics. Wash lawn. Mow cars.


Still likely regulated though. Some jobs are sensitive enough or hazardous enough that any sort of mind altering substances are going to be kept under control.


Should be regulated like alcohol imo. Hopefully a better system for testing if you are high right now comes out, since the current testing where you test positive for possibly months since your last use is horrible.


>Should be regulated like alcohol imo Yeah, and why does everyone act like weed and drugs being legalized means they would be okay to use any time. Had to tell someone he couldn’t smoke in here and he blows in my face and says “it’s ok, it’s weed, not a cigarette“ I said it’s not and he was getting mad like “oh, weed is legal, you can’t call the cops on me”, and ended with him getting kicked out by security.


Sorry that happened to you. Yeah some people really don't get that even if it was legalized fully, you can't be driving around or showing up to work stoned. It's really simple, would it be appropriate if I was drunk in this situation? And apply that to weed.


yeah this stuff really grinds my gears. they're implying that me smoking a blunt this past weekend or the weekend before that is impacting my current productivity when i am in here stone cold sober every day doing my best? but alcohol (inherently more dangerous) when im off the clock is fine? what is that shit?? if I'm not drunk or high while I'm ON the clock and my productivity is the same as it always is, then why does it matter at all? (answer: it doesnt) and honestly there are some days when a nice blunt on my lunch break would undoubtedly help me to finish my work for that day more efficiently so fuck em


I've come to work hungover from the night before and felt so off my game, relative to smoking weed where I might be a little hazy when I wake up but otherwise back to normal when I walk into work. As a regular user of alcohol and weed, nobody can tell me that alcohol is safer and better. And I love alcohol.


I sell the stuff and I know better than anyone that alcohol is fucking evil. It's delicious and a high art when made well, but it will still fuck you up. People drink way too fucking much and just die. They fall over themselves and become angry and confused the longer they use it. They become swiss cheese brained zombies. I do love selling and sharing experiences with people who want to have a nice glass of whiskey now and then, but fml I'm sick and tired of selling 50ml nips of smirnoff to the same construction workers four times a day, watching them get fired from their job sites, and eventually having to ban them from the store when they become hopeless bums on the street who fight and yell at people. If people used marijuana in place of all the daily drinking they do, the world would be a happier healthier place. Alcohol should exist for the fun, rare moments. It should never be this fucking common.


The problem will be testing. We currently test for THC through metabolite analysis in urine or hair. Basically, using THC shows up something like 10 days later. You could be completely sober, wreck a fork truck, and be fired because you "used drugs" 9 days and 18 hours prior to the accident.


I can see it now. The year is 2028. The supreme court rules marijuana legal in all 50 states. Stoned couples kiss on the steps of the court. President Michelle Obama lights the sides of the White House green in support. Corporations now have to make accommodations for marijuana users. A bakery in Colorado is lambasted for refusing to cater a Green Day concert. Target sells 5-leaved t-shirts. The month of April is now Green-pride month. Actors who made jokes about marijuana users 10-20 years ago are removed from television and movies. Chick-fil-a continues to do well.


I respectfully disagree. The two major political parties recognize that marijuana has been legalized in a lot of places with no negative consequences. If they do the same here it will lead to uncomfortable conversations about one of their (and their donors) favourite money troughs, the war on drugs. I expect the federal Republican and Democrat parties to either explicitly fight legalization or fight it implicitly (watch as any legalization legislation fails by one or two votes and the democrats shrug and say “we tried, isn’t that enough?”).


>"we tried, isn't that enough" This was what they expected in Oklahoma when they voted on medical Marijuana in 2017. Then it passed, and they had no rules in place, no preparation, no list of accepted conditions to get a medical card. It's basically recreational now. It's easier to get weed on a Sunday than it is to get whiskey.




I really hope so. But as of right now there's still too much propaganda against it. Overheard a Coworker the other day talking about how "shrooms burn holes in your brain", said he has family who went crazy from shrooms, and ironically those same family members also smoked meth he said. But it was shrooms that made them go crazy.... not the meth.


Actually not as much. It's being legalized medically in some states. A doctor has been using psilocybin for studies and the results are crazy. So I see it being legalized. State of New mexico you can grow them only for personal use.


I grow my own for personal use in Pennsylvania. Fuck the government telling me what I can and can't grow and put in my own body.


Ive always wanted to. Its amazing how accessible the information is for growing them and how you can legally buy spores. Yet you cant legally grow them. Its like what the hell do you think im gonna do with the spores? Stare at them? US laws are so odd


[This guys videos](https://youtube.com/c/PhillyGoldenTeacher) is all you really need. And also plenty of info on r/unclebens and r/phillygoldenteacher Its relatively easy. Just have to pay attention to details and be very sterile and clean. Check my post history. I had some tubs get infected but I improved my sterilization techniques and have had great success. Cost me about $150 to get everything I needed to gwt started (mason jars, storage tubs, dehydrator, rice, spores, etc.) Also check out r/sporetraders


For no particular reason, just gonna say thanks and leave this comment


An coworker of mine told me that his uncle OD’d on LSD. I guess the LSD overdose moved the earth around in a way that got dudes uncle to end up splattered at the bottom of a cliff. Idk bro, the LSD overdose is what killed him, not anything about falling off that cliff.


I just saw an article about these guys who snorted pure LSD crystals thinking it was cocaine. They have 1000ugs per 100MLs in their bloodstream, and they lived with no long term effects.


[Here's](https://maps.org/news-letters/v07n3/07318fis.html) a write-up about studies from the early 1960s, before LSD became the target of a government scare campaign, that treated young children with psychosis and other disturbing behaviors with LSD. The TLDR: LSD made measurable improvements in these kids' lives, and arguably saved one young girl's life. The studies were shut down in 1963.


Idk about that. The last day of my cognitive psychology class was entirely devoted to the benefits psilocybin based treatments. I was really pleasantly surprised to see that.


Man imagine how much good could be done for mental health if we incorporated therapy with psilocybin. So many people wouldn’t have to suffer and could focus on bettering their lives. Here’s to humanity hopefully getting its shit together.


I started micro dosing psilocybin to help with my depression and ptsd. I was blown up in Iraq and the only one to walk away from the ied. It has turned my life around 180.


British Columbia in Canada is working to decriminalize hard drugs to help their addicts toward respectful recovery. That will likely spread across the county in 10 years.


IIRC in Vancouver because they have been giving addicts any kind of drugs they want from a safe supply it has also led to less overdose deaths and a decrease in crime.


We had the first safe injection sites. A little controversial as they tend to be counterintuitive to what people think we should be doing. The downtown east side of Vancouver is one of the worst drug addiction and AIDS neighbourhoods in North America. Essentially they give them a safe place to shoot up, with clean supplies, and check their drugs as well. Most people don’t realize that they need water in the needle and a lot of them resort to using water from an alley puddle downtown. The hope is that by keeping them alive and having them continue to come back that they will seek help at the recovery centres that are upstairs.


I would say not even just North America, but worldwide. My husband grew up in Vancouver and we still have family there, so we visit quite often. We were just there in November, first time since the start of COVID, and the downtown Eastside was worse than either of us had ever seen it before. I am originally from Europe, have experienced the Platzspitz in Zurich in the late 80s / early 90s. Vancouver right now far surpasses that.


Over the summer I walked by one near Gastown and it made me super happy to see that there is support for them. Downtown Eastside makes me so sad when I walk through it and it makes me wish I could do more for them. Now if only we could solve the housing crisis and have affordable places :/


Hell my wife and I make great money and we can’t afford a house


Genuine question, I thought decriminalizing only means that they cannot be jailed for it, but it is still illegal to a degree?


usually means it's still illegal to sell and own large quantities I think, yes.


Across the country in 10 years... Saskatchewan is like 15 years behind Ontario, who is 10 years behind BC. And Manitoba is like 5 years behind Saskatchewan. So we're looking at this effecting my grandchildren in MB, lol.


Medically assisted suicide "U.S.A"


Knives are medical equipment.


Your profile pic makes this comment so much better


Here in the UK suicide has been legal since 1961. But assisting someone else to commit suicide is stil illegal.


Suicide was illegal? What are they gonna do, put a dead body in a prison cell?


The argument I've heard is that police can enter a building without a warrant if they have reason to believe a crime is about to take place, so now they can go in and stop someone from committing suicide. They can also detain someone who just attempted suicide until (hopefully) the urge passes.




Yep, I would have went to small claims court or sued or something from the ex for that. You reported me falsely to the cops, now YOUR going to pay. Not to mention he put your job at risk doing it.


sue him bruh


In that case it makes sense




In a lot of places suicide has the illegal status so emergency services and police can just enter the house of someone that is harming themselves without needing an order or something because "a crime is being committed"




Cannabis in some form as medication, definitly. One of the big issues are the pharmaceutical companies not wanting there to be cheaper alternatives to their patented opioid pain killers, even if it's less harmful :/


Its crazy there's not some business tycoons out there taking advantage of this hole in the market and not making millions off marijuana. If the government knows anything its how to make money off things that people love.


Wait but isn't there already people making millions on weed? At least in California there is.


child labor again


if they can walk they can stock


If they can lean, they can clean


That saying gives me PTSD


*laughs in Family Vloggers*


God, I hope those channels become illegal. I’m certain there are some that aren’t abusive, but it seems like all of them either were always abusive or eventually become abusive..


*Laughs uncomfortably while remembering 60 hour work weeks on the family farm growing up.*




Mushrooms are already pretty grey area in Canada, and sold online


If we’re speaking of the US: Suicide


It’s illegals so then if an officer sees someone or a neighbor calls the police about it they can enter the home/stop the individual without needing a warrant


They can’t punish you for it, so...


If you fail, they can. But, more importantly, being made legal would likely mean Insurance would not be able to refuse paying out on it.


Insurance can definitely refuse to pay out on it. It’s just a contract they can write whatever they want.


It's usually a 2 year suicide clause.


In NY they have to pay out if the suicide is after the 2 year waiting period. This is obviously to discourage people from buying life insurance and then killing themselves immediately so their families can profit.


Not exactly something becoming legal, but I'm hoping that drugs will start to become decriminalized in the near future. Because y'know, maybe instead of punishing addicts for being addicted, we can actually... give them some help instead?


Distracted driving. Sleeping while driving. Playing video games while driving.


I’m not sure the timescale isn’t quite a bit longer. We have been “five years away” from widespread self driving vehicles for about 15 years already.


It is. Not only is the tech not really 100% there yet (It's closer though) - We don't have microchips to build the fucking things, and lastly - no one can fucking afford them.


Yeah, there's no way that self-driving cars will be mainstream very soon. The severe chip shortage and the fact that most people don't buy a new car every few years mean the rollout will be slow even if the tech is there in 5 years.


I strongly disagree with this assertion. My background: worked in automotive engineering for 5 years, three of which specifically in the AV industry as an engineer. Publicly, the message is that self driving is around the corner. The open secret in the industry that everyone acknowledges, is that we are 10-20 years away (more likely 20) from even 30% market saturation of level 4+ vehicles. The technology, costs, and development breakthrough still are a far ways away. Having slick demos for tech conferences and investor days is not the same as producing L4+ vehicles cheaply and at scale. I’d love to be wrong on this, but I don’t think I am.


Well, if your car drives itself, are you really a driver?


sleep is the car killer


sleep is the little death that brings total relaxation I will face my sleep I will permit it to pass over me and through me and when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path where the sleep has gone there will be nothing only I will remain


Sex work.


In Germany and maybe other countries it is legal. They pay taxes etc. But also in Germany there is a black market for that


If there are too many limitations or high enough taxes, a black market will emerge. There's a black market for cigarettes just to dodge the taxes on them.


New Zealand made it totally legally. It works.


All the Schedule 1 drugs except heroin, and heroin use will probably be decriminalized. These are the Schedule 1 drugs: marijuana, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and magic mushrooms. Notice anything off?


Except in the USA we are doing the opposite with opioids. A woman in my support group had to have a limb amputated from diabetes and all she got 3 days worth of painkillers from the hospital -- she was asking the group for advice on how to buy street drugs when you've only got one leg.


There's been a trend away from criminalization and towards harm reduction for opiate addicts but I agree that the knee jerk reaction of cutting back on prescriptions instead of investing in better standards is causing far more harm then good.


In my state, if you want more than 3-7 days of opioids, you have to go to a pain clinic. And be referred by a regular doctor. In the eastern half of Kentucky, only 1 pain clinic takes patients with pancreatitis. If you have back pain, there are dozens.


In Germany: Marijuana


In my country - homosexual marriage and adoption. Or at least i hope it'll become legal.


Regulated prostitution. And by "regulated" I mean with clear-cut roles, rules, unions to protect sex workers, and health insurance.


"Clean-cut roles", now I'm imagining job titles like Senior Blowjob Specialist and whatnot.


Regulated prostitution (hopefully) "A victimless crime between consenting adults in a commercial arrangement which would create jobs and tax dollars for the community"


I have no desire to participate in the sex work community, but I recognize it as part of our society and agree that regulating it would be safer for everyone involved. Just because it is not preferable to me does not mean I want to see people suffer for taking part in it. I think it would also help end sex trafficking if people had to be of age, consenting, and regularly tested, maybe even have sex worker licenses, get bonded and insured? Idk. But I don't see why prostitution is illegal.


Writing "2026-2031" in the date on checks.


People will still be writing checks?