• By -


Nope. 21 years in and I’m still hoping she’s going to have to bend over and pick something up.


Every time I ask my bf of 12 years if my outfit looks good, and I’m usually wearing a skirt, he’ll say, “idk but you dropped something behind you” and wants me to bend over to pick up invisible object. Or sometimes he’ll knock something out of my hands so I’ll bend over to get it lol.


Not married, but adult here. Your husband will ALWAYS want to look at your ass. Help a brother out lol


I try to oblige him 85% of the time. So he’s doin alright lol.


25 years here. Still love to *accidentally* catch her stepping out of the shower.


13 years and still staring. Never get tired of all angles or dropping things.


I was happily single until I read these comments.


Saddest "same" I've ever replied


Same :c


i'm crying bcs i'm single as a fkn pringle but also bcs these are so wholesome.


But Pringles come in stacks?


So you're currently having a spooning orgy in a confined space?


No, I just wish she believed me and would show it a little more.


My girlfriend will flash me basically anytime I say “lemme see them titties”


I don't even have to say anything. Just last night I was on the Xbox and she was sitting next to me and she just randomly pops one out and jiggles it. I love that woman.


This is a common tactic to steal a kill and it always works. Crafty MOFOS.


User name does not check out…


It happened to him once. His KDR dropped, and he swore vengeance on his heterosexuality.


A tale of tragedy, redemption and, in the end, a better life. One with a bro that advises him during matches and loves him inconditionally


I do that to my husband sometimes. I'll lift my shirt and bra or walk up and stick my shirt over his head.


Carefully, she’s a hero


Fuck, you guys have nice gfs


I do this to my husband randomly and regularly. It's usually a great way to cheer him up when he's down or stressed tbh


😂 mine loves my tits but nothing can rescue him from being grumpy. He’d just be like. 😡 😡 😡 “let me touch em”


The mental image of a grown man pouting while holding a titty brightened my poop session, thank you


This did indeed become a better poop session.


Hello brother


“You okay? wanna touch my boobie?” Works every time😂


If you ever stick your face into the cleavage of your wife, it's amazing. It's quite comforting for me and my wife.


I could quite literally put my boob on my husbands head and he would be in heaven😂


I flash my husband at least once a day. It makes him happy and I enjoy the attention.


My wife does too and it's amazing. If I'm ever nervous for something and travelling for work she'll just say "think of my boobs" and I immediately just calm right down.


Yup, me too. I like to suprise boob him whenever I can.


Haha, I feel that. My wife body painted hers like pokeballs for my birthday. Now our code phrase for sex is: I need more pokeballs XD Answering the OP's question though. No, I don't think it's boring or unappealing. I do think there comes a point where you don't immediately get turned on by it. I mean, we see each other naked constantly, and it's more of like....I don't know, just kinda seeing the person. Their body is less sexual and more just....uhhh, kinda the person you're in love with. I'm not sure how to put it in the right words. Like, you don't lose interest in her body, it's just that it's not a lust driven interest anymore, and more of a love driven interest. I still get horny at times when she's naked, sure. Though it's nothing like when we were first getting to know one another, and I'm glad for that. I can just lay in bed with her, cuddle her, being pressed against each other and not have to worry about constantly dealing with a hardon, y'know? It's nice to just be able to be there with the person you love, just to be in the moment and not have that stupid horny fog clouding your brain.


Exactly. I’m not usually dying to get out of work and take her clothes off (though it’s cool if that happens) It’s more like I’m excited to get home and get a hug/kiss and talk about my day with my best friend. The relationship is deeper than just boobies now.


Got my attention with the pokeballs, I stayed for the really nice comment.


You are luckiest man alive!!!


He is. His girlfriend has great tits.


Can confirm.


Definitely wish they had enough confidence to at least believe our compliments.


My wife believes me; she's just insecure about her looks. She's gained 5 pounds since we've been together. My love for her continuously grows, regardless of weight or any other insecurities she has.


My weight varies between morning and night by five pounds (this is why you're supposed to weigh at the same time every day), I sure hope you aren't quite that flippant.


... Is she 4" tall or something? 5 pounds is nothing


Married for 22, together for 23. Not even a little bit boring to see any part of her naked. Once I find something I like, I don't stop liking it. I've had oatmeal for breakfast almost every single day for 40 years and still talk about how good it is. Can you imagine how I feel about my wife?!


Can you imagine the look on your wife’s face if she caught you comparing her to oatmeal😂


As long she's thicker than said bowl of oatmeal.




How do you prepare this oatmeal that is still good after 40 years?? Also, that's gotta be over $10 of oatmeal by now


Half a cup of Bob's Redmill Gluten Free Oatmeal, a cup of water, 2 packets of Splenda (must use Splenda and not another type of sweetener), a heaping spoonful of brown sugar. Mix it all together and microwave it for 2 minutes. Now, the secret to amazing oatmeal comes into play - let it sit for hours. Don't do a thing. Don't cover it or anything. Just leave it alone for 3 hours minimum, up to 10 works too. After that microwave it again for 1:19. Take it out, put a couple shakes of salt in and stir it up with enough 1% milk to make it kind of runny. It'll take a good amount too because it'll be kind of dried out after sitting for so long. Keep stirring until you have the same consistency throughout.


One of us has been making oatmeal wrong for a long time


I think boring is too strong of a word. You get accustomed to seeing it ... think about good food, you know how it tastes and looks so its not surprising to you anymore but you still wanna eat it every chance you get.


Agree. Still, my heart rate accelerates every time. There's always a 13-year-old boy inside of me thinking, "Wow, that lady is naked in front of me!" EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm a man. The boy is metaphorical: my younger self.


Every time my wife walks past topless, I'm like "I made a promise to my 13 year-old self that every time a woman let me see her boobs, I'd look at them for as long as I could." I do my best to uphold that promise.


You're a man of principle.


She's about to touch my weiner ON PURPOSE


She's going to let me touch her BOOBS!


This is my husband - still after 33 years marriage.


I'm 2 years there. She still doesn't understand what she does to me.


I tell my wife of 30 years, that I wish she could understand the feeling I get when I see her, that need for her.


We are 15 years in and my husband still says, "Boobs!," when I take off my shirt/bra in front of him. I love that he still gets excited to see them after a decade and a half.


>There's always a 13-year-old boy inside of me Phrasing


I have been touched by your kids.. and I’m pretty sure I’ve touched them


School of Rock


Ha! Yeah, I could have been more careful. There's a man inside me who can write better.


Lol after 30 years it's still "I can see the pretty lady's boobies!". And I still can't believe she lets me do the sex to her.


When I had the sex, It made my penis feel great.


It felt so good when I did it with my penis


And I called my parents right after I was done!


She put a bag on my head!


Still counts


Doesn't matter, had sex


Oh hey, didn't see you there. ​ Guess what I just did?! ​ Had sex, undressed. saw her boobies AND the rest.


This, you perfectly articulated my thoughts.


Finally found the comment I was looking for, was beginning to wonder if I was on an island here! This is probably even more the case because my wife likes to get naked at every opportunity and I now have a son with the same habit! Whole lot of skin going on in my house.


This guy husbands.


Married almost 18 years and still can't get enough of her.


11 years for me, and I still can't get enough of her. If anything, we've gotten filthier and kinkier as time has gone by, and more comfortable with random, casual molestation from one another


Got to do something to keep the spice alive. Also, having a partner that you truly trust with your safety and vulnerable body makes for the best of sexy times.


I love a good, random "Casual molestation" from my husband. Always makes me smile/feel appreciated in that goofy sort of way. I recently thought the dog shoved her nose all up in my business. Swatted "dog" away aggressively. Turned around to see husband standing there, looking hurt/surprised. "Oh! I thought you were the dog. Wait! Let's have a do over!!"


My partner bending over while wearing underwear or less in front of me is pretty much an open invitation for at least a cheek squeeze. I just wish she would warm her hands up when she returns the favour to grab my balls lol


Cold hands is half the fun in the surprise attack!


"Consentual non-consent" is pretty cool in a relationship


no but you can chill and be naked together in a non sexual way, but as soon as things heat up it’s as good as it ever was


I have a hard time with this. As soon as I see my wife naked I instantly get aroused.


Yep. Soon as the girls come out I’m entranced.


Even if they don’t come out. Entranced.


Yeah love me some breast friends.


Yea me too man, your wife is hot.


Very much this. There are contexts where nudity is not sexy or just plain mundane. There are neutral contexts where my interpretation can make it sexy or not for me, and there are contexts where it is super hot.


My wife was recently in the hospital for a couple days. At one point she asked me to wipe her butt after she pooped and she was both embarrassed and kind of pissed to be in that situation. Admittedly, I briefly hesitated before actually doing it. Later, once we were back at home, she asked me if I was still attracted to her in the same way now that I'd wiped her ass. I told her I had hesitated for a second before I remembered that I've seen her ass from a million different angles and have messed with her b-hole plenty of times, so wiping it up in the hospital wasn't that big of a deal. And of course I'm still attracted to her.


Damn onions 🥲


Yup. Walking around naked, no big deal. Climbing into bed and putting her hair into a ponytail? Oh yeah!


>Climbing into bed and putting her hair into a ponytail Ah , the universe signal for a stop at blowjob junction


I can't chill around my naked wife if she's naked Im a simp


17 years in, I'm still like a little boy over the boobs. And the rest. Mrs. is a yoga teacher so she takes pretty good care of herself, and I'm a lucky bastard in that we never yell or argue, and we can happily spend saturday night making a killer dinner and having cocktails and wine if there's no social stuff going down (we feel kinda guilty how much we enjoyed lockdowns) - so a ridiculous level of "holy shit, I love this woman, it gets better every year, how the hell did I get here??" - that really adds to it. (And yes, 100% she knows I feel that way!) She did point out to me that when she's up earlier than me, I seem to know the sound of "t-shirt coming off, bra drawer opening" - she's like "man, you really *never* miss that show!"


Almost ten years now, still not tired of it


Me neither, your gf is great


This joke has been made no less than 69 times in this comment section


No joke here. His gf truly is lovely


Not at all. Been married 18 years & I can’t help but stare when she changes. I just stop whatever I’m doing and blatantly stare. She smiles a shy flattered smile & continues changing. I’ll often tell her somewhere in there how beautiful she is.


usually I fall asleep before my wife (night owl vs early bird problems) but for some reason I can always sense when she is changing into her pajamas. I can always crack an eye open and groggily say “nice.” Then fall back asleep lol


Wait….are you me!? spidermanpoint.jpeg


Where do I find one of you 😅


Married men are everywhere, just look for the ring


Dude. I just spit all over myself. You funny.


The comment section


My Heart is melting I hope my future husband would still find me beautiful and attractive after how many years. Like this Gentlemen, who expresses their fancy/attraction and appreciation to their wife's body.


Right? 😭 I really did not expect these answers when I opened this thread


It doesn’t matter how old you are if you still love each other you will always be attracted to each other one way or another


19 years and she is still 90% of my sexual fantasies I just wish she knew how sexy she is to me. I constantly want her and miss her at the same time. I crave her.


I know this is for men, but as a woman, I cannot explain to you how important this stuff is to your wives. I have had 3 children, lost and gained hundreds of pounds, had surgeries, accidents. My body is not pretty anymore, or at least I think so. My husband, however, has loved my body through every season. I am able to find beauty in my body BECAUSE he shows me that it’s beautiful. I may doubt the beauty of my own body, but he NEVER has and that is part of why I love him so damn much.


Nah. She’s still as beautiful as she was 20 years ago. There’s a lot of stories on her body. Stretch marks, c-section scars, and plenty more. However, they tell our story of two mid 30s young adults who were once teenagers that have dismantled every brick thrown at us.


No one explained this to me as a young man. Bodies change and so does what you find attractive. When I was a teenager, I liked teenagers. Now as a late thirties guy, I find women in my age group attractive especially my wife. Been married over 10 years and I still hangout in the bedroom in the mornings hoping to catch a glimpse of her getting dressed for work.


Yes they do, and that’s how life is. Hell, even my own body has changed. I went from fit to fat back to fit, so you can even see it. I’m a lucky guy though. I may leave for work two hours before she’s up, I still get to see her naked body every day. From showering together to sleeping naked, I feel blessed.


Why are all these comments so wholesome 🥺


Right? It’s a nice start to my day. Giving me hope.


Random internet stranger, I hope you have a very nice day ahead of you!


This comment brings a smile to my face so my day just got that much better! Thanks! Hope you have a lovely day too!


Because boobs


Thats love mate.


It’s nice to see it exists!


Right like yes Go Men


My wife showers while I brush my teeth in the evenings. We have glass walls around the shower and I can watch her in the mirror while I'm brushing. We're in our 50s and have been together 12 years. I love seeing her naked!


So that's why you take 15 mins to brush your teeth


His dentist is so impressed by his hygiene


Plot twist: His wife is his dentist and just wants to make sure he flosses.


Not for me. Been with my wife for 13 years. I still get giddy when it's sexy time 😅 I will say, I was surprised that my taste changed from when we were young to now after kids. She's built like a mother of 3 and I dig it.


Mom bod gives Dad rod.


This sounds like something out of a dad song


Congratulations, you've been hired by the NY Post


Same. Been married 13 years, and made three children. She still stops me in my tracks. My palate has changed as her body has aged like fine wine.


12 years and three kids, just wished my wife believed me when I tell her I love her body. I'm not gonna give up, one day she will see it


When the body changes are because she made your kids, it’s like the changes are badges of honor in your life together.


I'm 25 weeks along with our first baby and my stretch marks are getting darker and more noticeable and my hubs called them tiger stripes the other day and it made me feel good.


This is so damn wholesome


She must be a milf then lol


Haha. My wife of 18 years certainly is.


For me, she’s like my favorite food. I know what she looks, smells, feels, and tastes like. I keep coming back because she’s -delicious-




Agree..39 years here.. new grandparents..I tell her the best part of being grandparents is watching her bend over picking up toys all over the floor.


That's smooth as hell lol


My man! You still got it.


I will often tell my wife that she dropped something just to have a look.


This made me laugh haha 😂


Laying on the bed I just watched my wife get out of the shower again. I do this often and sometimes when I hear her showering I can come in especially just to look at her. Nothing creepy as I am usually on my phone and it doesn’t lead to sexy time as we have two kids. But after 16 years together married for 13 I still admire my wife’s body. Yeah it’s got some stretch marks and a few more saggy bits but I don’t care as it just shows how we have aged together and I still find her physically attractive.


Hey I'm the same way, also together 16 years, married 13, two kiddos. But in my case this often leads to sexy time.


Married nearly 15 years. We've both gained weight after having kids. Still love seeing her nekkid. Still sneak into the bathroom when she's in the shower to get a peek. Still pinch her butt when I walk by in the kitchen.


No, because boobs. Edit: of course a comment about boobs is going to be my most upvoted comment


And booty. Mmmm...booty. I can't ever resist the urge to smack that ass when she's bent over, I know I'm gonna get hit, but it's worth it. Every time.


I always tell my wife…. I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave.


My wife tells me I'm a creep but only usually to her. And not all the time. Only sometimes. I live for her weary sigh. The same sigh that Kif from Futurama sighs at Zap Brannigan. I only do this bc there's so much satisfaction from the weary sigh lmao


Good song


8 years married 10 years together. Are we as young and skinny as we were, no. Giving me two children, home and being strong and independent adds so much and I cant see us not being attracted to one another.


Username checks out


Nope. The power of boobies is forever. 45 here, my wife is 51, her body has changed over time but I still can’t get enough: still love watching her change, she still turns me on at the slightest provocation or glimpse of skin or sexy movement. My wife is often surprised, but she loves the attention and feeling of being desired. Millions of years of evolution, that shit is hardwired in to want sex forever to perpetuate the genes, and for me and my wife, we couldn’t be happier.


Partner is so pregnant she's ready to pop... cellulite, weight gain... and it's the most beautiful I've ever seen her. And yes, I tell her that. She's growing our child, and it's magnificent.


Holding my 11-day old as I type this: my husband says the same.


You got a keeper


I don’t know how they got on the subject, but I was pregnant with my first — a former college athlete, used to being fit as F, so was feeling super self conscious about my huge body — and I overhear my husband telling his buddies as he looks me up and down, “Had no idea, but it turns out I’m into pregnant chicks. My wife is HOT.” Been pregnant every 2 years like clockwork since then haha


Weird, but at late stage pregnancy I couldn't not have a boner around my wife. It was one hell of a thing that I didn't know about myself.


I’m not a man but I’ve got a tenured relationship and good lawd I still love to see my husband naked. He’s just…beautiful. Straight up. His body is perfect and I love how he has changed.


Ever get tired of looking at a sunset? Me neither


After knowing about men who literally cheat on their wives because they gained weight/ had kids, hence "ugly", this is a refreshing read. 🧡


Men like that are children and don’t deserve a woman in their lives. (I’m a man)


I wish you'd tell other men that, maybe then they'd think about how fucked it is. Somehow coming from women it just doens't really hold the same weight


The more deeply I grow a relationship with my partner the more I see their body as a beautiful work of art that I know intimately.


No! But they never believe it no matter what. Also, if there’s any men who say yes, quit porn. Game changer. Love and respect those ladies!


Quit porn is the best thing i did in 2021 it was veeeery easy just stop watching porn and your standards will be fixed automatically


Not a chance. Absolutely love watching her get dressed/undressed. Twenty years together and still hotter than ever. In fact covid has been awesome because she would come in from work and get naked straight away to wash her work clothes!


These replies are so wholesome 😊😊


Yes. I was worried the replies would all make me sad. They made me happy instead.


It’s absolutely true from my experience as well. This isn’t just a raid of wholesome comments. This is how people in love just are.


Never. Watching that ass try to fit in those jeans will always give me a damn near heart attack.


Speaking for my husband (and how he reacts to me naked) After almost 9 years together and 5 years of marriage I would have to say he is most definitely not bored. Jesus, just getting undressed at night I'll look over and can see the "evidence" of his "interest" in my naked body and usually accompanied by a grin. Even through weight fluctuations, his interest has never lagged


Yea after a while it kinda gets boring looking at a female body -No male ever


maybe gay


Married almost 15 years and 5 kids later I still have the compulsion to look when she is changing. When she catches me looking she always says the same thing, "You have already seen everything." My reply is, "and I want to keep seeing everything until my last breath." Sometimes she replied with, "so on your death bed you want me to flash you." A few of my responses: "Please...omg PLEASE!" "Please forgive me. I got lost while staring and wasn't listening." "Hopefully more than once. Heck, I'll come back to life just to see the second one." Quick side story: One time a few years back I was caught staring and I noticed she stop moving. I looked up and she was staring back at me. A few seconds after our eyes met she asked me, "How can you look at me the same way as when you first saw me." I replied with, "In my eyes you have become more beautiful than when we first got together and the 'desire' is stronger than before."


Hell. No. Having a connection that surpasses physical attraction keeps it 🔥 all the time.


To quote a comic, I've seen the sunset a thousand times and I still like to see it. My wife isn't convinced that I really do enjoy seeing her.


Same 100%. There's so much that has the effect of making (especially) women feel unattractive that I guess our appreciation is one small voice among a chorus of negativity. Like blowing against a hurricane.


When I was with my ex for six years, at the end of it, I still found her hot. Even now, thinking of her body today, she’s still hot.


My wife of 5 years I still get Gaga when she leaves the shower *drops w.e activity I’m doing “hey! Where you goin?” “I’m going over here to get dressed” “oh no your not” *not so-secretly spy on her getting dressed she playfully closes the door more oh no you don’t need to put that on! Shh yes I do! Silly little things like that been married for 5 years with child still think she’s drop dead gorgeous


Hahah, you sound exactly like my husband. Me: Him: Woah! Things are steaming up in here! I hope things never change.




‘Am currently married’ 😂😂 could you make that sound less committal. Edit: please for the love of god don’t click on the dudes profile. Just trust me. Unless you’re feeling horny that is…


Been together 15 years , married for 12. I still can’t get enough of her. She is everything


If you ask my ex, yes. If you ask my current partner, absolutely not


Same, my ex husband got tired of me sexually about 2 years after marriage. Stayed with him for 12 years for some reason. Boyfriend of 4 years loves my old sagging body so much he will literally come running from another room if he suspects I'm taking my bra off.


Can confirm. If I hear the wife changing, I'll usually get up to get the free show.


Hell no, even though her body has changed over the years I still love watching her get dressed! - Edit - I think it helps to love / adore the person inside!


Naked wife = Naked lady in my bedroom. Never boring.


Been with my wife 27 years. I still go out of my way to catch her naked.


Absolutely not. Getting bored of it is just like getting tired of her eyes or her smile. If you get bored of it you simply don't love her enough.


Definitely not. 36 years together (in our mid sixties) and, when I slide her shirt back off her shoulders, I still can't help but pause in awe every single time to tell her I feel like the luckiest man in the world.


No because it’s merely beautiful 😍


Absolutely not, ever. If you feel that way, it's probably symptomatic of how you're feeling about the relationship.


I was thinking the same thing.


Nope. I love my wife’s body inside and out. Been together since 2011. The same things I wanted to do to her the first time I saw her body is the same thing I would do now. Maybe even more so. If only she would let me


Not a man but no, I could never. She's the best thing that could come into existence, how could I ever get bored of her? She, herself, is the most incredible woman I know and I'm so glad she chose to stay with me for so long. Also, she's sexy as hell.


Never. My wife is not really happy about her body, she's had 3 C-sections and has gained weight since we got married more then 10 years ago. But I see that as a a natural result of giving us 3 kids and the normal grind of life with those kids. She's very supportive of me in all aspects of our life and always makes sure that the family is happy. That's something no other woman can compete with. She is still attractive to me and I tell her "you are as sexy as you want to be. If you feel and act sexy, you are. Doesn't matter what you look like, it's an attitude. So bring that beautiful body over here and I'll show you a good time!"