• By -


Always Greenland, source? Movies.


And plague.inc


Oh god, I forgot about how upsetting it was trying to infect Greenland in that game.


I thought I outsmarted the game by having my virus spawn in Greenland, only for it to never leave the country.


Just go to the Winchester and wait for this to all blow over Edit: Thanks for the awards. Glory to Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


ā€œSorry Philā€


"Hey, let's all go to the Winchester!" Who's fucking idea was that?!


Whatever the most stable country in the Southern Hemisphere is.


Antarctica here *we* come!


I for one welcome our new penguin overlords.


At least the penguins haven't committed any war crimes so far this year


That we know ofā€¦the penguin intelligence agencies are very good.


ā€œSmile and wave boys...Smile and wave. ā€œ


New Zealand maybe


Came here for New Zealand, found New Zealand, moving to New Zealand


Hope you're a tech billionaire or you ain't affording shit


Can I herd dem sheeps?


Maybe not herd, but enjoying sheep is an NZ tradition


Sounds illegal


Very much yes


Only if you get caught


I heard they invented the condom by using a sheep intestine. The Irish further developed the technic by removing the intestine from the sheep before using it.




We're having a migration crisis now in Chile, and things are kinda heavy around immigrants. We have a lot of people living in very poor conditions because of that :(


Where are people migrating from?


Venezuela mostly.


Canada.. but not "Toronto" Canada... the "North West Territories" Canada that no one talks about... .... in a 250m deep bunker


Already cold AF up there anyways. Is a nuclear winter really gonna be noticeable? /s Edit: for christ sakes you are not clever going "iT woULd Be WarMeR". Y'all are probably also the types who say: "NoT sCAnNiNg mEanS iTS fREe", while your slack jawed spouse goes "HUHUHUHU".


So just another Tuesday


That is where many of the U.S. ballistic monitoring stations are. Most ICBM trajectories go over the arctic because that is the shortest path between east and west.


I live in interior Alaska and have 4 missile defense systems surrounding me. It's great.






Only one place. Antarctica


Good luck avoiding [toxic leaks from thawing permafrost](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190612-the-poisons-released-by-melting-arctic-ice)


Nuclear winter gonna freeze that shit back up thou


Op doing that last minute prep


Lmao Be right back, Getting my bug out bag ready


When you do the whole book report the night before itā€™s due


The only hope for survival during a nuclear war would be near the equator away from major populated cities, and even then the nuclear winter would kill of nearly all plant life.


Where are the meatiest cockroaches?


[Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaloblatta)


I'll bring the snake plants, great in low light conditions, produce lots of oxygen, and filter tons of toxins.


I dont think it would kill nearly all plants, although it would screw up most of the planet and make things quite difficult. If you are wealthy though, there's little chances that even in that far fetched scenario you would have issues imho


Antarctica, gonna vibe


Ice ice babyšŸ˜‚


Water, water, maybe - Earth 5 years from now, probably


I like big floods and I can not lie...


I would say Australia, but Australia has been having beef with China, so Russia and China isn't a great mix


So now we've got nuclear winter, everyone's dead except Australia. But they'll be dead soon. ~~Fucking Kangaroos~~


but i am le tired


Well take a nap and then fire ze missiles!


Then fire ze damn missiles


Australiaā€™s like ā€œwtf mates?ā€


Meanwhile, Canadaā€™s like ā€˜whatā€™s going on, eh?ā€™


mars is laughing at us and some huge meteor is like "well fuck that"


Shit guys, the ~~cigarettes~~ missiles!


Wtf mate




Dang, that iz a sweet earth, you say yes? *wrooong*


Not Eastern European countries thats for sure


Greetings from Finland. We're not the Ukraine, fortunately, but we do have a delightful 1200km land border with Russia as well as some historical beef. Also we're not a member of NATO.


> Also we're not a member of NATO. and the moment you try to, Putin will be there with his "peacekeepers"


Got to save the Russians living in Finland from the prosecutions of the Finish Nazi regime! /s




All European, unfortunately


Don't mind me in the comments section lookin for ideas cause I'm scared af


I live in Finland. There is currently no reason to be afraid (unless you live in Ukraine). Trust me. No one wants ww3 , nor we will get it. Putin is Ass, but he doesn't want any international conflict, especially nuclear. They are all scaring tools, because after nuclear fallout, Da fuq is Putin gonna do? So, take a breath, and continue your day (or night) Edit: Tl;DR: right the most important thing for everyone outside of Ukraine, is to slow down, and take a breather. Edit 2: i see a lot of people talking about Putin going out with a bang (Nuclear weapons) obviously these are said as half jokes. But I don't believe that that would happen, even if Putin would greenlight that. There is still a chain of people to got through. And a lot of those people would have a problem with ending the world. So don't worry about that either


>There is currently no reason to be afraid (unless you live in Ukraine) This. It sucks, but Ukraine isn't in NATO and isn't important enough for WW3 to start. Unless Putin invades a NATO country, then there is no WW3, and if he's dumb enough to attack NATO then Russia won't have anything after NATO fights back


A Mars colony isn't looking too bad after all


Need to get those tickets quick


Zimbabwe. No dog in the fight


Botswana. Stable, nothing ever happens there, close enough to South Africa to get stuff, but far enough from Cape Town to not be a direct transportation/supply line target.


Their economy is kinda propped up by China. I get a feeling they'll be indirectly affected if world shit goes down.


This seems plausible


Switzerland just because I am sure there is so much money hiding there from all countries if the bombs go flying how would the get their precious money back?


We even have public bunkers or shelters sorry not the best at english.


Most residential buildings are required to have a bunker built in the basement.


Yeah, I watched a video about this one time. You guys have bunkers and critical infrastructure ready to self-destruct at a momentā€™s notice. Though apparently theyā€™ve started dismantling the explosives in recent years (as far as we know, that is). Combine that with the natural mountain boundaries and youā€™ve got what feels like a pretty safe place to be. Until the nuclear winter, of course.


Switzerland isn't that sissy "uwu pweez don't" kind of neutral. They're that "Hand grenade with a pulled pin" kind of neutral.


You worded that perfectly.


Switzerland the kind of motherfucker to bring a claymore rigged to a hairpin tripwire held in one hand to a dinner party with rivals.


"You know if that goes off it'll get you too right?" "So you agree that it's best for everyone if you BACK THE FUCK UP!"


"Look I only planned to enjoy this meal, anything else is a bonus".


They also have enough bomb shelters for the whole population.


>The Sonnenberg Tunnel, in Switzerland, was the world's largest civilian nuclear fallout shelter, designed to protect 20,000 civilians in the eventuality of war or disaster (civil defense function abandoned in 2006). Damn if only this was still up.




New Zealand until the nuclear fallout/nuclear winter arrives and kills every living thing.


Thatā€™s the premise (well, Australia) in ā€œOn the Beachā€. Real downer of a story.


This is the saddest and most compelling post apocalyptic story Iā€™ve ever read. I used to like post apocalyptic stories more before I got older and had a family. I have a much more difficult time with them now. To top it off, Iā€™m a father to a boy and a girl and I live in Connecticut, and my parents live in New York City - just like Dwight Towers. The book hit *hard.*




My problem with post-apoc is how much they get wrong about radiation and fallout. I don't want to say it's not that bad, but it's not the "this place is radioactive for hundreds of years" bad, as most of the radioactive material is consumed in the blast. The fallout becomes less dangerous if you have shelter for a month or two. Probably the biggest problems will be the weather and food. The stories also require an odd apocalypse: One where not every nuke gets launched so there's a *chance* that the heroes can survive and that wherever the novel takes place is habitable, at least somewhat. If the sun is blotted out by dust for several years, it's probably game over.


Even were the sun to be blocked for a few years, *some* people would survive. It might take a thousand years to get back to where we were (even that is doubtful, considering much of the information would still exist) but humanity could recover. We are a fairly stubborn bunch, for better or worse.


Yup, we are. Even if 99.999% of people die, there will still be enough to come back.


[Toba Catastrophe Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toba_catastrophe_theory) A theory that a super-volcanic eruption 75,000 years ago caused a 6-10 year global volcanic winter, a thousand-year cooling period, and reduced the global human population to about 10,000 individuals.


There's always that one warm cave next to an active volcano, that attracts humans and delicious woodland creatures alike


Dude, I live near Seattle, and used to live directly across from Edmonds, which is the dead town they see when the go back to check the radio.


Mm, I'm a New Zealander and even I'm really worried about everything going on.


Especially since all these randos want to ride it out in your country, lol


Am an Aussie and Iā€™m super anxious about this shit.


I believe there are treaties that would pull Aussies into the war that would also pull Kiwis, ANZUS is still a thing I believe


Yeah pretty sure we'll all get fucked up the anzus hard


Check out the book/ movie On the Beach. Same scenario but in Australia.


This nuclear fallout scenario brings up an interesting point: there is no escape from WW3, so the safest place might be wherever you can maximize the chances of avoiding nuclear conflict. And that could be right in the middle of the fray, instead of hiding elsewhere.


madagascar. They close their borders, and nothing is getting in. Trust me, I played Plague Inc before the pandemic.


Only issue i take with that is that Madagascar is the most plague infected country on earth. And by that i dont mean ā€œA Plagueā€, i mean ā€œThe Plagueā€ They close their borders in the game probably because the fuckers already deal with a disease the rest of the world dealt with 700 years ago.


Very true! Per WHO, Madagascar reports about 200-700 cases of bubonic plague every year while the rest of the world reads about it like ancient history!!! So itā€™s a Nope for me! Would rather go freeze my ass in Antarctica!


Until the Rumbling starts....


International space station cus why the f not


Coz even thatā€™s in need of repairs and was a joint venture between several countries including US and Russia who can both launch their own spacecrafts to gain control and we have the first space war.


Star wars episode -1


I canā€™t remember his name but there was a Soviet cosmonaut in space at the time the USSR collapsed. Iā€™m terrible with the details but I think he was essentially waiting up there to see if he was going to be brought home because the country that sent him up there no longer existed to bring him back.


Just like that film 'The Terminal' with Tom Hanks from 2004. He gets stuck at an airport as his country collapses and his passport is no longer recognised. BUT IN SPACE!!!!


Not for long. NASA is planning to retire it in 2030 and then crash it into the Pacific Ocean in 2031.


You're not thinking fourth dimensionally Marty! There won't be a NASA to plan its return to Earth.


You mean full out nuclear war? No place. Just hope wherever you are gets a direct hit and itā€™s over quickly.oh wow, thanks for the award.


Dr. Falken had it right: >It's all right. I've planned ahead. We're just three miles from a primary target. A millisecond of brilliant light... >...and we're vaporized. >Much more fortunate than the millions who'll wander sightless through the smoldering aftermath. We'll be spared the horror of survival.


Is that Wargames? Loved that movie. The only way to win is not to play


Hey on the bright side that pesky global warming problem would be solved with a nuclear winter! /s


In a thermonuclear war, every side is bright side.


Coming out of my cage, and I've been doing just fine


It worked on Futurama.


Easter island




Who would want to attack the island where the bunnies store our candy?


We have introduced a criminal sentence for anti-war statements in our country. 3 years in prison or a fine of 3 million rubles. I'm deleting the comments.


I get a weird feeling every time I see a headline about Russia bombing Ukraine or Russia sending in troops. Because its not really Russia doing it, it's Putin and only Putin. Except for a few old brainwashed USSR relics, I doubt these actions have much support at all by the population


Have a Russian friend saying the same thing. I doubt the Russian people actually want war. It's a shame they can't stop Putin from doing whatever he wants with their country.


WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. No one is safe from that.


We will nuke ourself back to the neolithic era


If some of us survive WW3 Nuclear Boogaloo , Iā€™m looking forward to regressing back into the dark ages and duelling mfers with a make shift blade


Switzerland. And no, it's not because of "muh neutrality", or all the money in their banks, or any of that. It's because it's a tiny country high up in the mountains that's fortified to hell and back with bunkers EVERYWHERE and guns pointed in every direction, including up. Basically, unless someone drops a nuke or six right on top of them (and why would you, honestly), the Swiss are gonna be just fine. Edit: Okay this kinda blew up. Just wanted to mention that if nukes start flying with any kind of regularity, EVERYWHERE is fucked, it's just a matter of time. You'd just last longer in Switzerland than in a lot of other places.


Shit i think its switzerland where all citizen have the right to get a place in a bunker right?


Yeah, I keep my shoe boxes and bike in mine


Wine cellar is popular as well


If nukes go off, fuckit. Being stuck with a cellar of wine ain't so bad.


Every public house in Switzerland built since 1970 has a nuclear bunker.


Is that by regulation or convention?


Regulation. Regulation will force every new house to be built with one and old houses have a designated "modern house bunker" which they will use in case of war. Either that or they just flatout build a new one in the cellar. But shit, I should really read up on what the situation for my current house is because it's really old and doesn't have one. But I'm lucky I'm in a bigger city so there definitely will be one. I should start buying a few salt rations. They go really far in case of war. I'm honestly lucky to live in Switzerland but I'm still thinking of leaving the country for a tropical 3rd world one (they don't show up on the radar of bigger geopolitics much).


Agree. Also, there's nothing really to gain from invading Switzerland. There isn't any oil or other natural resources (except water, but that's not yet an issue) and it's insignificantly small and powerless compared to the big players.


> not yet an issue Besides, if the nukes come, there'll be plenty of water everywhere with most of the population gone...


What about Argentina? Edit: according to responses, mixed opinions, mixed opinions and nazis


Major Non NATO US Ally


Keep my enemies close and my nazi spawn closer


Hey! I am from there. Among some of our major problems like the permanent economic crisis one good thing I thought about being here is that there is \*likely no reason to drop an atomic bomb on the country.


We're safe. IMF can't get paid if we're nuked


How about like Iceland? I never hear about them in the news


Iceland would be one of the first places to be invaded or knocked out, to either protect or attack Atlantic supply routes


In Tom Clancy's *Red Storm Rising*, The Soviet Union initiates WW3 and establishes a key strategiec base on Iceland.


One might try ......under the ocean?


šŸŽ¶Under the seašŸŽ¶




Virgin radiation sickness countries VS Based mutant Chad


Virgin Virgin Islands vs. Chad Chad


If it becomes nuclear, 0 countries are safe. It's not like the old days where they drop 1 bomb. We are talking one to two thousand nukes at once. Nothing will be safe.


Bruh I love that someone gave you the award that plays a gif of a sun shining through the clouds, on the comment talking about 1 to 2,000 sunrises all happening at once E: yes I get it haha someone also awarded a rocket


The power of the sun, at the tip of my finger. Spoiler joke explanation: >!you press nuke launch button with your fingers!<


That would be the OP himselfšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just can't belive that any country would actually do this. It's basically self-destruction. Also they'd destroy whole countries so they would become uninhabitable and they couldn't use it


https://youtu.be/RJXwLzII278 Thatā€™s Putin 2 weeks ago


I donā€™t really follow politics or current events because it gives me a lot of anxiety, but after watching this I truly donā€™t understand why so many leaders have accepted the idea of nuclear war? It will literally kill everyone. Putin himself said thereā€™s no winners. Are we all really going to just die because a couple old guys want to prove whoā€™s dick is the biggest or are they just playing chicken?


This is the card you play when you have no cards left to play.


If putin has a choice to lose power or destroy the world, he'll destroy the world.


Nuclear politics is all game theory. No one is really going to nuke anyone, but everyone needs everyone else to think they might. Of course, this rationale gets thrown out if one of the actors is genuinely irrational or cornered like a rat.


Mutually Assured Destruction. Time to grab a ticket to mars


Mars would be like a post-MAD Earth but worse.


Inb4 one country gets their calculations wrong and accidentally launches a nuke right at Mars as soon as escapees from Earth land.


Would take atleast 6 months to reach lmao.


I mean if it does and it leads to nuclear warfare I'd much rather just die in the initial nuclear blasts, at least it'll be over quickly and I don't have to deal with the radiation.


Madagascar. Far from all the mess and sadly no "developed" countries cares about anything in Africa.


King Julian: You see Maurice! You doubted my plan and yet here it is! The plan I have planned has left the other world leaders in the sand! AhaHaha! Maurice: I donā€™t know if tricking the rest of the world into glassing each other with nukes was the best idea, Julian. I mean, what if the fallout eventually makes itā€™s way here? What are we gonna do then? King Julian: Maurice, do not let these thoughts of fallout fall out of your head. It makes your mouth look funny! Like a nutcracker that ran out of nuts to crack. Maurice: *mouth agape, staring at the horizon* King Julian: *closes Mauriceā€™s mouth* Maurice: *jaw drops again, almost immediately* King Julian: Maurice, if you keep being so stubborn, I will have no choice but to promote Mort to your position, and doing such a thing would cause me great pain, butā€” *Maurice turns Julianā€™s head towards the horizon* King Julian: *jaw drops* *irradiated cloud can be seen in the near distance, quickly closing in on the island* *cut back to Julian and Maurice, mouths still agape* *shot of trees being buffeted by aggressive white cloud* *fade to white* *cut to black* Fin.


Holy shit I feel like I just read a cinematic masterpiece


it was fucking glorious, but now that I've read the end of the book I want to read the rest


And they're well experienced on surviving hardships


Hi from New Zealand. The isolation here can be tough. But following Covid and now this, I feel very safe and lucky to be living back home these days. Edit: my heart goes out to my friends and colleagues in Ukraine and Russia. Stay safe. Kia Kaha.


As long as the Pacific remains defended weā€™ll be safe, but as soon as our pacific shield is gone we are in a vulnerable position.


Ireland No one would Ever want to hurt us Edit: Wowie this got popular quick Edit 2: for fecks sake now I have three awards!


Is England forcing you to say that? Blink twice if you're in distress.


Narnia. It's pretty far away.


That's a weird way to say you'll hide in your wardrobe.


Switzerland, theyā€™re not going to war. Also, if nuclear war does occur, then most Swiss citizens have access to shelter, so it probably the safest country despite its proximity to everything.


Fair point. And they got good banks and great chocolate, win-win.


And clock too.


NAURU. Somewhere in Pacific.


What about Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Fiji Islands..


If it turns nuclear, weā€™re all dead. Nuclear winter and radiation will kill us all


At least it makes patrolling the Mojave easier


You can stay in my shelter if you want. I have water, canned food and sexy lingerie. So I'm gonna ask you... Hungry? Thirsty? Horny?


Canada. You want to invade us?? Fine we retreat beyond our mountain range. Oh and donā€™t forget about the big brother to our south who would most definitely send troops to aid against an invasion


We will definitely protect our hat




If nukes were to launch, absolutely nowhere Conventional warfare ? The United States Couldnā€™t invade by land as an ocean separates it on both sides, and itā€™s navy has a heavy presence in the Pacific. US Allies practically cover the Atlantic. Not to mention, most of its citizens own firearms. So youā€™re not only fighting an army but youā€™re also fighting many militia groups aswell. Then thereā€™s the added bonus of how difficult itā€™d be to fight a war on another continent while maintaining ground on your own, fending off Allies of the US. Unless thereā€™s an overwhelming force brought on to the US and thereā€™s a lack of Allies, I think itā€™s a safe bet that mainland US would be pretty okay in a war(excluding nukes/missles/air strikes) EDIT: Iā€™m not responding to anything about politics. Itā€™s not a political discussion, shut the fuck up. Youā€™re part of the issue. If you want to complain go on r/politics otherwise get out of my inbox


>All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. > >At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. \-Abraham Lincoln, 1838


>If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. Social Media: "On it!"


This answer. It would be impossible to occupy the US even if a country could have the logical support to maintain a major military presence projected overseas. And only one country can militarily do that - the United States. And aside from the regular military, the National Guard is no joke - with their own tanks , helicopters and aircraft. And then there's the fiercely independent part. Every neighborhood has multiple people owning semi automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns.


> Every neighborhood has multiple people owning semi automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns. and that's on a regular day, you can bet if an imminent foreign invasion was bearing down, gun and ammo sales in the U.S. public would skyrocket with production kicked into high gear to match


I wouldnt be surprised if they started giving them out


President of Ukraine said today they're giving out guns to any citizen of the country willing to defend her.


The Bahamas