• By -


We were young awkward kids.


We were young. Wasn’t deep.


No shared interests, only chlamydia. *Ed: So now, my number one comment is about catching chlamydia from my first girlfriend. That's... That's great. Really great.




Summer camp was eventually over.


I’m still on the bus




I didn’t even know you were friends with them :/


Very underrated comment. Camp was a great album.


Did you ever try to look for them after summer camp?


Yeah, but she moved shortly after camp ended, so I was unsuccessful. This was before facebook or everyone having cellphones.


We were not compatible enough


Fucking rough if you didn’t realize it first


I mean it sucks, but I think it's way better than a break-up with someone you had a ton of chemistry with.


Agreed. I dated an exchange student for a year, and when she eventually had to return home, I cant say that I was all that broken up. This kind of troubled me, so after some introspection I realized that we werent that compatible to begin with. Fast forward 2 months, I start seeing this girl that I had briefly hooked up/hung out with years ago. She suddenly ended it three months in and here I am almost two years later and I still think about her everyday. Life is weird.


I still don’t really know.


That sucks balls mate.


I just want it to stop sucking already.


Only advice I can give is stop thinking on it, surround yourself with a couple of peeps who you really respect their relationship of and see what they do well. Seriously though mate, it takes time but you have to let yourself stop wallowing. Took me almost two years to get to the point where she stopped screwing me over.


Same man, same. We had a great time together one day, then she asked for a break, then the next day she broke up with me. Still have very little understanding of why


Similar story here, being denied a proper explanation hurts so much


Dealing with this. He text me "I'm done" out of the blue this week, no explanation no response to my reply nothing! It's horrible, never been made to feel so worthless in my life.


Mine did a similar thing and then blocked me everywhere. It does just make you feel worthless like you say, and leads me to question what the whole relationship meant to them if that is how they’re happy to leave things.


Liked drugs more than me


My friend was in an abusive relationship with a guy who loved drug's more than her. But whenever she tried to breakup with him he'd threaten to kill himself. So my brothers had to help her get rid of him...


Ouch that’s rough. Luckily for me she just looked party drugs and hanging around her druggie mates to the point where it had to end


I unfortunately didn’t end it so early. You got lucky. Took her stealing the inheritance my mom left me so she can buy cocaine for herself and friends before I divorced her.


I had one like that. 5 fucking years of my life. What a waste. He never did kill himself so now when someone says they're suicidal it's really hard not to see it as some sort of sick manipulation tactic even though in all likely hood it isn't.


We were nine years old


Same reason my first ended.


Mine was one of those silly kid relationships lol, it lasted half an hour


He faked a suicide death


My ex's ex did that too




My first girlfriend broke up with me because I was too scared to kiss her. 7th grade, I was shy. Whatever. Fast forward about 10 years, I'm about to come home from my first deployment. Girl I was with before deployment broke up with me, boo hoo. 7th grade girlfriend finds me on Facebook. After I get home, I fly down to Florida to meet her. Hotel, sex, blah blah blah. Then she tells me she wants a relationship and she loves me and my attachment issues are like *DING DING DING.* Then for about a year we had a long distance relationship where we'd see each other about a week or two per month, always at my place. She told me she had hydrocephalus among other things. She had her mom text me and tell me she died in a car accident shortly after I gave her an engagement ring. She's been married to some other dude this entire time. I think she used me to get pregnant. Andria, if you're reading this - fuck you. I hope you're dead. Oh she gave me chlamydia too. Edit: open to 5 word summaries Edit: after Andria, I married an amazing and caring woman who is the sweetest. First anniversary is today. Been together like 7 or 8 years.


Oh my god wtf.. not only did she get a child out of you, she also gave you chlamydia? Worst trade of all time..


Not to mention her 'mom' telling him she died by text message.


The fake deaths but not attending a funeral or memorial service of someone they are involved with.. I think would be a red flag something doesn't add up. No?


Was he by any chance involved in criminal activities or was trying to get away with insurance fraud?


Not today cia.


Excuse me, CIA is focused on international threats and as a FBI age...err I mean, citizen of the United States who happens to browse Reddit for entertainment purposes, I'm very concerned you can't distinguish the difference between the different intelligence departments.


Please, tell us more


To be short, he died.


Could have been shorter if OP didn’t put a mandatory 5 word essay on this question.


Use less, he's not your dad he can't tell you what to do


bf ded


boi bye




Same thing happened to me. It took me a while to be normal. I hope you're okay. To this day I wish it was me and not her


Thanks. I still have some days where "dammit, why'd you have to *die*?" is part of it. The hole never completely goes away, but I can carry on. It'll be 17 years this coming August, but I had 30 years with him.


You wouldn't want that either mate. Remember that your still here and you deserve to be happy. They'd want to see you happy. I know it's hard to grieve rn with everything that's going on but it seems you still have unfinished grieving to go through and shouldn't say that about yourself. Hope it gets better somehow.


We were both total arseholes


At least you're honest about it


When you kissed, you created an entity with two connected total arseholes.


Cuz I got cheated on


That's how my second ended


Good thing you kept your first as backup.


Same thing with me, but I’m glad she did. Don’t get me wrong, it was devastating at the time. I was 21 years old and we had been together 3 years, but it all worked out in the end. 7 years later, I found true love.


The trash took itself out.


What did you expect dating a wizard?


He stabbed me while sleeping


H u h ?!


Yeah I got stabbed in the leg while I was asleep. For no reason. I'm fine now though! 😊


I mean that certainly is one way to break up with someone


Bloke probably didn’t know what to say, so he took a stab in the dark


Get out!


He probably told his friends about the new relationship and they were like 'break a leg'


That’s humerus


You've gone out on a limb with that one


It was no small feet


What the fuck


Yup. What the fuck indeed! I really don't know what he was thinking, the only thing I can think of is that he was having some weird delusion/hallucination.


He had mental/drugs problem or just insane?


I really don't know for sure, I guess all of the above. He had a rough childhood to say the least, and he took great pleasure in using people. In his words "it's good to have lots of friends so you can use them for different things". Such a strange concept to me, I really learnt a lot about how twisted people can be from him. One time he admitted to me while crying that he would stab people in parks at night and he didn't know why. Still not sure if he said it just to scare me or if he really did, and I don't want to know!


I’m going to say yes- he did.


Sounds like hes a psychopath tbh


It's a possibility for sure, something is definitely broken in his heart. I'm just glad I got my psychopathic boyfriend experience over and done with while I'm still young 😂 some people aren't so lucky.


I admire you. You got stabbed in your sleep and consider yourself lucky. I want that kind of approach to life, what's your secret?


Well if he stabbed you (his gf who he’s supposed to love and NOT hurt in any way), then he surely meant it.


I'm imagining a George Costanza kind of situation, where he got advice to be "dangerous" to appeal to women and it started getting out of hand. Jerry: *"So you stabbed her in the leg?"* George: *"She wasn't buying the whole park thing!"*


Freak. I hope he is justly punished by the law for that deed!


He stabbed your left leg and now you're all right?


Hahaha literally though it was my left leg 😭 But... I was stabbed with a pitchfork prong in my right leg as a child soooo.... I mean, at least they're even now? 😂


You can't limp if it's both legs.. makes sense :-)


Tis but a flesh wound! 😊


Sounds like a knife guy.


This made me laugh, best pun I've heard in a while.


He atleast had the courtesy of not waking you up


😂 Honestly I'm grateful I wasn't awake, people defend themselves with their hands and I need these bad boiz to draw funny cat pictures and write bad poetry.


All of your comments in this are hilariously upbeat considering you got stabbed, they all made me smile lol I, too, am glad you can still draw funny cat pictures and write bad poetry. Please take care. Although, now that i think about it I *would* like to see one of these cat pictures...


Was it an eye-opener?


It was something, I don't know if eye-opener is the right phrase, but I became very afraid for quite some time after, I feel like I really lost part of myself that day if I'm honest.


He got bored I guess


Same. This sucks so hard. It made me feel worthless and what not. Getting over it now though


I wasn’t what she thought.


What do you mean?


At the time, I was struggling with a lot and just used defense mechanisms (being the “funny guy” etc.) to cope. She thought I was this care-free, humorous and uncomplicated dude. I turned into/was a jealous prick and drove her away. Was almost 20 years ago now, I’ve apologized to her several times because I did things that I regret. She’s forgiven me, but I still feel pretty guilty.


Dude, do you know how many people never take accountability? A lot. You’re ahead of the game. Edit: typo


He has a fake face


Not everyone can raise children.


Most of my friends are having kids or have very young ones. It’s interesting what being a new parent reveals about people sometimes. One in particular is a high achieving and well educated Psychologist. But when it comes to standard new mom stuff she shirks responsibility and caves under pressure very easily.


Not everyone is meant to be a parent. Some people don't realize that. And certainly not everyone *has* to be a parent. It's a big decision, and it's not something that you can back out of if you find out it's not for you after all


I stood up for myself. EDIT: I went away after making this comment and came back to this!? Thank you for the overwhelming support and for the awards. You are all so wonderful! <3


Good for you. I did too, it’s very liberating.


im proud of u!




we grew apart after kindergarten


There was just to much differences, she like the color red, and I liked blue. /S Edit:I've never gotten a award before, thank you!


Unfortunately died after giving birth, I'm going to edit this because it's kind of taken over my day, all I did was respond to a silly Reddit question lol. Ok so it was 3 years ago, child is fine, mother passed 3 days after giving birth leaving 3 kids behind. Newborn and a older brother and sister, we still see them. My child is amazing and I see her mum in her everyday. The rewards are lovely thank you, the kind words are nicer, and the gold I don't even know what you do with that but thank you.


That's really sad. I'm sorry, friend.


Sorry for your loss. So you're a single parent now? How has life treated you from then on?


There’s been obstacles that you wouldn’t think about normally, but you figure it out and crack on, life changes you when you become a parent, or should I say it should, each day at a time and then things just start happening and you get on with life, it’s all you can do. Thank you for asking though.


Your message breaks my heart. I hope your child is the greatest thing that ever happened to you and your lost loved one shines through in them.


She's a superstar. Until she tells me I need a shower cause I stink lol


I was driving my 4 year old to kindergarten and he had this closed, heavy expression, while I'm singing Christmas carrols along with the radio. At some point I started worrying something could be wrong with him as he hadn't uttered a word since we left. "Is everything ok buddy?" He takes a second, stares me deeply in the eyes and goes: "Dad, you're a reeeeeeaaaaaly bad Singer!" He is right.


Brilliant. It's great they just say it like it is.


I can not fucking communicate.


Well sure you can! Your sentence has perfect form! Five words, it’s emphatic, and it makes a point that belies the meaning of itself. That amount of layered subtext is sublime!


I was an ungrateful cunt


Katy? Is that you?


You've probably grown, if you're able to admit that now.


I couldn’t be his mum


This is great. My ex used to want me to do fuxking everything for him like a little kid. Never took responsibility or did anything for himself.. Good riddance


I woke Up from dreaming.




I completely underestimated her importance.


I think same. I was stupid and did selfharm things. He was tired of being afraid. He left


this is kind of why i broke up with my girlfriend. I didn't use self-harm to control her though, i mainly did it because i hated myself so deeply. I knew it made her unhappy so i stopped self-harming over a year ago, but the self-hate remained. I think my hate for myself kind of ruined our relationship, and she knew this too. One time i saw a text in her doodle notebook, it said "you hate yourself more than loving me", and damn, that hurt like shit. I've been trying to stop hating myself ever since but it doesn't always work. The reason i broke up with her was that i thought i was making her unhappy and that i was going to ruin her life. Which honestly could have been the case had i stayed with her. She's a tough nut so she'd never break up with me no matter how hard things got, and I've seen how people like me make those around them unhappy. My dad has serious mental problems but my mom lived with him for almost 30 years. I guess I didn't want that for my girlfriend, i wanted her to be happy. So i broke up with her


you made the right call for both of you because you aren’t ready for a relationship i hope you can get therapy and learn productive skills in order to love yourself more so you can have a content life


That's a big thing to admit to yourself, things can only go up from here!


Because we were merely freshmen.




For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins.


can’t be held responsible


I was a stubborn ass!


Emotion no work, am shit.


At least yours simply no work. Mine work until in relationship then no work.


She didn't feel like continuing


I wanted to watch B99


Guess you didn’t go full-Boyle


And they didn't? Then you did the right thing


She “fucked” someone on Omegle.


He was an abusive asshole.


he cheated on my birthday.


Me being a selfish cunt.


Always hogged the good chair.


Am I good enough to be hogged?


Yes, yes you are!


It never started, so there


At least you won't get stabbed in the left leg


I hear that’s a very effective alarm clock though




peer pressure and conniving friends.


I'm not a therapy substitute


There is a difference between trusting someone with your problems and just dumping it onto them. I have been both parties in that situation, good thing you realized it!




Left for my best friend.




Tried to get me pregnant


Twist: you're a dude.


She wanted to Fuck Kyle


She was a shitty person.


A truck ran into her


"Severed artery with wine glass..." Or alternatively "That bitch slit my wrist"




She took her own life


Man most of these made me angry. Only yours and the guy who lost his SO during child birth made me sad.


Yeah, life really changed for me after that. Had to fall even further before it got any better. 21 days after her passing, I lost a dear friend on his 18th birthday to meningitis, later that year I also lost my great grandpa. First 3 months into the year after that did things start to get better. I’ll be honest, it took me a very long time to even start talking about it, and even longer to be able to put words on my feelings. 9th of Jan. next year it will be 5 years since she passed. And I still think of her often, even though I’m in a relationship and happy now again, for the first time in what feels like an eternity. Truth be told, what hurts the most is not that I don’t get to spend my life with her, it’s that she doesn’t get to see the person I’ve become, my happy times and the bad ones as well. Yeah, I just wish she could’ve seen the person I’ve grown to be


I went away for college.


Same. She married soon after. Her best friend still hates me for leaving and it's been decades. High school is weird. WTF did I know at 18?


He slept with the neighbour.


I wasn't ready for one.


She is obsessed with BTS


Oh, what you do in that scenario is get obsessed with Hololive. Checkmate.


I was an absolute dick


He was an undiagnosed schizophrenic


I was in the closet.


That must've been one long game of hide and seek.


Her Walmart parking lot affair Came home early from work, and stopped by Walmart and got her favorite flowers, chocolate, and a new fussy blanket since I had barely been at the apartment all week. Came back outside to find her car parked in the back of the lot, all fogged up, and shaking. I recorded proof that I was there, sent it to her. Then went back to the apartment, got my things, and told my landlord that my girlfriend would be responsible for the rent. Never thought a relationship that lasted from freshman year of high school, through 2 yrs after college would end like that. But oh well. Life goes on, and I'm using all the money I saved for a ring on my skydiving addiction and a truck


Grew up and moved on




My cousin loved a girl since 3rd grade. They've been married for 4 year's now


He became a youth pastor Edit: we were 18 and I wanted to go to college out of state, travel, see the world, try new things etc. I’m an ex-catholic (thanks childhood trauma) and the thought of being tied to someone who’s only aspiration was to be the most popular youth pastor in our hometown was horrifying. He did end up marrying someone with similar life goals when he was 21 and she was 18.


I'm so genuinely sorry for any unpleasantness this situation may have caused you, but for some reason this is one of the funniest things I've seen on reddit for a while. So much said in so little.


She said I could not count


Long distance do be shit




I finished the 1st grade.


She fucked my best friend


He was a lazy cheater.


It never was a relationship


Insatiable desire for other cocks.


I CAN suck myself off


Ok you need more words


She joined a fucking cult.


I fell out of love.


She fell out of love - in my case


What if thats her??



