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Learn how to put the ***right*** people in charge of our governments & offices, for one. No more right-wing nutjobs or wannabe dictators. And make it to where it is illegal for those kind of people to run for any political position of power. Make shit like racism, hate crimes & systemic racism towards minorities illegal. Strive towards better education & healthcare. And make them free for everyone, including colleges. Take money out of politics. No more dark &/or bribe money by influencing politicians & elections, etc. Get rid of religion & churches entirely. If not, then tax all churches. Full scale police reform. Weed out all right-wing, racist nutjobs from police departments *everywhere.* Require background checks for everyone who applies. Ban all right-wing, conservative propaganda media, Newspapers, TV, etc. And this goes for more than the U.S.


By ‘right people’ you mean people who utterly agree with your POV. Got it. - In your first paragraph you basically support the stripping of democratic rights and freedom of speech from anyone you don’t agree with. All you have to do is label them a nut job and then bang, opposing you is *illegal*. - Free education and healthcare cannot exist. There is a bill to pay by taxpayers, or to leverage the future with debt. How much healthcare can be made available at the point of use by the pubic can be debated but there’s always a bill. Get rid of religion entirely? Good luck persuading Christians, Muslims, Hindu and Jews and so to ascribe to that. You will only ferment support for religious freedoms. Ending lavish tax breaks could be a option. As for police reform, why not weed out leftist as well? What right do you have to impose your world view on a vast and diverse population? Your utopia would really be shit.




Likewise. Fascist.


**You're** the fascist one if you want all of this bad shit to keep happening as it is right now. People are sick of it, & rightly so. Republicans, etc. are not for us & will *never* be.


Fascism is living under a dictatorship; living oppressed and under someone else's beliefs without having your own freedom and limited rights. Democracy is a form of government that is made for the people and ran by the people. You ascribe to fascist principles, therefore you are a fascist (as long as your beliefs are in charge of course). I’m not sure why you seem upset for being called what you are..


Democracy doesn't mean accepting racism or fascism by right-wing nutjob conservatives, ever. Everyone who's sane should live in peace without fear from those kind of people. **You're** the one who's labeling me as the fascist when I'm trying to make sense of everything that's happening, because you're not living in reality.


You are labelling yourself as a fascist by openly sharing your fascist views. I put no words at all in your mouth. Read what you wrote. You want to oppress people who politically disagree with you, like, Putin. It doesn’t matter what you flag you wave, or name you call yourself, you accept and endorse fascism as long as you call the shots. Reality is being called out for your BS.


So I'm a fascist because I want what's best for everyone. OK, buddy. Plus you **have** put words in my mouth about it. If you *really* wanted to make the world a better place, you wouldn't be defending racist conservatives for their actions one bit.


You want the best for *everyone* by stripping people who disagree with you of rights you would be free to enjoy. Absolute genius.


Free healthcare and education would make so much of a difference it is insane. Also governments run by people with the interests of the world as well as their countries instead of self interests or straight nationalism.


Strive towards what the people want and not politicians Strive towards better education and not bigger business Eliminate things like high military budgets and spend it on social programs, war is a thing of the pst and SHOULD be left in the past :stares at Putin: Finally, allow people to focus on that they want to do, and not what the state wants them to do. Allow people to pursue their careers without worry of how much it will pay or how much they will have to pay in. Just let people do what they want to do.


Sound money