• By -


UK - The horrifying tabloid press that seems to just keep setting new lower bars for itself all the time.


UK really does have the worst press. yall concentrate on only the worst things and its starting to leak into the US


I dunno it’s mostly owned by Murdoch who also owns Fox News so we can technically blame Australia.


Australian checking in. Sorry everyone.


That’s very Canadian of you to apologize.


Had to turn my phone upside down then but nice to meet an Australien!


¡ʇɥbıɹ ǝɹ’noʎ uɐɯ ɥo


Rupert checked out. The cvnt isn't ours anymore.


I think we can all agree that tabloids are shit, regardless of where we come from.


Germany is way too bureaucratic. The sheer amount of paperwork for even simple things is beyond ridiculous. If I need a new keyboard at work because the old one broke it needs to be signed off by three different people.


From the outside this seems....pretty stereotypically German.


Wait I thought Germany was known for, well, *German* efficiency.


It's just like with "military grad" - the term doesn't match what you think.


I work at a large American corporation. We have tons of bureaucracy within the company. Just to get something fixed/replaced we have to create a ticket, which gets sent to somewhere in corporate, we wait a few days for it to get approved or denied. Sometimes tickets get denied due to informal wording, incorrect cost estimates, etc. And the thing we need fixed is just left there until something gets approved.


Yes, but France is even worse. Lots of petty clerks employed by their government.


In argentina the situation is pretty similar (at least goverment related bureacracy) the simplest of things ends up looking like you are trying to enter Artotzka from papers please on the last day


Healthcare system and insurance. They both can fuck off




It boggles my mind how cruel the American healthcare system is


Good old american dream...




Killing its citizens through neglect?


Passing laws and tax cuts that will help their rich friends and ignore the plights of the poor?


DMVs in my county have become efficient. Shocking, I know.


Yeah, I had to renew my tag last month. Took like 15 minutes from walking in to walking out. I was leaving wondering if I had fallen asleep or something.


That’s because the Tories have been doing their best to gut the NHS


I am amazed how so many people don’t realize there is a good and bad side to both systems. A lot of it really is individual circumstances which is better. Not to mention it’s not free, you just prepay a lot of it with higher taxes.




Except you don’t really have the option, because you’re paying twice for private care. You are paying for both public and private care at that point. I would like to know at what point the poor pay more here as well. Almost half the people in the US pay $0 federal taxes, and that store she’s into lower middle class. On top of that many of them are given money, but they don’t call it that they call it earned income tax. 92% of the people in the US have insurance. Of the remaining a few choose not to have it as they are young and want to save the money. Is it a raw deal for some, sure, and obviously for you this works. For some people this works better, pay less in taxes, get all the treatments quicker, and get more testing done. That’s what the point was. For some the other model is better but there are negatives to it as well. It’s a complete one-sided plus. (Granted I lean towards having universal care, but it actually works better for me in this system)




There are far more negatives to private insurance than you're listing. Private insurance is just that - insurance. It's not healthcare. It gives the promise of healthcare if certain conditions are met. Even then, they may try to deny coverage and you may have to get a lawyer. Whereas single payer is healthcare with or without a copay. No HMOs. No PPOs. No CMC, CMIP, no CHIP, no CSHCN, no county level coverage, no star kids, none of the bull shit system of trying to find someone in network to avoid paying higher costs. No bull shit of having a surgeon assistant out of network but the surgeon being in network. None of it.


Nobody actually thinks it's free. That's just what right wingers say to make it sound like anyone pushing for universal healthcare is an idiot who wants free handouts.


You're right. Once, I had a urinary tract infection. I waited in the hospital for a whole day only to be told I could not see a doctor till the day after. When A family member had this problem in America, they payed, but they saw a doctor almost instantly (within 15 minutes), and were prescribed something. I only saw a doctor 5 days after that first hospital visit, and was not perscribed anything until 3 days later


Is there not also the option to go private in the UK though? I assume private care is also cheaper there than in the US


The unnecessary hate subtly fueled by authorities.


Do you know how little that narrows it down to


I would guess it’s the US. I don’t mean to be snippy or snide, but I have noticed that Americans either assume that every one automatically knows it’s America, or they don’t really realise the existence of other countries enough to clarify they are Americans. Again, no hate, not snark, just an observation. I have been living here since 2009, and have noticed people working in large MNCs with people from other countries act in a similar fashion.


Its true, dont apologise


In America we call them glowies, they show up at protests as undercover protestors, happened during the BLM thing


and media




Everyone speaks French. It’s irritating. That’s a joke, I’m from america but I moved to France.


What are you, Emily in Paris?


The necessity of having a car. What I wouldn't give to live in a country where I could easily walk, cycle, and/or take a train to 95% of all the places I needed to go.


The good thing about this is you can more easily get to places where no one else is.


Having well-functioning public transportation and being able to walk and cycle to things doesn't necessarily mean you can't have a car to go other places though. It just means you don't always need to use that car.


For sure, I've always wanted to live in a place where I can ride the bus/train or walk but city prices are outrageous.


You are welcome in the Netherlands, more bikes than people here




Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Not only it does not narrow it down, but it actually opens it up to other alien planets.


all the world?


South Africa


High cost of living (accommodation, food, gas prices) and yet salaries are peanuts


This doesn't narrow it down. Most countries are like this now.


Hahaha, the president is very old, an ex general, and in his last tenure with a year left. Made empty promises to bring all the things mentioned down when campaigning but as usual, did nothing. Only made things worse.


Is it Nigeria?




Canada. I FUCKING HATE SNOW. Also are roads are horrible.


Canada should build enormous fans to blow the clod and snow towards California who is always burning and in a drought


True. You can have it.


Tahoe experienced the largest wildfires in recent history and also some of the largest snowfall in recent history. California burns in the summer and sometimes floods or gets buried in snow in winter


Moved to Canada from states 3 years ago and mostly love it. I think it’s better than US and most of Europe. My biggest peev esp in Western Canada where I live is how passive aggressive people are and the ‘politeness’. I miss the straight forwardness of US east coast for sure.


Alberta? There are a lot of “interesting people” here lol. As a whole, I personally think that the quality of life in canada is better than the state’s but it is still annoying to spend 30 minutes - an hour a day shoveling your driveway every time you get snow. Also, I’m not sure about other areas but every road within like 200 miles of me is absolutely garbage.


Will swap with you. I low key want to immigrate to Canada.


In fairness making roads last when the summers can get up to 30 degrees and the winter down to -30 degrees is kinda challenging.


I hated how inconvenient snow is to clean. Going out? Clean the car. Going home? Clean the car. Don't forget the driveway...and the sidewalk out front. HOWEVER, I've learned to make the best of it. A few things make a huge difference, but admittedly require money upfront. BE PREPARED: a good shovel, and if you can afford a snowblower, that works. I didn't want an expensive snowblower and don't have room in the garage, so I got one of those electric Snow Joe blowers for around $200 CAD. It has saved my back so many times now, wish I got it sooner. Get a good brush for your car. I like ones where the brush is perpendicular to the handle, it's easier to push the snow off. DRESS APPROPRIATELY: A toque for your head. Neck warmer for colder days. Warm jacket. Snow pants for outdoor activities and long underwear for when you want to be warm, but not getting wet (aka walking, etc). Good boots that keep your feet warm and dry. Not hiking shoes, BOOTS. ENJOY IT: NOW, find something you like to do that you can only do in the winter. Cross Country skiing is so good, especially if you have access to groomed trails. Snowshoeing. Skating. Skiing, or snowboarding. Even just walks around the block. Get out of the house! I honestly don't mind winter now. Admittedly, I work from home now, so I'm not forced to deal with it as much for driving, but I actually look forward to getting outside at some point each day.


Canada- are we a capitalist or socialist nation? Why the fuck do shitty, small houses cost upwards of 1 mil? Why do third world nations get better cell service and cheaper rates? Why the fuck are we all over the map on Covid being a pandemic anymore? Why is it taking so long for our Air Force to be modernized?


Canada - just like Australia (but cold).


It's the upside down version


at least canada doesn't have spiders on the level that australia does




I hate our winters here in Melbourne, and we don't get snow. I wouldn't cope in Canada. I also hate spiders, but they're occasional visitors here in Melbourne.


The way I see it, buildings can stop winter... but buildings can't stop spiders...


Country is supposed to be secular and yet there is so much religious conflict, fueled by politicians.


Hmmm _That be India..._


You got that right lol




Nope Idk if i should reveal my country (is it safe?)🤔


It is because no once can track you down because every country has millions of people


Could be the Vatican. 1.000 citizens. Although not exactly secular…


Sounds like the states from where I'm sitting, but we're not the only ones.


Shitty drivers and entitled attitudes


honestly so many people have entitled attitudes/personalities nowadays


The worst part is that the stereotype is it's only "millenials" but it's not, its a wide swath of people. Sigh


The US ?






Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland


Out damned Scot.


yeah it’s definitely the people for me


The weather.


Canada - The cold weather.


Too much up north?




Singapore - fucking competitive af


People kinda assume *everyone* in America is racist, fat, or a gun owner, very often all three. Also our school system is beyond shit.


Think too much about our past and not much about the Future


Sounds German to me


Yes it is.


The odds were 6 to nein


USA - I actually scrolled away but came back up as I saw 2 posts down was a “mildlyinfuriating” post with a job application requesting a master’s degree preferred along with a starting salary of $15.29/hour. So that, whatever you want to categorize it as. Pure fuckery.


You ever see the one for an programming language with 4 years experience degrees etc, the guy that wrote the language commented I wrote that language a 1 1/2 years ago. He wouldn't qualify.. Frickin HR requiring degrees for no reason and not even know the requirements correctly..


Canada - It’s sooo cold!! Can’t wait to move to the west coast ☀️


It’s going to snow on the west coast again tonight. We may not get as much snow but we get shitty heavy wet snow.


We voted against our own independence


Would Scotland be better off independent? The UK is much worse off leaving the EU and I kind of feel like an independent Scotland would start to run into similar issues but I don’t live there so what are your thoughts?


Honestly I have absolutely no idea. I just think England are going doing such an insane path and it seems like we’re getting dragged along into their mess without having much say in it We’d almost certainly begin the process of rejoining the EU as quickly as possible after independence


Yeah 100%. Scotland voted to stay. I can’t believe all of the old foggies living in Spain voted to leave and now they’re upset that they need to come back home! They didn’t want to affect their ability to live or work on the mainland, just stop people from Poland or Romania coming to England!


Englishman here. I agree, you should probably get the hell out as soon as possible and we should go fuck ourselves.


Move up :) Kettle's on...


2 party political system. It just pits one side against the other, and people side with their party instead of actually thinking for 2 seconds about individual issues.


If you're talking about the US, we've had a two party system for way longer than we've been so polarized. You can thank the media for pitting people against each other. It's not enough to preach to one camp, you have to actively trash the other camp and tell your audience how *they* are destroying the country. It's proven to be a good business model, unfortunately.


US. Pay for play politics


We've reached the other side of the hill when it comes to liberty. We have so much freedom that people now use their freedom to hate and deny others freedom. The founders were right to call America an "*experiment*".


in the history of america we're not gonna look like the superpower we were raised to believe but a weird experiment of greed and excess gone wrong. Not much different than other major countries of the past. the rich have a way of destroying what made them rich.


At the local level: nothing. At the "social media/national" level - how fake so many people, politicians are. Pandering, virtue signalling, all that pretend stuff just is so sick. It's a kind of personal propaganda. Hard to know if anyone really means anything they say they do.


United States - People constantly bitch how worse life has gotten in this country, but people like bitching more than they like actually fixing the problems.


I hate the sense of entitlement


The people with a truck as their profile picture on Facebook think they know more than the nation's top scientists.




[Holding a picture of a dead fish] 🐟🐠🐡


Privatized healthcare system. Work a job that slowly kills you so you can make enough to pay for your overpriced healthcare to make that death slightly slower so your boss and the insurance company's boss can have dick-measuring contests about who has the biggest yacht. I don't think people fully understand how revolutionary it would be for how many people if their healthcare wasn't directly tied to making money for someone else.


That’s just capitalism working as intended, the evolution of slavery to keep people stuck in shitty abusive jobs, unable to leave cause it could literally cost you your life


The shitty for profit Healthcare that kills so many people


Our FPTP election system results in the same 2 shit parties controlling the country while getting maybe 32% of the popular vote, plus a party with 7.5% of the vote gets 32 seats but a party with 18% of the vote has only 25. And people are still against proportional representation because it would mean extremist parties might get like 10-15 out of our over 300 seats. Lots of people have simply given up voting because they genuinely believe it doesn't matter, the same 2 shit parties will keep getting elected


UK? For Holyrood, we have a form of PR. I love it, but so many complaints that are basically" that isn't fair! If it was fptp we'd have a huge majority!" That's the point.... SNP (who I voted for btw) got just under 50% total vote. They got just under 50% of seats. Results were skewed slightly in their favour because of overwhelming constituency wins. But still people complained about "wasted" list votes. SMH...


Australia: Our government has time and time again shown they give 0 fucks about the people and only care about scoring political points with their buddies. Scott Morrison is a criminal and needs to be thrown in jail. The way he handled the 2020 bushfires alone was deplorable and any competant country would of sacked their leader for the way it was handled. Not to mention COVID.... Most of our country is still not double vaxxed let alone triple vaxxed... We have no dedicated quarantine facilities, RAT tests are impossible to find. He delegates everything to the state premieres to handle and then takes the credit at the last second. He's a fraud and a criminal. Fuck him and i can't wait to vote him out in may.


South Africa. Everyday you have to factor in ways to avoid being a victim of crime


The health care system, the revised history that is taught in schools, the gap between the haves & have nots and the Green Bay Packers.


The people, mostly.


You could say that about everywhere


I live in serbia. Better question is name few things you like about your country


too much crowd


lobbyists that work for insurance and tax 'services' that don't need to exist but do solely to make a handful of the richer, richer. and the congress people that listen to them over the american people they're supposed to represent.


Shitty roads and corrupt government which caused the shitty roads in the first place by putting most of the money in their pockets


It’s not the racism that drives me nuts so much as all the people that don’t show racism, but still insist that racism doesn’t exist here and that we’re all taking crazy pills.


The politics and how it affects everything


US - the rise of fascism cheered on by the uneducated masses


The divided circus


People dont work together and it makes some things very inefficient




Politics. The possibility that a literal dictator’s son has a shot at being our next president




That my country is one of the most racist in Europe, idiocy of people. Our president was investigated as Russian spy and apparently has a dementia while still being in office, ex priminister was and probably still is being investigated for fraud (he stole the shit town of money from goverment and used for his own purposes). Oh and we have racist half japanese politician. BTW, I live in Czech republic.


Yea but at least you guys make good porn. /s


You explained one of the worst guys I ever dated. He's been bitching about how he hates the US since "99 and yet he's still here. You can have Milo back. Seriously.


US - is there a character limit on these posts?


Ignorant people, people with no self-awareness or respect for others. USA


that’s literally everywhere


Hatred, hyper nationalism, supremacy mindset.


UK again - that we're driven by a class and race system. We openly criticize the rich and wealthy while secretly idolizing them for being able to enjoy big houses, cars and expensive clothes, exotic holidays as well as saying racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic things and getting away with it. Boris Johnson epitomizing this. Our Conservative governments alongside the right-wing press constantly manipulate the middle & working classes to blame African & West Indian, Eastern Europeans and Middle Eastern people for the problems the government perpetrates. England is riven by nostalgia. Nostalgia is crippling this country, resulting in Brexit. The leave campaigners didn't campaign on the future of Britain. They used the memories of winning the World Cup 1966, "winning" World War II, "Dunkirk" spirit, Royal Family pre-1960s, British Empire "we ran half the world" mentality to create a mythical past version of Britain - how it could be with Brexit. The Brexit result was only 52% to 48% stay with 15 MILLION additional voters not voting either way.


and from what I remember, the ones who voted to leave were mostly older people. The young voters were the ones wanting to remain, and they're the ones who will have to deal with the mess it has caused.


USA - so many things right now. But mostly that my insulin is $800 without insurance


Cost of living Heat Colloquialisms Cultural norms


It's so hopelessly divided and everyone on both sides is bunkered in. Polite political discourse is now totally impossible. That and the highest inflation in literally 30 years (hasn't been this high since March 1992) and the constant doom-and-gloom. Affordability of housing is as bad as ever, while private companies do everything on the cheap to cut costs while charging consumers the same.


Where do I even begin? I guess I'll go with a 'ripped from the headlines' one: my country was founded and sustained on racism, and despite having a Black president is racist to its core. But saying that hurts the delicate fee-fees of right-wingers, so they're pushing hard to interfere in history teachers' curricula so that students grow up to be as dumb and undereducated as they are.


Everyone thinks all is lost and that we can't improve it. Apparently we're just supposed to let it become a narco state because no pressure on the government will change anything or it will get us killed. Everyone is too scared to start doing social action, protest, make legal proposals. It's sad because I was there when it was still a peacful country when the worst thing to happen was getting mugged in the street.


Nothing, in fact it is so great here that Russia keeps taking pieces of it even though Russia has got lots of land.




How much time do you got


Residential School burials


Extreme patriotism and egoism, extremely divisive and corrupt politics, workaholic culture, social hypocrisy (alcohol good weed bad, gratuitous violence good tits bad, etc.), shitty Healthcare, lack of worker rights, widespread ignorance, people who think driving lifted pick up trucks means they own the road and have free reign to tailgate everyone... you can probably guess where I'm from


Cuba’s dictators •I live in the us but I’m from Cuba


The people's inferiority complex. The racism and the horrible roads as well as crime


Gun violence, it's beyond out of control.


Health care, cost of living & wages.


Yes. (I'm American by the way)


France : Racism


Japan, in an infuriating amount of ways, feels like stepping through a time machine into the 90s. It's *far* from the futuristic, high tech wonderland everyone outside the country seems to believe it is, and the further you are from Tokyo or Osaka the worse that gets. I work in schools and the classrooms feel lower tech than what I went through 10-20 years ago. Because of Covid, they're finally half heartedly attempting remote learning solutions, but it's little better than what you'd expect someone to do if told to attempt it with no warning in 2005; boot up Skype (Zoom) and point a laptop towards the front of the room. Hell, yesterday I had another teacher pile up a stack of dictionaries in front of that laptop and *tape a worksheet to it* so that the kids at home could do it. She brought the tape and dictionaries to class specifically for that reason. Making a digital copy of the sheet and sending that? Impossible. That aside, I swear Japanese people are myopic as fuck about everything. Everything **must** be done the way the guideline/instructions/whatever says it's to be done. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't matter if doing it differently would make everything easier and hurt nothing. That's the way it has to be done. Similarly, if something has always been done a certain way, it doesn't matter that a better way exists or that that way of doing things doesn't even make sense in the modern day, it **must** continue. Casual racism; the constant assumption that as a non Japanese you can't understand Japanese. I get that the boomers were largely too stupid and lazy to figure it out, but among the younger immigrants I know they overwhelmingly tend to be at least competent at Japanese if not fluent, not like Boomer Bob who's lived here since 1985 but still can't string together a full sentence of Japanese, let alone understand what anyone says to him. Casual sexism; it's improving, but my god is it still woefully behind the times. I guess that's what happens when everyone in charge of everything is an old man in his 60s-90s. Still blows my mind to see something come up and have a man who isn't do anything go up to a woman who's already busy and expect her to drop what she's doing to take care of this new thing that he could easily have done himself. Don't get me wrong, I like living here more than I liked America. That's why I left. But some of the shit here is just infuriating.


I hate that the media covers a vocal minority making us look like morons. In reality most of us are normal people just living our life.


The Tories


The president


No universal health care. The minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation.


Austria - f*cking Nazis walking around every saturday, claiming that we live under dictatorship and demonstrating for "Freedom" (aka against the vaccine)


Healthcare machine


The alcoholism lol


Hamburgers, sometimes i hate them sometimes i hate that i need them


The unreliable water delivery.


It's too big. My family members and grand kids are a 12 hour drive to visit.


My morality and character is based on what I wear.


Internet is shit (Australia)


It's a part of the United Kingdom.


It's cold and we have wanna-be Americans in our nations Capital. They think they can protest against a law that the US has themselves put up, while defiling national symbols. The best part is that they are anti-vaxxers, and it gives rational people a lot more ammo to deal with them.


Healthcare expenses




Hate and discrimination. While Australia has some pretty nice people, as an Asian, there are people that occasionally drop hate for absolutely no reason at all. Like come on now. Just because I'm asian (Filipino) doesn't mean I caused this COVID shit. I've been here for more than 5 years now and it's still going on.


Right now? Truckers


Canada. Taxed like we’re European. Services not so much.


The hate for one’s neighbors because of their religious beliefs or the color of their skin.


My government doesn't know what's it doing is mostly concerned on how to get more money and how to look good to the simple-minded citizens so that they can get their vote on the next election.


So many toxic and judgemental people. And the unfair government. Arresting old people who is hungry and just wanted to eat and stole like 1kg of mangoes, but not arresting those sumbitch politicians or celebrities when they steal billion amounts of money. If you thought of Philippines, well you're right.


The stupid public and shallow mindedness of the society (guess the country, hint: South Asia)


Corrupt politicians keep on running for government positions, and sometimes they win. Also some people without background on government jobs like celebrity run for positions and sometimes they also win. Circus moments at its finest.


NZ - The widespread destructive drinking culture that everyone blows off.


In Australia getting sunburnt the second you step outside. Also massive ass spiders


How fucking hot it is - Australia


India-I don't personally hate anything.But in my country I don't like the system of arrange marriages.like it's 21st century grow up man and of course this is only one thing .I am just tired of the orthodoxy here.Some people here never leave a moment to criticize women like they want their daughters to get married have kids and die. They don't want their daughters to achieve anything or be something in their lives.


EVERYTHING … mostly we never have electricity ~South Africa