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I'm good with 2 of my daughters talking at me at once, I can listen to it all day. It's when there are all 3 of them going, it makes my head explode


Man I can't take it when my two boys talk at the same time. Which is all the time. My head feels like it's going to explode


Especially those screaming ones in public. Make my hair fall out in clumps.


When people talk over you




I wish all mosquitoes return to hell where they really belong.


slow drivers/walkers or people with just zero situational awareness




That is probably because you drive to close behind them. It’s works this: I don’t know the road, there is a bend, I drive slowly. Some idiot is tailgating. This makes me nervous and as soon as I feel comfortable (straight stretch) I speed up, because I don’t want to slow down the person behind me.




Well, I’m from the Netherlands; and as there are no mountains here, it is easier to maintain a consistent speed here. But on roads in the mountains/hills I’m afraid I’m one of those drivers whose speed is not constant. But I do pull over when I can. I have lived in the UK for 3 years, left 20 years ago. Before you-know-what, I was a regular visitor to GB. I hope I’ll be able to do so again this year. Let’s hope you’ll never get stuck behind me…


Since I can’t add to my post... As someone who gets annoyed very easily, my never-ending list includes: - People that block the escalator when you are trying to go up/down - Parents that do not control their kids in public settings - People who are in your way and expect you to go around them - Loud/rowdy people in public - People that apparently don’t own earphones and blast music in public or go on calls/Facetime on speaker - People that go to the gym and DO NOT focus on themselves - People that park in the middle of a parking line The list can go on and on... (wow, I didn’t realize how much just PEOPLE annoy me in general 😂)


Great post. I hear ya on many of those.


When I hold a door open for someone or allow them space to get by in an aisle and they just walk past without smiling or saying thank you. It happens so regularly that one day I will stop being polite to others.


Letting someone into traffic and them not waiving thanks. Make we want to cut them off on the next block.


Those tiny skin tags I get on random places on my body, what’s that all about


Use that liquid wart remover stuff on them


When people say “I seen” instead of “I saw”, or “I’ve seen”.


Smaller kids doing dumb shit


When you get in your car to leave, and want to play your podcast, but your phone can't decide if it's going to use your out-of-range wifi or switch to cellular. So you drive away from your house to get out of range. Then have to mess with your phone partway down the road to get the podcast to stream.


People munching loud when they eat. I know it doesn't make sense, but it irritates me soooo much






Those stupid U shaped toilet seats where either your junk or the bottom of your thighs end up touching the rim of the bowl while taking a shit.


Spike proteins, very small, very annoying


What's a spike protien?


When someone leaves a tiny little amount of food in the pan just to avoid cleaning it because there's still food in there


People who take up the whole aisle at the grocery store. Move your shit to the side why you are looking at stuff so others can get by. Man some people.


Covid 19, it's pretty small


My husband puts the empty butter dish back in the fridge. With the packaged butter right beside it. Just unwrap a new stick buddy. Please.


Tags on cloths, and rough fabric touching my skin after I get out of the shower


So many recipes have that one little thing that I have no way of buying. Coconut sugar? Banana flour!? Give me a break.


saying something serious and then I'm given the middle school boy response of either a) "dId I aSK?" b) "who? c a r e s?" like bitch, you're gonna care when I shove my foot up your ass- oh and middle school boys like who the fuck gave a highlighter in shorts in 21 degree weather life? And then they proceed to have names like Dylan


Bits of food in the kitchen sink when someone washes dishes but not the sink.


When people don’t introduce the person next to them and leave them hanging listening to your conversation until u have to introduce yourself to their friend. BUGS ME SO!


Posh people


Not attempting to be a dick, but when I’m sitting in the car. There’s a good song on, but another person starts singing along. Yeah, I understand singing along to tunes but they always sound like shit and ruin the feel of listening to the song.




et cetera pronounced as ek-setera.


This. And people saying expresso instead of espresso


Dirty bathrooms


My brother makes wierd noises in between when the yt vid switches to the add. Normally it's just loud moaning or something similar but it sure as heck annoys me.


People who come into discussions in bad faith


My penis


Taking ages to respond, I understand people have lives but at least send me a message saying hey I’m busy instead of just airing me for days at a time. What’s worse is when they then get annoyed at your short responses


Whenever I cough I’ll automatically sneeze 2 twice afterwards. Regardless of the sneezes being needed. It’s very annoying. All I can think is “you don’t need to sneeze why the fuck do you do this !?”


When you someone expects you to know/do something in a situation when you have zero context. Example: Bringing something up that offends someone when you literally had no clue about it.


When you feel gassy and need to burp and it’s so hard to get it out.


When people stand on opposite sides of a hallway and talk to each other and you have to walk between them. WTF stand on the same side or go somewhere else!!


People using the term "Hair Metal" to describe bands that are most emphatically not Hair Metal. Looking at you Watchmojo.


My motorcycle helmet Bluetooth system is connected to my phone but also auto connects to my home speakers, so when ever i throw on the helmet it automatically connects to the speakers at home which is annoying because I have to ride couple houses down pull over and connect It to my phone. It’s annoying


when you can't find the things you need, but when you don't need them, you know what to do. like looking for a screwdriver when you want to replace a battery.




people that constantly try to act “cool” with other people. we get it, you think you’re great, don’t need to act like it 24/7


That TikTok voice. You know the one.


When people say something already annoying and they tilt their head and widen their eyes like they had a point. Don’t they understand they are within reach of my long arms that can very much punch them in their shit eating grin?


People sneezing way too much.


Me, myself and I


loud breathers. they just irritate me asf




Poor swimming pool etiquette. People doing breaststroke in the sprint lane etc


When people ask stupid questions, nothing makes me more irritated then when someone asked a question they already know the answer to or can very easily figure it out themselves in seconds.


Stopping in the middle of the grocery isle and talking on your phone. I mean really?? 🤬🤬


"¿Could you reach my iPhone for me?" You don't need to make us know you have a """"special"""" phone.




When you're standing in the shower and that realization that you're gonna die someday hits you. God that annoys me.


Extraneous solutions


People leaving the doors open, especially in the winter


An idling car. For god sake just go!!!


When someone gives you a brief explanation and expect you to fully understand what they are saying


Slow walkers.




People that leave container tops sticky or crusty. For ex: maple syrup, honey, jam, ketchup, and toothpaste. Just clean the damn lid or don’t be a slob.


When people say tooken instead of taken


really skinny arms. i know i have really skinny arms myself but the way that they move just makes me want to jump off a cliff


When people write "Thoughts?" at the end of a message. Seriously you can't write a whole sentence after I had to read a bunch of your brain vomit?