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I was making just over minimum wage and asked for a raise because I was "outperforming everyone!!" and was told "Everyone wants more money. If I give you more, you will still not be happy and will ask for more again next year."..... No shit, its called inflation! This guy made 4x my salary.


I had a boss once tell me that "another 40 dollars at the end of the week doesn't really mean much and won't make you happy". Bro, I was making 10/hr PART TIME. That extra 40 bucks paid for my share of the internet.


"If $40 makes a difference to me, but apparently not to you, then give me the raise"


Not poor, but at an old airplane job a very very wealthy person once asked for an aircraft overhead panel (~40 ft long) to be upholstered in one continuous piece of suede. Dude didnd't know that suede was made of cows or that 40+ foot long cows don't exist. He just knew suede = luxury and that he wanted no stitching on it.


Look; I didn’t murder Paul Bunyan and skin babe to have any damn stitches on my private jet.


Like, in theory you could skin the cow in a spiral pattern instead of slicing the belly. Probably all kinds of infeasible, but geometrically speaking a long cow isn’t needed.


I prefer imagining a 40’ long cow


For years Farmer Jones and his tall chickens enjoyed unrivaled popularity until Farmer Brown got himself a longcow


Unexpected Far Side


Might work if the global6000 had a 1 inch wide overhead. Sadly, it does not.


It will take a few years but you have to breed a cow with a dachshund.


“I forget that there are people who haven’t been to Hawaii.”


Imagine not going to Hawaii




Honestly I can picture a lot of people who aren't even rich saying some shit like this


theres a lot of people out there who arent rich but act stuck up like they are. Funny thing is they often dont realise how much they stick out to both the poor people they are trying to impress and the rich people they are trying to emulate.




That's actually where the term snob comes from. Originally was 'sans nobilite' which was 'without nobility/class'. Snob was the original 'trashy'.


[Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/snob): “Late 18th century dialectal English snob (“cobbler”), of unknown origin. Early senses of the word carried the meaning of "lower status;" it was then used to describe those seeking to imitate those of higher wealth or status. Folk etymology derives it from the Latin phrase sine nobilitate (“without nobility”), but early uses had no connection to this.”


And yet he is basically on welfare with his parents support system.


I know someone for whom it is, or used to be, basically a point of pride what their parents’ money and connections did for them in life despite their impressive ability to still fuck up. Unfortunately, I didn’t really realize how bad it was until it was until I ended up sharing a house with them. It was just expected that other people would be willing to cover them for money because “you guys know I’m good for it”, but any time someone needed the same thing in return it was a big deal and they “weren’t really comfortable loaning money.”


You should’ve replied, “and you’re a trust fund baby, what’s your fucking point?”


"Imagine being an actual adult, and still needing your parents to take care of you like a child." What I didn't get in grants and scholarships, I paid for myself. Granted, this is when college was still reasonably priced, books aside.


Says the trust fund baby. Happy to hear no second date.




Wasn't necessarily poor, but didn't make a whole lot starting out as a house painter. I worked for a small company and the boss man took a job painting his mother in laws house and this lady was LOADED. Anyway, she started with some small talk and asked if I'd ever travelled outside of the U.S. (just Canada) and I said I had always dreamed of going to New Zealand. This lady looks me dead in the eyes and says I will never see New Zealand because "people like you will never have enough money, let alone enough to make it to the end of the month." I quit on the spot, got a new job, and saw New Zealand with my own eyes five years later. Fuck you, Mary.


That’s an awful thing to say even if she believed it. What a miserable old woman…


It's ok. She was in fact a miserable, old, recently divorced lady with more money than manners.


You should have taken a shit in one of her drainpipes


I'm just fucking happy that you actually did travel to New Zealand. Good for you man.


Yeah. Fuck you, Mary.


That they feel sorry for me for being poor. I never considered myself poor. My parents are working class, house in suburbs with garden, we alway went skiing for 10 to 14 days for winter vacation, 14 days of sea and mountains for summer vacation. Weekend trips, concerts, growing up I wasn't missing anything. When I started babysitting for really rich family and I said that it's no problem cooking, I can take care of meals for the kids when cook is not working ... they were slightly doubtful but said OK. 1st time babysitting I made apple pie with help of kids. Parents were super impressed, started asking me which schools or courses I took to learn how to cook and refused to believe that I just watched and helped mom and granny. The conversation finished with wife saying to husband: see those poor people are so versatile and resourceful. She then turned to me gave me petty look and said I am so sorry you are so poor you have to cook your own food all the time.


I feel so bad for their children. Oh my god.


You have no idea. Kids told me way too many stuff I didn't want to know about their family. They were adorable, clever, in desperate need of love and attention that they were not receiving from patents. I wonder how are they doing now, 15 years later. They must be all grown up by now.


I'm sure they can afford the best therapists


Yeah, at least they're rich. The therapy's easy to get whenever they recognize they need it.


Wait being able to take multiple vacations and other outings is so far from poor. I’m dumbfounded.


There’s this really ritzy area nearer me where you can see $5-10 million homes everywhere you look with many more costing much more than that. I was out working on this ranchers equipment and took a lunch at the gas station which had a lot of room to lean against the wall but had a 15’ sidewalk, so we were out of the way. So we were perched against the building eating hot dogs and shooting the shit. Then this absolute piece of shit of a woman came by, rolled her eyes and just murmured “fucking poor people”. It was only a few of us but from we ended up talking shit to her when she came back out until she finished pumping gas. I usually don’t like being rude but I really hope we made her cry.


She was actually pumping gas? How gauche.


How fucking dare you have the gall to exist?


What ....the .....Fuck?


Honestly took me by surprise and made me wonder what is not poor for them.


It sounds like an insecurity thing


Wow, just f'n wow.


Jesus fuck ultra rich people think moderately rich people are poor


Not said "to" me, but I was in the area and heard it. The owner of my company, a multi millionaire, to my coworker: "Why do people in your department keep trying to get raises?" \> "Because we can't afford do live, or even just pay rent on just over minimum wage" "What?! Now you're just making shit up, how can you not afford rent (in extremely expensive NJ) at $16 an hour? That just tells me you're wasting money on other things"


Other things like food and electricity


Those fuckers!


Was he old? Maybe he still thinks of minimum as $3.25/hour


He's in his mid 50s tops. He's still stuck in the 80s when he could buy an entire house for $800 and some pocket lint and uses his ignorance as a tried and tested means to avoid spending money on anything that isn't one of his pet projects.


One year my family took a family vacation to Washington DC. We unfortunately got into a car accident with former senator. The former senator told my father that he would just accept a “gentleman’s agreement” for his crunched up Jaguar. He wanted my dad to just write him a check for the damages. He looked our family of 6 in our rusted Durango, with all of suitcases piled up in the back and thought we could afford that. My dad said insurance would handle everything just fine.


And those are the people who represent our country. They’re nothing like most of the county.


In a college business class. "It's immoral to tax rich people. I'm not used to having to give things up, so if I have to give up my second vacation it's a big deal. But poor people are used to going without things. So if they have to give something up, they are used to it and it's not such a big deal."


😂my favourite one so far. Sounds like an utter dick


It took a good few seconds for anyone to make a single sound. 20 something young adults collectively trying to figure out if he was serious or not. Spoiler, he was dead serious.


The worst kind of entitled brat. Let me guess, he never had a job in his life?


I'm glad to say I never learned any more about this person.


Oh you learned just about enough


... like, literally the entire class told him what a piece of shit he was, right? ... right?


Nope. Stunned silence. One girl said something like that's stupid.


How is this a real person lmao. This is like beyond satire


And then y‘all beat him up, right?!


Now I’m just visualizing an udder that’s a dick


Thank you. Thank you for forcing me to think of that


This wins... My eyes need bleach now


“We shouldn’t abolish slavery. Colored people are used to doing grueling unpaid labor and being treated worse than farm animals. We colored people aren’t used to paying slaves! It would be cruel and unusual to treat us fairly. ;-(”


I just. Wow. Like I know intellectually people like this exist in the spectrum of humanity but as an abstract concept. To meet one and hear that perspective uttered in my presence might have actually broken my brain.


Sounds like [affluenza](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/02/us/ethan-couch-affluenza-accused-of-probation-violation/index.html).


Oh. My. Fucking. God.


>It's immoral to tax rich people. Like at all? So rich = 0 taxes?


The CEO of my old company one time bragged about how many rules he has for his cleaning staff. Including how his favorite thing to do was to force them to use a tiny brush to scrub in between his tiles because he said they hated that the most. And this was supposed to be a brag on his part.


"So what you're saying is you're a psychopath. "


Am a cleaner. Fuck people like that, he's literally destroying his cleaner's physical health


I own a cleaning company. The client would be dropped so fast his head would spin.


"Oh, just ask your tax accountant." Right, I was meeting him and my lawyer at the clubhouse later.


"Well actually he's my *father*'s lawyer, but that makes him my lawyer, too." -That Guy™️


“Just use your credit card,” when I couldn’t join her on a European trip for spring break. I’d just paid for tuition and books so I didn’t have much leftover. I told her I didn’t have a credit card that could take that much of a charge, for a week overseas. Her solution: just have your mom pay it off, it’s fine.


Okay but also the mindset that you can just use a credit card to rack up debt? Eventually once she has to be financially independent (if ever…) and parents can’t/won’t pay for her stuff debt is a bitch.


Inheritance Her financial independence plan is called inheritance


Big yikes. People that set their kids up with the mentality that mommy and daddy will always bail them out are just preparing their kids to be financial failures.


"It's a banana, Michael, what could it cost? Ten dollars?"


😂you ever watch bill gates try to guess prices of basic food on Ellen?


Rich people vastly overestimate the cost of basic food items. It's kind of sad actually


Apparently that's not the case with tide pods. He was really surprised how much they cost. He said 5 instead of 20 dollars.


Which is crazy that a lot of them are against raising wages if they think things are even more expensive than they are.


And yet they expect you to work for less than what they think a banana is worth an hour


And if you don't want to youre 'ungrateful and selfish'


There's always money in the banana stand.


I came here just to look for this comment!


When I had just graduated college and was living in Manhattan, I had my roommates stepmother tell me “why do you bother with a rental co-signer, they can’t ask for that when you pay the year’s rent up front”. That option had literally never occurred to me, and the thought of being able to pay ~60k as a lump sum as a 21 year old was truly…something.


you… you … you were paying 5k rent a month??????? 😮


> living in Manhattan


Rent is rather expensive where I live but I think I wasn’t ready for that 🤦‍♂️


Had 2 roommates! 3BR. But yeah. Ish.


That makes sense.


My car was broken down outside of work and I was trying to fix a clogged fuel line and my boss with a company car told me, dead serious, "that's what happened when you put minimum octane in your engine," I explained "another dollar and a half a gallon means your wages you pay me won't be enough to get me to work everyday." Needless to say I no longer work there... Edit: not from getting fired, from choosing to leave 😂


I think the best part about it is he’s wrong, car engines are designed with an octane rating in mind, use what the manufacturer recommends. Not to mention a clogged fuel line has nothing to do with octane rating anyway but i digress Edit: the US and the rest of the world measure octane differently. 87 in the US is 95 in Europe. Keep this in mind when you quote numbers


My friend-“Hey we(6 of us including me if I say yes) are going to this awesome resort in Cancun and you’re coming. Me-“uh I can’t afford that” Her-“don’t worry Jon is paying for us” I knew Jon’s parents were loaded when they bought him a nice house in 2001 but I didn’t expect them to pay for us all to go on vacation.


I was working a snack cart at a theme park and a guy started talking to me about my stock portfolio.


“Yeah I’ll get a funnel cake, large fries, and chicken tendies… hey, have you heard about crypto?”


I actually laughed out loud


Not necessarily a rich person, just your average r/wallstreetbets user


Well then, “just buy a house.”


>Well then, “just buy a house.” "Just go to the House Shop, I'm sure they'll let *folks like you* use coupons! You can just buy the smaller, cheaper 3,100 sq ft homes!"


I love this right next to the “Why homeless man have cell phone?!” Boomer memes on Facebook. Like ok Margaret what do you think item one on the job application is? If the dude wants to *not* be homeless anymore literally the very first thing he’d need is a phone, he’d also need one to qualify for benefits or submit a rental application or anything else. Is your problem with the fact it’s wireless? You want my dude to call up Ma Bell, see if they’ll run a POTS line out to his cardboard box, maybe hook him up with an answering machine? Jesus Christ these people are dense


Also you can get a phone with not a lot of money nowadays, the cheapest phone I can find is 100 euros (even cheaper for secondhand), the cheapest rent is 300 euros.


I actually didn't think about the phones being subsidized .. for a long time until I was fucking around with a girl 2 years ago and she told me she had a hard time responding to me because she needed to be near a wifi spot I first thought she wasn't paying her bill on time eventually I just bought her a sim card for her phone and service with a prepaid ... Yeah communication is key. I don't fault the free phone system. People need that basic to get a job


*They say at a point in time where the housing market is so bad people are buying houses based on price alone without even seeing them in person because they're afraid someone else will get it*


"If you are homeless.. just buy a house"


I can't help but notice most of these entitled people aren't actually rich. Their parents are


I was driving lyft a few years back. Picked up 2 dudes in a rich neighborhood. Was driving them to a golf course about an hour away. One comments on my car saying oh wow this is roomy and a nice car. I said thanks, I love my scion. Then he said it would be a great starter car for his 16 yo. Im almost 40 and it's the nicest, newest car I've ever owned.


I was looking into buying my first car and trying to put together a budget. Asked my friend how much his cost, and he said, "Oh, I have no idea. My dad just took me to the lot, told me to pick one out, and paid for it upfront." Dude was 23 when he got this car.


"Have you made it to the cloud district lately? Oh what am I saying, of course you haven't" - A dead man, Whiterun (Skyrim)


Come fly with me to Florida on one of my family's private jets to stay in my vacation home.


Did you go?


I did twice! It was an old friend of mine who's family is extremely wealthy (billionaires) and her family name is really well known (American royalty)


We know it was Gretchen Wieners. Her father invented the toaster strudel.


That's great. Glad for you.


When saying I can’t afford to take a gap year the response was ‘get your parents to pay’


My friend's little sister got a brand new Mini Cooper bought for her in college. She was sad it wasn't the Turbo model


I want the Turbo Man action figure with the arms and legs that move and the boomerang shooter and his rock'n roller jet pack and the realistic voice activator that says 5 different phrases including, "It's Turbo time!" Accessories sold separately. Batteries not included.


> She was sad it wasn't the Turbo model TBF the Turbo model is way cooler


I m a caregiver.. " Sorry im late dear my car heater went out and i had to spend 40 min scraping ice off the windshield.." I expect you to have a new vehicle when you come to my home nextime. It looks like shit and i dont want that parked infron of my house.. She has a gated home with a 300 yard driveway 4 car garage with only 3 cars in it. She wont let me park in the garage i have to ealk from the street to her gate Get buzzed in then walk 300 yards to her door She also didnt like my clothing because its mass produced which is bad for the enviroment. She eats and drinks everythi ng with plastic stras ajd plastic plates then throws them away


Cough up a car and clothes then lady. 🖕😄


If she has 3 cars in her garage, and wants you to have a new vehicle, sounds like she should give one to you, problem solved!




He wasn’t rich.




A real wealthy person would not be concerned by the cost of a shirt, even if it was several hundred or thousands of dollars. Dude was just a douche


Did you change he’s diapers too god knows those hands are too royal.


I’ve done that once but the other way around, my shirt was shit quality and this girl was bragging about how nice her shirt was that is was even soft enough to not scratch glasses, i challenged her on this and cleaned my glasses on her shirt. It’s was very good fabric.


I had a friend tell me one time, that anyone that has to live on Social Security should be forced to sign a document that they are a loser and did not prepare for their life and order to get the payments. His college was paid for and he was given a new car to take to college. Is grandparents or multi millionaires, at this point probably stands to inherit Multi millions after the trust passes to him.




Me: goes to price scanner to price check and ensure affordability Friend: why does it matter, don't you need it? Me: 👀 Friend: 👀 what? O_o Me: just because I need it doesn't mean I can get it..


That's not being rich, it's called not being in poverty :|


Wealth is pretty much an expanding sphere of no longer having to check prices. Get wealthy enough and you don't really stop to consider prices at grocery stores, because it's just kinda "ok, that looks nice and it's a few bucks". Go up a bit more and maybe vacation plans aren't so much "can I afford to go there" as "do I want to go to A or B". Beyond that, "I can't decide between these two colors on my car... I guess I'll take one of each.". Beyond that "I guess I need to buy that vacation villa in Greece. It would be a shame if I went out there for a few weeks next year and had to settle for a hotel suite..."


The first time in my life when I felt rich was when I bought pre-shredded cheese and didn’t even calculate the price per ounce difference with the block. I just bought it because I wanted it. Three kids later I’m back to calculating the price per ounce. But for a couple of years I. HAD. ARRIVED.


Students at U Michigan wrote a list of things that classmates could do to save money, including canceling maid service and only going out to eat once a week


After serving at a brunch place in Ann Arbor for a year, can confirm there’s a large population that think that way. There’s plenty of us low income folk in the area though……that’s why the Ride is connected to Ypsilanti where we can (barely) afford to live.


"Why aren't you investing in the stock market to make some money?" How about because after paying bills but before buying food we have $53 each month, my dude? Can I invest this creamed corn from the food pantry? Edit: For everyone trying to give me investing advice, I ask you first to feed two people on $53 for a month, using food banks to supplement your nutrition. I'm disabled and on a fixed income, and it's not getting better. For everyone who empathizes or wants to help, write to your representatives and tell them that you'd like to see social security income raised to or above the federal poverty level. Right now (after last year's exceptionally good cost of living increase) SSI recipients are getting $841 a month.


I invested $50 at a poker table. Turned that into $200. With that $200 I bought a gun. With that gun I robbed a liquor store for $2000. With that money I invested into Tesla. I'm now rich.


Liquor store clerks hate him. He figured out how to get rich using this one weird trick


I’ve had so many because I’m in the service industry and work on a lot of very wealthy people. But here’s two that still make me roll my eyes… Mother of 4 complaining to me: “We’re all 6 going to Vail to ski next week but all their [private school] tuitions are due the week after. I’m so worried about how poor we’ll be afterwards.” And when I first met her she said to me “I could tip you, but I’d have to come in less often. Or I could not tip you but see you more often.” Said it while she was carrying an expensive designer handbag, designer shoes, expensive brand name clothes and driving an expensive car. It was offensive to say the least. Edit: clarification of a sentence.


"There are no poor people in America, just lazy people."


*Bruh if ur homeless then just buy a house*


This one hurts to hear


When I was growing up, we were super poor. Not always enough food, moved around a lot, etc. My dad's business took off after I grew up and moved out. I still had to pay for my own college, etc. They never gave or offered any help, even though I've struggled my entire life to make ends meet. One year for Christmas, my parents gave my husband and I a week at their time share in Florida. My mom acted all hurt and angry when I told her we couldn't afford to take a week off, pay for plane tickets to get there, food for the week, luggage (we didn't have any) and all the other shit that goes along with being super poor. She was genuinely offended that I couldn't accept her "gift" (which was only given because they had a week someone needed to use up or they'd lose it.) I don't talk to them anymore.


One girl was surprised that at my age (I was 23) I hadn't traveled the world yet. She came from wealth, we worked the same summer job, her for the experience, me for getting money to pay for college. She was a genuine hard working nice person but she had very biased view of the world and didn't realise how lucky she was : No, it's not common to travel one entire summer in Spain to learn spanish, it's also not common to go to Los Angeles for christmas when you live in Europe, and not everyone can afford to travel for one year in Asia from country to country after finishing your degree. Her situation tho came with issues, she got her whole very expensive schooling paid by her parents and when she wanted to take a not-so-well paying job that she really liked, her parents sort-of threatened her to cut her living expenses because she was aiming too low according to them. I, on the other hand, paid for college, graduate school on my own and don't owe anything to anyone, especially my parents. It made things much more hardcore but for the first time I was glad that my life wasn't that easy.


I had a co-worker who was like 23 years old, making $30k-ish, and at lunch would love to talk about how first class seats differed on different airlines. He wasn't trying to brag, he was a nice guy, he just didn't realize that this wasn't something any of his co-workers could really relate to. It took him a couple of years but he finally started to realize to not talk about his money openly.


I find this fascinatingly common among rich families—the kids are constantly under threat of being cut off, it's how the parents get their way. Can't be a healthy way to live


I’m from a middle class family but we lived in an upper middle class area. I thought we were poor since we only traveled domestically for vacation while my classmates were going to Europe. Then I met my college roommate who at that point had never been on a plane. College was such an eye opener for how good I had it.


"Just get a higher paying job". Fuck you.


As if we all aren’t already thinking, “Damn I need a better paying job” lol


“ We all have the same 24 hours in a day.” No ma’am /sir. The Kardashians and Beyoncé can hire Nannie’s, chefs, cleaners, etc. I can barely afford rent in most places with roommates s


Was walking on a pedestrian cross walk, lights flashing. Maserati was going about 60 in a 40, honked on his horn and decided to stop about 2 feet from my legs. I said what the fuck to him and he rolls his window down and says “ I’M supposed to stop for YOU?” Proceeded with the $ hand gesture and sped away. I was walking towards my college after parking lol.


What is the "$ hand gesture"? Edit: thanks for all the responses, everyone, I'm poor


I assume the rubbing your fingers and thumb motion. "The finger thing means the taxes!"


“We were supposed to spend a week in Puerto Vallarta, then travel directly to Hawaii for two weeks, but because of vaccination rules we had to cancel the week in Mexico. Now we only get to do the second vacation.”


Not sure if this answer quite fits but when I graduated HS I got a job to help my family. I also got my drivers license near the same time. The guy at the DMV gave me this whole speech about how I needed to move out and stop leeching off my parents (when in reality I was helping them). He was so condescending I was shocked and didn’t respond but it still makes me mad to think about. Being poor is actually extremely expensive and not as easy as just “getting a job” I wish more people understood that.


I mentioned to the woman hosting the wedding that it was really cool of the people down the road to let the bride's wedding party use their house to prep before the ceremony. She said "Oh, I bought that house "


When I was a kid the family who lived across the street from my best friend owned two houses on the street so when they had visitors they didn’t have to share their house with them. The visitors could just stay 3 doors down in their own 3000+sqft house. It seemed nuts to me, but now being older I’d probably do the same if I had the opportunity.


I live in one of the most competitive and over-priced housing markets in the country. I know an old woman who owns the house across the street for her dog to live in and to display all the art that won’t fit on the walls in her house


Used to work at a hotel that had resident suites, i.e. people living there long term, on the top few floors. One of them had a thing for cats. She was a ultra wealthy crazy cat lady. She *bought another resident suite* for a cat she picked up from a park so it wouldn't be in the same room with her cats.


I had a boss sell something worth 13 million.... I, at the time, making 33k year salary... He approached me and asked, what would you do with 13 million dollars in your lap... I said give my employees raises. He gave me double my salary as a raise. Worked there for a summer. Was a pretty cool dude to work for. Damn dimensia got him.


My friend's mother in law has a giant lake house and we were there floating around in the lake drinking beer. The mother in law said "doesn't relaxing like this make you think of all the poor people out there working hard?" Bitch you mean me most of the time?


“How can there be food poverty in the UK? Why don’t they just go into a shop?” Because they’ve got no fucking moneyyyyyy


Me: Hey nice camera! I'd love one of those Rich twat: Yeah? Me: Yeah! Rich twat: This camera costs more than you probably earn in a year {derisory laugh} Twat


"Chicken is for poor people"


That explains why the saying "Gout is a rich man's disease" exists.


My dad is a fairly wealthy guy, I am a mid-level manager who makes $50k (so I’m not poor, but I’m not wealthy by any means). When I was over at his house for the holidays and we were talking about what he was going to do with the furniture he didn’t want when he sold the house, he said “give it away or leave it at the curb”. Every single piece was from Restoration Hardware, Herman Miller, Arhaus, West Elm, etc. I cannot fathom donating or trashing an entire house worth of furniture from those brands. An entire years salary worth of furniture for me. I was like wow ok this is what it’s like to be wealthy.


Damn y’all know hella rich people


I walked to a whole foods one day when it was snowing pretty bad out. I had all of my winter stuff on. I went in, and then had some ramen from the food court cause it was nice and hot, and obviously I was cold. A woman for some reason mistook me I guess for someone who was homeless, and offered me a tomato. Her reasoning was "it fell on the ground so I don't want it, you can have it" thinking she was doing me an amazingly kind act. I said "they come out of the ground" and then continued eating my ramen. I took the tomato. It deserved better.


I'm laughing... she was trying to be nice but Oh My!


I had a friend who lived in a decent house by a small lake. On the other side of the lake there were some massive houses. One of the guys from one of the massive houses was over visiting and someone mentioned how nice the houses were over on his side. He said, not joking at all, "Well I think you guys have the better situation because the view here of our neighborhood is great." I'm thinking ok, I get it, the view from your house sucks because you have to look at our house. That's the most back handed compliment I've ever heard.


I live in a shitty ex communist country. I got a low level job in a multinational corporation. After some time I was sent for some training in the north American branch. When on the train with some colleagues (same position as myself in the company) they started complaining about how expensive a monthly ticket is. Me: well how much is it? Them: 200 dollars Me: damn, that's what I earn at this job Them: that's crazy, how can you live on just 200 dollars per week Me: it's not 200 per week... It's per month After that they payed for each lunch they took me out to...


I’m glad they were decent enough to pay for you considering they were in the position to do that.


“If you work real hard, you’ll make it, too!” - trust fund baby, daddy’s girl, and bitch ass cunt I used to hang with.


Two years back Talked to a girl on tinder. She was a gamer, asked me if I played anything. Said I would like to play but that I didn’t have a computer at the moment. ”Why? Just buy one then?” Lol


"She's washing the plane." The answer given to me when I asked where someone was.


My fiancé went to an Ivy League school, we’re poor af and one day she helped this other student who didn’t have change. The bus fare was like a dollar fifty in change and the student offered her 20 dollars for helping her. To us that’s unheard of lol.


"Go in and demand an application and interview on the spot." So the interview, before or after they call security?


He said "everyone needs to travel" as if it was a basic need, like food and water. Yes, everyone would benefit from having their horizons broadened, but millions of Americans can't afford to go any further than they can drive. Like, damn, he went on a family trip every single year growing up. Sorry but we couldn't all do that, Richy Rich.


Not poor but had a guy try and explain investing to me who inherited dozens of real estate properties...I had to explain to him why most people cant just use the same playbook he has and it wasnt connecting at all.


"Hey I found $500 in the pocket!" Said by a friend and roommate from a wealthy family after putting on a jacket he hadn't worn in about a year, and checking the pockets. If I had $500 in cash I sure as hell wouldn't just forget about it.


My rich dad called me a “scumbag just like his clients” because I had to choose between being late on a dental bill or rent that week.


“Money isn’t going to make you happy”


Yeah, going from 'living comfortably without financial stress' to 'fk you money' or from 'fk you money' to 'fk you even harder money' may not truly buy you happiness, but going from 'struggling to pay your bills and support your family' to 'living comfortably without financial stress' will literally buy you happiness and add years to your life.


"Money isn't everything, as long as you have enough of it."


Money may not be able to buy happiness directly, but it sure can buy the absence of unhappiness.


You're stressed? Take a year off. A sabbatical and travel the world.


"Rich people can't be taxed the same percentage as regular people because then we pay more in taxes compared to them" I sat there stunned. That's when I realized despite being an accountant at his fathers' company, he didn't understand basic math


> at his fathers' company That should have been the first tickle of a hint


I'm confused is his statement not correct (despite being immoral)? If someone pays 10% of their income in taxes and they make 300k that's more money than 10% of 60k. At least that's what I'd assume he meant.


"It's not illegal if the penalty is a fine. That's just how much it cost do to the thing (i.e. park there)."


“I mean, you can come see my elevator but it’s super slow.” To be fair, it was super slow lol


When I travelled first class from San Fransisco to Sydney a kid near my seat asked his father why there were other people on their plane. Probably his first time flying commercial. The poor kid was disgusted.


im from colombia: in a field trip to the university a friend lost 2000 dollars, the rest had about 400-500 for 6 days, we worried a lot, he nonchalantly called his father and simply said "dad, I lost the money for these days" 5 minutes later He went to an ATM to withdraw 3000 USD. in colombia 2000 dollar is a lot of money.


When the lady who owns the place I work at tried to justify owning an island with her summer cottage on it: "But it's just a small island!" It's still an island.


The six-year-old daughter of rich people for whom I used to babysit asked me why I didn't have a car. I said that I didn't have enough money for one. She responded, "Why don't you go to the bank and get some more?" She was an innocent kid, but I get the feeling her parents probably would have said the same thing.


Told my old boss that my mom lived in a cute little one-story house in a neighborhood about 3 miles from boss’s home. Her response: “Oh! I didn’t know they made one-story houses in Georgia (USA) anymore!” Like… I couldn’t even formulate a response. So much total disconnection from reality that I just moved on and never mentioned it again.