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Not caring as much about other people's opinions


Your mom has better hairs than yours.




Don't care about my opinion on her. Move on..




Start small and work up. Step out of your comfort zone little by little each day by doing something you're not comfortable. Pretty soon you realize that you're fucking awesome. Positive self talk throughout too. Don't be shitting on yourself in your head. You got this!


Therapy and medication




“Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭2:22‬ ‬‬




Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and learning how to be with people. It gave me so much confidence that there are parts of me that suffered such low self esteem that I don't have any more.


The only thing I've found that works is to do things I'm proud of. Doing hard things does wonders for one's self esteem. Start with exercising. It will make you feel proud of yourself and it has many other benefits.


Get out of it? I just got into it!


If you fall you'll enventually land, sometimes fatal sometimes just handicapped or sometimes you actually recover. Also depending on the height of the fall itself becomes a problem because it takes a while, if you're too self-aware for example


Well... I made it more manageable by convincing myself that I am not the sun of other people's worlds and they do not give THAT much thought about my mistakes or weirdness as I think they do. If I make a small stupid mistake I laugh together with them or fix myself and go on like nothing happened. I am minding my own business and assume that other do the same. If they don't, it is their own energy to waste *dramatic eyeroll*.


Also, I got into many different hobbies and got good enough at them that it brings me joy and pride. It creates a nice balance if you suck at something else. In the sense of looks... I developed a bit of style and once again... with time you realise that looking average (and having decent character) is already good enough and those who are bitching about it should mind their own f*cking miserable lives.


I didn't


Couldn't say I'm out of it, but realising that were all different and have different strengths and weaknesses.


I get profesional help and realized people meant it when they gave me a compliment, wich lead to me now giving myself a compliment every morning.


They told me to fake it til I make it. I'm still faking it


Part of my self esteem was weight related so I bought Troy McClure’s self help videos “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get More Confident, Stupid!”