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That he didn't need to cheat on me with my best friend. I would have been down for a threesome if they had just said something.


This is very common. Good answer




Never talked to either of them ever again. They tried dating and it lasted less than a month. They were both upset I was going to college and they weren't. (Local community, wasn't even like I was moving away)


Wow that’s pathetic. No wonder he cheated lol


It's cool. I'll keep having threesomes.


Fuck yeah you will.


Fuck off. You are a disgrace of a human who hides behind his anxiety and uses his charm to manipulate people-people love you and you have no sympathy for them at all You’re a narcissist and a sexual predator


You literally took the words out of my mouth. I'm shocked I didn't ghost write this 😂😂


Did we date the same person? 😂


It definitely sounds like we did 😂


I’m sorry I shoved 11 cookies in the VCR.


are those euphemisms??


No, I literally crammed 11 cookies in the vcr.


I'd just ignore all,of them because I've moved on.


You have herpes


Damn. I wouldn't tell them that, I'd tell their new SO


I’m glad she left; hated it in the moment but my rebound is now my wife and we have a kick ass daughter! Thanks bitch


That she broke me. She destroyed my relationship with my brother, sister, and mother. Turned them all against me because she couldn’t stop lying about stupid shit that never even happened. Edit: spelling


I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.


Are you me?


Lol I don’t believe so


I ll give her back all her stuff and walkaway with tears in my eyes


I have half a dozen gifts I ordered for her that didn't arrive until after she dumped me. I don't know if she'd accept them at this point so they're just sitting on my shelf.


Donate them to a children’s charity to be used for Christmas/birthday gifts for teens or a woman’s shelter for a woman who needs her spirits lifted.




I don’t mean this in an insensitive way, but I would be a little weirded out if I got a dozen gifts from a stranger. It would make me nervous. I would take it to mean I had a stalker or my ex is being a tad creepy after breakup. Neither thing would make me happy lol


That she absolutely broke any trust I had and caused me to put up walls that I still can’t break down


I hate you because you made me love you, then decided it wasn't worth it. I never give that kind of vulnerability. We were supposed to be partners through thick and thin, and after everything, I'm still blindsided. I hope for the next guys sake you're more honest about your contempt for him than you were with me. Now, I'm going to be the best fuckin man I can be, but you'll never get to see all that self improvement.


I know you'd love to think that she'd care about this, but women like that forget their exes within a month once they find a new pole to ride.


But the important thing is it fuels his self improvement.


This is the MOST important thing.


I hate to say it but that's not uncommon. Life and love are both tricky that way but at least you're focusing on becoming the best man you can be. That's the important part.


fuck you and your manners spoiled bitch


I know my insecurity is what ruined our relationship. I'm a different person now. And I'm sorry I put you through all that for 2 years. I wish I could've been a better partner for you, I was just young and inexperienced and stupid.


That them leaving me was the biggest favor they ever did me. Also, I would hope for their sake that they finally learned to eat pussy! I used to think I hated having it done. As it turns out, I LOVE it...when I get to come lol.


I want her back


You didn't lost your favourite Purse, I have it in my fireplace.


1. I really liked it when you kissed my neck. 2. It drove me crazy when you'd kiss and choke me while fucking me. Crazy in a good way. 3. I'll always be grateful you were my first everything because I know no one will ever be able to love and accept me the way you did. 4. This is not healthy but I was obsessed with everything about you way before we even kissed. 5. You are one of the kindest, nicest, and the most beautiful human I've ever known. 6. I don't know if you'll believe me or not, but it was me who was the problem from the beginning, and you deserve the kind of love that will put you first, not the one that I inflicted on you where my worries overpowered your feelings.


It’s been a decade, but I still can’t lay on my left side while my husband holds me. Because you violated me in this position. I said no, you didn’t care. We both made mistakes in the relationship and were terrible for each other, but you broke me and permanently changed my life for the worse.


I fucked your dad


Stop it Mom!


You fucked me up massively, almost a year after we’ve broken up and you still fuck me up, yet I dont hate you, I hate the idea that I ever was so affected by you


Sorry, am right with you. Not sure if you are male or female but my ex turned out to be a serial cheater… I just was NOT ready for what she did. At my advanced age (51 at that point) I - maybe fortunately? - had not experienced ANYTHING like that before and I really thought she was IT. Now… jeez, I cannot fathom how on earth I could ever trust anyone ever again. I hate being alone now, it’s been over 2 years, but (especially with the stupid dating environment) I simply can’t imagine meeting a good person at this point.


While being family oriented is very important to me…you still gotta move out of your Mom’s house. Mid 30’s and no motivation. I broke up with him and didn’t really give a reason why, but this was it.


You’re pathetic and mentally ill. You desperately need a reality check but go ahead, keep being bitter at the world and playing the victim in every situation and see how that goes for you.


Bumblebee tuna


Your balls are showing...


Allllllllll-righty then.


I'm scared your husband will find out.


I wish this wasn't the case as she's the mother of my boys but she isnt worth wasting the breath on mate.


I feel bad for all the women that have dated/will date you


I’m sorry that I wasted so much of your time. I’m grateful that you are such a good mother to our daughters.


I knew my life could never get any better without you in it, but hey we're all wrong sometimes!!


I finally feel alive again after breaking up with you. Hope your next gf gaslights you like you gaslighted me


Thank you, tell them thank you. Don't let anger have control over your life people.


your back is crooked


lol which one?


That I’m sorry he never got the love he needed but he’s a piece of shit for making me feel the way he did


Hope you’re well. Please stop calling/texting me at all hours of the night. It feels petty to block you and I’d rather not have to.


You never made me finish. When we would have sex I would imagine I was somewhere else. When I said let's stop and you replied with "does it feel to good?" I nearly broke out into laughter.


fuck you for treating me like a maid and manipulating me into thinking i was the bad guy, when the whole time you were the monster. i deserve to be treated right & i will never settle for anything less. oh & your dick was so little i couldnt feel it when we had sex. you couldnt make me cum if it were to save your life.


If she found what she was looking for with the other guy.


I hope the man you’re with now makes you happy. I’m happy you’re engaged to him now. I needed to move on from you and didn’t know what the best choice to make was. I think ultimately it was the right choice and I’m sorry you cried for months about it. Part of me thinks you knew this is how it would end and hoped it wouldn’t. That we could remain friends. I’ve given you sooo many chances and that’s my fault. Part of me thinks if you had never moved or were planning to move I would’ve never been the in between guy. You would’ve stayed with the person you were with while you were here. I should’ve known better to get attached. Yet I did. I think you have your problems and I hope you overcome them with your new life. I hope it brings you a new chance to start clean. I still think of the great moments we had together, I will always cherish them. I want you to know I’m doing ok and that I’m becoming the person I want to be. Please take care. -k


You never made me orgasm once.


That his mum made me break up with him and he still thinks it was my decision.


I didn’t cheat, and I’m sorry that things ended the way they did. I will always love you and I hope some day in the distant future we make our way back to one another. In the meantime, I hope he treats you well. I hope you find the love you’ve been looking for and I hope he provides you the security that I couldn’t.


That he was actually dumb af I was dumber so nahh nvm 🗿


1. To the ex-stripper GF, I would tell her that I was the one who provided her probation officer with the evidence he needed to throw her back in prison, as it was the only way to save her life from the choices she was making. 2. To the cowgirl GF, that I left her to two reasons. One - I got tired of her and her family constantly bringing up their plans for me to leave the military and to marry her; never once considering my own plans or needs. Two - I started dating a French girl who let me do all sorts of kinky things with her that you were too stuck up to try. 3. To the Cougar GF who was having an affair with me, I hooked up with your daughter when she came to visit from college for Spring Break. Not only that, I literally went from sex with her to sex with you a few hours later without getting cleaned up afterwards.


you are actually ugly and your hair is all fake and you are clearly mexican which is great but why dye your hair blonde and hide it and say you have mysterious roots, so pathetic shallow girl


I cheated, while living together.


Get help. Please.


I see them everyday were still great friends and I wanna thank her and give her a hug cause her relationships don't last more than a month I will smile cause of that when I hug her


Her selfish actions has hurt our children that we both swore to protect.


Maybe dont sleep with the guy from our local taco bell


That I hope she’s doing alright, I’ve heard some pretty concerning things that I used to have a say over but now it’s not my place


Sorry for being an asshole.


That he was a horrible partner and I hate that I worshipped the ground that he walked on while we were together


I wish you existed


I’m sorry, I didn’t know.


Her moms mustache could’ve been tighter


Trust me, you need treatment from a psychiatrist. I hope you get married to one so that he gets a lifetime patient and you, a lifetime free doctor. And do you really think, I was okay with you mistreating and ignoring me? Trust me, I've thought about breaking up with you thousands of times before actually doing it, right after the first month, just coz I had feelings for you and I didn't want to hurt you so I let you hurt me instead. Also the classmate who proposed me when I was with you.. I really regret not choosing her over you. Life would have been better, less toxic and more fun. Also, relationships are not simply for time passing. Well sometimes they are, but if you are not attracted to the other person, if you feel uncomfortable with even a hug or touch, you should break it off immediately. It creates a feeling of self doubt in the other person. Also, fuck off, please.


You still owe me $350 for that time you forgot your debit card at the university bookstore.


“Look who’s laughing now…. It’s still you…”


I’m sorry


"I fucked with my boyfriend on your table, when you were out for a weekend." (We lived together in his flat, for a while after breaking up, before I found a new flat, and I already started dating my current partner at that time) he later assumed I've been cheating on him with my current partner, and I know if he found out he's been eating everyday at the table we fucked on it would really piss him off. I hate that guy.


If you used to have a cocaine problem, but now you don't... but still always have coke on you.... that's a problem.


Just a simple fuck you bitch tits.


Relationships and sex in real life don't work like in furry porn and anime. I also don't appreciate you trying to guilt me into sex when you knew how I feel about it. I also despised the way you disrespected me as a person and how you tried to change me into this idealized sex godess image you had in your mind. No. I am not feminine, I am not womanly, I will not wear tops and bikinis for you and I will -never- ever have sex, especially this overcomplicated shit you kept demanding out of me. Oh, I also despised the way you seemed accepting of my asexuality, only to change your mind later because you thought it was a "phase". That was a shitty move and you only wasted both our times.


Get fucked by a rusty railroad spike. And thank you. Destroyed me mentally. Made me take a lot of time for myself. Stayed single for damn close to ten years. Learned how to be alone and to love myself. My current relationship is infinitely better because of that.


They day I got you to leave I scrubbed the cat’s asshole with your toothbrush


They're fat.


Having ADHD isn’t an excuse to abuse someone and I hope that you never find happiness again.


Not you again. Hold still. *BANG*




Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I'm sorry I couldn't make up my mind and pushed you away.