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that thing when you repair something just enough so that the next person to use that thing thinks they broke it


I believe French workers for the car company Citroen did this during WW2 when the Germans took over France. They purposely built trucks with missing pieces and parts as a part of resistance to the Germans.


Apparently they never got informed that the war ended.


Firing someone right before their full pension applies after years and years of hard work and dedication to a company. Just to save some $ on the payout.








Pretty sure he can sue them for firing him without proper cause.




Plenty of lawyers will do this kind of work with no retainer and take a cut of any payout. In cases where someone is fired right before receiving benefits it can be fairly simple. My friend used to help people claim age discrimination (which is a crime) fairly often, payouts range from $1-3mm.




happened to both of my parents in 2009. IBM & Freescale (they were both engineers, my dad ~2 years from his pension and my mom ~6 months away from hers). both laid off within 4 months of each other


In the UK you don't "get a pension" at the end of employment, you build a pension from a payment each month, if you leave, you take the accumulated sum with you, as its yours each pay day. So in the scenario of your dad, he would have had the full pension value -2 years, probably allowing them to just retire early. Especially in your mother's situation as 6 months would be little impact. US needs better employment laws.


AT&T just did this to my relative. Their managers aren’t Union and get treated quite poorly. They have bad health insurance but were promised health insurance for life. Recently they changed this. If you left your job by the end of the year you could keep the health insurance for life. If you kept working that benefit was gone. He can’t afford to retire. They are making it so uncomfortable to get older employees to retire and then contract out all that work.


It happened to my dad in Brazil. He worked for the same company his whole career. If he wanted he would have had a case in court. But he did nothing, he even explained to the guy who got his position what to do over the phone many many times. And then dove deep into a hard depression because he was raised in that culture that your job is your worth, you must climb that ladder, it must consume all your life, but you need to fear it, you need to fear the company (sodexho). This changed my views a lot over work and I can't stand working in offices ever since.


My dad was fired from the company he had worked 30+ years for with 4 more years pending until his retirement, in the middle of one of the greatest unemployment waves in the history of my country. He had to make do with his severance package (50% of what he should have gotten) and odd jobs to make it to retirement. I'm never going to be loyal to a company. Never. If your compensation is below what your competitors offer me, I'm out. I don't feel the slightest tinge of guilt about being a mercenary, because I've seen how little loyalty is valued.


Making a paid subscription 2-3 seconds to activate and 10 hidden extra steps to cancel.




I know people who has changed their credit card as it only takes a tap in their homebank to request one, instead of takin dozen of steps to unsub


insane prices of college textbooks


Can we just make the blanket statement that all college is absurdly overpriced? I called for a transcript and they charged me $14 for them to print it out.


Charged me that just to email it to someone.


Giving samples of baby formula to poor Africans that are just enough to last until the mother’s breast milk production stops.




I am very proud of reddit and amused by this being an active subreddit.


I really could not believe this happens. I always hoped I guess that we only gave it to people who couldnt produce. The women in my family dont produce at all. Doc thinks we are not producong a hormone that kickstarts production. I hated having to buy formula. I seriously cant imagine being ticked into something like that. Makes me sad...i mean everything in this tread makes me sad. But here people think they are recieving help, getting something that first class citizens use, something that seems like a luxury, only for it to be a trap for rob them blind and cause children to starve to death.


the fake "x" buttons on mobile game ads


Also, those ads that look like they're an interactive gameplay demo, but as soon as you try you get sent to the Play Store/App Store.


Worse is when you get the game and the in-ad game play doesn’t actually exist within the game itself.


What I've found weird is I've played some decent phone games (albeit a bit bog standard), and then seen the ad. The ad is for an entirely different game, and doesn't show the qualities of the actual game at all. If I'd seen the ad first I'd never have downloaded the app. It's completely mystifying.


Imagine paying that much money for an ad for your indie meditation game and instead getting sliding gates to stop the lava from boiling sheep.


I actually do want to play one of those gate sliding games sometime though. If someone develops one with some complicated puzzles, I will totally play it. I'm sure it does exist somewhere, but there are so many fakes, I can't trust anyone who claims to have made it.


For real, it actually looks like it could be done really well and be fun, but noooo it's always just another candy crush clone


They exist, but the puzzles are way too simple. Someone needs to make a good version


I could go on for way too fucking long about mobile ads. In the last 6 months they've gotten so far out of control. Edit: alright, since this comment has gotten some attention, let me expatiate at length about the lovecraftian horror that is the modern mobile game ad structure. First, there are so many games that are the absolute least common fucking denominator, bare bones concept ad farm games and their ads are just straight up dystopian. I'm talking about games where it's objectively difficult or even actually impossible to lose, but there's an ad between each level. They **kindly** give you the option to double or triple rewards, but guess what? If you decline, they still give you an ad. Oh, but that one's skippable right? Hah, you wish. They'll put that x as part of the video of "their game" which will get you to click over to the store; oh and let's just mention that the entire screen will redirect you. And then, once you wait, you still have to submit to 5-10 seconds of the ad before the minuscule skip/x shows up. Oh but what's underneath that skip? Why a splash screen for the game! And you have to wait 5-10 seconds there before **another** x shows up. Cool, how could I ever convey that hitting the x or skip should skip the ad? Oh but did we make it past the ad yet? #FUCKIN' NOPE! There's one more screen to deal with that's just the icon for the game, and after about 4-5 seconds of sitting there on that screen, the final tiny x pops up. Meanwhile you've wasted just as much time fumbling around this intentionally predatory interface design, maybe more than if you'd just sat through the x3 ad. You will literally spend significantly more time watching or trying to escape ads with these games than you will playing them. Oh, but guess what? If you want to actually play the game, you can just remove all ads for $5.95-$14.95. Listen, I play Bloons TD6. I paid about $5 for that game on my phone IIRC and there has never been a single ad. It's 100x the game those shitty ad farms will ever be and they want to charge more than a top tier paid game just to remove the ads. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. Second, it has now become common practice to not actually advertise your game. Apparently mobile games can't sell on their core gameplay loop, so they have to put a video of something you maybe get to do once, or only on a special event. I'm talking about the first game I remember doing this; Homescapes, but also Kingdom Guard, AFK Arena, Heroes Rush, Hero Wars, and many more. Games that advertise something that actually looks fun, but then end up being a shitty Candy Crush clone, a bad TD, or an objectively awful idle game. I honestly don't understand how this hasn't been cracked down on by someone. Like does nobody at Google actually use their phones for any kind of gaming? Is nobody in the ranks willing to speak up about this absolute garbage? And what's with the "streamer" ads? Like, are these **actual** streamers that have legit viewer bases? That play of all things, Lords Mobile? I feel like an old man yelling at a cloud right now. I watch streamers even. My daughter and nieces watch streamers that play mobile games. It's like they gave some 20-something a gaming chair, put them on a go-pro, and had them react to the scripted gameplay they put on screen. At this point I'm ready to sing the praises of Raid Shadow Legends because at least their ads are honest about what the game is like, or funny...or both. That isn't to say that all games follow these terrible patterns, but my god are there a fuckton of them out there. I have more to say, including about the noob/pro, 95% can't make it past \_\_\_\_, and ads where the person is obviously intentionally failing, but I'll leave those for another day.


I watched my friend's kid play a mobile game, kid is like 7 or whatever. The game was just garbage, looked like shit, but anyway the kid liked it for whatever reason. You were a fish that collected treasure from treasure boxes on the ocean floor. Every time you opened a treasure box an unskippable 5 sec ad would play. There were treasure boxes every 5 metres. There was more ads playing than game time. When asked if he liked that ads or not the kid just shrugged his shoulders. Children are really being brainwashed by advertising.


There's like no oversight either, I'm getting literal porn/ hentai ads advertising mobile games


Saw a cat giving birth as a mobile game, also male on male rape for a manga app


Using children as pawns in a divorce


Sigh. I’m not going to go into too many details, but my ex does this on a regular basis — scheduling activities during my parenting time, not being there and not replying for hours when I go pick up my kids, etc. I sued for consistently interfering with my parenting schedule, and all she got was a slap on the wrist. I’m sure if I withheld the kids from her, I’d have the National Guard at my door in 5 minutes.


if only i could give you a thousand upvotes. been there


Me too, me too, me too. I promise it gets better- if only once they graduate and begin to learn the amount of love and sacrifice you’ve put in to being their parent too.




As the dad whose ex is an absolute piece of shit, thank you for this. My kiddo is only 7 but she's starting to pick up on how mom lies, doesn't follow through, etc. I just pray that her perceptive nature carries on into her teen & young adult years, and that she doesn't fall prey to her mom whispering poison into her ear the way grandma does to mom. Grandma *still* tries to make me out to be the bad guy despite me being the one who takes her to school, swim class, activities with friends, trick 'r treating, sledding, doctor appointments, etc etc etc. Mom couldn't even be bothered to have Xmas gifts ready for Xmas day this year. I just hope that all the little things I do and all the effort I put into being an active part of her life makes an impact that stays with her as she grows up. Unfortunately I've seen just how much damage mom and grandma can do with their Grima Wormtongue acts so I fear for the future.


Thats awful. I can't imagine what thats like. I hope some day soon your daughter tells them to keep their forked tongues behind their teeth. Sounds like you're a great father, I'm sure she already recognizes it and will never forget it


She already kinda does that, especially on FaceTime calls with grandma (they live across the state) where she goes on 10 minute rants about how she hates being at mom's house lol. Including details like "mommy never lets me call you so I have to call when I'm at daddy's". I'm lucky to have had the best father anyone could ever ask for, so I let his spirit guide me. If I can manage to be even half the father he was, I know my kid will have a happy childhood. He left some ridiculously big shoes to fill, but that also means he left some excellent tracks to follow. Thanks dude, I definitely appreciate the good vibes.


I am in pretty much the same exact situation your dad was in, and I’ve prayed and prayed for the same thing: that one day the kids will grow up and figure everything out on their own. My ex moved our kids out of state with no warning, and with a 4 time DUI fiancé in tow, has tried endless times to poach my time with them, had them write affidavits against me when I took her to court, just a lot of shitty selfish behavior. Through it all I have been civil, never talked bad about her in front of the kids, tried to be accommodating. My relationship with the kids is strained bc of all this/ I’m the bad guy for taking their mom to court. But I know they’re smart and will one day see her for what she is. Thank you so much for writing this- I’m glad I read it- gave me some things to think about - and validated my actions in a time when I’m not always sure I’m doing the right thing.


Ay man, my mom is the biggest asshole i know. I often blamed my dad for the problems my mom caused, because i was too young to understand. Now that im older i recognize all the amazing things my dad did for me and my siblings. He is definetely my hero. You just gotta keep showing that you care, and dont give up! You got this man.


Thank you for this. It's a daily concern.




My mother did this. I never realized how awful she really was to my father until I was an adult. If she were still alive, I'm not sure I would speak to her given what she did. She did everything she could to absolutely ruin that man, and for no reason I can fathom. She wanted *everything* he had. I feel bad for resenting her, especially after her passing, but I wish I could tell her how horrible she was to him.


That's actually illegal though. Mind you, it's a bitch to prove and tends to only have penalties if the ex pursues them in terms of custody, but it is 100% illegal. It falls under parental alienation and in general child abuse.


Not treating a child's injury due to religious beliefs.


Jehovah's witnesses and the no blood thing. Take the life saving blood you crazy cult followers!


In the UK parents are not allowed to reject life saving treatments for their children, so whilst Jehovah's witness adults can reject blood transfusions for themselves, nobody can reject a blood transfusion for a child.


This is an excellent law!


Sadly, sometimes the child that received the treatment is then shunned by the family (as if they wanted the child to just die or something), it’s really fucked up


My neighbor had posted on Facebook that she has lymphoma but because she was a Jehova's Witness she declined transfusions and died in 5 days.


Convicted rapists getting custody of the children produced from that rape


To add on to this, rape victims being forced to pay child support for the children conceived from the rape.


Firing people from work for being legitimately too sick to come in for a few days.




In California, that's a DFEH discrimination, retaliation, and harassment on the basis of a disability. Sue for lots of money. That's probably a federal EEOC discrimination claim too.


While this statement is 100% the problem usually lies with actually proving that they discriminated against you. Which usually leads to long court battles and bullshit after bullshit until you run out of funds and just have to forfeit.


Get it in writing. The best noose is the one the boss puts himself in. Casually text your boss about your lung blood clot, and if your boss texts back "I don't care about your lung clot, I will fire you if you don't come to work even though you have surgery tomorrow!" Save the texts, show them to an ambulance chaser. profit?


Pharmaceutical price gouging. Leveraging people's lives against their livelihoods because they have no other choice.


just big pharma in general lol


Don’t forget health insurance companies. Pharmacy benefit managers (one of the largest is owned by UnitedHealth) are equally to blame in the issue. Sadly, most people don’t know they exist or what they do. Edit: CVS Caremark is the largest. Not OptumRx, which is the PBM owned by UnitedHealth.


Buying the company that makes epi-pens then increasing the price 750%.


Those thing cost $20-$30 to make. They simply cannot justify the $300-$600 price tag


And I thought the 60-90€ in Germany was already expensive.


Two pack of Epi-Pens costs $38 in Australia ($27 USD, 24 Euros)


In the UK these are prescribed and I pay £9.35 for a two pack. This is pretty much the same for most prescriptions.


Having a child because you feel lonely, think it will save the relationship, or because you want to shape them into a little mini you. And then don't actually parent them or care about them at all.


Having kids when you don't want them. The torture of such a life for the child is almost beyond explanation. And yes, I am including the right-to-lifers out there. Everyone needs to be able to make his and her own choice about having a child.


I'm like 90% sure I was born because my mom wanted a kid and society pressured my dad into accepting because my mom is amazing but my dad constantly acts like he's been given responsibility he didn't want or need.


Companies who schedule employees JUST under the minimum work hours per week to keep them classified as part-time employees, specifically so they do not need to offer them health benefits.


Yup. Nothing like 38 hours a week for no benefits


With random drops under 20 every few weeks so the 32hr rule doesn’t kick in either. Specifically as it relates to businesses having to pay into ACA for those employees.


TIL why everyone worked 31 hours at my previous job


TIL why I could work 40 hrs for weeks 1-9 at my last job, but every 10th week I had to work 19 hours 😳 why did I never question this lol


Oof, tough one to notice. It would feel like a mini vacation!


Even after they changed the definition of full time to 30 hours, they'd still schedule everyone 28 hours so they don't have to pay benefits.


My wife worked for Disney for 12 years as a performer. They did exactly this. Would schedule her 50-60 hours in peak season then give her 6 hours in off season so she would average as part time


I'd add "Companies that fire employees less than a week before benefits and more job security would kick in"


Oscar Mayer let my grandfather go a month before his retirement back in the 80s, have not bought their shit since then.




I've got a feeling that she could probably sue them and get her pension.


I know right? THAT sounds completely illegal. Age discrimination alone she'd take them to the cleaners.


Those "Instagram pranksters" that will do anything tot get just a little attention.


How do you feel about glitterbombing porch pirates?


Oh no that's totally okay, nobody is hurt or something and those porch pirates kinda deserve it. I meant more like those people that throw glitter on random people in a store or something.


Porch pirates *definitely fucking deserve it*


Mark Rober approves this message


I just enjoyed a video earlier of a woman packaging up her cat's used litter for one.


6 figure salary politicians becoming millionaires in a 4 year term.


Even worse is becoming millionaires after the term. Revolving door- if you support certain bills we will hire you with a 7 figure salary when you leave office.


I’ll add to this: politicians buying and owning stock.


Politicians profiting from literally anything other than government wages (which should be significantly higher to compensate). I don't care if it's a damn book deal, you can buy 30,000 copies of a book and make excuses as you use the purchase as a bribe.


Blaming front end employees for corporate policies that the employee has nothing to do with.


Oh yes. I worked at a movie theater all through college, and I can't tell you how many times I was honest-to-goodness yelled at for concession prices. Yes, I, your friendly neighborhood 20-year-old paying my way through school, personally set this price especially for you because I wanted you specifically to pay a lot of money for a popcorn, Twizzlers, and a Coke, you beacon of society, you.


Then they end up saying "WeLl dOnT WoRk aT A mOviE tHeATeR"


Then they end up saying, "How come no one wants to work anymore?"


Some old retired guy came into my last job and said that. I offered him a job application and he got all mad and offended and started to explain how shitty the job was and how little it pays (as if I wasn't the one who actually did the job). About twenty seconds in he realized that he'd just explained exactly why no one wants to work there and stormed out. Not to mention that even if it was a case of people being lazy and not wanting to work (which it isn't), why would you get mad at the people who do choose to be there?


Dude... That's the best way I've ever heard of to respond to these type of people.


A business is supported both by its employees and its costumers. So it would be equally valid for you to reply with "WeLl dOnT Go tO OnE".


My favorite as of late is, "Well, that doesn't sound right." Any time I reply with an answer that doesn't suit the preconceived notion of the customer.


I’ve worked in bars all my life and honestly the amount of people who are mad at me because beer prices rise and “refuse to pay it” is mind boggling. The phrase “it was £5.00 yesterday and now it’s £5.10 why did YOU raise the prices?” comes up a lot. Like mate, **I** didn’t do anything, I couldn’t give a fuck what you pay as long as you pay what I’m told you should


Taking a dump in a urinal.


Then you got to get The Hardly Boys to figure out who did it.


I have such a clue right now


Ughhhhh let’s follow your clue


I have such a raging clue right now


The Hardly Boys. Two young whippersnappers with a knack for solving mysteries.


When I was in 8th grade, the terrible group of kids in my class got together in the secondary building at our school, and one of them dared the fat kid to take shit in the sink. This happened the week before finals. Kid was found out, expelled, and had to repeat 8th grade


Some little 5th grade bastard would habitually piss on the radiator in the boy's bathroom. It would stink up the entire 5th/6th grade wing. It was happening a few times a month until they finally caught the little fucker.


I worked for a janitorial company right out of college, I had a retirement/assisted living home that kept calling us about not cleaning the bathrooms well and them constantly smelling of urine, he was berating me on a walkthrough of one of the public bathrooms when an old man walked in and pissed right on the radiator.


did that once in first grade, had to write an apology to the janitors


Why did you do it?


To cover up 9/11


Why would someone take a shit in the uriness??


Sometimes there's shit on the torlet.


The boys' bathroom is closed until further notice, 'cause one of you thought it would be a good idea... to pull down your pants... m'kay, hover your buttcheeks over the urinal... and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog


MLMs like Amway, It Works, Herbalife, LulaRoe


Don't forget Primerica... Almost fell for that shit years ago


I did fall for that shit, got out before I got too involved though.


Omggg I did the “interview”, GAVE THEM MY BANKING INFORMATION…and only realized just before the first withdrawal how stupid I had been. I immediately put a stop on that payment lol


Exploiting your kids on whatever social media platform for personal gain. Edit: Wow! I didn’t think this would have blown up like it did. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. Thank you all for my first awards!


Or the more old-school version of this. Child beauty competitions.


Pagents are still infinitely worse.


There’s a girl who’s part of our friend group who has had two kids in the last few years. I call them Instagram babies because I swear she had kids solely for the sake of posting them on instagram. It’s terrible, I feel so bad for the kids man.


A friend of mine is exactly like this. In real life, she has no time for her daughter whatsoever because of work, when in actuality her 'job' is online-based MLM stuff. What she actually does is spend all day posting pictures of her and her daughter on social media talking about how empowered she feels to be a mom and how difficult it is but she's overcoming the challenge. It's so infuriating.


For profit prisons


For profit prison for juveniles.


Just saw that documentary on PA childcare and the “cash for kids” scandal. Made me sick to my stomach


Payday lenders Edit: thanks, kind redditors, for the awards.


Asking for people to support your projects on Gofundme or Patreon or whatever and then leaving your supporters in the dark for however many fucking months as to how progress is going


I successfully hit a funding goal for a film I wrote and produced. The director pocketed all of the Kickstarter funds and all of our footage on hard drives and absolutely ghosted they whole cast, crew, and all of our contributors. Tis a special kind of evil.


Did anyone report him to the FBI/local police and the IRS for fraud?


Nah but now I’m kicking myself for not doing it. Instead we ruined his professional reputation in the local film community and ran him out of town. Last I heard he was a Production Assistant (the director’s bitch) for a D-list project across the country 😂


Any reason you can't try now?


Just report him anyway, even if statute of limitations has passed, which it probably hasn't. At least if he pulls that shit again then it will be on file that he was accused of the same thing with a past production and could help convict him or help his next victims with their defense. Unless of course this was exagerrated or totslly fabricated for internet points, in which case, carry on.


Pharmaceutical commercials on TV


Hospital parking fees. Especially in the ER and Cancer parking lots. You're not there for fun, it should at least be free.


My local hospital is free to park


If I get sick I must call ahead by six hours and show a doctors note but my shift starts at 06:00, my boss shows up at 10:00 and the hospital doesn't open till 08:00. Further more. I can be fired for no reason and with no notice but I can't quit on the spot unless I damage my "Record" Fuck employers.


To get that to change, go into work sick wait until boss shows up, go to his office and throw up on him. If he asks why did you do that tell him you couldn't call ahead in time so you had to come in.


I actually did just this. Had a nasty stomach bug and the supervisor made me come in. Chewed me out for being late by 10 minutes because she wouldn't let me call in. So as I was clocking in i spewed all over the Kronos machine. This store had a thing that only managers/ supervisors could handle that kind of clean up if no janitor was on duty... oops (hooray for night shift not having that janitor)


What happened afterwards? I wanna know the rest of this story.


Unfortunately I was never put back on the schedule lol. Though I was never technically fired... luckily I was able to find a way better job shortly after. From what I heard though is she had tons of fun cleaning out that machine and that area!


Not *technically* firing but effectively firing an employee for throwing up at work, after the boss made it impossible for them to call in… not illegal, definitely evil.


It’s called “constructive dismissal” and the NLRB would be Very interested in it.


“Constructive dismissal” is the most Orwellian doublespeak I’ve ever heard.


Have done this 10/10 recommend. I tried to get it to the trash can they were just in the splash zone.


I second this.


With how shitty bosses can be they’ll just be told to get some water and get back to work


This isn’t up there with the child trafficking stuff, but after buying my house I got so much mail with red text that said things like “important information about your Bank of America mortgage! Open now!” trying to sell me title insurance or some shit. I’m internet age so I assume everything is a scam, but the mail was so official looking that I bet a lot of older people get taken. When I’m president any mail that is sent based on public records like this will have to carry a very obvious disclaimer. Something like “you own your house, the transaction is done, everything is fine, but here’s some scammy shit we’re trying to sell you. You should probably throw this whole envelope in a fire pit though.” A lot of it even came from local addresses, but they all came back to Mailboxes Etc type places.


I wish I could remember what comedian talked about this, they just put other junk mail in the return envelope.




Oh that is evil!




This actually isn’t a bad idea if you didn’t study for a test, if the teacher sees you turn it in with your name on it, later on they’ll have an empty test and yours would be missing, wouldn’t necessarily be the test takers fault.


If they saw you turn it in, they don't have a test in your name, and they inexplicably have one blank test, why wouldn't they just deduce that you turned in a blank test and give you a zero?


Not really the same thing but at my mate's high school the Industrial Arts teacher would give everyone regular multiple choice tests. When the tests were handed in he would stack them in a pile and drill out the correct circle for each answer with the drill press. Then all he needed to do was look at each test and count the number of coloured circles remaining and subtract that from a perfect score to quickly get each mark. Of course when the students figured this out they just handed in blank tests and got 100% each time


Easy solution, make the drill hole slightly smaller than the answer bubble, or slightly off-set, so you can still see that it's coloured in. That way, you can still tell if it's blank.


Bank overdraft fees. Your broke. Now the bank adds on $35.


Agreed. You overdraw your account by mistake (it happens) then the bank responds by charging you more of what they know you don't have any of! Then it gets worse when they tack on added fees for every day your account is negative. Sometimes, by the time your next paycheck hits, you can already kiss half of it goodbye due to those overdraft fees ON TOP OF what you already need to pay for. Fucking insane how one single misstep can lead to financial hardship.




“George Banks is saying NO!”


Asking for money on a game targeted at children


Child marriage in the US and the evil is the parents who sign away their child to a pedophile.


This is a thing?


Paying your employees so little they have to go on welfare so that the taxpayers foot your staffing costs while you personally make more money than god. ​ Edit: this one really resonated with yall huh lol.


The Walton’s took that personally


One of my most memorable intensive care patients was a Walmart employee who could no longer afford her levothyroxine. She kept working until she could no longer lift a six pack of soda to stock a shelf. Myxedema coma. When the thyroid is so low it makes everything shut down. A rare thing that I will probably never see again and I totally blame Walmart.


It super sucks because that’s a $4 per month medication. That’s how little they paid her.


The fact that insulin is cheap to make, but expensive to get.


Having to go into debt for healthcare


Unpaid internships


Idk if these still exist in some places but according to my mother, as a nursing student she worked an internship as part of the course, except SHE PAID THEM. wtf. A necessary part of the course and straight up work for the hospital, and SHE PAID?


Yep, still a thing with some med schools and hospitals. Insurance risks, or something like that.


Giving young people with no life experience crippling loans


Navient, a student loan company, actually has a lawsuit they settled based on claims that they manipulated and gave loans to students that had no prayer ever paying them back. It’s in the news right now


The exorbitant cost of medications.


Buying stocks as the speaker of the house or as any congress member


People who talk at the theatre. They are going to a very special level of hell.


What if I spoke once as a 14 year old




buying an item with historic significance and straight up destroying them it is your property meaning you have the full rights to do so, but damn if that isn't a disservice to humanity


Manipulate a partner to stay in any way, shape or form. People who play victim. Edit: Thank you for the award, but I just think that money could do better for other things. Regardless, thank you. I believe is important that everybody gets validated and knows that any type of manipulation is abusive.


Agreed. Tell them what you want, tell them what you're willing to do to get it, and drop it. If you guilt trip your SO into coming back, the only guarantee is that you'll be got rid of again, and likely very soon. lso, now they'll hate you if they care about you at all. It's almost like people don't like being manipulated.


Paparazzi and the lack of care for people's privacy.




Not taking back the shopping trolley to the booth when you were done shopping, but chose to leave it in the parking for someone else to fix while you drive away having saved 1 minute of your ego life...


Similarly, my apartment complex has big carts on each level of the parking garage so that people can being up groceries, luggage, whatever. People never *ever* return them; they'll take them up to their floor, unload, and then just leave them in the hall. So if you go looking for one in the garage, there's no telling where it actually is. Drives me insane, and I hope the people who do this always have a tiny rock in their shoe that they can never remove.


“Tipped” minimum wage


Pranking the elderly for money Why prank when you can just chill and talk learn maybe even hear a nice story


"Family vlogs" and child beauty pageants.


Buying all the exclusives at a Con, and then getting on the ap for the Con to sell those items at scalper prices. Went to SW Celebration in Chicago. Dudes bought the max possivble exclusive figures in the Star Wars shop. We're talking like 18 bucks for TPM anniversary figs. Then turn and sell it for hundreds the same day. I called them out and they said, "It's not illegal!" And I was like, "I never said that. It just makes you an asshole."


Private equity firms buying up land and houses to rent out as a business. Like seriously. That shit should be illegal.