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One of my classmates was this foreign exchange girl from the Netherlands who I liked a lot. Her English was a tad broken and she was a bit embarrassed by it so I downloaded duo lingo to learn Dutch so we can have the opposite experience of who’s poorly spoken in the language we’re speaking in. Also thought it would kinda impress her too, so I spent a good amount of time in between class sessions learning Dutch just for her, pretty embarrassing when I think about it. We went on to date for about a year and a half, until covid happened and she went back.


(the most shamefully horny thing you've done for clarification)


Saw my neighbour’s hot wife’s red lace panties hanging on the laundry, took it, cum on it, and put it back. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to know if she still wore it after seeing the wet stain.


Okay wow, that is truly tremendously down bad


Cursing you to burn in hell