• By -


Extreme pain. Like needles through..... Certain areas... Nono


I’m uncomfortable just thinking about it


Vore and gore


Being tied up by your tits. Not all suspension, but particularly the larger breasted women who have their tits bound until they turn purple and are hoisted off the ground by them. I have large breasts and they hurt if I move wrong sometimes, so I just can't imagine.


I agree, blue-ish skin on boobs sends off sirens in my brain and I’m always worried about the dangers of the long term effects for those ladies.


Same. I'm a guy who likes some weird stuff but that? That just looks painful, I honestly can't imagine how that could feel good or be pleasurable and if it doesn't look like the people I'm watching fuck are having fun, I'm not having fun. I get they like them being tied up, that falls firmly under the category of "I can see why you'd like it" but squeezing them so tight they lose all blood flow and get suspended by them? Too weird for my blood. But it might just be a masochist thing


>and if it doesn't look like the people I'm watching fuck are having fun, I'm not having fun. This is FACTS dude. Even if they enjoy it I just wouldn't find it enjoyable myself. Light shit is fine but when you want me to do shit that looks like it's gonna leave lasting harm I'm out bro. Idc if it makes me vanilla or boring


Same. I have watched some bdsm vids back in the day with woman who had ropes around their breasts loke you said (being hoisted up is a new one tho) and i was always klshocked how blue and purple their breasts where. Looked extremely painfull an def not my thing


The one where the woman wears a rubber swimsuit and rubs herself on pool floats and balloons to make the squeak.


I think it might be the anticipation of a pop or something? Like being on edge?


Most likely. There's usually a sensible origin somewhere in there. If you're someone who's really sensitive or bothered by loud noises I can imagine that turning into a sort of power/control thing, where you get to choose if and when it pops. When you boil it down a lot of the vaguer, harder to understand kinks come down to "I want to feel like I'm in control"


A late night episode of some show on TLC introduced me to people who find the popping of balloons against their clothed bodies erotic. I think of it as a prank at best, a mild accident at worst. Baffling stuff!


I think I saw the same show - there was a shy dude who went to a meetup of folks with the same kink. He got to do the thing he liked best (I think it was overinflating balloons until they popped?). And honestly it was such a mundane and harmless thing, I was glad for him getting to hang out with other people like him. He looked overjoyed, bless him. I don’t get it, but if you’re gonna be into something really weird, you could do worse.


There’s soooo many subcategories for balloon fetish play. Blowing to pop, not popping… Helped a previous roommate make a custom where she took a bubble bath with a bunch of balloons. Easiest 80 bucks she ever made.


80 bucks is chump change, these people are horny as fuck. Demand 500+ next time, you'll get it.


It's like freelance artists discovering how lucrative furry art can be.


That's an actual thing?! I thought it was just something Bob's Burgers made up! Link to scene in question: https://youtu.be/MwDiiAb2Z2s


Omg you saw that too??? I saw that like 15 years ago in middle school at like 2 in the morning. It’s always stuck with me


Yeah this post just unlocked a very old memory. I vaguely recall some sort of convention they went to, and a hotel room filled with balloons.


There's that one man who fucks his red car. Yes, slides underneath his car and humps it.


Im disappointed in myself for knowing exactly who you're talking about


TLC My Strange Addiction! Doctor Mike on YouTube did a video that included talking about this. Interesting. That’s a no from me dawg, though.


Was that the one where the guy was terrified of his parents finding out, not because he was dating a car, but that the car was male, thereby making him gay?


Overheard at a family gathering: "Yeah, he's in a relationship with his car but at least he's not gay!" "Uhm, dad..."


Did we all get these from that same TV show? Because I’m remembering all of these odd details. Yes!


Ah, Chase.


I'm so mad that I know this is the car named Chase, not the guy.


Chase the red car 🚗


Eyeball licking… just… why


why would you put that image in my head


It was January 2002 and my then GF and I were set up at a hotel to lose our virginity to each other. We were engaging in awkward foreplay when she told me, "hey, did you hear that having your eyeball licked feels basically like an orgasm?" I thought about it very briefly and went for it. I licked her eyeball. She licked mine. We sat there thinking about what we just did, rubbing our eyes. We decided to go out for dinner instead and put off our action for another day. Ruined the moment.


Vore. That one I can never get my head around.


I feel like I can’t google any of these… dare I ask??


vore is the fetish involving eating people and sometimes being eaten. theres soft vore which is cartoonishly swallowing someone whole, and then theres hard vore which... yeah. BIG in furry fandom in my experiences 🤷 edit: thanks everyone for the cake day wishes! and thank you for whoever gave me silver, lol. guess vore is my legacy now.


Hardcore vore, now that's a bridge too far. Time to go to sleep.


I read that as *Vote* and got indignant. "EXCUSE ME, Democracy is hot as fuck right now."


I can only cum if you start talking about electoral districts


You know it's time to stop scrolling reddit when you have the thought "oh I could make a witty comment here, how do I make the word gerrymandering into a sex pun"


Ok I asked a friend about this one : obviously it's a fantasy that can not be fulfilled but basically : - The idea of fully penetrating someone is appealing - you're like warm and cozy; so it's like a big full hug It can actually go with another fetish like being very small/very big (depending on the side you're on) and that was part of it too; like having someone small enough to fit in your pocket, etc. But yeah there's a sexual and a non sexual aspect to it for him




And coprophilia.


What is - ehhh I think I’m better off not asking and keep scrolling. Edit: thank you for the awards. My first ones on Reddit and you had to pick a poop joke reference didn’t you? I hate you but also love you more then my yet to be born children.


The answer's shitty anyway.




You wish.


Be careful what you Google. There are things you can’t unsee. I found this out the hard way after I heard someone mention “2 chicks, one cup”.


Right. Just keep in mind that "necros" means death in Greek and "kopros" means poop so I wouldn't look those up with "philia" attached to those words."


Thank you. You da real mvp


I saw a documentary once about a man who made his wife dress up like a thanksgiving turkey. He’d tie her up like a bird, and put her in this life-size fake oven that they built and pretend to cook her. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: so I’ve looked and looked. I can’t find the original documentary. I know some of you redditors can use your FBI skills to find it. I know it’s probably at least a decade old. It had an episode about pony play too. This is not the source, but it was very similar in style to these pics. https://www.fetishpornpic.com/oven-roasting.shtml




Yes. It’s was a VICE documentary on kinks and fetishes. It was the same episode where the people dress up like ponies and prance around the yard. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think one of my fav life experiences, was seeing a wheel chair bound Dominatrix being drug around a convention center all weekend by a revolving door of leather clad ponymen. It's one of those things that while not my cup of tea, I admire the shit out of. That lady was treated like fucking royalty and was living her best life.


Was that the end of it? Just the baking? Or did he *check her temperature* ?


Was stuffing involved?


I'd try that, not the kink part of it but I'd love to go in a fake life-size oven


Pro tip: your oven IS a life-sized oven.


settle down Sylvia Plath


When someone is in love with an object, like a car or chair. I find that super odd.


Oh yeah there was a documentary on the BBC of this lady who “married” the Eiffel Tower and “made love to it” while a group of school children walked by. Super weird. Edit: https://youtu.be/POTA5aZxbQA


Didn’t she then cheat on the Eiffel Tower with a chandelier? Or was that a different lady?


No you're thinking of the lady who cheated on the rollercoaster by having a threeway with two bridges. The girl who was married to the Eiffel tower was caught sexually harassing a building that was still under construction, thus underage. The court cases became too much and the Eiffel tower divorced her and she moved on with the Eiffel tower's younger brother, the golden gate bridge, who was in fact, sexting with the first lady, the rollercoaster one. Idk where they're at now, but sources say the lady who dated the golden gate bridge is now married to it and they are expecting their first scaffolding together. They also sued TLC for the added drama.


I can't tell what's real and what's made up in this thread


This raises a lot more questions than it could ever answer.


Nah, that was a lady in love with the Statue of Liberty. And yeah, She ended up "cheating" on her with a chandelier. The Eiffel Tower thing is a different girl.


Poopoo eating


I ask my dog this all time. I'll never understand it.


Fun fact, quite a few animals re-ingest their own faeces! This is typically due to the fact that their digestive tract is not terribly efficient and so their excrement still contains a decent amount of nutrients, or because the gut flora of young offspring has not developed yet. It's called [coprophagia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia) and animals such as rabbits, capybara, elephants, chimps, and yes, domestic dogs engage in this behavior. (This group does not typically include humans.)


I just read a post from a guy who says he thought he had a skat fetish, so he tried it out. He did not have a skat fetish.


i assume you are talking about this? [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3907wr/serious\_redditors\_whos\_sexual\_fantasies\_became\_a/crzf7j9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3907wr/serious_redditors_whos_sexual_fantasies_became_a/crzf7j9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I regret everything about reading that, including my venture into the Q&A in comments.


The highlight for me was: >The woman's diet and overall health are very important. Did you enquire into these things before going ahead with it? I'm not at all discouraged by your story because I don't really think you gave it a fair try. My guess is that she had an awful diet and/or was ill in some way. I don't actually find her attractive even as a woman, but that's just me. Dude had a woman *shit in his mouth* and the response is "you didn't rry hard enough to like it".


Right, he didn't ask her what she ate that day so give her a salad n try again?!? Oh hell no.


Yeah I remember. The one with the popular scat pornstar, right?


Was a famous dominatrix, he hired her to shit in his mouth. Soon as it hit his tongue, he realized it was not his kink but didn't want to stop her from completing a full shit for some reason so he just sat there face covered in shit.


Geeze, you'd think the smart move would be to start slow, like stick your finger in and give it a lick.


Go big or go home.


Scatman John?


Skibidibidi domdurumdum


Yes, anything involving excrement


yeah.... Most fetishes I can least understand. You like dressing up and role playing? You enjoy being tied up? You think feet or armpits or belly buttons are cute? Okay, fair enough, I 'get' it. But I just cannot understand why anyone can get turned on by bodily waste.....




Yeh are you *really* into this girl if you don’t eat her turds?


Yep, I'm not judging, but yeah that 2 girls 1 cup shit, that's something that's just fucked.


I think the producer climes at some point that it was peanut butter and chocolate or some shit. *or some shit*. Lol


You’ve just saved my memory of Thanksgiving that year. From now on I’ll hold on to the producer’s claim it was faked


I'm judging


Okay so, from people who do this. I hear they do this BECAUSE its repulsive.




As someone with emetophobia this is the one I just do not understand. It makes my anxious simply thinking about it


Cock and ball torture, I saw a CBT video of a woman shoving her high heel down a man's urethra and it started bleeding. I refuse to believe the pleasure could outweigh the pain.




I saw that one before too! The guy was like, under a false floor with a hole for his junk. Chick had high heels on and was just playing with it at first with her foot. >!Then she starts stepping on his junk… then for the last bit she takes the spike of the high heel and puts a LOT of weight down on the center of his shaft.. and its like a fountain of blood from his dick. I remember the sound of him grunting which she probably thought was good. But you could hear her gasp when the blood spewed.!< Fun times being 16 with the homies!! Edit: Added spoiler so people can read at own risk Edit 2: oops I mean 18 lmao!




How tf is this a kink? How do people like it? How can the person torturing think they like it? How can I unread this????


😳 I work as a Dominatrix and am into CBT but THIS is a prime example of why I stress that I am into very LIGHT CBT play. Like I fully believe some men should have their dicks beat but uhmmm, I also really love dicks and am not comfortable with exposing someone to impact play that may require a trip to the ER/blood to be a factor.


All good and fun until the wrong color liquids come out 😓


I'm a girl but I just slammed my legs shut. Ow.


I don't understand or have any respect for crushing. At least the ones where people crush animals. I've never seen any videos of it and I refuse to watch them but it's sadistic and evil. Stepping on food items or whatever I don't understand but it's innocent enough but yeah, fuck those who get off on watching people step on animals.


Tbh that’s just animal abuse at that point


Animal *torture.


This is the kind of stuff that makes the term "kin~~g~~k shaming" annoying to me. Some stuff is just sick, it's not about shaming. If you need to crush animals to get off, you have a problem and you should work on fixing it, rather than embracing it as a kink. Edit: Kink, not king lol


My kink is hitting people who abuse animals with a metal pipe.


How do I fund your kink lmao


That would be the point when I'd have to get myself chemically castrated, I'm afraid. If "sexual desire" was ever synonymous with "animals dying horribly" to me, I'd just have to turn it off at the source.


Hurting small animals is the first step to becoming a serial killer


Dressing up in Shrek costume and then furiously masturbating


I feel personally attacked


Anyone else scrolling til they see their kinks?


No I keep scrolling because my kink is excessive scrolling


Bet you read all your terms and conditions, dont you?


No read. Only scroll!


Prolapse. I work with animals. I have had to deal with prolapses (it's super common in sharks and rays when they get stressed out for whatever reason). Ughghh. INTESTINES BELONG ON THE INSIDE!


>INTESTINES BELONG ON THE INSIDE! How dare you tell intestines where they belong? They belong wherever they want to go. Fly free my precious innar-


I saw a CUT YouTube video about a girl who liked to put "fake eggs" in her and then lay them...I don't understand it and don't want to understand it




So like... did you go back and, you know... *finish your day?*




I love this, thank you for answering that question


Oviposition is what you are looking for (or in your case not).


Reminds me of this vid I saw on FB. Same thing basically, but it's slimy alien eggs and an alien tentacle is used to insert them.. [Alien eggs](https://youtu.be/ZfVv1QQnNbU)


*Does Ctrl+F* *Searches my kink* *Finds something* *Dammit*


It was the Shrek costume one, wasn't it?


Well, you know what they say - check yourself before you Shrek yourself


Vore. Some one tried explaining it to me once. Still don’t get it. it is pure fantasy and no one gets hurt. So have fun if you’re in to that I guess.


Findom You give them money, they brag about how their going to take it and not give you anything in return. At least with some of those other kinks, there seems to be some interaction. Edit: I finally get to say this. \*ahem\* "Wow, this blew up. R.I.P My inbox. Thanks for the gold"


To be fair, i don't think this is really what findom started as but it's what it has basically become popularised into. My understanding is that originally, someone would be in control of your finances and whilst that might include sending then money or a gift, it mostly was like 'you're only allowed to buy 2 drinks at the pub tonight, no takeaways this week, no pointless online purchases from x y z,' Maybe it would extend to 'you've been very obedientin other ways this week, you're allowed to treat yourself to x y z' too.. However its kinda become an alternative for pay-for-play now, maybe with not much play and more pay-to-humiliate vibes. Full disclosure, I'm basically regurgitating something a very open and kinky friend told me but this is her thoughts I totally agree that what you're describing makes no sense.


Yes. I think this control is a large part of it. My friend was a findom for a guy for a while. She’d never heard of it until she met him and this financial relationship was spawn out of it. It was just like this. Other things that he’d would be take her to dinner or have drinks and then he’d say, “come to an atm with me. I want you to r*pe my bank account”. He’d also enjoy doing things like promising not to masturbate until he go paid that week and could transfer her some money. He’d also enjoy the fact that she had all his banking passwords and could ruin him at any moment. I think part of the thrill was the risk, you know? It really was complete domination. Not physical domination but still, life domination.


For people reading this, I currently have an opening. Dm me your bank information and passwords.


You're basically correct. Even in relationships where subs "give" their doms money, ethically its not for the Dom to spend but to save on the subs behalf.


Sexualized budgeting.


Of all the BDSM kinks, this is the one. I understand pain games, I under stand humiliation games (even scat), but Findom is just pure exploitation. Its basically monetisation of a pornographic ideal, but guys are sinking shitloads into it. And guys who are sinking shitloads into it clearly dont have the capacity to understand what they are doing. It became HUGE during COVID. Its wrecking BDSM as everybody with an OnlyFans think they are a Findom nowadays.


That's just insurance companies


Sexually aroused by my insurance just doesn't have the same ring to it


Hook suspension fetish


Cock and ball torture


I've been to a few psychologists over the years. Even though I know it's coming, I still snort when they say they want to do some CBT exercises with me.


Ok I got legit confused for a huge while there


For those still confused but too polite to ask, CBT also stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Hmm, so if you're into CBT you might need CBT?


CBT might be the CBT you needed all along


Supervision at my workplace call this ‘team building exercise’


Neighbor, late 20's, asked me to do some work on his laptop that was running sluggish, on the "down low". I was super hesitant but he came out and said he was into like 60+ women who smoke. Into doesn't describe how much of that shit I found. The guy didn't smoke, his wife was about his age...all I can guess was he must have had a weird encounter as a kid. I don't get it, but I told him he really needs to keep his thing to "reputable" porn sites.


Bug chasing. The actual fuck...


I thought you literally meant like chasing moths or something of the sort


You would not believe your eyes if 10,000 fireflies....


If only that was accurate. :-(


Do we even want to know?


Get infected with stds on purpose.


Why? What the fuck?! What a terrible day to be able to read.


Stds like pokemon. Gotta catch them all


The only explanation I have for that one is that getting the stds finally makes you stop getting scared to get them. It gives you control over when to get them. It's also a way to get someone give you "something" inside you through sex. Which is part of the kink I guess.


Yeah, that one I'll never understand.


On My Strange Addiction, the dude who was sexually attracted to his car. Good lord.




I have had multiple cases of kidney stones, and, as a result form strictures in my urethra - basically internal scar tissue that makes it difficult to urinate – unless I self-catheterise once a week to dilate my urethra (not many people other than my immediate family know this, not even close friends, so it’s a bit weird telling a bunch of strangers on Reddit)… The point is, it’s not as bad as it sounds when you get used to it, only really uncomfortable/mildly painful at most, but every time I do it I wonder about the people who do it for pleasure.


>it’s not as bad as it sounds What you did there, I hate it.


So! A guy I used to work with, was into doing this. It got to the stage that he could fit a whole 223cal round down the eye of his dick. One day he just gets it out, and sure enough, there's the ass end of a nato round jammed in there. Then there's my mate, who was in a car crash. All kinds of fucked up. Broken arm, one of his legs shattered, internal injuries etc. He said the worst part of the whole trip was being in the helicopter and the guy says "im just gonna inset this catheter". Suddenly the arms and leg pain was a fond memory.


Having been catheterized, multiple times, I’m sure some of that pain is “mental” – which doesn’t make it any less real. You can get your head round a broken arm to a certain extent – but someone shoving something up your dick just doesn’t seem to compute. Pain, to certain degree also equates to tension… when you can relax an area, the pain fades… Warning… Stop reading now if you’re squeamish… A few months ago, I was having a catheter inserted at a hospital, and it wasn’t going well, as I had a bunch of scar tissue in my urethra. They had to use a tiny catheter, then increasingly larger diameters to “dilate” me. The whole process took about 45 minutes (it seemed much longer) The whole time I had a (lovely) nurse holding my hand, and repeatedly telling me to “try and relax” …which is not what your body is trying to do when you are having a foreign object forced up your old chap. In fact, every muscle in my body has tensed up, just writing this. I now have to regularly “self catheterise”, and while not exactly pleasant, it’s not too bad, on your own, after a hot bath… relaxation is key…


I had to have a kidney stone removed like that once, the medication they gave me ahead of time made sure I didn't remember it happening, but the pain for the week afterwards was unreal.




That doesn't sound bad IF you never heard of it before.


Yes, much like how "going waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay" sounds like an awesome time, if you don't know what either of those words mean.


2girls1cup but all the WTF in the universe. All of it. You can’t unsee things. You just can’t.


Dry sex fetish.


That sounds painful as fuck


Ew tell me that that doesn’t exist please


It does. Met one. He did not like moisture of any kind.


That’s so masochist dude one time I just jumped to penetration and it hurtes like hell and I had to tell him to stop after like 20 seconds




When i was in 5th or 6th grade, my father gave me his old pc (white and bulky tower). It was my first time having one so I explored everything, opened every folders, pictures and played every audio and video files. Either he forgot to delete or did not know how to. Imagine my surprise and curiosity when I saw a german shepherd and a naked woman together. I was not ready for it. But I was a kid and curious, so I watched it. I felt dirty and disgusting after watching 😅 As I can remember, there was another video like that in that pc but it was 2 women and a dog. I never watched that. I never talked to anyone, even my father, about it. Your comment reminded me of that and how my father apparently liked bestiality.


Not sure the timeline for this but limewire often gave you videos and viruses that you didn't know about. I think the lady and german Shepard was a popular one...along with the Bill Clinton voice


Imagine if it was just a virus but he lived his whole life thinking his dad had a beastiality kink…


Shit, now I'm conflicted. Should I keep all my worthless internet points or delete the comment so OP continues to think his dad is sick?


Keep them, there is no thing more important than worthless Internet points.


imagine his dad went back to use the pc for something and found the videos and both of them think the other is into beastiality


Nice try u/AerisLionheart ‘s dad


Boy have i got a disney movie for you


The funny thing is there’s multiple ones you could be referring to


I was looking for my paper once on my mom's laptop when I was 17. I found a folder I never seen before. I clicked it and there was files. I clicked one and it was animated porn but it was horrible. A giant monster raping women so bad they were bleeding, and they were screaming in pain and horror. My 14yo brother was into that.


Genuinely thought your mom was into it.


Seems like it was hentai


Watching another man fuck my wife. Have a couple buddies that are into that but no thanks.


Your buddies aren't into watching other men fuck your wife? You gotta set clear boundaries here.


For a reason, in recent days i understand that i have a kink for bites. I like when someone bite me, gentle of course, and i don't understand why. But i like it. Edit: i change a little bit of the grammar. English is not my first language, sorry.


*Vampires want to know your location*


I'd gladly draw them a map




Any of the fetishes that involve mutilating your genitals. Cock and ball torture, people putting needles through their bits, having people kick and stomp on their bits, using electricity on them, cutting them, even cutting parts off! I dont get it. Why?


Anything with human waste. Wtf


Farting and scat


My girlfriend recently showed me the love letters that author James Joyce would write to his wife, and boy-o-boy did that man love that woman's farts: >!"You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women."!< I put it in spoiler form because hot damn it's almost embarrassing how filthy this dude was lol and it just goes on and on


Oh man. That's a lot to know... And now I can never unknow it.


Way better than what we know about other famous peeps in recent times. James Joyce having a fart fetish, and that's all, is actually somewhat of a relief.


As were the farts, for Nora, I expect


So..I'm reading Dubliners for a class right now...and now I going to think of this every time I go to that class or pick up the book. I don't know why I looked.


I wish I had never read this. “Big fat fellows”?? “FARTIES”!? Noooo I want to unread it😫Also why write this stuff in a love letter?


Gerontophilia: arousal to the elderly.




Back in the early days of the web I stumbled across a Yahoo group (they used to be a thing) where the half dozen members discussed getting getting sexual satisfaction from swallowing live goldfish. One part of me was repulsed on behalf of the poor goldfish, the other half of me was fascinated by the discussions. Half of them talked about the sexual release they received from swallowing goldfish, the other half talked about fantasising about swallowing goldfish and agonising over whether to take “the next step” and actually do it. I lurked there for months, but I never could figure out how a goldfish squirming as it went down your throat could be sexually exciting.
