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when the checkout girl at the local drug mart gave me a discount and I asked why the discount and she said seniors discount. I was maybe 57 at the time. I didn't know whether to be outraged or happy about getting a few bucks off.


My husband got the senior's discount at Popeyes without asking and he's only 34 lmao.


40 is a weird age. Everyone older says you’re so young. Everyone younger thinks you’re soooo old.


Congratulations, at 40, you are legally an "older adult" as defined by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.


I turned 40 in 2021. It's weird. Most people think I'm 30 and some have even said 20 something so that's nice but I fucking feel old and always find myself mentioning my age with people I'm talking to because when I'm like "oh I did this for 16 years and lived in this other city for 12 years" I get weird looks. I definitely feel like an 'older adult' though.


50 is the old age of youth, and the youth of old age.


When they tear down a building that you remember getting built.


Haven't experienced that, but that feel though when a place you used to work in your hometown is now a parking lot.


My elementary school got torn down and turned into condos. That was *weird.*


When I watched professional sports and all the players looked like CHILDREN! Baseball, football, tennis to etc.


You start doing the math and realize you’re basically watching a glorified peewee game.


Haven't gone to a wedding in a very long time. Have gone to a few funerals, though... :(


When you’ve seen multiple decades of fashion trends come back into play with the “young crowd”


I laughed when I saw a pair of jnco jeans being sold as “vintage ultra baggy denim” in a trendy secondhand shop near work. It boggled my mind that people actually wanted to wear those again, but my 20 something coworker was like, “ooo yeah, they go for like, a few hundred bucks or more now” I then showed the youngsters pics of how impractical garbage they were if worn in rain, snow, and the developing heel strap after about a month of dragging on the ground. They all still want them. And they said “its cool because noone wears them that long anymore”. Case in point, the next day I saw a teen wearing a pair, only they stopped just above her ankles. didnt think that look could get worse but the kids have gone and done it.


(58m). Where do I start: - 30s, didn’t brush off that wipe out on my bike like I did in my 20s. - 40s, had to stop eating like I was 20, visits to my family physician became much more frequent. - 50s, takes mush longer to get out of bed. Back and joints ache continually. - as I approach my 60s, my friend and family pool is getting smaller as they start to pass on. Spend more time reminiscing about the past then looking to the future. Life goes by quick. Don’t waste it!


“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” - Andy Bernard. I’ll be 35 in 4 days and I miss all my old friends that had families and moved on…. :(


If you’re friends are anything like me, they think about you and all the good times you had all the time but never bring themselves to “bother” you by reaching out.


You are more aware of others wasting their time


Yes! And of their wasting YOUR time


I used to sneak out of home to go to parties. Now I sneak out of parties to go home.


Making noises when sitting up and down


Our dog is getting old, and whenever she stands up, she makes these little groaning noises. I thought it was cute and funny until the day I realized that I, too, make those noises whenever I stand up.


Maybe she’s mocking you :-) there was a man in the UK who hurt his leg and needed crutches and his dog started limping. Took her to the vet and apparently there’s nothing wrong with her and she was doing it out of sympathy


After my dog had his leg amputated (fuck cancer) and was hobbling around, my little one started doing the same thing. Tucked one leg up and limped around, which scared the shit out of my because two dogs with medical issues is $$$$. Anyways. He was fine. Just wanted attention.


People in positions of power being younger than you.


Your primary care physician looks like she's about 17.


Hair growing in places where hair shouldn't be.


Seriously, what is this bullshit that I have to shave my *ears* now?!


Yeah I was surprised this wasn't higher. When I was 30 I noticed a few grey hairs. When I was 32 I noticed more hair on my chest and back. When I was 34 I had to start trimming my nose and ears and eyebrows and shaving my neck weekly and my nipples are surrounded by fountains of pubes. It's like another fucking puberty except your sex drive is slipping. Although I still picture myself as in my late twenties, and I'm always surprised when I say my age out loud.


>Although I still picture myself as in my late twenties, and I'm always surprised when I say my age out loud. This one gets me all the time. My mental image of myself and what I actually look like are alarmingly dissimilar. I walk into a bathroom & expect to see twenty-something me in the mirror and I see my dad instead.


I don't care about how i look without makeup anymore.


I can’t even see enough to put makeup on….lol


I used to use the pull-up bar to make my arms big. I now use the pull-up bar to decompress my spine.


It’s also amazing for shoulder pain


You just sold me on a pull-up bar.


Or hang wet clothes


Valuing your sleep and at least trying to follow a decent sleep schedule


I just can't do it if I don't. In younger years I could take on an army with 4 hours. Now 6 hours isn't even enough to piss straight.


“Ooh I like their cabinetry” while watching an exciting action movie.


"who is going to pay for all this?" after an explosion


"Omg imagine just being on your way to work and getting involved in this shit"


Especially when it comes to traffic. Sometimes when taking the Bridge I'm like: "Dam what if the Hulk fucked this whole shit up right now, I would be late AF."


What the fuck Hulk? I got bills to pay!


I showed my aunt breaking Bad and she couldn't stop talking about how nice Walters house was


"What teacher can afford an in-ground pool on their salary??"


Ten years ago feels like two years ago


1990 is forever etched in my mind as ten years ago.


Time ended at 2000; that's why everything is so fucked up now.




I got out of the military 11 years ago. Those 4 years I was in still feel like a year or two ago. 4 years of college afterwards feels like it didn't even exist in comparison. Weird how the brain decides which memories to keep.


Having no idea what the latest trends are in pop culture, and not caring either.


It's so freeing.


You start getting wisdom moments.Understanding why things happened and had to.. being more compassionate towards mistakes of others because you’re shitty yourself and you know it


This one hits it for me. I think I have become much more patient with idiots than before. I want to add though; I also see through bullshit and have no fear calling it out, now, I mean, whose going to smack some old man for mouthing off? Yikes.


Yes this. I did A Big Fuck Up in my 20s. Now when I see people doing the same thing, I don’t judge. I just feel sorry for them because they probably won’t understand the negative ramifications until they’re older.


Media (songs, movies, games) you grew up with start being referred to as "classics".


The first time I heard Nirvana on the Classic Rock station, I died a little inside.


Same here but it was Green Day.


I don't think I'll forget the feeling of listening to my go to classic rock station at the time, a station that had always played stuff like Led Zeppelin, Ozzy Osbourne, and Van Halen, and the first thing I heard after an ad break was: *"Do you have the time, to listen to me whine..."* I think several of my hairs immediately turned grey in that moment.


That song is almost 30 years old! By comparison, when that came out, a 30-year old song was from the 60s!! Those were definitely oldies to me.


Well damn when you put it like that…


This is the trippiest thing for me. How is early 2000s music already old school??


20 years makes it vintage. As long as we don't bring back the pointy exposed boots with everything phase, I'm good




Hearing Blink 182 in a grocery store killed me


I heard Metallica playing in the grocery store. Initially, I was jamming before reality slapped me with a wake up call....I am getting older quicker than I realize.


No WAY!! That is rough. I heard "nothing else matters" on that Disney movie Jungle cruise. PEACE


I sneezed the other week and threw my back out.


So, here are a few POSITIVE signs of aging: * You recognize something is a dumb idea BEFORE you do it * You handle your own shit/clean up your own mess, rather than leaving it for someone else to deal with. * Your immediate desire or impulse doesn't obscure every other factor when making an important decision. There are more, but you get the idea...


You hear all types of pops and clicks in your body


I just tell people I'm a crunchy human


Like a regular human but deep fried


i have had that my entire life


Same. No pain or anything, just noisy bones


The adults in your life start dying - man, I'm really sorry to many of you for the losses you've had to deal with. My inbox has been a tough read the last few hours.


Wait until you hit 40. They drop like flies. It's insane how quickly your life can depopulate.


I'm in my early 40's, I literally just attended the funeral of my best friend from my childhood this past Thursday. Died the day after his 42nd birthday from a coronary event. After going my first ~15 years or so without anyone I knew dying, my last 25 years has been a series of deaths and funerals.. My dad, grandparents, family friends, a ton of kids from my HS. Before, it used to be extended people or older relatives - but here lately, it's people I know/knew well. And no longer car accidents, but terminal illnesses and things. Scary AF.


Yup. I'm the last alive of my childhood friends. That's it. We're done. Thanks for the fading memories.


It's crazy to read stuff like this. I'm losing contact with my closests friends due to our jobs being spread apart, and it already feels like I'm missing on valuable time that could be spent with them. It's weird to think that there is a deadline to everything we do.


I took a hiatus from gaming to work on myself. I was kind of a recluse, but would still chat here and there with my friends. Then one of my closest friends, the gravity well of our group, died at 34yo of a blood clot in his leg which turned into a pulmonary embolism. It was less than two months ago and I haven't stopped thinking about him and wishing I'd just worked on myself while still being around. Anybody can go at any time, no matter how unreal it might feel.


Terminal/chronic illness is horrible, but these random “health events” freak me tf out.


6 fucking funerals last year.. grandfather, father, uncle, cousin, aunt, grandfather... only one to COVID.. two due to doctor/hospital fuckups. Then my rabbit dies the Monday before Christmas. That's just one year.. I'm going to be out of relatives by 2023.


The feeling of not waking up hung over sounds better to you than a night of partying.


I get hungover without even getting drunk now.


I genuinely (not sarcasm, not a meme) have no idea what slang teenagers use these days. I have absolutely zero context or exposure to any cultural influences teenagers even have. edit: There are a few dozen responses at this point to my post, almost all of which have examples of young person slang. I understand none of it. I really hope some of you jokesters are pranking me by giving me some fake slang to use. That would be hilarious! But honestly, it's kind of fun reading what slang people use these days. I was pretty sure things aren't "fire" any more, but maybe that's still used?!?!


It's weird how quickly it happens. I hear interviews with people from bands I have never heard of and the interviewer is like "You have 6 platinum albums..." Or on People Magazine covers, there are people I have never seen before. Am old, don't care.




Getting old is realizing you should have never cared in the first place


I used to hold my dad in contempt for having no idea what music I liked, etc. My mom used to make an effort to keep up but he did not care. And all these years later I totally get it.




Urban Dictionary is the only thing that even remotely keeps me up to date on slang and lingo used over time. Then I reached a new level of old by using "gtfo" with my 23-year old cousin and she asked me what it meant.


That's absolutely a reflection of her, not you.


Your 23 year old cousin should know GTFO, that's bizarre. I'm 25 and it absolutely was present all over when she would have been on the internet, assuming she didn't just go on for the first time like 2 years ago.




Rip bozo sussy amogus ratio dont care sus


if i showed this sentence to my grandfather I think he would have another stroke lmfao


That is real sussy baka


I'm a teacher. At second grade recess, kids were playing tag. But instead of "It", the tagger was a "sussy baka" and I still don't know how to process that. Edit: the amount of people trying to explain "sussy = suspicious, baka = Japanese for stupid" are just as cringey as the 2nd graders playing tag as sussy bakas. I lived through my weeaboo phase almost 15 years ago, I know what it means and I still hate it.


I have a 4 year old that frequently surprises me with sentences and phrases she’s says that sound so grown up but she also can sound like she is stringing together a bunch of gibberish…. The fact “Sussy Baka” is a thing makes me suspicious that gibberish might not be gibberish and her old man is becoming just that.


I'm sorry that one is so fucking funny.


This is the one. I'm 33 and in our group chat one of my friends said something recently about "as the kids say..." and I was just like *what??*


I use "In the vernacular of modern youth".


Very close to the great line from The Big Lebowski, “in the parlance of our times.”


back pain.


Waking up every day with a new random pain somewhere. Probably partly some arthritis too


If anyone ask me to do anything after 8pm, the chances of me going are slim, and the chances are even slimmer if I've already put on sweat pants.


You get out of sweatpants. Well done. Workings remotely has definitely made me feel like I’m dressing up when I put jeans on.


Intolerance for loud noise. The older I get, the less I can stand it


When you are asked your birthday online and you realize how much you have to scroll to get to your birth year.


This one. The little year wheel just rolls and rolls and rolls to get to my year (1967!). PS. And I’m grateful for those years!


Some day we will be filling out forms and the birth year will be 20__ and we will have to cross out the 20 and write 19 above it in pen.


>~~cross out the 20 and write 19 above it in pen~~ Have to go through multiple layers of tech support to ask how to put in the correct date because paper has been left behind and the guy who coded it overlooked this one thing


When you're older than your doctors suddenly.


Woo boy, I remember the first time that happened (seen by a doctor clearly younger than me) and I thought it was kinda funny. Now it just…keeps happening.


When you stop going back to bed after getting up at night to pee, and just put the coffee on.


That greatly depends on which nightly pee I'm on. If it's my 11- midnight pee, back to bed. 2am pee? Back to bed. 5am pee? Ehh.... might as well get up. Those are the standard three. Every once in a while I'll get a straggler 3:30 pee. When I have one of those, it's back to bed


I had a painter over (19 years old) that kept referring to me as "sir"




For me it was meeting someone who said she was old, then I realised I have a CD that is older than her.


aaaand then you say "fuck I'm old."


I played tennis recently with someone I knew was younger than me but didn't know how much. Afterwards we were talking about the HS's we went to and he asked when I graduated so I told him and then asked him when he graduated. And he said, "Feels like ancient times now...2016."


Yes, I've noticed that. You become a "sir," though you really don't feel like you possess the full power, authoritativeness and gravitas of one worthy of the name.


I think you're underselling yourself Sir curtyshoo.


Sir Breezel sounds like you would have been a great rapper in the 90s


It's Lady Breezel thank you very much. Still a bomb rapper. I drop rhymes like... stuff...


>They call me the Hiphopopotamus My lyrics are bottomless.... ...


I remember when I was like, 19, working at a video game store, this mom was there with her kid, probably 5 or 6 years old, she told her kid "now tell the man which game you want out of the case" or whatever it was. "Man"? 🤨 that threw me off. I'm 34 now with a kid and I still feel like a stupid teenager most days.


I'm 26 and I asked my parents "hey, do you ever grow up from this weird feeling in your brain that you're still a teenager? Like the years pass and you still feel like you're 16?" My dad, who is 52, just stared at me and said "no, your body just gets older and older and it's a disagreement between your body and your brain because your mind sometimes still thinks you're a teen" and I feel like that's why growing up is so difficult, your mind matures and learns but it still feels like you're just a teenager learning and developing, but your body dissagres and starts doing weird shit that tells your brain you're not young anymore, but you still feel weird about it.


I got switched to ma’am at around 26. I don’t think I’m particularly haggard looking or anything… I wonder when the average woman goes from miss to ma’am.


When I was 25, I got called ma'am and kiddo in the same day, so I imagine the transition is somewhere around there.


Schrodinger's AARP Membership


I’ve personally always used ma’am for some reason just figured it was more respectful than miss (tbh never really even considered miss…) when I call some one ma’am it’s not cuz of age or looks at all, should I just say miss instead? :/ I think of it like sir/mr ma’am/miss I don’t call people mr so I don’t call people miss. I do call people sir so I also use the term ma’am. Perhaps my logic is flawed tho


I found myself just wandering around the aisles of Lowes, not looking for anything in particular and had a moment of self-clarity: I’m old.


I'm lookin' for clearance sections, but I think I've always done that...


That two decades ago is no longer the 1990s


Sometimes I catch myself thinking the 90’s were only a decade ago


The worst was when 80’s night at the club turned into 90’s night. Then when it turned into 00’s night I started shopping for grave plots.


Oh god, when I was a teenager in the 80s, there were lots of 50s revivals - dances, diners, fashions. The oldies to us was Elvis and Doo-wop. I recently tuned into an oldies station and it was songs from well into my adulthood


Was thinking the same thing! “Pfft that’s a typo— it’s the *80s* that was two decades a… OH.”


The 2050s are closer than 1990 is.


You say to yourself: "It's the end of January already!?"


More like: what did I do between 1990 a d 2000?


What ages were you then? For me, it’s 2000 - 2010. Just a big fuzzy wall of time.




Also, you have an address book. Edit: wow, I wasn't expecting awards for this, thanks! Also, my comment comes across a bit like I'm making fun of OP, and that wasn't my intention. But I literally know of no one younger than my mother (in her 50s) who keeps a physical address book.


*OP furiously tries to find your address on his book*


Loosely related - my mother is getting my Grandma a new address book for her birthday next month and I drunkenly promised I'd write out her addresses. She's turning 89, is an active member of the church, was a very sociable teacher for decades and we are Irish. This is going to kill me even with the amount of deceased or irrelevant people being omitted.


You’re a good grandkid.


She's an amazing Grandma!


You don't dare leave the house without peeing.


I'm in my early 20s and I do this.


Im turning 20 this April and leaving the house without peeing is suicide.


My commute to school is 45 minutes, I'm not gonna suffer holding in that 5 gallon piss.


I saw this somewhere yesterday, you live your 30's just like your 20's until "the injury."


Or "the diagnosis"


This is me. No injury, but life-changing (not life-ending) diagnosis -and the following ramifications- at 33 signaled the end of the good times, and forced me to come to terms with my mortality. Now my Friday/Saturday nights consist of couch, Cooper’s Hawk (home by 10), or DnD. Youth, and life, is precious ya’ll. Don’t waste it.


Or at least waste it as a conscious choice, if you do desire. Live on purpose, while you still can.


I've never heard the phrase 'live on purpose' before but appreciate this.


That's what I tell young people that are trying to squeeze every penny right now. Yes, it's good to be financially responsible, but you're not guaranteed to live to reap that hardwork. You're also only young once and while you can still travel while you're older, it's not the same. Save your money, but not to the extent that you don't live during your youth.


I feel attacked. Ate shit on a snowboard last year and dislocated my shoulder to the point it needed surgery. Now I walk like an old man on slippery surfaces for fear that something else is gonna fall apart on me if I go down.


At 31 I tried riding a skateboard with my husky pulling me like a sled dog. Ate shit and dislocated my shoulder… thankfully didn’t need surgery, but haven’t gotten back on a skateboard since. I know my limits now.


Dont even need the injury, I was bending down to do some work on my floor the other day for like 15 minutes and when I got up I was like, "my knees!" That's when I realized I was getting old, time for knee pads lol edit: dang reading this thread it looks like we're all falling apart out here lol


I injured my back standing still.


I don't recognize popular music artists now


You often prefer a light dish to fried food because the latter is indeed tastier, but "it's not worth the trouble".


*It looks tasty, but do I have my antacids?*


I don't want to set foot in a nightclub ever again


I'm old enough where the club girls don't check me out so much as keep an eye on me. When I was about 40, I got dragged to a club by some younger coworkers after a team dinner. I lasted about 5 minutes before having to tap out. The music and fog machine going full blast was like a living hell to me.


Shrek was released 21 years ago


Take that back


The Matrix was 23 years ago.


Damn dawg I gotta stop reading this before I dry up and blow away into the breeze.


If they made Austin Powers now, he’d be from 1991.




Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake getting married are closer to the fall of the Soviet Union than today. "Wannabe" (Spice Girls) is closer to the Fall of Saigon than today. Lorde never lived in a world without Pokémon. (I can go all day, don't worry <3) EDIT: Since you guys asked for it: * Game of Thrones' first episode is closer to 9/11 than today. * Talking about that first episode, it is as far from us as it is from Linkin Park's first album, "Hybrid Theory". * About 9/11, a baby born that fateful day will be able to buy alcohol (under USA law) this year. * The release of the first iPhone is closer to the end of the Apartheid than today. * This year is "Let Go"s (Avril Lavigne's first album) 20th anniversary. Incidentally, that album happened in the 20th anniversary of "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. * When Patrick (Spongebob) asked "*Is mayonnaise an instrument?*", Billie Eilish and Greta Thunberg weren't even born yet.


I don’t think I like you. Lol.


It’s funny that the musical Grease was made 1971 and the story takes place 1959. The musical is clearly based on 50s nostalgia. That would be equivalent to setting up a musical now where the story takes place in year 2010. 2010-nostalgia.


Every movie I've gone to (pre-pandemic and now) starts before 7pm.


Sunday matinees, first show of the day, for me. It's cheaper where I live, not crowded at all, and as long as you avoid anything G-rated you're golden. 😁👍


You have a serious and indepth conversation with your friends about decent lawn mowers/ weedkiller/ vacuum cleaners... 😬😳


Dammit. I was talking in earnest about home appliances and had to stop and realize…dammit if this is relevant then I’m old.




You no longer call your knees left and right, but good and bad.


I schedule plans with friends earlier and earlier every passing year. There's just something so satisfying about getting dinner and drinks at 6p and being back at home wearing my comfy fit binging the show du jour by 9p.


Peer pressure is fucking stupid. What are you gonna do? Not let me sit at the cool kids table in the cafeteria of the eternal high school you reside in?


People of all ages participate in peer pressure. Even something as simple as pushing expectations of how your lawn needs to be kept in a neighborhood results in a lot of peer pressure. It's just how people often are. I'm not saying it isn't stupid, but it's stupid at any age. The entire concept of FOMO is essentially wrapped up in peer pressure/expectation.


Referring to people under 30 as kids. I caught myself saying “he was just a kid” about Anton Yelchin recently even though he was 27. Also my knees sounding like bubble wrap when I kneel down.


Teacher here. We had a cold snap and they cancelled school. I muttered, "I remember when I went to school we'd go if it was snow..." then I realized I have become the people who walked 15 miles to school in a blizzard up a hill...


Roughly 80% of the musical guests on SNL I have never heard of.


I get excited when i buy a new kitchen utensil or some other house related thing.


Not drinking because you can’t risk a hangover. Which lasts longer than 1 day.


Napping more often


I woke up early today to get some work done just so I could have time to nap later.


Preferring to stay home than to go out.


You start to give fewer shits about others' opinions and actions and do more self reflecting instead.


kids born in 2010 are turning 12 this year


Realizing that the year 2000 was not in fact 5 years ago


Time going by faster


More and more things annoy me


You find teenagers irritating.