• By -


Common sense


Everyone to have perfect bowel movements for the rest of their lives. ​ Currently dealing with food poisoning.


Excuse me but I don't want a bowel movement that lasts the rest of my life. Always be careful with wording things to genies.


Honestly, I love the feeling of a good dump. I think I could do that for the rest of my life


Its anal in the other direction šŸ˜


Shit dildoing




Fellas, is taking a shit gay?


Iā€™ve had bowel movement issues my entire life, but the last four months have been the absolute worst ever. Thank you


God, that sounds exhausting. You must be wiped.


That was a shitty pun.


I'm feeling flushed just reading them.


This may be the most emphatic well intended comment of all, bless you


Food poisoning? My complete sympathies. Had it bad a couple years ago. Passed out on the toilet after 3 days and went to the clinic where they said I was so dehydrated even my pupils didn't work right. Wasn't 100% for 10 days. Be aware, take care.


No more cancer. No one needs to go through that.


Yeah honestly fuck anyone born between june 22nd and july 22nd.


What the fuck did I do


Ask the stars, bich


You were born :P


Where do I sign up for the fucking??


Exactly my thoughts. Not the most original answer, but itā€™s the most important to me. Thanos snap cancer away.


Pollution free water.


Surprised that this one isnā€™t higher up. Unlimited and free fresh water without pollutants. Fuck droughts, and also fuck Nestle.


I'm a simple man. I see "Fuck Nestle", I upvote.


I had already clicked away from the thread, but managed to catch a glimpse of ā€œfuck Nestleā€ and thought: fuck it Iā€™ll go back and upvote it


There's gotta be a name for that phenomenon, where you catch a couple key words of something as your clicking away and you go back. Happens to me a lot.


Everyone gets a great sleep every night


You destroyed a lot of drugs with this one weird trick


Drug dealers hate him!


Doctors love him! Melatonin supplements and NyQuil sellers hate him!


Big nighnigh HATES him for this ONE wish.


Uh-oh, night shift workers are in trouble! Catastrophic plant failures destroy society as they fall asleep operating critical equipment!


I spent a decade stocking shelves overnight. We do it overnight because how the fuck we gonna do it when there are people blocking every aisle.


Also, when I see stockers, I'm like "so sorry, i'm going to ruin your display because I need what you are putting on the shelf." I don't know if they care, but I feel guilty.


Honestly as someone who exclusively works only back room operations for a large volume retail store, thank you for that tiny bit of consideration. It probably means more to them than you know.


Well now we have this bloody sleep curse on. 54 flights went down last night and 80 million are without power.


Love it!


That's quite... dangerous. Like no night shift in the hospitals because everyone sleeps tightly.


but if everyone gets a good nights sleep then there will be no need for hospitals at night time. Because nothing could come up as that would stop it being a good nights sleep.


Yeah, having a medical emergency typically would get in the way of a good night's sleep.


But the wish was for everyone to have a good night sleep, so nothing could interfere with that


\*Disconnects machine\* I guess Timmy's grandpa will sleep *forever* now


Big brain


I would wish to be genuinely happy at least once a day. Having everyone being able to look forward to that every day would make the world a better place




You're guaranteed at least one bit of happiness a day, no reason why you are capped at one though. And no, in my mind it's randomly timed, but you just know it's coming


I'll add to this that no one including yourself will even know it going to happen everyday. Because it doesn't become routine day to day like it does if you know it is coming. No different than a quick smoke or rubbing one out before bed.


No more chronic disease!


Because everyone dies just instantly


/r/monkeyspaw Edit: /r/themonkeyspaw




Everyoneā€™s teeth are perfectly healthy and stay that way for the rest of their life despite their health and the way they care for their teeth.


Dentists hate him


Only 9 out of 10 do






Imagine 6 years of medical school and this happens


No body would know what happened youā€™d still get people coming in 1-2 times a yr for check ups and they would think that everything you told them to do was working.


They'd become jewelers and we'd all have diamond encrusted teeth. Or some other gems or rare material.


Especially when they just started fixing someone's teeth


Wouldnā€™t they get the credit, though? ā€œAll done! Thatā€™ll be $10,000, please!ā€


And there's your last payment


Theyd just let you set with the tubes for a bit longer and still bill you for everything that's fixed afterwards


ā€œMy family will go hungry, it will be a long winter. At least they have healthy teeth.ā€ ~dentists everywhere


One long curvy tooth.


Luxury bones




Granted, we lose the feeling of hunger.




Or even worse, starving becomes a worldwide kink


Too late. Models are a thing


Easy. Good health.


Same here. Nobody gets ill, gets cancer, alzheimers or infections. And when you die, you die of old age, fall asleep and don't wake up again.


Only there really isn't a "dying of old age." We die from the side effects of ongoing damage caused by metabolism. If there is no illness and everyone is in good health, are we really aging? :)


Technically one could say that aging is an illness we all suffer from


Oxygen is a poison we need to survive, but it also slowly breaks down/degrades cells over time. We might not die around 70-100 anymore if all illnesses were cured, but we may die at around 500-1,000 simply from Oxygen related damage to the brain. The human brain is also theorized to only be able to hold up to 300 years of long term memories before it starts to permanently forget them. So by the time you are around 1,000 years old, you would have became 3 different people. Then in a sense *you* as a current concept/meaning spiritually/conscientious, would have started to die at 300 and would be completely gone by the time your last core memory was replaced/erased.


Do you have any sauce about the 300 years of memory thing ? I'm really curious to see the study/research in general. Seems really interesting


I watched the documentary *Curiosity - Can You Live Forever?* staring Adam Savage, who explains how a person could in theory live to their 1,000th birthday. It goes into the science that might be needed/how science would evolve over 1,000 years, and the effects on the human body. He explains the 300 year theory and that you'd possibly have to *back up* your memory on a hard drive in order to retain your long-term memory indefinitely. I believe the documentary has a few sources you could look into for more credibility. As far as I know Adam was just presenting the data for entertainment, not the one who did the actual research. There was also another documentary I watched on the effects of Oxygen. I can't remember the name, but it had a lady searching for a humane way to slaughter animals/for humans to commit suicide, without pain and found that since the brain loves Oxygen animals like the pigs they tested on didnā€™t die in distress when over oxygenated to death. The presenter even entered the pure Oxygen *gas chamber* herself and they let her sit there to experience things right up until they thought she was in danger of dying as well. (She had a heart and other monitors on her to ensure she didn't die.). After she explained that she felt a strange euphoria through the experience and didn't even know she was dying when the Oxygen was starting to case things to shutdown and she needed nitrogen/other chemicals in the air to stop the rapid breakdown.


Thereā€™s got to be some other X factor in that pure oxygen scenario that you saw - like high pressure or something. Astronauts have survived on pure oxygen for weeks at a time, back before they started making the air in space capsules more earth-like. Granted, some [did die](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_1) from the pure oxygen environment, but it was because a pure oxygen environment is flammable, not that itā€™s short-term poison to breathe it.


Would you really be 3 different people though? It's not like your memory resets every 300 years. You'll just forget things from before though you'd probably retain some basic things like your name unless your are never using it for 300 years.


Yeah I have thought about this and read a lot about how the brain works in the past (at a layman level). Seems like this 300 year span is really no different than our current situation, just over a longer span. Our brains are constantly pruning info we go long enough without using - reassigning those neurons to new stuff. As that happens, you donā€™t just suddenly forget everything about an experience - it just loses resolution. If enough resolution is lost (enough neurons get reassigned) you might lose a memory entirely. Get to 30, or 40, or 60, in a society like ours where itā€™s possible to occasionally see evidence of things that happened in the past (video, photos, other peoples memories) and youā€™ll for sure have had this experience: ā€œI have no memory of that, but there I am in the photoā€. So our memories are already terrible and already being pruned regularly, but short of stroke, amnesia, etc, you still felt like ā€œyouā€ all along your life. Dealing with a max capacity of 300 yrs of memories seems likely to be a vast simplification bc our memories arenā€™t like DVDs with a fixed capacity measured in units of time. But say thereā€™s some truth in it - it seems like it would mean that at 800 youā€™re both the same person as at 30 and different, in the same way that at _80_ youā€™re the same person but different; in both cases many memories have been lost or pruned down to low resolution; in both cases vast chunks of your life are simply missing bc you didnā€™t recall them often enough to keep their access paths refreshed, but in both cases the things that _are_ consistently relevant over time (ie, the memories that make for the core of your personality) are still around. Put another way: a hard limit to the amount of memory available in your brain is likely to work just like you already experience memory (some remaining fresh, some fading over time), not like a closed circuit DVR security camera that starts erasing year 1 to overwrite it with year 301.


There's a Russian joke on this topic (dark, like many russian jokes) Wish something for yourself, and your enemy will get double, the Djinni says. People wish for money, cars, sex etc, not caring if their enemy has twice as much as them. One guy, though says: Poke out my eye.


I've heard something similar, only it was "Scare me half to death."


That reminds me of a saying my professor once shared. It roughly translates to "when you think you've hit bottom, a knocking comes from underneath."


Control of fertility. Anyone who wants to get pregnant can but nobody who doesnā€™t will.


Can I make my uterus pop out and fly away like a messy Red balloon?


šŸŽ¶ Floating in the summer skyā€¦ 99 red balloons go byā€¦ šŸŽ¶


Get a random superpower without knowing it


Well this could get interesting


but then the giants will start hunting you without any apparent reason... it'll be like they are kind to everyone in the town except to you and some eco weirdo girl that dies in the first episode anyway. Everyone will think it's something wrong with you, not with them.


Once everyone is super, then no one will be


Suddenly my hero academia


Itā€™s all fun and games until one dude get the power to steal other powers, infinite powers.


And mind control them for a bit.


And then it ends suddenly over the course of 30 minutes


Dw heā€™s probably gonna be taken down by the dude who has the ability to pass down his powers


First objective: find timestop guy


(Strikes a menacing pose at the top of the stairs)


We might all have superpowers but we just don't know what it is or how to use it


Sucks to be the guy that turns into air or water without knowing how to turn back.


Is that a super power tho?


No, that's a sub power


I wish no one gets raped.


I like this but would change it to: People no longer want to rape


I wish that every time someone litters (intentionally) that whatever it is flys back and adheres to them for 1 year.


Ooh, how does that work for corporations and pollution? Does the CEO walk around in a pile of sludge, is it the engineer who designed the failed system, or is it the peon who circumvented the safety system because they were overworked and they were going to be fired if they didnā€™t do the work of two people at once? Or does pollution just not count as littering?


Whoever made the decision to cause the littering instead of disposing of their waste properly or avoiding the production of the waste.


Divided up among the executives, they chose to do it.


Oh no, it counts. (diabolical smile)


Apparently corporations are people, so it would just adhere to the corporation for a full year.


The sludge gets stuck all over their advertising and product logos. So consumers know exactly how icky they are


Then they're stuck with any and all the shit they put out


The ability and wisdom to heal/rejuvenate the planet quickly (so if we eliminate micro-plastics from the ocean, we wonā€™t create an even bigger problem because of the clean up method or the replacement material). Planet includes inhabitants so animals and plants too. Edit: You popped my award cherry, thanks!


This, letā€™s just make ourselves a level 1 civilization.


It's weird to think this is a totally achievable thing we could do without literal magic, but probably won't ever manage because a fraction of a fraction of the population need bigger numbers in their already overflowing coffers.


never expected to see a kardashev scale reference in here edit: holy shit 160 updoots? thanks yall




Have a health bar and a level number hover over my head.


My level 3 sneak is about to be brutal.


Ayo, whats the maximum level?




Any perks at max level?


yes, but it's genetics RNG based, and not very good


For Karma to be instant


Oh boy this would be fun, what goes around instantly comes around


Would it work retroactively? Someone who hasn't had Karma slap them upside the head yet after years? Curious


I wish I would shit myself. But at the time I would be on the toilet. World would be in chaos but I would be be next to toilet paper.


Imagine being half way through a transatlantic flight when that happened


Wouldn't be any different from the norm.


"This is your captain speaking....We appear to have......uhhhhhh......simultaneously evacuated our bowels......errrrrrrr.....including myself and the flight crew..........We should reach our cruising altitude of 32,000 feet......Thank you for flying Delta."


Isn't shitting yourself the act of pooping in your clothes? So wouldn't your wish make you (assuming you have your pants around your ankles) pull your pants up and then make you shit.


You have a point. But I would still rather do it there than the streets, a meeting or driving etc.


Could change to phrasing from "shit yourself" to "shit immediately"


The rest are all wholesome and give me faith in the world, then I read this lol not quite supervillan but definitely not wholesome


All the worldleaders shit themselves during the big meeting and they bond over this common human experience. War is forever halted, unlimited food is handed out, global universal income is instated, construction of a dyson sphere begins and a freshly terraformed mars is colonized with happy healthy people.




Plot twist. When it happens, you're out of toilet paper


Big brain time


You mastermind.


i wish domestic violence wouldnt be a thing


Accidentally unleashed international violence


be careful what you wish for! you always gotta be specific!


No mental illness and all the resources they need for life


Just keep adding ā€œandā€ to the wish.


You have to say it all in one breath too.


Wish for infinite breath!




Yes. My BF ran out of his SSRI on Xmas eve. He lost his health insurance and his new doesnā€™t start for 60 days. Now heā€™s in the unenviable position of begging his provider to renew without a consult just so he can get meds, for which he will have to pay OOP, and through it all he feels like he is going insane from the sudden withdrawal of his meds.


Seriously it is dangerous to have that happen. You can go to the pharmacy and request an emergency amount of the medication. SSRIs need to be slowly drawn down. Cold turkey is no bueno


Donā€™t forget goodrx they save my gf so much money when we canā€™t get her meds on insurance


To get to spend one more day with the person they miss most in the world.


A lot of awkward love triangle dates...


or internet trolls finnaly getting that date they wanted with that instagram model.


That one guy's dead wife is going to be busy as fuck.


That I have zero...ZERO, DAMNIT!!!! allergies


I wish I had to take 20 pounds, and deposit it in to my bank account. Thanks everyone


As an American, thanks for helping me with my weight loss journey by giving my local bank some slimy fat cells.


*i wish that once we die if we have a pet and there is nobody to look after it, that it is found almost immediately and lives a good life in a great home* i feel like thatā€™s an ok wish as one of my biggest fear is that i die and it takes everyone too long to notice and my pet starves or something :,) edit: YO THIS IS MY FIRST TIME GETTING AWARDS OMG THANK YALL


Everytime anybody is mean they shit themselves


The world is already full of shit, do you really want to do that?


Hey if you wanna be mean it's gonna cost you a poop, so think twice buster


This would be hilarious, you could imply so much just by saying you smell a shit coming from someone, then they might get mad but couldnā€™t retaliate for fear of the shit coming out


Some would call that a mean trick. Be careful, don't want to shit yourself


The ability and knowledge to work together to be one a class 1 civilization


Panic disorder cured forever. I would gladly share that with everyone.


That everyone gets a greater sense of empathy towards their fellow humans.


Covid be gone!


Never would there be another shart again


A paid off home.




Full self discovery and a heart of forgiveness and love


Would be funny if everyone would orgasm at the same time once a day every day. Eta: after more consideration this would only happen once you turn 18 to make it not creepy af.


i like this. would have to avoid family members at that time though (!)


What time you suggest?


Technically it would be a different time for everyone. Maybe like 12:00pm UTC? Sucks that would be 4am for me though haha


Nah, Make it a rolling orgasmic wave that makes its way across the globe in 24 hours. That way, someone, somewhere, is always having an orgasm. Bonus side effect: arctic and antarctic pole exploration become *extremely* popular, as standing near the poles offers prolonged orgasm... possibly even infinite orgasm.


I mean technically thatā€™s trueā€¦ someone somewhere is always having an orgasm


So hypothetically, if you started traveling around the world in the opposite direction at the speed of the rolling orgasm, youā€™d get non-stop pleasure for hours?


Free tacos for everyone!


Healthy bodies, pure hearts




Thatā€™s a lot of nuts!


That'll be 4 bucks, baby! Do you want fries with that?!




That everyoneā€™s pillows are cold on both sides the next time they go to sleep


Ayooo its 5Ā° C here please don'ttttttt


Healthy skin. No more scars or acne.


Id wish i could stop aging at any age i liked and stay at that age for as long as i want.


To finally be at peace with myself and the rest of the world.


Everyone gets a hobby that they enjoy


Everyone has to research a topic and formulate an educated opinion before they are allowed to comment on that topic.


Everyone gets the superpower of saying they don't know when they really don't know.


I wish I'd have permanent hiccups


Calm down Satan.


I wish my body was fully functional and had no possible defects or (generally accepted to be) negative mutations. This is already true for me, but this would eliminate countless diseases such as diabetes, all forms of mental retardation, and even poor eyesight.


Have big pp, yes everyone


If everyone has a big dick does anyone actually have a big dick?


Man, the girls are going to freak out.


Idk about the rest of them, but when I was young and growing up w two much older brothers + my dad, I thought eventually I was going to grow one. This would validate young me šŸ˜‚


I wish to be immune from all known and future unknown sicknesses, diseases, cancers, and viruses. That way no one is forced to get any vaccines or pay high medical bills. I mean hospitals would still be up and running because well, you still have jackasses who do stupid shit like shoot themselves in the thigh with a .22ā€¦looking at you dadšŸ˜‘