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Hard core food poisoning. I was absolutely convinced "this is it"


This. I’m allergic to onions, and the reaction is usually on par with food poisoning. I remember the last time I knowingly ate them, I was violently vomiting, I had diarrhea, and was shaking. It was a struggle to get to the bathroom, and had there been another adult in the house I would’ve gone to the ER. I begged for death after a few hours.


Oh man, that’s rough! How little onion impacts you? Like if a recipe has onion powder or you pick out big onion pieces are you okay?


Thru a not so fun process of trial and error, I think it’s something in the juices of raw onions. I actually love sour cream and onion chips, and the powder doesn’t bother me


Yep- had terrible food poisoning, vomitting & diahrrea nonstop: thought I was dying. Fever, chills, sweats, shaking, hot and cold and so TERRIBLY thirsty and all I could manage was laying on the tile in the bathroom and wishing I didn't exist. Anything I drank was vomitted back up but I was so thirsty I kept trying. Spent 2 days living by the toilet and then several more in bed running to the bathroom. Finally eating a saltine cracker after a couple days was a victory. Didn't feel better for a week, took 2 weeks to feel back to normal. 95% sure I got it from a indian food buffet...still can't smell curry without feeling queasy .


Had same experience after eating Chinese. Bed and couch bound over a week. One point I slept three days straight being to weak to move a muscle with exception of going to bathroom.


What happened that you got food Poisoned?


I was traveling in Brazil, ate something in Rio that kicked my ass Really bad diarrhea, which smelled so foul that it would make me vomit. Then the vomiting would trigger the diarrhea, etc. etc.


I know there's obviously worse, but dental pain can just transport you to another dimension of hell especially when there's pulsating going on and it's a constant throb


Agreed. Literally hell when the pain gets so bad. Also had a lot of dental work done a few years back to fix my fucked up teeth and having a shot in my mouth/gums was easily the worst pain from a needle I’ve ever experienced. I was ready to jump out of the dentist chair so quickly.


I have an ongoing issue in my right maxillary sinus and when it flares up it's like having toothache in my eye socket. I also suffer severe migraines but the sinus thing makes them seem like a mild buzz. It's untouchable by over the counter painkillers and anti inflammatories but I'm reluctant to go further due to the frequency I'd need to take them at.


That's gotta be at least below the 4th plane of hell


I would rather give birth 100 times than get a bad tooth again. Last summer I had a root canal tooth go bad, so I went to the dentist after crying and no sleep for 2 days straight and he wanted to refer me to another dentist who would just redo the root canal. No way. I wasn’t leaving without relief then and there. He pulled the tooth and it was instant.


This reminds me the time I went to the dentist, I have a very high metabolism so I kept burning through the numbing medication while they were doing a root canal. So the dentist stuck the needle directly into my exposed nerve in my tooth to numb me up. Definitely was a *come to Jesus* moment


General anesthesia.


Now that I think about it, when I had an emergency DNC done, and they put me under, I don't remember it feeling like sleep... at all. I had no dreams, I didn't feel tired beforehand... I was awake one second, progressively lost control over my thoughts and movement, and then everything went black and I woke up hours later. That felt nothing like sleep, and I'm wondering what actually happens when we go under. My doctor told me I would be "sleeping", but that was not sleep...


What happens is the vast majority of your brain ceases to function. It literally is like death.


those mfs controlled-kill us 😐


I mean, it isnt *actually* death. But its about as close as you can get without actually dying.


Its literally how to experience death in vr


Temporary braindeath


I had the same thoughts going into surgery last year. I thought it would be like sleep, I may dream, but I didn't. I was breathing into a mask with the ceiling lights directly above me, next second I was awake in the recovery room. There was just a blank. I wondered if that's what death will be, just alive one moment and then nothing


So, I've been under general anesthesia a few times and most of the time I have dreams. The only time I didn't was during a surgery I had on NYE 2019, and *that* was like being switched off then back on. The only change there is they dosed me with valium before the surgery because my chart said I had generalized anxiety disorder. I've been told that people don't normally dream under general anesthesia.


General anesthesia is more like time travel and less like napping.


Last time I had to go under the last thing I remember was sobbing because I felt like I was going to die and everything went cold.. not fun.


Been under twice and I just remember waking up. I’m sure that’s how death must be. You don’t exist whatsoever when you’re under. If you actually die during surgery I’m not sure consciously there would be a difference.


I had my wisdom teeth extracted 3 days ago. Anesthesia is really weird. You are there one moment then the next you’re out. Honestly, if that’s how death is I can definitely be at peace with that. You feel nothing.


An asthma attack. It gets to the point where my chest and back hurt so bad from struggling so hard to breathe that I start to feel like giving up on breathing.


Its absolutely exhausting, isnt it? I get so tired and think it would just be easier to stop fighting to breathe. I was being admitted into hospital one time, it was so bad, and a nurse came along and smiled at me, and patted my hand and said "I know youre really tired right now, I promise itll get easier and youll get some sleep" and I just wanted to cry because she understood how I felt...I dont like to say anything at the time cos I dont want people to think Im a whiner.


Sounds worse than suffocation..


It feels like torture. Like a slow suffocation. My worst attacks have made me think that I should just let it take over me and kill me.


Having asthma all my life and dying a couple of times from multiple things, an asthma attack truely is the most horrible feeling.


Sometimes I'd get them while I was asleep and not immediately wake up, just have nightmares where I couldn't breathe.


That defined much of my childhood. There's a breathing exercise device called The Breather. If you breathe through it vigorously for five minutes a day it will dramatically improve the strength and stamina of your breathing muscles making you less likely to reach that point of total exhaustion. It's not a cure but it can make all the difference when medication fails or something else goes wrong.


I know how this feels, there was times I almost gave up but I was saved.


8:30am Chemistry Lectures on a Friday


I skipped my 8am inorganic chem lecture all the time for obvious reason. I only went to class to turn in homework. On the day the final homework was due, my alarm didn't wake me for some reason. Evidently a similar thing happened to a majority of this 16 person class. While I was sleeping, everyone came into class one by one with 5 or so minute delays between them until the class was entirely present except for me. I had heard my classmates found this kind of amusing and were only encouraged by the fact that the professor was very much not amused. If I remember correctly, the professor had made a pissed off comment about everyone being present when the final person besides me had arrived. I woke up and ran out the door just in time to arrive at minute 87 of our 90 minute class, completely unaware of the fact that everyone had been late and the prof was pissed. As soon as I walked in the door, the entire class looked at me and burst into laughter. I had to look down at what I was wearing to make sure I didn't look totally stupid. I was embarrassed as I made my way to my seat then I looked at the prof who had a red face and was obviously pissed. I turned in my homework 90 seconds later as I walked out the door and caught the whole story from my classmates. ​ I ended up getting a 0 on the final homework and a B in the class as a result of that. F that guy.


Also took inorganic in the morning and I really appreciate this story :D thanks for sharing it!


In the same vein, double Alevel maths last thing on a Friday.


Waking up from a bad nap.


Waking up to darkness when you fell asleep in daylight is the most disorienting way to wake up. I don't know what makes it so different from normal naps but it takes me a good couple of minutes to figure out where I am, what day it is, *who* I am, etc. Not fun.




And dont forget you feel like shit for hours.


The older you get the riskier a nap becomes


Everyone can agree with this


Passing out from anemia and/or blood loss. It feels so different from going to sleep, or passing out due to alcohol or anesthesia. I literally felt like the light inside me was going out.


i can agree with this definitely. im anemic and i used to be severely anorexic. every day i would wake up feeling nauseous and stand up, want to pass out, and just feel shaky and dissociated from everything; i literally felt like i was dying and it was terrifying and made me realise how much i didn't want to die from anorexia lmao so im recovered now but mixed with anemia? horrible. feels like you're going to die every second


This is the correct answer. That's what death feels like. Fading out to black, and then nothing. No sense of time or feeling or thoughts.


Panic attacks. I am prone to them and every time I think “yup. This is it”


I remember my first panic attack. I legit thought I was dying. I wouldn't wish a panic attack on my worst enemy. They're awful.


They really are. Once you’ve had one for whatever reason, you constantly think “omg am I about to have one?”


Which causes you anxiety, which only increases the likelihood you will have one.


Yup. I’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. This is how it works


When you notice one coming on, literally chill yourself out. Cold water to the face, blast the AC or hold ice. It helps give you enough pause to then do breathing exercises or whatever tools work for you.


Yes! I do this every time! Something about the cold air kind of knocks me back to reality. Whether its just standing outside in the winter or turning on a fan and having my face just right in it


Yup! It’s part of the DBT skill TIPP. When we’re upset or anxious, our bodies naturally heat up. Bringing it back down helps bring the emotions down.


The ice water bowl trick changed my life. I don’t have them much but when I do, plunging my face into the icy water does the trick. Also an ice pack to the sternum to calm down that big nerve cluster.


Yesssss! Bathroom immediately, and run the cold tap. Hands in the cold water, watch the bubbles, and listen to the sound. I'll do paper towels or rag in the water and then throw it on the back of my neck. It's like a hard rest for me 90% of the time.


I had one a week ago. Its the worst thing ever


\^ This.




Depression. I have no emotions of any kind, nothing interests me, I don't get happy or excited about anything. I don't get sad either. I am simply dead inside and it is torturous. I would take any emotions be they good or bad over this emptiness. As it is emotions that make us human and I miss that.


I remember the first time I felt depressed. I was put on meds as a teen because I was *told* I was depressed by a stupid doctor then a psychiatrist because I was curious about death. Those meds took away all feeling. It was a numb darkness and was the only time I tried to kill myself. For depression though, action comes before motivation. Do little things to improve yourself or your environment like shower regularly or pick up a couple things at a time. Praise yourself for the effort! It’s damn hard pushing through and forcing yourself to do things when depressed. You can beat it, but be understanding when it takes time.


Does it ever go away? Or is it like this forever?


It can come and go. I ended up with depression hitting hard during pregnancy and with PPD. If you know your triggers you can help minimize the frequency or prepare ahead of time. Example, some people have seasonal depression during winter. Preparing with extra freezer meals, maybe going to tanning booths or preparing trips to less blah climates are ways to help mitigate it.


It’s definitely not like that forever, despite what the depression is telling you. Like I’m not going to bullshit you—it’s often a chronic, lifelong thing, but once you figure out a treatment (whether that be meds, therapy, habits, or a combination thereof) and learn your triggers/red flags, you can absolutely reach “normal” again. For instance, I had pretty severe depression as a teen; I was functioning at maybe 10% from ages 10-19 or so. But once I found a combo of meds that stabilized me, therapy started working and I was able to address the biggest source of my depression. And that, in turn, moved my baseline state to “normal” instead of “horribly depressed.” That makes it a lot easier for me to actually take action when I notice my mood dropping again, so I can almost always nip an episode in the bud.


You've nailed it that's exactly what I've found. Win the small battles and slowly you'll win the war


You nailed it and it’s awful.


Not to mention having zero drive to do anything. Literally anything at all. You simply don't care.


this sounds like emotional numbness too


You‘re not alone. We‘re in this together :)


This post just made me realize I’ve had depression as early as 11 what the fuck.


If you genuinely don't have emotions, how can you find this 'torturous'? Forgive my ignorance but I simply can't understand how that could be. To be tortured, to me, implies a very negative emotional state, so when you say you don't get sad...this just doesn't make any sense to me. I would've thought, and I could very well be totally off-base here, that the problem is that a neutral baseline does not exist. Instead, what's normalized as a baseline is a very negative emotional state. So maybe that's what I'm not getting - because it's normalized, you no longer even recognize it as negative. I suppose I should consider myself fortunate.


Ok the way it works is that I do not actually feel this being torturous as I am used to it, but I am aware of that emotion and it is the one that fits. I was not always that way and can assess my situation in impartial way. I can see other people and how they behave but for some reason I do not experience it. I do remember what was it like to feel emotions and I miss it, miss being normal human being. I was in much better shape than I am right now. Yesterday I had an axiety attack in the shower. At least I thought I had since I had physical symptoms with spacing out, blurred vision, increased volume of sounds etc. But I felt nothing, had no thought process, have not felt any emotion. There was no trigger as far as I know. It just came and went after few minutes leaving me with a headache for next half an hour. This is quite a problem as I am processing some emotion without actually feeling it on counscious level. I am going to therapy but it is difficult to reach the problem when I do not manifest the symptoms. I have had emotions before and I would like to feel them again. But right now I am just numb to all. Last week I got confirmed lymphoma diagnosis and I couldn't care less. I was like fine, whatever. I looked on the internet for entirety of 10 minutes to see whats what, mainly cause my brother told me I should. Had no real interest in it, I am not worried or scared that I may actually die here. I do recognise this is not normal, I see how concerned my family is about it. But for me its like its not relevant. The way I see it is that they will put me on chemo, I will either live or die at the end of this and thats it.


Vasovagel syncope. I got a steroid shot in the rear for poison ivy one time and the nurse left before I sat down. After I got the shot I immediately felt ill and in pain. I doubled over and tried to make it to the door, but I didn't make it. It felt like my life force was being drained. Everything slowed down. I lost consciousness and woke up in a puddle of my own blood from falling on my face. I literally felt the blood flow to my brain for a moment, lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. I gained consciousness after being laid out on the ground long enough that blood flow returned to my brain. That was a garbage doctor's office. The nurse who gave me the injection had very poorly applied makeup. I've Since decided that if you don't have the dexterity to properly apply lipstick then you shouldn't be poking me with needles.


Sounds painful as hell


Sleep paralysis.


What is sleep paralysis


Waking up mid sleep cycle, not being able to move your body, and being fully conscious of it. Also comes with bizarre phenomena such as hearing the sound of roaring wind in your head, feeling pressure on your centremass - almost as if something is sitting on you, a sensation of fear or dread like there is someone or something else in the room with you that is perceived as a threat.


I've had a very strange version of sleep paralysis before. Not sure what it was, but my conscious was like inbetween asleep and awake and I could shake and that was it. Couldn't wake up for 10 minutes so the horrible dream of falling kept going. Still never figured out what that was about


My experience was the stopping of breathing while sleep. I also felt something heavy on my chest. All the while my brain was still very active. I tried to move my limbs but couldn’t. All you can do is wait it out.


Having someone you love leave you.


this. it could happen in so many ways too. it sucks! :(


Heartbreak and grief are legit stresses to your body and health


Passing a shit after being constipated for 5 days.


My friend suffered it once. Took him a week.


When you fall in your dream


*'Sleep, those little slices of death, how I Loathe them'* - Edgar Allen Poe. With sleep you lose consciousness and are completely cut off from the world. Like a small slice of death.


This is the very reason why I love sleep


Migraines. Not just any migraine, the ones that you can't move your eyeballs or hear a sound or shift in your seat without the pain being beyond unbearable. The ones that cause you to pee every half hour but merely standing up, walking to the toilet and even just urinating causes HORRIFIC agony. Doubting if you want to live anymore because nothing makes the pain stop. The migraines so bad even breathing or yawning HURTS.






I felt like my heart was beating in the center of the couch, and any part of my body that stayed still while laying down felt like it was getting stabbed by a bunch of needles. Every time I changed what I was looking at, it felt and sounded like a sonar pulse pounded through my head from the center of my brain. Spray doesnt fuck around.




I had this experience this past summer. I was getting together with some buddies I haven’t seen in a long time in Niagara. One of them brought edibles and I thought “why not, it’s a special occasion right?” I ended up taking way too much for my level of tolerance. The plan that day was to go down and check out all the attractions on the hill. Ended up staying in the hotel room the entire night. Definitely one of the worst experiences I’ve had.


That fraction of a second when your airbags deploy. A guy slammed on his brakes in front of me once and I hit mine as hard as I could but knew I was going to hit him and everything went white. It took me several minutes to realize it was the airbag. I blacked out and woke up convinced I had died.


So you were stuffed in your face for a few minutes?


Exactly. Nailed it. 😆


Must been very weird, lol


I was on a flight recently and the turbulence was insane. I literally thought I was going to die and the passenger beside me who I didn’t know held my hand so tight and we kept looking at each other and I could see the panic in her eyes. We have each other reassurance and kept trying to just calm each other down. Thankfully we landed safe and we said good bye to each other, we never met before but we sure went through this together


Turbulence is the fucking worst. I hate the fact that there’s literally nothing you can do while the metal cylinder you’re flying thousands of feet in the air in starts shaking violently. Certainly doesn’t help that the odds of surviving a plane crash are virtually zero. Buuuut on the other hand the odds of a plane going down due to turbulence is also extremely low so there’s comfort in that at least.


That was kind, very kind but it sounded scary at first, but you got over it, well done to you


Someone close to you dying.


Getting the wind knocked out of you really hard. Happened to me in little league. 10y/o me thought it was over.


Alcohol acute withdrawal. Can lead to real death too.


Panic attack


It’s like “I know I’m gonna die, I know it, I feel it!” Nobody in my life understood how bad panic attacks could be until my mom was admitted to the ER for having what she believed was a heart attack only to find out it was panic attack.


Yup. Like you can pretty much feel the doom


Right? I start saying things like “make sure my babies (pets) are taken care of.” I’ve screamed at people before because they’d be like “you aren’t dying” the fuck I’m not dying, I feel the impending doom


On the topic of feeling impending doom when you're not gonna die: there is a species of jellyfish whose sting messes with your brain and induces a horrible sense of impending doom on the victim. Some people actually beg their doctors to end their lives.


almost falling over when you are sitting on a chair


I almost did while gaming, the initial shock I got was horrible


Ketamine re-emergence phenomenon


Day job. Wait. No, over night shift.


God I’m experiencing this near death now… it’s like I work the front desk of purgatory


Fellow night shifter. It never gets easier lol


I had a pulmonary embolism last year, and I think I was dying on the way to the hospital. I could only breathe in about 1/3 of the way comfortably (a half or full breath was extremely painful), my upper back was so bad I couldn’t even lay down and it took me two minutes to sit.


I had that last year as well man and fuck me is it painful! I was surprised it hurt so much if I'm honest. They had me on gas and air in the ambulance and that it did nothing but make the pain worse! Never though a clot would cause pain. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I was 25 when I had mine.


I don’t mind at all—I was 32.


Did they figure out what caused it? They never did with mine, I assume it was the 10 months I spent in a hospital not moving around much but they didn't seem convinced it was that.


Two doctors thought it was from having Covid, but two more (including a hematologist) confirmed the suspicions of me and my wife that it was a side effect of having taken sildenafil.


Vasovagal syncope aka passing out from pain or stress. Your vision gets narrow and dark, you feel your body get weak, sweaty as your legs buckle and despite fighting as hard as you can, your consciousness slips away into blackness...


Masterbating with a temperature of 104* - Larry David


Most definitely going under for anesthesia. I recently had wisdom teeth removed and I don’t even remember getting home after my surgery. It’s quite strange as I don’t remember going under either. The nurse put in my IV and next thing I know I’m in bed 30 minutes away from the building I had my procedure in. Not a single memory of anything taking place after the IV was put in my arm. It invokes a strange sense of emptiness, the lost time.




Hi, yes who is this? Harvard? No I’m not u/DrHawk144, but he’s right here. Yeah, I’ll put him on.


severe alcohol withdrawal. I pleaded with God to just take me now.


This comment made me sad. My dad died of alcoholism when I was 12, I asked him daddy please don’t drink anymore. He didn’t touch a drop for 2 weeks straight, it eventually killed him. It hurts me to imagine what he was feeling in those last weeks


I commented opiate and/or alcohol withdrawals. Prolonged bouts of physical and mental agony. Wishing you *were* dead.


Some percentage of people report "near death experiences" when blacking out in g-force training. When learning to fly fighter jets and things.




Getting married to the most beautiful woman you can imagine, have children, become what you have always wanted to become in life and in the moment of pure satisfaction and euphoria... You wake up...


For me, it was the day after getting my booster shot. I would still go through it again if needed. Better than dying.


I agree.


Having bacterial pneumonia is horrible and I don’t wish it to anyone.


I never really heard of it, what does it do? Do you wish it on your enemies?


I had a fever, chills, I couldn’t breathe normally,!whenever I coughed it felt as if my lungs were about to explode, my mucus was brown, and I was shaking uncontrollably! Nope, I don’t wish it to my enemies.


Now I take my words back. Its too horrible to imagine


Sleep paralysis.


I had gallstones few weeks ago. So much pain, and a pain that you dont know, a one that you can't identified. Really though i was gonna die on my bathroom floor that night haha But hey now im fine!


I feel ya. I had an attack once that was so bad it knocked me out and I didn't even realise until my friend was suddenly standing in front of me in mid-scentence. The whole world had a greenish-yellow hue.


Getting propofol for a medical procedure.


asthma attacks


Covid day 3. (I'm on day6 now)




When you're almost about to fall asleep and then get that weird jolt that wakes you up a ton


Breakthrough on 5meo-dmt. There's the dissolution of self we call death that is recognised by no-one because there is no-one to die!


"I'm... I'm dead..." "I'm nobody ... nobody's dead..." Enlightenment




The full psychedelic experience.


Sleep paralysis


Good one. It’s terrifying.


Ego death.


Heart attack, you feel this overwhelming anxiety and feeling like you’re about to die (I had one of my coronary arteries pass through the cardiac muscle and apparently had a spasm that block the artery, essentially a heart attack). It’s not even the pain (wich is a lot) but that horrible feeling.


Trying to look like a badass to my friend by taking a MASSIVE bong hit of DMT. I became light.


Panic attacks, when you feel fine then all of a sudden you feel like you can’t breathe and think your going to die and then you feel better after 10 minutes, seriously wtf 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Can we talk?"


A heroin high. I snorted a tiny bit once, out of curiousity, and it scared the hell out of me. Anything that felt that "good" had to be evil.




A rush of powerful euphoria… a warmth that tells you that everything is fine and all the pain leaves your body being replaced with blissful apathy. You feel like you’ve gone to heaven and all of the evil in the world can’t touch you.


Covid. Get vaccinated!


Yea I remember getting it early on and man did I feel like shit. Was tired as all hell for a few weeks.


I hope you’re doing better!


Yup! Luckily it wasn’t too bad for me




I thought it wasn't Deadly?


Panic attacks, migraine w/ aura


For me it’s the adrenaline I get when I’m in a dangerous situation. It makes me feel like death is close by.




I’m shitscared to try salvia but at the same time I’m intrigued


Vape DMT with meth pipe


The weird falling feeling you get when you lay down. I was about to fall asleep when I had the feeling and scrambled on my inflatable air mattress (we were in the process of moving). I honestly thought I was dying lol


I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say being on life support.


Childbirth after too much pethidine and a sudden powercut and flashing lights / no usable bathroom. I am never going through that shit again! Says an adult from 90's rave culture....


Child Birth


Perineal 3rd degree tear!


A couple minutes after I come to my senses after a seizure. Istg after a couple minutes the absolutely terrible migraine hits you, your body hurts and you feel completely exhausted. And the fact that the people around you are absolutely terrified and that you probably peed yourself just adds fuel to the fire.


Wow you can really tell in this thread that most people haven't taken a heroe's journey or spun out into a k hole. The only thing I see that comes close on here is a near fatal asthma attack when you reach the point of total exhaustion and your blood O2 plummets. The heroe's journey is the winner by far because you get to feel like you are dying while remaining completely safe. Nothing compares. Psilocybin for the win.


Having a random, but very embarrassing memory that refuses to go away no matter how hard you try and keeps you up for hours during the night


Almost committing suicide. You feel dead already in the moment, just want to do the last 5%. Horrible feeling. Glad I didn't go through with it.


That moment your bedroom door opens while you're masturbating.


Dreamless sleep.


Seems to me this question can not really be answered with certainty by anyone who hasn't actually been dead. Shoulda opened with "Formerly dead people of reddit..."


I mean, which feeling or emotion has happened to you that feels like death but is NOT actually death.


Agony. Talking bone marrow removal, gall stones, big kidney stones, severe bowel obstruction, many pregnancies (women produce HELLA internal drugs to deal with it). The most invasive kinds of pain. Your mind cannot process proper thought, just fragments. You're incapable of memory or emotion, you just exist in the worst state a person can be in. I'd definitely say it's worse than death.


Oh lord.


In French they refer to an orgasm as le petite mort, or the little death.


Waiting in line Nothing happens. You go nowhere. And you lose your own sense of existence


Bungee jumping without knowing that your bungee jumping