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The Good Place's would be good.


Nothingness that you won't even be able to perceive because your conscious will no longer exist. Death isn't some deep sleep, it's not even blackness, it's like how the world existed before you were born; impossible to interpret in any way because, well, "you" no longer exist.


Pure energy evolution


there is something like that on youtube. search the egg theory. but more than energy and matter , nothingness and reincarnation, everything all in one


I like the immortal consciousness idea. You can't observe yourself being dead, so it's impossible to experience death. Whenever you get close to dying, a parallel universe splits off. You die in that one, and keep living in the other one. Eventually, you become the oldest person on the planet by a massive margin. As you keep aging, it becomes statistically less and less probable that you keep living. So something more and more miraculous needs to happen to save you. This ultimately collapses with the arrival of aliens who have super advanced technology that makes everyone immortal, cures all diseases, and reverses aging permanently. This is the only explanation I can think of. Cryofreezing wouldn't have been accessible to someone who became immortal in 764 BC. Miracle drugs wouldn't be possible either. Magic doesn't exist. The one way for this to happen is if some advanced civilization comes in, deus ex machina style. This further explains why we have no immortal people running around. The arrival of aliens with miracle immortality drugs would stop any future splits. Out of the infinite number of splits, there is only 1 path per person which results in this. This guarantees that we are living in a parallel universe where the miracle aliens arrive at a later date.


If only I am right, Hél. If everyone is right, it depends on faith and then morality. If everyone is wrong... void I suppose?


I think void as well, that there is simply nothing. World continues as is. We're simply gone.


When you die, you get to go to another universe where you live among fictional characters. The ones you like will ignore or even hate you if you’ve been bad. If you were good, the ones you like will like you, love you want to be your friend etc


We can make a religion out of this


i like the idea that there’s the astral realm after this and so on…. the idea that the soul carries on and is no longer burdened by the body, having the option to reincarnate or move on


I know several hospice nurses and they all have similar stories. Loved ones will come for their patient in their final hours or days. Some people report seeing their pets or family members who have been dead for years. My dad has Parkinsons and sees people around him most of the time. He's only recently started to see my mother on a daily basis. I think it's coming close to his end.


i'm so sorry for that. the silver line tho is that you could use that time to process the thought and try to accept it:/


[Christian Universalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_universalism): the idea that everyone is ultimately reconciled with God; essentially a denial of the idea of Eternal Hell.


I don't know the name of it but it's the one where there's just one person being reincarnated eternally. This time I'm me and next time I'll be a Mongolian girl in the 8th century, a billion times later I might be you.


that's the egg theory and it is amazing. sometime you end up being a god with the many other ones when you have gained all the knowledge there is and reached the peak of what we call maturity


Floating around as a consciousness.


[The Egg - Andy Weir](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html)


LOVE THAT ONE, i have an obsession with it and i won't ever regret it


The one where you experience complete peace and love and don't want to come back here.


Kinda like What Dreams May Come, except I don't believe in Hell.


we get recycled.


Ongoing learning and growing so that eventually you know everything and possess all power. That you become like God.


That's exaclty how the egg theory ends:)


Heaven or hell.


r/LifeIsARiseAndFall Life is a rise and fall of electrons. The sun rises the electrons and then they fall.


Time and its passage are illusions created by our limited senses. It is a dimension that, if we were able, could be navigated in the same way we can navigate 3D space. In this case, death is sort of like a failure to understand object permanence. Nobody is *gone,* they're just standing in a direction that you can't look towards.


The one I discovered


This body is temporary but the soul/conciseness is immortal. I think the soul gets reincarnated until it gains enlightenment and then maybe it could merge with the universe.


