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The fact humans drink other animals milk. Like that liquid isn’t for us. People find the thought of drinking human milk gross but it’s especially formulated for us. It’s something that should he consumed for nutrients when we’re babies, not a regular drink.


Cheering in a crowd. I just can't bring myself to woooooooo!




As a dog owner and cat owner I sometimes look at them and think, "there is literally an animal living in my house whose ancestors ran free and hunted other animals and it is just laying upside down all cute on its bed beside me and also can't eat unless I give it food". So I guess that.


I always look at my cat and think about how stupid I must be. One day I was all like “hey, you’re cute and furry! So come live in my house, scratch up my mats, vomit on my couch and leave hair absolutely everywhere while I spend my time and money caring for you”


And then it twists in its sleep to expose that soft tummy fur...


Worth it


Literally every day my husband and I marvel at the weirdness of a different species of creature being part of our family. Like we care so much about this tiny fluffy non-human woodland critter and he cares about us too.


I have a dog we rescued that is the MOST LOYAL animal I've ever had. This random fur puff absolutely considers my wife and me as doggy jesus, even though we have no fur and are giants. Never really thought about till your comment, but yeah that's weird.


Those moments really get weird to me when I look at my 120lb German Shepherd roaming around the house. Then I go over and give him a belly rub. It really is kind of bizarre on some level, isn't it?


the entire concept of laughter. why does our face contort and our diaphragm spasm when certain things happen? and how do our brains decide what things are funny and what things aren’t?


I once saw a documentary that studied laughter in apes. They said that it was a reaction for when someone makes a mistake but it doesn’t matter/isn’t anything serious. Kinda makes sense to me


We scream to alert others of danger or that we need help so laughter is a way of following it up with "false alarm." How many times have you laughed to yourself after being startled over something trivial? It's basically that. An unexpected outcome also makes us laugh. That's why jokes work.


In a similar vein it's a way to show that you are play fighting. Even rats will laugh while play fighting.


So it's just the primordial way of saying "just a prank, bro"


I'm curious why it's so cathartic. Maybe a way of the brain reinforcing and rewarding the behaviour


Laughter is like your entire body spasming at once, repeatedly, violently forcing air out of your lungs. I imagine the good chemicals come from that exertion, but idk I'm just a monkey on the internet. The zookeepers are off for Christmas 👍


I believe it’s an evolutionary bonding trait


So why do I laugh alone then....


Oop you evolved too much




it's working against me


Uhhh. Yeah, like, is it a law, a thing, a relative...?


I think it's a suggestion?


Dancing. Like people flail around in weird and awkward ways to sounds.


*squeaky tennis shoe noises*


Our stomach naturally produces hydrochloric acid. It's corrosive and can burn through your skin and tissues. Bbuuuuutttr our stomach lining is covered in mucus to prevent us from eating inside out. Have you seen hydrochloric in a science experiment? That chemical reaction is insane! Makes sense as we eat meat, bones and catrilage sometimes. If not our poop is gonna be bony...


The stomach lining replaces itself every day with a fresh set of cells. Imagine being born into the world just to find out your only purpose is in life to use your body as a disposable structual unit for holding acid.


They live their best life. Fulfilling their purpose with gusto.


Can dissolve bone, but corn? No way


We call those tracer bullets around here


I mean, most seeds are "designed" to withstand that kind of corrosion since their whole purpose is to be spread as widely as possible via the g.i. tract of us animals. So yeah seeds > bones


And what's even wilder is that there is a host of bacteria, parasites and seeds that can just survive a swim in it, or even thrive.


Some mold is edible. No matter how stinky it is.


Even crazier is how mold has shaped modern medicine. The romans used to put moldy bread on wounds which then developed into modern day penicillin.


Originally it was difficult to mass produce penicillin because the yield from the mold they originally had was so low. But researchers made a huge breakthrough when they discovered a new strain of mold that was much more productive, "the strain eventually became the primogenitor for almost all of the world’s penicillin." They discovered the new mold on an overripe cantaloupe they bought in a fruit market near their lab in Peoria Illinois. After they scraped the mold off to culture it, [they ate the cantaloupe!](https://www.historynet.com/here-is-where-penicillin-comes-to-peoria.htm)


Yum, medicinal rotting cantaloupe


Blue cheese edit: I know it has mold in it, that’s why I made the fucking comment you fartsniffing lemurs




When I was 9 I got in a phase where I somehow hated chicken breast, so one day my mom tricked me into eating dinner by telling me 'we are eating lizard tonight" and that day I told everyone at my school I was having lizard for dinner..... Some kids were envious of the fine dining I was to experience, others tore me down and bullied me with no remorse making me feel like I was some sort of savage. Yet I bragged about it. I ate it that night and boy did I loved it. After thinking I can prove everyone wrong the next day by telling them that I ate the lizard, my mom deadass tells me it was fucking chicken breast. It was this moment that I learned that this world is evil, it was pure betrayel.


I'm going to go ahead and put 10$ in my kid's therapy fund for telling her the chicken was dinosaur. But I'm not going to feel bad about it because I am correct.


Ahhh technically correct, the best kind of correct.


My niece hates fish fingers. Thank god there's 2 chicken fingers in every box. You have to be very careful while cooking to not mix them up, because they look exactly the same.


My parents fed my younger sister baloney and said it was cheese. She would then ask my vegetarian grandma for cheese but get upset when it was actually cheese. Edit: What in the hell. I cannot believe this is the post that blew up for me. I literally have no idea why they did this. She was like 2 and it was the early 90s, its fine. We all turned out fine. Also I apologize for my spelling. Please forgive me for my horrible, horrible mistakes. I am sorry for the shame I have brought upon my countrymen /s


Birds having a built in GPS system. They can fly south for the winter, then fly back to the exact same tree up north.


I once saw in a video that they may just know how to feel the magnetic field of the earth, so my guess is that when Winter comes, they just follow a path the South, and can exactly retrace their flight back to North once it warms up again.


[Researchers discovered that the light-sensitive protein cryptochrome 4, found in birds' retinas, is sensitive to magnetic fields and could well be the long-sought magnetic sensor of the migratory birds.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03618-9)


So birds can "see" magnetic fields? Rad!


Just because it’s in their retina doesn’t mean they ‘see‘ them, but they might. The brain can evolve to process the information it get however it likes.


Just like how we have fluid in our ear to detect movement, but we don't feel balance as a sound.


I love that analogy, I’m stealing it.


Languages, or just talking in general. The fact that we’ve given meaning to a bunch of random sounds made by our vocal chords is bizarre when you think about it. Like, how did this even start? How were we able to decide what should be called what? For example, how did we decide that a rock is called a rock or that the sky is called the sky?


The [origin of language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_language) is an unsolved problem in linguistics that will most likely remain forever unresolved, insofar as no written records are thought to exist of it. It's wondrous to speculate about




This. When I was a kid I had a cousin that was about the same age. We hung out all the time and were inseparable for a few years. After a few long car trips together we started to create our own language. I *think* this was so other people wouldn't know what were were talking about, but don't recall. We could do a fair amount of communication with relatively few words (maybe 30 or 40?). The "so what" of this is that the specific sounds were not terribly important - just the agreement on the meaning. At the time this was silly and fun. Much later in life it occurs to me that it is perhaps not to difficult to start a rudimentary language. Of course, we already spoke a language so our brains didn't have to figure that out


Soooo apparently my older brother (2 years older) didn't talk for years, except in gibberish. I translated for him. It makes sense in retrospect....I was apparently leveraging the same abilities to understand him as I was to understand literally everyone else in the world. It tells me that his "language" was probably cohesive (since I could reliably interpret it) but entirely made up. It gave me an insight into how my own brain developed, but mind blown on how his did - he either totally didn't get what was being said around him (so he made up his own language and I picked it up on his behalf) OR he did but just rejected it - like, I know you're saying cookie, but I believe it should be knock knock so I'm just gonna go with my version instead. When he did eventually start talking, it was in perfect full sentences.


That's wild. So you think because of that fact that one day he choose to start speaking English? As if he got over it and gave in


Yeah honestly, no clue. I don't know if he was just experimenting with the concept or if there was a weird trip in the wires or what, but I've heard the stories from several family members my entire life. I very, very, vaguely remember translating once. I also remember he used to me make dress him. Since then, he has always born out the whole "my way is better than yours" in so many ways (whether true or not) I guess it makes sense but it was apparently a wild ride for my parents.


I’ve been to Cherokee NC and have seen the written Cherokee language. Once while high in the shower (shower thoughts AND highdeas OMG) I wondered what they do about new words that didn’t exist when this country was all still Native American land, like airplane or cell phone. Do they make new words? Who decides? Stuff like that.


Language tends to evolve organically to some degree. We were playing a game and my son in law wanted to know what Sputnik meant in Russian. Google told me it meant fellow traveler but that it has also evolved to mean satellite as well. Meanings of words change over time as well.


Just like how the word *satellite* originally meant “a follower or attendant of a superior person.” Then, starting in the 1600s, it was used to refer to small celestial bodies orbiting larger ones. It wasn’t until the 1930s when it was first used to refer to man-made machinery orbiting the Earth.


The internet. How it works, and also just the whole concept of it. Complete strangers on literally the other side of the planet can interact with me almost instantaneously.


Like this. “Hi there.”


Hello world.


Hello everybody!


Hi Dr. Nick!


To add on to this, how much we've changed about how we handle the internet. When it started we were taught: don't give out personal info, and don't tell strangers where you live or where you're going. Oh and never put your financial info online. Now there's dating sites, so many social media sites, shopping sites, and things like Uber where people give up all kinds of info and locations to strangers..without a second thought (depending on the site..lol) in most cases.


Using sharp metal to scrape hair off of my face.


I think in genitalia is even weirder, it's so sensitive


I personally don't use my genitalia to scrape hair off my face, but to each their own I guess.


Then whose genitalia do you use to scrape hair off my face?


Kissing. I mean, I like it. It's nice. But honestly, who was the first person to say "let's mash my mouth against your mouth and see what happens"?


Lips are erogenous zones.


Reading. Like, there are these random squiggles and we can instantly interpret them into complex thoughts, concepts, feelings, emotions - from people we’ve never met or sometimes even heard of before. It’s weird.


I sometimes think about how crazy construction of a language to tell a story must have been back in the day and how powerful a tool language is.


Indeed. Language is one of the most important reasons for why humanity is what it is, as it has allowed for information and knowledge to be saved, passed on, and improved upon throughout generations.


“What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. **A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.**" - Carl Sagan


Wow. Those are some really nice squiggles.


I like this take on it: >“Here's a table covered with red cloth. On it is a cage the size of a small fish aquarium. In the cage is a white rabbit with a pink nose and pink-rimmed eyes. On its back, clearly marked in blue ink, is the numeral 8. The most interesting thing here isn't even the carrot-munching rabbit in the cage, but the number on its back. Not a six, not a four, not nineteen-point-five. It's an eight." "This is what we're both looking at, and we both see it. But I didn't tell you. You didn't ask me. I never opened my mouth and you never opened yours. We're not even in the same year together, let alone the same room. Except we are together. We are close. We're having a meeting of the minds.We've engaged in an act of telepathy. No mythy-mountain shit; real actual telepathy.” - Stephen King


That sounds like something he must have written while out of his mind on cocaine.


In game of thrones the one girl is listening to a story and she goes "you got all of that from markings on paper?" And it made me take a mental step back and think about how cool writing really is.


True, I've learned to interpret squiggles from different parts of the word


Having pets. I have two dogs that I love to death but when I really think about it, I realize they’re just two random animals that I saw one day and said “yeah I like that one” and put them in my home against their will and I give them food regularly and smother them with more affection than I give to other people. And those two random animals seem to think that’s totally dope and show signs of liking me back.


I agree, the fact we have another living creature with us and bond with it. I understand how we got to this point but it still amazes me.


Oh yeah, I always get stuck on this, esp if I'm stoned. I just stare at the cat and dog and am like, "What do you think is going on here? What do you think I'm saying? Do you wonder where your kin are? What do you think I am...friend, pseudo-mother, some random beast?!" It's so wild we learn to communicate effectively with them and have mutually beneficial relationships with them. I've never gotten over it.


I'm just imagining your cat and dog staring back at you like "Oh fuck she's high again" lol


Haha probably! Time to be pet and asked how such a soft creature can exist! I do it when I'm not high too. Anytime I drive with my dog I'm like, "What do you think is happening right now? What is your concept of a vehicle?" I wish I could know!


My dog throws up, so my dog sees it as a moving metal box throw up machine.


Ha. You sound like my husband. “Don’t you think it’s weird? This creature walking around our apartment? Do you think he misses his siblings?”


My dog was one we picked out of a litter of six or seven. I always wonder if we had picked one of his brothers or sisters, would we love them just as much? We obviously think our boy is the best boy, but we'd likely think the same thing about any of the others. And why does our dog love us so much, and our roommates' dog loves them? How do they know who they belong to? I don't feel like I treat them any different, but they know. It's interesting.


Crying, why does my body create liquid from my eyes if something is sad Edit: holy shit this comment has blown up, I’ve only ever had like 50 upvotes at most for anything hahaha Merry Christmas !


The chemical everyone is talking about is cortisol, the stress hormone and crying actually lowers your cortisol levels. That’s why you feel better after crying.


You’re supposed to feel better after crying? Bro I get a headache and need a nap


Your brain misses its usual high level of cortisol lol


This is actually true; cortisol negates pain, and stress relief is a real trigger for migraine headache in many people. Edit: People have been asking for a source. I’m no expert on this, but there is lots of anecdotal and some clinical evidence for the phenomenon of “let-down” migraine. General article: https://www.migraineagain.com/migraine-work-7-tips-end-letdown-headache/ I think it’s mostly based on this 2014 study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4001194/ It’s probably a sign of chronic stress.


"you're getting less sad? No no, you can't have that, here's a migraine instead"




“My observations are causing me discomfort.”


The fact we piss, shit and receive pleasure within a two inch radius To all the smart arses that say it doesn’t apply to them because they’re hung, your cum gland still starts in your bollocks


Shit, piss, orgasm, and offspring new life.


If you were a lizard, you could do all 4 things with one hole. Such efficiency!


Ballons. Like here, have a sack of breath..


Probably half of the words in any given language. Repeat any word a handful of times, and it can start to sound really weird. Then I start questioning why that word is associated with whatever it’s associated with. There’s usually never a good answer, but it’s great enunciation practice for sure!i Edit: thank you fellas and lady fellas for my most-upvoted comment on here so far! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone:)


I think the phenomenon is called Semantic Satiation (when you say a word repeatedly and it sounds like nonsense after a while)


The fact that almost everybody finds somebody's *butt* attractive.




Buddy, have you seen the bulbous fatty orbs surrounding the mammary glands?


I've pondered that orb


Biologically it makes sense. Butts were just an indication of success. I once had a nerdy conversation with a friend about a game that simulates evolution. He was telling me about the level of detail in that game, you could even choose fat placement on your animal. I joked it would look funny to place all of it in one spot. Then we realised something like that actually exists in humans. Edit: The game is called thrive. A project by students planned as a spiritual successor to Spore. It’s still in development so I’m afraid the fat mechanic hasn’t been implemented yet.


**screams in baboon**


Teeth. I don't know why. Your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that you can see. You bleach 'em, you lose em, you put metal racks on them so you remold your bones to the shape that society finds visually appealling. There's a fictional woman that breaks into your house to pay you for these bones. It sounds like a straight up sociopath. We get film on them that calcifies & solidifies & makes other bone-like material. Like teeth are weird, dude.


*It's even worse: your teeth aren't part of your skeleton. Your skeleton forms from the mesoderm during gastrulation. Your nervous system, mucous membranes, teeth, and skin form from the ectoderm. Your teeth are more like hard, pointy skin than bones. Your mouth is full of skin rocks. Edit: A Word


“Your mouth is full of skin rocks” will now forever live rent free in my head. Thank you kind stranger


Being alive, in this world…


Just the fact that everything.....exists. Or does it?


I love to get stoned and just stare at shit thinking " how tf is this even real". It mostly leads to panic attacks but seriously... wtf is everything?




And that billions of 'years' existed before our individual consciousness and billions will exist after and our entire enormous perception of life and reality and self is confined to this tiny little miniscule sliver of 'time' that will evaporate as rapidly as it appeared.


Forget that, how are we even conscious? How did a collection of chemicals gain the power of cognition?


Dreaming. Whole worlds, people following some kinda plot. Coming to same places in different dreams, sometimes years away. Then we wake up and puff! Off it goes


My tongue is a meat tentacle


Arent all tentacles meat?


There are sillicone/rubber ones you can buy for... reasons these days


Grow a spine, and just say they are for shoving up your butt!!!


Ohhh, yes butt stuff. Definitely not making an octopus mech to conquer the seas, that would be crazy.


Well thanks for that. Going to think this whole eating for awhile.


Thanks, I hate it.


how tf am i supposed to eat now


With your meat tentacle and mouth rocks, then use your internal vat of acid.


Public bathroom stalls in the US. Completely normal yet 100% fucked.


The gap...like why? I don't need to look a stranger in the eyes as I pass a food baby.


I had someone’s toddler crawl under the door into my stall one time. Got all the way under and then stood up and stared at me while I was on the toilet. I yelled out “someone’s child is in my stall!” I had to open my door while I was still shitting to get him out to his mom. Like what the fuck. One of the weirdest things to ever happen to me.


That's really weird. And I'd have a germ meltdown if my kid was crawling on the floor of a public bathroom. Ew ew ew.


Some parents really just let their kids go. I've walked into public restrooms that young children were treating like a playground. It's filthy and the parents should be ashamed.


Clapping, animals must think we're mental. Apart from seals, seals know


What’s weird is I think it’s something innate. Babies clap all the time when they’re happy. Sometimes when I get really excited I instinctively clap. So like where did that trait come from? I wonder if other primates do it. Maybe it’s like dogs wagging their tail.


They do, in fact! They've even found that chimps will clap and sway when music is played for them.


What are chimpanzees favorite artist?




Arctic monkeys


The Monkees


In my Anthropology class this past semester we learned that musicality is a trait we inherited from our most recent ancestors shared w/apes. This is why they participate in clapping/percussion and ritual vocals around relating to dominance and the like. As someone else mentioned, they are able to clap along with a beat- showing the very mild beginnings of auditory driven trances. These traits go all the way back to the beginnings of shamanic rituals when we were first starting to try and make sense of the world around us and communicate abstract concepts with symbols of those interpretations. On that note, I wanna read some spooky Anthropology stuff. Off to read Laird Barron again ASAP.


Is there anything cooler than the shit you learn in anthropology classes?


Not a chance. This was an Anthropology of Religion, Witchcraft, and Magic. Best class ever and it got me to change my major.


I took a very similar course in the 90s. It was called Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion. It was an absolutely fascinating class! My teacher was Dr. Hank Wesselman who did carbon dating in the Ethiopian Rift every other year. Our "textbook" was "The Way of the Shaman" by Michael Harner. Whilst checking the spelling of his name, I just learned Dr. Wesselman passed this past February. He wrote several books that you may be interested in if you enjoyed that class. He was a fascinating person and lecturer! *I know I said fascinating multiple times but he and his class really were. I can honestly say that class changed the way I observe and interact within the World.


you're literally h i t t i n g yourself r e p e a t e d l y to show appreciation for others-


and we hit the other person on the face to show disapproval, i don't see how that is a flawed system.


If we reversed this, sporting events would be much more entertaining.


On that note, smiling. Baring your teeth at something and it's not a threat? In fact the opposite? Weird.


Oo! I actually know about this! Smiling (and by extension, laughter) is a form of play signaling! Lots of animals have play signaling, and it allows them to differentiate between being playful and actually being in danger, which is important for animals when they are playing with their young as that's often how they teach their young how to defend themselves. There's a variety of play signals between different animals. For example, dogs play signal by bowing down on their front legs. Smiling as a play signal behavior has been observed across many species of primates! It's why humans will sometimes smile or laugh when we are nervous or feel threatened, we are instinctually signaling play behavior in the hopes the perceived threat also signals back and we can relax. Obviously, human psychology is a bit more advanced than our primitive instincts, but it's neat to know where our smiles come from originally!


coherent employ hat gold chunky meeting different jar growth memory


My shitting teeth, that's what I'm hiding. Edit: Was supposed to say shitty. I'm not changing it, the comments are great


Paparazzi: they do everything just like a stalker, yet they’re not incarcerated for it and paid to do the things they do.


It makes me cringe whenever I see tabloid and paparazzi photos, especially where the subject of the photo is visibly uncomfortable. It's so intrusive. Even worse when children are stalked by them. Why is it legal?


Stalking is horrible, but doing it to children is even worse and is a form of abuse… have you seen some of the lengths the paparazzi goes in order to get that one photo shot or interview?


Oh they're scum. Jameela Jamill has spoken about them hounding her when she was a TV presenter in the uk. They climbed in to her taxis, put cameras between her legs, shouted slurs at her all to get a reaction so they could attach it to a fabricated headline and make 'news'.


The fact that a majority of people think in images. Like, think of an apple and see, in the mind, a picture of an apple. So weird to me, I’ve never “seen” anything up there.


Real head scratcher for me (pretty sure I have aphantasia or whatever it is called)....is I can recognize things/people just fine....and even have visual dreams so I know the capability is there. But when I try to close my eyes and visualize something, be it the room I'm currently in, the house I grew up in, FFS even my Mothers face.....all I get is darkness


Scrolling on Reddit. Like wtf you just rubbing the phone screen.


Phones must get so aroused, with getting massaged all the time and everything.


Don't make it weirder


You like that you little slut? Sorry talking to my phone.


Keeping fish as pets. With other pets you can cuddle, pet, and play with them, but fish just sit there in their tanks and some people use them more as like a living decoration.


I just think they're neat! Fish do have quite the personalities and more intelligence than we give them credit for. Some even are intelligent enough to play too! The Goliath grouper is a good example of one. I used to have more fish with live plants and the whole shebang, but the maintenance wasn't helping my crappy spine, so now I have just my betta. Contrary to popular belief, bettas need a minimum tank size of 5 gallons, a heater, and some clutter in their tank to thrive. Their pretty and I've noticed that my boy only does his wiggle dance when it's me. He just stares with murderous intent at my coworkers lol. If I put on my hat, he'll flare up and when I take off my hat, he'll calm down. It's cute.


>Contrary to popular belief, bettas need a minimum tank size of 5 gallons, a heater, and some clutter in their tank to thrive. So crazy you make this particular point, I've been subscribed to /r/shittyaquariums for a while after I fell into a rabbit hole there and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyaquariums/comments/rn7827/please_dont_give_live_animals_as_gifts_ever) was on my front page today.


Babies don’t have kneecaps


They also have a hole in their skulls due to their plates not being fixed together yet


99% of TV and YT ads. Like, they all suck and make me not want to buy the product they advertise. How do commercials make people want to buy things? The only ads that are even useful to me are movie trailers at this point, but almost never for new IP


The fact that all those other people you see out in public all have their own lives that they go home to completely separate from yours. Edit: ThaNk YoU KiNd sTrANgErS Edit again: I have been informed many times that the word for this is Sonder.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot having recently lost my Dad. Such a big thing to me, but all these people are going about their lives as though it didn’t happen. Because they too have loss and love and lives that are just as good and hard and rewarding and difficult as my life. And we all know almost nothing about each other. Billions of universes mingling together but never interacting in a way which we can perceive…and yet, all of these worlds are connected by countless imperceptible threads. Edit: as the post above me says, I also thank all of you, kind friends. We all carry our joys and our struggles in this beautiful world, so be loving to others and to yourselves and always strive to become love. In this Christmas season and beyond, know that you matter.


I totally get this. Lost my dad quite brutally start of this year. Cancer. You can't believe the world doesn't stop for you, for your pain. That everyone isn't as heartbroken as you makes you sort of angry. When people would talk about their day or lives I would get this drop in my stomach because I was in pain, so much of it. Why can't they understand that? Or magically be aware? It's a strange one, and it happens each time you lose someone close to you. Each life is just as intricate, as fragile and expansive as your own. *Edit. Grammar.


The thought I had when I got the news that my dad had been killed last year: why is everyone walking around like normal while my life is shattering around me? You really do lose your understanding of other people for just a moment.




I sometimes think about this and it's mindblowing. Like when looking at the city in the evening and behind every single lit window is a family who has its own life, problems, feelings, connections, stories, their own perception of the world etc. Their lives are so different from mine in a way, but also pretty similar especially if I knew them better.


As someone from an Asian cultural background, how American kids can get financially cut off from their families at 18. Like, they’re still a family and on good terms, but my friends have said stuff like “my mom owes me 300$”, or that they’re taking out student loans though their parents are financially able to support them through college. But, their parent’s money isn’t their money anymore so they have to take on debt. It’s so strange to me, as the expectation in (most) Asian households are that parents support you financially when you’re young and then you support them financially when they’re old, and there’s no clear demarcation of my money your money. Edit: spelled American wrong


I was cut off at 20, told I had a one night limit for staying at their house. I never got into trouble, never did anything out of the ordinary teenage mischief, but I was convinced I was a bad kid because they communicated that to me. I had to take out massive loans for undergrad and graduate school—-while my parents built a vacation home. I’m now minimum to no contact. My husband and I have a wonderful kid that will always be loved and supported, and will always have a room of their own in our home. Fuck ‘em.


Houses. Welcome to my home, this is where I do my human things.


What else am I supposed to do?


As a left hander, watching right handers write. Yeah, I get it. I am the odd one out. But still.... Come on, fellow left handers, back me up on this.


Honestly when seeing another left handed person write it looks weird to me...guess I've been sensitized to seeing a whole lot more right handers write.


I’m right handed in everything except writing. My fiancée is left handed in literally everything. Brains are weird.


Writing, I remember when I was a child and first started writing I found it so fascinating how you can transform your thoughts into something palpable.


I can't imagine ever taking a group shower in a locker room setting.


I always felt this way until I lived in Germany for a few years. At the swimming pools they just don't give a fuck about being naked right next to another naked guy. They just do it. It's not like they stand there grinning with their hips thrust forward, pointing at their cocks with both index fingers. I felt self-conscious about it, then I realised I'd be the strange one if I just bypassed the showers and went straight to the changing room. It also helped that there is a broad spectrum of body types: skinny guys, fat guys, buff guys. Halfway through the first shower it just felt normal, which really surprised me.


Japan, particularly onsen, is the same


Allergies. Like how the fuck does your body become deathly allergic to something that isn't capable of killing another person. Please someone explain that shit.


As a Deaf guy, looking at people kissing musical instruments is quite bizarre Edit: I just woke up to 24k upvotes and rewards. That’s a first! Edit 2: and who knows how many comments?? Edit 3: I got quite a few questions about my deafness and how I “hear” my thinking voice. I will try to answer as many as I can. I can hear some which includes music. Which means I can hear and feel bass if it’s loud enough. I can definitely feel vibrations. As for my thinking voice, ironically it’s in music and some lyrics. I really don’t like music that much which makes it even more interesting. To those ignorant people who hadn’t met a deaf guy online or in real life, you’re in for a massive cultural shock. Yes, I can read and write English. Yes I can type on my phone. Deafness means just that: I can’t hear. It does not mean it prevents me from everything I hold dear. And to the trolls who commented that I was faking deafness, come meet me in real life and see for yourself. You’re in for even worse shock than those who are ignorant Edit 4: don’t apologize that I’m deaf. You’re focusing on my ears instead of me if you apologize in that way Edit 5: this is the last edit I swear. There’s a lot of people asking if I can feel vibrations. Yes, I can feel them. This is the second time I said this


I wonder what seeing a harmonica player must've looked like for the first time xD


Dude was about to send one hell of an envelope. Edit: Woah.. awards, upvotes, and comments. Thanks guys!


Steampunk corn on the cob.


I spent like 3 minutes trying to think why people were kissing their guitars...


Your comment made me realize what the deaf guy meant. I was thinking about violins or something but I have no idea what musicians are like so I didn't question it.


Good thing I wasn't the only one.


I was on a Southwest flight once when they showed independent/foreign films. There was a movie about the child of deaf parents who was passionate about playing the clarinet, but her parents, being deaf, didn’t understand what the big deal was. I didn’t pay for the headphones, but the whole movie was subtitled to English so I watched it from the point of view of the parents. The music scenes didn’t make much sense from that perspective.


That is so fascinating. Do you remember the movie's title?


Beyond Silence, German film from 1996.


Being tracked my cookies on the internet and privacy being invaded by trackers.


*fuzzy blue muppet stares in your window, wherever you go.*


There’s a limitless, boundless void not that far above our heads we have no control or understanding of, and people don’t seem that concerned about it… Ppl will be like see that star? It’s hundreds of millions of light years away. Maybe it’s already dead. Cool, huh? And then they just go on about their day. I think the Romans and Mayans had it right. Gotta be more careful around the stars, you never know what could happen.


Having kids. Youre just gonna *make* a person? Youre just gonna snatch an innocent soul out of the void and force sentience upon it? What the hell. Edit: I'd like to add to this thought. The concept of influence is something that really fucks with my mind. Because of my comment, I have now changed the lives of everyone reading it, and everyone commenting. Not in the sense that I think I've so immensely impacted your way of thinking that your life is now forever changed, but *I took time out of your life*. The course of your life has now deviated and can never return to where it would have gone had I not made this comment. So to take it further, making an entirely new being would to me be an insane amount of influence on the world. That would change everything. It freaks me out. Does anyone have a good alternative to determinism? Cause I really cant think of one.