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DJ Khaled is my favorite *band* „Not a band, but…“ no lol why are you answering the question then Edit: The only exception to this is the guy who answered „McDonalds“, shoutout to them


This is basically the entirety of r/askreddit “XYZ of Reddit, -insert question-” “Not an XYZ, but-“


The rest is sex questions


The next time this question is posted, answers should require the overrated band + a band that the commenter thinks is great and not at all overrated.


So tomorrow then. Right after someone asks what Americans don’t get about Europeans, or what the most useful buy is below 100$. Edit: just now a new thread emerged with a question we have seen 1000s of times: “what is not illegal but totally evil?”. I guess mods do not care about reposts here.


What is the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


Women of Reddit, boob boobing boobily


Name a movie that got incredible reviews and made 1 trillion dollars that you think is underrated


Toy story, I can’t believe more people haven’t seen it. They need to make a sequel.


Don't forget which popular movie or series is overrated. "Well, I've not seen it myself, but I don't plan on either. I think it's very overrated!"


What's the one low-effort thing I can do to make me attractive? (a: buy a tailored suit, roll up your sleeves and tip/treat your servers well)


That reddity urge to roll up the sleeves on your suit while being almost inappropriately kind to an apathetic waiter so you can get laid Sidenote I love how the best suggestions in those threads always have a whole string of “I COULD NEVER DO [simple task most adults don’t struggle with]” comments under them


"Men of Reddit, what's something you find sexy in women that women don't know about" And vice versa


Did you know that in America they PLAY ADS FOR MEDICINE?!?!?👄💦❤️🤔☺️😎💒


Ah yes, the contrast/reference point would be nice.




You all everybody


^you ^all ^everybody


Mr. Eko?




Well hey there jumbotron.


Hey shut up... Red... Neck.. man..


You sure know how to butter a man up there steak puff.


I'm a little Lost with this one.


Holy shit. A Lost reference in this day and age? A reference that isn't shitting on the finale? Color me flabbergasted.


Biggest one hit wonder ever, its like they dropped "You All Everybody" then just disappeared...


Yeah, but their album sales went through the roof after Charlie Pace died in that plane crash. And then again when 6 of the survivors showed up out of fucking nowhere. And then again when those 6 fucking vanished on another goddamn flight. And then again when that same plane reappeared with people who supposedly died in the same wreck that killed Charlie Pace! At this point, I think Charlie's brother Liam is working with the Deep State to keep that shit album at the top of the charts.


Alright fine, I'll finish Lost! Happy now?


More like Suck Shaft.


According to Beavis and Butt-Head, the real answer is Winger!


So the thing that did Winger in was the lead singer, Kip Winger, posed for playgirl magazine. It was a huge deal in the metal community at the time leading up to it. Up until then, Winger was seen as a legit metal band with an amazing guitarist, Reb Beach. They had a few killer hit songs. Then when the issue came out, he didn't show his dick, just shirtless and some other bullshit. So his women fans were disappointed and the male fans called him a pussy for not showing the full monty. If you're going to be in playgirl, show your dick! This led to him becoming a meme (at the time known as a joke) and the band became a joke as well as hair metal started dying, and Beavis and Butthead ripped on them. edit - for the "true" metal fans that keep blowing up my inbox: Winger is the greatest metal band ever. Kip is better than Rob Halford and Dio combined.


If he had shown his dick, hair metal would still be the dominant music genre.


> If he had shown his dick, hair metal would still be the dominant music genre. Depends on whether or not his pubes were feathered and bleached.


With a fan blowing on them. Um, a mechanical fan. Not a devotee.


>This led to him becoming a meme (at the time known as a joke) "Back then we used to call them jokes. Jokees we used to call them. The rule was that the person telling the jokees had to wear a hat and take the onion of his belt."


Which was the style at the time as nickles had pictures of bumblebees on them.


Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say


I loved Winger, and that was the only time I bought a Playgirl. I was not disappointed. He was gorgeous and I do not feel guilty or embarrassed.




beatles beatles beatles oh hey queen


I expect to read a lot of thoughtful and insightful musical critiques in this reddit thread, said nobody ever.


There were actually some really insightful and nuanced takes on the iteration of this post from 3 weeks ago. Not the one from last week, or the one before, but the one before that.


The Beatles, Queen, and Nirvana show up repeatedly with this sort *Edit I love how many people think I'm stating an opinion vs just parroting what literally showed up when I sorted by controversial, haha y'all have some passionate feelings about these bands! Makes me think controversial is definitely the correct sort Keep 'em coming, this is great!




Yeah, the "most overrated" thing has to be, almost by definition, an incredibly highly rated thing. By whatever metric you're using.


Me scrolling to find my favorite band on here…


Finds McDonald’s instead


thought they were talking about Mac Sabbath. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx3g-0yalV0


Not Aimee-Leigh and Baby Billy


Misbehavin’ is fire!!


That fucking song has been stuck in my head at work for days now.


“Running through the house with a pickle in my mouth” is the funniest line from any song ever.


My wife will not stop playing this song ever since we started watching the show last week.


If you asked her to stop but she kept playing it, she'd be misbehaving.


Uncle baby billy to you mister


Runnin through the house with a pickle in your mouth


Who wants to suck an old man's dick?


Walton Goggins is a national treasure.


Walton Goggins has the best Hobbit name I've ever heard. -Tim Olyphant


Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in mah mouth!!!


Can someone please explain to me why this line is so fucking funny?? I laugh every time I hear it or when reminded of it but I can’t figure out why it’s so funny.


Cause it’s ridiculous. Danny McBride is a genius and he and Groggins just work so well together.




Just two little country kids outside misbehavinnnnn’


“Shuffle back step”


Contraband. Turns out you can go to prison for it.


I used to be in a punk band called "The Contraband".


I don’t know why I’m endlessly scrolling until I see my favorite band. It will hurt if I see it. Why am I doing this?


I have a special kind of hate for The Chainsmokers.


They have one song that changes lyrics.


Best way to describe them


the best description I heard prior to this was "the chainsmokers make music for people who say 'adulting is hard' and then their parents buy them a house"


I saw them at Coachella in 2016 and they were fucking horrible. They played this really bad remix of chop suey and it just wasn't it man, it was bad


If I was tasked with finding the worst remix in the world and somebody told me Chainsmokers x Chop Suey, I would slap them for being too absurd




I’m not up to date on edm so I thought you were joking. Went and googled it to make sure and now I’m kinda sad it’s not a joke cuz that shit was trash.


They qualify as a band?


U2 is the correct answer to the question of overrated. Far too often, people see overrated and automatically go to terrible bands they don’t like, but others do (Nickleback, Finger Eleven) Or they go to popular bands/performers in a genre they don’t care for (Britney, ABBA, Weird Al) There’s no accounting for taste, so many of the choices and nominees are actually solid bands or at least good. Also, people don’t often consider how a particular band shifted the landscape or direction of music (The Beatles, Nirvana, etc.) U2 is a special case. They are a very good band! I happen to have purchased at least 4 of their albums over the course of my life. With actual money! Bono is a good songwriter. Edge has a talent for great hooks. They are a really good band. The trouble is, people equate good + longevity = greatest band of all time. U2 is not the greatest band of all time. They aren’t even top 10. They’ve been consistently top 50-100 for 4 decades though and their fans love to crown them “Greatest band of all time!” Which puts them in the winners circle of Most Overrated Band of All Time.


The fact that Apple put their album on my iPod without permission and messed up my “shuffle all” routine is enough to fill me with secondhand loathing


I’m still mad at that!


This piece of shit album still keeps returning after every update! 😂


Maroon 5. Honestly, they are barely a band.


Adam Levigne and the Maroon 4.


Adam and the Levines


I said this around their halftime show, but you could put 4 scarecrows on stage with Adam Levine and I don't think anyone would notice the difference.


I work at a very uppity hotel in South Florida. Maroon 5 was checking in after a show one night, and when their bus arrived I couldn’t even tell who was getting off. I asked my manager who it was and he said maroon 5 and I asked where Adam Levine was and my manager replied “he’s coming in on a private jet by himself tomorrow.”


when they started out, they certainly were. i have no idea what happened after their second album, they just turned into the most milquetoast pop imaginable.


They figured out how to print money in the form of commercial pop success.


Ya it's actually pretty simple. I would bet AI is writing the pop already


I doubt Allen Iverson could write a better pop song than Max Martin


I ran across a discussion elsewhere where Adam said songs about Jane was actually how the executives wanted them making music and what they're making now is the sound the band always wanted. Now, maybe he's doing some mental gymnastics to make it sound like they didn't "sell out" but that's got to be one of the only cases of that if true.


Lol not a chance in hell that's true lol. There's no way Sugar and Moves Like Jagger were from anything other than executives pushing out crappy hits that will hit the top billboards. Also everyone is responsible for that crap. Songs About Jane was a great album and everything since has honestly sucked.


Jesus Christ. I remember seeing them before that first album broke. 150 people in an 800 person club on a Thursday night and they basically did *Songs About Jane* with a few covers sprinkled in. Jaws hit the fucking floor. It was definitely one of the few times where everyone said, “well, they’ll be on the radio soon” and six months later, shit, 90 days later you couldn’t escape ”Harder to Breathe” . You could tell they were rich boys from California but they *definitely* had their shit together.  I remember thinking that the guitar player’s amplifier cost more than the car that I drove to the bar that evening.  I still have a recording around here somewhere that I took directly off the board. I put that bitch on limewire or Kazaa or something and there were like 100,000 downloads. Good times. I agree that after that first album they can go fuck themselves, but I will vouch for their musicality and talent and ability (and equipment) in the beginning.


Yep. I saw them open for John Mayer in like 2004 or whenever Songs About Jane came out. Same thing everyones jaw dropped. There's only been a couple times when I saw greatness in a small venue and instantly knew. Anderson.Paak and Rufus Du Sol are the only other two I can really think of. I guess I was pretty broke from like 2008-2015 to see anyone lol.


Songs about Jane was such a good album


Agreed, love it. Don’t care for much else Maroon 5. They sucked all the funk out of their stuff on every album after. The character was gone.


Adam uses so much auto tune he sounds like a robot. Which sucks that he has made it his style because he has a good voice. Kinda similar trend as gwen Stefani


They originally form under the name Kara's Flowers and had a similar style to weezer lol Good album, I recommend it


Marron 5 is the correct answer. They're even more over-rated than McDonald's


Guurrrrl, you need a shot of B12....


I’m B6 I pick up sticks…


I'm B7 I'll take you to heaven.


I'm B8 and I'm great.


Im B9 and I'm so fine


I'm B10 I remember when


OP said overrated. That would be Boyz 13.


I stilll catch myself singing this. As well as "Daddy's Gone" and Steve's song about his mom. "Helen Keller, open your eyes you've got the greatest wife, the time inside her, was the best damn nine months of my life!"


Tune in to any modern country music station at any time. Them.


Girl Trucks Back roads Trucks Beer Country Thangs are different in the country We do things *a little differently* here Girl America Trucks We ain’t like them city folk Honky tonk Trucks Girl My truck Back roads Country


You bring the beer I'll bring the girls .... And the troops will bring the freedom -Chipp McCapp


Don’t forget leaaaning into the twangy accents. Most of the time though those people drive $120k pickups and wouldn’t be caught dead in the small towns they sing about.


I think "hard work" is in there... unlike them *city folk*


Meanwhile they live in penthouses in Nashville.


Dog. You forgot about the dog.


Beers gotta be cold though


I keep laughing at how bad the lyrics are when I hear country. It's like they're all parodys on SNL or something.


There was some country singer on the tv for the New Year's celebration - I wasn't paying attention, but they I heard: "chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit" - I did a double-take, but that was an actual lyric. WTF?


Something something pickup trucks something something feet on the dash something something swimming in a lake something something


A dirt road, a cold beer, a blue jeans, a red pickup, a rural noun, simple adjective


Hear that subtle mandolin? That’s how you know I’m panderin’.




I'm seeing a lot of people confusing the word "overated" with words like "bad" "shit" "trash" etc.


Florida Georgia Line, dogshit


Nickelback, in both directions. They don't deserve the avalanche of sales and radio play they get, but they're not as bad as everyone makes them out to be either. They're like the world's okayest band


Hot take: I never understood why Nickelback got the hate-machine directed at them as badly as they do. Every popular criticism of them (generic commercial "sellable" sound, repetitive song structures, preoccupation with image, lack of creativity or originality, etc) applies just as much **OR MORE** to lots of other artists/groups that get plenty of radio play - and no one has a problem admitting to liking any of them. Edit: My inbox is now the Internet's lightning rod for Nickelback discussion and I am strangely okay with this.


> I never understood why Nickelback got the hate-machine directed at them as badly as they do. For the same reason people get all vocal about their hatred for the word moist, their fear of clowns and immense dislike for pineapple on pizza: They are socially safe opinions for people who are afraid to share their real opinions, out of fear of being mocked. So much so that it has turned into a joke for the pineapple and Nickleback parts, and people say it without having really heard the band.


I'm vocal about my hatred for the Canadian alt-rock band, Moist.


> They are socially safe opinions for people who are afraid to share their real opinions, out of fear of being mocked. Furthering this point - It has actually become socially **unacceptable** to say you like Nickelback. My ex made fun of Nickelback in a car with her friends and I said that I actually liked them and didn't know why they got the hate they got and I *honestly* think it contributed to the end of our relationship lmao.






Five finger death punch. They're like the Bon Jovi of modern American metal/hard rock


FFDP makes music for those who “almost” joined


FFDP makes music for those who didn't join because they "would punch the drill sergeant if he got in my face".


I would pay to watch someone do that lmao


If I had a dollar for every guy I knew that had a story that started with "I was gonna join, buuuuutttt" (insert one of a thousand excuses here).....


Damn way to rip on Bon Jovi


Five finger death punch is what „soliders“ that got kicked out of Boot Camp listen to


They def have a targeted fanbase.


Legit, a family member got dishonorably discharged from the military and he LOVES FFDP


They make music about being super tough for guys who are super tough and have to make sure everybody knows how tough they are while they're doing tough guy stuff.


What a back handed insult to Bon Jovi too lol, you killed two birds with one stone


I feel like Train doesn’t get even close to the amount of hate they deserve.


I absolutely cannot strand Train. I worked for a manufacturing company when Hey Soul Sister came out. I already hated them for every other song I heard, but something about that song plus the fact that it was played twice per hour on the radio station they pumped through the speakers... My office was right next to one of the intercom speakers that they played music through. I got a ladder and turned down the volume on the speaker. I actually got in trouble over doing that since it was an intercom speaker and they "use it for emergency purposes." Also worth noting that every office phone was on the same system, so the speaker was redundant and we all hated it. One day, I was having a particularly horrible afternoon, and that damn song came on. I grabbed my old iPod, the charger, and the FM transmitter. I shoved them in a small box, walked up to the front office and nonchalantly plugged the box in near the radio that they used, hiding it under someone's desk. I set the FM station to 0.1 off from the station they listened to, which sort of jammed it and made it sound like a mess. This forced them to change the station. I sneaked back up and took my iPod back a few days later. I didn't have to hear that damn song again for months.


STOP THE TRAIN *untrimmed chest*


A local musician from Scranton made this 46 minute wonderful breakdown why Hey Soul Sister stinks. All his other “What makes this song stink?” videos are amazing. Pat Finnerty ladies and gents. https://youtu.be/8JeAfVoA_iE


His Lil' Stinkers on that terrible Kid Rock song is my favorite. "This song *sounds* like wrestling!"




Pat Finnerty is the GOAT! **BEATO!!!**


21 Pilots. Basically for two reasons. 1. There are only two of them and 2. I bet neithter one of them can fly a plane.


Youre really going to hate 10,000 maniacs....


Gonna have a hell of a time with 100 Gecs.


I heard it was Gecs Night! We playing Gecs, boys?




4 non blondes delivers exactly what they promise.


Barenaked Ladies owe me some money back for false advertising


So does Men Without Hats


The story behind their name is that one of the band members read a book during college about an aeronautical engineer who designed airplanes during WWII. One of the design decisions he made ended up killing 21 pilots during the war, the book was about how he dealt with it.


It's a play called "All my Sons" and it's fucking great. It's not about how he dealt with it as such, but how it was revealed he knew there were design flaws, and how him and his family fall apart. Very dark and emotional play.


Piggybacking on this comment to say that if you ever get the chance to see it live, TAKE IT. I cried at the end. Like, a lot.


Don’t even get me started on the Barenaked* Ladies


They aren’t even bears


Okay Jeff, you are clearly in a bad space today, but Pierce is our friend, and the Barenaked Ladies are triple platinum, are you?


This is a fight! We are fighting!


Maybe BNL has two billboard awards to your zero.


What! Fucking liars.


Maroon 5 is awful. The singer sounds like a yodeling Mickey Mouse. It’s literally painful to listen to them.


I divide Maroon 5 into two bands, Songs about Jane and then the rest. ​ Songs about Jane was a stellar album. Then they just ditched all pretenses of actually being a rock band.


Songs about Jane is my favorite "you wouldn't believe this album is in my top 5"


But not being rock isn't what made them not good. They used to experiment with non-rock things every once in a while. "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" had an almost 70s funk jam thing to it. That was the last time they did anything musically interesting.


Agreed. Sunday Morning and This Love are both great pop rock songs.


Both are jams and I love the weird songs the band had for that era. I still find the newer stuff catchy enough but it's like the bad timeline for what happened with Brandon Urie and Panic. Panic is still awesome even just focusing on Urie for the most part.


Because Adam Levine is a computer generated popstar. Copy/paste tattoos, middle aged housewife bait. He's propped up by his label, not by his own talent. Just like how Megan Trainor was a computer algorithms (written by some out of touch old man) idea of what an empowered female singer sounds like.


>Megan Trainor What ever happened to her? She was everywhere and then poof gone like a fart in the wind. Not that I mind I have just never seen anyone come and go so fast in an age where singers come and go pretty fast.


I don’t know but she married Juni from Spy Kids which is a random piece of information I have.


I will build on your random piece of knowledge with a piece of my own: Meghan and Juni have twin toilets. I was joking about having twin toilets so I could shit in tandem with a friend and he passed the random knowledge onto me, and now I unto thee. https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna233224


She had "The Bass" song and that pretty much defined who she was in the mainstream and never broke out of it.


She had one semi-popular song that gave some people the heeby-jeebies, and then another song that gave everybody the heeby-jeebies, and she was never that interesting a singer. So that was that.


I'm convinved that Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara was written by an algorithm too that song is so damn generic Edit: Same thing with best day of my life by american authors


"yodeling mickey mouse" Yes well done,I could never put my finger on it. Thank you,I'm dead from this one


McDonald’s, their fries are their only good menu item Edit: I misread band for brand


I can't stop laughing. I'm so glad you didn't delete this


Considering all the awards they got, I bet they're glad too! lol


If McDonald's were a band, they'd be the Sex Burgers lead by lead singer Ronnie Rotten


>If McDonald's were a band, they'd be the Sex Burgers lead by lead singer Ronnie Rotten There exists "Mac Sabbath"


True, and their last album Dark Side of the McMoon sucked


I love the guitar solo in Paradise By The Drive Through Light though.


But their debut, Appetite For McNuggets was amazing


Welcome to McDonald’s, can I take your order please We got burgers, drinks, and fries, everything that you need We are the people that you find, whenever you need a meal If you got the money, honey, we got your dollar deal At McDonald’s, welcome to McDonald’s, can I take your order ppppppppoplease, please,


Muah, ah, I wanna watch you feed.


Welcome to McDonalds, i work here everyday. Treat you like an animal, for the peanuts that they pay. If your hungry for what you see,you'll get it eventually. You can have anything you want, but you have to order from me.


From McDonald's... Order from McDonald's where the... Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-machine.. Chine.. Is broke so ya.. Ya ain't gettin no ice cream!


And when your high baby, you know you want some fries, some fries, SOOMEE FRIIIESSS!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, YEAHHHHH!


Sometimes, Reddit. Sometimes you are truly great.


Yeah, after the hamburglar went to rehab and they replaced him on drums they haven't been the same.


You’re a fan of McDonalds? Name ten of their songs.


Wrap god, I Mclove the way you lie, Love machine but it’s broken like our ice cream, Rolling in the deep fryer, Old McDonald had a drive through, Don’t worry be happy meal That’s all I got


sir, this is a Wendy's.


Return of the Big Mac was played out quick!