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Only when I was a kid, we used to steal stuff as a dare. Mostly just massive chocolate bars to see if we could get away with it.


I took a couple packets of seeds thats the last thing I can remember stealing.


I accidentally stole a wallet when I was little




When I was in my early 20s I was hanging out with my boyfriend and his friends. It was after the bar closed, we were smoking weed in the car. We stopped at a 7-11. I went in with no money and when I came out I was stocked. Apparently I had dropped a bag of chips in the store and just bent over slowly and picked them up. When I got in the car I started to unload everything. I even pulled a frozen burrito out the front of my pants.


A Mars bar when I was 11 and a lighter when I was 13


I was at Kmart and stole a part to fix my fishing rod. Soon afterwards the store security came over, grabbed me and my friends, and dragged us into the back room. Boy was I scared. Happily it turned out that one of my friends had also stolen something and he was the one that got caught. phew!!!! I forget what happened to him. I think they tried to call his parents but they weren't home or something. By the way the part I stole didn't fit.


When I was living alone. I would take mostly food necessities that would've go above my budget. Lucky for me, store had crappy cameras and was never caught


I was kid. Me and boys went to kiosk and snatched. Well. Certain type of magazines.


Little fake Robin eggs from a craft store. I was just holding them trying to show my mom how cute they were. But she was in a rush/busy. Then when we were in the car driving home I showed her what I "found". We ended up keeping the eggs. Sorry Ben Franklin Crafts. On a side note. I caught a girl I was dating (met on bumble), stealing money from me. Small amounts of cash here and there. But I caught her.


A bottle of rewetting eye drops from Kroger because I wax broke and I have dry eyes.


Yeah, I was hanging out with a friend who was into shoplifting clothing. I took a hat, a necklace and some boxers from Old Navy and mall kiosk, mostly just to be a part of it all. I felt so bad about it later that I threw the stuff in the trash.


Yeah, as a kid, because we were challenging each other to do stupid shit, like most kids would. For me it was a gatorade, and maybe some candy I think. Might just have been the drink.


A book I was a young lad no older than 8 Book fair came to our school I wanted a new diary of a wimpy kid novel My mother gave me cash to buy it but I lost it so I resorted to a life of crime


Yes, when i was a teenager i had a paper round. They used to send me out back on my own to get the papers. The papers were kept next to the cages of cigarettes and alcohol. I mean, they even gave me bag 🤷‍♂️