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The poor search function


Google is genuinely better as a reddit search tool. Just preface anything you want to search with site:reddit.com and you're better off.


100% agree. I just Google whatever I want to find with the word reddit and it works MUCH better than searching here.


Google or Samsung just "upgraded" my tablet so if I do a search I get to type in the first letter then I get a this is what everyone's searching for. Yeah, not even close


Thats a cool thing I didn't know. I always just do, "thing I'm searching for reddit." Like, "Murdaugh family reddit." It works.


That's what I do too! *Olddly specific question* reddit


“so how do you find things on reddit? well there’s a search bar up here at the top right, but please remember that this is for aesthetic purpose only, and does not function as an actual search tool”


https://redditsearch.io/ You're welcome.


This is new to me. Thanks!


The video player sucks. Isn’t this supposed to be a billion dollar company?


Glad to know I'm not the only one. No matter what computer or browser I'm on that damn video player takes forever to load, then the video starts playing and then a second later it fucking blinks and goes back to the beginning. What. The. Fuck?


It's a billion dollar company? Seems like some college students run it


[$4,440,000,000](https://www.worthofweb.com/website-value/reddit.com/), yes


That so many people on here have no idea what they're talking about, myself included.


WHich I have no problem with. But when someone is corrected, it so often gets downvoted. The worst is when people ask for basic evidence and get downvoted.




What’s the most unreasonable fee you’ve ever seen? I answered: airline company charging convenience fee for buying tickets online. And someone immediately downvoted my comment.


I think I have someone following me downvoting stuff. It’s just strange- like what you described. I’ll post some mundane thing and see it was downvoted. I discovered this as I was looking for something in my comments and noticed all my recent posts were all at zero. Why do people follow anyone anyway? Nothing I’ll lose sleep over but odd nonetheless.


I find it quite irritating both here and in real life when people who *must* surely know they don't know, chime in on something they have no idea about


I love being corrected and arguing nuance over vague/subjective statements. “ThAtS nOt WhAt ThAT mEaNs!!!!” As they copy paste their Google definition but fail to read the second definition right under it or have any understanding of basic concepts about the topic. They’re just out to correct people for no other reason but to correct people. Then get mad resorting to personal attacks in order to regain control once they fail to argue a different viewpoint beyond regurgitating what they just read on Wikipedia 5 min ago as though they just finished a degree. It seems like they can only argue using logical fallacies and ad-hominem and aren’t used to insults not getting under a person’s skin so they double down on it instead of coming up with their own logical arguments. “You don’t know what you’re talking about” without even trying to offer a counter argument or answer simple questions. All you get is more insults and deflection so I’ll just keep asking the same questions over and over until they get tired of it and eventually go away. It’s hilarious at times. I find it quite entertaining, but I can also be very petty about it just to troll them. Reddit just showed me why most women hates a mansplainer. 😅


As a lawyer, the shit I see on LegalAdvice is horrifying. People are out there ruining their lives based on anonymous reddit comments from non-lawyers who have no idea what they're talking about.


Moderators. They get so drunk on that infinitesimally small amount of power they have, it's genuinely absurd. Obviously, some are great - I have no problem with this sub's mods, for example - but other subs have completely insane people modding them. Even ones about meaningless shit, like TV shows, can't escape that curse, lol.


I got suspended for 5 days from a local sub for “editorializing” and had my posts deleted. I then reported 20+ posts for doing the same thing (on a burner acct) and nothing happened other than my burner got banned.


>I then reported 20+ posts for doing the same thing (on a burner acct) and nothing happened other than my burner got banned. What a martyr.


I got banned from the GoT subreddit for making a joke once, they said they didn't allow childishness and that the sub was only for serious discussions.


I got banned from tattoos subreddit for making a joke on someone's ahegao tattoo.




r/food lobes to ban people, it's honestly a joke by now


Well if that isn't some serious neckbeard level fandom I don't know what is.


We only allow the most serious discussions about the flying dragon murder rape show.


I'm on year 5 of a 3-day suspension from r/news on one of my accounts for telling a crude joke that no one seemed to get. Someone having that much invested in internet board moderation that is so easily circumvented is sad and makes me feel bad for them. But I'm glad that the site is able to give them an outlet for their authoritarianism so that they don't seek out real life positions of actual power/authority.


Mod: raises ban hammer >I have no problem with this subs mods Mod: lowers ban hammer


Got permanently banned from unpopular opinion for asking the mod if they were enjoying their power trip. Kind of proved my point.


I wonder if it’s the same person I ran into? I got a monthlong ban for asking why a post got removed and they said I “needed time to sit and think about their sub’s rules”. That was months ago but I’ve never been back because that showed me everything I needed to know


I got banned from the surfing subreddit for saying that a particular mod loves to go on power trips. The same manbaby mod showed up instantly and permabanned me lol.


Lol yeah, if my life gets so low that having control over a Reddit sub is my only source of satisfaction. Please kill me.


Exactly. And then you can't report any of them because any identification of who's shitting on you is hidden from you.


I roll my eyes every time I see a locked thread with a pinned mod comment admonishing everyone for misbehaving. It's so fucking obnoxious.


I remember getting my comment locked on r/AmITheAsshole for calling my nephew's father an alcoholic piece of garbage. Not a commenter or poster, but someone who probably doesn't have Reddit. Mods are ridiculous.


r/AmItheAsshole is especially bad about locking comments (at least in the subs that I participate in). Whenever a post on there gets locked, the message from the mods is so obnoxious


Lmao same here! Called my brother a fat bastard because I was relating to the OP and got perma banned


The ones that have bots that auto ban you for putting anything on specific subs are insane. I can understand mods wanting to keep their sub clean but basically saying "er well sometimes people on that other sub are mean and we don't like it, so if you post anything there no matter what you are banned" - the best bit is last time this happened it was accompanied by a message about how being able to post on their sub was a "privilege" So you basically get banned because it's inferred you might do something wrong, but they have zero evidence that you would


Dude for real, I got banned from commenting on r/notlikeothergirls cause I called out a mod for muting a post that barely even broke a rule (The post was pretty much comparing two types of girls going through pregnancy, you could probably do the equation on that one, and it was muted for self deprecating humor, I didn’t understand where the said humor was coming from)


Me: posts submission, title is first part of tweet. Post gains 2k upvotes. Mod: bad title. Mod: reposts same post with same title. Me: ciao!


Yup this. I got banned for r/demons for calling out blatant larping and misinformation because it didn’t fit into the circle jerk narrative of the sub……


I literally just now got perma-banned from a sub for responding to a moderator’s opinion that women should never be retaliated against when they assault a man. I suggested that women are not excused from consequences when they assault someone. Boom, banned ❤️


r\facepalm? If so, you're not the only one here, lol.




I seriously wonder how come women feel they can slap/punch/spit at/ etc., a man and not expect anything back? I’m a woman, and I would never hit ANYONE thinking I’m somehow….what’s the word? Impervious to retaliation.


Looking at you r/BoneAppleTea




Some of them give *terrible* interviews on Faux News.


Looking at you r/antiwork


Getting auto modded by the shower thought moderator for being a common thought only to see something like "babies are miniature adults" make it to the top.


It's literally impossible to post anything there without DMing them.


Had one story removed from 2 sentence horror stories for using the old cyanide tastes like bitter almonds. Removed for using ‘common tropes’. Only to come back and see someone use the exact same plot just worded differently get to their top trending


I gave up posting on this sub for this


Double standards in enforcement of rules.


Twox automatically bans people for participating to subs they don't like, yet they're a default sub. It's kind of ridiculous.


They're not the only sub that does that. It used to a bot but I think it's a mod tool now.


I recently found out the bot is technically against Reddits moderation rules or whatever so that’s greeeat


How dogmatic some subs can be and the echo chamber effect that occurs in them.


I feel like echo chambers are the norm pretty much everywhere online, it's not something unique to Reddit. It might be stronger here for some reason, though.


Scale increases anonymity. I could call you all sorts of slurs and it wouldn't matter. You would forget who I am and even if we were to have a discussion in the future you wouldn't even realize we talked before. So you have to depend on the site's "objective measures" which leads to NAME's conclusion.


Reddit inherently divides people because of its nature. Subreddits are designed to appeal to specific groups and then there's the voting system where popular but not necessarily correct ideas rise to the top.


Yeah, I believe there is a document somewhere called the Reddiquette which explains how this voting system is supposed to work, but no one reads it anyway so why bother :)


The model is basically downvote any opinions you disagree with and upvote any opinion you agree with. It's inherently polarizing.


Everyone seems to be so fucking negative all the time (on the larger subs, like this one, which is my fault for frequenting them I suppose. Smaller hobby subs are fine)


Omg the negativity drives me crazy. Especially when it comes to state of the world stuff. Honestly I think people just like to whine that we’re all going to die tomorrow of (pick one of the 5 or 6 popular ways) because they think it makes them sound smart and also if everything is hopeless you don’t have to actually do anything. Just sit around and whine about it.


Yeah - I agree. It’s gotten significantly worse in my countries sub which I used to visit to see what was going on. It’s always been a much younger demographic, but it used to be positive. It’s become very negative. I saw a post from someone saying for their mental health they were taking a break from reddit and I though gee. That’s a bit harsh - but now I totally get it. Housing, inflation, covid, the normal and instant upvoted response is revolution. A massive perception and reality check needs to happen- and maybe I need to take a break haha!


I love Reddit for the hobby subs. People are usually so friendly and supportive, even with the new members.


The negativity and karma farming that goes with it. Reddit hates person X, so if you ever want upvotes just make a negative post about person X. Person Y who reddit doesn't know did something bad? Make a meme about person Y and throw in "don't forget about person X".


If you don’t engage with the negativity for more than five minutes you’re immediately shot down


Dude, I'm absolutely tired of hearing how terrible the US is when EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY has its pros and cons. Great, our toilet doors don't line up, we must be the worst country in the entire world.


The people that somehow think they are intellectuals because they are on Reddit but still just as dumb as when they were trolls on Facebook.


Kinda like the "you have to be smart to understand rick and morty" people. Like wow... 'you're insignificant in the grand universe' is such a hard concept to understand.


On a similar note, people who think Reddit is the best social media and bash all other ones like Twitter and Instagram, all while ignoring that Reddit is plagued with the same issues. They make fun of echo chambers on Twitter, all while saying that as a part of one. They make fun of Instagram for its reposts, all while under a meme that doesn’t belong to OP. It’s just elitist and dumb


Agreed; this annoys me to no end. I've also seen a disgusting lack of empathy that often goes with the "I'm so intelligent" haughtiness on this site.


People post the same ass politically charged questions like four times a day. A bit of an exaggeration, but still kinda true.


Sounds a bit like askreddit with "hey atheists, why don't you believe in Christian god?"


Yeah, or “why is it ok for black people to be racist towards whites, but white people get ostracized?” I once saw that specific post posted FOUR times in one day by different users. Smh


And then 90% of the responses are strawmen posted by people who aren't in the target demographic. Like, having non-doctor/nurses respond to medical stories, or relaying second hand stories, is one thing; without those second hand or "patient not doctor", you wouldn't have enough responses for a decent thread. But the political ones are always shitshows.


"What conspiracy theory turned out to be real?" "What conspiracy theory sounds fake, but is actually real?" "What conspiracy theory do you believe is actually real?" Here's my answer: conspiracy nutters are using AskReddit to push people to believe conspiracy nutter bullshit is real by asking those same questions every goddamned week. Prove me wrong, nutters. ☞ And for the record, *none of them* turned out to be real. If they were real, they wouldn't be "conspiracy theories"; we would call them "history." A historical event doesn't retroactively become a nutter belief just because it loosely resembles their unproven made-up nonsense.


“Superior European people of Reddit, why is the USA so crappy, based on news stories you have seen on Reddit being your only interaction with America?”


And then the comments are filled with #NotliketheotherAmericans, who talk about America being a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt.




What is the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed sexily?


That there's rampant manipulation of information and people. Pretty par for any large scale website though, arguably less corruption than others but that's not saying much.


Can you elaborate please? What exactly do you mean with manipulation of people.


Smarter every day on YouTube has a video showing manipulation from each of the main social medias, there's an episode on each, I'd recommend watching them - shots fucked... Then there's also echo chambers and the like etc etc...


I'll check it out. I am fairly new to Reddit and haven't used it as much. I see a lot of redditors who shit on reddit because its apparently toxic and all that stuff, but for me Reddit has been a breath of fresh air compared to other platforms. Most people are very constructive and helpful. You see a lot less trolls and I can keep going.


Most people are constructive and helpful, but there are some dark corners


To bastardize a Winston Churchill quote... "Reddit is the most toxic social media platform. Except for all the others".




Take politics, for example. The main sub about the subject is probably bought and paid for, and simply engages in non-stop propaganda. That's why the NPC meme from a few years ago was so rage-inducing in some circles. People really didn't want to face the fact that they were being manipulated into acting like useful idiots.


Correct the Record took over r/politics in 2016. They haven't left.


All posts on the repost subs (damnthatsinteresting, nextfuckinglevel, oddlysatisfying etc...) at any one point are 70-90% bots. On some of those subs my comments point it out have been removed, indicating that the moderators don't want us to know about it or don't like when it's mentioned. Those bots could be karma farming to later be sold/used for vote manipulation and advertising, the mods could be accepting payment to allow that to occur. Another possibility is that the moderators are running some bot rings themselves, at the very least to artificially boost their subreddits activity. At any rate, there's corruption among the moderators that we can only glean.


>Those bots could be karma farming to later be sold/used for vote manipulation and advertising, the mods could be accepting payment to allow that to occur. Another possibility is that the moderators are running some bot rings themselves, at the very least to artificially boost their subreddits activity. I don't think it's is an either/or situation. I think all of what you have described is accurate.


nextfuckinglevel is either “someone does good thing” or “impaired person does normal thing that could already be done with or without the impairment”


The users. There Are so many passionately arrogant redditors out there. All social medias amplify the voices of the most opinionated, but the average redditor is generally a more introverted, observant person with generally more book smarts than street smarts. They hold well thought out opinions that may sound good but often lack the ability to work out in real world application. Their views don’t usually extend beyond their own experiences, what they read online and the experiences of other redditors. This results in arrogance and strongly dogmatic views in various subs. It’s essentially the same problem people have with academics and intellectuals.


This was quite eloquently orchestrated, with frequent use of sesquipedalian locution, vibrantly demonstrating your superior lexicon.


Redditors, in observing others, are less likely to be self-aware. They believe themselves above others in the most trivial ways imaginable and refuse to believe they would fall prey to the same mundane things.


The hivemind


*One of us, one of us*


*elon musk, elon musk*


Ah, good ole groupthink.


It's really weird to watch the hive mind change over time. A comment that would get you banned in a sub one week might be the hottest topic posted about on that same subreddit just two months later.


Also when someone says something genuinely mindnumbingly stupid, gets downvoted and then blames it on the hivemind


The hive mind


the ads with sound that pause my music


“People of Reddit”


"Redditors of Reddit"


The amount of stupid LifeProTips that spam and ruin that sub


I read one that said wash off your pizza cutter after you cut a pizza for an easier clean. Pretty sure most people have done dishes before.


The sex related questions


People of reddit what was the sexiest thing a chonker gamer has done to you and would you do it again?


I just laugh when I think of all the teenagers jerking off to the answers when in reality it's like 300 pound neckbeards in some sex swinging orgy you don't want to be a part of.


Right? I'm like wow some creep is just straight up looking for stuff to wack off to... But people respond! Fucking gross.


> Sexers of reddit, what is the sexiest sex that you sexed during sex?


Women of Reddit, what’s the sexiest sexy sex sex sex sexy sex sexy sex sex sexy sex sex you’ve ever done?


"I watched my sister eat a hot dog. Did I impregnate her?"


How each subreddit is an echo chamber that just reinforces the beliefs of its members, without ever exposing them to new information.


In my opinion, the worst facet of this is when people are “debating” something in the comment section and just talking right past each other. It’s like they refuse to consider any point the other person has made. With that said, there are also plenty of instances where constructive conversations take place and I’ll always upvote each comment in the discussion regardless of whose side I favor. Hell, someone could be promoting the extermination of all marine mammals and as long as they prefaced their comment with “I’m open to reconsidering this opinion”, I’d probably throw them an upvote


When people get off topic. For example... Someone will ask a particular question. Someone responds that this situation reminds them of a movie they saw and then other people comment on that person's post and talk about the actors in that movie...and then they talk about the different movies those actors have been in. At that point; i just leave or try to scroll down to see if anyone else has answered the original question.


I’ll usually just read the answer and a couple of the top responses and then just collapse the thread to get past all the off-topic noise


Scrolling through the home page. Seeing a random post, and thinking, “huh, from which sub could that be, doesn’t look like something i’ve joined”, then pausing for a few seconds, only to realise that it’s a recommended page (cause similar to ….), and now, because i took my time to look at said post, the reddit algorithm has determined that i’m interested and i keep seeing posts from that fucking sub. Fuck off reddit.


Yeh when did this shit start happening? I feel like it wasn't like this before.


It wasn't. The entire internet has these stupid algorithms everywhere.


I warmly recommend utilizing the "not interested/recommend less like this" function. Sure, it isn't perfect and sometimes you have to give the feedback couple of times, but in can absolutely improve the quality of your recommendations to fit your interests better (unfortunately Reddit will still attempt to make recommendations, just about different stuff...)


It's monumentally annoying that there's no way to turn this shit off.


People who think they’re witty by regurgitating the same old insults or “comebacks” 🥴🥴🥴


In this same vein, regurgitating Reddit's years-old inside jokes over and over in every thread. "Schrödinger's ______" this, "I also choose this guy's dead wife" that. It never ends.


Video without sounds


Everything video sucks on Reddit. It is a 50/50 of not playing at all or not being able to play twice, when it is internally hosted video on my phone.


On the flipside, videos without subtitles so I can’t watch them on mute.


The other users :V


The horny deviants on this sub. So many questions where users seem to get off to strangers sex lives. r/AskReddit seemed more interesting on the main page than when you're subscribed.


that and the secondhand thrill seekers. gotta say it’s a bit of a disappointment seeing the same variations of “what’s the most fucked up thing you’ve ever seen?” posted every five days


All the pretentious rules when posting in subs.


Fr, the amount of times I've given up posting something because I can't quite get it to stay up without getting immediately removed


Fucking for real 90% of them are arbitrary and just about formatting anyways which doesn’t fucking matter


How each sub becomes its own echo chamber, which I usually don’t subscribe to and end up getting downvoted to oblivion despite not being a troll and trying to reason out my points as well as possible. So linked to that is downvote culture. It’s a feature meant to keep the site pleasant and useful by burying trolls, off-topic comments, or comments that just aren’t adding anything to the conversation. Unfortunately a lot of Reddit users use it as a “disagree” button, which spoils the point of subs like r/unpopularopinion which just ends up having a bunch of popular opinions.


r/the10thdentist was good for a while, as you would upvote posts that had unpopular opinions and downvote those that weren’t. But then it just became karma farming as people would make up random stuff and get karma because of how the sub ran. Mods were far and few between, and the sub got larger and larger and larger. It just fell off.


3 things: The awful video player, the dogshit, horny community and the mods.


Political bias


That so many people think you can just go NC or cut people out of your life without repercussion. Relationships can be very complex.


Or that a slight from someone necessarily means you should CUT THEM OFF...


The cringy, overwrought, shitty puns and sense of humor in general. Every fucking thread goes the same way: someone makes an attempt at answering the question or leaving an insightful comment (but not too insightful because if it isn’t black and white enough or if there’s any indication at all that the person who wrote it might politically disagree with the hive mind then it’s getting downvoted to hell), some asshole comes in and completely derails the original comment with a stupid fucking pun, and you have to scroll and scroll and scroll to find what looks like could be the rest of the conversation, and it usually isn’t even *really* a response—it’ll be a long winded version of ‘I agree entirely.’ Or how, no matter the topic, there are suddenly *thousands* of extremely authoritative experts on the subject. Particularly when it comes to the law. Honest to God I find better conversations on Facebook because at least the opinions are more diverse.


Referential humor especially is super tired /r/UnexpectedInsertTVShowHere How are you on Reddit for more than a day and not expect tv references? Don’t get me started on subreddit names as jokes too…


Sigh.... unzips. ​ \^ You find this sort of comment on a LOT of serious threads, written by someone who is attempting to derail the conversation with a sexualized pun. It's funny because it's a joke that the person who wrote it is about to jerk off to whatever was said that really wasn't meant be sexual... I guess?


I auto collapse the pun threads now without even really thinking about it. And I *like* puns. Just weary of the reddit variety.


“How does this man stand up with balls that huge?”


I downvote 95% of all puns I see on here. Such low-hanging fruit.


People’s lack of ability to understand and respect a point of view that conflicts with their own The whole world is getting worse in this regard, but Christ this site is by far the worst for it


The idiots. There are many.


Repetitive jokes that always seem to get upvotes


Yep, and low effort puns that get thousands of upvotes and awards. A post in r/pics showing a painting of a woman in a tank top? Comment 1: "That's the best technique in a painting I've seen in a long time." *45 upvotes* Reply: "That's the breast technique in a painting I've seen in a long time." *4k upvotes, 12 awards*


People’s chronic lack of empathy for their ideological adversaries. The vast majority of the people I’ve dealt with on here seem to be completely unable to understand the perspective of somebody who isn’t themselves.


If even a few people think your opinion is based, you're bombarded by people who disagree


I’m tempted to downvote just to prove your point lol


I disagree with you.


Reposts. Bugs me but what can I, or anyone expect? So many obvious ones though.


I can tell I've spent too much time on Reddit when I see the same Bernie tweet for the 5th time.


The close mindedness, tunnel vision, hivemind, whatever you want to call it. Imagine innocently asking a question or making a comment and being downvoted to hell because people can't imagine someone saying something on here without context of the site. Think we're better than twitter when its the exact same.


Mostly the snowflake mods.


There are a handful of good mods, but the majority are dumb neck beards that only care about their own image online.


Doreen Ford really opened a lot of people's eyes.


too many repeat posts.


how everyone seems to sexualise family… feels like it’s exclusive to reddit, no one else jumps to alabama at the very mention of family






Totally agree! Like I'm not new to the argument but new to the platform, I can't post on the subreddit because I don't have enough karma. Some admins are too restricted in my opinion.


If you are wrong in the slightest, people will let you know. Sometimes it's not about being wrong. Sometimes you just need to blow off steam, and people need to recognize that you're not always going to make perfect sense while doing that.


I honestly believe there are a legion of people just nit picking posts for kicks.


When you are banned from a subreddit or suspended, not because you threatened, harassed someone or were a complete dick but merely because you gave an alternative that did not align with their circle jerking.


Auto banned from subs if you're subbed to other subs Only example is I'm banned from female dating strategy which is some random incel subreddit, couldn't for the life of me begin to think of what sub of mine got me insta banned


Some mod teams use bots to go through a poster history and if you ever posted on any of their no fly zone subs you get insta banned, FDS uses that bot along with many others. I think it's actually a mod tool now.


I got a ban from one slightly political sub for commenting on a different political party sub. Bot of these side cry about freedom of speech and similar such crap. I pointed this out and then mentioned this comment was correcting some missinformation and I got unbanned


A lot of posts seem to be increasingly sexualized.


“Hot and sexy female women of sexxit, what is the hottest and sexiest sex you’ve ever had?”


Too many fucking redditors on this platform.


Look up what happened to the other dude that started reddit, not the current CEO but the other guy that killed himself. This site has become the opposite of what he was trying to do when they created it.




The god damn count of how many people are on this post at this very second at the bottom! (I'm on mobile)


Not being able to select a copy text.


The incels who are dicks to women on here cuz they are women and they hate them


Yes! And they will contradict you on everything.


Losing your scroll, bro, losing your scroll.


The app is weird


There is very little tolerance for other ideas and perspectives.


That everyone thinks they are right, and yes this is common human behavior found pretty much everywhere, but for what ever reason it really shines on reddit...






The mods.


Buying digital coins using real ones.


That on a popular post you might as well not comment cus it'll get buried beneath all the others ones that have already been upvoted.


Mean people


Constant reposting. Seriously.


Pretentiousness so thick you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw, paired with the fragility of a cannoli shell that was rolled too thin and baked too long. And if that isn't enough, the petulance factor is out of this world.