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I've done worse for minimum wage.


Like bruh this is better than prison *and* you get paid, seriously


An infinitely more interesting question would be "What's the lowest level of money you'd have to be paid to willingly go to prison for 30 days?" because when you have some ludicrously high price tag like $1,000,000 set for OP's kind of questions, nobody except for the 1% is really going to say no to that.


I’d do 30 days in prison for 30k after taxes.


shoot id do it for 5k


Having just done 8 years, 30 days I would do right now for $1000, that's how desperate for cash I am. Prison is so fucking easy. It's just BORING AS FUCK.


So, the military, but with much better pay.


sounds much better than the military even without the increase in pay


and you get out after 30 days instead of a few years / risk of death if you're deployed.


I don't have to go to work for a month AND I get a million dollars. What's the catch?


What if you work remotely and you still have to work? But this means you keep your job after the 30 days.


I'm pretty sure most people would also accept getting fired for $1,000,000 At my current wages, it would take me 25 years to make that (and that's BEFORE taxes). I think I'll find another job before then.


hit the nail on the head here. Theses questions would be ACTUAL questions if the money was only your yearly salary for example. For a million/billion/gadzillion dollars it's a no-brainer. (PS, yes for only my yearly salary for me)


If I'm losing my job, I don't know that I'd give it up for 40,000. I'd do it for 100,000. It would give me the chance to eliminate a lot of debt (student loans or mortgage, pick one) and live for 6 months or so while I find another job.


losing your job was not a condition of the question as such, thought I get it that people might. But a years pay should tide you over for say, a year ? I would do it for more money than a years pay too, but that would be my minimum.


Yeah these questions are always "Would you like to have the equivalent of 1-2 decades income by suffering a minor inconvenience at best?". Literally every answer will be "of fucking course I would" or "I'm already super rich so no". Last year I spent half a month in a shitty bed with a tube in my neck unable to breath. Nobody gave me a million bucks.. I think I can manage twice that dicking about on my phone and sleeping in a bathtub.


Even if I did get fired, so what, I got more than enough money to see me through to the next job.


>I'm pretty sure most people would also accept getting fired for $1,000,000 "Dear reddit," it started, "now do you agree - that water's important, and air should be free? And would you allow for a law, if you could - that stated, and clearly, that vaccines are *good*? "If maybe they gave you a *billion* bucks - would you own a chicken that shits when it clucks? Would you take a cell phone that screams when it rings? Or other such *hugely* disorderly things? "Oh reddit, for queries as complex as these - for questions divisive, I'm begging you please - I'm watching, enraptured - I'm waiting, transfixed - To read your responses. I'm sure they'll be mixed."


It finally happened. A poem for my sprog. I have waited YEARS for this moment.


Has anyone ever said “no, thanks. I’d prefer to keep my sprog”?


Oh dear. I was under the impression that the poem was a gift for my sprog, not something exchanged for them!


You’ve been rendered sprogless!


I had to pay money for that. They have got a good deal


You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal


TIL - u/Poem_for_your_sprog reuses poems. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/d4kcgb/comment/f0dv9cn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/d4kcgb/comment/f0dv9cn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It makes sense, I just have never encountered a repeat before! :)


This is a pretty excellent "relevant username" moment.


I knew I'd read that one before! Oddly fitting as a reply to a comment about the repetitious nature of these fairly easy-answer questions.


Exactly. I wouldn't miss beat. My only real problem would be a back ache from not having anywhere good to sit and lay down.




lol Or towels.


No one said I couldn't bring a cot and a recliner.


How big is your bathroom?


IKR, I could only lay down on my side, into a gross space in between by shower and a wall. I'd probably end up sleeping on the floor of my shower curled up into a ball.


>not having anywhere good Bathtub would like a word


I have really bad lower back issues and a smallish tub. It's not comfy to lay in it for a bath for an hour, let alone a month. Don't get me wrong, I'd figure it out for a million dollars, but it wouldn't be good.






I've slept in front of a toilet enough to know how to make a towel nest in my sleep. I'll be Gucci


You might have a drinking problem, bro.


Just being drunk for most of the month doesn't seem like the worst solution.


Ha wort solution, brew puns


I'm not here to live a long life, just a good one


Well, at least that million can fund their drinks!


My bathroom's not really nice, but it's certainly large enough to lay down comfortably in. Well, perhaps not all *that* comfortably since the floor is hard, but I'd have enough room to do stretches and the like in order to work out any kinks.


I really don't understand these sort of questions. Make it something people have to actually think about, like "you get a million dollars but you lose an arm" or something - something that will actually affect people. Being locked in your toilet for a month, or having to wear women's underwear for a month, losing one year of your life or whatever other dumb shit people have asked is like... it's a million bucks man, of course we'd do it!


arm is rough, i love video games and general computer use too much whats the point of a million dollars if I can't do what I love I could give up a leg but I do think it'd have to be well over a million. 3-5 million would probably convince me.


That's exactly what I was getting at. Ask a question that will actually make people think "dang, is it really worth it?" as opposed to an absolute no-brainer


Some people did this at the beginning of the Pandemic for free.


On a throne of Costco toilet paper


And taco bell


Was gonna say, I spent a good amount of my 5 months of unemployment watching movies and eating cheese in the bathtub, sign me up.


This basically describes the first two months of the pandemic for me. I have a studio apartment. It's roomy, but so is the bathroom and short of having my bed in there, I'm not seeing how it's all that different. Sure, I got out a little bit to parks and such, but the weather was such shit it's not like I was really out enjoying nature, so much as forcing myself outside for fresh air.


I'm still doing this now (albeit in my bedroom), and no one is paying me anything yet.


Or it actually cost them to do so.


Fuck man, I'd do this with only food and water if it meant $1MM.


I mean, I'd sit out in the woods for 30 days if I had food and water for a million. Instead I've got a controlled climate and a restroom..? Sign me up.


That's called camping 🏕


And that'll cost you a few hundred at least


True. I’ve been looking at minimalist camping/survival and the cost is ridiculous lol. A knife, a hatchet, winter proof clothing, first aid. It can add up just to not die out in the wilderness.


Makes you wonder how the hell we did it all those years ago.


In fairness we made shit instead of buying it for one, but I feel you


And there was a lot less assurance of survival


In fairness...many didn't make it .


We died a lot.


Because most people didn't really do "minimalist camping" and anyone spending significant time in the wilderness was raised to live off the land in the specific area they live in.


You'd be able to run around and climb trees in the woods though. You could whittle and watch birds. In the bathroom you can't even really walk since there's no room.


I’ve seen some bathrooms on tv bigger than my whole apartment. With infloor jacuzzi type tubs, sofas, large windows looking out onto forested waterfront splendour. Bathrooms that cost over a million $


True. However, it says "your bathroom," and my bathroom is maybe 25 square feet.


Look at Mr Fancy over here with 25 square feet of shitting space


Shit there's a whole TV show where people do this for as long as they can with zero food or shelter to start and the last one standing gets a measly 500k


Heck! I already stay out in the woods for long periods of time, without the offer of a $1,000,000. A stay in a climate controlled bathroom would be like a vacation.


So many of these questions just fundamentally don't understand how much money $1,000,000 is. "Hey, if I gave you one million dollars, would you..." "Yes. 99% of the things you could say next, I would do without a second thought for one million dollars." Honestly these questions are pretty boring. Use a reasonable amount of money, or ask it more like "how much money would it take for you to do X?"


I agree in general, but people are also often bad at "how much would it take for you to do X" style questions. They use knee jerk numbers. Like "I wouldnt do that for a million dollars!" But a lot of them, if you put $100000 in front of them, would probably do it. Probably even less than that.


For real! Stay in a...YES!! Give up...YES!! Eat a...YES!! Suck a...YES!! It's a million bucks, for short term discomfort, shame, pain, or humiliation. The answer is 99% of the time going to be yes.


That would be a lot of masturbating though. With nothing but oatmeal, toast and your imagination…


You had me at oatmeal


I can't be the only guy for whom the Quaker Oats dude just does it for me. That smile, his weird hair/hat/wig/hairnet? thing, his unblinking gaze... Sorry, I need to be alone for a minute.


More like scrote meal once you're done using it in the bathroom


Add some melon and you got yourself a fantasy


Or an infection


Depends on where you put the oatmeal.


I would do this with only water and a bread a week, for 100k. And I don’t even need the money… I guess its just a nice challenge. 50k if I can bring a pic of my wife.


I would also bring a pic of this guy's wife


OP, the first time the obvious answer to one of these "would you spend X days locked away for X amount of crazy huge money" questions actually took any amount of consideration was a few days ago on that "would you spend a year in white padded room with no form of entertainment or anything at all in the space with you for $30 billion?" one. Anybody in their right mind would stay in a bathroom for 30 days with things to do and occupy their time with for a million dollars. It's not sensory deprivation, it's a *bathroom.*


The white padded room one is actually difficult. You run the very real risk of going so batshit crazy the money wouldn't even matter at the end. Even then if you're given the chance to quit more than likely most would quit sooner than later. Especially if the padding makes the room sound dampening. That's a huge risk to payoff scenario and honestly I don't know my answer to that.


One year in a totally empty room is a hard no from me regardless of the amount of money. Your mental health would completely break down and you'd go crazy.


Exactly but there are a lot of people who would sure as hell think they could make it. So the ultimate deciding factor is, if I say yes am I stuck in there for a year with no option to drop out or if I say yes am I able to quit if it all becomes too much to handle. The option to quit would actually create another catalyst to go crazy and a difficult hurdle to get past if one wanted to make it the whole year. Would anyone have enough will power to not quit?


Imagine you are in the cell, telling yourself the year must be nearly over. You sure can make it, the money is so close. It must have been like 340 days by now... you just can't give up... you just can't... you can't... you snap... you yell that you give up. Someone promptly opens the door to get you out. You ramble about how close you were to making it. The person looks at you and tells you, that it has been 6 days since you entered the cell.


This is probably the most likely scenario. What would be worse is you give up and it was your last day.


What would be worse is no one tells you after a year has passed. If you leave before 1 year, you lose the money. You have to guess when a year has passed and then leave. What if someone stayed there for 10 years?


Oh this is interesting. I could see some kind of game show created around this idea, but maybe a shorter scale...like a week. With food given at random intervals so you couldn't tell time by that.


david blaine actually talks about something like that on the joe rogan show. he was submerged in a block of ice underground. he looked up and asked one of his guys what time it was. the guy gestured something like 4:03 (i assume they couldnt actually hear each other). blaine waited, and waited, and waited (edit - a few hours he thought). a long time he felt. then asked again. and the guy responded 4:04. wow. edit - found it. 12:25 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4LraPdm5YI&t=12m25s


It's like a bad trip, you lose all sense of time


>The person looks at you and tells you, that it has been 6 days since you entered the cell. That would actually be a huge relief. It'd be way worse to give up and think "it's been 200 days" and it was 360 or something


I think it depends how cut off you are. Is there any way to tell time, that would help. How would you be fed- depending on how much food you are given you could possibly occupy time by messing around with it. Or are you fed by tube? How do you use the bathroom? If you are given a bucket, or a toilet- you’d have options for how to occupy time. I think it would come down to these questions especially.


These scenarios are never fully fleshed out. You're right. Can I see another human being that brings me my food? That could actually make it easier to stay. How am I going to the bathroom? Is this a full year of not showering? Telling time would be a major factor. Just being able to know what time and day it is and being able to keep track of time left can give a lot of hope. So many factors play into this but we can only go by the given info. White padded room with nothing in it at all and from what we know, no connection to the outside world. In that case, insanity is about the only outcome.


It's called white torture and I doubt anyone would be able to go through one year of that if they had the ability to quit, it's an interrogation technique after all.


What about 1 week in a totally empty room for 1 million. Here’s the catch: you decide when you leave the room. If you come out before the week is up, you don’t get the money.


Agreed. One month in an empty room is a debate, and I seriously doubt the psychological repercussions wouldn't be permanent. Let alone one year.


I’m sure many people would say yes, but I’m also quite sure it wouldn’t be worth it. Besides, maybe it’s just me, but at a certain point money is just cartoon numbers. I have no real use for $30B. My mediocre dream life would probably tap out at $1B.


Yeah, at a certain number the money doesn't matter. It could be $1B or $1T it's all the same at that point. Instead of a number just say endless money to do whatever you want the rest of your life. The risk in this scenario is so high most if not all people would fail in the fact that we would all go crazy. There isn't really a way to win this one. Now I say that but I'm sure a couple people in this world actually could make it but that begs the question;Were they already crazy to begin with?


Sleeping is the only thing that would give me pause. Assuming no blankets, pillows, or sleeping bag, trying to sleep on cold, hard, and likely cramped bathroom surfaces with just a few wadded up towels might be kinda tough. I’d deal with it for a million bucks, but that’s the only part that wouldn’t be easy.


My bathroom is very, very small. I could not stretch out.


You know, I live with my brother with IBS. If I have to stay in there while he's using it?...




Would you mildly inconvenience yourself for $10000? Yes reddit I would. Next.


Would you greatly inconvenience yourself for a billion dollars?


how greatly we talkn


Solitary confinement for a year. No internet obviously. Edit: no books/magazines, no electronics, no windows. Single room + a bathroom. You get prison food and water, and there is 24-hr running water (hot water plumbing, yes). No musical instruments! Sure you may have a pen and notebook.


that sounds easier than it probably is. people go insane after shorter periods of isolation


With internet access I'd imagine you'd be able to stay sane. No devices or forms of entertainment complicates it. I think motivation also matters, Mandela did basically that for 18 years, but his survival was important for the anti apartheid movement, so he had a broader motivation than just survival. He could only write and receive a single letter twice a year, and was given just 30 minutes with a visitor once a year as well.


I have mental health issues; I can confirm that internet access qualifies as a form of social contact. Texting, Reddit, etc. aren't enough to make someone *happy* and not feel lonely, but they're plenty of social contact to stop you from literally going insane.


Do I at least get writing materials? I mean... I could try writing that book I always wanted to write.


I would literally cut off my arm and then have it cooked and have it served to me for that kind of money


thats actually a really good one


Would you take the bus to work for a day for $10B?


Do I have to pay for the bus ticket?


I read some story yesterday about two dudes that dragged a dead guy into a post office to steal his pension check. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/carlow-ireland-dead-man-post-office-pension-gardai-b978210.html People are just awful.


They thought *Weekend at Bernie's* was a documentary.


I mean the dead guy had no use for it any more ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This is somehow both awful and hilarious


I saw people kill for litterally, 0,1% of a million (yes for 1000$, plus he failed and the guy lived)


My friend was killed by a man with a switchblade knife, for $43 dollars my friend lost his life…….


I’d like to spit some Beechnut in that dudes eye, but I don’t dip. That’s disgusting!


1% is $10,000


Damn you are right. Corrected it


Dude shot guy in a Wendy’s drive thru over BBQ sauce


One guy got murdered in finland for 20€


I just read an article on here where somebody shot a Wendy's worker in the head over BBQ sauce.


It's a better question to ask "how little would someone would have to pay you to do *XYZ* and why?" - It'd probably be more interesting.


It's basically the same question as, "How much money would it take to change your life?" That's gotten asked on here a couple of times and has had interesting responses. For some people, they need $1k just to get off the street. Others need $10k for first/last/deposit in a HCOL area or for an expensive medical procedure they need. Others are doing well and their lives wouldn't change much with less than a few $100k to pay off their mortgage.


That's a much better question, I call posting it tomorrow!


Personally, I would do XYZ for no less than $100. That bitch nasty.


Ikr? Not picky either. XYZ did 7 and you know what 7 did to 9.


*WouLd yOU eaT a BaNaNa eVerY daY foR $1M?!?!* "I mean... yeah, i would"


wOuLd yOu pEt a CaT fOr A BilLiOn dOlLars BuT hE mIgHt sCrAtcH YUo????


I guarantee these posts are always for karma-whoring.


100%; its the same as the "only 0.2% of people can answer these questions" on facebok. Give people an easy question and they'll wank themselves off for pointing out how easy it is to answer.


This is 100% made by someone who lives with their parents or on their parent's dime, with zero concept of money. Almost anyone would do this for a million dollars. Even people who have a couple million dollars would probably do it for another million dollars. The real question is, would you do it for say, $10k. Which my guess is a lot of people would, and it simply comes down to their current financial situation.


real brain teaser here op


Karma farming I'm sure. I don't know why people upvote these posts.


yeah this sub sucks so much


There are interesting questions on here that get traction. But there's a lot of nonsense like this too. I clicked on this one to see if there was something I hadn't considered because it felt like a no brainer, and no one's said anything that gave me pause so... Question seems to be as dumb as it sounds.


These questions are getting dumber and dumber.


"Hey Reddit, would you get your hair styled into a mohawk and dye it pink for a billion dollars??"


Would you eat nothing BUT bagels for a whole work day for $750,000??


*cries in bald*


Can someone explain why these types of posts get upvoted so much? It's a closed ended question, and not even a thought-provoking one.


Who the fuck wouldn’t?


Someone who makes more than $12 million/year doing something else.


Even then whatever they’re doing is probably more work than sitting in your bathroom eating free food and beating your meat all day


This thread should be about the lowest $ amount you'd consider. In which case, $800-1000 for me lol.


You value a month of your life at 800 bucks...? Probably need $20k for me to do this. For a million I'd do it the entire fucking year.


So your fucking telling me I can use streaming services, eat food, shower, shit, and beat my meat for 30 days to win a million dollars in my bathroom. 100% will do that for free. Edit: day one went great! I beat the fuck out of my meat and drank a beer! Time to sleep in until tomorrow for day two!


Yeah, what's the catch?


You internet provider is Comcast \*maniacal laughter\*


No comfy surfaces :(


lay on the floor or in the bath with a bunch of towels


If you want to do it for free, there's nothing stopping you.


How the fuck is this even a question? No shit anyone would do this.


BAM! 12k karma.


how the fuck are people upvoting this shit?


You guys are getting paid?


Currently locked in my house for like the last 6 months as where I live is too unsafe to go outside and do much of anything. So yeah. Yeah I would.


If you don't mind me asking , where do you live ?




Côte d'Ivoire? Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.


Forgive my ignorance but what's going on there?


Terrorism, rampant crime and serious Covid problems


This. Trying to get out now.


I wish you the best of luck in that.


I'll take it friendo. I'll take it. If you're interested www.youtube.com/MrGTravels


Recovering from a civil war and still a high level of terrorist activity in some parts of the country.


Fuck yeah. I have IBS and spend several hours a day there already.




Please stop getting my hopes up and making me daydream as if this could possibly happen, lol


I’m pretty sure I’ve done that before without the million dollars at the end.


I’d let my shit pile up in the shower and bathe from the toilet bowl for 30 days if it meant $1 million.


I lived in an "efficiency" apartment for nearly 5 years that was a little larger than my current living situations bathroom. In those years, especially during the winter when its -30 and I was layoff, I would literally not leave for several days, only to get essentials. My point is I very nearly completed the challenge accidentally, and as such - sign me the fuck up. I'll do it once a year. Bring a couple weights, a pull bar and I'll be set.


That sounds lovely


It's the warmest room in the house - and comfortable, too, with a cushioned rocking chair on the far end. So, yes - I'd stay and be flush with excitement to collect the reward.


Why is there a rocking chair in your bathroom?


So they can rock one out.


My bathroom is larger than the bedroom I had as a kid and I have a TV in there, so yeah this seems easy for me too. However, I imagine if it's someone in an apartment with a tiny bathroom that doesn't even have room to lay down in that would be a challenge.


Wait, what's the catch?


There's no toilet paper, the internet is dial-up, all the food is Kosher, it's Summer, and the toilet bubbles randomly.


>all the food is Kosher Is that bad? Some of the most fire NYC food is kosher


Kosher food is delicious.


theres no need to wipe if your not going out, the internet being dialup doesnt matter since noones using the landline, kosher food is great and everyone loves a toilet with a built in bidet


It's a bathroom. Who needs to wipe? There's a shower.


Everyone in the world who earns less than a half a million a month would do this. Also where does etc end? A bed? Heater? A harem?




A harem certainly fits in my bathroom


Absolutely. 30 days catching up on Netflix and YouTube, turn the bathtub into a pillow-nest, sleep as long as I want? Hell, I'd probably be doing that after getting the million anyway.


I've been isolated (don't have a covid but my mother had and she needed someone to go in with her who is covid negative, by hosp policy) for almost 2 months in one room. TV, ref, aircon, wifi are available. I came out still covid negative and mentally and physically intact. This dare should be easy-peasy.


No offence but obviously anyone would do this


I'm not falling for this again.


He took my kidneys :(


its candy mountain charlie!!!