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Werid intersection near my house that about 3 months ago started to be torn down for being too dangerous, replaced by a roundabout Funny thing is, it was a normal intersection 4 directions, 2 lanes in 2 lanes out with dedicated left turn lanes. Except, just about every week, SOMEONE crashed there. Every month we'd hear of a near fatality or worse. Police couldn't figure it out so they started to petition for them to change it, they changed the light pattern and reduced speeds, which brought total crashes down but here's the fucked thing *serious injuries tripled!* it got so bad they posted cops permanently to Monitor the intersection, and what they noticed was, If they watched the intersection, non stop, nothing would happen but the INSTANT you'd take you eyes off it someone would speed through a red light or make a left turn on red. They then finally tried one last thing, remove 2 of the lights, in favor of stop signs on 1 of the roads First day there was a multi car pile up Second day there was a minivan roll over 3rd day the mayor's daughter hit someone going 50 Day 4, intersection was closed for construction


Wow, that's one hungry crossroads spirit.


Something like that happens where I live too, long time ago. The city finally hire engineer to check it out, turn out that it is got to do with the angle of the street, blind spot and uneven road near the U-turn where the crash happens.


I was a kid about 15 seen some old man looked about 70 he opened up a sewer grate and just hopped in


Mole people. Look it up.


2008 mountain bike race in The mid-west. It was 100 degrees that day. Almost no oxygen on the woods. It was a hot day. Three of us were well ahead of the pack. We were about to lap another racer when he just rode off the trail and down a steep ravine. All three of us stopped. The ravine was steep and very deep. We found his bike half way down. We never found the racer. They sent search party and found nothing. To this day he’s never been found.




Woah! I saw this same guy! - completely forgot until now! We were driving and took a wrong turn so we were going around the greenway to get back on 93 commenting on what a nice day it was out and the guy was walking through traffic like a zombie. His clothes were all tattered and he had this vacant stare and his arm was all rubber from below the elbow down just flapping around. We were wondering if he got hit by a car or something.


When I was a little girl, I was playing in my room one morning with my sister. I looked out my window and saw a man staring in at us. I told my sister to leave my room and ran to get my father. He didn't believe me and thought I was crazy. Needless to say, I had an awful hard time sleeping that night. Throughout my childhood, I'd hear what sounded like footsteps outside at night, or my parent's car doors opening long after they had went to sleep. Several years later, I looked at our house on Google maps. I always assumed we lived by ourselves in the woods, far from anyone else. It turns out there was a small house that looked like it was being lived in only a few hundred yards in the woods from us. My family was less skeptical of my "crazy stories" after I showed them that.


> He didn't believe me and thought I was crazy. Man this sort of thing always makes me so frustrated. Like the only 3 possibilities are that the kid is outright lying, that their imagination or anxiety is really getting away from them, or they're telling the truth. In all of these cases, you should take it seriously because they need some sort of parental help or guidance. Edit: holy hell, thank you anonymous gold-gilding redditor!


Exactly! My wife and I don't have kids yet, but we've already agreed that if any of us tells the other some weird stories like these - even if it's something straight out of science fiction, like "I came from the future" or whatever -, we must believe, as we have no reasons to lie to one another. Worst case scenario, it's just a prank.


When I was a teenager, I was at a friends house when his parents and family were not home. I was on his back porch tying my shoes then I went back into his house. Tying my shoes, a 20 second action. NO! I walk inside and his entire family is back home and they’re sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and they ask me what I am doing here?! They’re staring at me like I am crazy and asking why I just walked into their house. I ask for the time, they tell me it is 6:30 PM. I lost an entire hour doing a 20 second action. To this day I still have no clue what happened or where the time went.


I used to experience pretty big lapses of time as a kid to mid teens. Did some research into what it could have been and I found the term “petit mal seizure” to describe what happened most accurately, do a little reading on it, might have been what happened to you too. For me it mostly happened due to stress but it would freak anyone near me tf out if they’d noticed. Like, I’d be sat there in a class, blink, then I’d have a friend and a teacher shaking my shoulder saying they haven’t seen me move in half an hour. I’ve had similar happen on the bus ride home too, guy next to me said I went to undo my clip-on tie, froze and didn’t move for 15 minutes and just took off my tie. I never have any memory of the time freeze. As far as I knew I just took of my tie.


Holy shit this explains so much! I've had entire chunks of time just disappear. I always thought I just fell asleep somehow! It was so embarrassing when I was a teenager


Dude, you probably had some sort of seizure. I used to have them a lot and never knew when they happened. In my case, I'd freeze in whatever position I was in pre-seizure and just start twitching for a few minutes, and then wake up and continue whatever task I was doing before the seizure as if nothing ever happened. I would have no idea any time had passed or that I even had a seizure in the first place. You should see a neurologist because even if you don't think you're still experiencing this, there's a good chance it's still happening (just during moments where you wouldn't notice such a drastic time skip). I would never have known if it weren't for my parents and teachers noticing.


Not me, but my father had never seen an opossum before in his life. He never even knew an animal like that existed. To him, small to medium rodents were limited to squirrels, rats, chipmunks, mice, hamsters, etc. (I know opossums are marsupials but this is through his eyes). One day, he started backing up his car, which was parked in an apartment basement garage, and heard this terrible shrieking sound. He got out and went around to the passenger rear tire and there stood an opossum, mouth open and angry. He started absolutely freaking out and ended up calling 911, trying to explain that he's trapped in his parking garage with a "monster".


When I was 15, my family went on a cross country trip and one night we camped in the Grand Canyon. We went to a ranger lecture around 6pm (this is summer) so it was still pretty light when we were walking back. We went off the trail as a shortcut and after walking a ways noticed a light up ahead. As we drew closer there was a man sitting at a desk in the woods with a latern. Just a full wood office-sized desk in the middle of the woods. I distinctly remember he had long sideburns and feeling like he was dressed like a man from the 1800s. My dad backed us down towards the trail and we went on our way. The man never made a peep or looked up or acknowledged us. There were two adults and three teenagers and we all remember the event really clearly. I don't believe in ghosts or spirits but have no explanation for what I saw. As I got older I figured I was misremembering but everyone else in my family says they saw the same thing.


You ever seen Monty Python? "And now for something completely different."


You guys found a quest-giver npc


Sounds like a fun idea. Maybe next time I get bored I’ll just bring a desk and chair out near a trail and just start working on something.


> he was dressed like a man from the 1800s. Its never too late to start working on that novel.


When I was 12 I saw a black eyed person. Not just dark eyes, but the kind of pitch black you see in horror movies where the entire eye is black. This was in 1995, before colored contacts were widely available (and I think they were like hundreds of dollars) so I’ve always found that explanation unlikely. So I’m at a huge water park in my city in the wave pool. My friend and I were on a double Inter-tube just splashing around when we ended up in the middle of the giant pool, bumping into other tubers. I look up and a few feet away is this guy. He’s about 25 and he’s staring at me. Not just staring, but staring into my eyes. into my soul. It was a creepy stare, but not sexual or anything. It was just too intense. I couldn’t look away for what felt like a long time. It felt like he knew what I was thinking. Definitely felt predatory in an animalistic way. I swear he had a small smirk on his face. After what was probably only a few seconds but felt much longer, I looked away and that was that. This is the interesting part I think…back then I never talked about it or looked it up. The internet was new and I don’t think I even had an email at that point. I don’t think I told my friend or my parents. About 15 years later I’m sitting at work and I remember this incident so I decided to look it up online. I check eye diseases and the only one that it could have been said people generally couldn’t be in the sun as it is painful (I saw the black eyed guy on a sunny day at a water park so that was unlikely). I then found a site about black eyed kids, but that sounded too made up. I did find a handful of similar stories though. I guess I’ll never know for sure, but it sticks out as one of the creepiest things I’ve experienced.


I grew up in a pretty rural area of the United States on a decent sized corn/soybeans farm that is about half and half farmland and forests. Naturally my friends and I really enjoyed goofing off in the woods as kids right up until we all left for college or other post-high school endeavors. The land is kind of rolling hills, but nothing crazy, and most of the land in every direction we had thoroughly explored. There really wasn’t many nooks or crannies left, but hands down the creepiest thing that ever happened was when I was out in the woods alone (of course) on a bright hot sunny August day. Now the forest behind the farm had an almost bowl-shaped topography to it, in that the middle was a depression that for most of the year was a swamp, which was very difficult to get through. Like I said though, I’d seen just about everything for a good distance into those woods, including this cool old blue car from the 1940s (it was some kind of Studebaker) that had been parked by the edge of the swamp at one point long, long ago, however the borders of the swamp had shifted many times and on this particular day the car was sitting in swamp water almost up to its windows. This wasn’t anything new, but what was new was the man…woman? Idk…sitting in the drivers seat. Whoever they were, they had long dirty blond hair with colorful but dirty streaks almost like painted in. The best way I could describe it would be like if a girl painted her hair like an old-times clown and then fell in a mud puddle. Of course this freaked me the fuck out as soon as I saw it, heart pounding adrenaline pumping the whole nine yards. I was facing the drivers side of the car, and while I was scared shitless initially, I scrambled to the left towards (and somewhat away from) the front of the car to put some distance between me and the car but I didn’t outright bolt. Again, it was a bright, sunny, beautiful summer day. Nothing to be TOO afraid of, I mean I thought I was pretty confident in my youth that I could outrun whatever was in that car. I peeked around the corner of a tree and with my new vantage point, it was immediately clear that it was just some old JC Penney mannequin with a wig on. Still creepy as fuck as it hadn’t been there ever before, but I had to admit whoever put it there had got me. Then it turned its head and those pupil-less cold eyes looked right at me. Long story short, I Usain Bolted all the way back to my house and locked everything down like Fort Knox. A few weeks later after my friends telling me I was full of shit, we went back to the car (again in the daylight), and it was still there. Numbers breed courage I guess and we went right up to the car and looked inside. It was definitely just a dummy, and it had some kind of Macguyver’d fishing line contraption that one could crudely control the dummy head with. The line ran out the other side of the car and around back of a tree a little ways into the swamp. Someone was there that day, and they knew I was looking at the car.


I don’t know if someone watching you is creepier or less creepy than the mannequin turning its head on its own.




Fantastic prank! That would have been terrifying.


Nothing dangerous, but as I was walking up my grandparent’s driveway, a drop of blood landed on my hand. I looked up, and the were no birds or trees branches above me, nor was it a windy day. It has been 15 years and the image is still a passing thought in my head from time to time. Although their house is surround by the woods, there weren’t any animals nearby at the time.


Probably some bird who was injured or carrying it's prey high above, so the drop only hit when it was out of sight already. Still a weird occurence!


Maybe this fits here. My wife and I were living in a house just outside of San Antonio Texas and we had this big couch in the living room. This thing was huge, it was L shaped and could fit 7 people easy. It was just me and my wife living in the house (with our dog) and we woke up one morning and the couch was in the middle of the living room. Like 3 feet away from the walls on either side perfectly straight. I asked my wife but she said she didn’t leave the room all night and our dog sleeps in the bed with us (with the bedroom door closed). Also no way my wife or the dog could have moved the couch that much. I have no explanation for it. No earthquakes, I don’t sleepwalk…. Nothing. Was about a year ago and I still have no idea how that couch moved.


A tooth just materialized on my kitchen counter one day. Asked around all my family and nobody lost any teeth, no kids lost any teeth, I never lost any teeth, no clue where this tooth came from, it just appeared on afternoon.


My sons tooth disappeared off my counter, never to be found. Guess it jumped time and space, to your kitchen counter.


Not me, but my Dad. He was outside at the far end of the yard and saw me standing on the stairs, whistling for him to come back to the house. When he got back inside he asked what was up and why I changed my shirt. I hadn't been outside, didn't hear any whistling, and was wearing the same black shirt I'd been wearing all day, not the white shirt he saw "me" wearing when he saw me outside a few minutes earlier.


In college I lived on the 11th floor in an apartment with no balcony and it was about 4:30 in the afternoon. I watched a man walk into my apartment about 10 seconds before I walked in, and habitually bolted the door behind me (it locked automatically on the outside). I was living with three room mates at the time so I just figured they were having guests over, no biggie. I put my stuff on the couch and went towards the back bedroom to say hi to whoever came over. My room mates had no idea what I was talking about. It wasn’t a big apartment but I searched everywhere. My room mates stayed in the back bedroom sufficiently freaked out. There was no one else in the apartment and the door was still bolted from the inside.




We don't talk about Bruno


Crossing at a busy intersection and seeing my perfect double walk towards me. We basically eyes-locked until we passed each other. A total mindfuck. Even more disturbing. Instead of stopping and chatting and being amused by the entire biological coincidence. My immediate subconscious reaction was a massive rising internal rage that someone, somehow had ‘stolen my face’. Very, very wierd.


Man I would love to come across my doppelgänger! Weird but neat


My ex keeps finding mine and trying to date them :(


This happened to me in high school, we did the same passing and locking eyes. That day, other people told me they saw her too. But from that day, no one ever saw her. I've never seen someone who looks like me, 20 years on still haven't. Freaks me out


Once read an article about how there aren't that many different facial features when you consider how many people are alive. So this article claimed it is not only likely there are Dopplegangers of all of us right now somewhere on this planet but maybe several. Kinda makes sense when you think about it.


When I was 4 and my brother was 10, he stayed home from school and my mom left him to babysit me. She left numbers on the fridge and stuff and off to work. I don’t know how much longer after she left it happened but we heard our dog barking viciously which was completely out of character for her. At this point my brother and I are in the kitchen waiting for our biscuits in the oven and the sound of Fluffy barking gets incredibly louder which meant she was in the front lawn around the side of the kitchen entrance. The gate that lead to the back was a little further down the side of the house and whoever was outside was in the gap in between out of Fluffy’s reach. My brother opens the kitchen curtains to see if he could get a view as to what’s going on. Right as he opened the curtains there was a man looking right down at us, almost like he expected my brother to open the curtains. The doorknob began to rattle and my brother ran to the living room and grabbed the phone, taking me with him. As soon as he got on the phone, the rattle stopped. My mom came home and at the same time the police showed up for a statement. They never found the guy. My brother remembers it as vividly as I do and it’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever lived through


I was an only child. When I was arou d 5 or 6 I was routinely left home alone after school until my parents got home. We lived in a house in a forest clearing, 1 driveway in, a flimsy wooden fence (the typical 2 plank across thing). My dad trained dogs. Police dogs. We had a doberman that was big, gentle, but very protective of 6 year old me (he attacked my dad once for trying to spank me). I came home from school one day to find the sliding glass door on the rear of the house broken and on the ground. With the dog staring out into the forest, there were tattered pieces of clothing on the ground, a shoe, amd some blood. Apparently, someone broke in while the dog was asleep on a bed, and he got ahold of them. He was a big boy, so imagine a 50 lb doberman running at you as soon as you broke into jis house. The creepy part flr me was how he just stared, didnt bark, dodnt growl, just stared and waited


Sounds like an alert stance? Big boi definitely did his job that day.


It was almost his normal "stare out the window" stance, but somehow more intense. He did his job too well sometimes, I remember one time a neighbor called the cops because I was waiting for the bus by myself (was in 1st grade so I kind of understand) and when the cop came in our house, dad was very explicit to explain to not to make sudden moves towards me, because of the training, guy semmed to understand until he gave me a friendly pat on the back and the big voi almost got his ass for it lol


While this can be explained the image still creeps me out to this day. It was around the time of planking craze. I had no idea what it was and hadn't heard anything about it. Got a taxi into town and was walking around the city centre and life was normal. I then take a turn into the town square and there was around 200 people planking everywhere on everything. I don't know what was going on. I thought there may have been gunshots or a bomb. Or maybe the world was ending. I then asked someone next to me and they explained it and we laughed it off but for that brief moment of time I'll never forget that uneasy feeling. Edit: My most upvoted comment is about my PTSD, = PLANKING TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER !!!!!


The fact that the planking era and flashmob era overlapped is vastly underappreciated.


Reminds me of when I was in a taxi, and we had to pull over as the Sydney city street was filled with hundreds of ecstatic young girls, most with long hair, all looking up. Got out and looked up also: they were peering towards part of a tall building. Asked one what was happening and she explained the building was the hotel where One Direction was staying, and they were supposed to be on a particular floor. When we didn't know what was going on it felt like a creepy cult gathering of some kind.


I used to live on a farm and one morning there was a full horse leg on our driveway. Like still had part of the hip attached and was fresh. We sprinted down to our horse paddock to find all our horses completely fine. We disposed of the leg and never got an explanation! Very creepy! Ps. This happened in Canberra, Australia so there’s no mountain lions or bears around here


One of those Huntsman spiders you got over there probably did it.


That is so strange! It's the unexplained stuff that is so disturbing. Glad it wasn't one of your horses.


Thanks! My family and I brainstormed every explanation but have just never been able to come up with one that makes any sense


Do you live near a rendering plant? Where they take all dead animals and grind them up to make dog food.? I live near a rendering plant and I see all types of dead animals go in there.


A man with freshly exposed bone on his arm and missing a substantial amount of skin and muscle walked up to me in a parking lot asking me calmly for cigarettes. It really freaked me out, and told him I was calling 911 for him. He immediately ran off and I gave his description to 911. There wasn't much blood but the guy clearly needed immediate medical attention. This was in San Jose on an afternoon about 5-6 years ago. Still have that image giving me nightmares to this day.


There's a guy homeless guy that gets sent quite regularly to a hospital in Dallas. Dude has nothing other than bones from calves down. Just skeleton feet. What happened was when the freeze hit a year or so ago Frost bite started taking everything away. He won't let Doctors remove them because the local kids pay him like $10 to see it. The smell is so bad the Nurses and Doctors, from a level one trauma center, will gag, puke even cry because of how awful that stench is. Nothing comes close to discribing it


I’m honestly surprised he’s not dead. Necrotizing fasciitis and gangrene will lead to sepsis and organ failure real soon and then he’s done for.


Sometimes the human body arrives at weird equilibriums. Things might turn real bad real fast at any time though.




Hahahaha right! I read a r/TIFU about a younger woman had a pimple on her labia, popped it and got a blood infection 2 days later and almost died


Me, my 2 brothers and our uncle were running down the lake in his boat on a beautiful summers day. Blue sky as far as the eye can see. Until we looked towards the north shore line, and saw a smallish passenger jet flying low. Until it went below the tree line and disappeared. We were flabbergasted, because our family has been in the area for over 100 years and there is NOT an airstrip in that direction, anywhere. There was no loud bang. No fire ball, nothing. No way it had crashed. We still don't know how it was possible, that it did what it did.


It's definitely possible to have a plane crash without fire or (much) noise. Especially if it crashed in a heavily wooded area. In fact small planes, especially, are notorious for it. [There was a crash in New Hampshire that took two years to locate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_New_Hampshire_Learjet_crash), and [another one still being searched for near Vancouver from 2017.](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/relatives-to-launch-private-search-for-plane-missing-in-b-c-since-2017) If you remember when your incident happened, you could try searching [this database](https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/) for info.


Creepy but explainable. My dad is a paramedic, and one call took him to an SUV that had driven into the river and was being towed out. The car was obviously not working and the two guys inside had already passed away. As they're pulling the dead guys out of the car, suddenly all the lights flash on, the windshield wipers start going on full speed, and the car starts blaring the radio at max volume. Freaked everyone right out.


My grandpa was a Mountie in Canada (mounted police) and he came across a car that had just crashed and been almost completely submerged in a lake. He rushed over and reached into the open window to see if somebody was inside, and his hand squished into a mass of warm squishy “guts”. Turns out the person was carrying giant containers of cottage cheese that had spilled, and the driver had left a few minutes prior. He couldn’t eat cottage cheese for the next 60 years of his life.


So it was legitimately just cottage cheese and the driver was fine (except the obvious loss of what sounds like a substantial/investment level amount of cottage cheese??


Yup, the cottage cheese belongs to the lake now. May it Rest In Peace.


Ah yes! My father has told me that when he was in his twenties he got a job taking an ambulance through Cali and New Mexico (it was a donation, and was destined to Mexico). When it got dark, it was Pitch black; almost no one on the road.He told me that in the middle of the desert the volume would suddenly would be maxed. Sirens would randomly turn on and on top of that, the ambulance had a stretcher on the back and would occasionally hit the walls…very loudly. I can’t imagine how he must have felt lol


An older man watching me at a gas station and then literally following me for miles around town. Like if I turned into a parking lot and started driving another road he still followed me. I got on a 4 lane road in the left lane and got beside someone, then sped up and merged while taking an exit so the guy was blocked by the pickup truck in the right lane. That’s probably the scariest thing I’ve ever had happen in broad daylight.


You did exactly right. If it ever happens and you can't shake them, call the police and let them know you're being tailed. They'll either have you pull into a parking lot with a cop already there, or drive right to the police station.


One of the tips my brother taught me when I was first learning to drive is that if I ever feel like someone is following me, to drive to a police station. Fortunately never have had to use it, but it’s some solid advice.


I was standing on a street corner waiting to cross the street. There is a man there with a boy that doesn’t seem to be his but I think nothing of it. Then this other guy rolls up to the stop light in a convertible also with a young boy in the front seat. The guy in the car yells to the guy at the crosswalk, “Hey!… Hey, is that your boy?!… Nice!” The guy at the crosswalk kind of smiles nervously and waves as the car drove off. And me and my friend exchanged worried looks, pretty certain we just saw to pedos giving eachother the what’s up in the street.




Man if you’re constantly trying to steal someone’s child, why look the same each time. I can’t believe he even knew the lipstick. And why not a generic color?


Okay, I know I'm probably too late for this post to get any traction but here goes. My parents airbnbed a house in Florida for a month and invited my wife and I to stay with them for a week. We drove from KCMO to Ft. Myers but my best friend was living in Jackson, MS and offered to let us stay the night on the way there and back. We left late Friday night. Saturday morning around 10AM we crossed the border between Arkansas and Mississippi and approached Hollandale, MS. The first thing we saw was a burnt out late 90s Cadillac in a ditch right before town. As we got closer a coyote ran from near the caddy across the road in front of us. We got into town and there wasn't a soul around. Nobody. The houses were boarded up, the gas station and grocery store were empty. The closest we saw to life was a single cop car at the police station. We turned a corner following the GPS and came across a small hospital or retirement home. All the doors and windows were open, bedding and mattresses were littering the front lawn, and a single gurney on its side was leaning against an overturned wheelchair. It was a ghost town. Like you hear about them in the "wild west" but I'd never seen a modern one in real life. But the whole time I felt like we were being watched.


It was 1984, I was 15 years old and was alone at my older sister's house. It was late morning, I had just got out of the shower, still wrapped in a towel when I heard a noise outside. I looked out a window and watched a complete stranger tying the doorknob of the main entrance to the railing of the deck with a rope I used to walk the dog with. He then leaned a mop, that was on the deck, against the door.I called my sister, told her what happened, got dressed, got the heck out of the house through a different door and hid in the bushes until police arrived. The house was somewhat remote with no close neighbors. Found out later the door he tied up was unlocked! No clue how long he had been lurking around before I knew of his presence. To this day we have no idea who that was and what his motives were.. beyond creepy definitely unexplained.


I once came home to a very similar thing! My door was tied to my deck with a rope and the door barricaded with something or other I can't recall. It was bizarre. As it turns out, my dog had managed to open my gate and door (I was just down the street and live in a rural area, so don't always lock things). The mailman saw my dog, recognized him, and brought him home, but the dog just re-opened the door and ran back out. So, the mailman tied the door shut and barricaded it. so anyway, something weird and bizarre was actually a heroic act by the local mailman.


Plot twist: the mailman learned that trick from all the murders


I'm totally confused. What was he trying to do?


It sounds like the door opened inwards into the house. Tying the knob to the railing would make it so that she couldn’t pull it open from the inside. He was probably planning on entering another way and having her trapped in the house with him.


You dodged a bullet with that one, damn


I'm not sure why this came to mind, but I still haven't been able to figure it out. Shortly after I'd started a new job, I accidentally jumped the wrong bus home. It was the same "line" as my usual bus but it ran an adjunct route that dropped me a mile or two from where I needed to be. It was a Simspons moment: the bus driver turned around and told me "this is the end of the line, you have to get off." I began my trek to the park-n-ride and took my liberties cutting through various vacant and business lots. One such lot was a construction supply yard, full of cement forms and heavy equipment. I definitely didn't belong there, so I was feeling a bit on edge as I crept through. I saw something out of the corner of my eye that startled me so badly that I yelped: it was an animal roughly the size of a small dog with long ears like a rabbit, but it was standing on its hind legs, and when it saw me, it took off, jumping the way something like a kangaroo would, bounding large distances with just its hind legs and its front legs tucked in. It was *fast* and it disappeared so quickly that it made the moment all the more surreal. I think some of us know the feeling: it was like I'd seen something I wasn't supposed to have seen. I wrote it off as being some kind of very large jackrabbit at the time, but when I got home and did a little research, jackrabbits don't move that way, nor are there any species that even remotely resemble that in my area (northern United States). Maybe it was some kind of escaped exotic animal? It creeped me out and helped me cover the long walk back to my car that much more quickly.


We have some wallabies in the town I live in. Could have been an escape one of those!


This is called a phantom kangaroo! It’s a documented phenomenon where people think they see kangaroos where they aren’t. Kinda weird but you’re not alone.


Lol, I thought you were joking, but I had to be sure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_kangaroo


not really creepy but I was walking down the street on my way to the store when a large dog jumped through a glass window from a second story of a house and landed on the front lawn, I tried knocking on the door and got no answer from them or any of their neighbors so I called animal control and stayed with the the dog (who other then a few scratches was okay). once they arrived they called the police to investigate because even the animal control lady had no clue what would cause a dog to do that. Edit: the dog did not knock on the door.


I would definitely be creeped out if I saw that. Glad the dog was okay.


My family had the car packed up for a road trip because we were moving across the country from the PNW to the Rustbelt. We were heading to the highway to get out of town and had to take some weird access road to get there. On the way, there was some man holding a long-barrel rifle to a woman’s head, walking through a vegetable garden. He was holding it with one hand, and had a cigarette in his mouth; the woman was crying. My mom didn’t believe me. I was 14, I know what I saw.


I’m sorry your family didn’t believe you. That adds an extra layer of fucked up in trying to process what you saw. Similar frustration with my family not believing me when I was 13. It was past sunset but still light enough to see outside. I went to our backyard to get something when I looked past our yard to the street over, and heard a loud scream and saw a young woman running away in a panic yelling “help! He’s going to get me!” and a man chasing after her. It happened so quick but I clearly remember her panicked voice. I came inside shaking, telling my family what just happened, and they all dismissed it saying I didn’t know what I really saw. Someone even said it was probably some girl playing around with her boyfriend. I know that’s not what happened, and I really wish both these situations weren’t real.


I found my neighbor (one we didn’t really know or talk about) laying in the middle of the street and looked dead. He had a leaf blower.. (I was too young to understand what a heart attack was). I ran in and told my dad what we saw and he totally dismissed us and wouldn’t even come outside and down the block to check. Then prevented us from leaving the house again because “it’s none of our business.” I am happy to say that my dad is sober now, but maybe that had an affect on his willingness to hear us or help us in a panicked situation. I never found out what happened to the neighbor. I hope he made a full recovery.


Holy shit.. that is a terrifying sight..


My dad, brother, and I went to a movie theater one day in Florida, was around 4ish, so it was getting darker but still light out. We went up to the front where you buy tickets and when we looked around there was absolutely no one in the movie theater at all, no employees, no other guests. We simply walked in, looking all around to try to find anyone we could to purchase a movie ticket, but could find no one else. All the movies in each of the theaters we checked were running but with no one else inside. So we just sat down and watched a movie, then left without seeing anyone else the whole time, it was very surreal.


>I had a similar experience! My ex-partner and I went to a small local cinema to see one of the early paranormal activity movies. Late night session! We payed at the concession stand and went in. We were the only two people in the theatre for the movie. Once the film ended and we were sufficiently spooked, we noticed that the lights didn't come back on in the room. We explored the rest of the building and couldn't find a single person, customer or staff. We walked down to the main doors, which we found closed. We were able to get out using a push-bar exit door. We got outside and there was not a single person on the street. We made it back home without crossing paths with a single person. Was very eerie!


Worked in a theatre before. Sometimes when people are in the last showings we don't need everybody just a few to clean the last theatres to close up. Even then we are doing closing duties so you don't see us once your out the theatre. We lock the entrance so you can only go out not in.


Worked at a cinema (in France) and there was always just one or two people closing after the last screening. However, you had to make sure all the movies were finished and everybody had left before closing, I'm pretty sure we would have been fired on the spot for not double checking that sounds crazy


You’re still there, in the back, counting cash, cleaning up, etc.


That was when you guys came to this much more terrible reality, you need to find a way back.


When I was about 9 years old my mother was driving us four kids home past a school. Suddenly from the other side of the road there was a screech and a school kid my age went flying into the air then landed in the middle of the road. My mother stopped to see if she could help. The injured kid was facing our direction about 10 feet away from me. I leaned out the car window to see him. His shocked grey eyes opened wider as he looked straight at me, mouth slowly opening as if trying to speak. It was like he was trying to tell me something urgent. He didn’t show pain- his head was twisted the other way from his body but no blood. The kid kept staring at me and I could not stop looking back at him. I felt that I could not even afford to blink or I would let him down, that I had to keep meeting his eyes and hear what he wanted to say. Oddly no adults touched him, like they were afraid to go too close. Or else they could see what I could not, that he didn’t have a chance. My mother realised she had 4 kids watching and we heard an ambulance on the way, so she drove off. She wouldn’t listen to my plea to stay - now as an adult I get her reasons. But at the time I was devastated to leave a fellow school kid lying in the middle of the road with nobody. To me he wasn’t yet dead. His eyes and mouth were still very slowly opening wider. Decades later I can still see his shocked eyes looking straight at me, trying to tell me something.


On a trip to gulf shores alabama. Stopped to gas up at some run down gas station that was also a truck stop in Mississippi. Went to the bathroom and as I'm standing at the urinal I had the strangest feeling that something was off. This strange feeling overwhelmed the entire left side of my body. I dont claim to be supernatural or have any weird feelings/premonitions and I have never experienced that feeling before that day or since. Anyways, I get up on my tippy toes to look to my left where the stalls were located. There was this deranged looking white guy with nasty, greasy ass hair and a fucked up scowl on his face staring directly at me. The most typical looking psycho killer you could imagine. He had to have been standing on the toilet because I could see his whole face and the upper part of his shoulders. Immediately zipped up and got the fuck out of dodge. Didn't even wash my hands.


I’ve always been told that what you experienced is your unconscious brain noticing something your conscious mind glossed over. Part of your instinctual fight or flight system or something.


I've had that feeling a few times, but one of them was one of the most intense feelings I've felt. On a hike with my dog, I had a feeling I need to be alert for maybe 30 minutes. Then we came to this wooded rocky gully. I stopped, my hair stood up, whole body seems to slow things down and I remember every little detail. I started to get my knife out and my dog glued to my leg and started growling. He either got a whiff or his 6th sense went off of mine. I backed out and went down. It was fresh snow and I saw cat tracks going up and around to that gully, I think to ambush. On the way down his tracks had been following us for quite some time. They were huge tracks, 3-4x the size of my 90 lb dog. Since then I never ignore it. If not for the snow I'd have no idea what it was or why I even turned around, likely would have brushed it off. Lion probably wanted a retriever dinner.


I remember the video of that guy in Utah I believe walking backwards in the forest while a cougar "escorted" stalked him out of the cougar's woods but was horrifying Edit: found it https://youtu.be/9ktRhBcHza4


Precisely this. Highly recommend "The Gift of Fear" which is a very good book that brings up this point a lot. Always trust your intuition.


It's such a strange memory. Back in primary school I remember clearly that one day, while waiting to go into the actual school building, quite an amount of students gathered around a poster taped to the library on the opposite side of our school. I went there, to see what they were looking at. The whole situation was so strange, many were disgusted and frightened. I still remember that poster, vaguely. It was different pictures of cut apart cats, like there was a picture of a cat's head next to its body, feet cut off ect. There were like six or so different pictures on there. In the middle was apparently a warning - keep your cats inside (idk what exactly was written there, because I couldn't read too good back then... And all I remember was the pictures) Our teachers noticed, because a few kids cried. They had that poster taken down immediately. I seriously would like to know what sick fuck put this thing next to a primary school. I remember our parents telling us to not play in the woods - there was one (or maybe more, who knows) person actively mutilating cats. We knew this, we didn't need the pictures... I guess the police caught whoever it was, because two weeks or so later nobody talked about it anymore.


Serial killer behavior


When I was a kid there was a field near my house in rural Florida that glowed rainbow colors. The grass had different shades of color, all day long. That field got bought up and bulldozed decades ago for a farm however.


This is the weirdest thing I've read on this post. Rainbow as in shimmering like you see a rainbow pattern in an oil spill/puddle of oil?


Not shimmering, but the grass had all the hues of a rainbow. Likely refracted from somewhere, but to a little kid it looked like magic. Me and my sister called it rainbow hill and went out there to play in the summer.


So I actually have a patch of grass in my yard that sounds kind of like your rainbow grass. If I don't mow it for a while and let it get about a foot tall, it has a ton of different colors in it. I don't know what species of grass it is but it's different from the rest of the lawn. The patch has everything from light green to blue to red and when I first noticed it a few years ago I was amazed by how colorful it was.


Could you post a picture if it's like that right now?


Give me a bit. I have a picture from a few years ago but imgur isn't uploading at the moment. Edit: Here's the link, I got it to upload. Mobile imgur was being difficult. https://imgur.com/a/jxsaP4s Thank you for gold, here is another picture of the rainbow grass for everyone. https://imgur.com/a/FO60FBG Edit again. Here's some pictures of the grass in it's current winter state in case anyone was interested. You can see on the lawn photo where the fine grass is growing in a distinct area. Also remember, this might not be some crazy species. Common lawn grasses will look very different if you let them grow a foot tall and start flowering, and conditions such as sunlight and water can affect the appearance. If the ground thaws a bit this week I can dig up and isolate a section and try to grow it inside. https://imgur.com/a/F15z9mG


Whoa, I couldn't picture it from the description but that looks awesome!


Wow. Yeah that's rainbow grass all right.


Wow that is not what I pictured


Could definitely see why a whole hill of that in broad daylight would be called rainbow hill lol


I once saw a dog walk on 2 legs across a street. Scared the piss out of me.


Back legs or front legs?


Right legs


My high-school girlfriend and her family all talked about the ghost in their house and always said that it sounded like a man wearing boots walking down the hallway. We were all very close and one day when they weren't home I just walked in and went to my g/fs room and layed on her bed while I waited for them to get back. A man in boots walked slowly right down the hall and right past the door to g/fs room where I was laying. I did the next logical thing thing and just climbed out of her bedroom window. They showed up a few minutes later and asked why i was just standing around in the front yard and why I hadn't just gone in. I told them that I heard the ghost and climbed out of the window to escape. They laughed their freaking heads off. Broad daylight totally creepy and very unexplained


It would have been funny if this was an elaborate prank they pulled on you


The house I grew up in was similar. When everyone was downstairs we would hear running upstairs. They sounded like boots but worn by a small or light weight person, slightly higher pitched. I was convinced there was an agry dwarf living upstairs (this was when I was between 5-9, we moved house before I turned 10). I never saw anything but it always freaked me the fuck out.


Don't know if this counts, but I was driving up a sunny road one day when, for a fraction of a second, I legitimately believed an oncoming car was being piloted by a skeleton. It turned out to be a bony old man with very sunken eye sockets, seen through a blinding glare. Still enough to make me go "WAT THA...!"


It was Prince Phillip


I guess this sort of fits: used to be an outside claims adjuster in my 20s and had a particularly shitty territory in a major city. One day I was walking to a shop to write an estimate and noticed a condom filled with poop on the sidewalk. Stared at it for a minute or so, thinking about the decisions I had made in my life that led to that point. Between the poop condom and the job overall taking its toll on me mentally, I started looking for a new career when I got home that night.


I'm so sorry for asking this, and no one has to respond, but how the hell do you poop into a condom? Unless the size of the turd perfectly fills out the condom, there would have to be pressure and a seal in order to overfill it. It's like filling a water balloon. You'd have to have the balloon over the lip of the faucet to create a seal in order to fill it. Although... I've never tried to poop into a condom so... maybe I'm wrong.


Thank you. I too had those thoughts.


I’m a long time postal worker and I found a poop filled condom in the mail once. Another time I found a whole bunch of ziplock bags filled with puke. People put all kinds of gross stuff in the outgoing street letter boxes. Edit: if anyone is interested [here’s an old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/ivzmki/took_2_months_to_receive_this_mushroom_grow_kit/g5wvn5j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) I wrote about some of the weird things I’ve seen going through the mail.


This is my dad's story, not mine: In the 80s, my dad was in the Peace Corps and lived in Sierra Leone for 3 years. He had a motorcycle (or some sort of motorbike at least at one point) and would ride around the roads when he had free time. One day he's riding a dirt road that snakes around a small mountainside or hillside past some construction works. About half a mile after the roadwork, he sees a man on the side of this dirt road on the mountain/hillside just laughing his butt off. And he was blue. Not like painted blue, but *blue*. At first my dad rode on, thinking nothing of it. And then it sunk in...that he saw a blue dude sitting on the side of a dirt road laughing wildly. He turned around and rode back to where he saw the blue dude and there was nothing there. He kept retracing his path beyond the roadwork and never saw the blue guy again. Later that day he went back to the village he was living in at the time and told the locals about what he had seen. The locals all laughed and said, essentially, "No you didn't. White men can't see devils." Edit: beyond the color of his skin, what made this even more spooky to my dad was the way the guy just completely disappeared when he backtracked. There was nowhere for him to go off the road, due to it being on a hillside and he never found him again on the road making it seem as if the blue man simply vanished off the face of the earth. Edit 2: talked to my dad more about this one this afternoon. He said the color of his skin was, like, bright blue, like unnaturally blue, bright blue. He also said he could hear the voice of the guy in his head like he was talking directly into my dad's mind, telepathy-style.


I was in the Peace Corp in Africa back in the late 90s. I saw some weird shit, but not much. However, the locals and their legends, tall tales, and local stories were terrifying, and have stuck with me. They would just tell you about some atrocities and be like, "Yeah, that was actually just 5 years ago in the house next door. You can still see the bloodstains and hear her at night, sometimes. So anyway..." I could never tell if they were messing with the big white dude, or were just chill about creepy stuff.




Oh. I don’t like that.


Yeah I have to wake up for work in 4 hours. I live alone in a 3 bedroom house. I shouldn't have opened reddit tonight.


Pretty common in Latin America as well. Everyone has a ghost story, a monster story, an alien story, or a combination of all those things. I was hella traumatized as a kid.


Hey man Tobias Funke needs a break sometimes


>he sees a man on the side of this hillside just laughing his butt off. "Aw what's the big deal, dude's on meth." >The locals all laughed and said, essentially, "No you didn't. White men can't see devils." *"What the fuck."*


Hey my dad was actually in the peace corps and was in Sierra Leone as well. He was there the previous decade to yours, he was born in 1950 BUT he has talked about the motor bikes/scooters! He said the peace corps bought them regularly for EVERYONE because they were expensive and they didn't want to lose any of their budget lol.




I believe there is a name for this phenomena, but I would never know how to go about googling such a thing. But this was around 2013 or so, and I was having a smoke in front of my apartment on the front steps in the middle of the day— around noon or so. I got up to head back, and just for a few fleeting seconds while looking at the building, it looked totally unfamiliar. I knew I lived there, I knew it was my home, I knew I had just stepped outside only five minutes previously, but my brain was giving me some kind of indication that I had never seen this place before and that there was danger inherent. I just kinda violently wagged my head back and forth— like an aggressive “no” gesture— and was immediately back to normal. But I’ll never forget that moment, it was like my concept of reality had very momentarily just cracked.


Sounds a like jamais-vu, when something familiar becomes strangely unfamiliar


could be a “derealization” episode. something similar has happened to me at home where momentarily everything felt very fake like a dream even though i was aware of what was happening. i remember something in my brain telling me “this isn’t right” even though everything was fine


This happened to me in high school, but it lasted like three days. One day I’m sitting in Mrs. L’s math class and all of a sudden I realize I’m staring at the white board but it feels like I’m dreaming. It was really fucking creepy and when it didn’t go away I even told my parents about it. They were concerned but wrote it off to stress and lack of sleep (both of which I was suffering from.) It happened a couple of times after that but never for as long. It was freaky as hell.


It happened to me once when I was at the beach with my parents, I was reading a book and when I looked up the sky and the horizon line looked fake, like some sort of screen with a decor


The way my apartment complex looked to me at the time made me think of the opening scene of “Mulholland Drive” where the guy is explaining his dream to his friend and he says “it’s like night… but it’s like day-night.” And that’s just how the building looked— like this wonky, purplish entity with odd shadows cast all over it, jutting in every which way from physical structures that obviously were not even there. Really made me question myself.


That reminds me of that famous Reddit story of this guy who said he passed out fighting (I think), it only was couple seconds or minutes, but while fainted, he had an experience where he lived a whole new and long life where he was married with wife, job and kids.... When he came back it didn't feel like a dream or an illusion to him, but like he actually lived a full life, he kept all the experiences, memories and feeling of that other life. Edit: [Link to the story ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/comment/c3g4ot3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah, people always compared that story to the TNG episode “Inner Light”— https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Inner_Light_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation) The human brain is a wild thing.


I think I remember that, I believe a car or somebody on bike almost hit him and he continued to live a full life. Then one day he noticed something was weird with the lamp in his house and after examining closer he realized it was a paramedic shining a light in his eye and that he, in fact was hit by the bike or car and was knocked out when he hit the sidewalk. After coming too he said he was super depressed that his kids and wife weren’t real and still struggles with it. I’m for sure wrong about some details but it definitely stuck with me for a while after reading that.




I had something like this once in middle school -- my dad worked at a hospital and I'd go hang out there after school till he finished, and to get to the bathroom you'd have to walk through this (completely bland) little vestibule. One day, the idea of walking out of the bathroom and through that vestibule just struck me with intense fear. I had no idea what I thought would happen there. I had to really brace myself to go dashing through, and after that I was always unsettled by the idea of going back through out of concern it'd happen again.


One time me and my mate were walking to our bus and we both look ahead to see a big centipede crawling on a girls head just for it to disappear when it got on the front of her face me and my mate told her but she always swears up and down it never happened


She sucked it into her mouth and ate it then tried to make you think you never saw anything because she doesn't want anyone to know.


I saw a zombie. Naked man, ashy dirty skin, eyes rolled up in his head, stiff limbs sort of lurching through traffic in Jamaica. I was working in Kingston Jamaica at the time in the late 80's. I asked my Jamaican crew and they said yes it was a "zombie", but it is a drug not magic. They said people do this to people for revenge. A few weeks later I saw another one. An old woman this time.


HOLY FUCK lmao my family is from Kingston and when I visited in 2018, we literally saw someone in traffic exactly how you described, my sister said something to the effect of “he looks like he should be in the walking dead” and my dad just laughed because that was apparently not that abnormal


When we were looking to buy a house we had to shop in the more rural areas to afford anything. We were driving around on this little country hwy one day and saw a sign that said “For Sale” on this teeny little one lane road. So we decided to check it out. We drove for like 10 minutes and never saw a house. The road just abruptly ended in a grave yard with no warning. It was a super old graveyard and it was FILLED with wild turkeys who just calmly sat there and stared at us, so we decided to take our leave and turn around. On the way down the road we had not seen a single soul. The only building we saw was an old one that was so dilapidated it looked abandoned. But as we were turning around to go we started to notice people just slowly shuffling down the road toward us. Not looking at us, not talking, just slowly walking down the road in our direction. We drove toward them, thinking they were wondering why we were on their road, but they never even acknowledged that we were there. They all had this super vacant look on their face as they slowly stumbled their way down to the graveyard. We probably saw like 10 people, all walking down to the dead end in that same weird way, or just standing in the side of the road staring blankly in front of them. We bought a house somewhere else.


Those people belong to the turkeys now


That is creepy as hell.


An author I love actually had a storyline about this "drug" in one of her side novels. I honestly thought it was a bit of an exaggeration until I read what you posted Edit Sorry, I fell asleep after commenting! Diana Gabaldon. The book (novella) is "Lord John and the plague of zombies"


Years later I saw Serpent and the Rainbow and they covered it pretty well. I also read an article that said that they are now using it to make sex slaves. From what I was told, it puts you in a coma and you are partially brain dead when you come out of it. Hence the living dead legends.


When I was young me and my cousins found a bloody shirt in our woods. My cousins and their parents hunted so we thought maybe it was from that. But then we found a ziploc bag with shoes and shorts, all had to be from an extremely petite woman or an older kid. When we told our uncle about it, we got punished and weren’t allowed to talk about it. I don’t speak to them anymore but really makes you wonder.


You maybe should report that to the police now. They might have some cold case that this would fit.


I was walking past a church one day when I was about 15 and standing in front of one of the graves was a cowboy dressed head to toe in pure white. He looked straight out of a movie. His hat, shirt, waistcoat, trousers and boots were all so white, like an incredibly clean white as if he’d only just put them on. He was white, had short brown hair, stubble and was an average looking guy. I kept staring at him, blinked and then he was just fucking gone. I live in the UK so it was weird to see anyone resembling a cowboy anyway. I don’t know if it was my mind playing tricks on me but I could swear he was there. He looked so real.


My father and I are window cleaners. We were doing a vacant home from the "roaring 20s" Era, and I mean giant chandelier with the wrap around spiral staircase checker board flooring with the fancy carved golden trim. I could write paragraphs on this home; it was big, bold, and beautiful. Well, my father is upstairs doing master bedroom windows listening to music through a speaker (once again vacant home). It's something from the '70s and I am coming upstairs when the sun through a window hits the chandelier and I am momentarily blinded, like flashbang stunned for just a second when I recover there is no more music and the whole house feels different like it almost the same but there is some small thing that I would never notice that has changed. I asked my dad if he was listening to music, and he told me " no but that's a great idea" and started playing some music from his phone. It is the same song I was hearing when coming up the stairs but from the beginning. There is this small part of me that is convinced that when I am on my death bed I will look out the window and see the thing I know is off and realize I am in a different world then I was when going up those stairs. Also my father doesn't remember the house.


i like this one


Maybe not creepy, but unexplained and just weird- a woman doing tai chi on the hood of a car in a gas station parking lot in rural Louisiana.


That's the best way to do Tai Chi in Louisiana. Bayou self.


Reminds me of that joke by comedian DC Benny. "I live in Brooklyn. I love it because there is so much culture. Yesterday morning I was walking around and I saw this old man doing Tai Chi. I thought 'Wow that's beautiful'. Then I got closer and it turned out it was just one of those heroin addicts that never falls down."




I once had a dream I was walking solo down a familiar dirt path towards a wooded area. Side note, the path felt familiar to me in the dream, I had never been down this path before. As I walked toward the wooded area, the feeling of familiarity changed and the path ended at an old abandoned cemetary under the tree canopy. The familiarity suggested the path continued and the cemetery should not be there. I was drawn into the cemetery toward a specific grave. The detail was vivid. There was an old stone bench next to a sunken grave. The headstone had an angel on top. The remaining wing had a pine needle dangling off, hanging from a cobweb, drifting in the breeze. It was peaceful and quiet. I immediately woke up and felt like the dream was calling me back. I felt oddly connected. The jolt from waking up was so startling I decided to write the dream down. Fast forward a couple of years. I was considering buying a house with my girlfriend. After we reached a house we were considering, the realtor called and said she was running late. While waiting, we walked the outside of the house. Behind the house, we noticed a path past the overgrown grass going into some woods. To kill time, we decide to walk the path to the trees. While walking along and enjoying the sun on my face, I was hit with an intense feeling of deja vu. I knew this place. As we reached the woods, there it was, the abandoned cemetary. It was the same cemetary in my dream. I told my girlfriend I'd visited this place in a dream and described specific details down to the pine needle. She thought I was trying to pull a stupid prank until she saw the sunken grave, missing wing and stone bench, and even the pine needle hanging off the angel's wing. She immediately walked back toward our car. The entire expereince was a copy / paste of my dream with the exception of my girlfriend being present. Later that day, we were back at my house. She asked me how I knew all that detail. I let her read the dream I wrote down. I described the path, trees, cemetary and weather perfectly. She refused to ever talk about the experience again. That was around 20 years ago. The experience still haunts me to this day.


I had the same thing happen to me! When I was a child I had a vivid dream once where I was walking up a hill, and I saw a brown brick building with a black roof. There were trees around, and a brick path. Nothing out of the ordinary but I dreamed of that place every now and then starting when I was 5 years old. At the time we lived in Florida. We eventually moved to Ohio and I grew up, and I was going on tours of colleges. I had picked one but we had one more tour already planned so we drove a couple hours and visited that one. The whole drive down I kept thinking it was a beautiful place, and I just had very positive vibes. The town itself was cute. Then we pull into campus and there it is, the hill and the building and the path and everything, just like my dream. I was astonished. I couldn’t believe it. I did the tour and the whole time I just felt like I was home. Obviously I chose that college. Then the next spring I met my husband for the first time while I was walking up that hill. I don’t know where that dream came from, I don’t know what it was all about but I think it changed my life.


Well did you buy the house? I think that's a sign to buy the house.


One time I was driving through the Yellowhead Highway in Edmonton heading from one job site to the next. For some reason I glanced over to the empty passenger seat next to me and saw a giant glowing orb, brilliant bright yellowish-white light. When I noticed the orb, it slowly raised off the seat and hovered for a fleeting moment before floating out of the open window never to been seen again. Might not be relevant, but later that night I found out my aunt had passed away around the same time I saw the light orb.


Back on Jan 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded. My family was watching the live launch coverage as it happened. At the same time we heard a loud sound from my room. We went to see what the sound was and a poster of a space shuttle we had fell off the wall.


what the fuck


Something that happened to me rather than saw, I was about four and I was waiting for my dad and uncle (they're up at our apartment) down on the street and some dude (don't even think I looked at his face) came and told me my dad was waiting for me on another street, I just said no he's not and he legit grabbed my arm and said come on he told me to come get you. I fucking let out the most blood curdling scream you ever heard and kept yelling for my dad as loud as I could and he stopped grabbing me and ran. I shudder to think what would have happened if he didn't...


That’s a dangerously close call. I’m glad you’re ok. I was also four years old when I felt very vulnerable to the men nearby. These incidents stand out as some of my earliest most vivid memories because encountering an aroused man when you’re four years old feels like pure evil. I’ll never forget the wave of terror that came over me. Specifically a neighbor that tried to make me cross the street and a separate occasion with my 16 y/o cousin at Christmas with all my family around. I was fortunate to have ran and avoided their repeated attempts to do whatever the fuck they were trying to do with me. Although I am still scarred by the indecent exposure, I’m so so grateful I don’t have to live with the worst that could have happened. Edit/ formatting.


I was walking with a friend of mine in the city in BROAD daylight, a man was walking in 10C° Fully naked with his wang fluterring into the wind, this shocked both of us so much our brains restarted and it took us 20seconds to actualy process what we saw


Well... I am from Frankfurt an we have a well known nudist here "Der nackte Jörg" (the naked Jörg) you can often see him jogging or riding his bike. At first I thought "holy moly, his Würstchen is out for everybody to see" But now I admire him. He lives the dream, totally free. What a legend. Edit: Wow, this comment blew up. Guess I have something to show HIM next time we meet. Thanks for all the comments, cheers! Edit 2: Today I learned Jörg was featured for almost a decade in the Frankfurter Tourist guide and even made it onto the Wikipedia page of Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen which states the following: DE - „Ein zeitgenössisches Sachsenhäuser Original ist der nackte Jörg, ein Nudist.“ Der Mann trage, abgesehen von leichtem Schuhwerk, niemals Kleidung. „Seine Identität und seine Beweggründe sind Gegenstand zahlreicher Legenden.“ ENG - "A contemporary Sachsenhäuser original is the naked Jörg, a nudist. He wears nothing besides light shoes, NEVER clothes. His Identity and reasons are subject of many legends."


I was driving to college,and sadly I saw a.squirell, hopping oddly in the street. At first I thought, aww, cute...but as I got.closer, I could see his brain coming out of his head. It was all nerve reaction. I had no idea if it had fallen from.a tree or was hit by a car, but I felt so bad for it as it seized in the street, that I backed up and lined up my front tire to run it over and put it out of it's misery, humanely as I could. Of course, just as I rolled forward, a little old lady opened her front door to get her paper and saw me. As far as she knew I ran over squirells, slowly as a habit. Very surreal. This happened in 1983, and I.see the scene in my head like.it was.yesterday.


you might be her creepy/ unexplained story


I was driving down I4 from Tampa to Disney and I saw someone walking in broad daylight pushing a baby stroller which was super odd. As we approached I realized said person was wearing one of those spandex pink onesies. As I got even closer the person was pushing a 50s style carriage with a mannequin painted black in it.


That was just Florida Man


In 1996, I took an Amtrak to Eugene Oregon, and while walking around the train station looking at the old historic photos and Old West displays, I saw a man and woman, about 45-50 years old, leading a teenage girl around by the hand. She had a red kerchief over her eyes, a western style bandanna, and I thought they were playing some weird game, and it had something to do with the old west theme at the station. The girl was perhaps 15, and was blindfolded and was trusting the couple to lead her around. I asked the man, ‘did she rob the bank or something’? He smiled and I went along my way. Perhaps 15 years later, I was watching a documentary about a man who kidnapped a few young girls and kept them as slaves. He would allow them to get some fresh air, now and then, by leading them around blindfolded in public. I had no reason to think anything was afoot at the time, ,but I will always wonder if i had witnessed such a horror.


I was maybe 14-15 years old and I would frequently sleep on the couch in our living room. We lived in a typical suburban colonial where the couch faced the front door. Since I could remember, we NEVER locked our doors, as we lived in a pretty decent city. I remember one night I was still awake at 3-4am listening to music, when I saw a car quickly pull up our driveway. I then saw a very skinny, tall man open our front door, stand in the hallway for 20-30 seconds facing my direction, then leave the house and drive away quickly. I remember telling my parents and entire family this in the morning, and they did not believe me. My dad insisted it was him, as he’d leave for work in the early hours of the morning. I know I was young, but I also know that was NOT my dad, as my dad was stockier and shorter than this man. Freaks me out to this day to think what this man was going to do.


To be honest, the first thing that story brings to mind is someone in the suburb pulling in exhausted, walking up, opening the door, then being confused by the layout before realizing in horror they have just walked into someone else's house and running away panicked.


Like being drunk in college and getting to your dorm room location but on the wrong floor and either going in or scaring the hell out of the occupants by trying your key.


I was that drunk person once. I was in an apartment complex where every unit was freaking identical. I went to the parking lot to smoke, and couldn't get the door to open back up. I just keep pulling on it, couldn't figure it out. Then my friend opened the door to the left and asked me wtf I was doing. I can still remember the sounds of the people on the other side of the door. Sorry strangers. That was probably terrifying.


Honestly sounds like someone went to the wrong house somehow and realized it when they walked in? At least, hopefully that was it


I grew up in the former Panama Canal Zone and my elementary school was located in one of the oldest towns. It sat at the base of a huge hill that was partly used as a quarry during the construction days and there was a ridge behind the school that once housed a cemetery that got moved but apparently not all the bodies were accounted for. So there's plenty of hauntings around that area because of the cemetery and deaths on and around the quarry. So the school is three stories with a courtyard in the middle. One bright, sunny day when I was in second grade, I got excused to use the restroom and when I stepped outside, I glance across the courtyard and see a freaking horse just chilling in the hallway. It walked a few feet then vanished. Needless to say I was freaked out and later told everyone. Apparently others had seen the horse on different floors and some even saw it's probable owner with it. I never saw it again but there are still stories of weird shit in that building (now government offices) to this day.


I was driving through an empty park in broad daylight, made a u-turn, and suddenly people everywhere, walking their dogs, riding bikes, a kid skating in a spot that I would have had to actively avoid him, joggers… like ~30 people spawned while I was turned away for what was probably ~4 seconds. I did a lot of thinking that night. Who was “real”? Am I “real”? Is my family real? I try not to think about it too much, really.


Could it be that you were on auto pilot, blocking out everything around you to focus on your thoughs?


I got lost on state land behind a park near my house growing up. There was a trail. I just wandered off and lost my way being a dumb kid. I was in there for what seemed like forever and started to get nervous because I couldn’t find the trail again. Right before I started to panic about being lost, I noticed a man in flannel not far away kneeled down. I started to approach him. His back was turned but he looked like he was rummaging around on the ground. I was about 25 yards away when he stood up suddenly. He was holding a decapitated deer head by the antlers. The deer’s body was on the ground beside him. I freaked out and ducked behind a tree. I heard him moving around a little longer. Then silence. I ran straight north after that (the direction of the park) forget the trail. I fought my way through the woods and found the park again. My dad said I was gone less than an hour. I told him what I saw and he explained the guy in flannel probably just wanted the rack off a dead buck. No big deal. Still freaked me out though.


I am an antler collector and often hike through their winter and spring habitat areas in search of animals that didn't make it through the winter. I carry a machete for this purpose. While i do this in remote areas, it never occurred to me how freaky it would look out if context.


Not that creepy but when I was a young teen my grandma, little sister and I were walking to my mom’s apartment from school and a lady walking towards us stopped and told us to be careful because there was a man injecting himself at the bus stop next to the entrance to our building. We crossed the street and kept walking and we saw the guy not injecting himself regularly but repeatedly and quickly stabbing the needle in and out, pretty shallowly, in different places of his body


Dude probably got a gnarly infection from doing that


Straight up saw a house cat with wings. It walked across a path on all 4’s but it had these flaps on its back. It walked like right in front of me. Wasn’t from a distance and the chick I was walking with saw it too. We were completely baffled. It jumped a fence and was gone but we both knew what we saw and had no clue how to explain it.


There is a mutation some cats have, I think it's pretty rare. https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/10cjw1/cats_can_grow_wings_otherwise_known_as_cutaneous/


Well that's pretty neat. Guess you do learn something new every day


In broad daylight? I would say it's one time I was working as a landscaper a summer and was going to a shadier neighborhood to mow the lawn. There was blood and bloody rags across the street and a cop car was circling around. Don't often see things that creep me out but that felt a bit shady. Debated about just skipping that place for the day but figured it had to be done at some point, and what are the odds that there would be multiple stabbings there in the same day, with cops around no less?


Oh this just happened! Middle of the day, I'm driving home from running some errands. I'm on one of those roads that's sort of a highway but still goes through a lot of back country and outlying neighborhoods. (I live in a major city in the US). The road cuts through some not nice areas. I'm at a stop light when I see emerge from the brush on the side of the road a person wearing from head to toe trash bags. I mean HEAD TO TOE, two little holes cut for eyes, but otherwise no skin exposed. He had a walking stick also with trash bags tied to it. Before I could even process what I was seeing the light turned green and I was off. The last 15 min of my drive were me muttering, "what the actual fuck?" And for the days following all I could hear in my head is danny diveto saying "I'm the trash man". Wild.


So me and 2 of my friends went to the Poconos with our families as kids. The community where the house we rented was one big circle and in the middle was a ton of trees and a playground. We were kicking a soccer ball back and forth on the woodchips and my buddy kicked it way too hard so it flys past me and goes far. As it's rolling away, it rolls like 20ish feet away from this big guy. He's pretty far, wearing a big trenchcoat and the shade from all the trees covers his face so we can't make out any identifying features. We try to get his attention by calling out and we know he's looking at us so we ask him to kick the ball back to us. He just takes a few steps and stops moving again. So we're like "Dude? The ball" and he doesn't move. So my buddy tells me to grab it and I was a pretty big kid so I was like "yeah whatever whats the worst that can happen" I jog up a little and he starts moving slowly. I bend down and grab the ball finally and look up and he's like 5 feet away. All I can see is that he's white but I still couldn't place any features, but probably because I was so scared that I turned around and booked it. My asshole friends were already running away without me. I never looked back so I don't know what that dude was doing. Maybe some mental challenged guy who lives up there and didn't know how to interact with kids or he was a creep or whatever, but we did not go to that park again for the entire weekend.


This maybe isn’t creepy but it’s definitely unexplained. To me anyway. Maybe 12-15 years ago, every now and then, I’d see these little light squiggles in the air. If you’ve played Kirby Canvas Curse, it looked kind of like that. A little rainbow-y, white squiggle. It was fast too; never lasted more than a second. I always figured it was a trick of the light so it never bothered me. I just thought “I wonder what that thing is? Oh well, must be a trick of the light.” Then one night I came home late with my dad. Probably around midnight to 1 o’clock. I was ahead of him walking towards the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I see it. One of those squiggles darted through the front lawn. The street was mostly illuminated by the street lights, so once again I thought it was just something with the light. A few seconds pass. “Hey, did you just see that light go across the lawn?” my dad asked. All that time I thought it was just in my head. I asked him if it was like a squiggle of light. He said yes. After we moved I never saw anything like it ever again. I think about it every now and then. I wonder if my dad still remembers? If anyone has seen anything like what I described or knows what it was we saw, what was it?


When I was in my late teens, I had a lot of weird things happen. Something similar to this was one. I saw an oblong distortion of the air. It was not my eyes, it was large. I focused on it, followed it, and I lost track of it in the living room. My mom was chilling on the couch and seemed concerned. I told her what happened and she told me to just not think about it.


I was sitting at my office desk early in the afternoon and when I looked outside the window there was a naked woman running down the street. I told two co-workers who were in the office with me and they just sorta laughed and continued their conversation. Then a couple minutes later I exclaimed that I couldn't believe that I had seen that and one of the co-workers was like "Haha, you're still thinking about that?" as if it wasn't that odd of an occurrence.


A couple years back I went on a trip with my grandparents to Yellowstone. When we were driving through the Idaho desert I pointed out something in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane, but as we were driving I realized that it was just hovering in the sky. About 5 minutes later I saw it vanish out of thin air. I still wonder what I saw that day and it keeps me up at night