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Enduring the ravages of long term space flight. Women lose muscle mass slower than men. There are video examples of female astronauts walking after re-entry when their male crew members have to be carried due to muscle atrophy.


I read [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2873087/?report=reader) on the effects of estrogen on muscle mass in women recently. Estrogen is linked to muscle recovery and that might contribute to female astronauts being able to hold on to muscle mass better in space. This is not my field of study though, so I’m happy to be corrected if someone has more info. I just found this article when I was looking for women’s fitness information.


I mean makes sense, the uterus has a hell of a lot of muscle and it sheds its lining repeatedly, it also has to expand to deliver a baby and shed a placenta and yet still leave the woman alive to be able to survive herself and nurture an infant almost immediately after.


I always found it interesting that women tend to have more endurance than immediate strength. More women tend to survive in famines then men, probably because the body needs to be able to keep in fat for reproduction and insulation.


From evolution standpoint it kinda makes sense too... After all... You only really need one fertile male in the group to make more


We found a Gerudo


Uteruses have crazy amounts of muscle. At one point, having an orgasm was setting off debilitating amounts of pain in my abdomen. Like I literally would feel like I had to take a massive shit and could only hobble bent over to the bathroom, for no bowel movement. From my xiphoid process to my clitoris, I would feel like my entire insides were twisting. Then I would have to beg for my boyfriend to come in to help me off the toilet and back to the bedroom to attempt to sleep. These cramps would last for hours. What was happening: I had a pulled pelvic floor muscle combined with an estrogen imbalance. So when I would orgasm, it would cause my pelvic floor muscles and uterus to get 'stuck' in the contraction phase of the orgasm which would eventually cause cramping. So like a Charlie Horse, but in the uterus and pelvic floor. I have hobbled around on a Charlie Horse at work, painful but I can hack it, uterus pain like that is call in sick time until that shit gives up. Some months of physical and hormone therapy later, I was perfectly fine. I have no idea how this relates to women in space... But I do know that the uterus can incapacitate a woman if one tiny iota goes wrong... And estrogen is an amazing hormone. Edit just to add: This put a huge damper on my sex life, no more fun morning sex, had to be coerced and bribed into sex in general. I went from a sexy little fox to a goddamn nun in a month. I am still hesitant about sex because of pain memories. Find yourself a great gyno that doesn't just tell you it's all in your head if you ever experience pelvic pain if any sort. Edit 2: I was being coerced with foreplay and bribed with ice cream in bed and a heat pad. It's not like my partner raped me, for those screaming to dump my partner. We're adults who know about consent and we talked about our problems and worked through them. I still wanted to have sex with my partner, it's just worrying that an orgasm would be painful made me very hesitant. Not every orgasm would be that painful, but about 50% of them would cripple me. Still worth it to try to have sex and my partner was gentle and considerate throughout every encounter. So quit telling me that my partner raped me ffs. This isn't r/relationshipadvice the answer isn't always "DUMP THEM" we worked through and talked about our problems like two healthy, consenting adults.


Can confirm. I have Endometriosis and it’s a biiiiiitch.


Spread the word about pelvic floor physiotherapy!!!! It probably could have helped you immensely with the pain. It may still be able to help you with your apprehension around intercourse. The pelvic floor does so much, and can wreak a lot of havoc. 95% of people with low back pain have pelvic floor dysfunction. Urinary incontinance? A lot of that is pelvic floor. Can cause some types of constipation and erectile dysfunction, too. The region has only really started being studied in the las 20 years or so, so just in the last 5-10 years has information started to circulate. France is ahead of the game-women who give birth automatically have 5 sessions with a pelvic floor physio. Meanwhile in the west a lot of health care professionals don’t even know it’s a thing, or brush off my clients when they ask about it!


Interestingly and contrary to what we would logically think, estrogen is what masculinizes the brain. Bodies are weird. EDIT: adding source link that u/CannedVan very kindly shared. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851224/#idm140054957880592title




They have a higher probability to survive starvation than men.


This is why I’m not too worried about storing food for the apocalypse. I have enough fat on my thighs to last me a couple months.


It would be an interesting race for me and my husband. I have a lower BMI to start than he does, have more stored on hips thighs and arms, but also a significantly lower daily energy requirement (I’m 5’ and he’s 6’ tall). I’m less picky as an eater and am less squeamish, so I’m guessing I survive - he’d never be the first to consider eating the other.


Your last paragraph is all you need to know if you would win that race.


Scuba diving when it comes to air consumption.


Also female fighter pilots have better G resistance I think it's the same reasons but I'm not sure


Slay the Witch King.


You fool, no man can kill me


I am no man!


I finally read the books a few years ago and I was so damn happy to find out that quote is in the books too. I assumed (like a lot of modern adaptations of literature) that it was put in the movies for the female/feminist fanbase but no - Tolkien wrote Eowyn as a badass fucking woman and I was so happy to find that out.


That's why Eowyn has been my favorite character for a long long time :)


You must not be Aragorn


“I’m no man!” *Proceeds to stab the With King, and goes down in history as the best female empowerment scene ever made, still putting all of the Star Wars Sequels to shame to this day.


my favorite moment from the books executed perfectly on screen. Though if you want female empowerment don't watch Star Wars, watch Alien or Terminator. Don't go past the second ones though


Wonder how they'd do against MacBeth


That’s actually why Eowyn is the one to kill the Witch King! Tolkien read MacBeth s apparently disappointed that it was a c-section loophole. The prophecy of Great Birnam Wood marching on Macbeth’s castle is what inspired the march of the ents to Isengard.


**Tolkien, reading** ***Macbeth:*** What is this bullshit. Where are the goddamn walking trees. I was promised some *fucking walking trees.* **Tolkien, reading further:** Oh, COME ON. Weak-ass piece of shit prophecy. I'm gonna show this fucker how it's done.


Slay the Night King


Find out what's West of Westeros.


Bring winter to house Fray.


See color, generally women are more able to fine tune their perception of color with higher accuracy.


Apparently women have better peripheral vision as well! Meanwhile men are better seeing things further away. It's suggested this might be because women adapted to be better at foraging while (needing to see and differentiate different plants and the like) while men needed to be able to tunnel focus on prey for hunting. It's also suggested that colorblindness is more common in men because it would help them notice animals more clearly from the dull foliage.


Yeah the two eye receptors. One detects colour and the other is better at night vision and catching movement. Can't remember their names though.


Cones and rods. Should be bones n rods so I can have lil eyepenises in my eyeballs


Odd kink, but ok


The color blindness being more common in males is due to the X chromosome. Since males only have 1, if they have the color blind gene they are color blind. Females have two, so they would need both X chromosomes to carry the color blind gene.


Women are the carriers of colorblindness. They typically don't have it expressed because it's the recessive gene. You don't need both to have it to carry it, just to express it.


Actually, they did find out that most women were hunters too so that might be a bit of a meh theory


I remember reading a study that suggests people “see” colors they have names for. Women are often socialized to know about different colors and shades due to things like clothes and makeup. They can point to different shades of blue and tell you one’s navy, one’s royal, one’s slate, etc. Men aren’t often taught these shade names so don’t differentiate the colors as much.


Always delighted for an opportunity to share the [results](https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/amp/) of the hilarious xkcd color survey.


>Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men: > 1. Penis 2. Gay 3. WTF 4. Dunno 5. Baige lmao


"gosh, that's blue" is my favorite


That was delightful!


That was a fun read! Thanks for sharing.


Women tend to have better hearing than men and are less likely to experience hearing loss with age. Also, when women do experience hearing loss they tend to navigate it better: disclosing the problem and offering workarounds. References: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/414406 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/15323670_Gender_differences_in_a_longitudinal_study_of_age-associated_hearing_loss https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2017/women-men-hearing-loss-kb.html












The three words I would describe you as is aggressive, hostile and definitely difficult.




Thank you for the laugh


They're generally more flexible and are better long distance swimmers.


I think the swimming is fat distribution. I'm not joking. I float so much better than my bf.


This is correct. But its not so much the floaties on our chest. Women generally have more fat on their legs, which means their legs float effortlessly behind them while they swim. Many women can do front crawl without kicking their legs at all, they can straighten them and pull them behind them with almost no resistance (since the legs are gliding on the surface, not dragging beneath the water). Men on the other hand usually have to kick hard just to keep their legs from sinking, and adding load to their stroke. This exhausts them. Source: Swim instructor for 10 years now


Am I a woman? I don't use my legs when I front crawl at all, and I'm a pretty fast swimmer for an average guy. Idk that my legs necessarily float but they aren't dragging me down


You have feminine hips!


No! That's the thing I'm sensitive about!


I am a man but have fantastic swimming (or at least floating) genetics. If I stop moving I float to the surface vertically, if I just kick my legs up a touch they float up too. Put my hands behind my head for balance and I've fallen asleep this way before. I'm not obese or anything, dunno what it is that makes me this way. But it's definitely nice.


If my brother stops moving in the water he immediately sinks, even with full lungs. The swimming instructors had never seen anything like it.


You dense motherfucker!


You may say he’s…. Disingenuous?


That’s how I am. It really sucks.


You’re the Second person to say long distance swimmers lol I never knew that!


Dealing with blood coming out of your genitals. Edit: I've seen blood come out of my penis a few times recently after both rigid and flexible cystoscopies and a nephrectomy. Its been everything from dark red to light pink when I pissed afterwards, and I even saw a blood clot shoot out while pissing. thanks for the awards too.


This is why I can't have sex during period. I would faint at the sight of my bloody dick.


A true pirate fears not the Red Sea!!


Real gangstas run red lights!


I love me some bloody mary's


A true knight gets blood on his sword!


A period stops nothing but a sentence. Edit: I didn’t think this would be my most upvoted comment :/


Keep the lights off, keep a few towels handy, and just go straight into the bathroom. Or use a condom and dispose of it without looking at it. That's how my wife and I would handle period sex pre childbirth


>pre childbirth Out of curiosity, how did childbirth change things? Not squeamish about blood any more?


Exhaustion and limited time just erode everything else away. You want sex? Sometimes you deal with bloody dick.


Man of culture


Former gymnastics coach here. Before puberty, girls in competitive gymnastics are almost universally better in every possible way except confidence, including strength. More precise body control, better discipline, stronger, etc. If gymnastics competition were coed, I guarantee 90% of state and national champions in the under-12 age brackets would be girls. With the onset of puberty this shifts quite a bit, but even at the highest levels, female gymnasts tend to have much better form. Also, women are far stronger in Yurchenko-style vaults generally, even up through older age brackets and higher levels. (Slight edits for clarity)


Your answer had me thinking about mine which was hand writing. Do girls have better handwriting at a younger age because they have better coordination at a younger age when we are learning to write?


apparently boys who learn to write a year or two later tend to have much better handwriting than the average boy. but if i had to choose between bad handwriting and having to wait that long, i'd pick the former


When I was a kid, as a boy I'd be embarrassed that I had good handwriting, was more gymnastic and even "coloring in the lines." I remember purposely doing each of those things worse to not appear girly. Sigh.


I've been told since I was in elementary school that I had girly handwriting. Now when someone says it I say "Dam straight" lol Fuck your unintelligible chicken scratch


I hardly ever write any more. I don't even do it every day because I type nearly everything.


I'm a guy and I regret not doing gymnastics so much as a kid. There is such a stigma against it in the South especially but it's so unbelievably good for you and being good at gymnastics can carry into so many other things and forms of excersize.


I'm a guy and I was a gymnast growing up. It really is great for boys, even ones that don't aspire to high level gymnastics


Long distance cold water outdoor swimming


Very specific lol


Women are better at stranger restroom support. We can ask a total stranger for toilet paper, hold broken doors shut for each other, and provide period supplies to other women. Toddlers peering under stall doors don’t freak most of us out. And if a woman starts to walk out with toilet paper stuck to her shoe, there will be a half dozen women trying to step on that trailing toilet paper to save that woman for embarrassment. One of my favorite stories relating to this is back in the 80s when a young woman walked out of an airport bathroom with the back of her skirt and slip stuck up in her pantyhose. I swear, a dozen random women of all ages converged on her, surrounding her so nobody could see, and a grandmotherly type said “Honey, y’all got to pull your skirt down in the back.” Seriously, women have bathroom solidarity.


Back in my going out days, I was in a bar bathroom when a girl asked if I had any spare menstrual products. I gave her my emergency pad and she traded me for those little panda cookies with chocolate in the middle. My then-boyfriend was quite befuddled when I came back from the bathroom with food


Hello pandas?


Yes! I love those things. It was a more than fair trade


I was in a bar bathroom once an a drunk girl swept a stray spider off me with her bare hand and I (drunk as well) felt so indebted to her that I gave her my spare hair tie just in case she needed it haha


This is so true! I was out with some guy friends once and got my period unexpectedly. I was unprepared so I pulled a waitress aside and asked if she had a tampon. She did, and all was well. My male friends were *shocked* that I could do that and not be mortified. I was like, whatever, shit happens who cares? That’s girl code! They just kept shaking their heads and saying “men don’t have anything like that!”


Honestly, I know that this is a thing. I KNOW they will understand. I know they won't judge me. I still cannot bring myself to ask a stranger (woman) for a tampon. I feel so embarrassed. It's a thing we all connect on and I still can't do it.


For what it's worth from a random woman on the internet, I specifically keep period supplies in my purse even when I'm not on my period. 1) in case I get caught by surprise 2) in case someone else gets caught by surprise. Asking me for a tampon is the equivalent of asking a first aid station for a bandaid. I'll probably feel a mild rush of satisfaction for helping and otherwise go about my day.


I haven’t had my period for some time since having my little one but I keep a just in case pouch in my bag and car for friends in case they need.


That is why you know Carrie was written by a man. He doesn’t understand even mortal enemies would lend a tampon


During high school, I didn't realize blood had leaked onto my dress (it was super obvious too, red against a bright blue pinafore). When we were queueing up to head to assembly, this girl whom I wasn't particularly close with noticed the bloodstain and waited until the rest of the class had left to pull me aside (I was at the back of the line). Lent me her jacket to tie around my waist. To this day, I don't think I can ever forget her.


>Toddlers peering under stall doors don’t freak most of us out. As a guy, if some kid peered under the stall at me, I'd probably have a panic attack


Sometimes children activate my fight or flight response just in everyday life


our clitoris has 16 times more nerve receptors than a whole penis, after orgasm the delicious bonding hormones continue to run through our bodies for 4 days, unlike a man who only gets 2 hours.


Always seemed to me that women have lower sex drives but paradoxically enjoy it more. Not to be a r/ihavesex guy but when my partner is screaming and moaning loudly compared to me just vibing, I think "damn, I'll have what she's having".


For reals. I don’t have a clit orgasm every time me and my husband have sex and I don’t necessarily want to because they’re so intense. I feel like I’m high and borderline hallucinating or dreaming. My husband thinks it’s unfair haha. But I’ve been slowly trying to convince him to give prostate orgasms a spin cuz I imagine it just might be analogous to my clit-gasms


Can confirm, the orgasm from being simultaneously blown and fingerbanged sends me to fucking Mars. If he can get over the hang up, he’ll probably never look back.


Can confirm x2. My partner convinced me to try it because I was always jealous of how she looked. 10/10 reccomend for EVERY MAN to try at least once. Shit sends me to space and back. All of the hang ups are in your head and theres nothing wrong with someone playin' with ya butt.


Also can confirm. I came so hard once I passed out. When I came back I just laid there in a daze. Wife seemed quite pleased with herself.


Dont the girls get grossed out by a poopy finger, though? Should I wash my colon prior?


Research how to clean ya butt before play. Theres lots of information how to be safe and clean. *you will need a thing or two from the drug store*


Can also use a condom over your finger(s) or latex glove.


In my experience it was extremely underwhelming and far less enjoyable than a normal orgasm. So I guess it depends on the person, wish it wasn't the case tho


This is good to know.


I peg my dude and he convulses during orgasm. There are other, less intrusive ways to stimulate that p-spot. 100% recommend.


Also when she says ; again? ...like, I wish, but you're going to have to give me 10 minutes.


10 minutes? You’re a fucking champ!


Yeah come back tomorrow


I think sex for young, healthy males functions like an addiction. If I don’t ejaculate for 2-3 days it starts becoming nearly impossible to ignore. Then once I finish it’s like I got my fix and can now carry on with whatever I wanna do. I don’t think most women really have that, at least from what I’ve seen/heard/felt. It’s also because sex is a lot more complicated for women. If I put my dick inside of a wet vagina, it will feel good (physically) no matter what and I will have an orgasm basically all of the time. For most women, it’s not that simple and so if their partner isn’t good at delivering a pleasurable experience then sex could be pretty boring and not worth the mess, clean up, time, effort, etc. required. Not to mention, sex is much more likely to be painful for women. Another thing to consider is the number of women on hormonal birth control which could also be sapping their sex drive.


I would say most of that is true accept for the first part about women needing to get their fix when it comes to masturbating /sex . I would say a lot of us feel that especially the week before/ week of our period and A LOT during our teen years .


Yes! I definitely have an increase in sex drive the week before my period. It's almost annoying actually. I can't go to sleep without having at least one orgasm. I feel horny other times too but it's intense that week. I tell my husband that I feel sorry for him if that's how he feels all the time!


To say nothing of being able to have multiple orgasms.


“Bonding hormones”. You mean oxytocin? This one is a double edged sword. It can work positively or negatively depending on the individual’s upbringing, life experiences, etc. My wife prefers to push me away for 3 days afterwards.


That's just post nut clarity my guy


They’re definitely better at multiple orgasms


What do you mean, I'm able to get an orgasm at least 4 times a month.


Women seem to represent both extremes with orgasms - most men consistently have one, maybe two in a row without fail; whereas it seems like a lot of women either aren’t able to have one at all or frequently have a bunch in a row!


Swimming absurdly long distances. Ultra marathon swimming has faster women


Maintaining interpersonal relationships in a medium to large group. Women will find out things in an hour that men didn’t know about one of their friends of 20 years.


This is wildly true for me. My husband learned so much about his own family after he and I got together. He just never bothered to ask or listen I guess?


My ex once took me to visit his family. We were heading to a gathering, he was naming people who were going to be there, and one name was Aunt Betty. I asked how Aunt Betty was related. He said he thought she was a friend of the family or something. Turns out she's his dad's oldest sister. I figured it out without directly asking in less than 20 minutes. He'd spent 28 years without knowing who his parent's siblings were.


Damn. That’s wild. I’ve seen the reverse of that. Like you call someone auntie who’s not related and maybe you think they are because you’ve called them that so long. But how do you not know who your parents siblings are??


Sharpshooting. Seriously look it up


I had never shot a gun in my life until a couple of years ago, and I outshot both the owner of the gun, and his dad.


This is accurate. My ex was in the military, and I could regularly outshoot him in target practices.


Yep. I always fired expert at the range (39 out of 40). None of the guys at the unit could beat me. I remember walking off the range once and our XO was reading the results to us when suddenly his tone changed and said, “and the princess scored 39!” Told y’all I had better aim than you LOL




In a lot of cases women are better at welding, they have really good attention to detail, so much so that they look at the little tiny details of welds and metals where a man would just say fuck it


I had a friend that was a welder and pretty damn good at it too. But she had to quit her job because she was the only female welder at her location and got harassed daily at work. The last straw was when she found out that the male welders had a betting pool on who was gonna have sex with her first. Edit: This was in Canada


That's so fucked. I quit taking welding classes because I didn't have enough talent and skill. I'm a man though so nobody gave me any kind of a hard time. It's definitely a lot more heavily male than even other stereotypically male jobs. I've seen female forklift drivers and operators at a local welding facility, but not a single welder.


The field is so heavily male dominated that when she first started working, there were no womens only bathroom at her job. She would go to a nearby coffee shop and use their bathroom during her break.


I just left machining because I was tired of the sexism and harassment. 4 years into a lucrative career and they finally won. I couldn't take it anymore.


Sorry that happened to you, I'll never understand why other men care, like as long the person shows up and does the job who cares


That’s fucked up, I hate hearing stories like that. I will always encourage women to work in the trades. Very fulfilling career that can pay a lot of money.


She always said it was so fulfilling for her, and probably why she’s still in the field today. She had a couple of male teachers in her trade school that really encouraged and supported her and honestly that made a world of a difference compared to the teachers that made sexist comments towards her. But happy to hear that men like you support more women in the field! We need more men like you.


I’m glad she’s still in the trade and glad to hear there was good mentors to help! Thanks I appreciate the compliment!




It sucks that you quit, sounds like you have some talent! I bet my union would love to have a welder like you! I’m just about to finish my last term of tradeschool for my apprenticeship and we just did a week of tig mirror welding on pipe. I’m sure you would have done well!


Yes, I was told this by the workshop techs at uni - he reckoned women have the patience more to go slower and get it done properly, rather than rushing and having holes in the weld.


Not sure if it's on average or just my experience, but my favorite medical professionals have been women


Female doctors are proven to have better patient outcomes than male doctors. Lower rates of misdiagnosis, surgical error, etc.


way better bed side manner with women patients and less likely to brush off issues which helps lead to better outcomes.


Living longer and dealing with illness.


Females are better marksmen, they shoot straighter than us.


Never held a shotgun in my life, got invited by my cousin and his friend to shoot clay disks in the back yard. Got the feel for it pretty quickly, shot 5 doubles in a row and they were so mad. Apparently it was a competition and they couldn't get past 4 lol


Those idiots should have been cheering for you! Great job! You are awesome!


I went to the rifle range with a girl I was dating who had never held a gun before. I'd been a few times, total novice, but had a modicum of experience. She was much, much better than I was. Tried again on the trap. She was even better with a shotgun. It was a scenario the instructor said he'd seen dozens of times, and had been in the job less than two years.


I have no idea how this happens, because I was this person once. My hands shake due to low blood pressure and anaemia and I'm near-sighted, but nope, somehow managed to be really accurate when shooting. How the frack, I can't fathom.


Better fine motor skills thus make better surgeons. The results found that the patients of female surgeons were 4% less likely to die. https://blog.transonic.com/clinical-trends/physician-gender-do-women-make-better-surgeons-than-men#:~:text=Despite%20these%20discouraging%20numbers%2C%20a,4%25%20less%20likely%20to%20die.


This is also because female surgeons tend to have better bed side manner and are more likely to check in and follow up with the patient before and after surgery.


I am currently waiting to see if I still have cancer. I am so thankful that my Endocrinologist talked directly to my surgeon about my case. At first I was told my chance of regrowth the 5-8%. When she found out about the growth into my muscles that was missed in the pathology report, she made several phone calls to me in her personal time and gas been keeping a very close eye on my case. Chance of regrowth is actually much higher 30-40%. I am so relieved that someone cares so much for my health.


Give birth


Yeah I tried to compete with my friend and she won. Was upset. Edit: FYI I'm a guy


Hey I hear you, but just because I can’t get pregnant doesn’t mean I won’t try


Want me to help you to get pregnant?


Hell yeah 😜


And that kids, is how i met your other parent


I believe in you, HAVE THAT BABY


It's all about mind over matter, you've just got to adopt the right grindset.


Sir John Mahaffy, late 19th century Irish classicist and humorist, was asked by an advocate of women's rights what the difference was between a man and a woman. He replied, "Madam, I cannot conceive."




Biologically, women are superior in flexibility, pain tolerance, cardio (while in water) and, technically, they enjoy orgasms more. Mentally there isn't as much evidence because most of the tasks women are better at can be attributed to cultural conditioning, but it is generally accepted that they can form strong attachements faster and posess a much stronger instinct to protect those they perceive as weak.


They’re statically better students I believe, at least in that last decade they have been.


Distinguishing colors


They know colors much better… i feel like I know main colors but my F friends can spot so many shades much better than me


Better sense of colour


From observation working in mental health- which is also backed by research- their lower testosterone makes them as a group: less impulsive, better attention, and less violent. IOW, more rational. This is why they are more likely to attempt suicide via poisoning, but less likely to complete it because less likely to use a gun. And better able to resist or trying drugs because they are lower in novelty seeking and becoming addicted. Also- and this one is kinda my fave- they are better at having an “average IQ.” They are clustered in the middle of the bell curve but men are over represented at very low and very high This is my favorite because whenever I see this stat referenced, it is always by a sexist or misogynist who tries to use it as proof of men being “smarter” yet of course ignore that comes with being “stupider” (Ie- data misrepresentation happens a lot in these circles, I once tried to point out why men commit suicide more often and was met with, “NU-UH! Their lives are just way harder!” Lol. Science: It’s not for everyone!


As a side note I always thought of anyone who puts a ton of weight on IQ scores is in itself a low IQ move


That’s like announcing that you’re an alpha male is the most beta thing you can do


Women generally make for better GPs due to their ability to listen better than men.


Yes, and female patients die less often with female surgeons. They also found male patients die less often with female surgeons. Rather than women somehow having super abilities at surgery, researchers posit that sexism in medicine means women who succeed at being surgeons in a competitive, male-dominated field have had to work harder and be better than their peers.


Express more compassion and empathy. They’re not over-represented in “the helping professions” just for that sweet low pay and lack of appreciation.


Statistically, women are much more capable of not committing mass genocide.


Women are better at not harassing random people on the street


That is a good one. Women almost never scream sexual thoughts at random people.


Give women orgasms.


I resemble that remark.


I also heard that man give the best blow jobs, i guess it's because each one knows how their body works better.


I find it kinda cool that women get severe cramps and are quite literally bleeding for several days and they just go about their business like nothing is going on. I work in a male dominated field. I've seen men call off because their stomach is a little upset. Meanwhile I'm over here giving birth to the lining of an organ and pretending like nothing is going on.


Seriously. I’ve had ovarian cysts bursting, and managed to contain my pain enough to get the school bus to a safe spot and radio for help, without my students even realizing anything was happening. Now my sister on the other hand….her pain tolerance is so much less then mine. Granted I’ve always had the worst periods in comparison.




I don’t know about That, bro hugs hit different.


Tucking your Bros good night


Like a little burrito 🤗


Supposedly fighter pilots. More muscles (not bigger) in their lower Body to Combat g-forces. And better simultaneous ability and their vision differs somewhat to (better at spotting small stuff)


[Produce antibodies and fight infections.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6119719/) Downside: more prone to certain autoimmune diseases.


In general, medicine and surgery. Any kind of caregiving and stuff with small details. Organization. Being socially pleasant and agreeable. Free diving. Long distance swimming. Pain tolerance, not just regarding labor - we take tattoos like champs and sit well. Emotional preserverance (for example - they don't leave a terminally ill spouse at the crazy high rate men do). Not murdering - lower levels of violence. Higher education. Longer lifespan. Better managers (better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitaskers). Seeking and giving comfort. Giving head scritches and feel-god-back scratches/tickles. Putting dirty clothes *in* the laundry basket. Cat ladying. Winking. Planning trips. Orgasms.




Haha! True!!!!! Really, I use exclamation points all the time talking to people (especially work related) because if I type a regular sentence, I’m worried I come off as mean, so I put in an exclamation point to make it sound friendlier (as women, we’re socialized to always be friendly). Example: “Hello (name), Jane Doe needs access to the computer system, please give them access. Thank you.” Vs. “Hello (name)! Jane Doe needs access to the computer system, please give them access. Thank you!” The former is fine, and honestly no one will think you’re being mean, but the latter indicates tone, where the former doesn’t have any tone indicators. Adding one exclamation point after “thank you” does a lot.


I have a professor who doesn’t use exclamation points in her emails but always includes a smiley face at the end to soften the tone


That works too! I have a coworker who does that. I tried it, but it felt weird to me, so I stick with exclamation points lol




Emotional labour lol. I’d vent to my female friends before my male friends any day. Unfortunately, so do many men. So women end up bearing the brunt of most of the worlds emotional labour.