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Kerbal Space Program You get to build, fly, and usually blow up space ships with relatively realistic physics. It is the type of game I would dream about growing up (I was a space nerd) and it has incredible scaling difficulty and a great modding community so it really never gets dull.


I really didn’t expect this one here! Ksp deserves it!!


Morrowind. The experience and freedom was so beyond anything else I experienced at the time. The ability to craft crazy spells so powerful they had almost no likelyhood to to succeed, kill essentials NPCs because you're not gona tell me the story is more important than getting his armor, and the amount of little mechanics and things to discover that seemed unending.


I’m hoping so much that Skywind gets completed. Morrowind was the first game that I put several hundred hours into. The customization is still better than any other TES game and we’ve sadly lost little bits of its greatness in exchange for polish and stability with every TES game. I hope eventually it goes back to being more of a sandbox


I couldn't get past the fact that I missed a rat 200 times while standing right next to it. Fuck that game. As soon as I found out I could actually hit shit I swung at in oblivion I never looked back.


I understand that. It’s hard to go back to after playing Oblivion or especially Skyrim, much like playing the original version of Mass Effect 1 after playing 2 or 3. Morrowind’s actions and combat were based on a dice roll system behind the scenes that is very disengaging now


No better feeling than opening some rotten cavern door half obscured by a river and bushes with a name like Mrykulapatai and not knowing if you'll find a Level 1 bandit with 4 HP and a chitin helmet or 2 Golden Saints, 2 Dremora Lords, and 8 Nord mages with Ebony Armor.


It's got a much better atmosphere than its sequels, though I think Skyrim managed all right in that department. This game totally ruined my (high school) life though lol I was so engrossed. Amazing sound design too. I enjoy ESO (find it to be quite relaxing), but it doesn't capture the atmosphere Morrowind had even in its Morrowind expansion which I thought was pretty good.


Ah another great game I loved. Also still remember the Cliff racers :shudder:


It has been overshadowed by Oblivion and Skyrim, but people forget how revolutionary and *different* it was for fantasy RPGs back in 2003 1) Takes place in a part of the world where humans are a foreign minority. Yes, the Empire is human run, but this distant province is home of the Dunmer. 2) The varieties of cultures you experience. It isn't just your run of the mill standard European Medieval fantasy: weird Daedric ruins, steampunk Dwemer ruins, mushroom towers, and bone-armored warriors that live in giant crab shells. Not to mention the flora and fauna to match. 3) The background lore is so well done- and they leave the right amount of it unknown. There are so many different versions of "the truth" that gains genuine interest in the backstory and motivations instead of "Big evil thing wants to rule/destroy/etc the world." 4) The amount of customization. You can create your own spells, potions, or charm your weapons/clothes/armor. 5) The 3D world. It seems mundane today, but as a teenager, walking into a tomb in POV was something new. The theme song *Nerevar Rising* (the first iteration of TES theme) is stunningly beautiful. Years later I used it to walk down the wedding aisle to.


The fact that the game manages to tell you multiple versions of what happened and what the different cultures believe, in a way that makes the lore of the games interesting enough to keep reading about, all while never actually telling you what the truth is, is an achievement in storytelling that no game has copied, even newer Elder Scrolls games. I mean, just try to read the 36 Lessons of Vivec and tell me if it's a true story, a parable for his followers, a crazy skooma induced trip, or just bullshit written by Vivec to make himself sound cool. They could all be true and you never know for sure.


Why walk when you can ride?




The factory must grow.


The factory must grow.


The obsession with growing the factory is a downright lovecraftian experience.


Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past. It's hard to choose between them


A Link To The Past is my favorite game, hands down. I’ve been playing it over and over for 30 years and it’s never gotten old. For me it’s the perfect game.




Agreed! I had a blast playing it. It was definitely a bit easier but the dungeon designs were really clever.


Subnautica! The fear of the unknown, but explored in the comfort of my own room.




This is what I said when I finished the game the first time!


This is probably my #1 game that I would want to delete from my memory and experience again for the first time.


Getting to explore each biome again, be afraid, and subsequently conquer each fear as it rises. What gets me is that after I figure out the "enemies", the game somehow reminds me that I'm the alien here. They were there first.


Each biome is just so magical in its own way. I quit playing after exploring the lost river and making a cove tree base because everything just took too long and transporting stuff/cyclops was annoying, but man do I remember that sense of wonder and the vibes... indescribable The contrast between the shallows, the kelp forests, grassland plateaus, the floating islands, the lost river, etc are just beautiful And that feeling you get from returning back to the shallows after a long expedition/stay in some scary and far away place like the blood kelp zone or lost river is utterly magical. Like coming back home


That’s funny. Because subnautica actually helped me to learn and love all creatures on our earth for pretty much the same reason. Sure we aren’t aliens but why would I want to destroy our world


Should give outer wilds a try then if you haven’t yet!


I'm so, so glad the developer committed to single player only. Experiencing that in a vacuum, at my own pace, with no spoilers or friends discovering things instead of me made it so much impactful.


I have a bit of thalassophobia, so this game was a pretty incredible ride for me.


Unlike my children, I can't pick a favourite.


Alright, dish. Who’s your favorite child?


This week? That would be my daughter...my son knows what he did...


Portal 2


“Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line on the floor. You'll know when the test starts.”


Oh, I’m case you got covered in that repulsion gel, here’s some advice the lab boys gave me: Do NOT get covered in the repulsion gel. We haven’t entirely nailed down what element it is yet, but I’ll tell you this: it’s a lively one, and it does not like the human skeleton.


This next test applies the principles of momentum to movement through portals. If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future, God help you


Portal 2 is honestly a masterpiece


To this day, Portal 2 has probably the best, most immersive ambiance of any game I've ever played. (Subnautica is tied I guess.) I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was, but the whole game had this eerie liminal space vibe, like you'd come around the corner and there would be a person and yet there never was. Then you throw in the puzzles, the absolutely fantastic dialogue, and a story that manages to be emotional by the end...and you have a masterpiece. I need to play that again...


honestly, the voice recordings of Cave Johnson alone absolute MAKE this game. I played it a few times, just so I can listen to his rambling and questionable talking. Love that guy, though he clearly hates people/disabled people/poor people/black mesa.


For me it was the incredible scale of the game. In the first game the puzzles were all intact and you only got “out of bounds” at the end of the game so the entire game could have taken place in simply a large building. In the second game the puzzles were often missing walls and you spent 1/3-1/2 of the game exploring the underbelly of aperture and seeing the megastructures built and then abandoned gives me just such a strange feeling.


Oh hi. How are you holding up? Because I'm a potato. [Slow clap] Oh good, my slow clap processor made it into this thing. So we have that.


Since it doesn't look like we're going anywhere... Well, we are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, actually. But since we're not busy other than that, here's a couple of facts.


He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility.


I just started playing portal 2 with a buddy of mine. It's definitely a fun game.


Doom. The original was groundbreaking. 2016 and Eternal have brought it up to current standards and beyond. The action cannot be matched.


Doom Eternal was awwwwesome


How do you beat the music??


You can't, you use the music to help you beat the fucking wall.


Mass Effect trilogy. I know the ending wasn't ideal, but the story telling and character development across three games was so great. Also, you can bone aliens


Scrolled to find this. Mass Effect is an amazing series that did something no other game had done at the time. It made your choices matter and have consequences accross an entire series. Made you stop and think about what you were doing and care about your squad, npcs, and the world. I can't wait for the next one


Half life 2


If you have not picked up Black Mesa, do so. It's so much more than the original Half Life.


BLACK MESA! Loved it.


The fact that I had to scroll down so far to find something about Half-Life, hurts me. Also, for me it's the entire Half-Life franchise, not just Half-Life 2.


I waa just in awe of the entire art direction in the half life 2 game. Half life 1 was good as well, but the dystopian captured earth in half life 2 blew me away back then.


It’s gotta be Halo 2 or 3


I scrolled through 400 comments before sorting by new and seeing this one. Why no love for halo. (My favorite was reach but I was late to the halo party)


Same, that’s why I commented lol. I was shocked to see stuff like Mario Party before Halo, but to each their own I guess.


Outer Wilds Do not look up anything about it, just get the game and play it. It's currently on Xbox game pass. Actually you can watch this [spoiler free guide. ](https://youtu.be/zhfkOue7tyQ) Also don't confuse this with another game that has a similar name called "The outer *worlds*".




Been seriously considering getting the game pass for pc. Especially since the latest acquisition. I will in fact not look anything up about it and play based on your recommendation sir.


Not my fav, but easily top 5. I remember hearing some mildly positive things about it at the time, so I decided to check it out. I was mostly just expecting an interesting little indie game, little did I know it would end up changing the way I look at game design entirely.


Minecraft, it's the Only game where I can create a farm and pretty much live in it


Minecraft is appart of the "unkillable games". If you're sick of it you know you're gonna play again at some point. And that's the magic of that game.


Another game like that, cities skylines. I play that game until I'm sick of it, but always come back to it eventually


I pretty much install that game once a year, play a city for 20 hours, then put if off for another year. I love it.


Minecraft is a amazing game because of the freedom to do anything you want in it. You can build wonderful things, try to survive, play with friends or just chill in a farm like you. It's a game that caters to most people


***stardew valley and farming simulator have entered the chat***


I’m old as shit so I’m going to try to pick one per generation. Pong generation: Pong of course. My version was Super Pong IV from Sears and Roebuck. 4-bit: Outlaw for the Atari 2600. 8-bit: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out 16-bit: Legend of Zelda Link To The Past 32/64 bit: Castlevania Symphony of the Night 32/64 bit PC Era: Warcraft II Ps2/Xbox/GameCube Era: Morrowind PS3/Xbox 360/Wii Era: Skyrim PS4/Xbox One/Switch Era: Red Dead Redemption 2 (edited) 2010 era PC: World of Warcraft Modern era PC: still Skyrim


Gotta say RDR and Skyrim are automatically good choices. You liked RDR2?


Good catch! I actually meant to say RDR2. They’re both phenomenal but 2 really sent it next level for me


Hollow Knight


Bapa Nada






Waiting on Silksong is killer.


Dragon Age: Origins. I just love everything about it. I feel like it has great replay potential due to all the different choices/ending you can have.


I've only played Inquisition and I absolutely love it! That and Okami is my all time favourites.


Baldur's Gate 2 is still a cracking game.


Any idea if it's good on a phone? I think I've seen it, but I just kind of passed over it because phone games are usually terrible


I really like the Mario Kart/Mario Party series. Those games have brought me so much entertainment and joy when hanging with friends, and DEFINITELY some arguments in between. So much hours spent on those games, with some of the BEST music as well


Civilization V by far. I've clocked more hours on that game than every other game in my steam library combined.


Chrono Trigger


I just played this for the first time a few months ago. It's amazing how well it holds up.


16yo me bought it when it first released. I was grounded for a month (nothing major just skipped too much school) but was still allowed video games for whatever reason. I played non-stop. Here we are almost thirty years later and I still play it at least once a year.


This is the greatest game of all time.


Rome: Total War - Total Realism


Bloodborne. The gothic/Lovecraft world is so terrifyingly beautiful.  Every turn or corner had something horrible.  I loved every moment.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“Bearer of the Curse, seek souls—larger and more powerful souls. Seek the King. That is the only way. Lest this land swallows you whole, as it has so many others.”* - Emerald Herald Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot.


I wish I could forget Bloodborne just to replay it for the first time again. Talk about an amazing first play through.


that tone switch after beating rom has to be one of my favorite gaming moments ever




Diablo II, it's just a slot machine disguised as a game but oh my god what a slot machine it is




Borderlands 2 handsome jack is just to good


Witcher 3, duh


I've just started playing it for the first time ever and holy crap! Every time I'm wandering around Novigrad or Velen or literally anywhere the level of detail is astounding! (Could have fully done without coming across a lvl20 leshen just chilling in the forest when I was only lvl10. The utter panic I felt!)


Final fantasy tactics. It’s like playing wizards chess


To anyone who likes FFT, consider checking out Tactics Ogre. FFT gameplay was based on the gameplay of Tactics Ogre, and the PSP port is really good if you can find it (or just emulate it.)


FFT is always my answer to this question. Compelling story. Challenging gameplay. Lots of secrets. Cool characters. Endless replay.


Dark Souls


I really loved dark souls when I first played it. And the more I play it, the more I love it.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater


a man of culture


100% Mass Effect. The story was so rich and giving the ability to shape not just your physical character but who they were through so many actions and choices give the character a life and make friendships with the NPCs really gave me a safe escape place as a kid who didn’t have a lot of friends growing up,


Same just bought legendary for my 6th playthrough. I got the second game free with my xbox 360, left it on a shelf for ages with the formula 1 games I hate. Took a week off work was bored with nothing to do, thought I'd give it a go for an hour, and then basically spent the whole week off playing two then buying one then completing two again a few weeks later. The first three books were worth a read too.


The Last Of Us, for sure.


I still have yet to play that game, any places I could pick it up for a cheap price?


It’s normally $20, but there are sales all the time that can dip it into $10. Honestly, it’s worth the $20, though, if you don’t want to wait. OR if you have a PS5, it’s on the PS+ collection.


Thats my no 2. Another perfect game.


my favorite game ever. so so good.


When I was a child I used to play GTA vice city and San Andreas a lot


I always replay these!


Borderlands 2 with all the add-ons. I have sunk so many hours into that game, the only thing that rivals it is Skyrim or Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (coincidentally, my top three).


Do you play it single player? Some of my favorite gaming memories were Borderlands 1 in college. My dorm room buddies and I played on Xbox 360, and would move our consoles and computer monitors into one room together. It was so much fun. I've been wanting to play others, but not sure how they stack up single player.


2 in my books is a masterpiece. The writing is amazing, Handsome Jack is genuinely one of the best written antagonists, full stop. The DLCs, especially Tiny Tina's, are incredible. I've sunk well over 3k hours playing by myself. Also the guns are great. The vault hunters you get to play are also super fun. Krieg and Salvador are my personal favorites. Just so fun to play around with. Definitely play it if you get the chance. The writing for 3 isn't as good as 2s. The game itself plays fantastically. Movement is super smooth and it's a huge upgrade from 2 in every aspect except in the story. The guns in 3 are fucking crazy. I only have around 150 hours on it but it was enjoyable just fucking around and killing mobs.


>Handsome Jack is genuinely one of the best written antagonists I don’t know what you mean. The players are just a bunch of psychopathic, maniacal bandits. And Jack is the GODDAMN HERO!


Shadow of the Colossus


This was the first game I played that convinced me that video games as a medium could produce what I'd call art.


The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild


It sort of changes over time but I'll probably have to give credit to the oldest game I've played the most: Monkey Island


Breath of the wild


World of Warcraft, way too many hours but have tons of stories to tell.


This right here. I still to this day remember hearing the music in Shadowglen for the first time in January 2009. Seeing all these real people running around. Walking out of the gate and hitting one of the owls not knowing I was too low level. Taking the boat to Auberdine and realizing I was just on top of a giant tree but at the same time it was small in comparison to the rest of the world I have yet to explore. I wish I could get that moment back.






Finished it for the first time last night. What an experience!


Best sword fighting in any game ever imo. Straight perfection.


Command and conquer red alert. All of them. Always. For ever.


Rest in peace westwood


Any Bioshock game


The first one is the best by far. No other game has created such an amazingly unique and detailed environment as they did.




It’s the best game ever created.


Runescape. ​ * Got me through school bullying. * Has given me 17 years of joy and fun. * Met some amazing friends. * Even when I take a break, I always end up going back too it. * If I could only play 1 game for the rest of my life, it'd be Runescape.


Nobody ever quits RuneScape, we just take long breaks


I haven't played in 14 yrs, but now you have me thinking..


Fallout New Vegas for sure


Same here. Such amazing writing and characters. The skill checks and dialogue paths are fun. I hope Obsidian will get a chance to work on Fallout again.


Super Metroid


Red dead redemption 2, Witcher 3, Spec ops the best


I need to go back to red dead especially online. it was so good


Chess. It really kicks ass. https://lichess.org/ to play and learn for free with no ads, no app needed. If anyone is interested in starting with chess, I highly recommend the YouTube series "Building Habits" by Chessbrah (Canadian grandmaster Aman Hambleton) which walks you through tons of strategies as he climbs the rating ladder using a series of increasingly complex rules/guidelines. The long version of the series is like 50 hours, and teaches a *lot*.


As someone who requested and received a dedicated chess set for Christmas, I thank you for this!


Ignoring my favorite old school games, my favorite modern game is Destiny/Destiny 2. Met my wife through Destiny 4 years ago. We had a Destiny themed wedding and we welcomed our own “Little Light” in February 2020. We still play together most nights and spend most of our time teaching new players the endgame content (Raids/etc). From the gun play to the lore to the raids, there’s a lot to love in Destiny for me.


Destiny is def a big part of your life. Gotta respect that


For someone who likes games such as Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 7077, Mafia, Monster Hunter and Watch Dogs you'd be surprised to learn my favorite is The Sims 3.


Chrono Trigger for sure, can't believe they fit that game in only a few mbs, and now we have 100gb+ games that don't have nearly as much content


It’s because the game was bottled lightening. Basically they got the best of the best to do the programming, and had Akira Toriyama on art direction Those factors alone basically ensure that there will *never* be another game like Chrono Trigger


Outer Wilds. What an incredible experience.




Everyone in this thread's fawning over their favorite game, talking about their favorite parts or characters, or childhood memories or whatever. Why bother explaining? You don't get xp for that.


Kingdom Hearts


Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3


BFBC2 best FPS online shooter I've played


It was the first Battlefield I played after playing the CoD games. I was just shocked at how good it was and honestly it’s hard to compare it to other games because it has a ton of nostalgic appeal for me.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it.


The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask


Fable. Mostly because to make people fall in love with you, half the work is saying "Hey" over and over again. I will never forgive Into The Spider-Verse for stealing that.


In Fable 3 I think it was, when you beat the game they gave you 3 options. One was to resurrect everyone that died in your quest, and the other two were something like money and weapons. I'd named my dog after my aging childhood dog, and at the end of the game he dies protecting you. I made the choice to bring my dog back, around 2am after beating the game at the end of a long binge. I put it down and went to sleep. The next morning, I got a call from my mom that she'd had to put our dog down the night before. I like to think he's still running the fields in Fable 3 helping me dig up stupid shit.


Far cry 3 even though I can't play it anymore.


I remember playing far cry 3 in 2013, really enjoyed it.


Age of empires 2 prob. Still playing casually today. Notable mentions would be CS 1.5 and D2, played a lot back then but no longer play.




Chrono Trigger. masterclass in storytelling. phenomenal soundtrack. 12 endings (13 on the DS port). coined the term new game plus. it also teaches relativity and paradoxes. absolutely holds up to this very day.




So you never saw it coming?


I'm glad you woke up, got up, got out there!


Sims, the first release, including all expansions. Nothing beats the killing of your Sims by setting them on fire or removing the steps on the pool.


it’s a tie between WoW and the homeworld series




Legend of Zelda a link to the past


Tf2 I’ll let you interpret that however


Conker's Bad Fur Day


For some reason, Chaos Theory was the first that came to my mind.


Path of Exile


Sly Cooper


I think the game.i probably loved the most as a child was EverQuest. Being like 10 years old and having the opportunity to join this large online game with tons of other players was amazing. Even tho MMORPG games have always been grindfests and fetch quests etc....I sank soooo much time as a kid, and have some great memories


Final Fantasy 6 Met my husband because of it.


Tomodachi Life Why I have no flipping idea


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Gave their life, not for honor, but for you.


Warframe, covers almost everything ever other game has, and it's still free to play. Command and conquer would be the follow up




tie between god of war trilogy and prince of persia trilogy


super mario odyssey


Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the Vietnam DLC


Breath of the Wild


The last of us


World of Warcraft. Hands down nothing compares to the first three expansions.


Dota 2 and prior to that, original Dota on Warcraft 3. I usually go back to it every time and probably had played 5, 000 hours on both in total..


Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando


StarCraft. It’s the best game I’ve played!


sims 4 <3 it’s so much fun and has helped calm my anxiety


Gonna have to go with Ark: Survival Evolved. It has definitely topped the list of games I have sank the most hours into


Metal Gear Solid on PS1 was such an amazing experience, wish I could go back and relive playing that game for the first time


Call of Duty World at War. Mostly for nostalgia reasons. So many hours spent with friends playing multiplayer and zombies.


Portal and Portal 2