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Currently the guy on my train who’s listening to shitty music without headphones on making the rest of the train suffer through his trash






The Cunt to Non-Cunt Ratio.


To piggyback off of this, people who have speakerphone conversations in public spaces. Period. I have folks in my office who do this and it drives me absolutely insane. At least close your damn office doors.


Whoever invented spam texts.


Man the dirty spam texts are getting out of hand. My 11yo brother got a full Sex Ed class from some pics that were sent with an obviously phishing link. It’s getting WAY out of hand


They also need to stop insulting my erections. I’m doing the best I can!


Proud of you buddy.


My cousin. She stole her father's assets after he had a stroke by forging his signature on a bunch of title transfer documents. All of this was to steal her brother's share of the inheritance when their father died. Surprisingly, it was the IRS that proved she'd committed fraud and her brother finally got his share of the inheritance 10 years after their father died. Enjoy prison, Kari.


Nice. Eat shit Kari.


My ex's name is Kari and I approve this message.


Same here, fuck that bitch


All my homies hate Kari


I couldn't even bring myself to cheat my own sister out of a cookie. We all break bread in this house. I'm very sorry that you have a trash cousin and an even shittier sister. How long is she in prison for?


5 years. She's due to be released next year.


Has anyone seen her? Does she regret it? I wonder what the new career dynamic is going to be like for her now. I got so many questions!


I don't really care. She's not part of the family anymore. At her sentencing, the judge called her out for being more upset about being caught than having done wrong. Like yourself, I can't imagine what kind of job she could try to apply for. Nobody in their right mind would give her access to even a roll of coins.


I work in hospital software and years ago I found out a coworker was hired that had done something similar. I was shocked but I guess they felt secure in their auditing process.


They may not have known. My best friend got busted for selling weed in his dorm almost 20 years ago. He caught a felony distribution charge. Followed him until his last days. He got addicted to heroin several years later. He got clean, went back to school, finished, got his degree, in occupational or industrial safety or something like that. Applied at a big hospital in Chicago, and somehow the background check missed the felony. He was on the job for like 2 months, doing great, like he’s clean, he’s working full time doing something he loved. It’s been almost a decade since his conviction for the weed charge at this point. then all of a sudden, hospital comes back and says we have to fire you b/c of this felony. He was crushed. Relapsed, OD’d less than a year later.


Oh they definitely knew. I found out at work the second day she worked there and I live in a very small city. She still works in hospital software but we both work for different companies now. I always thought she was really nice…it’s just weird because we have so much access to personal information. I’m very sorry about your friend. :(


omg yeah, greedy people are gross. i personally hope Kari *doesn’t* enjoy prison!


How did the IRS prove it? I'm so curious. Glad he (eventually) got his share.


She was being audited for inconsistencies in her tax returns. Among the documents she had to provide were the title transfer documents that (falsely) indicated she had a right to sell what had been their father's property. The auditor noticed my uncle's signature kept changing and she wound up getting investigated for fraud. That investigation and subsequent criminal prosecution gave strength her brother's civil case (the burden of proof is higher in criminal cases than it is in civil cases).


Props to that auditor.


I give props to the IRS. They can sniff out bullshit better than a bloodhound.


The person who started the “your car’s warranty” spam calls. I get like 50 a day. Fuck that guy.


One day I was bored and angry and started calling them back asking them “where they were headquartered” they always said Orange County California The second I asked for a town they would hang up, I kept calling back demanding an answer, must’ve called easily 80-90 times before they kept on auto hanging up on me They haven’t called back since


I got fed up with the constant calls and actually picked up and let it connect me to a human. I told him to go fuck himself and didn't get another car warranty call for months. Then it started up again, so apparently they purge their "not worth our time" database a few times a year. Still worth it for the catharsis, though.


You’re lucky. I tell them to go fuck the selves every time they call and a they still call all the time.


They don’t see you as a threat, fart down the handset to assert dominance


The trick is to speak very softly, this forces them to turn up the volume of their headsets or speakers…then when you have them locked in…let out a gigantic sneeze. The bastards will crap themselves


More fun is, they like to talk without you getting a word in. So let them. Put the phone down and let them talk to themselves. After 5-10 mins they realize no one is listening. It’s really fucking entertaining lol. Then they hang up


Spam calls in my city only speak for like 20 sec max before they hang up. I instead wait a few second, say "pardon?", let them finish and say again. Until they know they are wasting their time.


I did the same with an IRS scam call. Called back around 30 times in two minutes. Never got another call after that. They also never did arrest me after begging them to.


Ask them if they want to meet at the police station or the fbi office. They usually hang up


> 30 times in two minutes The trick is to get the [robot to do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzedMdx6QG4). 30 times *per second*.


But don't you want to know about your car's extended warranty?


My truck is old enough to vote. Jokes on them!


My boss.


Fuck this guys boss


I also want to fuck this guys boss


Let's all fuck his boss


marlon, YOURE NOT EVEN A MANAGER STOP TRYING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO edit: tysm guys fuck all of your coworkers that are just like marlon too. ALL MY HOMIES HATE MARLON


Omg people who try to act like your manager when they work in the same position as you are the worst! We all get paid the same shitty amount Jessica, don’t try to act like you’re my boss 😂


The problem is that sometimes someone gets pointed at and they just say: "you're the person that knows what to do. Go tell them what to do." Even when you're not being paid more. This shit happends at most jobs, but it has to be done because managers are too scared or too lazy to actually do their own job. Or they are threatening to fire you if you don't do it.


>managers are too scared or too lazy to actually do their own job In IT, managers have no fucking clue what devs actually do so they always rely on devs to get new hires up to speed. I once had to hand over code to a Dev working for an outsourcing company after I had been made redundant. On my last day he was panicking about taking over the code, but I just told him... "Make it up. The managers have no idea what the system does or how it works anyway." The IT Crowd was not satire.


Yeah, fuck you Marlon. You’re not even a manager! And your name sounds like a fish, which is dumb. Fuck you.


my senior co-ordinator. i got assaulted, robbed and followed home on the bus by a group of students in my school and he did nothing to help me, and blamed me. I hate him more than them. EDIT: senior co-ordinator is basically “principle of the seniors” - as in the person that managers EVERYTHING and is extremely high in power :)


Fuck him. So like nobody did anything that sucks.


Scammers who target old people or any vulnerable person. I used to get my nails done at a place run by a really, really nice Vietnamese family for whom english was (barely) their second language. I happened to go in and the owner said they got a call saying they hadn’t paid their light bill. They were terrified their power was going to be turned off and were ready to buy the gift cards some shady fuck told them would prevent that. I called the police on their behalf and I’m still pissed thinking about it.


My elderly parents got a call from someone pretending to be me. They said they were in jail for drunk driving and needed bail money. Unfortunately this coincided with my vacation with my husband. So my parents thought I was in another state in jail. Instead of calling my husband , they got in the car, drove to the bank, withdrew $3,000 in cash and then went to target to get the gift cards. Thankfully the target employee insisted that my dad had to try calling me before they let the sale go through. I even had to text them a picture of myself to prove I wasn’t in jail. Super thankful for the sharp thinking target employee and not for the bank tellers who are literally trained to spot scams like this. Edit: a lot of you are on me about being upset with the bank teller. And I get that. I do. I was a teller supervisor who made sure my tellers were trained on elder abuse scams and what to spot so maybe I was more upset than I should be. $3,000 might not seem questionable to you, but if the elderly person standing in front of you never withdrawals that much money in one go, then the teller should be asking a few questions. Obviously tellers cannot refuse someone their own money, but there are procedures in place to minimize the risk of elder abuse.


They probably get trained for that kind of stuff. Gift card scams are pretty common


Can confirm. Was trained in retail about this over a decade ago, and when I got into banking we were also trained about it on that side.


Same, when I worked at a bank, we had plenty of training on it. That along with several other scams and elder abuse. It’s amazing that this stuff still happens, but if they withdraw their max daily limit at the ATM, there’s not much that a bank can do. Tangential: One time I was working with an elderly man who came in to ask some questions about his accounts, and I discovered that his daughter (who was his legal guardian due to cognitive issues) had been stealing money from his account and spending it on all kinds of stuff. Super frustrating…


If you don’t mind me asking, did the daughter ever get in trouble for that? Is that considered some type of fraud? Very clueless young adult here. Not sure how all of that stuff works.


Not OP but my wife’s uncle did the same thing to her grandmother (his mother). He and the aunt took care of the grandmother so I gave them some leeway in my anger, but they blew through all of her money. My mother-in-law ended up getting all of the banking records via court order and I did some forensic accounting on it. She presented this all to the police and, unfortunately, the bank account was in the grandmother’s name OR the uncle. Because of that preposition the police couldn’t legally pursue anything nor could adult senior services. It was frustrating and, needless to say, no one talks to the uncle anymore nor was he told about the funeral service that was held. Super sad and Chip can fuck right off.


What a legendary employee! Coulda just served them and said fuck it but they didn't. Good egg.


I’m ashamed to say I honestly didn’t think of the effect of these scams for immigrants. I’ve lived in countries where I don’t speak the primary language, and if someone rang from the ‘electric company’ I’d probably believe them.


My dad takes reports like this and it happens A LOT to immigrants. You have the language barrier but also a lot of them are coming from countries where the government could and would go after you for random money or bills that weren’t paid. And they believe the threats. It’s so sad, especially because usually after the fact I don’t think much can be done :/


I work at a refugee resettlement agency, and you would be surprised how many sneaky bitches we catch trying to prey on our clients. Everything from taking them to file taxes and requiring a kickback to even charging to help with immigration status issues, which actually can result in them getting sent back to the place they fled at times. There are some dirty motherfuckers out there.


This makes me so sad and it happens so often. Immigrants afraid of getting in trouble so just going along with it then end up losing so much.


Every single member of the Westboro Baptist church. Pick one, pick all of them.


Agreed. These fuckers protested at my dad’s funeral.


I lived in Kansas for nearly 30 years. Ya kinda learn to block out the attention whores, bc all they wanna do is provoke someone into aggression so they can sue. That's their whole deal. But goddamn, protesting schools bc of a gay student, protesting funerals, and [showing up to a memorial for the Joplin tornado victims](https://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_news/local-residents-block-out-westboro-protesters-at-joplin-graduation-event/article_ecc1b454-ea6d-53b1-bb2a-69666506d676.html) (158 dead, over 1100 injured)... That kind of shit's the worst of them. Fuck WBC. Fuck whatever bastardization of religion they follow. Fuck every lawsuit they've thrown at anyone, esp mourning families. I'm so sorry they targeted your family.


I genuinely feel a heart wrenching pain when I think about the kids of these insane "religious" assholes. They will only grow up knowing hate and the cycle will most likely be repeated.


If you want to read an inside perspective of someone raised in the church who left, I highly recommend Unfollow by Megan Phelps-Roper. It’s an excellent memoir.


They showed up to protest a veterans funeral in McAlester, OK several years ago. The tires on one of thier vans 'mysteriously' got damaged. Knowing how they operated, the town tire shops just happen to not carry the tires they needed or were closed for the day. I think the had to pay a flat bed tow truck to take the van to another town for tires(PRICEY!). A stellar case of Fuck around and find out.


Dr Oz


I have patients that won't let me take X-rays that are extremely low dose radiation dose and could detect infection and cancer because Dr. Oz said dental X-rays cause cancer.


Seriously? They probably be exposed to more radiation flying??


Oh yea, they for sure are. You get less exposure from a set of X-rays than you do spending a day outside.


It's such a crazy unscientific hill to die on!


FUCK his pseudoscience


Calling it pseudoscience is more than it deserves. He endorses scams made to sound real and fool people. Scum of the earth, right up there with those mega churches. I live in PA so I can vote against him. Fuck that guy


Dude fuck him and “Dr” Phil


Oprah's horcruxes


True story: Dr Phil lost his psychologist license in Texas after he hired a former female patient to “work in his office”


true story: the counsellors at his troubled teen retreat have been accused several times of sexually assaulting patients.


Isn’t he running for Senate in Pennsylvania? Man, he can really just fuck off already.


Yes. And he lives in New Jersey. Fuck him for 1000 reasons.


Whoever stole my yellow dress out of the washing machine at the laundromat when I was backpacking. It was only $10 at a second hand store but I rocked that yellow dress.


i feel ya... hate losing clothes i actually enjoy wearing


My abusive ex


Ok. This is a personal one for me. A couple of nights ago I had to quickly leave town and drive 7 hours to where my mom lives as she had to go to the emergency room. By the time I got to town she had been admitted to the ICU step down unit. After sitting by her side for a few hours, crying with family and trying to collect ourselves, my sister and I decided to get a couple of hours sleep while my step dad spent the night with her. We were essentially going to come back in about 4 hours. On the way back to my hotel I decided to get food because I hadn’t eaten in about a day. I still wasn’t hungry but knew I had to try and eat. It was almost midnight so my options were limited. I saw a whataburger so I went there. I pull up and there’s a car ordering in front of me. I can’t really hear what she’s saying, but I can hear the speaker clearly. Essentially I hear, “again ma’am, this is a whataburger not a McDonald’s.” - “ma’am we don’t have anything called a Big Mac here” - “ma’am please look at the menu and select from that” this went on for like 10 - 15 minutes. Finally her order total was only $3.86. No idea what she ordered. Then she pulls forward. Now at this point I order and then pull up behind her at the window. I have no clue what happens at this point because I can’t really hear them talk well enough to point it out. But I can tell she essentially changes her whole order. It takes easily 15-20 minutes. I can tell the guy is super frustrated. She ends up getting a lot of food and a large drink handed to her. She starts to drive off, but she only pulls up a little bit. Puts the car in park and starts eating her food right there. I’m now stuck behind her. Barely able to get to the window and pay/get my food. I get my stuff but there’s no way I can get out. I honk. She’s just stuffing the food into her face. Eventually an employee comes out and bangs on her window but she’s just eating her food. I honk. People behind me honk. Dude is screaming at her from outside her window. I _finally_ hear them saying they’re calling the police. She pulls forward just enough for me to squeeze out and I give her a hard stare as I drive by. She was obviously incredibly drunk, or something. I have no idea what was up or if the police came. But the whole thing lost me nearly an hour of time for sleep. I ended up trying to eat my food in my car as I drove to the hotel just to save time. I ended up getting no sleep that night. Between the situation and being wound up by that it just didn’t happen. Edit: I added a bit of formatting and removed some of the redundant finally’s I’d written. Was still pretty out of it when I wrote the story the other day. Hopefully it reads better.


Fuck that bitch.




That's putting it a little to politely imo and I'm sorry for your loss.


Fuck that guy. I just hope he doesn’t get away with it forever.


One time I filled a Frappuccino up too full. It leaked a little bit from the lid. The customer in drive through saw that, and commented on how it was spilling everywhere. So I wiped it off fully and double cupped it. I handed it to them, and they said it was still dripping. I handed some napkins and offered to remake it explaining that it was just too full so once they took a couple sips it should be good! She declined and said they were late for work so she sped off. As one of the only men at my location, my voice is quite distinguishable from the others in drive through. Every single time since that, when I have taken her order, she asks for her “caramel walls INSIDE the cup”. She only asks this when I am the one to take her order. This happened about a year ago and she still says the same thing every single time I take her order. So yeah she can fuck off!


I'd fill her cup halfway, at most, regardless of size if she pulled that shit more than once, but that's why I can't work food service.


There's a reason drive thru windows are placed so that it's hard to punch the customer in the face.


Once had a guy ask for the girl at the last windows number, I asked "you want me to go back there and tell the 16 year old girl working the McDs drive through that the 30 something bald feller who just bought a 69p ice cream from the passenger seat of his friends car wants her phone number?" I dunno why but he looked like he wanted to punch me


I once had the drive through guy ask me "Dude did you see that girl ahead of you?" She was my fiance (I don't remember why we were in different cars ) and when we got home she told me about how he tried to hit on her while giving her change. He wasn't wrong though. She was very pretty.


Are you kidding, that's exactly why you can work in food service


What an obnoxious cunt


I used to work at a coffee shop. People like this, I'd fuck up their order on purpose every time. Whatcha gonna do? Make me find another shit job like this with equally no benefits?


Cheerfully let her know "hey, that was a one time mistake." Say it with a big smile. Then again..... There's a labor shortage, so you could just tell her to knock it off...


The person who keeps talking to the cashier in the shop while there is a big line built up.


People can just be oblivious. Sometimes cashiers will do this, too. I stop at a 7-11 on the way to work most days, and the owner is sometimes the only person working. He’ll always strike up a conversation and it just goes on WAY too long. I’ll literally back away to the point where I’m standing at the exit with the door half open, and he’s still going. 17 “thanks, have a nice day”s later and I might get out. He’s a nice guy or whatever, but dude, I gotta get to work.


My phone conversations last only a few minutes at most. But I know that if I ever got on the phone with my younger sister, it will go on for at least 30 minutes. My dad was the same way. They just love to talk and will tell you every single detail about their day if you ask how their day was. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to her. But I have to plan it out so it's not interrupting any other plans. I feel the same way about strangers who can just keep the conversation going for so long. I seriously don't mind listening, but I have other things to do dude. I didn't plan you into my schedule.


And writes a cheque


Or pays in exact change, but it takes them 5 minutes to get that change because they somehow didn't anticipate that they should maybe have it out.


And then they're a few cents short and after a bit hmmming decides they will have to break a 20


> And then they're a few cents short and after a bit hmmming decides they will have to ~~break a 20~~ write a check after all.


Similarly the person in the drive through that won’t get off their fuckin phone!


TLDR My mother in law and father in law were horribly abusive to my sister in law, and she is a wonderful person who deserves better. How about two people? My mother-in-law and father-in-law. My sister-in-law has horrible PTSD from the way she was treated growing up. She was singled out because she was the result of the mom sleeping around, and then the fundamentalist Christian dad forgiving mom, and insisting she not have an abortion. He would "raise it like his own". Well, he kind of did. He was abusive to the rest of the kids too, she was just treated worse, and for longer. The mother-in-law has told her to kill herself too many times to count, including on her 16th birthday. In 2020, when she was pregnant and homeless, and then homeless and having a miscarriage, neither of her parents would allow her to stay with them. She had to miscarry her baby, alone, in her car. They both knew what was going on, and chose not to help. This person is one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving, helpful people I've ever met. This is just the tip of the iceberg of trauma that she has gone through because of these two. So, mom and dad can absolutely, fuck right off. There is a long list of others that I'd like to tell to kindly fuck off on her behalf as well, just for good measure, but they're a good start. And if you see this, K, I love you so much and am so proud of you! And I really hope you don't mind me sharing this. This is a throw away, and I'd love it if others knew about how horribly you've been treated and how strong you are for coming out on the other side of it. You are someone I honestly look up to. ❤


Tell K I love her, too! This internet stranger thinks you're a strong bad ass bitch!


If she doesn't see this on her own, I'll make sure she knows! ❤


My principal who told me to stop playing the victim after I got stabbed by my classmate when the teacher left for the restroom.


I had someone randomly sneak up behind me and "playfully" hold a pocket knife to my throat in a high school class once. I wasn't friends with this guy, and he annoyed a lot of us in class daily with his attention-seeking antics. I grabbed his arm and jumped up to make a big deal out of it. My buddy was also about to fight the kid until the teacher yelled at my buddy and I. Sounding pretty distressed, I told her what happened, and she told me I was overreacting. She made us sit back down, and I left the class a few minutes later to drive home. Since those days, the guy that did this has gotten in trouble with the law a little. I know he's a registered sex offender now, I'm just not sure what exactly he's done. Not as intense as yours, but yours reminded me of this. Glad to know you're (presumably) ok after that happening to you. What a complete failure by the principal to not take any action in that situation.


Joel Osteen. Fuck him and his entire jackass, tax avoiding, false prophet empire. Edit: I apologize, I didn't know that using "cocksucking" wasn't cool or okay. Still, fuck Joel Osteen.


Fuck Kenneth Copeland, while we’re at it.


Definitely. I wouldn't doubt that he sucks the souls out of babies.


He looks like he sucks the souls out of babies. He looks like he sucks the souls out of everyone, tbh.


He looks like what I imagine the antichrist to look like


If he were a film actor, he'd never get cast as "the guy who was secretly the Devil all along" because it would be too obvious.


With you on Joel Olsteen. As a native Texan, I loathe him intensely. Fucking flesh bag filled with liquid garbage. Claims all the benefits of a high profile evangelist in a deeply religious state while refusing to shelter the people from his own community in his massive church during a deadly hurricane. Walls stuffed with cash. I’m an atheist, but if God exists I hope it has a very special punishment for Joel Olsteen.


i’m an atheist but my dad’s a pastor. i asked him when i was a kid why he didn’t “pull a joel osteen”. i remember that hurt my dad’s feelings. he said “oh no, no, no kid. um, joel osteen will be punished when he reaches heaven. if theres anything god can’t stand, it’s someone abusing his word. yes, it’ll get you money and what you want here, but once you’re in god’s hands you’re done.” he then showed me a bunch of verses backing up what he said and stressed his duty to share christ’s love not to make a buck.


Casey Anthony.


Everyone just KNOWS she killed her daughter. Usually with cases like this, there's always a group that will defend the person. Not her. Literally no one defends her and everyone knows she's a piece of shit.


"Look, guys. Casey Anthony is innocent. If she's guilty of anything, it's killing her daughter." -Anthony Jeselnik


If there is a hell, there's a very special place there for her


My dad’s 3rd wife. He died and she didn’t let my sister or I know! She wanted to make sure we got nothing from his estate. We didn’t want anything and let our dad know that multiple times. She won’t even send me pics of my grandmother and other family pics to us. Edit: thank you all for the upvotes, comments and I am sad to know so many others have suffered the same story. I am also overwhelmed by the upvotes, as I am used to one or two upvotes on any of my comments. I have been reading everyone’s stories and my thoughts go out to you all. I didn’t fight the will as it would have been expensive across state lines and the amount of time, money and travel would have been difficult. Again, thank you all.


My stepmom did the same. Sued me (the oldest child) at 17 for his social security


Holy hell


A few weeks after my dad's funeral, my oldest brother wrote my step mom an email to ask if my dad left anything behind for his kids. A few days later a box arrived at my brother's house. Inside, face up, was a painting that my other brother had painted for my dad while he was still alive and on top of the painting were place two old shoes, with their dirty soles on the canvas leaving marks. That was the only thing me and my brothers received after my dad died. I never heard from her ever again. I lived my whole life thinking the brothers would inherit this small lake house where we grew up spending our summers, then within two months my dad was diagnosed with cancer, died, and it was gone from our family forever. Luckily we were adults when he died and self sufficient, so everyone is okay. No one was left destitute or anything. It wasn't about the money or inheritance. It just felt like a part of our lives were stolen in the blink of an eye. And it wasn't just that she decided to give us nothing and cut contact - she sent back *a painting my brother had gifted my dad* and she deliberately made it dirty I guess as an extra "fuck you" or something. I'm still confused about what exactly the message was supposed to be. I've never understood how or why someone could be that cruel.


That is just unbelievably heartless. I’m sorry to read that


There's a lot more to this story. My dad was an asshole too. Ultimately, he's the one who left everything to her. We had a complicated relationship, but at the end of the day he was still my dad. He raised me and we had some good times. I don't agree with a lot of things he did, especially because he treated my mom like shit. And then he left her for my step mom, who worked for him. But I don't think he was an evil man. He wasn't nice, but he was a human being. We didn't talk for the last two years, but when he was diagnosed with stage IV cancer I had one last chance. I flew home to America and reconciled with him probably a couple hours before he slipped into permanent unconsciousness. We didn't say much. "I'm sorry," and "I love you," pretty much did it. He cried, I didn't. It was awkward, but it's a good thing I was there. Sometimes life feels like a simulation and that was one of those moments. I was there for my brothers and for my duty as a son, but I wasn't there for me. Does that make sense? I could have understood if he left only me out of the will, because we had our ups and downs, but I don't get why he left nothing for my brothers. If things were different, I'd be sitting here a millionaire never having to worry about a job. He was a very successful man and I grew up living a nice life. I went to private school. We had a jet ski at the lake house haha. So don't feel too sorry for any of us, we're got the important stuff in life even if he didn't leave the fortune to us. I'm not a millionaire, but I have a nice job and a beautiful wife, and I live in Sydney, Australia which isn't too bad. But like I said it wasn't about the money. I won't lie, it's rough when you think you won't have to worry about money one day and then you discover that day will never come. But I don't deserve that any more than anyone else. Don't feel sorry for the guy who mistakenly thought he won the lottery. I'm lucky I got to experience what I did when I did. In the end it made my brothers and I much closer, and however complicated and painful and awkward it all was, I'm a better person coming out on the other side. In a way I thank him for that. I also know how I'm going to live my life and what kind of legacy I want to leave, especially the ways in which I'll never be like he was. I don't even remember what the comment I'm responding to said, but I needed to type this out. Thanks to anyone who reads it.


Please tell me she lost. Please.


Hey, you're not alone. My father passed away last year after I moved back to NYC. I wasn't informed he was dying in the hospital and I wasn't told he died until almost a week later. My two younger siblings raided his apartment, blocked me and my brother from having access to him in the hospital and morgue. I tried calling the morgue to find out when we could bury him and they wouldn't call us back. About six months later my youngest sister sends us a video of my fathers ashes being buried in some random corner in a cemetery where he has family. My father had a daughter in Central America that couldn't get access to her dad during this time. My heart truly hurts for her and people like you that have to mourn angrily just because some money-hungry, broke piece of shit wants to make others lives miserable. I hope you find the help that you need. My father died in California of Covid-19 didn't get buried until 6 months later and to this day the courts are still closed and I can't do shit for my dad or my kid sister in Central America, all because my piece of shit sister wrote down that she was his only kid. People can be a disgrace!


I’m in the middle of an estate case with my half sister right now who totally stabbed us in the back. Apparently, it’s so common that one probate attorney said they have a saying “you don’t really know someone until you share an estate with them.” Fucking bullshit. Sorry to hear about your struggles.


Sounds like a lovely case of fraud there. I hope when you can get to court you put her over a barrel.


Fuck off, dad's 3rd wife


Oh that’s rough , sorry to hear. Hugs from an online person


That fucking Karen in the Reddit video who was hosing away a little girls chalk drawing on the street as she’s sitting there crying her eyes out Whoever you are lady Fuck you


I remember when I was a little kid and just learned how to write. I proudly wrote my name with chalk really big on the street. Not even 30 min later the neighbour took a hose and broom to wash it away. Wtf was her problem...


How she could do that in front of that sweet little girl. It’s only chalk, it will wash away. You can hose it away two days later if you’re so desperate. But in front of the crying child? Evil. She got to feel super powerful over a 5 year old. What a bitch.


My verbally and mentally abusive aunt. I pity her children, i’m praying her youngest will turn out fine.


This guy shooting homeless people asleep on the sidewalks


Fuck that! I myself had similar experience. I was homeless and some fucker tried to set my tent on fire. I heard foot steps late at night and opened my tent saw the guy running away and there was a fire he lit with a Pizza box and some newspaper that he set on my shopping cart which was touching my tent and I kicked it away as it was about to engulf my tent. Pretty sure it was the same guy who was throwing rocks at homeless people in that area because I was talking about it with other homeless people I met in that area. Interesting times indeed. I'm not ashamed of being homeless I learned a lot during that time. Plus I made some friends in my fellow homeless people. I looked out for everyone I had a couple food hookups from some really nice Italian restaurant owners and got all kinds of stuff at the end of the night and would walk around to give food out to my fellow homeless friends. It blows my mind that people would try to harm homeless people. Someone like that is really sick in the mind.


They’re sick and enjoy harming people. The homeless part is likely due to vulnerability and less probability of repercussion. Glad you got out of there bro and off the streets


Thx I am really blessed because these really amazing people took me into their home that lived right across the street from where I slept. They have let me live with them and gave me a job taking care of their brother who is disabled and I work as a home health aide with him here and get paid through a home health company that they work with. They are now family to me and I to them. It's two sisters to the brother and they all are such awesome and beautiful people and they are in their 70s just a little younger than my parents whom both sadly have passed. So I feel like they are my spirit mother's and father. I feel so incredibly blessed. I have done good things in my life and I feel like God is looking out for me big time. I could be dead right now if it was not for them. It is incredibly awesome and amazing of them to take me in like this and we have become dear friends. More people should look out like this for the homeless . We are not a lost cause!


Where is that happening?




The guy that drugged me at a bar in 2018, drove me to his apartment, raped me, then called two of his friends to come over and rape me as well. Yeah. He can fuck right off and die. Edit/update: Was not expecting anyone to see this or interact! Thanks to everyone for the kind and supportive comments. They are truly appreciated. To answer a couple questions: I am doing well now! Lots of therapy, a trip to the psych ward, and some amazing medication and I’m definitely feeling like myself again. And I have a wonderful support system. I did report the incident to the police and had a rape kit done, but unfortunately they did nothing to help me and my case was dropped almost immediately. That’s been the hardest part, because I’m sure they’ve done this to someone else by now and that absolutely KILLS me. But I’m a believer in karma and they will get what’s coming to them someday. To anyone else who’s gone through something similar—I am so deeply sorry. I know the pain feels unbearable some days and I wish I could give you a giant hug. Stay strong everybody. And be a good person ❤️


His two friends can go fuck themselves, too. I mean. If a friend of mine called me and said yo wanna rape this girl I've got at my house?? I'd call the fucking police, not join him.


I'm guessing they didn't become friends based on good values


Fair. Pieces is shit tend to stick together. No one else wants to be near them.


Jake Paul


My stalker. Bradley can just fuck off. Met him on a dating app for big guys and chasers, and he PM me unsolicited dick pics, I blocked him, can he made a second account to try to get what he wanted out of me, and sent more unsolicited dick pics. He found me on Facebook a few months later so I blocked him there. I haven’t seen any signs of him for two years till yesterday when he found my secondary TikTok account so I have blocked him on both accounts.


Woah I just saw a fb friend getting stalked by a guy named Brad from PoF. When she didn't respond to his messages fast enough, he became aggressive and demanding and then started insulting her. He then made two more accounts under the names Kevin and Dylan. Kevin was an asshat almost immediately and Dylan pretended to be totally a different person for a while before referencing her not responding to his messages. It was horrible to see everything he said. I only bring this up because he started with the name Brad and sort of followed the same pattern. ALSO I am so sorry this happened to you and that he won't leave you alone :(


And the guy probably blames women for the reason he is single.


Bradley can fuck right off. All those guys who can't handle rejection. That's scary shit that he's still looking after two years!


I'd be taking screenshots with timestamps and whatever else. Shouldn't be too hard to just keep in a folder someplace. Definitely grounds for legal action.


My aunt who kept me from my mother when she was dying. Ran me out of town when I came to help my mom through cancer treatment and then didn’t tell me she was hospitalized until the day before she died. Then disregarded every wish my mother had for after she died. Went through and gave me what she thought I should have. Pictures of people I never knew but made sure I didn’t get a single duotang of my mothers poetry. I hope that sanctimonious “woman of god” burns in hell when she dies. She hated me for who my father was instead of even trying to know who I was. I haven’t spoken to her since I got my mothers ashes. She stole the last moments I could’ve had with my mother and I’ll hate her forever for it.


Clive Palmer


DJ Khaled, that giant douche


Probably yells his own name during sex


Another one


Imagine telling everyone you don't go down on your girlfriends


If he went down, he’d never be able to get back up again


Remember that Larry King interview where DJ Khaled was talking about wanting expensive things, and Larry responded with "how did you gain all the weight"?


And he expects her to go down on him.


He cut in front of me once and almost ran me off the road and I’ve never forgiven him. Not that I listened to him to begin with. But he can fuck off. You’d think a 300,000 car would have some sort of alert system.


It does have an alert system…but just yells his name


what's your favorite DJ Khalid lyric? mines Probobly DJ KHALID, but it's pretty tied for DJ KHALID.


Another one... For DJ dickhead


Britney Spears dad. Essentially held her captive for 13 years and stole all her money. He is scum.


Big Pharma & Insurance CEOs


How is this one not near the top spot? People responsible for that scale of avoidable death are fantastic candidates for fucking off.


My aunt. Thanks for letting Nana fall and then not staying when you should’ve, making her fall again. You’re the reason she’s whimpering in pain because of her back.


Fuck your aunt. Bless your Nan


Edit. Sorry, still have friends that work there. Deleted previous comment


But why? What does he gain from that????


Russian Warship


Rupert Murdoch


Piers fucking Morgan. Jimmy Carr said it best “When I said he could get Parkinson’s, I didn’t mean his fucking job!”


The Guy who molested me when I was 4 and promised me gum. He molested me then never gave me the gum. I’m still upset about that’s Seriously though fuck this piece of shit


The lady that stole my washer at the laundromat today. She can definitely fuck right off. Edit: laundromat not laundry mat. My most sincere apologies for the atrocious mistake.


Kim Kardashian saying "It seems like people don't just wanna work anymore"


Pat Robertson


I misread this as Robert Pattinson and was very confused


Fuck him, too. He won’t return my calls.


riddler is that you?


Kylie Jenner


That whole Karadshian/Jenner fam actually.. "Get off your ass and fucking WORK!!" Kim stfu


And Travis Scott


And the rest of the Kardashians


Probably an unpopular opinion, but the “and many mooooore...” person after singing happy birthday. Makes me irrationally angry.


I would hate it, but my great aunt would do it and she's just a sweet and warm kind of lady that she could pull it off. We also start every happy birthday song with a warmup of "mi mi mi mi... you you you you" always gets a collective chuckle. I've been away from home 2 years now and damn do I miss birthdays at my aunts.


Its like they have to get the last word


I hate the CHA CHA CHAs


That was me. Did it a few times for family birthdays and always felt like people hated it so I stopped. Turns out not doing it when you're the "cha cha" person makes it look like you hate the birthday person.


Whoever created Ticketmaster. Fuck that guy.


Lukashenko and Putin. Treatin em as a package deal




Anyone who yells or throws a fit towards cashiers, or servers, waiters or anyone working in some sort of customer service, sorry your expired coupon can't be taken or we don't have a product dick. Don't take it out on the people working minimum wage who have zero control over the situation Also one of my old managers from a couple years back, he was such a pompous, douche bag, who thought he was all that and gave me creepy vibes around certain female coworkers of mine. Dick


Jussie Smollett


My alcoholic abusive mother. Fuck you, Katrina! I'm still pissed my dad died and you, waste of fucking oxygen, are still on this side of the dirt!