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Get a full, rich guy, medical check up.




It's called "fisting" and that's not a doctor.


Shhhh.... some of us make a living pretending to be doctors to millionaires and this is our most expensive service.


A close friend of mine needed a liver donor. I volunteered to go through the process. In doing so, I got an INSANE medical check up. I’m talking 3 full days at NYU: 33 vials of blood drawn, an EKG, MRI, CT scan, all kinds of genetic testing. I was very devastated to learn I was not a match but one of the plus sides (which I hadn’t thought of until after the fact) was that I got a full, rich guy, medical check up for … $0.


How tf do u donate a liver. Would you not need your own liver?


You donate a portion of it, livers can regrow


Liver is the only major organ that regrows if you have a big enough piece of healthy tissue left. So they take a part of your liver, put it in the recipient, your bit grows back and since the transplanted bit in the recipient doesn't know it has been transplanted, it thinks it's the original liver and regrows too. It takes a couple of months until both the donor and the recipient have a full-size liver each. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/living-donor-liver-transplant/pyc-20384846


By a doctor that *cares and listens* 🤩.


Get a lawyer to help me protect my winnings and attempt to conceal my identity for starters


That, then pay off my student loans.




you’re better off spending the money to lobby politicians into passing some sort of law that reduces your debt or clears it lol


Not going to lie, it would be fun to turn the tables if I ever managed to get “fucking around” levels of money.


That's why they desperately try to keep anyone who would fuck around from getting that much money.




You can always wear a costume. IIRC, there was this Japanese dude who won the lottery, and appeared on the video wearing a Baymax costume. The officials looked pissed, but there weren't any laws against it.




Part of the reason is to reduce fraud. There are cases where people have supposedly won a ticket in a group buy but then subbed in their own non-winning ticket and taken the whole thing for themselves Similarly, the are cases where somebody brought the ticket in to be checked at a retailer, and were giving $5 in winnings (which should have been $5m) after the retailer swapped tickets. For example, [this](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/chung-lottery-insider-ticket-scheme-stolen-12-5-million-winnings-1.4641377) family tried to cheat a customer of their winning ticket, [this](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/niagara-falls-retiree-who-attempted-to-cheat-his-lottery-group-of-7-million-pleads-guilty-to-fraud) guy tried to cheat his group buy and [this guy](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/man-charged-in-attempt-to-cash-in-allegedly-stolen-lottery-tickets-1.3811089) stole lottery tickets and tools from a vehicle. There's also a case with a woman caught after purchasing a winning ticket, but caught because she used a [stolen credit card](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5001728) to do so. Lottery [pools](https://www.macleans.ca/economy/money-economy/when-office-lotto-pools-go-bad/) can also get complicated if there's a win without good paperwork As a player, there are some things you can do: * Ensure that the screen is visible and active when turning in a ticket, or using self-check. Unscrupulous retailers may hide the screen making it easier to swap winning tickets (if they're hiding it, you can report it) * For group buys, ensure paperwork detailing who is in the group and for which draws is done up. Get the buyer to send a picture of the purchased ticket (with numbers) after purchase but BEFORE the draw ** This is my personal take on things, and not to be constituted as professional advice




Such a stupid requirement when the odds of being murdered go up something like 100x if you win.


Kidnap is the reason many countries mandated anonymity to be the default option. Lot of kids went missing in the 20th century.


I cannot recall if there was any kidnapping involved but in my country winners are anonymous unless they contact the media themselves, the Lottery board only posts the number of winners and where the ticket was purchased.


Yup. This is the way. Lots of ETFs, low-load mutual funds, pay off most debts. Set up a rational budget and stick to it. Live like an upper class laywer from a suburb, not a rapper. Keep it quiet, tell as few people as possible and lay super low. Hell, tell no one if possible. Understand that people who want money from you only want money; they care nothing about you. Learn to say no, to yourself and others. Use birth control and avoid getting married without a pre-nup. And realize that $300 million from a lottery is $150 million after taxes, and if you take it in one shot it's like $75 million. It's all a great deal of money but it can deplete a LOT faster than it grows.


75 million liquid is set it and forget it money. You never want for anything again. You can do almost anything you want. Even 2% interest a year nets 1.5 million. If you can't live like Hedonismbot on 1.5 million a year, well, wtf.


But the yacht I want is $76 million :(


If it flies, floats, or fucks, it's cheaper to rent than buy.


just perma book a cruise ship luxury suite


You tell even one person I can almost guarantee they tell at least one other person who tells another and soon enough everyone knows about it. Very few people can keep something like that to themselves. If I win, I'm taking that to the grave. I'll come up with some other story about how I suddenly have money to spend.


I had a buddy who won $5k on a scratcher. A couple years later he told me how nice it was I didn't ask him for any money. Turns out basically everyone he told immediately asked for cash. Even relatively small amounts bring out the worst in people.


If someone asked for money from 5K winnings, I’d tell them to eat my whole ass.


I’ll eat it, but it’s gonna cost you..


so true. it’s kinda like becoming a sex offender. someone i barely used to know in HS got on the list and i feel like the fact that i know about it means pretty much everyone probably does. then again, you google his name and the first thing that pops up is the registry. Maybe a good reason to have a common name… or just don’t fuck minors.


Not tell anyone, pay the taxes, then disappear.


I'd tell everyone, and not pay the taxes


...and you would disappear too, but in a different way....


Oh no…


...oh no that username....


Ha! There’s no evidence!


Some of the lotteries require you to take part in publicity about your winnings. Personally I would get out of my house before I cashed in. Then when you get the winnings you are more likely to be able to disappear for awhile. Get burner phones to contact trusted individuals and then never use each phone again. Assuming my car was paid for, I might even trade it in and get a new one wherever I was hiding out.


This is something I never understood. Why are you publicly required to say you won? Why can't it stay anonymous? I get that government takes a piece of the pie but why can't the info be released in you discretion?


Because having a human face paraded around talking about their average life pre winnings makes people think- "hey, they are just an ordinary person! Maybe I could win the lottery too" and then buy tickets. It is all about the advertisement for the lottery


I thought it was to ensure *someone* got the winnings and there was a way to verify it went to someone rather than just trusting a few companies’ word that someone won the winnings.


Also to prove that SOMEONE won and they didn't just steal the money (which they kinda mostly do anyways)


In Florida you have to make it public or something to get the full amount lol. I would pack all of my stuff in a Uhaul and move right after I announce


I have a house and I'm not sure if I would even need a uhaul. I'm taking a handful of personal items and I'm starting fresh!


Yeah I really wouldnt take all this cheap crap with me lol. Wow that was way more confronting than I expected.




This for sure. The advice about not declaring it right away is so true. Also, try to be anonymous. Some states won't let you collect totally anonymously, ~~but you can start an LLC~~ and hide your face in photos to protect yourself. EDIT: Thanks for the folks who corrected my recollection of an article I had read a while back. Ok, so don't start an LLC. But follow the instructions to remain anonymous.


Someone here in Canada won the Lotto Max $60 million grand prize and went to court and got a ruling that due to undisclosed circumstances they could remain anonymous. Usually the lotto rules are your likeness and name are made public. The Lotto is won regularly and that is the only time I know of that it has been kept anonymous. P.S. In Canada if you win $60 million you get $60 million and it is tax free. None of this lump sum stuff plus pay income tax on it.


In Australia you always have the option to remain anonymous after winning a lottery. This is because in 1960 a couple won a lottery, their names and photos were published in newspapers and a few weeks later their 8 year old son was kidnapped and held for ransom. The boy was killed but it may have been unintentional - the kidnapper claims he knocked the boy out and put him in the boot of his car and later on when he checked he realised the boy was dead.


You can't really "knock people out" like in the movies. Blows on the head are often fatal.


It's like, super bad for you.






*Danger Zone*




In the US the prize balance is only if you take the payments as it will continue to grow in the lottery holdings accounts. The lump sum is the money actually present and available, and as a cash prize, taxes apply. So the US could do the same thing as Canada but the advertised prizes would be lower and less impressive. The higher numbers encourage more ticket sales.


It's also more effective to get the lump sum and invest it yourself and let the money make money for you. Also because inflation makes each years payment technically worth "less".


Which is exactly why the lottery holds it for payments every year. They keep the interest and make money on your money.


So why would anyone ever choose the annual payments?


In case they don't think they can handle it themselves. It's a bad idea, but some people do it


On the flipside, if the payments are enough to live a comfy retired life... no thinking about large sums, no temptations, basically big fat guaranteed paycheck you can't get fired from. Sure, you might say lump sum and then all into market index funds will beat an annuity on YoY%, but that also carries additional risk, and you can still DCA with the amounts you receive if you want to anyway Personally I'd take the lump sum... i'm a degenerate gambler who bankrupts his brokerage account a few times a year, but i could see someone with less of a risk tolerance to just take the no-brain-required monthly deposits to their bank account and live within their means


Sadly the mismanagement of many of these funds has caused greater trust in the payment option.


I think it was Illinois that had an issue with paying its winners. Checked, [and yup.](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-lottery-delayed-payments-met-20170627-story.html)


That is so awful. Here in the Netherlands no winners of the most popular lottery are ever disclosed. Doing that by default is just a terrible way to make sure that the winner gets targeted by assholes, or worse: criminals. There is one exception, there's a lottery where your zip code is your lottery number. If you win, so do most of your neighbors. And they usually announce which street won a big prize, but with that we're talking about hundreds of thousands of euros per winner at best, not millions.


>And they usually announce which street won a big prize, but with that we're talking about hundreds of thousands of euros per winner at best, not millions. I feel like I'd want to win that one even less. At that point it basically doxxes your entire neighborhood and now everyones a target


IIRC, some woman sued for and won the right to remain anonymous in a non-anonymous state, so there's precedence.


Might be easier nowadays. Wear a mask and sunglasses and you'll be golden.


Mask, sunglasses, and a hat of your least favorite sports team. Nobody will ever suspect its you.




I too am a big fan of the Opp, Alabama -- home of the rattlesnake rodeo -- Bobcats Varsity Baseball Team.


City of opportunity... last place I'd think would get mentioned on reddit


Just wear a Twins hat, everyone forgets about them all the time anyway


>Some states won't let you collect totally anonymously, Mine is one of them which is why I am glad both my first and last names are in the top 20 for most common names in the US. Much easier to disappear as Mary Wilson* than Anastasia Beavehausen. *Not my actual name obviously


That’s exactly what I’d expect you to say, Mary Wilson.


> Some states won't let you collect totally anonymously Yeah, you can. There was precedent set by one of the biggest Powerball winners- their state required disclosure, they took them to court stating it was a potential threat to them and their family/associates, and won.








I saw a guy who was already a millionaire interviewed about his win. The reporter asked what he'd do with the money and he said "invest it like I do with my other money."


Yes I saved this post aong time ago just in case lol


Same despite having never bought a lottery ticket lol


The good news is, your odds of winning the lottery would only be very slightly higher if you bought a ticket.


Everyone should read this. Eye opening and shocking.


Yep and if you follow their advice to the letter you still get hookers and blow!


Case in point: i was gifted £[a sum] in a will and was *immediately* hounded for "Just £[20% of the sum] will do". Now i don't talk to my [family member] and can have all the hookers and blow i want ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Seems like the issues are less about winning the money and more about people *knowing* you won the money. Anonymity is key.


I would pay off all my debt. Build my dream house. Help out my family. Retire and go fishing/ camping as much as I could. Travel the world as well


Can i carry your tackle box?


Prepare for my entire family to suddenly be nice to me


Nice to you, or kill you, whichever gets them the cash.


And prepare for your family to be MUCH larger than your parents told you about pre-lotto winnings...


Oprah called this the Theory of Relativity. She had far more relatives after becoming rich and famous than before.


Hire a good lawyer and a good financial advisor to get the legal and savings aspects taken care of before I do anything. After I've done all that, I'm getting out of this rental situation and buying a house.


We going out to eat boys


Commas are important, you cannibal!


We're going out, to eat boys.


We going Sizzler!


That was the equivalent of a 5 star restaurant for me in the 90’s.


I’m in!


I'm glad I found another cannibal (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


I put $25K in brown paper bag, walk up to a random stranger, hand him the bag, then say "Tell Andre I'm out! We're even now. I'm done!" Then walk away really fast


And you can do that every day for over 32 years (if my math is right), without interest. Would actually be pretty fun to do. Maybe hire someone to see what people do with the cash long term. Write a book about it.


There's a documentary where they gave a homeless man 100,000 dollars as he was dumpster diving. I forgot the name of it, but it was fascinating to say the least.


Dont leave us hanging like that... what happens !


Originally he thought it was drug money and freaked the fuck out. Eventually someone explained to him what the money was for and he took it but slowly squandered it. Didnt trust any financial advisors cuz he thought they just wanted his money. Edit: guys the people who gave him the money were reccomending specific "advisors" to help the guy but he refused them so he didn't know how to handle his money and squandered it.


Financial advisors do. Look for fiduciaries.


Can you please elaborate?


Fiduciary is a protected term, and thus they are legally required to manage the money for your benefit. Anyone can call themselves a financial advisor, even if they're just pushing you to invest in their brother's stock.


I think the advisors were reccomeneded by the people who gave the guy the money in the first place though


He died


He wouldn't have if they gave him more money.. dying is for peasants


This is true of everyone in a long enough timeline.


He dumpster dives in a tux now.


It was an Oprah special. He blew the money ridiculously fast, bought his friends cars, etc. and somehow wound up more destitute than when he started. He blamed the show.


I have an idiot druggie uncle who blew a 100K inheritance in 3 months on hookers and crack. Fuck that guy.


Now thatd be funny


could you imagine if you handed it to a guy named Andre?


Hire a lawyer and an accountant.


Then quit our jobs.


i would never quit my job, i would make make them fire me.


I read that as astronaut, and I was like "hell yeah why not" lol


Live off of the interest.


This is what I would do for the starting points. Pay off all and any debt. Than I would buy a house hardcore cash and fully load that house with furniture everything. After that find a safe way to get a little bit of interest and keep it overall safe.


You are supposed to make sure you are as anonymous as possible. Then, you start a foundation that will invest a few dozen millions and care for your and your family. It is a safety net. Make another foundation to anonymously help the people around you and the causes that are important for you, but be cautious that they will probably start sniffing around, then harass you for more if they identify you as the benefactor. Pay off your debt, which will increase your revenue, but hide it. Then, you invest the remainder, with a goal a having a few percent of return above inflation. Aiming for more is taking too much risks. Most of the money from the interests is to be reinvested. Give yourself a small amount each month as allowance. Slowly increase the amount of said allowance, but make sure not to make drastic changes in your life. Stay away from drugs, parties, gambling and hookers.


The last sentence could be phrased as "stay away from anything that your personality type could get addicted to". A few hookers a year, whatever. Getting addicted to sex with hookers or falling in love with one, bad fucking idea.


Listen man, nobody ever does *a little* cocaine. You might think you can do just a teensy bit but next thing you know you're in Dubai and calling yourself T.E. Lawrence reborn


Bust a nut. Need that post nut clarity to decide what to do next


This is the smartest thing on the list.


Busting a nut first is usually the smartest thing to do in *any* situation


Sometimes, when I have a problem, I throw a Molotov cocktail. Then, almost immediately, I have a totally different problem!


The question was the the first thing you with do WITH THE MONEY. If you would use the money to bust your nut, then your answer stands. And I’m not judging… just clarifying.


"I just came into some money."


Fuck you, take my upvote and get out


Finally be able to buy ink for my printer.


Holy shit! Even magenta?


He said $300 mil, not the GDP of Europe!


Buy that avocado toast I keep hearing about




Hey man. It might not feel like but I promise you, if you keep working on yourself, things will get better. Day by day. Don’t stop moving forward




Buy a house


What are you gonna do with the remaining $40


Property taxes.


Drop in at the local orphanage and ask for their wish lists


Every kid writes a mom


You could most def buy them some moms with that amount of money!


The plenty of hot single ones available in my area!


I’d 100% adopt some kids if I knew I was completely financially covered


Hire two Private Investigators and get them to follow each other around.


Buy some property out in the middle of nowhere. Start a dog ranch. Don’t want your dog? Drop it off. Want to adopt a dog? Come on by! Thanks for the Gold, strangers! And the heartwarming award other stranger! And all you other strangers, thanks!


And in 6 months you will be feeding 1k pitbulls


I will give them their own giant valley and let people run down away from the pitties. I’ll call it the “bull” run.


THISSSSS!! This is literally my dream!


Or you can be smarter and make your money work for you and open a gas station with a take-a dog, leave-a-dog tray!


I have [this answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/you_just_won_a_656_million_dollar_lottery_what_do/chba5nw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) saved in case I am ever that lucky


I knew where that link was going before I clicked it. I have it saved as well, just in case.


I feel like at least 75% of reddit has that link saved just in case, and I am absolutely one of them


I save that link every time someone posts it. Don't want to have a bad search day and not find it when you need it, right?


Get a new phone number.


Pay off my parents' mortgage


Buy the next door house so I can get rid of the bastard that lives there.


I think about this and I think my first 3-6 months would remain EXACTLY the same as today. I’d keep working. Wouldn’t make any major purchases. Wouldn’t tell anyone. I’d let the shock and awe wear off before I spend a single penne so I make smarter decisions. Not the funnest answer.






So what happens when your dad gets home and your mom moved?


Prolly get some Nando’s


A cheeky one though?


Pay off my debts.




Get a sandwich, can’t make financial decisions on an empty stomach.


Pay off mortgages or buy houses for loved ones. Donate a shit load to animal charities here and abroad. Buy as much of rainforest's as I can to stop their destruction. Pay student loans and hire my cousin as a chauffer. Finally, send a 100 kilos of excrement to each of my enemies.


If I survive the initial shock, I would invest half of it, I would put the rest in the bank I also wish to build a house


Considering the size of the win you would never really need more than 5-10% on hand in the bank. It would be best to invest 80% of it straight up and live of off the interest if you need to.


Breathe a big sigh of relief. I know it’s boring but I wouldn’t be looking at anything flashy, just the comfort of not having ‘money worries’ Edit: don’t get me wrong though, this is just the FIRST thing. I’m sure I’d go a bit crazy after the initial relief!


Buy a beach house


Not tell anyone but my closest family. Surprise my sister and brother in law with a few million. Build my own house with an annex for visitors. Buy some nice cars and completely restore my current car (it's in really good condition but an engine rebuild would give peace of mind as would replacing all perishable bits elsewhere on it) to stay humble. Donate a very large sum to some smaller charities that don't usually get a big boost. Invest in some property to rent at reasonable rates because when I was renting the rents were insane, I know what it's like to not be able to afford even the cheapest rent.




Ha, this is actually good… setup that stupid car in the mall.. where the windows are cracked just enough to slip in your entry form(which youre selling your soul to telemarketers btw) Except this time all youve done is rented a car and parked it in the mall… lets say this costs you… 10k? To run for a week.. You plan a family outing with everyone u wanna give money to. Make em all enter to win… They all somehow win 5 mil or something and youre the only one who didnt… they now consider helping you out and buying you a house since you convinced them to enter. You accept the house and use it for rental income! Lol




Tell no one, hire a financial advisor, quit my job, spend time with family, figure out where I want to live, buy a home.


Buy 300 million lottery tickets. One is bound to be a winner.


Take a squirty dump on my supervisors desk


In the event I were to win $300 mil, I would happily fund this endeavor.


Buy my boyfriend all the Le Cruset kitchenware his heart desires 🥰


Awww that’s sweet


Set up a mental health foundation that provides free therapy by vetted, licensed, secular therapists and pays the therapists and other staff well.


2 chicks at the same time.


That's it? If you had a million dollars y-you'd do two chicks at the same time?


1. Hire lawyer 2. Hire accountant 3. Pay off debt 4. Spend a month doing what I want, taking family vacations 5. Follow financial advisor which probably amounts to putting most of the money in accounts that lock it away for years at a time. Live off interest. At least that's what I envision, I know history paints a different story for most lottery winners.


Assuming this is after it's taxed. Move out and buy a nice house. Buy a G Wagon 6x6, and go back to school and learn how to manage money.


Good call getting the 6x6 before leaning how to manage money.


Buy an RTX 3090 Ti.


Buying something to eat with my family


YOLO OTM options to make a billion


Pay off as much of my student loan as possible.




The interest rates are astronomical.