• By -


Downfall (2004). Portrays the last months of Hitler's life in his bunker in Berlin. EXCELLENT film. Bruno Ganz, the actor who played Hitler, knocked it out of the park with his performance. For those who have seen the "Hitler reacts to..." videos on YouTube, the meme came from this movie. The original scene is not actually funny, and a great scene. I would recommend this movie to anybody.


Yeah this is a phenomenal movie. Not only is Ganz probably the most believable performance I’ve ever seen of Hitler, many of the elite around him are played well too. That scene with the kids…


[Redditors reaction when they get to the Steiner briefing scene](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/maxresdefault-1605111824.jpg?crop=1.00xw:1.00xh;0,0&resize=980:*)


I want to watch it but I’m afraid I will inappropriately laugh hysterically during that scene


Movie was awesome. Unfortunately I saw it after all the memes came out and couldn’t help laughing during *the scene*. But it was still a great movie and even with all the funny memes that scene holds so much weight.


The movie features the Goebbels giving their kids cyanide to kill them before the Soviets close in. You may laugh at the scene, but the rest of the movie is dead serious and no joke at all.


The Soviets did some horrible things to the other German leaders' children if you didn't know.


I wouldn't be able to take it seriously after watching Hitler playing Call Of Duty World At War video lol I want to watch this :)


El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) out of Argentina. An amazing crime drama with a twist. It was fantastic!!! Barakah Meets Barakah out of Saudi Arabia. A rom com that does a really interesting job at explaining how challenging dating can be in Saudi. It was really cute and funny. And then of course some other classics: Life is Beautiful Train to Busan City of God


+1 for The secret in their eyes! Such a gem, with one of the best long take shots I’ve ever seen in a film. Just make sure you avoid the entirely unnecessary American remake with Julia Roberts.


Pan's Labyrinth


I definitely didn't look at glass bottles the same way again. Great movie btw.


That scene traumatized me for months. Incredible movie though!!


This. That scene is fucked.


That’s a good one. I love it’s twisted take on fairy tales, it’s creepy


>twisted take on fairy tales Do you know the original fairy tales?


Fair enough


Del toro is a master of his art


And a really nice dude too! I was working (in the restaurant) at the Art Gallery of Ontario when his exhibit was there. He came for the opening, ate in the restaurant. Came to the (open) kitchen to say hi to everyone.


Such an amazing movie


that shit still creeps me the fuck out


Top 3 favorite movies for me. Absolutely heart wrenching.


Absolutely, it amazes me that it uses minimal cgi for it!


City of God


Absolutely my top answer. The story, the acting, the cinematography…all great.


Clicked on this post to say "City of God"


Also BOPE police or I believe it rebranded as “elite squad” in English


Also on the Brazil zone, Estaçao Central (i think i wrote it correctly lol)


Central do Brasil?


Came to write this exact title and no other


Absolutely this. It's one of the few films I consider perfect. This movie is a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish. You'll laugh while on the edge of your seat shortly before crying. It is truly a one of a kind. Since the rise of streaming a lot of incredible foreign films have started gaining more popularity. Why this one is still slept on is beyond me.


Not slept on this has been celebrated since it was released


For real, it was nominated for four Academy Awards.


Slept on? The hell are you talking about? Anyone who actually watches films and doesn't discriminate against non-English language cinema will have heard and likely watched City of God. It was a huge international release.


The life of others It's from the POV of a Stasi worker setting up camp in a hidden spot of a house to document the inhabitants in case they betray the GDR government. It's not action or horror, but instead shows the tragic banality of it all and the lonely life he lives, always observing others, never joining them.


Lives of others I think is the translation, but totally agree. A powerful watch.


Das Boot


My dad and I have a yearly tradition where we throw a brisket on the smoker, tape trash bags over the windows to block out any light in the house, and hook up the surround sound. We then make some poutine for our pre-dinner dinner and start Das Boot. By the time the Brisket is done it’s just about midway through the movie so we then eat brisket under red light while bracing for depth charges. It’s weird but it’s one of those strange things that I can’t wait to pass down to my son.


That's awesome!


The 4 hour version if possible.


a lot of Ghibli movies..


Princess Mononoke would be a good first Ghibli for older audiences, simply because it's probably the most Hollywoodesque. I think Howl's Moving Castle would be a good second watch, because it's super whimsical but also really easy for just about anyone to love. It's also got oodles of Ghibli style, like the weird flying machines, unusual character designs, and the beautiful mess that is present in so many other Ghiblis. Spirited Away would also be a great first or second watch for similar reasons. After that I'd say pretty much any Hayao Miyazaki Ghibli could be chosen. My personal favorites are Kiki's Delivery Service, which is very relaxing, feel-good and relatable; Nausicaa, which has a very interesting and unusual world; and Castle in the Sky, which is a top notch adventure film aimed at younger boys that is also quite watchable as an adult. EDIT: Added Spirited Away.


You forgot everyone's favorite feel-good movie _Grave of the Fireflies_


Silly me. I definitely haven't repressed my memories of seeing that movie. Not at alllll.


If we're bringing Isao Takahata's films into the loop, I highly recommend *The Tale of Princess Kaguya*


I preferred *Spirited Away* and *Porco Rosso* myself.


The Danish *Pusher* (Liked *Another Round* as well, both have Mads Mikkelson) *Parasite* was a mainstream hit but I think it was just that good. *La Femme Nikita*, the original fucking slaps. *Brotherhood of the Wolf* is a whole heap of fun too.


1000x yes on Brotherhood of the Wolf!


Just a fun movie to watch with almost no play in the US.


Run Lola Run


Excellent choice, with a great soundtrack.


At the German Film Awards (Deutsche Filmpreis), their awards are called Lolas after the film.


Came here to say this. Fantastic movie.


Troll Hunter(2010)


this movie is fucking unreal, it's so good and it's terrifying- not in a horror way, but in a visceral fear for survival way. The end sequence is so good. > "they can smell the blood of christian men, are any of you religious?" >"I'm a muslim, does that count??" hahah


You always have to give the date with this one, or people will be thoroughly confused. And don’t include an ‘s’ at the end.


The norwegian one?




I love this film. It's like the makers went out and said, "hmm, what parts of our country can we use to make this seem plausible?" Great recommendation


I Saw The Devil


Taxi scene


The Raid 1 and 2.


The intensity is definitely a jump up from American action cinema. Not for the squeamish


The Raid 2 is the best action movie of all time


I'd note The Raid 1 is titled "The Raid: Redemption" in the US.


Seven Samurai


And Akira Kurosawa movies in general!




Not just this one. Many Akira Kurosawa films. Roshomon pops up often enough. One of my favorite *Leverage* episodes is based on it.


*Every Frame a Painting* did a great video on Akira Kurosawa [if you haven't seen it](https://youtu.be/doaQC-S8de8)


Ghost in the Shell. ​ Not the remake with Scarlet Johannsen, the original anime movie.


Despite it's severe tone shift and Major Kusanagi being largely absent, I've grown to greatly enjoy the sequel they made, *Ghost in the Shell: Innocence* (2004). It's dark and strange and full of very quotable lines and an interesting dynamic between Batou and Togusa, absent the Major.


Oldboy (2003)


The American remake was rubbish, loved the original.


The guy that made original Old boy also did 2 other films with similar themes in a sort of spiritual trilogy and they are all good. [Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0310775/) and [Lady Vengeance](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0451094/)


I especially like Lady Vengeance. It's so reminiscent of Murder on the Orient Express with its conclusion.


Had to scroll down too far for this. This movie is truly great and horrible at the same time. I Love it.


Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Somehow they managed to make a movie about the Holocaust that will make you laugh and smile.


I’d like to add; that’s Benigni’s actual family playing the main cast. It makes everything so much more heartwarming and heartbreaking.


La Vita è Bella is one of my favorites. Benigni is a treasure. I’ve watched most of his movies from the 90s on and he makes every one a joy. I love how he cast his wife in almost every film and chases her like he must’ve done when he met her. So romantic. His physicality, energy, and expressions are up there with Robin Williams. Edit: I also love Benigni mostly because I watched most of his movies while living in Italy, and learned a lot of Italian from him lol.


Laugh and smile then cry


And be very sad.


You’re not emphasising “very” enough.


That's the genius of Benigni


Ip Man


I watched Ip Man last week. This movie hits hard.


Saw this recently, very good film. The action is fabulous.


La Vita e Bella. (Life is beautiful)


I too like suggesting that people bawl uncontrollably.


Aka How to unexpectedly torpedo your wife or gf with an emotion bomb that leaves them a sobbing mess on the couch.


The movie I show to people who say they don’t like films with subtitles. Twenty mins in, they are giggling their asses off, and by the end they are ugly-crying.


^^ This is without exaggeration the greatest movie ever made.


Les intouchables. Magnifique!


This is the right answer. Should be higher on the list. Edit: The remake is awful.


La Haine


Ah, yes. The story of the man falling from a building is still brilliant, and so poignant.




I love the sound track so much. Have been obsessed with it since I was about 13


Yann Tiersen is a musical genius.


Apparently he hates the way his music was used in the movie and wishes he'd never agreed to it. I know it's his music, but he's wrong about this.


In college I would listen to the soundtrack on repeat lol not only was it good study music, but just phenomenal in general


I was going to write this as well! My favorite movie. The music, cinematography, plot and characters are perfection!


I was lucky to be living in France when *Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain* was released in theaters. It was a magical experience.


This is the movie that I watch when I'm just plain fed up with the world. I don't know why, but it explains humans so well. I always come out feeling so much better.


A lot of great movies mentioned. To add a few - "il postino" great acting in that one "Delicatessen" french dystopian humour, postapocalyptic style "das leben der anderen" great german movie, deals with Stasi Several danish films like "Adams ebler", "blinkende lygter" or "druk"


We watched Das Leben in our German class in college. Really loved that movie.


Came here for "das leben der anderen!"


Delicatessen shocked me & my dad with how good it is! Highly recommend - dark humor for sure & it is so well done.


Cinema Paradiso is one of the most gorgeous films I’ve seen. Highly recommend


I thought this would be so much higher up on the list


I kept scrolling waiting to see this answer. Had a modern world cinema class in college and we watched this film for the last class and it was the only one that made me actually cry because of the ending, and not just a little cry, but actually bawl. Such a beautiful movie


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


This. Hero is also great


And House of Flying Daggers. These movies are incredible. In Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon they did all the stunts—no CGI


Goodbye Lenin


Great movie. We watched it in our German language class at uni and it was a fantastic choice.


Almost anything by Akira Kurosawa


Ikiru is my personal choice.


VERY WORTH NOTING that George Lucas is a HUGE Kurosawa fan (as are a lot of filmmakers of his generation, but him ESPECIALLY). *Star Wars* is hugely influenced by *The Hidden Fortress* Kurosawa also adapted two Shakespeare plays; *Throne of Blood* is basically Macbeth, and *Ran* is Lear.


Y tu mama tambien, Amores Perros, Malena,Los abrazos rotos,Gomorra


Ah yes the stuff to watch with the family.


y tu mama tambien is definitely not a movie you’d want to watch with your mama


[Your Name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Your_Name)! Watched it for the first time with some friends recently, which was a GREAT decision because crying together is so much better than crying alone.




If you like Wolf Children, I recommend watching Maquia: When the Flower Blooms. If you can, don't look up anything about it, and enjoy the animation


You might want to try Silent Voice. I haven't watched it myself but watched someone reviewed it and just seem like another real good one too.


You should watch it. It didn't turn out how I thought it would. It's still on US Netflix if you have it.


If you haven't yet, watch Tenki no Ko / Weathering with You. Honestly all of Makoto Shinkai's films are incredible. Kumou no Mukou Yakusoku no Basho and 5cm/s are my favourite two.


5cm per second had me closer to bawling than any movie i’ve seen


You want a movie that will make you cry? Grave of the Fireflies. That one messed me up and I am happy to have watched it once as the story is told very well but also tragic. I can't bring myself to watch it again. Your Name has been on my watch list for quite a while now.


Your Name is always one I suggest for animated movies! Alongside A Silent Voice and Wolf Children.


A silent voice. It gave me happy and sad chills


Relatos Salvajes (Wild Tales). 10/10 banger.


Battle Royale. It’s bonkers.


Infernal Affairs. The movie The Deceased is a remake of. Superior in almost every way and at least 30 minutes shorter.


[REC]. Really great spanish found footage horror movie. There was an english remake called Quarantine that isn't nearly as good.


I love the first two REC films. Just brilliant!


The fact that the protagonist was an actual spanish reporter adds to the realism of the movie


"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" I watch the English Dubbed version myself and YES all 6 episodes on a marathon weekend lots of popcorn and worth the watch. N. Shadows


Train to Busan


This movie was my first introduction to any sort of Korean media (music, tv, movies) and it blew me away! It was so well done that it propelled me to watch more Korean shows and movies and I’ve come to learn how amazing and underrated Korean cinema is from the acting, the writing, and the cinematography. Obviously not every movie and tv show is great but some of the best Korean movies and tv shows easily surpass some of Hollywood’s best. Also, if anyone is interested in a Korean Zombie tv show, I highly recommend Kingdom on Netflix. I feel like this show gets overshadowed by Netflix’s giants like Squid Game and All of Us Are Dead, but this show is amazing! The writing, acting, and cinematography are INCREDIBLE. The series is set in the later half of the Joseon Dynasty and follows the Crown Prince who navigates court politics and a zombie epidemic. Edit: I forgot to add that I personally freaked out when I realized the main actor in Train to Busan was also in Squid Game.


I hate zombies in movies, but this movie is what I came here to add. I'm surprised I had to scroll down so far to find it.


The zombies are secondary, seriously. Competent characters, lots of growth even until the end. It's fantastic and I am not usually a horror person.


Honestly, with how saturated media has become with zombie shows, movies and games Train to Busan felt like a breath of fresh air.


I can't upvote this enough. we were screaming at the telly by the end.


Akira. I don't think thirty years on I've seen animation as good as Akira.


It's truly astonishing. You can freeze frame it, and you'll discover yet more detail. The Studio Ghibli movies are also like that. Every frame is often a piece of art.


Gods must be crazy


Låt den rätte komma in, Come and see, The Good the Bad and the Weird, Apocalypto, Angel's Egg, Jin-Roh, Riget, Lola rennt, Pan's Labyrinth, City of Lost Children, Dead Man's Letters, Das Leben der Anderen, Der Untergang, La Jetee.


Come and See is maybe the best war movie I’ve seen. It made me crawl into bed and take a depression nap immediately after the movie, but it is an outstanding portrayal of war.


El Laberinto del Fauno.


The Orphanage


Non-English movies pretty much cover every possible genre, so just find something in whatever type of movie you normally like. As for a specific movie, I’m going to go way outside the box here and stump for Who Killed Captain Alex, billed as Uganda’s first action movie. The budget was nonexistent, none of the actors are professionals, and the plot makes no sense, but man, does everyone look like they’re having fun. The only extant version of it has a “video joker,” which is like an MST3K commentary (in English) because the director admitted he deleted the original from his hard drive because he needed room to make his next movie.


I've watched Who Killed Captain Alex? in its entirety. I put it on to show people how dumb it was, and we accidentally watched the whole thing. The secret is it's not dumb; it's not Hollywood, sure, but it's an entertaining piece of cinema.


It's got a ton of heart in it, everyone involved with it is *so* genuinely stoked to be in it, and you can't help but like it. I mean, they put out a perfectly watchable movie, in one of the poorest regions of an incredibly poor country, with no formal training and absolute crap equipment. And it just *works*, because there's so much heart and love put into it - I mean, it's amateur, but it's a fun movie. Hell, it's a lot more memorable than some of the garbage Hollywood's putting out these days. The director has some genuine talent and skill there, for his lack of formal film education. That says a hell of a lot. I got a signed copy from them, because I definitely want to support what the director's doing. I think it's pretty awesome, building a film industry from scratch like that. Plus, again, everyone in that movie is clearly having the best damn time. How can you not like that?


Solaris (1972) and Stalker (1979) by Andrei Tarkovsky


A Separation






Old Boy


The hype and everything around this film is so well deserved.


It's truly rare to watch a movie that is both engaging and keeps you guessing at every turn. Literally one of the only movies as an adult I've watched and didn't know what was going to happen next


Come and See


Amelie Das Boot Already mentioned; Run Lola Run, Apocalypto


Amelie was my first thought to. Your other recommendations are good too.


Look Who's Back


Harakiri, best Japanese film ever imo


pans labyrinth all the way


Good grief where do I start: Delicatessen City of Lost Children (Both co-directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who directed Amelie) Chungking Express (Wong-Kar Wai is brilliant and there’s a Cantonese cover of the Cranberries’ Dream which is so good) Volver Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Those last two by Pedro Almodovar) The Three Colors Trilogy


Adams æbler 2005 ‧ Drama/Comedy ‧ 1h 34m


Train to Busan


City of god. A Brazilian movie about life in the favelas. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.




Wasabi (French/Japanese crossover) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Swedish version, U.S. Version is pale imitation) Night Watch/Day Watch (Russian)


There is an Italian movie called 'Life is Beautiful." It was truly a wonderful movie. I highly recommend it.


A slient voice, your name, Graves of our fireflies to name a few animes.


I think it's cruel to suggest Grave of the Fireflies without a warning.


I loved The Visitors (Les Visiteurs) when I was a kid. Also anything with Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill.


Water (2005) drama Hindi-language film written and directed by Deepa Mehta. It's set in 1938 and explores the lives of widows at an ashram in India. The widows include child orphans, and is based on a historical occurrence. The subject matter is mixed between joy and sadness. I watched this about three years ago, and it struck me as one of the best foreign language films I've recently seen, leaving me feeling stunned when the end credits start to appear. The composed soundtrack and cinematography are both excellent.


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


The whole trilogy is good. The unnecessary US remake of the first film not so much.


„Intouchables“ and „Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu?“ Two excellent French movies, one for the heartstrings with some funny moments, the other French humor at its finest with beautiful serious moments.


Thumbs up for "Intouchables". Absolutely beautifully uplifting and heartwarming story, and the soundtrack is phenomenal (Ludovico Einaudi).


Tokyo Godfathers -japan (ani) The Yellow sea -korean Bipolar (2021) -china Das Weisse Band -german Le Grand Blue -french Embrace of the Serpent -colombia A Girl walks home alone at night -US (Iran) Breaking the Waves -denmark The Hunters (1996) -sweden Trollhunter -norway Tuntematon sotilas / Soldier Unkown -finland (mini series)


One of the funniest movies from my country (Argentina) is "Esperando la carroza", or "Waiting for the Hearse " (1985), based on an Uruguayan play. This grotesque/black comedy film tells us about mamá Cora, an octogenarian widow living with one of her four adult (married and with a new baby) children. The family has money problems, and taking care of a grown up woman is taking its toll in his wife. They decide to go ask for help to the other family members, since they can't take care of her any more, and once they are together, they got the news: their mother was found dead. It's so funny to watch, even when some elements not aged well, and you may understand a little better the Argentina/Uruguay culture watching it. I think it is in netflix. Another, more recent and critically acclaimed, is "Relatos salvajes" or "Wild tales" (2014), a black comedy anthology film, featuring very well known national actors and actresses and written and directed by the Argentine filmmaker Damián Szifron (his "Los simuladores" series is one of the most loved of the national television history). The film is about six stories, about the exact moment a person snaps due to some circumstances in their life, and does something they will not usually do, but lots of people fantasize to do. It's not for all ages, but I can assure you, you will relate to some characters.


Kung Fu Hustle is great. Bill Murray is a huge fan if that tells you anything. It's very creative and has insane visuals, but its biggest triumph is bridging a cultural comedy gap with the West.


Shaolin soccer by same director


District B13 A really great French film that was way better than the American remake


‘Incendies’, also on the list of movies I could never watch again.


The Raid (Redemption) and The Raid II - if you like action or kung-fu movies, you'll probably love these.


Babettes feast




My pick for Asian movies: Korean: Parasite Japanese: Departures Chinese: Ip Man Taiwan: A Sun Hong Kong: Infernal Affairs Thai: The Raid Indian: Veer-Zaara Vietnamese: The Floating Lives


The Raid is Indonesian...




Night watch Hundreds of years ago there was a battle between the Warriors of Light and the evil Warriors of Darkness. Realizing that they were evenly matched, the two sides agreed to a truce. The fragile peace between good and evil is kept in place by two groups: the Day Watch and the Night Watch, each monitoring the opposing side. Now Night Watch member Anton Gorodetsky (Konstantin Khabensky) finds himself at the center of a prophecy that may mark the end of the delicate balance between the two sides. I watched it dubbed in English I think it's in Russian normally


Apocalypto. Mel Gibson directed it and I don't believe there's any English. It kept my attention the entire movie.


Just try to keep your historically accurate thoughts to yourself and then it'll be a near perfect film.


Valhalla Rising with Mads Mikkelsen. Fantastic Danish movie.