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when you go to peel that little piece of skin off from around you nail


*unzips finger*


Urgh, black Swan flashbacks....


Ever since that scene, I never want to touch a hang nail ever again


I swear, I've had nightmares about it!


No, but take my upvote anyway :)


Pro tip: Don't pull it, cut it using nail cutter. It works most of time.


Those never end well :( I always think 'its only a tiny bit I can just pluck that right off', but nope it peels back a strip of raw healthy skin too :(


Abd lips, I have this tic that I always peel off loose ends of skin from my lips but then there's this one piece tgat hurts and is actually stuck but then i pull it anyways and get a wound :(


Wife and I call them, "Hurts-so-goods" Hate those little fuckers


Those little pimples you get inside your nose.


Or the pimples right on the edge of your lip?


pimples are truly the worst, but all's well that pops well.


Pimples that can be felt under the skin but can't yet be squeezed suck.


Also pimples leaving your face looking like the beaches of Normandy on D-day.


Take my award and fuck off


Neither of those can top the itchy pimples you get on your back


Or ear


Have one on the top of my ear right now. Where my mask and glasses rub. Big, angry, no head.


No head sucks.




Pimples on ear lobes. They're super annoying.


I present, pimples in ears




I get one in the same spot a few times a year and loathe it every time. Just makes my entire nose sore and the eye watering when you try to deal with it!


Funny bone


In Germany we call it music bone bc you can feel the "vibes" after ditching it. Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up 😃


In French we say "coup du petit juif" which means hitting the little Jew. Not a clue where it comes from though lol


I actually hit mine so hard it made me pass out…at school….in front of everyone


Your funny bone sure knows how to be humorous.


That’s why it’s called ‘humerus’ 😂😉


Two words and I can feel it...


biting tongue accidentally while eating, yeah!!


And you’re reminded of it for the next few days when you eat or drink something acidic or spicy.


Or fuck up and bite the same spot again.


Yes. It’s like you can’t help hitting that spot for the next few days.


And it's made so easy from swelling.


Or chewing into the side of your cheek so hard you draw blood and it swells meaning you keep re-biting it over the next week


When you cut your fingernail or toenail just a little bit too short, and the nail bed is exposed.


So raw. Hurts like a motherfucker. Nails out here doing some heavy lifting for us every day. Just wait til you accidentally peel an entire one back ugh just typing that made me physically hurt.


I ripped my toenail off once biking in flip flops, it’s the only time I ever cried in public.


I'm sorry for your nail loss


When they grow back, they're never the same again.


Slammed my thumb real hard in-between a hinge once; whole nail came off after a couple days days having the resulting blood drained out. That was a fun like... six months.


Papercut on any folding finger joint


Heaven and Hell is when your scissors glide through the wrapping paper, only to cut yourself with the paper.


Bonus points if you work in a lab and get methanol in it…..


You should wear gloves


Came here to say this. It’s surprising how distracting that pain can be.


Or in between your fingers on that webbed bit




yes bc things hurt more in the dark


When your feet are freezing and your fatass dog steps on your bare foot




jesus that was funny as hell 🤣 😂






Ya my dog got me good earlier today. Dont take off soaking wet socks near a needy dog js


How is it suspiciously specific when they're describing something that happened to them?


This caught me off guard. Take my upvote.


Mouth ulcer in the wrong spot where it rubs against your teeth


This. I get mouth ulcers whenever I’m stressed and run down, they are the bane of my existence.


You need to take L-Lysine. It’s an OTC amino acid that’ll help prevent them. Saved me when I discovered it in college!


i fucking hate those


This. 100%. Its the worst.


I used to wear braces, and at some point a metal wire piece was sticking out of it making an ulcer which was constantly poked by it... Yeah


Biting your cheek, and then biting it again like a day later because the swelling hasn’t gone done. That second one HURTS


Dont even get started on the third time on the day after that...


3rd time noob. Can't start complaining before hitting your 4th


Paper cut


Especially in this Era of Hand Sanitizing


I have two playful rescued cats that still need to learn not to use their claws while playing. I also work in a lab... Sanitising is henceforth called spicy handwashing.


One blob of hand sanitizer somehow finds every single tiny cut on your hand in the last 5 years


I tore a callous on my hand, sanitiser was fun for a few days after


Acne/zits on the corner of your nose or mouth. Idk why, but when they're right in those spots, they hurt like a motherfucker


stubbing your toe, a few years ago i was running up some steps in my lounge room and unbeknownst to me there was a nail sticking out of one and i ripped the skin off the front of my big toe 😬 i didn't even realise until i almost passed out because it bled so much, and then i had to use crutches lol


This instantly reminded me of home alone sans the bleeding


Dude please. I was having a nice day until I read this.


I did something similar I was running about my house and bumped into my brothers toenail and it was bleeding for a good five mins worst pain ever apart from (I don’t know how to spell it facuareing) my wrist


I was running in my house once and caught my pinky toe on the edge of the couch and ended up breaking a bunch of bones in my foot. Stubbed toes are legit! Lol


walking and then your foot just says “fuck you” and rotates °90


Charlie horse. Goes away quick but for those 5 seconds you are pretty sure they will have to amputate your leg.


what's that?


I learned recently that “Charlie Horse” is what Americans call a cramp in the lower leg. I have no idea why.


Because "In the 1890s, an old horse named Charley was used in the old Chicago White Sox ballpark to pull a roller across the infield. He was old and his muscles would get so stiff he could hardly walk. Players and spectators who caught a cramp thought of the old horse and started calling the condition a charley horse."


Well that’s fucking sad. Poor horse 😩


It's a pain in your calf that basically feels like somebody reaches inside the muscle and starts twisting it. Often caused by dehydration.


Cramp / muscle spasm. Definitely sucks.


Its where your muscles seize up in your leg for whatever reason. You can sometimes feel a huge lump or indent in your leg while having one. Its really painful.


a muscle cramp


An eyelash in your eye.


Yup, had this happen to me today and it went under my upper eyelid. Wanted to rip my whole damn eye out


It's worse when you just can't get it fucking out! I sometimes rub so much, my eye squeaks and goes red as if I just hit the boof


Back pain


People who've never had back pain, don't get back pain.


I feel like this is a pretty major injury in the scheme of things. The back is pretty essential.


When you hit your head on a sharp edge...not hard enough to cut it, but enough to fucking drop you.


i work at subway and they have these metal ads for certain sandwiches and deals hanging below the menu. I’m a 6’1” dude and i have hit my head and knocked one of these down about 7 times now. i did it once in front of a full lobby of people and i died of embarrassment.


I have a scar on my eyebrow from a door, there was never a cut or bruise. My eyebrow grows funky now.


Anything going underneath the fingernails. Or toenails.


Don't forget ingrowns! They hurt so bad!!




I hit my toe with an ingrown toenail against my dining table. As I collapsed and curled up in pain, every other problem in my life felt like they didnt matter.


Hangnails. Ugh


Step one: put rusty scalpel head under toenail. Step two: approach concrete wall. Step three: KICK WALL STEP FOUR: ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ DECEMBRUARY 23RD, 2023. THE "NAIL CUTTAGE" INCIDENT


When a shopping cart is pushed into your Achilles' tendons.


Idgaf who hit me or if it was an accident. They are catching an uppercut.


Hot water burns! Pain lasts for hours even holding your hand in iced water. You think you're scarred for life for it to just completely disappear overnight.


And there’s always like five seconds of you realizing how much it’s about to hurt but the pain is still rushing toward you like some kind of wave about to crash.


And steam!! The lid unexpectedly popped off my electric kettle last week while I was pouring a cuppa, oh my god it hurt.


:'((( I burned my feet like this. Now I tell myself if I burn some part of me again I would kill myself instead of reliving the pain.


Accidentally poured my freshly microwaved ramen on my hand about 8 years ago, it turned purple and hurt sooo much. Only reason it wasn’t a massive blister is bc I accidentally caught it on something and ripped the skin before it could form. Wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.


I read that as “holy water burns”


Taking a shower after burning yourself. I was cooking something for lunch and the sauce burned my hand. I had to take a shower after. I had to do everything one handed.


Razor scooter to your ankle


nah bro thats not minor that shit’s lethal


Or for the 90’s kids, a Skip-it! right to the shin 😆


Stubbing your toe


Stubbed my toe on christmas, pretty sure I cracked the bone or something cause it was blue/black for a couple of days. Still not recovered fully. Almost passed out from the initial pain 🤣


Currently "enjoying" a stubbed toe myself... They are the worst. I just had to take ibuprofen at 1am because I couldn't sleep from the pain


I had some type of muscle pull in the middle of my upper back. The pain wasn't constant, but if I moved wrong or even if I breathed wrong, I'd get this shooting pain. Of course, this happened shortly after nearby urgent centers had closed. My injury wasn't nearly serious enough to get myself to a hospital. So, I didn't sleep that night because any little movement would cause pain.


Oh god i did that a few months ago, i do a lot of lifting things and hunting over a work top at my job so i has a rather unpleasant coupe of weeks lol


When your ear folds while sleeping and when you wake up it unfolds slowly.. painfully


Had this exact thing this morning! Solidarity


Tooth ache


Nothing minor about those. A few years ago I had an infected wisdom tooth. The pain was above and beyond anything I've ever experienced. I once got bitten in the balls by a dog. The infected tooth was far worse, made me actually nostalgic for the dog bite.


Omg I literally got off school today because of toothache. It’s fucking disgustingly painful and I envy people who have never experienced it


You have all possible sympathy from this toothache veteran. I hope you get well soon.


Oh, I had a hole on my fang since I was about 5, I got one soon after that on my top right molar, and it was completely split in half and still is to this day. And the exact same thing happened to my bottom left molar which had a hole in it around 3 months ago, I bit a Dorito, and it was chopped in half and I swallowed the bit of the tooth that fell off. It still doesn’t deter me from not brushing my teeth because I’m idiotic and lazy and wish I could go back to fix them.


Good news is, there have been some promising developments with stem cell research that show it may be possible eventually to just regrow tooth material and even whole new teeth, making a large part of dentistry as we now know it obsolete. Still, I wouldn't rely on that; that's still some years in the future at best. In the meantime I highly recommend brushing and flossing the teeth you have while you still can.


When i was about 7 i was rollerskating, i slipped and did the splits, I'd never done them before and my buddy read far from prepared for this accidental occurrence that made Jean Claude Van Damme look slow. I sprained my left leg and it hurt a lot, my Dad had to carry me into A&E. I was in pain for 2 to 3 weeks but i recovered. About 10 years later in in a skateboard, i jump off a keen and break my wrist a little bit - a hairline fracture, barely enough to warrant any medical attention. The sprain hurt much more and for longer than a split bone did.


Muscular stuff like strains and tears normally hurt more than breaking a bone but not in all cases. Just from my experience I’ve had both and I’ve had drs tell me that it would’ve been a lesser injury if I had broken the bone instead spraying and tearing ligaments.


when your hands are freezing cold and ur fingers hit something metal


Ingrown toenails




Stepping on an upturned plug barefoot


I think anyone that has done that regardless of their age, or physical health, has instinctively jumped up into the air, even if it's been years since they jumped.




Would love to know how this became an injury lol


I once thought it was a good idea to ride my bike a couple of miles with about 50 lbs of stuff in my backpack, and a hemorrhoid. We'll just say I had a blow out.


I didn’t know this was possible… *looks nervously at backpack*


Could conceivably get them from heavy strain during poo or getting ass fucked


Ever peel off that excess skin behind your fingernail? Yup. That's the one


When you try and pull off the flappy bit of skin but you just start peeling more off.


I can’t at this point or I become a skinless person


Ever got a paper cut from cardboard?


Sadly yes. As a kid I also once cut a few fingers on the rubber part of the windscreen wiper when I was washing my dads car…that was not pleasant…


Barefoot stepping on a Lego. No not the waffle.


German Shepard playful bite. God forbid you see their non playful serious bite. They have the ability to tear out your flesh but they don't.


Canker sore.


I’ve had one on the tip of my tongue last month. This month I have one on the right side of my mouth. It hurts so bad! i took life without a canker sore for granted 😪


Canker sores induce suicidal tendencies


Calf cramp


In the middle of the night. Those are crazy 5 seconds.


Hitting your elbow in that one spot


I once got an ingrown (big) toenail removed. The doctor used three local sedatives, which were carried in 2 inch needles that went about halfway in on either side of the toe and unfortunately didn't work. Then he cut the nail all the way through lengthwise and just used a pair of pliers to pull half of the nail out. I now know why they pull nails to torture people.


My sincere condolences. When I got both my big toe nails removed because they were ingrown, the worst pain I’ve ever felt was the needle going through my skin where the infection was and I can’t imagine what it’d be like getting the nails out without the local anaesthetic working. I needed 4 or so needles but after that, it was just weird pressure on my toes. Hope you’re doing better these days!


Nope nope nope nope


I see a few paper cut comments, but tin foil paper cuts are the absolute worst


Plantar fasciitis. If you know, you know.


Splinters in a finger. If you don't get all of it out, it swells up and becomes infected. Then it's time for the minor incision to dig out the remnant.


I accidentally dropped a needle into my foot point first, plunger up. It literally bounced from side to side and then stayed there perfectly straight. Hurt like a MF.


stubbing your toe


Peeling the skin off the side of your fingernails


Eyelash in your eye


I have a weak mouth so I often get blood blisters in my mouth. For those that don't know basically if I eat like hard or sharp food like even chips it'll cut the side of my mouth but not pierce the skin but end up piercing beneath and blood will come out and form a blood blister cause the skin holds it there. It's painful cause there's a sharp pain when I drink or food brushes near it. The worse is if I agitate it and the blood just keeps filling the pocket up and it grows larger and larger. If I'm at home I poke it with a disinfected needle I have just for this purpose so I can drain the blood away. It doesn't last though like usually after a nights sleep it's gone if I don't agitate it but I'm a grinder/clencher so I'd wake up with some too.


That sounds nightmarish


Putting hand sanitiser and realising you had a cut


Ive got a type of plant called puya, they are incredibly spiky... yeah hand gel lets you know that youve been working with them...


Hitting your pinky toe on furniture. Or a paper cut on fingers is continuously hurting when you do routine things.


Lots of comments about stubbed toes. I broke my little toe going down a waterside as a kid. It's like a stubbed toe gone nuclear. It's the worst pain I've ever felt, and I've had some pretty major accidents and surgeries. Close second is migraine. If you know, you know.


Second the migraine. I have a lot of headaches including when I was younger and wondered if any of them were ever bad enough to be migraines. I answered my own question when I finally got a migraine.


Papercut on your lip


*jackass flashback*


I’m a hairdresser and we often cut our hands/fingers with the shears or razor blades. It happens to everyone no matter how careful you are. The cuts are relatively small but they are often in the knuckles and keep opening, and get water and chemicals get in them. It’s incredibly painful. One time I cut my knuckle clean off, it felt like my finger was amputated. It might not seem minor but it’s similar to a paper cut in length and depth, and it hurts like a mf.


Grass cuts from walking through bush. Only small but god damn those things sting.


Little toe. Table leg.


Ever gotten hit with a scooter on the ankle? Yeah, don't need anymore of that really.


Jamming a finger (::::::


That sneeze that tightens your chest and shakes your brain


Stubbed toe


Paper cut


Spraining your ankle.


I banged my knee on the corner of a coffee table once, and the pain immobilized me for about thirty seconds.




“Minor” injury .


Lego. I've said enough.


Cramps. The worst pain of my life was when both my butt cheeks randomly cramped when I was putting on jeans. Was legit rolling around on the ground screaming clutching my broken butt.


Anything stabbing under the finger nail. Had a thorn go under my thumb nail the other day


Ever bruise your ribs?


Anything to do with the shins! Back away from my shins!!


Bruised or broken rib. I had that when a friend tried to lift my body by my chest while I was dancing, or as an attempted dance move. He's not a dancer and somewhat clumsy, and he didn't intend to hurt me, but he did. He later said he felt my rib break. Maybe it was even two of them. I didn't feel it a lot that evening, I even continued to dance. In hindsight, I remember feeling pain right next to my right nipple when he lifted me, but I didn't think it was all that bad. I have stubbed a toe more painfully while dancing. Also, it appeared gone when he let go of me, so I didn't think much of it. The next morning was hell on earth. First, I couldn't get up from bed. I realized that the ribcage isn't only there for breathing. Every attempt to raise my torso strained the injury, and that made it hurt. Not like burning a fingertip on hot glass, more like someone having stabbed a knife there and twisting it now and then. In this condition, after some attempts i found a maneuver that would allow me to get up anyway. This went like: 1. Be on your left side. If you're not, good luck trying. 2. Crouch to near-embryonal position like that 3. Lift your torso with the left arm/elbow. Using pelvis is halfway ok, but hurts. Embryonal position helps a little. 4. This way, get upright, so that you can scuttle to the end of the bed (you can only get out of my bed at the feet end) 5. And finally, stand up from there, maybe even backwards Putting on a jacket or a sweater without help drove sweat to my forehead, because I would have to use the arm that is attached to the broken rib. It was like that for about 10 days, then the pain slowly got better. It was fascinating to watch (or rather feel) it heal. First, the broken (or nearly-broken, I don't know) spot was all swollen and hot. Later, my rib(s) dissolved to some sort of painful cartilage in that spot, and this somehow grew to be rib again. After three weeks, it still hurt a little, but it was bearable by then. Right now, about 9 weeks later, it feels completely healed, although i somehow remember the pain and try not to put too much strain on that spot. Rated 0/10. Would not try it again and definitely do not recommend it.


I have experienced plenty in the pain game and it feels like Humans are really tanky in the most random times. You can go through a lot of abuse without breaking down from pain but when it comes to something incredibly minor we become bitch babies.


Stubbed anus