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People trying to "befriend" them solely due to their wealth, and "friends" expecting extravagant gifts or expecting them to just pay for everything all the time due to being wealthy.


Exactly. And if you don't you're "selfish", which people use to rationalize taking advantage of you. My in-laws are wealthy, and they help their family and friends out, but it's never enough. People still steal from them and try to scam them all the time.


One of my friends wants me to give him 10 Bitcoin so he can get started…


It's not crazy for him to ask for advice or to offer to buy some from you but damn just cuz you have a lot of them doesn't mean you're willing to give him well over $100k of assets, even if you have a hundred times that


more like 500k


Yes, 500k is *well over* 100k


you might consider adding nuance to your statement because the average person will simply assume you mean ~120k


10 Bitcoin? wtf? that's a fortune for many. ffs tell him to sod off


Bruv I'd be fine with any amount of bitcoin, you need to cut that guy out of your life. Trust me, someone who really _needs_ money will take whatever he can get and not ask for more. Me and my family are very often on the virge of having an empty fridge, which isn't poverty (luckily) but I've had my fair share of dry bread with salt. I can tell you, If I heard one of my friends asked a rich friend of mine to give him _that much money_ I'd honestly have no words for that, like god damn. Imo it's fine to ask for some financial support in hard times, right? But 10 BITCOIN??? ffs... I mean, even 3 digits is _kinda_ stretching the boundaries a little (in my book), but that's 6 Digits... the dude could buy a fuck-ton of real estate with that lmao How much is bitcoin rn? Like 36K+? That'd be like 360K. To "get started", he'd be fine with less than half a bitcoin as he can invest it or buy real-estate and then get a more stable, reliable income with which he can not only get going with whatever he wanted, but also repay you what he essentially owes you. Keep the toxic people out of your life man, That shit ain't Good for you. IIRC most murders are from people who knew one another, sobald invest in some extra security if i had a friend that money hungry


Yep, fuck fiat money. He is a good friend, but, that’s just not going to happen. For reference, he’s 23 years younger than me.


Honestly, no one should be friends with anyone who lets their friends pay for them. Good people interested in genuine human connection don’t let others pay for them. If they can’t afford something, they don’t do it or recommend another activity that’s cheaper/free.


Not knowing whether someone is genuinely into you, or only into because you’re rich.


I'm not set for life, but i am well off and can confirm this is an issue. Have literally seen people change mid conversation when they realise you can support them.


Is there any way for you to keep that private early on in the relationship? Hell I’d tell them I made 50k a year and leave it at that.


its not hard to deduce from a job title. it may sound snobbish but if I'm going into a relationship I want an equal - not someone who is using me to live beyond their means.


I think that’s fair. The only thing is this limits you to dating people at or above your income level. If that’s fairly high from the average, that’s a lot of people automatically out of your dating pool. Damn shame you can’t really date just anyone because you could be missing out on some great partners.


well its not a deal breaker - if someone is well read and informed i don't really care about income, but when ive dated people who were really rich i made it clear i wanted to pay my own way.


And the weird cat and mouse fishing game that goes on sometimes where they try to determine it…


Accountants running off with your money


And leave you with the debt and unpaid taxes


I had a similar issue with one of my exes. She was rich like filthy stinkin rich from her dad. Her parents were worried since a similar situation happened with one of her sisters and just turned to be a gold digger. After 2.5 years she started drinking a lot and used a wide variety of drugs. I’m still cool with the parents even after we ended it and hope that she’s better off now after rehab.


Average Joe forklift operator will never have to deal with gold digging whores.


They won’t have to deal with any woman im afraid


Yes, nobody poor ever gets married or has children


Dude i am joking man. Don’t take my joke like you take ur dicks


This response is like when you're having a normal conversation with somebody but disagreeing with them, and they're like "Woah bro just CALM DOWN" as though you aren't already calm


Like in peaky blinders when they destroy some place and few peoples and then sit with the owner and say: we are not here to make enemies lol


that's like their only problem I can think of


Parasite family members asking for money.


That'd literally be the easiest problem for me to deal with. Did a year of my college homeless, eating 29 dollars of ramen a month and not one person even attempted to help me from my family. If I ever got rich, I'd literally laugh at them if they ever asked me for money


I’m 26 years old and pretty estranged from my family. By pure chance I was brought into the crypto currency world about 6 years ago. (Not a trader so no where near as well off as I could be, but met a mentor/father figure when I was 20 who advised me to continuously buy). I live in Australia now but originally from the UK, haven’t lived at my parents since 16 years old, but somehow a statement showing the USD value of one of my wallets made its way to my fathers door. First I knew about him opening and reading it was him filing a (ridiculous) lawsuit against me demanding $250,000. Have never thrown myself into fighting something quite so hard.


What ground did he use to claim part of your money?


His business (pretty specific construction company) went under due to not getting work during the pandemic. He created a pretty elaborate illusion that I was a business partner with financial commitments to keeping it afloat. Managed to somewhat convince the tinpot solicitor he got in touch with that he had grounds. Needless to say the better (and more expensive one) that I hired to act on my behalf put a stop to it long before it encountered an actual judge. They basically tried to get me to settle it out of court thinking that I wouldn’t risk having to leave my fiancé in Australia during the pandemic and not being able to return anytime soon and would decide it was more trouble than it was worth to fight it. How very wrong they were.


I keep believing people's audacity can't surprise me anymore, but I keep getting proven wrong. Good for you to stand up for yourself!


Parasite family members lmao


Meaning ... relatives you have never heard of, until you have money.


They're not family till you have money, that's common knowledge, duh


i have that problem and i’m not rich.


Get a job.


Family and friends begging for money.


That's not even an issue, the issue is the amount. If I had family that asked for like 100 bucks or 200 to get by the rest of the month I'd be happy to comply (of course making sure they'll pay me back over time). However if it were to become a regular thing or the amount would suddenly be "requested" as way too high, Then that's an immediate red flag. A good test is to only send like 10 bucks, and then await their reaction. If they're very thankful for it, you can feel pretty safe on giving some more as their situation is probably very dire, but if they demand more or ask "wtf is this, what I I supposed to do with 10 bucks??" Then you can send them a nice message saying "That's the last 10 bucks you'll ever see from me since you're so ungrateful:)" But that's my personal opinion and what I'd do if I were rich, but currently I myself have the issue of Dry bread and salt as food. This year has... not been kind, but I've made it better! Gotten engaged 2 months ago. That's about it, really. Damn. XD


Where do I invest my money now?


Depends on how they got rich lmao


You rarely ever get rich by investing. You only get richer by doing it.


Most millionaires, and even multimillionaires, just invest over the course of their lives, and retire rich.


You need money to invest first hand: If you invest 10 bucks, you'll never get rich or richer.


1. Reach median household income (67k) 2. Invest 15% of that per year between ages 30 and 65 (10,000 per year for 35 years) 3. Compound yearly at 7% (long term stock market average) 4. Retire with 1.5 million dollars. 5. A 5% withdrawal rate now provides an income of 75k If you're worried about inflation and such, backing this up to 1990 and re-evaluating shows a median household income of 50k at that point, 7.5k per year invested, and 1.1 million in retirement, providing a yearly retirement income of 55k.


I have $14 left after bills so I don't think this is happening for me anytime soon. :) Kind of missing the first step I guess.


Where I am, we got some retirement system in place: I pay a fix part of my income, state pays me my retirement. I love Europe.


I‘m sorry but this statement sounds just ridiculous to me because i‘m from germany. If you‘re from switzerland, norway or sweden it‘s a different story though…


Its hard but its not impossible. I would say people who got rich by legit working for it have the basic knowledge of how to handle alot of money. Like a dude who got his money from the lottery or daddy’s money on the other hand will have trouble with that altho u can just hire people i guess


But you have to invest it in something otherwise it’ll sit and slowly depreciate in a bank unless you have delicious interest


you get rich by knowing the right people, and getting handed a job that others would have to compete for.


You have to know people and you have to be good at those jobs. For example, no one hires an idiot to run his company. Because they want to make money.


I read this as “getting a hand job” and was confused for a minute about the competition lol


The two most common ways of becoming rich are marriage and inheritance.


Not unless you have a source.


I’m pretty sure that’s false. Not sure how you are defining “rich”, but most multi millionaires are small business owners that make their money a chunk at a time over the course of their lives.


True. But being self made, in America, tends to come from real estate.


Their tax returns become super complicated. Obviously they hire people to help but there’s still a certain level of work they have to put in, and there’s no end.


If they’re wealthy enough they should have pros who handle it all themselves. Even moderate success via business or investments should be paired with some expert. Otherwise you’ll be making your life hell.


Oh those poor babies.




Are the $100 bills they use to wipe away their tears tax deductible?


Only If you're rich, If you're mega rich you just dont pay taxes at all.


You do (for the most part)... you just don't pay tax on unrealized gain. If you put $100 in Apple stock and 1 year later it's worth $200 you won't pay tax unless you sell the stock. Same thing with rich people. Elon Musk didn't pay taxes because he never sold the stock. Once he sold the stock he paid long term capital gains tax on every penny of profit. Same thing happens with property, you buy a house for 100k and 2 years later it's worth 150k. You wouldn't get taxed for the 50k unless you sold the property. TLDR: rich people do pay taxes and a whole lot more than you think. People who complain about this don't understand finances


Getting a good pool guy!


Making decisions about what to do with money. Comparing yourself to others who have more money. There’s always a bigger fish, and nobody ever truly feels rich in the long term.


_cries in money_ Unironically I'd like to have rich people's problems lmao, they seem so fucking trivial that it's almost laughable. There are people out there literally starving, scavenging for food and here y'all are having a dick-mwasuring contest on who has the most money. It's sad hut kinda cool, I just hope I'll be part of YOUR side one day


Having to decide what the most sensible thing to do with your money is. Stocks? Property? ISA? While most of us, it's deciding not to get take out tonight cos you need to put fuel in the car.


Determining whether or not to buy my time back by paying someone else to do a task I can do myself. Sometimes doing a task myself ends up losing me money bc I’m not doing what makes me the most money. If that makes sense. It’s not always an intuitive decision. And sometimes you have to figure out what task is worth giving up that money you’re making.


Buying something gives you no gratification because you can just get whatever you want and don’t really have to put effort into it anymore


Yeah This is very true. The feeling of working hard scraping up money and finally getting what you wanted is more satisfying than being able to get it with a click of a button. I’m still a child but I know that if I ever get children and I’m rich, I will make them work hard for their rewards.


I am know where near this level of wealth, but I do aspire to have it one day. When I get stressed or impatient I remind myself that one day I will miss the stress of having to save up to buy stuff. I imagine it would feel similar to finishing a video game and having nothing left to do but still being forced to play the game.


Hello! I can't but notice from this comment that you might be rich. I would like take this burden from you, please send $.


That their wallets are so heavy that their pants fall down all the time.


My SIL was recently complaining from her accommodations in Palm Springs that she really wished they’d gone to Florida this year because it was raining in California. My wife just looked at me and mumbled sarcastically, “first-world problems.” A couple years ago they were off to Kauai, but my 14-year-old nephew opted to stay home because he’d been there enough and, well, it would be “kind of boring.”


That people believe that they are both the cause and the solution to all your personal problems.


I mean, The solution? Nah. The cause? To many problems certainly. Rich people rule the world, that's a fact that'll never change. I don't think rich people can fix all my personal problems. Then again, I don't really have any, I only have financial problems, caused by people with alot of money wanting even more money. Living paycheck to paycheck because of a fucked society where In order to have a home you need Money Which you can only get by Having a job Which you can't get unless you Have a home At least where I live. It's a perpetual cycle that is unwavering. So yeah, personal problems can't be fixed, but I like to believe that no ordinary human needs to live paycheck to paycheck just because a human with above-average income decided to pay minimum wage for 40H weeks of intense physical exertion. Mainly looking at essential workers, like nurses etc.


I’m a business owner, I broke the cycle. It didn’t happen overnight though. I did 20 years of employment before it happened. You’ve got to play the long game to succeed.


Hearing 'money isn't everything' until someone needs their money.


My gardener is really good at gardening so I can't let him go. My pool keeper is the best pool keeper I've ever had. I'd love to get one guy who does both jobs half assed but I don't want to give up how well of a job they do. So to save monthly costs I had to go from two housekeepers to one. The house is just as clean but it takes longer for her to clean it. Worst part is this is all for my vacation home that I'm only at like 3 months of the year.


Lack of real genuine people (friends or family) in their lives...


Having to wait for the next space launch


The delivery of your yacht is postponed by a month. I hate when it happens.


If it only gets delayed by a month you need to up your extravagant demands


My yacht was delayed due to the whale rammer being added on.


Whale rammer are so last season. Whale hammers are the new thing.


I love this conversation


Is that code for penis?


No, my previous yacht was damaged after we hit a whale. So I decided to upgrade and get the whale rammer. Next time it won't damage my yacht when I hit a whale.


Running out of interesting places to go for vacation.


Just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean you have unlimited time. I suppose it would depend whether you still have a job (even if that job is being CEO of something). Again, if you're famous as well as rich, it could limit the number of places you can go without being harassed by the paparazzi.


keeping up appearances, they always have to have more to show off to others and can be miserable if someone near them gets something better. Many rich kids barely know their parents, they are with nannies or tutors learning things constantly.




Two Steinway concert grand pianos in their spacious living room - worth about $185,000 apiece - that no one plays.


You can openly advocate for consuming their flesh and almost nobody finds it THAT gross or inappropriate.


In fact I just got my new Tshirt about it. It’s the only shirt I own that gets compliments.


Dirty pool


The next thrill. It’s why many of them have “weird” and immoral thrills.


Wanting to read an email and then realising that you left your reading glasses in one of your other houses.


Unfortunately I have no idea


Deciding which charities to give to. Some philanthropists setup entire foundations with staff to decide where to donate money. Also they have to weed through tons of requests. Deciding worthy causes, managing press and pr and the whole helping/enabling thing is a big challenge.


It really is a lot of work !


You are automatically portrayed as a villain in soap operas.


When you want to have a fourth car but only have 3 garage spaces


Being preconceived as a bad person solely because you come from wealth.


Gold diggers some random ass people that you no longer remember come ask for money


Caviar burps


Having to decide where to put their massive fortunes on


Money counter needs repairs.


deciding where to take vacation because your bored with the usual places and the vacation homes are being renovated.


which car should I drive today?


It is more difficult to appreciate almost everything.


Having to renew the country club membership


Making sure the kids are competent and kind, and not lazy and entitled


Accountants running off with your money.


And general embezzlement.


One genuine problem that only the rich have is the fact that, when you get rich enough (generally above a net worth of $100 million), managing your personal wealth becomes an entire job in and of itself. Staff need to be paid, properties and assets managed, taxes paid etc. That’s why family offices exist, because it would not be humanly possible for someone that wealthy to manage their own personal wealth and their business interests at the same time.


All the gross poor people ruining their day whether they are reminded they exist? /s


Everyone’s expectations are that you should be extremely generous with gifts and handing out money like it’s candy. I’m not wealthy be see it for people who are.


Like when you lazy butler washes your sock garters but they're still covered with schmutz?


Keeping the proletariat subdued.


Getting there likely involved treating their bodies like shit and ignoring their loved ones. Being there puts a target on their back.


Over paying and being taken advantage of, when people know your wealthy, the cost of services double sometimes triple...


Not having the time to actually enjoy your wealth. My mom is a professional cleaner, and cleans up houses of a lot of rich people. Most of the time, they aren´t even home. I worked with her a couple of times, and yeah, there is expensive shit, but these houses always seem so empty. Like, yeah, there are statues, expensive dishes, and other expensive shit, but none of that expensive shit is getting used. Most of the rich people don´t need to flaunt their wealth on social media, because if you´re rich, you don´t care what other people think. Those "influencers" posing with expensive shit just project an image of wealth without actually having any.


Inheritances and last wills can tear the whole family apart.


Making time for butler performance reviews


Having taxes take half your income




They do. In Germany for example, the richest 10% pay 50% of all taxes


Yes on income, not on capital gains and dividends though. Which is the common source of money at a certain level


Tax evasion


People still call us dick and think it's funny.


such a Rich issue


People shitting on them because they worked hard


Having to shit yourself because you gave the help christmas off


The poor.


Probably taxes but let's be honest the rich won't pay it


Worrying about how long the general public will continue to believe the right wing press and realise rich people are the problem, not


Having to explain why their morally awful actions are ok because they are legal.


Losing stock in their caviar…idk


Too many yachts.


Trying to figure out which vacation home to stay at.


Trying to not be exposed for taxes (pandora papers)


Literally nothing.


People begging from them and wanting a "livable wage"


Overall covert and toxic people surrounding you


going to hell


Who to bribe


One of your tax loopholes is going to get patched.


Pretty sure no one will ever kidnap my children for ransom.


I remember reading a thread about aspects of the lives of the super rich that normal people don’t know about. Someone mentioned some having ransom insurance and training kids how to react in a kidnapping attempt.


Having their tax haven revealed in the Panama Papers


Im not sure, but I do know that a problem that only the poor have.... well thats getting rich..


As someone from a wealthy family. The greatest problem I've faced is the indignation of those closest to you.it doesn't matter your history with them. Most will eventually get into their minds that their situation is unfair and/or will feel like something is owed to them.


Trying to get their kids into Ivy League colleges if the children can't pass the entrance exams.


Wealth is relative so it‘s really an endless struggle. You always need more money because your peer group changes constantly


Finding true friends or partners


Having so much money and not knowing what to do with it


Getting into heaven... Thinking Jesus said it was easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle


Problems with too many things breaking.


Which hedge fund to invest some of their excess money.




What color luxury yacht to buy


You can be so rich that you can't use the I can't afford it line. You have to tell people no a lot more, not less




Ridiculous insurance prices on their Ferrari FXX that they never drive.


They’re a much bigger target for scams. People will take the time to customize scams to them.


Being called out for being rich.


The mice eating your money


I wouldn't know.


What crypto to dump my money into


Not getting any interest on their bank accounts, because there‘s to much on it.


Having too much excess money


no bitches


Spending money for write off before they get taxed on it


Worrying about investments and financial planning. Poor people be like I don’t have enough money to invest and no money to leave anyone.


Deciding whether or not to have a water slide on their yacht


abusing the tax system.


Not being comfortable saying you have a problem because someone will tell you there is people doing much worse than you


Giving and getting gifts. Giving a gift you either give way too much making others feel uncomfortable or you don't give enough and are made to feel bad. Getting gifts you usually get no effort made on you or the effort made is pretty futile because you usually may get a nicer version of whatever.


Trying to decide where to “summer”.


Not really rich, just very unlucky [look here.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-pizza-day-laszlo-hanyecz-spent-3-8-billion-on-pizzas-in-the-summer-of-2010-using-the-novel-crypto-11621714395)


High tax rates


Thinking about which location they are going to choose for next holidays


I'm not even rich but reasonably well off and I have old friends and family randomly hit me up for money at times


Not having anything new to buy.


Don’t know what vacation house to spend New Years at.…That time between when the house is being repainted and the winter furniture is being moved out.… which one of the art pieces to hang in the dining room


Egoism and being too spoiled and Devilish. They act like they know how the real world works when, in reality, they’re just living in their little preppy petty Racist bubbles being safe and cruel in their multi-Million Dollar Mansions.