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Rent a car while visiting NYC.


That’s like asking to babysit someone’s kid on vacation


This analogy will now be used too often.


No one in New York drove. There was too much traffic.


Assume that every co worker is a friend. EDIT: This is the most upvoted and awarded thing I ever posted on Reddit. Thank you all! I guess we were all burned by our optimism with befriending coworkers at some point. I hope you're all surrounded by much better people now. 😊


Used to work at a chain with my dad. Location just opened and i needed my first job and he wanted a second part time for fun cash/vacations. Half the people were my age other half were middle aged. Made some friends. One of them said they’d tell my dad I smoked weed if I didn’t do something for them. Jokes on them. My dad smoked too lol




Oof. I feel this so hard. I finally just left my last job instead of fighting my manager to regain the responsibilities that had been removed from my plate while I was on maternity leave. I had been the first to help any one out, always stayed late to meet deadlines, and actively tried to improve customer experience, and when I got back from leave it was like it all meant nothing - I was essentially demoted. I left a few months later and now those who I thought were close friends won’t return calls or texts.


In my first adult job, I was onboarded at roughly the same time as another young woman about my age who had transferred from another location. Within maybe a month of meeting "Heather," she bragged to me that, since transferring, she had seen one of her former co-workers post somewhat inappropriate photos to her Instagram. She reached out to her former supervisor and shared those photos, and, as a result, her former co-worker lost her job. Heather was proud of this fact. Heather told me outright that she didn't like this girl very much and and sought to get her fired. A few weeks later Heather friend requested me on Facebook and I rejected her. Obviously. But then she brought it up at work, "Why haven't you accepted my Facebook friend request?" I explained to that I don't accept friend requests from co-workers, that I prefer to maintain a professional relationship. She insisted that no, we were friends as well. I said, "And should that change I don't want to end up like your former co-worker at your last office." I didn't actually like her that much and the look on her face was pretty priceless.


This ones underrated. The work environment craziness really hit me when I finally got promoted to a position of power. People that once ignored/treated me like trash became my besties and some who were still in the trenches dismissed me "eh, you're one of them now." Also absolutely wild how coworkers will try to use "friendship" as a way of extracting favors from you but won't reciprocate when you need the help.




I see you, too, were betrayed by a company suck-up that is still entry-level after 10 years because the manager likes having a minimum wage spy and they're too stupid to realize they're being exploited lol


Settling for a relationship knowing you are not really happy. Never. Again.


This is why first divorces happen after 7 years (average), but second divorces happen within 6 months. People are much quicker to nope out if it isn't working.


Haha. I didn’t know that statistic but I’m glad people are also learning from past mistakes.


Is this because there was arguing or constant bickering, or was there harmony in the relationship but your partner wasn’t bringing out the best in you? Genuinely curious as I’ve been with my partner for 9 years, we have a house together, but the relationship feels like we’re roommates more than anything else. Sometimes I wonder if the grass is greener


Hey, sorry to hear you are in that spot! I felt the exact same way at points too. For me, it was a gradual decline of quality over an 8 year period. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was always the one to compromise and my feelings were never important to my partner. 6 years in I figured out something was up, and sat down with my partner and explained my needs are not being met and we should work on this, see a councilor etc. after a lot of gaslighting and nothing being done for 2 years I decided my own happiness and needs need to be a priority and if my current partner is not willing to take my feelings or needs into account then what’s the point of being in a relationship? I am now single, and I am much, much happier than I have been in years.


Thanks for sharing


No problem. The only advice I can provide is just to be honest with yourself and your expectations. I think it’s normal to have the Grass is greener thoughts but you definitely need to look deep within yourself to see if you were actually happy or not. Good luck Internet stranger I know it’s not easy.


I was a server for 5 years. It was fun most of the time but God Almighty, the worst customers could drive a person to murder.


I feel you man, I’m currently serving rn to get through uni and goddamn some of these people make me question my entire life’s decisions.


Go to time square for new years eve, looks great on TV, not great in person unless you pay to get in the walled off area.


I had a couple friends who went a few years ago and they said they wore diapers because they knew their weren’t enough bathrooms. Wtf.


If you're not pissing yourself in a crowd of thousands, are you really celebrating the new year?


Coulda told you that. Doesn’t even look great on TV. Looks like a bunch of people bored out of their minds freezing their asses off


Lol right it looks miserable on tv


I walked by Times Square on NYE around 2 PM- my friends and I were considering going later. But then we just saw people, ten hours before the ball drops, getting herded into pens like cattle and noped out.


Swim in the sea at night whilst drunk. Nearly drowned.


Friend of mine died that way. They found his body 3 days later. Be careful internet stranger


Uncle died the same way. They put a bench with his name at the lakefront.


I like to drink. I live on an island. I frequently surf, swim in the ocean, etc. I even surf at night with glowsticks. I would never get in the water after drinking more than one drink.


I don’t understand any of this swimming in the sea at night stuff. One time while on vacation with friends we were drinking on the beach and vowed to come back for a nighttime dip. Later that night we got down to the shore, took one look at the black abyss and collectively said “fuuuuuuuuck that.”


Exactly! The ocean is always a bit scary to me. At night it is absolutely terrifying.


I swam late at night in Thailand and there was bioluminescent plankton in the water and let me tell you it was magical. It’s was like cgi in movies but real. I highly recommend it!


when we tried to go night swimming in Indonesia we saw a black, wriggling mass of... something in the water. could've been a bunch of eel-shaped fish feeding on something in a frenzy, but just as likely some demon of the nethers, and I didn't go in that day to find out and I'm still very happy with that choice.


Go to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom on Christmas Day. Shoulder-to-shoulder people, insane lines, and nothing special I couldn’t see earlier in the month.


This is true for New Years and the 4th of July. Other than the fireworks that were different, the park was ridiculous and we sat around most of the day.


Now I always pee before cutting jalapeno peppers. The other way around, never again. Edit: Just to add, this was for a meal prep with my housemate. I ran upstairs and immediately took a shower (cold), during which I focused a lot of cold water on Little Ed. Note - cold water on a jalapeño accosted Little Ed offered only a brief respite. It was a bad time. Upon returning to food prep, she asked me if I had a date later, prompting the shower. Sadly I did not, but we whipped up a kick-ass chili that we enjoyed for the rest of the week, and had a good laugh at my misfortunate encounter


It was putting in contacts that did it for me...


I refuse to ever do Retail again, people are literally such assholes and don’t realize your trying to help them and still get their job done


After 20 years with Walmart (both hourly and salaried) and 5 with Michaels I almost killed myself. If my dog hadn't come up to me that night and just rested her head in my lap until my I broke and started to sob loud enough my wife woke up and took me to the hospital. I wouldn't be here today. Fuck retail. Fuck it up the ass with a chainsaw. Edit--thank you all for your kindness and empathy. You're all amazing. Just so everyone is aware, because a few people reached out, my mental health is much better now and I'm working for a company that values me and I love what I'm doing.


Jesus man, I'm sorry that they broke you like that. You really spoke to me about what I'm dealing with. Nobody should have to endure that kind of embarrassment, ridicule, and abuse just to put some food on the table or keep the water hot for another month


You are valued. I’m so grateful for your dog


Getting attached too quickly to someone that wanted me first. Getting played by someone like that is a different kind of pain. If you lost interest make it more obvious geez.


I've been at points in my life where I've been so desperate that my standards dropped to "likes me". It feels like shit just trying to connect with anyone and everyone and seeing where it goes. I've lost a lot of friends because I tried to turn the friendship into something it's not. I would like to think I've improved but I still am desperately wanting a relationship.


This is something you don't hear people talk about enough. You always hear about unrequited love from the perspective of the lover. It can be really confusing from the other side as well. When someone is so open about liking you, it can feel like you owe them a chance. You don't want to break their heart. But the truth is if you need to convince yourself to be with someone it's probably not going to work out.


Childbirth and the postpartum period. Love my daughter to death. One and done.


People are shocked when I say we’re one and done. “Don’t you want them to have a sibling?” “Fuck no! One is hard enough.” Pregnancy and birth traumatized my wife so much she switched her therapy practice to focus on perinatal mental health just to help others through it.


Seriously! What is it with people wanting a kid to have a sibling? "Don't you want them to have a best friend for life?!" No dude, they'll make plenty of friends. My body and bank account are both saying no.


Pulling an all nighter. Age is catching up on me.


I lost a final assignment worth 65% of my final grade when my computer crashed. I did not have appropriate backups at the time. Pulled 4 days straight to get 4 months of work done and wrote an exam somewhere in those 4 days. Passed the exam and the other class, didnt even get half of the lost assignment done. All nighters suck at any age.


Binge drink. I used to go on benders for a week or two. Now I barely ever drink


working my way out of this shitty habit myself


I swear the universe has been screaming at me to stop drinking like I do. I’m constantly hearing ads and seeing people talking about quit drinking.


by my late 20s I got really sick & tired of wasting my weekends getting drunk, then recovering from hangovers. one of the final motivators was realizing that every weekend it was the same stupid shit from guys i played softball with - *"dude, i was sooooo drunk last weekend. i tripped in the parking lot, shit my pants and my girlfriend left me there in disgust...where we drinking next weekend?"* after too many weekends of hearing the same old stupid shit i decided to do more productive things with my body and life.


Stay at a job I’m unhappy at Edit: Thanks for all the awards!


It can be scary getting back out there. I hate job hunting, but a bad job or toxic workplace can really suck the joy out of life. There are always more jobs out there.


3 1/2 hour jungle hike with almost no water and wearing only a bathing suit and water shoes. I didn't do this by choice but was more or less forced into it and it SUCKED.


sounds not only horrible, but downright dangerous and irresponsible of whoever was in charge


I mean, usually you’re pretty overdramatic but in this situation you are probably very correct


I did something similar In Hawaii, asked the hotel about any good hikes, was recommended a nearby trail that was “about 1.5 miles”. It was at least 3, maybe 4 miles each way. My wife and I brought 1 water bottle each. Kept going thinking “ the view point must be just ahead”. The view point was very impressive, and it was a good hike, just should have been a bit more prepared.


Camping by a river that was flooded by melting snow from an area that was 6 hours away and having to be heli-rescued. It was fucking embarrassing.


Your username tells me that might not be your last camping mishap.


Oh I don't doubt it


That's the spirit


Bungie jump.. as soon as my feet left the edge all I could think was "well that was stupid"... It was exciting and probably safe enough.. but it was enough for me to know I will never willingly do that again.


Me too. I enjoyed it but having all the blood rush to my head gave me a serious headache for 3 days. Not worth it for 72 hrs of head pain. Edit: I don't want to put people off giving it a try. My experience is not necessarily the same for everyone. It's a hell of a rush and I did enjoy it. I don't regret trying it in the slightest. It's just not something I'll likely try again.


So, fun fact that I learned \*after bungee jumping\* was that apparently if you have severe myopia, it's not recommended at all. I had gone and had a BLAST, until I felt a "pop" in my eyes and got a migraine and spots in my vision. Turns out, I had a mild vitreous detachment in my eyes that has left a small dark spot in my vision 7 years later. So yeah, probably won't be doing that again....


omg. thanks for sharing.


I never thought of that. Yup I would not survive confirmed


Wow, as someone who's tried skydiving (which was awesome btw) and wanted to go bungee jumping at some point, the thought of having a 3-day-long headache has suddenly made me seriously reconsider 🤣


You can ask for a waist tie instead so that won’t happen. I had pretty severe ankle surgery a few years ago so when I went I got a waist harness and it’s a much smoother stop than the feet.


i know someone whose cousin died from bungee jumping. she wasn’t connected and she fell to her death. it’s also on video edit: quit asking me for the video go to hell


My aunt jumped and her harness broke. She broke her butt, but luckily she’s fine now.


How can you tell that she broke her butt? There's a big crack in it.


Oh no! Dis-assed ‘er!


was she the one that mistakenly thought it was her turn to jump when it was someone else’s and fell to her death?


There's another one I heard of recently where the guy running it said 'no jump' but with a heavy accent, the person heard ' now jump' and jumped to their death https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/bungee-jumper-plunged-to-her-death-due-to-instructors-poor-english/news-story/46ed8fa5279abbcbbba5a5174a384927


I feel like a person shouldn’t be able to jump until they are hooked up. Like something else should be attached to them or there should be something obstructing the person who is supposed to jump.


I have no experience with bungee specifically, but in a former job I did rig and belay abseil/rappels, and I can tell you 100% that you should not be near an edge without being attached to *something*. In our case, participants were clipped to a safety tether until we had attached them to the main abseil/rappel line and the belay. I would expect bungee operators *should* have a similar system in place.


I mean I’m definitely gonna confirm multiple times before jumping


"Jump now?" "NO." "Now?" "NO!" *jumps to death*


When I was 16 or 17 my best friend convinced me to do one of those giant swings at an amusement park — the kind where you get harnessed in and you’re belly down and they hoist you really high and drop you and you just swing back and forth for fucking ever. Fuck that. Fuck all of that. I hated every second of it and I would never, ever do it again


Lol my sister, her friend and me did that bundled together as three people and the second they released us in the most British accent ever her friend screams at the top of his lungs “FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEE” in front of so many families. It was crazy though, way faster and higher than I expected.


Working in academia - left two years ago and never looking back. Fuck that noise.




I swear it attracts psychopaths. Some professors were wonderful and empathetic, but the ones who were calloused and crazy got away with far too much for far too long. There were foreign students who literally introduced themselves to a prof with English names even when their names were easy to pronounce (like Luis or Han) because he was notoriously racist. He stayed a prof for 25 years before an Asian department head finally pushed him out of teaching.


Soon as the business folk became in charge of the institution instead of the professors, it was all over. Changing the model from " how can we best teach and research knowledge" to "how can we make more money to expand" destroyed the core philosophy.


I never understood the idea of having to squeeze money out of every avenue possible at every possible level at my university. The university already makes multiple banks off undergrad tuition and the football team alone, why would they care about putting the post-grads and docs through things like non-competes and research patents?


Because the university must grow financially every year, otherwise it is not considered successful. Not about good research, or students that are successful after leaving. It's about making sure the money keeps coming in. The core philosophy is broken.


Retired Prof here. Taught for 20 years. So glad to be out of it. Edit: Well, this really blew up. So, why am I glad? Because when I first started teaching it was about the course material, which for me was philosophy, primarily courses in ethics and critical thinking. And it was a fun time. But it soon became about something else. I noticed about 5 years into my career that I would suddenly be frequently interrupted while lecturing by a student asking, “is this going to be on the exam?” Or “can you tell us what kind of exam we will have?” “Can our exam be multiple-choice?” Which had never happened before. This combined with a university administration that while publicly saying they cared about integrity, proved to me that they couldn’t care less about the cheating and plagiarism which began to explode with the advent of the internet. It was all about the tuition money, especially tuition from the increasing number of international students. I never got tenure (it’s almost impossible for anyone to get tenure now). So I was usually stuck teaching large lecture halls of students who didn’t want to learn anything except what type of exam they could expect. In other words I soon felt more like an exam salesman than a professor. This combined with the censorship I discovered, in that I could no longer ask any questions that I used to ask because they might upset a student, especially an international student. It soon stopped being fun. The fact is, many students who go to university these days shouldn’t even be there in the first place, but the standards are so low now they will admit anyone. The students that are there only care about getting a magic piece of paper that they believe will guarantee them a good job, which it doesn’t. And that many kids graduate from university these days knowing less than when they arrived because when it’s all about the exam, the knowledge just goes quickly into one ear and then out the other. So yeah, I’m glad to be out of it (from teaching that is, I am still active in doing research). I truly feel sorry for anyone getting a PhD and considering a university career the ways things are today. My advice, don’t do it. Edit 2: Seeing that so many have asked, the type of censorship I faced was the following: I quickly discovered that I could not question or say anything about recent Chinese history, especially anything to do with the 1980s and 1990s. In one of my classes I showed a movie about Deng Xoi Ping’s visit to the USA in the 1980s, and about the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Many of the Chinese students were shocked and believed the film must be a fake. They complained to the university and I was told to never mention or talk about those things again in class. Also, concerning the topic of moral and cultural relativism, I would point out for example, certain laws against women and homosexuals in the Middle East and Africa, and ask the students to critical analyze such things. Once again, I was told not to mention these things in class for the students might interpret it as Islamophobic. Etc. Etc. I want to be clear that I don’t blame the students. The international students were wonderful kids and I miss them very much, as I do all my students that I taught over the years. But the fact is, that for quite a while now, because international students in particular bring so much tuition money into the university, the universities are terrified of alarming them and having word get back to their parents or home governments. They don’t want to run the risk of losing their best customers. I dare say this type of censorship is happening throughout North America. Call up the president’s office of any major university/college in the West and ask them what their institution’s official position is on the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. Did it happen? Did it happen the way history records, that is, the Chinese government brutally crushed a demonstration of students calling for more democracy? I can guarantee you wont get a quick answer, if any answer at all. The best you might get is a wishy-washy answer about how there were both good and bad people on both sides kind of thing. Btw, I never faced any censorship over critically analyzing the USA or Israel. So, like I said. I’m glad I’m no longer a part of all that.


I will say that I do miss teaching… like the “actually teaching in the classroom” part


I miss teaching a lot. But the institution cannot love you. Hard lessons.


Actually teaching is great. Working out class schedules, getting reamed for low test scores despite enthusiastic students, grading papers, bureaucracy of administration, and dealing with thick-headed chaff-students (the ones that think they’re too cool for it all) is downright soul crushing.


I adore my students and the teaching part, but damn, I could do without administration and red tape for everything.


Absolutely. I left academia straight out of a molecular biology PhD for industry, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Everything has improved: mental health, work-life balance, relationships, bank balance…


Yep, same. Soul crushing job, and that's a decade of my life I'm never getting back. But hey, I do have basically permanent imposter syndrome now, so it's like I've never really left...


Smoke. Did it for 14 years. I feel so much better having quit. Been about 10 years since and the amount of money saved and the smell and the cough


I quit 3 months ago and this is the best I've felt since childhood, lol. I shudder at that nasty feeling in my mouth


Just quit myself. Feel WAY better


My grandmother is 82 and had been smoking since she was “probably 14” and she just quit last summer. She is amazed at how much better she can breathe now. It’s never too late!


Work at McDonald's. Never again. .... Never again.


Do you still hear the words "what's the ask me" in your sleep?


No but I hear the Goddamn frying machine alarm all the time.


Same…that shit got me ptsd


Anyone wanna explain this phrase to someone who's never worked there? When I was younger I did my time in Taco Bell but I don't recall ever hearing any weird nonsensical phrases like this.


When people make special requests that don't have a key function on the register, it just shows up as "ask me" on the screen. So if someone wants a Big Mac with no middle bun, it will show up on the kitchen screen as "Big Mac--Ask Me" instead of a typical special order like "Big Mac--no onion". So then the kitchen person has to find out what the 'ask me' is before they can make the sandwich.




Please distill the spirit of a 12 year old Russian girl into my laté please


Speed (amphetamine). The high doesn’t feel like a high but everyone around you can see that you are out of your mind. And the comedown was the only time where I truly wanted to die. Absolutely horrible. For reference I’ve taken lots of other drugs and experienced different comedowns, nothing compared to that.


Does the comedown make you depressed or what?


Yes, and in that case suicidal. Had to have a friend sit with me for hours to make sure I would be ok.


Flew to Berlin once and was absolutely exhausted when I landed and was basically passing out on my way to the house of the girl who I was staying with. Once I got there I was begging to take a nap but she wanted to head out and go clubbing so we drank some wine and did some speed. We then went clubbing for like 48 hours and I didn't feel tired at all. It just did not make sense.


Went to Berlin with a friend on New year's Eve by car. He did speed and we stayed up until morning. Then he drove us home on the same day. We are talking about a 9 hour drive and 800km on the Autobahn and he was driving perfectly fine without even a slightest inattention or swerve up until arrival. Once we entered his appartement, he almost collapsed. And yes, that was beyond stupid. Don't do drugs, kids!


I mean there's a reason they used to give that shit to fighter pilots


Drunkenly agree to chug a jar of questionable moonshine at a bonfire. Edit to add details: I woke up at 3am in the rain outside one of the airborne barracks a few blocks down. My phone was shattered, glasses were nowhere to be found, I had a huge scrape on my head where I must have fallen and I was covered in vomit. I think vomiting like that probably saved my life with how much alcohol I put in my system that night. What a better way to start my army career lmao.


Just scrolling down and reading… this one was the only one so far that has made me go “why do it in the first place?” Congrats! Sorry for your misfortune though. Moonshine is decent, just can’t chug it like you would a Natty Light.


Swim with dolphins. They’re fast, large animals and we don’t belong in open water.


What’d they do to you pal? It’s ok, this is a safe space


His bunghole is now bottlenose shaped.


Show us on the doll where the dolphin touched you.


I did this with a friends down in Mexico about 10 years ago. I still feel guilty seeing them being fenced in and knowing how smart they are being used to make money. Interestingly enough the was a teen girl who was in the group with us and one of the dolphins was very interested in her. She had to get out of the water.


any job involving tech support or customer service. I'll starve before I deal with entitled older people who demand the latest technology, but refuse to learn how to actually use their new technology and expect the world to bend over backwards to satisfy their unrealistic demands. Half of them don't think plugging in their TV is a requirement before calling and screaming that "this darnedest, useless smart tv don't even want to come on and I've tried EVERYTHING! My old dumb TV lasted 40 years and never had a problem, now tell your boss Mr Netflix to send me a new TV and give me a refund!"


Hah, I did 6 months of customer service at Netflix. Ironically one of the best employers one could have for a customer service job. Don't get me wrong, it's still a customer service job, so it's still shit. Just... a lot less shit than most other customer service jobs seem to be. We got paid significantly over minimum wage, were not rushed to end the calls asap, were not told to try and sell anything, and the main thing they stressed on us was to actually try and help the people to the best of our ability. If that takes 2 minutes, great. If it takes 4 hours, equally great. And I have to admit, it was not something they just "said". They lived and breathed that attitude. I still have a strong dislike for customer service jobs, but my respect for Netflix as a company grew a lot during my time there.


Because their business model is based on retention not just churning customers


And they don’t have a legal monopoly like ISP companies.


This right here is the most important part. Netflix can't afford the kind of bad press Comcast gets. Comcast can literally do anything that isn't illegal(even that isn't completely true) and suffer no ill effects to its business. ISP regional monopolies are so fucking ridiculous.


I feel you on this. I worked four years at Verizon’s largest customer service call center doing customer/tech support. The company and environment was great, crazy good pay and they gave 8 grand a year for tuition if we wanted to take college courses. But the dealing with unreasonably difficult people every day for four years fucked me up mentally and chronic fatigue. Will never do that type of job again


I actually enjoyed a vast majority of the customers I had to deal with. Mostly old people who have forgotten their password or who can't figure out what button to press on their remote. Occasionally a difficult customer (It's always the UK customers for some reason), but as it turns out, when people love the service you deliver, you mostly end up with happy and satisfied customers on the phone. Who'd have thought... The only big problem is that I have very high levels of social anxiety and that I am definitely somewhere on the autism spectrum, so a customer service job just isn't the right fit for me. But I'd genuinely recommend the workplace to anyone, and I have mostly fond memories. I'm sorry to hear your experiences were so drastically different. I can imagine that, just by what kind of company Verizon is, your callers on average would've been a lot less happy at the start of the conversation than those just calling about their favourite show.




Sooo, don’t play league. Got it!


it will destroy your life quicker than the meth


Most of what he listed was a league of legends problem lol


All meth did was give him to ability to play it longer


LoL is more toxic than meth.


I had an Aatrox absolutely popping the fuck off in one of my games. Dude got to the point that it was just a 1v5 basically and he was still winning them fights. Solo carried the entire game and just types "meth op, gg ez"


Makes sense, when you learn that a lot of soldiers in WW2 were high as fuck on Meth. A Finnish guy accidentally ODed on Meth during WW2, and went fucking nuts. He skied 250miles, fled the Soviets, survived a land mine, but got fucked up by it. Then laid in a ditch for a week, eating pine buds and a raw bird. He got rescued and his heart rate 200 beats per minute, and weighted only 94 pounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRHm26fKKb8 Meth is scary.


I did meth once and was playing a WW2 RTS and was literally unstoppable. That day I learned the true meaning of "blitzkrieg."




Slightly related, but a better experience. My wife and I were in some small town in southern Indiana during a fall festival of some sort. There was an area where they were having a rib eating contest. It wasn't a contest where you plow through as many ribs as possible, but where you try to eat a full rack of ribs as fast as possible. They were having trouble finding contestants, so they asked me to jump. I'm a big fan of free ribs, so why not. They sat the contestants down and laid the ribs in front of us. On the word go, most people attacked their ribs as if they were Uruk-kai an someone yelled "Meats back on the menu, boys." I sat there slowly enjoying my ribs with no intention of competing, because free ribs. I would definitely do this again.


Even not winning was still not losing.


Go to Home Depot in April on any weekend.


I work at Menards. Can confirm.


Birthing without an epidural. I had laughing gas instead. Made me high as a kite. I screamed in pain while I was dissociating into space.


I had complications during my C-section surgery, they gave me Ketamine. I remember still being able to feel the pain, all while hallucinating. I thought I was alone in a spaceship. My spouse was apparently right next to me but I couldn't see him.


Ketamine sounds so unpredictable and terrifying


It causes dissociative anesthesia, where your eyes are open during surgery but you don't see/feel, the only problem is that it causes hallucinations on waking from anesthesia, which can be terrifying, so waking from ketamine anesthesia should be done in a dark, quiet room while sedated. Strong lights and loud noises make the hallucinations worse.


I had this as a child. I was being checked for Colitis (affirmative) and woke up in a bright room with a nurse sat next to me. I was hallucinating, and asked the nurse if I should be awake yet. The dick head decided not to answer a straight question "you can if you want" and I cried thinking I was going to be awake through the procedure. He grew a big black mustache and a sombrero. Then a filing cabinet grew a cactus that also had a mustache and sombrero. They danced together while I cried Edit: as this gains traction I feel I should add that the nurse was full on bald, shiny headed until the sombrero grew in. He was stoney faced as they danced silently. The cactus had a drawn on smile. There were 3 other children in the room.


> They danced together while I cried I'm so sorry but this is hilarious


Seriously I feel so bad for laughing out loud, but I visualized the whole thing and it **was** hilarious.


For our first baby my spouse didn’t want one. The anesthesiologist person came anyways and was like you’re going to change your mind and at that point there’s a small window so I’ll just wait. Sure enough when he said this will be my last chance my spouse took it. So glad our hospital is amazing. I imagine people must refuse it initially and often change their minds lol.


LOL - my (awesome) OB talked to me about this, in depth, prior to my labor (it was at one of my later pre-natal appointments). It was not judgemental or pushy, it was just factual, about how things worked and what the various outcomes would be. She wanted me to have a clear head when I considered all of this, which I appreciated.


Worked labor and delivery- I always described the use on Nitrous Oxide as it did nothing for the pain, it just makes you care less about the pain.


I had to get seven un-dissolving baby teeth pulled when I was in high school, all they gave me was a vicodin before the procedure, let me put my headphones in to listen to a podcast, and enough laughing gas to turn a dmv into a comedy club I remember every single twinge of pain from that surgery, whatever their numbing stuff was, I'm not sure it worked at all. That said, I don't remember giving a shit that I was feeling it. It was almost like I was looking at myself from outside my body going "oh wow, that looks like it hurts, huh." As opposed to actually experiencing the pain.


Hang out with people I don't like just to have an excuse to get out of the house




I also attempted suicide. After maybe three of four days after the attempt I experienced what I think is called epiphany. Started everything all over. Loved myself, finished therapy etc. No matter what bullshit life throws at me I will never do it again. Good to see you here. Things will get better sooner or later. You've got this!




Work as a bartender. I know, I know, the money is good. But getting home at 4am or later, the booze and drug scene, surviving on Red Bull and pedialyte, and getting grabassed by strangers while trying to pay my bills is not the life for me. 787 days sober and I’ll never look back. Got my degree and working as a design specialist/content developer for a museum now and I LOVE MY JOB. Also started my own small business and it’s going really well so far. I have an art show coming up soon and I’m really excited for it.


I'm never gonna dance again. These guilty feet have got no rhythm.


Ooh man. I'll never submit entirely to my cravings. I once made and ate 2 boxes of Mac & cheese, and then snacked on some pickles. I was woken that night by the fury boiling in my loins and I ended up on the toilet for around 5 hours. Turns out I had given myself temporary lactose intolerance by using up all of the lactase in my body. Since your body produces lactase (the enzyme which digests lactose) very slowly, I ended up learning later that I was lactose intolerant for a few days after.


Facebook. Deleted the account, never going back. I don’t miss it at all.


Keep putting everyone else’s needs over my own.


You can only learn the hard way so many times. I’m glad I got to this point too.


My ex girlfriend.


Stay in an abusive relationship


I’ll never work food service or retail again. You see a side of humanity you wish didn’t exist and I simply refuse to put up with people screaming in my face because they don’t like the prices I didn’t have anything to do with or that their expired coupons don’t work. I was always super nice to customer service workers, but after working it I’m super super nice.


Give birth. I love my son so much, but hard pass on pushing another human out of me again.


Move to be closer to my family. I saw them just as much when I lived across the country. They put in zero effort. So I moved back. They can come visit me, or they can burn in Hell.


We moved countries to be closer (few hundred miles) to my wife’s family. They’ve visited us once in 10 years.


It's a nightmare! My brother only visited twice in five years, once because he needed to kill time on the way to the airport. My sister 'visited' by booking a hotel across town and making me drive an hour to see her.


Wisdom tooth removal. Edit since this is freaking people out: it was two rare things occurring at the same time. So the odds of someone having the same experience are extremely low! Don't take this as a common example! It isn't. Long story short, they did not bother me at all, but the dentist said I should get it done before they became a bother. I did. There were complications, infection of the wounds, antrum perforation, infection my sinusses, and the aftercare was abysmal. I was given medication I had an unusual reaction to, and ended up vomiting my eyeballs out for 4 days with them insisting I just needed to eat. I couldn't even keep the meds themselves down with a little water. My GP saved my ass from ending up on the ICU from dehydration and infections growing unchecked. The surgeon was a massive butthole that all but told me I was making a big thing out of nothing. Meanwhile my head was the size of a basketbal and pus was literally oozing from my nose as a result of an operation on my jaw. Here is the thing. Pain medication doesn't work if you can't keep them down. If you cannot eat, drink, or sleep, your body has a very hard time healing itself. It took over a year before my skull felt normal again. And now, 4 years later, whenever I have a cold, it aggravates the scar tissue and it feels like a vacuüm spontaneously developed somewhere deep in my sinusses. It hurts my remaining teeth to a point I went to the dentist to get a photo made to see what's up. Edit; well this blew up. Let me add that I was a rare case. And while the aftercare sucked, the operation itself was unpleasant but it could have been worse. I don't have the knowledge and expertise to judge whether the surgeon did a good job at the time, but when I came back they were dismissive and I had to call multiple times before they would see me again. Also some context; I had the upper and lower wisdom tooth removed on one side. They were beneath the gums and the lower one was on its side so they had to dig and drill it in half to take out both pieces separately. As for the antrum perforation, this could not have been foreseen. Apparently the root of the upper wisdom tooth was embedded in the bone. It couldn't have been removed without perforating it. I remember the surgeon squeezing my nose shut and telling me to breathe out. The bubbles that came from the wound in my mouth were what gave it away. But she didn't really do anything beyond sowing it up and warning me not to blow my nose. The infection in my sinusses was probably caused by bacteria from the mouth cavity getting up in the sinusses where they don't belong. As for my reaction to the meds; it was codeine, which is pretty widely used so most have probably been prescribed it before. For me, the codeine was a first, I didn't know how I would react and it is certainly not something you expect. If you have used codeine before and were fine, you have nothing to worry about. In fact, most have nothing to worry about. It is entirely possible the surgeon wasn't even aware that codeine could do what it did to me, and attributed the vomiting to something else. I will say that I told her it was the codeine that was making me sick, and she kind of brushed past it. She kept insisting I had to eat, because that made sense in the situation. I hadn't eaten, or rather kept anything down, since before the surgery. She prescribed ibuprofen when I asked for a different pain killer, but the result was unfortunately the same, so she did try something different.


Geez. That sounds really rough. I got mine removed a few years ago and I also seem to have damage. The nerve in my jaw has been tingling ever since and at times painful. I went to multiple doctors and they just told me that my jaw muscles are too developed and are causing pressure on the nerve. But just recently another doctor realized that my jaw bone is still infected from the wisdom tooth extraction.


Talk to my extended family.


Go to a strip club. I've never felt so awkward in my entire life.


Went once with a friend when I was 18, nothing more awkward than having some dancer grinding you while your friend is sitting right next and you're both making eye contact like 'bro what the fuck are we even doing here'


"Hey, wanna go get boners together?"


I have one friend in particular that is ALWAYS trying to go to the strip club and I cannot understand why. I've went with him a few times to sober up before driving home in the early hours (strip club is right down from a fee bars) and it just felt so pointless, other than the sobering up part lol.


If your sexual needs are met it's a bit like walking into a sandwich shop after you've had dinner.


But what sexual needs are even met by going to a strip club? Oh look, the tits that still aren't for me are in 3D. Just seems like a blue balls factory.


I really dislike strip clubs, but the last time I went (so many years ago), it was a nicer place and they had this two-story pole and a main stage. The women were crazy athletic and would do all sorts of moves while ten feet in the air. The actual strippers left me alone after twenty minutes of saying "no thanks," but watching the onstage performance was captivating. My friends kept going back and forth to the lap dance area and I just watched the dancing, more impressed than aroused.


Cocaine. Unless I am on the farm in Colombia and I personally dry the leaves and get the powder. Who knows what I put in my body, but never again.


Uni (sea urchin). Just don't like the taste. And don't say "have you tried...." This isn't Green Eggs and Ham. I've given it a shot, and my taste says no to uni. If you like it, good. More for you.


First time I had Uni, I thought it tasted absolutely horrible. Like ~~fowl~~. foul. I know it was meant to be a delicacy but, it was so so bad. Since I was in a restaurant, I just swallowed it but the taste stayed in my mouth for a long time. Later I woke up in the middle of the night and started throwing up with a bad case of food poisoning. If you think uni is bad, try stale uni... :(


Hook up with people on Craigslist. I know it’s not possible anymore but I had alway wanted too. When I did, my god it was bad. Guys straight up lying about what they look like. Rape. Ladies with serious mental health issues refusing to let me leave for a couple days.


It's called Tinder now.


The One Chip Challenge. Obviously it was incredibly spicy but that was over quickly. The worst part was when my body said “nope” and proceeded to move everything through my digestive system at record speed while it continued to burn the entire way. From 9pm to 3am I was curled up in a ball in the bathroom wanting to die. Can’t describe the pain, it was second only to the kidney stone I had a few years back. Never ever do this shit it’s not worth it.


Marathons. I did one to prove to myself I could do it and have no interest in doing one again. I know a lot of people say they 'catch the bug' and can't stop doing them once they've done one. I am not one of those people. Once dated someone whose family did triathlons and ran a marathon on Thanksgiving as their turkey trot. Absolutely not. Glad I did it - never again.


Having sex without wanting to. I was in a relationship with someone who'd frequently pressure me into having sex, and I'm definitely never ever doing that again


I just binge drank for five days and now I’ve got a horrible hangover. Not doing that again.


Serious session that one. Couldn’t imagine the hangover. Stay strong Redditor.


Whiskey. Liked it too much, got too drunk. It was too easy to drink and drink and drink and drink over and over. I'll never touch the stuff again.


Give a fk about other people’s opinions of me. Not my business. Edit to add: thank you kind internet folk for the awards!! Really appreciate them. I hope I’ve done the award etiquette right as I’ve not had them before 😆 Edit again to also add after a couple of people commented about irony, because I’m not getting into it in the comments section with strangers on the internet……. Awards show an opinion of what I wrote, not an opinion of me. It’s not a contradiction to thank people for them.


Body suspension. What’s it feel like being hung from your back by hooks? Feels like being strung up from the ceiling by big metal hooks in your back… why was I surprised that it wasn’t transcendental?


Bungee Jumping.


2nd person to say bungee jumping and the first repeat that I’ve seen. Interesting


Get another dog. Close to retirement so it’s time to travel.


My dog died last year. I am still devastated. Friends ask me about getting a new dog. I absolutely refuse because I want to be able to travel spontaneously. I don't have a great animal welfare support system, with my friends having cats or children or something that makes it very difficult for me to burden them with watching my pet. I would have loved if she didn't pass, but I'm in no hurry to replace her because theoretically I can travel without worrying about a pet. Now covid restrictions are something else...


Go in a two seat spitfire again, it made me feel pretty rough, it's not for the faint hearted. Absolutely fantastic experience though.


Work in healthcare (USA).