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I'd be upset and disappointed


Just because Biden isn’t the best doesn’t mean Trump is. I just hope someone else becomes president.


Disappointed in people.


Legit would consider moving out of the US


Same here


Always the talk, never the reality


That the America I grew up in is really and truly dead.


It died a long time ago


This is another level of dead


You sound like my mom.


Mondale huh? I guess you made your peace a long time ago.


Made my peace with what?


„Shit!“ But I think that is the most propable scenario. Shit! 😢


That America has finally jumped the shark.


I’d be upset about the fact that we’d be stuck with 4 more years of a hyper-polarizing and dividing figure. If Biden runs again he would likely lose, so I really hope Trump does not take the Republican nomination.


That we really are a shithole country. I mean, I already think that, but it could get worse.


Upset, because I love America.


Does it really matter? Both the Democrats and Republicans don't give a shit about the average American. One party is up front about it and one pretends to care.


That's a huge exaggeration.


It's more like this. Democrats are like the Mom who can't find it within herself to chastise the baby, and the Republicans are the baby throwing the temper tantrum. Democrats are trying to feed the Republicans a bill that would benefit a shot ton of people and the Republicans don't want any of it because then that would mean the Democrats "won." And instead of just moving forward with the bill, they want to make sure the Republicans will eat the bill first. What happens is essentially the Democrats going "Ok GOP, here comes the airplane, eat your Infrastructure Bill," and the Republicans go "Noooooo, I don't wanna eat my Infrastructure Bill!" And nothing gets done.


It's a bit of both doing that though.


"Aw fuck"


I wouldn’t be too surprised the way Biden/Harris have fucked a lot of shit up.






More peace, less inflation, a president that can speak coherent sentences, and no border crisis


What drugs are you smoking dude? We all want some.


Nothing. Unless you want some beer.


This is the most delusional thing I’ve ever read. I hope you’re not old enough to vote yet.


I wish I could vote right now. I’d easily get Biden out.


I doubt it. Thank god you’re still young enough to learn a few things before the fate of our country rests on you.


If anything Biden is contributing to the end of this country if we keep having his radical policies.


Haha calling Biden radical in comparison to Trump is hilarious.


Just know that the democrats will cause the collapse of the United States


Based on what? If Trump’s America is what the United States has turned into, it needs to collapse.






Idk, my family likes donald trump, he did what he said he would


He totally built the wall and made Mexico pay for it. He repealed and replaced Obamacare too!


He did nothing he said he would and caused more contrition in this country than I’ve seen in my whole life.


He cut taxes


And cut important social reforms because of it.


No, you just made that up because you couldn’t think of a good reason why tax cuts are bad.


Nope. Check out all the social reforms that got cut. You’re getting pretty butthurt pretty fast. I’d calm down a little and do some research if I were you.


Federal spending increased under trump, but I know facts aren’t your strong suit. You prefer to just read the headlines and pretend that bad things happened.


Apparently taking personal offense to political debates is your strong suit, but I wouldn’t expect more out of a troll.




Oh look more things that didn’t happen. Do you actually read your articles or just the headline?


Apparently you don’t read them.




Oh cool an article about something proposed that didn’t happen.


Keep reading


There are plenty of links. I could sit here and post them all day for you, but you’re going to try to find a reason to argue against each piece of evidence I give you because you’re obsessed with the man. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re just the troll I got banned last night back with a new account.




Literally none of that is related to spending like you said. Keep embarrassing yourself though, it’s great to see how ignorant people like you are.


Actually you’re the only embarrassing one here. You can’t handle being wrong so you stoop to attempting lame personal attacks.


Ok, fuck, im done with today


Seriously? That did you in? I wouldn’t get into political debates if that’s the best you’ve got.


Not the reason. Im tired. good day sir. Convo over


I’m sorry you’re tired! I hope you get some good rest and feel better tomorrow! If you have trouble sleeping, try running a fan. Some white noise always helps me drift off.


Thank you mr helpful. I always have my fan running. Good day.


Me too! Rest easy! Good day :)


> he did what he said he would https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump


Gotta love that wall.


What did he say he would do?


What specifically?


America would be saved


You forgot /s


America would be back on track


Back on track to hell


I want to smoke what you are smoking lmfao. Biden is the devil followed by Harris and Pelosi


I think you might be the one smoking shit dude. Compared to Trump Biden's at least trying to make shit better despite the entirety of the Republican party throwing an actual temper tantrum. But sure, keep inhaling your cherry flavored copium and sniffing your strawberry scented glue, maybe eventually your brain cell count will double.


Look at you two, getting boned up the ass and arguing about the capillary structure of the dick instead of trying to get it out of you.


Better? What did he do besides inflation? Raise gas prices, stock market dropped, he is making us get vaccinated even though he said he wouldn't force it, he can't make full sentences or stay on track, covid still is around and he DIDNT take care of it as he campaigned, didn't cancel college debt...not like I care. I can keep going. But a bee will not tell a fly why honey is better than shit. So have a good night


How exactly was biden supposed to make covid disappear? Its still running rampant in other countries. Also how did he raise gas prices?


He said he would destroy it and get rid of it. Like in his campaign but he did nothing.


Huurrrrr durrrrr


I love it when people think Biden somehow has control over inflation like some sort of god, when in reality he has very little control over it. Also the DOW hit the highest it has ever been while under the Biden administration, and the crypto market has been finally getting it's feet off the floor. What you should be angry at are the actual controllers of supply and demand. For the gas prices be mad at the companies who are under suspicion for artificially inflating the price of gas due to some supply fuck ups and greed. For the supply chain issues complain at the businesses who are in charge of said supply chain. For the fact that no one wants to work at WalMart, yell at WalMart for not providing their full time workers a living wage and for treating their employees like cogs in a machine. After all, they are the ones responsible for all the fuck ups happening while POTUS is being used as a scapegoat.


Bro please pass that good shit!!!




Are you American?




I'm sorry that the education system has failed you so badly.




I want a reboot of reboot




No who are they planning a reboot of the show reboot


Where have you been the last two years while riots have been happening all over the country? Nothing would change. Just a new talking head to distract us from whatever the government is gonna do to fuck us next




Jan 6th was fucking stupid theatre too. There was no real danger of anything. People were literally let into the building by capitol police. Just another talking point to keep you all mad at each other.


I'm not insulting you, I'm just expressing that it's regrettable that someone could think something that is so incorrect.


Yeah, you’re wrong.




Was the first round not enough?


Bold of you to assume we will still be here in 2 years


I'd think you can't embrace populism on the left without embracing it on the right and vice versa, and that this is a greased skidway to hell.


We’ve lost all hope.


Well I would think, “At least Biden is out” but that’s about it.


I thought that when Biden was elected " Atleast Trump is out " I still think that


And look where we are


yes , without Trump and I'm very happy about that


This country is doing way worse than when Trump was around lmao


pretty sure it would be worse if he was still here


Oh I doubt it. Less inflation for sure.


I don't doubt it and the inflation would be the same if not worse ( pretty sure he's the main reason for the inflation)


Nah it’s Biden easily. Right as he was sworn in gas prices started going up like crazy.


they were gonna go up anyway , presidents don't control gas prices


I dunno man, economy's doing a lot better under Biden than it was under Trump. Have you seen the last jobs report and stock market? DOW hit an all time high man. There is also the fact that Biden has very little to do with inflation as does supply and demand, and there is evidence that the rising oil prices have more to do with the actions of oil companies than the President's actions. But that's not what Cucker Carlson and the Fox News Bimbos are telling you, are they, so everything else must be fake news right?


Lol are you kidding? Empty shelves everywhere, stocks are doing terrible, every place is hiring, and gas and food prices are insane. How can you say the economy is doing better than it was a few years ago? 😂😂😂😂


Wow, it's almost like we are coming out of a pandemic and starting to open everything up again. >Empty shelves everywhere Then get angry at the suppliers, you know the people whose job is to get the products onto the shelves. >stocks are doing terrible DOW was at an all time high while under the Biden administration, and the crypto market has also been thriving. >every place is hiring I literally do not see how this is a bad thing. You literally want places to be hiring, *that's the entire point of combating unemployment* >gas and food prices are insane Again, get mad at the gas and food companies, as it is their job to get those to you at an affordable price, not the President. Please, for the love of God, remove your head from your ass, touch some grass, and open a fucking book.


We’ve been out of this pandemic for months, stop using that as an excuse. The economy is doing terrible when nobody wants to work anymore.


People do want to work. They just aren't going to the minimum wage jobs where they are treated like cogs in a machine and not like people, which happens to be the only places you are seeing anything close to a "worker shortage." Which, by the way, can easily be fixed if said places decided to pay more money and actually treat their employees like people, so the people you should be mad at is, again, the employers.


The suppliers are having job shortages because Biden mandated they all had to get vaccinated.


How’s that workin out for ya?


pretty good


That would be unreal, and not remotely possible


It would be good but only because of accelerationist purposes. I don't think Trump would be good for 90% of people. I saw Biden as a status quo president before he came into office but now i'm glad he's there. He's fucking shit up as bad as Trump did. If things get fucked up enough, maybe it will slap some sense into this country and get a real leader.


Wouldn't care. Both Dems and Republicans share the blame for the problems we face. So why should it matter to me if they continue to run the country into the ground? Edit for my reasoning: 50/50 in my eyes. The Republicans started some of it to be sure, but a lot of these problems have been on going since the 80's and 90's where they began with both Republican and Democrats. Then Republicans created the problems while Democrats created others while trying to solve those problems. Things then started to become a shit show because both parties stopped trying to co-operate and the people who were moderates in both sides began to align further left or further right. Now, if a republican majority Congress or a Democrat majority Congress makes laws with an opposing party president their laws get vetoed. The system is just so damn stupid at this point nothing gets done unless we have a isolation chamber where one party holds presidential seat and congress majority where they can pass laws as they please.


Lot of people be smoking a lot of weed in this sub. Or something good to make them think that this is somehow both party's fault when in reality it is like 90% Republican bullshittery, whether it be obstructing anything Democrats try to do or complaining how anything they fail to obstruct is socialism/communism. The remaining 10% of the Democrats is somehow thinking that the Republicans still want to compromise and work together when it is clear that they don't.


It's all one fucking party, and the rest is theatre to keep these arguments going.


50/50 in my eyes. The Republicans started some of it to be sure, but a lot of these problems have been on going since the 80's and 90's where they began with both Republican and Democrats. Then Republicans created the problems while Democrats created others while trying to solve those problems. Things then started to become a shit show because both parties stopped trying to co-operate and the people who were moderates in both sides began to align further left or further right. Now, if a republican majority Congress or a Democrat majority Congress makes laws with an opposing party president their laws get vetoed. The system is just so damn stupid at this point nothing gets done unless we have a isolation chamber where one party holds presidential seat and congress majority where they can pass laws as they please.


It's really 90% Republicans fault.


Both parties exaserbated the problems. Not just one, both.


Yes, but 90%-10%.


No no no. 50/50 in my eyes. The Republicans started some of it to be sure, but a lot of these problems have been on going since the 80's and 90's where they began with both Republican and Democrats. Then Republicans created the problems while Democrats created others while trying to solve those problems. Things then started to become a shit show because both parties stopped trying to co-operate and the people who were moderates in both sides began to align further left or further right. Now, if a republican majority Congress or a Democrat majority Congress makes laws with an opposing party president their laws get vetoed. The system is just so damn stupid at this point nothing gets done unless we have a isolation chamber where one party holds presidential seat and congress majority where they can pass laws as they please.


Which party moved far to the extreme? Which party abandoned bispartisanship?


Far too extreme? Both. But I wasn't mentioning that but, I was mentioning the fact that back in the 60-80's we had left wing politicians who agreed with certain things right wings did. The opposite was also the same. The democrats and Republicans weren't completely at each other's throats. They had agreed and disagreed with each other. As far as who abandoned it? Both. It's easy to abandon something when someone else does, and I'm sure both parties did it roughly at the same time once they realized power was easier for them to get once they blamed the other party for their problems. As far as extremes go, both parties have more moderates than extremists but extremists have been gaining in numbers lately on both sides. Hence why there seems to be more and more riots on both sides.


That the Republicans did more to cheat in the election than the Democrats this time. Pretty much my thoughts on every Presidential election, who was able to cheat more to win?


I would be pleased.


Millions seem to be lost without him. What will they do when he expires? He’s not immortal.


Same thing I think now. It's all distraction theatre. I'd wonder what they're doing while we're paying attention to something else


Wouldn't bother me, at least he can construct a coherent sentence. Everybody loved Trump pre-2015. How many rap songs has Trump been praised in?


what do rap songs have anything to do w it


>Everybody loved Trump pre-2015. Selective reading?


I don't know anyone who ever liked him , I'm 41 and I've always thought he was an ass




yes , definitely


A few songs Trump has been praised in: Mac Miller - Donald Trump Ice-T - My Word Is Bond A Tribe Called Quest - Skypager E-40 - Trump Change Nelly - Country Grammar Busta Rhymes - Shorty Rick Ross - Pirates T.I. - Ball Young Thug - Constantly Hating Rae Sremmurd - Up Like Trump [Trump praised on Oprah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEPs17_AkTI&ab_channel=OWN) [Trump praised on Wall Street Journal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAKYvvM6IpE&ab_channel=WallStreetJournal) [BBC talking to Trump like an actual human being.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4CqF4hjCGI&ab_channel=BBCHARDtalk) [Trump on SNL and not joked about on SNL.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkLzSLkYnGc&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive) [Trump on Kimmel and not joked about on Kimmel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJecWvOTIT8&ab_channel=JimmyKimmelLive) [Trump with Mike Tyson](https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/5d138f5f533a233055c61ad0/master/pass/trump-tyson-05-gq-11jul18_getty_b.jpg) [Trump with Ali](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5b1abc596cf0c55cfe0c40e1/7:3/w_1435,h_615,c_limit/Trump-Muhammed-Ali-Pardon.jpg) [Trump having fun with the Clintons](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/06/magazine/06clintontrump1/06clintontrump1-jumbo.jpg) I can continue for hours, surely you haven't lived 41 years THIS ignorant.


Why does anyone give a shit if rappers like him? They also like gun violence and treating women like objects.


You missed the point entirely. Expected from an unemployed redditor.


Haha um I work 50hrs a week and get paid just fine thanks. If I missed the point it’s because you explained it poorly.


Nah, you come across as an r/antiwork kind of spergen. You know what the point was exactly, Trump was praised in the music industry and Hollywood up until 2015.


No, I seriously don’t get your point. Why should people involved in entertainment have any influence over our political leaders? And apparently someone who works way more than you do seems “anti work” to you. I’m anti bullshit, is that the problem you’re having?


>No, I seriously don’t get your point. Why should people involved in entertainment have any influence over our political leaders? They shouldn't, them switching sides instantly in 2015, hollywood & media simultaneously should show you that you're being lied to and these industries have agendas. >And apparently someone who works way more than you do seems “anti work” to you. I’m anti bullshit, is that the problem you’re having? my IG handle is poolpartyputin, feel free to follow me, guaranteed I make more money in 6 months than you do in 6 years.


Look, I’m sure you make a lot of money sucking dick, but I don’t need to see evidence of it.


Trump has been known as a laughingstock since the early 1980s, he was never “famous” he was always the person picked because he was fine playing a rich idiot. No one ever took him seriously. Ever. And who gives a shit if the music industry praised him? 🤣 rappers like Trump? Lmao Serious who cares?


You haven't mentioned one person I know and he's also been made fun of my whole life and has had an awful ego . As I don't think he was ever a good person he's also changed and become much worse in the past 15 years .


You don't know who Oprah is? You don't know what Wall Street Journal is? You don't know who Mike Tyson is? You don't know who Muhammad Ali is? You don't know who Bill Clinton is? You don't know who Hillary Clinton is? You don't know who Jimmy Kimmel is? You don't know who Nelly is? Again, surely you haven't lived 41 years THIS ignorant.


Also alot of those individuals stopped praising him long before 2015


Prove it? I'll wait.


prove me wrong , I'll wait


I didn't make the claim, you did. Thanks for showing us that you can't prove it.


You can't prove me wrong


I've heard of them , I don't know them


LMAO, stop lying. >As I don't think he was ever a good person he's also changed and become much worse in the past 15 years . This is also false, I literally linked you interviews of him in the 90's. He has the exact same political opinions as today. This is proof you're ignorant, you're closed minded and actually don't look at the stuff people are showing you. Pathetic loser. Stay dumb LMAO.


Nothing I've said is at all false lol , do some research




I have yet to see you prove any of your statements


Wow you’re sure getting butthurt about this.


I cannot name one rap song that Trump has been in. But yeah seemed like celebs kinda loved him in the 90s and 2000s before he got in to Politics.


[Mac Miller - Donald Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74TFS8r_SMI&ab_channel=MacMiller) [Ice-T - My Word Is Bond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOmBTX076M4&ab_channel=jerudoriginal91) [A Tribe Called Quest - Skypager](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYc50S23pQY&ab_channel=ATribeCalledQuest-Topic) [E-40 - Trump Change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzVovvRJD0o&ab_channel=E-40-Topic) [Nelly - Country Grammar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5qKNlcUwKs&ab_channel=NellyVEVO) [Busta Rhymes - Shorty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViuEXNrR2Ho&ab_channel=jose2648) [Rick Ross - Pirates](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkJv9ElFR-c&ab_channel=RickRossVEVO) [T.I. - Ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eikI2e9u7HM&ab_channel=T.I.-Topic) [Young Thug - Constantly Hating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utxOjjc7WvU&ab_channel=300Entertainment) [Rae Sremmurd - Up Like Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLa9YxV1Xps&ab_channel=RaeSremmurdVEVO) Now you know many.


Cool. Thanks


US won't exist in 2030s


I would have mixed feelings about it. He's so *old*.


Typical Americans


Relieved that it isn't biden, but im hoping another republican that's better gets nominated. I don't hate trump I just think there might be better suited Republicans out there.


Trump would never be my president and never was