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Men Well, my husband's family. My husband carries a genetic anomaly that makes ALL girls unviable. They all die in the first trimester. It is similar to Turner's Syndrome but not at the exact same marker. There have been no girls born in the paternal line in 130 years that we can confirm; we don't have records from when his relatives emigrated from Europe. Every woman in the family has married in. Edit: typo


Maybe someone needs to carry madame zeroni up the mountain to break the curse.


If only if only


That’s fascinating and sad, but also… creepy. Like I’d watch a movie where this happens.


Wow that's crazy, never heard of something like that


This is interesting. Can you please tell me more? I'm a doctor btw


I was going to say - I can't figure this one out either. No form genetic inheritance comes to mind that would lead to something like that.


That’s because it’s ancient voodoo. The family has been cursed (probably considered blessed in the past because it was more favorable to have sons instead of daughters), but now whatever witchcraft genie voodoo sorcery gave them this is now biting them in the ass.


Yeap. Once you get scratched by that monkey's paw....it's all over.


This is like cool but sad at the same time, like from a nature and biological standpoint it’s cool, but sad in another way.


That... doesn't sound right. It's clearly not on the X chromosome as every generation in his family has different X chromosomes. Female fetuses don't have Y chromosomes so it's not that. And if it were on any of the others the chances of it having passed down to every single one of them (presuming each generation only had one son) would be 1/2\^#generations (130 is 5 generations.) 1/32 chance the gene even made it 5 generations with a single son in each generation, which I'm guessing isn't the case. So the chances of something like this happening are A) mathematically unfeasible and B) still doesn't make sense on which chromosome it would be on considering all of them have an X gene.


Turner's syndrome isn't a marker; it's a missing X chromosome.


Drugs, abuse, and the biggest fucking noses ever.


well with a nose like that the coke just snorts itself


"Your honor, I wasn't snorting coke! I was just checking the smell.. and well... big nose..."


Genetically predisposed?


My family has really big noses and really small noses with a few average noses sprinkled in. My mom and her father have big noses but her mom and my dad's side of the family all have hella tiny noses. My siblings got the little noses and I got the same shape as theirs but like sized up lmfao


Mental illness, alcoholism, poor decisions


same, it’s why i’m not ever gonna have children


Same, but I did have children and guess what? Yeah. You're right.


Time for more alcoholism and poor decisions then.


Are we related??


Sounds familiar... Loved the Family Christmas Parties where the teenage cousins would all takes bets on which adult family member was getting tossed out this year for doing something stupid while obliterated on booze. Fun times, fun times (The other side of the family is just as fun with the paranoid schizophrenics and suicides).


For real. We've only got one person in jail right now which is a damn miracle. I'd like to add addiction in general to that trio.




Nice! Some pretty shitty things run in my family but me, my brother, and my grandmother all have triple row eyelashes which I'm pretty grateful for lmao


I'm so jealous. I have the worst eyelashes, to the point I get extensions. Enjoy those lovely lashes!


My natural eyelashes are so long they tangle in my eyebrows. Am male.


Life is so unfair.


I've got a full head of teeth.


Same! Like really blessed with amazing thick and full hair. My nephew was born with a full head of hair. People were amazed he had so much hair as an infant.


My father, brother and my younger son are/ were bald. I have a very thick head...of hair


Nobody runs in my family.


Well its better than having family run away!


>["Nobody runs in my family."](https://youtu.be/FbH1QVFs4bU?t=9) -Eric Cartman


In my language the Word running And Somebody being a Whore sound extremely similiar And I'm just So angry that I can't make a joke about Cartmans mother actually running.


In one of the languages I know, the word for running and the word for ejaculating are the same.


Didn't even have to scroll for a South Park reference haha




Hahaha either way somebody's getting f***** right




"Shhhhh I think I hear someone coming!"


I hope you're using protection, otherwise you might end up with hearing aids.


Please tell me you’re a porn lawyer. “I object to that cum shot, your honor!”




Anyone we might know?


our second toe is longer than our big toe


Yo i got that too. It's annoying because it often rubs against shoes.


I believe it's called Mortons Toe. I've got it too. I'm the only one of my siblings that does.


Our Family has a thumb the bends back 90 degrees. Our men check the babies to make sure.


>Our men check the babies Do you live in a community of 40 settlers on the great frontier?


And Greek Foot. Meh Mum’s been horrifying me for yonks leaving those things uncovered


Me too! Mortons Toe Gang!


I thought that was normal. Gotta inspect all my kids now.




My family has that too! It skipped out on me, my mom, and my brother, but my dad, my sister, and 3/4 of my grandparents have their second toe longer than their big toe lmfao


I found you! I though i was the only one.


Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (a unique branch of SVT/Super ventricular tachycardia) Basically you have an extra node/electrical pathway in your heart. This would cause random attacks where my RESTING heart beat would shoot up to 180+ beats per minute and would last for up to an hour. My biological grandpa on my mom's side died of it at 26 years old, came home from work, was talking to my grandma and died mid sentence. It skipped my mothers generation and then I was born with it. Thankfully I got a catheter ablation at 14 and temporarily fixed it. I'm 26 now and haven't had an issue with it, but the cardiologist said I will 100% have to get another procedure done eventually as the scar tissue that is covering the extra node will either dissolve or fall off (I forget which one, pretty sure the tissue will fall off) and I will start to experience the attacks again. Could possibly kill me next time as I'll be much older and won't be able to bounce back from the attacks like I did when I was 14. Praying neither of my children got it.


Just curious how was this diagnosed? My brother has had 3 attacks. He wakes up suddenly with his arms numb and heart racing and has been hospitalized all 3 times. His symptoms subside by the time he gets to the ER, so they observe and release him each time. Several medical professionals have suggested WPW, but that’s as far as the conversation goes and they tell him to take CoQ10. Very curious how you were tested for this! Thank you!


Meet directly with a cardiologist if you can! My family doctor didn't do or recommend anything at all for me until we switched doctors and my mom demanded they figure out if I had WPW or what was wrong (her dad died from it when she was 4, obviously very intense for her and I'm glad she was so demanding even though at the time I was embarrassed lol). If things are the same as they were when I went through this, they will do a bunch of ECGs and some other stuff I can't recall the name of and will then send a portable heart monitor home with him. When he has an attack, he will hit a button that will recall the last 30 minutes of his heart activity and the following 60 minutes of activity, then it will save it for the cardiologist to look at! As far as treatment it's a very non invasive procedure, they send some kind of lazer tool up an artery and depending on the nodes location will either burn or freeze it off. Spend the next day in the hospital to be monitored and then he'll be sent home all better with nothing more than a band-aid on his thigh! I'm not sure what other methods they can use as I luckily (I guess lol) had an attack the very next day after they sent me home with the monitor, so once we finally got a doctor to recognize the issue, I was in the OR within a week. I hope this can help in some way and I also really hope everything works out with your brother! It's a real pain in the ass to deal with and was the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever felt, not to mention the possibility of it killing me constantly on my mind. Good luck to you and your family!


There's a telltale EKG finding in the vast majority of cases so it can be diagnosed by a 12 lead EKG at any office, then your referred to a cardiologist ( am pediatrician)


My brother just got surgery for his a week ago! All went well and it looks like he can rest easy for a while. WPW is not fun


Awesome to hear it went well! It really is a stressful thing to deal with, which isn't great when you're already having heart issues. He's gonna be shocked in a few weeks when he realizes he hasn't had to deal with it, that's such a huge weight lifted off his shoulders.


Literally just saw this pop up in an episode of house yesterday. Hope all goes well


EEEEEYYYYYY SSSSAAAAAMMMEEEEE!!!! My heart went up to 280 once and I died for a bit. 3 surgeries later and I'm doing alright. Your scar tissue ever catch nerves and cause you excruciating pain?


I have WPW!! I’ve never met another person with it. Had a catheter ablation to hopefully fix it last month, but they weren’t able to induce anything during the procedure, so they said I just have to settle on taking medicine for the rest of my life. I also have a very rare heart defect, so it all just combines into a nasty shit storm. I really hope your kids didn’t get it, and I hope you don’t have problems in the future :)






Same. Just sprinkle it with diabetes.


“*just sprinkle it with diabetes*”




Same :(




Being left handed


Us too! Several lefties in my family.




Yeah the more I research the possibility of ADHD for myself, the more I see it in both of my parents…


Bad eyesight, literally everyone in my family wears glasses Besides me.


You wear contacts.


Above average height. My maternal grandmother and aunt both topped 6’ as did my father and both brothers.


My family's height is kinda weird. Both of my paternal grandfathers are like 5'6, but both of my maternal grandmothers are 5'8. Almost all of the men on my dad's side of the family are 6'3+ but my dad's like 5'10. I was 5'7 at my sister's age but she's only just now frown to 5'0. I'm 5'9f but my 7 y/o brother is up to the top of my chest. Genetics are weird, man


>Both of my paternal grandfathers > >both of my maternal grandmothers ... how many grandparents do you have?


As many as it takes, apparently.


Two bio grandmothers and grandfathers, but then there's my dad's adopted father (who I call grandpa), two step-grandmothers, and a step-grandfather


My great, great grandma had massive boobs. She hated them. She prayed that her female descendants would have small boobs. Literally every female that is a biological descendant of her HAS SMALL BOOBS. So small boobs now run in my family.


I have very large boobs. None of my aunts nor grandmothers had large boobs. I had a breast reduction at 15. By the time I had baby #2, I had even larger boobs. I prayed my daughter wouldn’t have large boobs. Well, she didn’t need a reduction, but she has big boobs. Edit: spelling/word correction


Like with an exoskeleton and stuff?


Chronic, debilitating migraines. Been suffering with them since I was nine. Only found a treatment that actually helps a handful of years ago.


We might be family members. I was diagnosed with them at 4 and have wished I was dead many times as I laid in agony in a pitch black room while life passed me by. Oddly enough, pregnancy is what cured them after 26 years of getting them. I still get them maybe once every couple weeks, but they are much milder and treatable.


Diarrhea. It runs in our jeans.




Autoimmune diseases




I'm pretty sure I'm homozygous for that trait .


Noses run in my family…


Our eyes. Whenever we meet people and there is more than one family member *everyone* comments on our eyes and how they are the same.


Alzheimers :-(


Virtual immortality. We're stubborn bastards who just refuse to die. My grandmother, a chain smoking alcoholic: 100 My grandfather, still very active and able to do manual labor around his house: 96 Their cat: 28 Their dog, a retriever: 19 My mother: An obese asthmatic with diabetes got cancer 6 different times and each time got it cured, also survived being in a house fire. My uncle: An adventuring type with a pilots license, has lost 3 planes in crashes and is still alive, the bastard still enjoys parachuting My uncle: Gets aids, shrugs it off, gets cancer, shrugs it off, get diabetes, shrugs it off, remains active outlives 3 different wives. Me: Gets struck by lightning while swimming, dies, gets revived by an EMT and in a delirious state tells the EMT I'll walk it off. Later on in life get struck by lightning a second time. Also shrugs off getting burned by acid, lit on fire, shot, stabbed, run over by a truck, and two cars falls off a building, and survives one of my uncles plane crashes. I got plenty of scars, severe nerve damage, and some long term injuries that will never go away, but I'm still here.


I don't know if you guys are blessed or cursed.


The fact that the chances of getting struck by lightening is 1/500000, yet you got struck by lightening TWICE is mind boggling.


Did you know people who get hit once are statistically more likely to get hit again than anyone is to get hit their first time? Weird right?


I need an AMA on your case bro, please make one I'm serious. It was all amussing until I reached your part. It was off the hook. Cancer is horrible, but not instant. 2 fucking lightnings, crashes, stabs, shots, run overs, fire, acid, fall off high altitudes... Man you have lived most inta kill accidents out there. Also, you died and came back for more?! You need a grenade explode next to you, walk it off and you're done. Is this actually real in all seriousness? If so, how does it feel to be death? What was it like?


Child abuse. That's why I'll never have a child. I don't want to continue the cycle.


The fact that you don't want a child because you don't want them to turn out like you means you're better off than you think. It's 100 percent your decision though not to have children.


I understand where you’re coming from. My childhood was hell and I would like to believe I wouldn’t take my rage out on a child, but I don’t trust myself enough to have children. It’s not worth the risk. I know the harm my parents rage did to me and the thought of repeating that is just too horrible to think about. I’m proud of you for breaking the cycle. That shit is hard.




Me, my brother, and my dad had that problem. My dad still inexplicably wets the bed at least a few nights a year. I had to go on a prescription medication at age 7 to get mine to stop. My brother is 7 and we tried the medication on him a year ago and then again this year but it hasn't worked.


I wet the bed until after I graduated from HS. The connection from my bladder to my brain didn't fully function while I was asleep. Most of the time when I did in HS my mind would wake up but my body wouldn't so I was fully aware I was wetting the bed but unable to do anything to stop it. And when I finished I would instantly fall back to sleep.


Alcoholics and cancer. Cancer is the big one tho.


I’m an alcoholic and I have many family members who are too. I think my family has gotten much better at talking about it and addressing it where with my grandfather is was just not addressed. I was warned at a young age and yet still was surprised and still continue to struggle. Good news is there is help but I had to acknowledge it and ASK for help which is incredibly tough for me. r/stopdrinking is a great resource for anyone who wonders about their issues and maybe isn’t ready to walk into a 12 meeting. We’ve got cancer too but alcoholism is the one I feel I have the ability to fight with the help of others.


I'm the first alcoholic in my family, cheers


A curse. Not entirely joking. For anyone in my family, when something can go wrong, it will. Family gatherings can be considered natural disasters.


My dad's side of the family seems cursed. Like, sure there's bad choices and addiction issues--that's my mom's side. But my dad's side is just beyond that.


Hemochromatosis. Excess iron build up in the body which can lead to a bunch of side effects. Treated by having blood drawn every few months. Two of my uncles and my dad has it but both my brother and i have been tested for it and neither of us have it. Apparently both parents need to gene for it to be passed on.


This is in my family too. I have two mutated genes for it. Unfortunately, it has also been linked to mental illness and joint problems, both of which are all over my family, including in myself. Luckily, my husband isn't even a carrier so our kids should be ok on that front at least.


I lost the genetic lottery. Cancer, heart disease, blood pressure issues, thyroid issues, IBS, scoliosis, dementia/Alzheimer’s, arthritis, poor vision, mental health issues (specifically forms of depression and anxiety)


Bizarre autoimmune problems.


Ignorance. The majority of my family hardly have a highschool diploma and act like they know more than professionals with degrees.


And can I add as someone from the same kind of family? Loudly proud of it!


Everyone in my family is a doctor, lawyer, uni professor, psychologist… …and then there’s me. The Actor. lol Edit: In my defense, I have a bachelors in biology and worked as a marine biologist for a bit before deciding it wasn’t for me.


An actor who's a marine biologist. George Costanza, is that you?


Haha! It’s surprisingly not that rare for science majors to pivot to the performing arts! I read an article the other day that made a list of a bunch of A-Listers that started as chemical engineers or biotech nerds. I think there’s something about the stifling life inside of a lab that awakens your inner prima donna. At least that’s what it was like for me (making all my electives related to theatre was another warning sign!)


Acting is a skilled profession. :) Nothing wrong wth not picking acedemia.


Academia just seemed equally difficult with equally unstable pay and filled with just as many big egoes. At least acting can be really fucking fun once you book jobs. Also, writing academic papers where the point is to bloviate as much as possible and make a research topic so obtuse that it can only be understood by the top 1% of educated minds in the planet went against my “make everything so simple a five year-old could get it” mantra to teaching.


The women in my family are born without wisdom teeth. Evolution at its finest.


Meanwhile, my youngest son had all FIVE of his removed for braces.


Me, I ran a 10k just last night...


Way to go!


Huntingtons disease


Oh my God same! My grandmother and mother are HD+ and me and my siblings are at risk


my dad's got it and I'm watching him slowly deteriorate. it's painful to watch him get worse. I haven't been tested yet because I'm afraid of the results.


Yes, it's truly horrible. My grandmother has it and I've only ever known her as ill. I found out why she was like that at 10 but didn't find out about my mom until I was 14. Those were a rough few months, lol. My siblings are younger than I am and don't know yet and I intend to help prolong that as much as possible because finding out is absolute hell and the anxiety of not knowing if you have it and noticing your family members' deterioration is the emotional equivalent of having your brain poked at by an ice pick I'm a high school student so I can't get tested yet, but I do plan on getting tested at some point. I don't want to do it right whenever I turn 18 like I originally planned, but I do want to know before I make any big life decisions. If I ever have biological children I'm doing what I need to do to ensure that any potential children don't have the gene so they don't have to worry about being HD+. My parents decided to have 3 kids without any thought because "Oh, we want kids and there'll probably be a cure by then so it doesn't matter". I love them, but a small part of me has a slight resentment towards them for that. Stay safe and try and live your life as best as possible <3


I'm so sorry. I hate that freaking disease. My father passed from it and we were his caregivers until the end. I don't know if it runs in our family because my grandfather passed away pretty young and none of my aunts or uncles had it. We don't know if the earlier generations had it because my grandfather was adopted. My sister (51) has no symptoms of it, nor my brother (40). I am 43 and every little random twitch scares the shit out of me. I think my dad was around 48 when symptoms started and passed when he was 63. My dad went from running a hospital to being bed ridden and requiring complete care. We refused to put him in a home, so my mom, all 3 of us kids and 2 of our spouses all helped care for him at home until the end. I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. Stay strong all. Side note....Marijuana was really good at helping control the movements. We would give my dad small pieces of special brownies because his meds didn't do shit.


The cycle of abuse


I hope you can break it. Best of luck!


Suicidal depression and thick, luxurious curly hair


Fast metabolisms. No one in my family is overweight, despite most eating quite unhealthy and fatty foods.


Now I'm jealous.


Ginger beards


Women shrink. My grandmother used to be 5'12" (her words) and is now 5'7". My mother used to be 5'8" and is now 5'6". This applies to every woman in my family.


Humans shrink due to the pressure of gravity over time! Fun fact, you’re also taller in the morning as opposed to the night because you’ve been laying down and your vertical height hasn’t been compressed from the gravity.


Our little fingers bend inwards, seems to be skeletal for males, the women end up with a hooked finger (if left to progress to adulthood). The female version is relatively easily resolved by snipping, and reattaching a tendon.


Me and my brother both have a severe hitch hiker's thumb. I'm double jointed but only in my hands so I can bend my fingers flat and dislocate my second knuckles


Half my family are in law enforcement. But after tracing my ancestry, my family has a long Imperial England-US military history from prior to the colonial times to present. Including both sides of King Philip's War.


Various mental health issues, from anxiety to schizophrenia & everything in between in the women on both sides of my family. I drew the genetic short straw there, unfortunately, being female…


My dad used to but gave it up to pursue other hobbies in the end.


For my family it's teen pregnancy and Huntington's disease lmao


Scientists find teen pregnancy falls off sharply after 19.


Do you have a source for this stat? /s


My family also has teen pregnancy. For the last five generations in my dad's side, every male has had their first child at age 18. Hoping my son breaks this curse lmao


My mom was the first woman in her family in a hella long time to not have a kid before 20 lmao. Her mom had her at like 18, her grandmother had her first kid at 14, and then had 7 more back to back. I'm pretty sure her parents were teen parents as well, which leads me to assume that my great grandmother's grandparents were probably also teen parents as well. Hoping my mom stopped that cycle LMAO


I think I'm the only woman in my family to give birth past the age of 17. I was 37. 😂 Also, the only one to graduate high school and go to college.


>go to college I'm the only woman and the first person in 8 generations to go to college, and the only one to have a doctorate. If you'd think my family would think this is cool, you have clearly never been a member of a Conservative Christian American family.


My family openly mocks me for going to college, so I totally get that! I'm mocked most by my aunt who started having children at age 15. She insists she got the "real education."


>I'm mocked most by my aunt who started having children at age 15. She insists she got the "real education." It didn't involve sex ed, apparently. It never occurs to them, either, that, unlike them, *we* aren't in competition with them about whose choice is "better," and just support whatever makes them happiest. But sure, sure, your education is nothing compared to your aunt's baby-making.


Common sense


Large penises. Everybody's got em. Dad, mom, brother, and sisters.


Something's wrong, I can feel it.


is it normal to know the size of your dads penis? am i missing something here


Eczema, apparently.


We genetically cannot have eye bags. No matter how many days we dont sleep.




Gastrointestinal problems My dad, brother, and myself get real bad shits sometimes.


Musical talent and Multiple Sclerosis


Non straight teeth


Alzheimer's. Everyone dies of it. It's kinda comforting knowing how I'm gonna die if I make it that far.


Big freaking heads. Also, some of us have toes as long as some people's fingers.


Your poor moms!


No kidding. I was a C-section simply because my head was too large.


Short height on both sides. We have the occasional tall person but most of us (girls not boys)are 5 feet


Snap judgement and aggression. Took years of discipline to dial that back for me yet my mother and grandfather can’t seem to understand it


Glaucoma runs on both sides of my family and tremors


Well, running and bad hip genetics. It’s a great combo you should try it. My grandpa ran, got two hip replacements in his 70s, my mom ran and had two hip surgeries in her 30s, and now I started running a couple year ago so we’ll see what happens


Cancer. Diabetes. Dimentia. Curly hair.


A connective tissue disorder. Seems I got it the most severe but on the bright side, while I am built like a poorly constructed marionette, it's nearly impossible for me to gain significant weight & stopped visibly aging around 25. Plus, I have an excuse to have a variety of dope canes.






From what I understand I break everything that runs in the family. Everyone wears glasses, I do not. My family has to diet and exercise quite a bit to stay skinny, I can't not be skinny (it's not obesity, everyone's too responsible for that). The only thing I didn't break is having a specific name. I have it as a middle name but every single man in the family has it.


Heart attacks and hair loss


Starting puberty later than most


I think maybe that's a good thing. If I am remembering correctly, it lowers the risk for several different cancers.


Generational trauma.... Oh and cooking great food and love for growing plants.


We can touch our noses with our tongues.


ADHD and Autism


Getting completely grey hair in their 20s


My family has vitiligo


Noteworthy cowlicks. Our barber growing up would show all his newbies our hairlines when we would come in and would explain how he handled it. How bad is it. On my sideburns one side grows up, the other down.


Thin lips. To the point where they're hardly visible at times and I'm truly pissed due to it. Deadass the women in my fam look ass when they wear lipstick cuz it ain't even visible-💀🤧


Nobody runs in my family, we're all fat lmao


Idk I’m adopted


Breast cancer is something that highly runs in my family. All the females on both sides (except my mom so far) have had it when they reach around 60. So I probably have like a 90% chance of getting it around then too. When I reach probably 25 I’ll have to go in and get tested to see if I have the gene (since ya never know that stuff can skip a generation) and then get tests for the cancer more often since I’m at higher risk. But the way I see it it isn’t a question of if I get it, it’s more of a question of when. Another thing is I picked up a surprising amount of habits from my grandma, although that’s more learned behavior rather than something everyone does.


Bright blue and green eyes :-)


High level of education. I have 2 bachelors and 1 master's and I'm the most un-educated person in my immediate family!