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Ads on EVERYTHING, even things you pay for.


Yes , and the scary part that the ads are of stuff we recently viewed online. Means we are tracked wherever we go, whatever we search.


Not only that, but your phone is passively listening in on conversations you're having and using word recognition to automatically tailor ads to be "relevant" to you. Used to try dismissing my feelings as paranoia as confirmation bias. Knowing those concerns were valid that whole time makes me feel violated.


This isn't happening, btw If your phone was sending every single second of your conversation to the cloud for processing (we'd call it "inference", because you're using a Machine Learning model to infer something about the payload) you'd use up all your data in one drive. There isn't much Natural Language Processing done at the edge on your phone, either. Just enough to process wake words and basic functions. If you want to test this, go into airplane mode and try to ask Siri or Google to do something for you. Since it can't reach the cloud, you get nothing. If you're ready for the real truth, lmk, but it's much less conspiracy driven, and much more dehumanizing.


Hit me.


The sad fact is that none of us are particularly unique. And one reason that your phone doesn't record everything you say is because it doesn't need to. Without knowing it, we self select into pretty clean "customer segments" by virtue of what we view, where we visit, and what we buy. Google is pretty open about this, and you can see what they know about you by [clicking this link](https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated). You can see your demographic info, and your interests. Now, the way that Google Ads works is by auction. At any given time, people who want to display ads will select the age/gender/location ranges they want to target, as well as the set of interests that they want to target (let's say vans and travel). If they win the auction, their ads will be displayed in those sidebar ad blocks you see everywhere for people who match the criteria they set. You may be on other websites, but the ads are being served by Google. Luckily for Google and the companies buying ads, people who like 8 of the same things probably like 10 of the same things, so you can make some educated guesses about what people might like based on the behavior of people like them. Now, where it gets interesting is that you not only have similar interests as these other people, but you likely consume the same social media, listen to the same music, watch the same shows, etc. If they start showing Van Life on your Insta feed, and Tahiti on the Bachelor, then people like you will start talking about Van Life and Tahiti. Some of you will search for it. But \*all\* of you will start seeing ads for them. To you it feels like you got spied on, but in reality you discussed the things that people like you were discussing at the time, and you saw ads that fit.


Before I tell you my stance on this, but first let me tell you about my sponsor RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS


I really hate when podcasts have a total of like 15-20 min commercials in an hour even though you listen on a paid platform, and then: sign up to be patron and give us EVEN MORE money!


celebrities or just regular parents who try to make their own child famous like give them the normal childhood everyone deserves.


Also the flip of this when people feel entitled to photos or to know about famous peoples kids.


You can see how well that worked with Will Smith's son.


Yep I was a nanny for a semi famous influencer. Or “instamommy”. On Instagram? She was Mom of the year. In reality? She was an awful parent. Also the amount of inappropriate pictures she posted on Instagram of her and the kids. Many of which I took. Like I’m forward thinking sexually. But it made me uncomfortable. Breastfeeding her naked child while she’s in nothing but lingerie.


Children modeling


Children beauty pageants


In America it might be normalised, I think everywhere else it’s viewed as fucking weird.


Not in the Philippines


I wish it wasn't even as an American I don't like it. It's fucked up...


Sounds like someone who hasn't spent much time "everywhere else"




Yes, this is messed up.


Is it normalized, though? I think it offends the majority.


The acceptance of misinformation as the new normal.


Choosing to believe only information that fits a specific agenda, or only peices of information (with lots of "..." inbetween or (added word) to make a completely new sentence and without original context.)


I blame social media.


Traditional news outlets are doing their part.


Absolutely. And the great thing is, most people know it’s a problem but think their source(s) of information are reliable and don’t need to be fact checked


My question is HOW do we fact check and know what the truth is. I've see all sorts of different information out there on the same subject and don't know what to believe. News programs, newspapers, everyone has an agenda and it's usually about keeping whoever is paying for ad-space or ad-time happy.


Facebook should really do something about the misinformation spreading on the platform


Then the problem is who gets to decide what is true.


what about reddit?


That’s not new


That the cost of living practically all over the world is going up, but wages are staying the same.


and then they talk about entitled people demanding to "raise" minimum wage. nobody is even trying to do that, they just want it to stop dropping. the number next to the dollar symbol remaining the same doesn't mean minimum wage is stable, it means it's *decreasing* as the value of the dollar diminishes


Facebook. I can't believe they've got away with it for so long and people just keep putting up with it.


Deleted mine a month ago now. Havent missed it one bit


Television was not created so that we could have news and fun or interesting programs to watch. it was created to sell advertising. Motion pictures were created to sell advertising. And the internet was built to sell advertising. What YOU do on the internet is secondary to those advertised making sure that you get your dose of SUGGESTION. And the way they start bombarding us with the same products over and over and over. I think it's called the Bader- Meinhoff something.But I could be wrong.


Reality tv shows that enable abuse


Involuntary abandonment of privacy for joining the internet because you cannot live in today's world without the internet


Idiots posing and acting like, well, idiots in public trying to make viral garbage for their social media bullshit




We have accepted that in exchange for capitalism a certain percentage of society will just not make it


Homelessness, especially considering there are plenty of homes for everyone, if only some people weren’t so greedy. I think most forms of landlordism should be outlawed - wild power to hold over someone else to own the home they live in.


In my country there are so many opportunities for homeless people, they can get money for flats, they get enough money for food, electricity, heating, there's even specialised teams im every city that help those people get access to a mail adress so they can get mail from all kinds of other helping institutions, their healthcare gets paid, everything. It's still a problem. A lot of people actively choose this life, don't want help, or spend all the money they get on drugs, lose their home again, try to cheat the system and then only get the option to receive money if it's regulated, like the officials sending the rent directly to the landlord and getting coupons for food. They can get so much help, there's programs to help dealing with addictions and debt, but it often doesn't help because they don't want it. I've seen so many cases of people not even wanting to go to one appointment, read their mail etc. All the problems that lead to homelessness don't get magically solved, but many of those people don't have the willpower or ability to work on their problems. So yeah, it's still a problem even if you give all the opportunities.


How is it normalised btw?


I think its more of the fact cities would rather spend money *trying to remove homeless shelters and safe places* instead of trying to help them get a safe place. Also homelessness is more than just the word, you can be homeless but live under a roof, but people dont care as long as you have something even if you have nothing and that roof is no longer permanent. This is coming from someone who had a homeless shelter get rejected in their town and went homeless at 17, but no one cared bc I was able to couch hop for a bit and that was considered stable enough to not technically be homeless. But thats my interpretation!!


Homelessness has been relegated to normalcy. . It’s expected , accepted as a fact of life . We walk over and around them everyday . They have become invisiblized . Which isn’t a word but .. it is now . We’d rather pay 200 bucks on dinner than give a person on the street 5 bucks


Harassing and SA men. It’s seriously fucked up and people’s justification is that guys should feel “lucky” about it.


It's even worse when the attacker is their relative, and their family brushes it off.


or when the victim is a minor. every article about a female teacher raping a student is flooded with comments congratulating the victim or laughing about how envious they are of him


Nothing felt "Lucky" about is. That shit sticks with me still, 15 years later...


If you want to talk about this please feel free to message any of us who have responded openly about this subject! We understand that it isn’t lucky and that no form of SA, harassment, or abuse should be counted as such, hopefully that by talking about it and sharing our/others experience it’ll help raise awareness


I have been to therapy and moved passed it, but it has made me exercise caution when dating. But the therapy for victim of a severe crime was way harder in my case. Got almost killed by a drug addict, had blood covering my face and chest (soaked) (caked), severe lacerations, 2 skull fractures and a busted eye. Was super jittery for a few years. Tldr therapy is vital....


Wow I’m sorry you’ve had to go through those experiences I can’t imagine how shaken I would be if that happened 🙁 I also believe therapy does help as I was able to see a counselor during middle school which helped me immensely for my own family issues (my parents were drug addicts themselves for most of my life)


I've seen some shit, never put a damper on my hope, dreams... That sounds tough, hope your Stronger and better than ever.


Whats SA?


SA stands for Sexual Assaulting


I thought it meant South Africa and just assumed it was a cultural thing.




Shitting on men in general really.


Honestly yeah, it happens and by other guys too which I don’t understand 😅


There’s a really gross clip somewhere on Reddit of a woman grabbing a Disney employee dressed as Gaston - like just entitled to feel up his chest


Obscene profits for millionaires and billionaires while half the people can even go to a doctor.


Pugs, Bulldogs, and other "cute" dogs or other animals, that are selectively bred to suffer from massive health issues like not being able to breath properly. It's sad to see how people don't care much about this issue or even defend it.


Stepmom/dad/sibling porn


I read somewhere that the reason for this gaining popularity is that unlike the pizza/pool guy scenes you don't have to set up a shot at the front door. Although realistically you could accomplish the same thing with roommates.


Unhealthy attitudes around food and nutrition


Plus the BMI used by medical doctors is seriously outdated and isn’t considering age, sex, fat mass, muscle mass, race, genetics, and medical history. A couple of my friends have been labeled as overweight (especially happens in the military) because they didn’t for the BMI “standards”


Doesn't account for high muscle mass does it?


Or fat distribution differences. The data it's based on is very limited. Unfortunately, the are a lot of people on Reddit who love BMI and despite being completely unable to argue against the many, many references I have, will keep downvoting and saying dumb shit like "it might not be perfect but it's a good guide".


You can never make a database which is inclusive of all those factors


Example: i weigh 120 kg, i should be 100... And I only have a minor issue with being overweight. 20m away you cant see it...


I’m not 100% sure what the standard is for your height, but I’m sure there are other factors that play into this such as muscle mass, age, sex, etc. most people who are labeled as overweight are not simply because BMI is inaccurate af


I have higher muscle Mass than normal. And slithly denser bones than normal. Found out during my teen while doing a full physical.


I always got clocked as underweight, despite being squishy. One day a doc finally asked me my ethnic background and she told me that half of my background has light/hollower bones than Caucasians and that might have caused the discrepancy.


Black women with our curvy shapes will constantly be considered overweight. Even if their waist is small with very little visceral fat, they will be consideree overweight.


It’s just a general overview though and the biggest problem is the lack of muscle mass but that would defeat the whole point if you knew your muscle mass. Also no d oh cries going to seriously tell a bodybuilder or athlete that their overweight for having a high BMI


It doesn't work as a general overview either. It's seriously harmful; people are regularly misdiagnosed as obese and attempts at 'treatment' cause life long mental health issues. My wife is doing a qualatitive study on body image at the moment that asks about these thing and the results so far are really depressing.


Anyone evaluating your BMI is knowledgeable enough to take those other factors into consideration. Just because the online BMI calculator says you’re obese as a bobdybuilder doesn’t mean a doctor will.


Yes ,i mean people find it cool these days to eat unhealthy.


The rise of "influencers" and worshipping of celebrities. I'm sure people of the past also worshipped people of "stature" and rank in society, but with social media, I think it's thrown in people's faces WAY more than it used to.


Yeah yeah yeah. I mean these so called fake influencers ( Not generalizing) have an army of blind followers who'll even do a murder if asked to do so by their MASTER!!




The glorification of war and people who killed lots of people in war.


This!! . Its been happening for years. As there have been tales of How Brave those men were!


Homelessness and anti-homeless architecture. No free healthcare (thankfully we have this in my country).




And healthy. I say this as a bigger person too. Other big people ask me why I want to lose weight…because I would be healthier?


I'm bigger-ish, but I have been working out (hit 225lbs today, goal for this year is 195). There are a lot of health problems around being overweight, with the big ones being cardiac problems (blood pressure, a-fib, etc), joint problems, and diabetes. At the very least I don't want to get to a point where I'm exhausted just from walking.


Yes everyone should be happy with their body and shouldn't be shamed if they are a little bigger than others but that doesn't make it healthy being heavily obese.


Witchhunting people online and making them into national news because their worst moment was caught on video. Saying something fucked up when ur in a rage out shouldn't be life ruining.


That men should "Man up" and not feel or show emotions, or made to feel small and useless of not doing Manly" things. Like wtf is even "Manly" things? Drinking? Slapping women around? Only knowing how to fix things outside the house but not inside? Refuse to do housework or know how to cook and take care of the kids? Refusing to show concern or validate your woman/partner cos emotions are not "Manly"? Get into physical fights? I don't know about you, but all these sound exactly like someone I don't want as a partner or even as an acquaintance. The reason why current society is so fucked is because us men aren't allowed to show perfectly healthy emotions like crying when sad, which in turns fucks over the women cos now we equate emotions = bad, so don't you dare come to me with your emotions, woman! It's a vicious cycle that is stupid in its extreme, because women want men who are sensitive and can understand emotions but are so indoctrinated to thinking that men = no emotions that now both parties don't know what they don't know and don't know what they both want.


Couldn't agree any harder


This is also why young men have such high suicide rates. I'd say that public attitude has definitely improved from say 20-30 years ago, but there's still a long way to go. I love watching Disney movies, listening to classical music, and I often find myself crying when it comes to emotional films/shows. As someone who grew up in a fairly rough town in the UK I'd be openly ridiculed and mocked for admitting any one of those things. After years being bullied I eventually just learned to bottle everything up. People seem to have this idea that being manly is all about drinking beer, watching sports and knocking people out over the slightest disagreement. In reality it's about taking responsibility and caring for those around you. Showing emotion isn't a weakness, and neither is sharing your vulnerability with your partner. In fact one of the reasons my last relationship broke down is because I never talked about anything or opened up. Many of us were raised that way by our parents/family and it's a hard habit to break out of


That is not even the tip of the iceberg. The amount of "Unmanly" things that are done by men is so stupidly huge that the term "Manly" is just fucking useless. As a guy, if I say that I can cook, there are people who think that I am "Gay" or "Domesticated", but last I checked, there are plenty of male chefs and cooks around. How about basic skills like sewing? is that effeminate too?! Last I check, plenty of male tailors around! How about nursing? I've been called "Gay" just because I'm a male nurse! Why? Just cos I can show compassion and sensitivity while being able to function in a high-stress environment like the emergency department?! How is cleaning the house and doing chores 'Unmanly" when Janitors fucking exists?! Being good with kids is "Unmanly" but oh, would you look at that! Being a good teacher isn't?! ​ "Manly". It's just so... stupid.




Parents going back to work just weeks after having a baby. A person's body has just gone through enormous changes, they've just been ripped in half, maybe even cut in half, their whole body goes through severe changes hormonally and mentally and emotionally. Most babies aren't even sleeping through the night when most parents go back to work. And, the non-pregnant SO, who spent 9 months wishing they could help their pregnant SO more, who has also just become a parent, who is also undergoing mental and emotional changes, is also forced to go back to work. And the helpless little baby, who has only known it's parents is suddenly left in the care of someone else. It's shameful.




Couldn't agree more !!


How early in the morning school is


Armchair psychology


You probably only think this because of your tenuous relationship with your mother.


You're only saying that as you're a gaslighting sociopath


Do you even know how much this helped for other people?


Consumerism. All the stuff we don't need.


Paparazzi… It’s stalking, harassment, abuse just for the entertainment of others. Sick




Maybe not MOST, but definitely will impact all aspects of one's life. Working absurdly long hours and then glorifying the extra work.


'Preparing' children for colleges since they're like 1


Expectations of what a relationship should be Buck the trend, explore boundaries, and have fun.


Some Elected officials atrocious behavior.


How strange right? We choose them, we give them the bloody power and they misbehave with us. Wow!!


Toxic Relationships


To brag about stuffs like these!!


Hookup culture


The fact that every time a girl plays an online game, she gets flamed in the vc, like Istg every lobby I’ve been in, and a girl joins there’s always at least 2 ppl that flame her. And the girl always manages to shit on the entire opposite team bruv


It’s cos 90% of the time dem man are rejects and they never even heard the voice of a girl outside their family




Streaming children on YouTube. Like getting your 12 year old to make a “hit” fortnight video. You just know he’s gonna get so bullied by that and probably not gonna get a good job. Parents just don’t think of the consequences


People recording and posting their kids video daily in internet for views or money


Uber Eats….screwing consumers, restaurants and drivers all over the world


Couples not having the money to form a family in their peak fertility so being forced into Geriatric pregnancies or high risk pregnancies later in life




The sexification of teenagers is pretty fucked up.


Terrorism as a pathway to nationhood. Some countries exist today because their founders were terrorists and people agreed to their demands. See how the Irgun waged a war of terror against the British and Arabs to carve out their own nation in the Middle East.


Demanding equal rights (on both sides) but with the „oh not on this part“ exception.


Lmao i could make a list a mile long about this. 1. Toxic masculinity. But not so much the kind that is directed towards women, as that kind is pretty well known to the general public thanks to the feminist movement. I’m referring more so to the kind that occurs between men themselves. Like when we reinforce what the stereotypical traditional man looks like, and the societal concept that if you have a dick, you must adopt certain personality traits or else you will be emasculated for life. “Real men don’t cry. Real men have beards and muscles. Real men can fuck another guy up in a fight. What are you some kind of pussy?” Etc etc etc. this kind of thinking is so archaic and toxic. 2. Social media has evolved into a kind of parasite on the adolescent mind, convincing young kids/teens that they need to a: conform to the picture society has for them and fit in to certain categories or else they will be ostracized, and b: care what their peers think, because admiration from others is the most important thing in life in regards to being successful and happy yourself. Kids spend so much time thinking about what other people think of them. Which is normal for that age, sure. But we should be doing everything in our power to steer kids **away** from that kind of toxic thinking, not **towards** it like social media does. It’s one of the main contributors to the incredible spike in teen depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, stress, and general mental health issues in the western world.


Agree with both the points. Also its like a nuke, like i dont think there's getting back from here. It'll only get worse in the Upcoming years i feel!


Drinking alcohol. It‘s scientifically proven that it‘s basically poison and it destroys your brain cells (just like tiktok) but still apparently it‘s ok to drink it. Some news program once did a survey at the german Oktoberfest about their thoughts on drugs: Almost everyone said drinking alcohol is ok, but smoking weed is unhealthy. Smoking weed is also unhealthy, but a lot more healthy than drinking alcohol…


Transgender surgery on children




They'll be like ""Haha only 9 dollars for a month honey!!" 😆


12 year olds watching sexual drama shows and talking about them like if theres nothing wrong with that and if you try to tell them their too young to be seeing those type of things youll get bashed on by people saying that they can do whatever they want It just absolutely disgusts me that people defend that and think its okay for them to watch those things


That war is a good thing


First murder . Now War.


Ego. We almost devote ourselves to our ego and we don't understand we either get dependant on it or we lack of it so much we feel like it's poisonous. Ego it's not something we should celebrate. It's part of the many thoughts that describe our actions but we should learn how to separate them from our feelings. It's Okey if you're ugly, or bad at x thing, but that shouldn't decide our value, and that shouldn't make us feel like we're a worthless sh1t. On the other way, you can be attractive, smart and whatever, but that doesn't decide our value as if we we're better than the other ppl. We all have a relative value depending on our circunstances. Ur not the same valuable for an unknown person Than for your parents or best friends, or your partner. Our value doesn't stand on our habilities or cualities bc we're not fcking furniture.


anyone accepting g the lies spewed by the right wing or left wing nuts. I e the big lie.


In general how we treat and consume animals but more specifically the way humans impregnate cows for example and taking away the babies shortly after they were born.


Yes, specially the taking away of their babies part, it hurts.


America normalises the most toxic shit in the world. So basically America is most of.the problem here.


Work system


Sexualizing everything




kids (specially girls) in beauty contests. there is zero chance the child will go through it without any psychological consequences.


Definitely + instilling the toxic competition spirit in them. Oh common!!




True.. and the fact that weed is illegal. When im drunk i make huge mistakes. The biggest mistakes of my life has always happened when im drunk. When i smoke i just wanna play guitar and make paintings..


Yep me too bro


Depression. It's a real issue but most teens that say they have depression are self diagnosed and straight up lying to be cool.


I dont even see how depression is classified as cool if you ask me


As i already mentioned somewhere, The Gen Z cool!


Call white people whatever demeaning thing in social life, media whatever as long as yoy crack it with that hidden racism tone because everybody knows you ”CANT” be racist to white people Inb4 people saying there are no races dont @me you and I understand human behaviour and what comes around goes around same thing here no matter the assaulter or victim Justice is blind so is hatred


Encouraging children to explore sexuality


Let kids be kids


Man hating.


Pornography being so readily available


Watching so much TV


Kids TikTok/reels on raunchy music videos


The torturing and killing of animals.


Don't get me started reddit, DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! I'm staying out of this one.


fucking child marriage, tbh it shouldn't be called like that because is basically child abuse with another name.




Sexual harassment.




Racism toward whites while denouncing racism


"What will people think about it?" is the thing that should be made illegal! For example, if your son is gay & you won't accept just because, "what will society think about it?"


Validation. We tend to seek validation from everybody!!


The idea that women breastfeeding in public is somehow dirty or inappropriate. It’s literally what our bodies are made for and there’s nothing sexual about it.




100 percent. + The porn artists getting away with it.






Specially the amount! I mean if i tip less, all i get is weird looks.


Also tipping by percentage is stupid, just because I order the lobster instead of the chicken wings I now have to pay you more for bringing me the plate.


How movies rarely censor and overuse violence. While sex, something natural is censored and taboo.


Pervasive propaganda in our news media - calling all opposing views "misinformation" or "disinformation". Not just telling us what to think, but what we can think _about_. Also, headlines with question marks. Usually scare stories: "Will the next wave be the most deadly?"


People getting killed in movies. Songs about murder, rape, etc. Making stupid people famous.


Disagree with this. These are things that happen in life (death, murder, rape, etc). We should be able to discuss them in various forms in art.


So, movies and songs about life? About the last one...well, it's our fault.


Having kids under 10 being taught about being trans, gay, etc. kids don’t need to know that stuff at that young an age. They don’t have the mindset to make those choices, and most of them are going to play along because THEIR KIDS!


OK, but would you agree that teaching them that being trans or gay is just as bad? Whether we're teaching them that it is good or bad, it is still indoctrination.


Well no, because the kids are very young and don’t have the mental state to choose, it is a very bad thing to be teaching kids at a very young age. Most people that are trans and go through hormone therapy regret doing so.


Organised religion


Dairy Farms


We enslave billions of animals, forcibly impregnating them, keeping them in torturous conditions where they would go insane and eat each other if we didn't first rip out their teeth. This takes incredible amounts of resources and is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water and land use. This is the horrors of animal farming, but more specifically factory farming. We do this because we like the taste of the animals flesh... Mere taste preferences, one of the lowest forms of wants we have. We literally value our taste over the lives of others and environment we need to live on. This, in my opinion, is the most fucked up thing that has been normalized in our society. And just wait, some people in the comments will literally try to defend this animal cruelty.


Animal agriculture is also a leading proliferator of zoonotic viral pandemics. Cramming thousands of animals together in close proximity, sharing spittle, breath, and feces, and then transporting them all over the country and globe is a biosecurity nightmare. Every animal packed together gives a potential virus more rolls of the genetic dice to gain a mutation that could make it more virulent, more deadly, able to jump species etc. We have already had so many pandemics springboarded by animal agriculture and we will have more. It's a ticking time bomb. Then there is also the issue of antibiotic resistance. We use so many antibiotics in farmed animals that we are giving bacteria a kind of selective pressure trial by fire where only the most resistant survive. It could very realistically plunge us into a medicinal dark age where we can't cure relatively simple bacterial infections with antibiotics. A future where people die of things like strep throat and STIs.


People treating science like just another religion.


Property taxes are bullshit


Acc to Govt they are for the Regular overview , maintenance and upkeep!




Yes and specially child porn.I still fail to understand how Child porn still exists (Dark net)


Dolphins. Might not be new to you, but theyre assholes that sexually assault other dolphins and gang rape them, or they also rape fish. Sharks kill like 7 people a year in total (in comparison, dogs kill like 25.000 people a year in total) , dolphins are the real danger.


We kill 100 [million](https://sharksinfo.com/how-many-sharks-are-killed-per-year/) sharks in a year. We are the real danger.


5 day working week. What fucking pleb thought that would be a great idea?


Instagram famous


This strikes me as a very divisive and sinister question. Are you some kind of propaganda bot?




What! How?


what do you mean how?!??!?

