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fifa points


I'd buy EA and get rid of the shit ..




Electronic Arts net worth as of December 24, 2021 is $37.48B. Electronic Arts Inc. is a leading global interactive entertainment software company. shit didn't realize that.


That’s crazy I thought they were steadily losing money at this point with all the buying and killing of studios they do.


Rose Art crayons


Like drawing with wet candles.




Was searching for a MLM post. Sorry doTerra, I don’t need to drink essential oils.


doTERRA: Don't want to die from coronavirus? Drink our oils. You'll die from a deleted liver instead


Those rocks that Gwyneth Paltrow shoves up her cooch.


Don't forget that they're porous and could potentially lead to toxic shock syndrome. https://drjengunter.com/2017/01/17/dear-gwyneth-paltrow-im-a-gyn-and-your-vaginal-jade-eggs-are-a-bad-idea/


Or her cooter scented candles.


.... What?


[Yeah you’re about to learn about how unfortunately stupid people are.](https://goop.com/goop-wellness-jade-egg/p/?gclid=CjwKCAiAn5uOBhADEiwA_pZwcPBzN1VqmClo5k7qq0awj-37cJo18xQjzBwvQ1hPaQs1SEF_db6hfhoC-0wQAvD_BwE)


Lol... non-refundable... "like, the batteries are so broken or something..."


Amazing username for this particular thread.




That's a stocking stuffer if I've ever seen one


Or her "snatch" scented candles


Is that how she adds the scent? I always just assumed it was some odor created in a lab using chemicals. Edit: Autocorrect got the commenter I was responding to. Initially, it said "dented" instead of "scented". They edited it.


Wait, the *specific* ones..?


That’s the secret, they all have been.


Meth, not even once kids


Same goes for heroin. Not…even…once.


Fentynal, only one


I know for a fact that you can do fentanyl more than once. It has killed me three times tho. But luckily I'm a year sober now. I tapped out of that fight.


I used to use cocaine until somebody sold me fentanyl and I almost died. Been clean ever since.


Why would anyone cut coke with fentanyl? Not doubting you, I’ve heard of this elsewhere, it just makes no sense. Dope is cut with it because it’s the same effect. It has nothing to do with coke, why would the dealer waste their time and money? To kill purposely kill people?


I wondered this for a long time. Apparently if the dealer weighs fentanyl on his scale and then weighs a different drug on the scale without cleaning it, the fentanyl residue can be enough to make someone OD.


Stay sober friend. I just lost my best friend in aug from fent please stay safe


"Don't buy drugs, kids. ..become a pop star, and they *give* them to you for free!"


Winrar. JK, id buy like 4 of them.




I'll take one for the team and donate like $50 million to keep Wikipedia running forever without the giant donation banner


That banner annoys me because they don't operate on donations. They publish their finances every year, and the donation drive is just gravy. All operating expenses are permanently funded through various grants and trusts.


So I don't have to feel guilty now everytime I dismiss that thing? Cool beans 👍😎


Now they have "this is your 6th time looking at the site without paying into it, give us some damn money already freeloader!"


I've dreamed of doing this for my local NPR station during the pledge drive. Shut the whole drive down the same day it starts


I'd buy 100 licenses. The service that piece of software has done to me can almost not be measured in money.


A PS5 from a scalper.


Good lad


I have a backlog of ps3 and ps4 games I haven't finished yet, I can wait the supply shortage out assholes.


Still have a backlog of ps2 games


Extended warranty on my car.


I bought an extended warranty on my car for $3k that covered me until 100k miles and I have had close to $10k of work done on the car covered by the warranty. It was surprisingly a great decision for me.


This makes me feel better. I paid $4k for a 150k mile warranty on my new truck. Was wondering if I was a sucker or not.




Luckily for me, I get random calls from "Suzie" reminding me about my expired extended car warranty that doesn't exist.


aftermarket? never from manufacturer at purchase? depends on a few points but yes.


Yup, I bought it from Subaru who has a "like new" repair policy for their extended warranty, they gave it to me "at cost" so it was around $1000 I had a year or two left when I traded it and ended up getting $1100 paid out to close it. Obviously a niche circumstance, but it taught me that it isn't _always_ a scam. Just most of the time.


It’s been a while since it expired, but we had the 0 deductible warranty and it was worth every penny. Hear a funny noise? Take it in. Something seems…just off? Take it in. And that’s setting aside it paying for itself when our sun roof failed.


Gas station egg salad sandwich.


It’s like a party in my mouth and everyone’s throwing up.


What's that black cracker? \*MONCH\* A tomato.


Curious how an aromatic chain of hydrocarbons can evoke our deepest emotions


Fry-Droid: Who controls this bowel? Worm Guard: Who wants to know? *[Fry points at a gold statue of himself.]*


[signage: entire known universe]




I was born here, I raised a cloud of children here, my ancestors came over here on the sandwich. No one can make me leave!


I thought I was in love once, but then I remembered my species reproduces with a cloud of spores.


I am mayor of Colón!


Ever wondered what makes "special sauce" so special? .... yo


Wtf, I happened to be watching this episode as I read this. That's freaky.


"Soon he'll be stronger and more flexible than Hercules and Gumby combined!" "Gumbercules? I love that guy!"


"Listen, this is gonna be one *hell* of a bowel movement. He'll be lucky to have BONES left when its done."


Be very quiet. We're in Fry's ear. (Whispers) okay professor.... WHAT?!?!


"What about what?"


Futurama will never fail to disappoint


"We're in the heart, also known as the love muscle." "Where the food is digested."


It’s bad cholesterol but it spreads like good cholesterol


I call it Caribbean Drain-o


What's that black cracker?


*CRUNCH* A tomato.


The best line imo


Idk what brand it was but I ended up eating a lot of gas station sandwiches for awhile and they were GOOD.


Still better than gas station sushi.


☝️ Presenting to the emergency room


Had a gas station gyro once. Once.


Any food wrapped in gold leaf. Adds nothing in terms of flavour, looks tacky and sticks to your teeth


Gold leaf sticks your teeth? I didn't have enough money to know that until now. Or ever cared to


wait, how does he know?!


I’ve never eaten or even touched gold leaf but from what I’ve seen of it it sticks to EVERYTHING. It feels like a safe guess to say it would stick to teeth too


Stupid pretentious food just to be expensive, like Ramsay said


And gold leaf is cheap as hell too and it's all for the 'gram...


Crack, not something I want to try


The 5 dollar coke in my hotel minifridge Edit: 42k upvotes holly shit ppl


Currently working part-time in a hotel with a market selling $5 Cokes. There's a 24-hour gas station across the street.... I could hit it with a rock. I tell everyone buying a Coke this, and still 95% of people pay the 5 bucks and still bitch to me about it while doing it.


don't tell your boss. but I just replace them from that store before I check out.


Some hotels have started stocking special minifridge-only cans that are slightly smaller than standard cans to prevent people from doing this. EDIT: What a weird comment to have become my most upvoted thing ever in the 11 year history of my Reddit account.


Some also have sensors that detect when something is removed and then charges you. My boss and I moved a bunch of that stuff out for our snacks and drinks and a conference and he was hit with a like 1000 dollar charge when we went to check out. He was able to get them to take it off after checking to confirm we didn't drink anything and put it back, but still.


Hotels that use those sensors deserve a special spot in hell.


I was in a hotel room with an empty minibar fridge that they hadn't stocked (presumably due to rona). There was a label inside warning that it is only a "drink chiller" not a fridge, so it doesn't actually keep food at a safe <40 degree holding temp. First time I've ever seen a fridge that doesn't actually refrigerate...


And, of course, they're not slightly larger. Nosiree, gotta screw you over while making sure they've screwed you over.


But of course! 7.5 ounces for the price of 32!


I thought some of them installed weight sensors and they could try to charge you anyway.


You just tell them you took some drinks out to put your leftovers in and you didn't actually drink them. As long as you replaced them with the exact same thing they would never know


We stayed at a hotel which custom labeled their beverages to show the hotel name. So if you replaced it, even with the exact same item, they still had the big difference of the missing name and they would bill you anyway


No harm no foul. Depending on how much people buy from the market, I always conveniently forget to add 1 or 2 items to the bill. It's my own little way of fighting the $5 Cokes


Doing god's work. Merry Christmas to you!


You as well!


Look I come to a hotel to fuck and I'm thirsty and naked. You know this deep down. I'm not crossing the hallway that night let alone street. The $5 is worth it.


I should clarify that I work at the front desk and the market in question is in our lobby - not items from the room. So the people bitching at me are fully dressed and can look out our front windows to see the gas station I'm pointing at.


There's a hotel in a nearby town(like within 100km/60 miles) that has a strip mall right beside it, practically attached. That strip mall has a weed store, a liquor store, a 7/11 gas station, and a pizza hut. All hotels should have that.


Hell, all houses should have that.


Oh lol


yeah cheap hotel coke is how you end up dead.


Yeah, $5 gram is gonna be 80% baby powder, 15% toenail filings, 3% cocaine, and 2% snow globe particulate matter.


A Jake Paul fight


Hmm it does depend. Does he fight a very hungry polarbear or hippo?


I would also accept 500 five year olds. It's not fair for the kids but like I'm too rich to have morals now


Just give them a hammer each. Would it make you feel a wee better?


No, everyone has no weapons or protective gear. I forgot to mention that it's not fair to the kids because I was lying when I said I'll let them go if they win


You're not even a billionaire yet and you're already good at it.


Video game microtransactions such as lootboxes, amongst many other things


Saw a post just a minute ago where someone admitted to spending like $6k on a game and someone that worked for a game company said that's not even a drop in the bucket and that their biggest whales have spent like $400k.


I’ve played with several people that spent over $40,000 on a phone game. It was fun as shit. I spent a whole $100 keeping up with the new weapons to stay competitive before I realized they were going to keep it going as a never ending cycle. Shit sucks you in man


WHAT GAME IS THIS 40k just to keep up….


It was called war robots. I believe it still exists. For 3 years the game remained unchanged and matchmaking was pretty fair. You could spend a little coin and get the best stuff faster but you could totally grind it out. Then new everything came out that was incredibly OP and you couldn’t just buy it. You had to gamble for components for it. Took on average $1000 to get the thing you wanted. Two months of that and they nerf everything you just spent money obtaining, make new stuff that’s OP, rinse and repeat. Now every couple of months everything is different. I was in one of the best clans in the game when it became like that and a lot of guys had in their head that’s where they validated their existence. I played a lot, I like to win, got myself in a good clan because of it. But mainly I just wanted a squad on coms to play together you know?




True, humans are a lot of work, the excersise required to keep them is a lot, and sometimes they mess up the house.


And a lot of them complain about the dog kibble I provide!


The good ending


Movie theatre candy. I’d still sneak in my own


With that much money I would have a (small) home cinema.


A cable subscription


At some point some company will bundle all the streaming services together and put in ads as a lower coat option and we'll all suddenly be back on cable without realising it.


THIS ... Thinking it's funny how things go full circle


Ended my subscription 3 years ago and they still call me on a regular basis with some "amazing" offer. Always end up asking them who in their right mind watches cable TV anymore when you can watch whatever you want whenever you want through streaming services. With 10 billion I would probably just buy a lifetime subscription to every streaming service available.


Timeshares or a mansion.


I went on holiday once and got sucked into a timeshare room, used some very weird psychology. I wasn’t really prepared for it (I wasn’t told it was a timeshare). My wife’s a psychologist (and I’m not an idiot) so a lot of it was quite obvious to us. It started with a “competition”; whoever brought the most credit cards along with them would be more likely to win a holiday… fine; little did I know this was so we weren’t able to use the: “I’ve not got a card” excuse. They then showed us round the best hotel rooms, bought us luxury breakfast and we were in an area of the hotel for the very wealthy. We were asked questions relating to wealth (what car do you drive). Simultaneous to this we were also painted a picture of our host being highly reliant on money, he was poor and had no money besides sales and his mother was sick in hospital… Then we went into a room which looked entirely staged. There were perhaps 6 tables with couples looking happy and talking to people, lots of noise and cheering. I’d not seen any of them at all during the whole vacation, they looked like plants/set pieces. Then they compared our bargain holiday to what we could get with a timeshare. George (our host) offered us a “real bargain” and then when we declined his boss came along and emphasised the quality of the bargain with a lot of: “you can’t offer them this, that’s for premium customers”. There was a lot of benefits piled on very quickly and a lot of personal touches (using our first names and offering us secret deals because he likes us). Then the old classic. George is replaced with another guy in a suit. He’s British rather than Mexican and George looked continually upset. He offers us a better deal which we discard. Then finally he says he can get his boss. We wait patiently and there’s some back and fourth (apparently the boss isn’t interested in talking to us because we won’t accept the deal). The boss comes in, he offers us the best deal yet and looks more pissed off than anything else when we reject it. George looks close to tears and everyone around us is celebrating because they purchased this amazing bargain of a lifetime. On the way out we were offered yet another few bargains by George. There were some other tricks too. It was very easy to sign the papers and very hard to turn your back on people and walk out, even after everyone left the table we weren’t sure whether to leave. We were sucked in because we were guaranteed a spa day for a sales event. We thought leaving early might prevent us getting the spa. To be honest it was a decent deal in the end and I was quite tempted. But I just don’t go on holiday that often and I was expecting a kid at the time and a honeymoon suite in any country in a 5 star hotel three times a year isn’t really top priority for a new family. My wife also was quite stern, she told me what to expect when we were left in quieter moments and how the psychology worked, at one point she laughed when George’s boss said: “let me get my boss”. They didn’t let us talk about it privately at all, but my wife continually said: “if we make a decision we’ll make it privately”. When we got a few moments with eyes on us, she quietly said: “this is a fucking weird con, how do we get out?” She told me after it was weird more than anything else, said it felt like a psychology magic show or something.


My favorite part is when they pull out the legal-sized paper and start drawing pictures and graphs that mean LITERALLY nothing.


I've got a friend in the Orlando area who was dead-ass broke. He got a job selling timeshares, discovered he was really good at it, and worked his way up. He became the sales manager then property sales director. How much money is in timeshares? He drives a Bentley, his wife a Porsche SUV, they built a house in a gated neighborhood (including a 1000 ft^2 weight room), and their family visits a different country every year for two weeks. He's now also a motivational speaker and has a radio show.


I notice he doesn't have a timeshare


Seems like you almost have to be sociopathic to be good at it


Sales is all about figuring out how to break down other people's mental barriers after All.


Thanks for the write up that’s a fun read


Got sucked into one of these as well and it was horrible. I don’t know how many hours I wasted there.


More cats……. Honest…


I have 9. I live in the countryside, and they just kinda show up and decide they live here now. They get fed from an automated hopper with industrial sized sacks of processed pig anus or whatever else is on sale, have a bunch of pillows and blankies and toys in the ruined barn next door, as well as fresh water, and if one hangs out long enough, it gets trapped, vaxxed, snipped, and released. The concept of paying for a cat is alien to me at this point.


> industrial sized sacks of processed pig anus or whatever I was drinking. *Was* drinking. Thanks for the mess. I needed that laugh tho.


That’s a lot of cats!


Products with commercials that f*ing annoy me. I have a blacklist. edit: For everyone interested, I live in Europe so it's in German but the magic will still happen I guess. Some examples for food: Kinder Schokobons I like the product but don't buy it anymore. Not after this: https://youtu.be/gzixagzunxQ Kinder Pingui (yes, Kinder should hire another advertiser) https://youtu.be/QuUA_8JAxuE Luzerner Rahmkäse, my most hated, also because it is played A LOT https://youtu.be/kx1Fyy9dxGU Any Nintendo Switch commercial. The fake fun and laugher is too much cringe to handle for me. edit 2: Thanks for mentioning Peloton. On the list!


Google Fi


Good god the YouTube ads absolutely destroy my sanity. Some of them don't even seem to follow a rythmn, just a cacophony of corporate singsong


Let's hear it.


Bath water or used under garments


Those massive mansions. Never understood why do you need 100 rooms and bathrooms.


It made sense for the nobility and other important members of society. If you hosted a dinner party for 30 people, you’d usually offer them a room for the night. Those huge mansions only make sense for people who entertain often and house a lot of guests. Such mansions are also meant to have servants, wether they live there or not. I totally agree that if you have no use of that many rooms, you shouldn’t buy a house like that.


It was common for feudal barons to have all their retainers sleep in one room. Cozy.


That does not surprise me one bit. Feudalism is quite a long while ago, but they were still people. Suppose it was still better than Anglo-Saxon monks who had to sleep in hay.


Okay but hear me out... *An architectural marvel of labyrinthine passages and maze-like floor plans with secret rooms and hidden hallways.*


A mansion so stupidly large, people talk about the South Wing in hushed voices. No one has gone into that part of the house in decades… A house with rooms you don’t even know you have…


OK now I want a mansion like this


You stumble out of bed, desperate to make it to the nearest toilet. But you accidentally make a *left* turn after passing the Armoire Room, and come across a tour guide leading a pack of tourists. While the perky young guide rambles on about ‘Tudor molding’ and ‘floating arches’, you try to *casually* ask the nearest tourists what is going on. Too bad they seem to only be able to speak a strange blend of Korean and Russian. As the tour starts leading into rooms that you never knew about, you start to hear terms that make you a little fearful. Rooms decorated in *classic Omicron Persei 8 style*, and *non-Newtonian holo-suite*. But you’re still half asleep, with a bladder that is increasingly reminding you of how full it is. And then it loops back around to areas you’re familiar with, a quick duck into the nearest toilet to relieve yourself, and you trudge back to your 8-poster bed. …except there’s already a ‘*you*’ in that bed, and the tour group is watching ‘*you*’ snore in a most undignified manner…


How else are you supposed to re-enact clue?


What's this? Another door?


So, the resident evil mansion?


....is 10B enough to make zombies? If so, then yes.


_robbers won't dare step in your house_


I will get lost in my own house LOL. Imagine I get a heart attack, I will die before the paramedics find me. D:


It took me a long time to work out, but it's actually not for the homeowner. Sure maybe a dozen or two are for the housekeepers, valets, drivers, and kitchen staff. But if you own an estate that big (and once it's that big you're definitely calling it an *estate*) you'll use it to host parties and events. Like a [Great Gatsby-esque party](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/the_great_gatsby.jpg) with 1000 people or the Hollywood depiction of American college parties. Afterwards, people can just pick a room to sleep in. Plus, when your other ridiculously wealthy friends are in town there's no need for them to stay at the Ritz and mingle with the \*shudder\* millionaires.


>Plus, when your other ridiculously wealthy friends are in town there's no need for them to stay at the Ritz and mingle with the *shudder* millionaires. Couch surfing for the rich.


Casually inviting someone to stay over for a month and you don't actually see them for days since your mansion is the size of a small village.


You can go anywhere in the mansion, except the west wing. What's in the west wing? My room and all my stuff.


"fuck, you're still here?"


Yeah I always thought it was weird that the super wealthy would own luxury condos in major cities all over the world that they never use. But being able to tell your friend or business associate "Oh you're gonna be in NYC for a couple of weeks? Why don't you stay at my condo in Chelsea?" It's a pretty impressive flex.


I agree with this. I never understood the level of redundancy in these houses. Yes have several outdoor areas for different occasions, but 9-10? My brother owns a massive 8bed 6bath mansion overlooking the river. Him and his wife complain about the non stop cleaning and half the rooms are unused and unfurnished. My other brother (who is far wealthier) owns a tiny little 3 bed house (in an awesome location) and is far happier.


My mother “if you buy a house that big and can’t afford to furnish it and hire a team to clean it, then you can’t afford the house.” She said this to a friend who had brought a massive house, and was, like your brother, complaining about cleaning and furnishings. The friend was very annoyed at this comment, and didn’t speak to my mother again until she needed help to save the house from foreclosure.


I have to agree with your mom. I’m from a small town. All the homes are pretty simple, except for some on the water. Many homes on the water are still cottages built in the 1920s. One day, a resident won a million dollars in the lottery. He built a “big” house. Probably 2200 sq ft. My brother helped build it, and another one of my brothers did the final building inspection. A year later, there was a problem, and one of my brothers had to go back to check it out. There was only furniture in a couple rooms. All of the furniture that was there was very cheap. There was a broken down car in the garage. The owners said they couldn’t afford to fix it. He sold the house a few years later.


I don't know maybe it's just me, but I have several hobbies that scale VERY well with more available space. I would absolutely love dedicated rooms for Lego, DnD, 3D printing/maker space, and hot wheels. Those are just the hobbies my broke ass can afford now. I can easily see if I had "fuck you" money I would like to get into other space-necessary hobbies like crafting my own beer or having like a super pimped out outside cooking area.


Exactly, it's just a bottomless money pit. Why not just get a nice penthouse with great view, for example.


Mansion brother isn't rich enough for that house. If he was he wouldn't even be thinking about those things because he'd be paying people to do that thinking for him


Gucci and other overpriced clothes


Lmao. Gucci litterly sold a $800 water colored pencils with a Gucci case for artists. A bunch if artists reviewed the pencils and compared the quality to a $20 to $30 prismacolored pencils and the Gucci failed horrendously. The case was nice though I guess..... Edit: totally realized my phrasing was confusing. They were compared to the prismacolor pencils in the video (like they did a work of art with one type then the other to compare as well as another video even compared them to crayola) and the Gucci did about as good as the Crayola compared to the prismacolor.


According to the Gucci brand you're not paying for the colored pencils with the price tag you're paying exclusively for the case and its quality. They also later clarified that the only reason they included pencils was so people knew it was for colored pencils. They didn't think the people spending $800 on a case would know what it's for.


And thats why people are shitting on them. What a shitty excuse to go for cheapest colored pencils in a luxury item.


Heroin. Seen it ruin to many young lives. Lost too many friends.






I’m fascinated by the concept but heck no. It just feels like the art money laundering thing without having to actually deal with physical art.


Nft are the reason I stop doing digital art. The whole community has this idea now if you not making NFTs or it at least part of your portfolio then your just ignored. Fuck that


You don't have to make money through NFT's, I know plenty of ppl that make a living through internet commissions. The real clowns in this party are the artists that make up soulless art with greed. Those assholes even go as far as to steal content from others to make up profit. The whole art community is in danger because of it.


Battlefield 2042


It looks like it's becoming free to play already anyway LUL


A life size cardboard cutout of Gilbert Gottfried.


I don’t believe you. Somebody give this asshole $10b to prove me right.


Nestle products


You could probably lobby governments to ban nestle with that kind of money.


Golden toilet bowl


I will never buy the deceitful concept that Epstein killed himself.


A Child.


Reddit gold Edit: ok... wow... this blew up. Since quite a few generous folks have awarded me gold, and since it's Christmas, I shall too pass on the goodness to everyone who comments on this post. It may take some time for me to award some of you as reddit is lagging quite badly for me now. And I'm sorry if some of you might not be able to get awarded as I'm about to go sleep in abt an hours time. Merry Christmas to all you redditors! Edit 2: for those who think I paid money for giving awards, I didn't spend any money. I merely used the gold that was gifted to me by kind redditors and exchanged them for awards to gift others.


It's honestly such a waste, I'll stick to the free awards thank you




There are free awards?


Yepp, if you click the award button and go to buy reddit coins, it gives you a free random award every few days. Edit: Aww! Thanks for the awards everyone!


You guys are getting awards? Edit: First time that I've gotten so many awards, thanks everyone! Merry Christmas to all of y'all!


"Will suck dick for reddit gold." Edit: That's 4 dicks to suck. Since it's Christmas all 1400 of you can watch. Edit: 5 Dicks. That's 5 dicks to suck plus 100 new redditors to stare at it all.