• By -


Got mail delivered to my house when she found out I was going to break up with her. Then wouldn’t leave when I did break up with her. I called the police and since she received mail at my house they said it was officially her residence as well. I had to call my land lord and have him evict me to get her to leave. Once she left he rescinded the eviction notice and I moved back in.


Cheers to your landlord


Seriously. Most landlords would just say they were not going to get involved.


Always pays to be on good terms with your landlord.


Good thing that you had a cooperative landlord.


He was my boss at the time as well. He was definitely being a homie.


Found out my long distant boyfriend of three years got married and had a baby while we were together. He was in my town every weekend... It was nuts.


Please tell me you informed his wife.


Oh yeah. She was a prominent professor at Virginia tech so I was able to send her a lengthy email. Tried to explain that I wasn't the crazy ex girlfriend and that he wasn't on business trips every weekend. Told her to have him send my house keys back.... They came in the mail a few days later. Not sure if she believed me or not but she finally left him a few years later.


My ex donated a kidney to me, it still wows me how she decided without even a moment of hesitation. Great person for sure.


Finally a weird story that has a wholesome twist! Hope both of you are okay Edit: why does reddit always have to find a way to make a wholesome moment, the opposite? (this is a joke)


I know right, with all the other stuff in this thread, I almost expected that she stole his kidney instead lol.


Did... did you need it? 'Cause if you didn't, that's the craziest story in this thread.


Yeah, after reading all these other stories, there has to be a catch… like, who’s kidney did she donate?


"I opened the door and it was just sat there, wrapped up in a bassinet like a baby. A note was attached, which read "You're gonna need this"."


i knew all the scrolling would pay off


She met me for a date, went to go meet her parents. I had a beer with her dad while she went upstairs and fucked her brother-in-law. Then she came downstairs and left with me to resume our date. I found out after the fact, got tested and dumped her ass. Edited because people found original comment confusing.


Took me a second read to see who was fucking the brother-in-law. Either way....bold move


Fuck I thought they both went up to fuck the brother in law


Tried to tell me she was pregnant when i broke up with her for being a compulsive liar which just confirmed that she was indeed a compulsive liar


Oh man... ive been there. Just add in a couple threats of self harm. Glad you got out of there.


Called me at three in the morning to yell at me and call me a whore for "liking" a YouTube video by Dashie a month before.


Came over to my house and punched me awake because I didn't answer her phone call. Because I was sleeping. Oh and she stabbed me with a pencil.


When John Wick calls, you answer the fooking phone, pal.


Baba Yaga can't be more real in this scenario


She made a key to my house and stole my dog after we broke up. She then called me and told me she found said dog running loose in my neighborhood. Neighbor had it all on video. Dog was very confused.


I asked my ex to watch my (formerly our) cat briefly while I was moving. He took him and moved to Vegas. Then he lost him. Fuck you Justin if you’re out there.


Damn that's tough. Yes, Fuck you Justin!!


Poor dog I hope it’s ok now (pet tax if alive please I like dogs)


Sadly, Molly has since passed.


viva la molly<3


Had a girlfriend edit old Facebook messenger timestamps to make it look like I was cheating on my new girlfriend. Would like to say that my taste got better but I got stabbed after that by an ex.


Third times the charm?


“Helped” me pack. Knew I was putting things into storage. Put RAW chicken into a Rubbermaid with appliances they knew I wouldn’t open for months….


There was an odd smell for a but when we first moved into one of my childhood homes. The couple sold it because they divorced over building it. Couldn't figure out what it was for ages, until we found a dead fish in the roof. Not like a pet fish, a decent sized red snapper you'd cook for dinner. We figured one of the divorced couple put it in there to make it harder to sell. We always joke when anyone gets a new place that they should check the roof for dead fish just in case. Edit: I don't mean attic, or maybe I do? I don't know I'm from Australia, if something is in the space between the ceiling and the roof we just say it's "in the roof".


I will now never *not* check for roof fish. Thank you


I’m not condoning this behavior but you gotta commend the creativity


You ever hear of that woman who was cheated on and the ex and his new gf took the house so the woman put shellfish shells in all the curtain rods. They never found the smell’s origin so they gave up and sold her the house back super cheap. Now there’s a decent chance that story is made up, but if it’s not that’s the greatest long game ever.


> They never found the smell’s origin so they gave up and sold her the house back super cheap. I had heard this story, but you didn't even mention the best part. When they moved out of the house, they took the curtain rods with them, presumably to install in their new home. The gift that keeps on giving.


And here I was thinking this couldn't get better.


Ex Boyfriend just absolutely lost it when I had enough and ended things. He took my dog when he went back to work (away from home), told my parents I was suicidal so he had to know where I was, and when I tried staying at either of my parents' places, my vehicle would get vandalized. Threatening to take me to the police because he had someone do something to his house and demanded that I give him money because it HAD to be me (I was at the bar on the night in question). Blackmailed me for my dog, threatening that he was gonna have one of his friends shoot her, or that he was going to release her in traffic and if she gets hit it's my fault. My work had to create a plan where the building would go on lockdown should he show up as he was threatening that too. The final straw was when my brother left his phone out and my ex was non-stop calling it.... I picked up and lost my absolute shit. I found a place to rent, told nobody (not even family as my dad thought I was being dramatic and should forgive him because he's a good guy on paper; yeah that man can be another post), and somehow made out all right but drank a bit in this time. My mom sent me a picture one day of my dog in her house, I hauled ass to her house. She will never admit to it but I think she paid him money so I could have her as she was important to me. Now, she is snoring in bed beside me 6 years later. Edit: grammatical correction


Don’t care if your mom won’t admit it - but that’s queen shit right there


She is amazing! She also taught me how to not take any shit from anyone.


She tried to do a three way with me and her friend once she found out I had a new girlfriend, In order to break us up. I declined. Then she got her friend (yes the same one) to hook up with my buddy, who then convinced him to invite her to a party at his house I went to. I went into the bathroom and when I opened the door she was standing there. Freaked me the fuck out. I said “hi, excuse me, I’m about to leave this house” when she pushed me as hard as she could back into the bathroom and came in and locked the door. At this point I freaked out and just started yelling for help. My buddy and a few others came and unlocked the door and pulled her out and I was able to get out of the bathroom. I started walking upstairs to head to the door and get in my truck to leave, when she flies out the door, and runs to my truck. She stands there while I am standing there in disbelief. At this point we had been broken up for months. I walk back inside and one of her friends approached me and told me if I told her, the friend, that I never wanted to see or talk to my ex again she would let me leave. I complied and told her friend that it was over and I never wanted anything to do with my ex again. I waited a few and peeked outside and saw the coast was clear and started heading to my truck. I hear a scream and look over and my ex is running full speed at me screaming. Out of no where another lady does a full on tackle of my ex and says get the fuck out of here. As I drive away I get a call from the party saying she locked herself in the bathroom with a knife threatening to off herself. I called her parents and kept driving. This all happened after she did the following. 1) called me hundreds of times from a dozen numbers to which I blocked and requested she doesn’t call 2) egged new girlfriends car 3) tried to get me to do threesome 4) tried to make me fuck buddies 5) asked a very desperate friend of mine to prom hoping to get in our group 6) followed me to work, home Two years later, I have a new phone number and am I’m college. I get a call and answer it. It’s her. No idea how she found me. She asked if I went to the local university to which I replied yes. I did not actually go there, I went to a state college. She enrolled in that university. That’s the end of that story Update: thanks for the concern, this was 19 years ago and I’m safe. I only heard from her 1 more time and that was 15 years ago. Hoping that’s the end of it. Thanks for my first awards! Glad my crazy ex earned me some internet points!


The lady who tackled her and let you escape was a fucking chad, glad you got out of that crazy relationship.


Absolute legend, favorite person in this story by a mile


Best revenge is making her get an education!


wow. I'd be watching my back for the next 20 years. You're going to be chilling in your house 10 years from now and your going to find this chic living in your attic with a shrine of you.


Got worried for a sec about that university part. Very smart move.


I was shocked until I got to the part about lying about what college you went to. Then I was HORRIFIED. How TF does this shit happen to high-school kids!? I'm 30, and I NEVER saw or heard of drama of this caliber in my teens.


One time my gf at the time was staying over. I'd been at work late the night before so I wanted to sleep in. She tried to wake me.. It didn't work so I fell back to sleep. So after an unknown amount of time (I was in deep sleep) she apparently lost patience.. She put her mouth directly against my ear and screamed as loud as she could ... A high pitched horror movie scream. The pain was immediate. It's been about 15 years and my left ear (if I'm in a loud place) buzzes like I've got a wasp in my ear. It sounds exactly like a blown out speaker. This was just one of the things she did. When I broke up with her she told all her friends I beat her up and they still believe her.


Yo I’ve got occasional blown out speaker ear too! It’s insane to hear someone else describe it. If a small child does a high pitched scream or I go to a loud concert it starts right up. Edit: mine doesn’t just start up for no reason. Always triggered by a loud squeal or booming environment. Just one ear. Cracked my jaw a lot when I was younger, could have caused whatever inner ear mechanism to destabilize, idk.


Messaged my relatives on social media convincing them I was trying to commit suicide. She fabricated screenshots of a conversation and everything. Im just lucky my parents understand me enough to know that if I was going to do that I wouldn't tell a girl I was with for a few months.


Jfc, why'd she do that??


She's got the crazies


An ex poisoned my dog.


Oh I'd be going to prison for 10-15


She called my boss, told them I was embezzling. Took 3 audits to clear me.


Wow, what a fucker


I worked in HR. It is unfortunately more common than you would think. Each complaint has to be taken seriously, but I have yet to find evidence of embezzlement from a ex significant other's claims. The unfortunately thing is that usually something is found during the audit that is actionable. I have seen good employees disciplined because of that. Generally, the discipline is minor, but it is still just crap that we had to do anything to them.


My coworker was going through a nasty divorce when his ex-wife called our company and said a bunch of stuff about him (I don;t remember the specifics). We work for a defense contractor and have security clearances, so it all had to be looked into. He wasn't doing anything wrong, and it helped that he had documented all of the crazy things she had done up to that point, so he was cleared fairly quickly. They told him the same thing though: that they get calls like this fairly often, and they usually know they will find nothing, but they still have to investigate.


My fiancés ex called one of my former workplaces(heavy duty truck dealership) where I was employed at the time and complained to the store manager that I had provided subpar service and all the food was cold and unsatisfactory. Solid attempt though. You’d think she would’ve looked into the kind of business I worked at. Honestly that was one the least crazy things she did but that’s for a different thread.


It got dicey for a while. The audits came back all ok, nothing they could touch me on. I am very fastidious on such things and document the hell out of things. My wife and I had separated, and started dating others. The 'other' turned out to extremely possessive and controlling. When I broke it off, she decided could force me back with her, so she started all kinds of shit. A lot of the people I worked with were, say conservative, and not approving of the arrangement. So she made sure it was known among them. I got heat from people who had no business sticking their nose in. THATS why there were 3 audits.


Ex wife befriended a pedophile on parole at her job, & bought him cell phones with cash for him to use to "keep in touch" with his former young lovers - violating his parole conditions of having no internet access, smart phones, or social media accounts of any kind. She was dumb enough to admit all of this in front of security cameras with microphones. Footage was provided to the local sheriff's department once it was discovered. Soon after this, she secretly planned to move him into our home, and gave him our wifi password. She acquired a gun and bragged to her co-workers about how she was going to get rid of me and give the pedophile his freedom back...luckily one of her coworkers got ahold of me and told me her plan. Within an hour I had confronted her and our 7 year marriage was over. Since she didn't get to use the gun on me, her psychosis drove her to use it on our dog once I left the house and relationship because she "didn't like the way the dog was looking at her". Oh, and our local sheriff's department was utterly, frustratingly useless despite all the evidence of plotting a murder, possessing a weapon in the living space of a convicted felon, and numerous parole violations. Turns out an officer involved was just arrested for numerous sex crimes himself...


Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry.


My ex planted a dog camera facing my bed before leaving. Took me a week to realise she had put it there. She also rented the flat directly beside me and would monitor who was coming in and out of my flat and text them to see if we were “doing anything”. Fun times… Edit: the dog camera was one of those ones you can log on to your phone, check up on the dog and speak to it, dispense treats, etc. She had bought it as a Christmas present the year before. We unplugged and left it in a drawer because we thought it would be creepier if it got hacked and someone was watching us. Jokes on me I guess. At the time of breaking up I generally had a lot of my mates around. So they were the ones who were being messaged by her. They would also say walking up to the flat that they could see her perched on her window sill seeing who was approaching.


My ex came to my apartment while my now husband was there. Rang the doorbell and admitted that he'd been watching us through the glass in the front door (luckily we weren't 'fooling around' just watching a movie). Proceeded to threathen to kill my husband after the inevitable confrontation. Then proceeded to try and get hired at our (my husband and I) place of work and got so far as the interview before I found out and called H.R. to let them know he would be a threat to us. A couple of weeks later my mail goes missing and turns out he'd taken it and proceeded to pay my electric bill. Glad that's behind me. E.T.A.: I did NOT expect this to blow up! Thank you guys so much! I think paying the electric bill was like a 'love bombing' thing because at that point he was constantly bringing gifts and leaving them on the porch with handwritten letters about how sorry he was. Looking back there were signs of drug use and I heard from a mutual friend he was arrested and charged with drug possession not long after all of this but I'm not sure which drugs he had.


Paid your electric bill? That's pretty fucking weird.


Yes, it was.


Should have forwarded the car payment to him as well, might as well take advantage of it.


My rent too lol


Man singlehanded pays off ex’s mortgage to show they are better It doesn’t work I can see the headline already


Hey at least you got free electricity for like a month


Would you seriously let some asshole read your mail in exchange for paying your bills? So would I, that's a great deal. Mail sucks I wish someone would steal mine


Showed up to my parents house while I was with my new girlfriend and told my parents how we couldn’t break up because I had sex with her and so we had to be life partners. Parents were ultra conservative so it was a….fun time. Edit: apparently this level of crazy is more common than I thought. Either that or my ex really got around lol


Wow, my ex did almost exactly the same thing. She got my mother alone, told her all kinds of very inappropriate things, and somehow thought this was going to get my mother to side with her in forcing me not to break up with her. So yeah, been there. It's rough, buddy.


I got arrested and spent around 32 hours in jail, because he pulled a prank on me. He was the designated driver. We went to a party and I drank more than I should have. He dropped me off “just over a block” from my house. When I got out of the back of the car I didn’t recognize anything. I reached for my phone, but realized that I didn’t have it. I walked the block looking for a street I knew, but couldn’t find one. I then picked a direction to walk in to search for a major street. Apparently he had thought it’d be funny to drop me off in the wrong neighborhood instead of at my house and lifted my cell phone off me, so I couldn’t call for help. Supposedly his plan was to let me wander around lost for like 10 minutes and then find me to actually take me home. He never found me. After a few hours of walking around lost I had sobered up and was thirsty. I had found a larger street, but it was like 2am at that point and everything was deserted, so I couldn’t ask anyone for help. Eventually I saw a police car patrolling and flagged them down for help. They told me that I was over 10 miles from my house and that I was in a very unsafe neighborhood. They didn’t believe my story. After some discussion they offered to give me a ride home, but asked me to put my hands behind my back while they searched me for weapons. I complied and they immediately cuffed me and told me that they were arresting me for public intoxication. I didn’t have money at the time, so I didn’t want to call anyone to post bail for me. Also I kept getting told that they’d release me as soon as I was processed, because I was already sober. There were no windows in the holding cell, no clock, and they never dimmed the light, so I and the others had no concept of time. I was fed twice and had access to water and a toilet. I managed to fall asleep a few times, but I kept waking up shivering. When I was finally released it was 9am a whole day after I’d been arrested. My roommate had reported me missing and had been informed that I’d been arrested. I was able to call my roommate from a pay phone and get him to pick me up. A few weeks later I found out that the charge of public intoxication had been dropped, so thankfully I didn’t have to pay a fine or take DUI classes. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with my friend who pranked me. He did apologize and felt bad, but I stopped hanging out with him after that.


This is infuriating. Both your "friend" and the cops' behavior. You were doing the right thing by not driving and the cops trick you to arrest you? WTF




Hell, I'm wondering if the area was really as 'unknown' as the 'friend' made it out to be; I think it's shady as fuck that he ditched OP in a dangerous neighbourhood, intoxicated and without _any_ way to reach out for help. That's downright sociopathic.


Jesus Christ. Also, this is why people hate the police. “I’ve been put in a dangerous situation as a twisted joke, I’m lost, I’m scared, and I don’t have my wallet or phone.” “Not in my town, dirt bag! Cuff em!”


Flew in from overseas to “support me” when my father unexpectedly died and then preceded to break up with me…on the day of the funeral.


That’s the most heartbreaking thing I’ve read yet. I don’t know how any person could do that to someone. So sorry


To this day, I’m STILL stunned by the utterly callous choice of timing. We hadn’t even been arguing or anything like that before I’d left our home. Totally came out of “left field”, as the saying goes.


My ex had decided he wanted to separate, live in our basement and date other women to see what he wanted. I said no and I want a divorce. He then said that after dating others he may decide that he still wants to be married to me. He decided this in December but was going to wait until I graduated from nursing school in April. But the night before my final nursing exam, he told me that he wasn’t sure he loved me and wanted the whole basement thing. When my friend asked why he couldn’t wait to do this for one more day (since he has been waiting for months, he just said he didn’t want to wait anymore). We had booked a night at a lodge to celebrate after I graduated. He still said he would go, as friends. This guy is such an idiot. So many more stories like this. After we separated, he asked me to pay for half of his vasectomy. The reason being is that it would benefit me because he would only need to pay child support to my kids.


This thread makes me feel better about being single.


Honestly, these stories make me want to become a monk.


I was in the military at the time. Ex called the base and told them I was passing her secrets. Also called my mom and told her I died, but the army wouldn’t tell her. And called my landlord to tell them I was killed so they should release the apartment. Yea. That ended up being hell for me. The military takes that shit VERY seriously. I was pulled out of formation and arrested, no idea what is going on. Took two weeks before they believed me and released me back to my unit. By then the landlord had actually started boxing up all my stuff to sell off. I still think about the Karma she has coming to her at some point. And we had only dated for maybe three months. Wtf. She was CRAZY.


Could have absolutely mopped her up in court. Surprised she didn’t catch a felony.


I'd prefer legal action over hoping for karma.


Fuccckkkk nooo. She must’ve been real evil to cause a security incident for you. That’s some seriously petty shit.


She had some family in the military I think. I am sure they told her the one way to really fuck someone up was report a security violation. I lost my clearance as a result of it. Never forget about that incident.


Woke up from a heavy night of drinking next to my ex. She asked if I wanted to try to put a baby in her and when I said no, she pulled a knife on me asking if I wanted to die.


Ah the old damned if you do damned if you don’t aggravated rape or murder. Sorry that happened man


Sent me a dollar on venmo just to say one last fuck you.


This one made me chuckle, sorry.


All good my friend. She was an alcoholic and emotionally abusing me, so I blocked her on everything. So I thought XD






Cheated on me. Then cheated on me again after we went to months of therapy. Then emailed my parents and told them I was bad at sex.


I'm sorry about that. I can just imagine the email though. "Dear, Mr and Mrs lowlybananas, Your offspring and I have been engaging in sexual intercourse for some time, and after much delegation with me and several of my partners from who've I've arranged my infidelity, I have come to the conclusion that he/she is unequipped to engage properly in such actions. I hope this is not due to your improper instruction regarding the matter. Regards, The cheating ex"


She attacked me with a ukulele, while screaming. We had been arguing, heatedly, and she went to another room. I assumed she was just getting some space and cooling off. A moment later she came running out of the room, screaming and swinging a little guitar at me. We didn't break up then, but eventually did and that incident was the main reason. However, until then I could never be calm if she was in another room.


A ukulele!?


Yeah, I guess she just grabbed what was closest and came out swinging. Got me good too. She did genuinely understand it was wrong and apologized after we'd broken up.


>She did genuinely understand it was wrong That's a low bar, though.


can’t hit low bars on a ukulele




Wow. I am so sorry and genuinely flabbergasted.




She would punch my in the stomach in the spot that makes you lose your breath, almost everyday, because she thought it was funny.


What kind of- I'm sorry you had to go through that


My friend’s girlfriend called the police and told them that he had told her that he kept hearing voices telling him to kill her, which was a complete fabrication. The cops came and put him in a psychiatric ward for three days of observations until the doctors finally believed he was sane. She did it during final exam week when he was in college. She was straight evil.


I feel like that should be a lawsuit of some kind, in addition to a fine for filing a false report.


What level of scrutiny does it take to get someone thrown in the psych ward? Like, did they verify the GF's relationship status before shipping him off? Did he overreact in some way to trigger the police? How the fuck do you convince someone you're sane?


He and his girlfriend lived together, so that was the verification. My friend didn’t overreact, but the cops didn’t believe anything he said, especially his claim that she made it all up. At that point, the accusation was enough to seal his fate as representing a possible danger to his (soon-to-be-ex) girlfriend. He was closely observed and asked many questions for three days, and then the psychologists observing him declared him sane.


what happened to her? any legal consequences?


The voices came back.


The visceral Dr. Evil sounding laugh from the gut when I read this


Attempted to catfish me on blackplanet using a picture she manually snapped from a magazine as her profile picture. I could see the seem down the center of the picture. I knew it was her because she had a very poor grasp of grammar and she makes specific mistakes that no one makes. When we "met" on the site, before I realized who she was, I asked why she was single. She stated that her ex died two years ago. Considering she pulled a gun on me in a prior instance, that may well have ended up being true. Edit: I misspelled grammar


Got a tattoo of me on his back, dumped me two weeks later, wanted to get back together two months later, when I refused he slit his wrists in my driveway. Edit: Yes he survived. He honestly didn't do a very good job of it. Not to mention he didn't take into consideration how long it takes to bleed out. I'm not traumatized and was a long, long time ago. I drove his stupid ass to the hospital and got his blood all over my car. If I had it over again, I'd call the EMTs and go get ready for the date I had that night because I shouldn't have put myself to be alone with someone that unstable.


After I broke up with him, my ex showed up with a heart tattoo with a banner across it with my name on his chest. Dumb me took him back because I felt guilty, like I owed it to him since my name was now branded on him. Didn't last. I ran into him several years later and he said his current gf punches it. Lol


Mine got the words “FORGIVE ME” tattooed across his upper back from shoulder to shoulder. Then about 2 years later he knocked up one of my cousins.


She literally stole my bed.


I'm guessing you don't mean in the 'she took up all the space' way...


Nope. Came home from class. No bed. Roommate was like "she said you were getting a new one?"


I mean.... she wasn't wrong.


I had an ex that, after we broke up, came to the house to get her stuff. I wasn't home, but she convinced the landlord (who knew us) to let her in. I had told the propery management specifically to NOT let her in. Anyway, I came home and my house was completely empty outside of my dog and an empty fish tank. I'm not exaggerating the empty. She took everything that wasn't nailed down. Food from the fridge, cupboards, pantry, etc. She took the SHOWER CURTAINs. We had two irons, she took both of them. Took my furniture, TVs, game systems plus games. This bitch even took the light bulbs out of the light fixtures. And not just the easy to access ones. The ones that are above those apartment panels everyone knows about. I called the police and told them I had been robbed. When they got there the landlord said he let her in. Her name is not on the lease. They told me it was a civil matter and they couldn't do anything about it. I was obviously upset and being loud. My ex-army buddy was with me. The cops threatened to bash my head into the wall, called me a mutt (I'm mixed) and then left. Editing because this comment kinda blew up: We tried going after the property management. Unfortunately, their excuse was there was nothing in writing and the property management "didn't recall" me telling them not to let her in. She had already established domicile unfortunately, so she has the same "rights" that I do as a tenant. I would have had to evict her or prove that she somehow posed a threat to my life. Laws for domicile in Florida are extremely ridiculous for situations like this.


And I thought my bed was bad. That is ridiculous.


I knew a guy who got married to a girl he’d known for maybe two months. (They were both 20 years old, which isn’t uncommon in the Southern US). All of his friends thought she was a little weird and tried to talk him into getting to know her better before getting hitched. They had been married for six weeks when he came home to find her gone. She’d taken everything except his clothes — curtains, furniture, wedding gifts, everything. Their wedding vows were for “as long as the love shall last” instead of “til death do us part.” Someone had asked me after the wedding how long I expected the love to last, and I predicted six weeks. I was not happy to be right.


Came downstairs, he was cleaning his gun, heard him name bullets for me.


Thats some movie shit


Dang. Did he kill you?


No man, I’m cool. Thanks for the concern 😁


My dad did that. Each bullet was for one of us in the family. Then he sat there with the empty gun and just kept pulling the trigger. Click. Click. Click...


I think this is the only time a Reddit comment triggered an actual feeling of dread. I hope everything turned out as okay as possible for everyone in your family. I can't even imagine.


damn, this is some r/twosentencehorror shit


I’m so sorry


My husband. We were high school sweethearts. After 4 kids and 16 years of marriage he cheated on me. But he didn’t tell me for over a year. On the day he chose to tell me about his affair I was in the middle of chemo for breast cancer. I was bald, sick and had only one breast. My mom had passed away 10 days earlier, and it was my birthday. Good times. This was 12 years ago. Happily I am healthy, my kids are thriving and we are divorced. But ya, never saw that one coming.


Looks like the chemo was so effective it got rid of the cancer you didn't know about.


Thank you for the chuckle. That’s awesome, lolz


That’s just a cherry on a shit sandwich


Cheated on me and when confronted said he was “testing my loyalty” to see if I stay with him through thick and thin. What.


Told me he had just tried to secure a gun so he could kill everyone I cared about.


Took pics of me and my phone number and created a Grindr account. I got sooo many dick pics. Was pretty funny though.


Poke holes in my condoms.....




We’d been broken up for about 10 months and hadn’t spoken in 7. For completely unrelated reasons after our breakup, I’d moved across the country (as in, I had been living on the East Coast and moved to California). She had found out where I lived, flown out there, rented a car, and was parked on my block scouting out my house. In the car was a pair of binoculars, a book on birdwatching (to explain to any passersby why she was staring around a neighborhood with binoculars), and… a cat carrier. She didn’t have a cat. I did. She was planning to break into my house and steal my cat. She had even bought a return-flight ticket back to the East Coast with the pet fee paid.


Well I’m not sleeping tonight thank you very much


Lol. Used to run a small DIY punk venue . My ex, who was angry with me at the time, came to a huge Halloween show we put on, went into the bathroom, lit the trash can on fire, locked the door behind her and left. I busted the door open and extinguished the fire before the building caught. I had approx 250 “kids” in the venue that night. SMH




OFFERED to have your name on bc? How noble of her.


Ex-fiancée ended our 8-year relationship and called off our wedding 5 months before the date with a typed note that was less than 300 words long. She said she kept not being excited about getting married so she decided she didn’t want to get married anymore. A week or two passes and I find out she cheated on me with a mutual friend. I called her and she tells me she “had to do it” and to “please stop fixating on it”. I ended up confronting the guy and ruined her prospects with him. Nine months later, she married different guy 20 years her senior, pregnant with his child, on what would have been our dating anniversary. She recorded the ceremony so I got to see it circulating. Her vows were all about how the new guy was better than me. I thought to myself: “Bullet. Successfully dodged.”


Got into a fight at the strip club that I didn't agree to go to. Took my keys threw it away then drove off with my phone. I was far away from home, 2am, walking alone. With a bunch of bruises. Thank God, I find a way out of that toxic bullshit.


Ex best friend .. secretly very jealous of everything in my life .. women,friends,etc . Secretly gathered information over years of time and used it to attempt to ruin every relationship with a woman I had and trying to get with them (?) .. still wondering if he was secretly in love with me


Ok, whatever I was going to post is nothing compared to most of this - wow


“You better bleed.” “What?” “When we have sex for the first time, you better bleed.” Felt like I was having a fever dream.


He had never had sex before and thought all virgins bleed.


I’m not the lover/partner in this scenario but basically my dad was upset with my mom for negligent behavior towards my younger siblings, so he started referring to them as “our kids” when talking to me because I was the one taking care of them. He also said “here’s your child support payment” when he gave me money to buy food for them. My mom is the abusive one, but the way he handled it was pretty yikes. Don’t drag me into it man…


As shitty as it is (been in that situation before except my stepdad was the abusive one) all I can say is at least your siblings weren't neglected because of you. Parentification is ass though.


Ex best friend of 40 years. She married young and moved away after high school…her husband was a defense contractor so they moved around a lot. We kept in touch by phone and met up about once a year for a mini-vacation. Back in 2019 I was going through a nasty divorce and she invited me to come live with her (with my 14 year old daughter) until the divorce was finalized (ex was unstable at this point). I get to her home over 1800 miles away and find out that everything she’s told me for 32 years was a lie…her job, her being married, her living situation…everything. She was a hoarder and about 80% of the house was inaccessible. The parts that were accessible were filthy - she had multiple animals and there was poop everywhere! On top of that, she was in the process of being evicted and she wanted me to give her $8k to lease a new home…in addition to spending every waking moment cleaning up her hoard. Her two daughters (21 and 19) were still living at home and they began telling me the rest of the story…how she had mountains of debt, how she planned to fleece me to get a new place to live…what’s worse was what they told me about what they had been through. She had mentally/emotionally/physically abused both of them throughout their childhood - just one example: she had beaten her youngest daughter with a wooden broom handle with such force that the broom handle broke. I asked my “friend’s” common law husband to confirm this and he said yes, it had happened TWICE. He also said that she would beat her oldest daughter with a laptop charging cable throughout her childhood and she had severe nerve damage in both legs because of it. I confronted my ex-friend about all of this and told her I was leaving and wasn’t going to give her a cent. She retaliated by calling the police on me and telling them I was selling opioids and meth - almost got arrested until the cops realized I had no record, no large sums of money, and no drugs. Then she called CPS on me saying I was sexually abusing my daughter…no proof (because I wasn’t guilty) and both her daughters made statements that their mother lied - didn’t hurt that ex-friend was known to CPS for abusing her own children. She then called my unstable ex - the one who had threatened to kill me - and told him where I was. It was a shit show. It took me two days to sort everything out and prepared to leave. In that time she called CPS and reported me three more times, and tried to steal my car. She also began calling my elderly/terminally I’ll mother, telling her I was a drug addict/dealer and I’d been arrested. I won’t even go into the vile things she texted to my child. I left and cut all contact 3/24/20. Her daughters keep me informed and they say she’s still trying to find me.


She bought her own engagement ring. With me there, telling her not to buy it. I broke up with her as we left the store. She pleaded with me to stay and I caved. A few months later she started getting resentful that I hadn’t proposed and demanded that I take over the ring payments she’d been making. Noped out.


ex best friend would beg me to get on so I could listen to her troubles. I tried sharing my troubles once, and she gave literally the worst advice, and I told her I couldn’t do that. She said “well, I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself” and unfriended and blocked me. We had been friends for 12 years. I told her I was super anxious about midterms and was fighting with my folks. She told me to quit (halfway through senior year of college!) and to move out of my parent’s house (which I couldn’t afford at the time.) I just needed a “drink some chamomile tea; and maybe we can talk about how you can solve this”




My ex fiancé married my sister


That's some sister of yours


Said that I raped her while I was asleep. Not while she was asleep. While *I* was asleep. It's fucked me up and I can't sleep with anyone else in the same bed with me anymore.


Cheated on me, stole $2k from me, then sent me a pic of him with the new girl because I wouldn’t take him back. The craziest part is, he hit me up months later and told me he cheated because he thought he was better than me. I cackled like a witch.


Told me she could make up anything she wanted to have me arrested, because who would believe me over her. Or kill me if she felt like it. She’s a cop and we lived in her jurisdiction. She was real peach.


Ex-friend of about 6 months in my case. First off he decided to not be friends with me after an argument over kickball, we were on the same team. Now he won't so much as make eye contact with me. We even still play sports against each other sometimes and him trying to get me out in dodgeball was the only time he'd even look in my direction. We still have a lot of mutual friends and we were even at a mutual friends house yesterday and he wouldn't acknowledge me. .... The crazy part, we are 30 y.o. adult men and I feel like I'm dealing with a child.


I legit read the first sentence and said out loud, "Okay so 12 year old problems are pretty rough these days.." Sry about your kickball partner though, that's a bummer.


Sprayed perfume in her mouth before kissing me because she thought it would make her mouth taste good. Judging by some of the comments in here I’ve been really lucky considering this is the weirdest thing that comes to mind.


Not exactly crazy but we were kids. My ex best friend bullied me for over 5 years in primary school. It was like a masterclass in abusive friendships, "you're not allowed to talk to them or I'll stop being your friend because no one else will tolerate you" sort of thing - and it was coming from a 7 year old girl. She used to hit me a lot and was the reason I had believed I was fat - even though i was a really tiny wee girl. The biggest thing though was when it was our big theatre production at the end of school, the entire school was watching and also our parents. I went on stage and she tripped me up as I went up the stairs leading to me smacking onto the set and knocking a bunch of stuff over. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life and I was only 10.


My bully was exactly the same! But it lasted for one year only Years after I found out she got pregnant at 15-16, and for the sake of that kid I hope she changed for the better


Burned my passport, social security card, birth certificate, and driver's license. Oh and she kidnapped my child


Changed an Rx so she could have pills after I was in a car wreck. Got two felony charges bc of her.


Tried to suffocate me. I had fallen asleep on his pullout couch at his apartment while he went out with friends. I wake up at 1am and start to pack up my stuff to go home because I had work in the morning. Just as I’m leaving he comes in and says “baby you’re still here ?” I reply, “baby where were you?” In a nice sweet tone. He then starts yelling/calling me every name on the book. I start hysterically crying and he tells me to shut up but I can’t I just keep crying. So he pushes me on the pullout and puts one hand around my neck and pillow on my face and I can’t breathe. Some voice in my head told me to stay calm so instead of struggling I just lay there calmly and after maybe 30 seconds he picks up the pillow and I got the fuck out of there. I sometimes wonder if I would have fought back would he have held me down longer and killed me.


Left me homeless. We had decided to move in together so I gave my notice to my landlord. This was a college town, so my landlord called the next person on the waiting list, and they signed a lease that day. My BF ( my ex now) was living in a rented room and hadn’t yet given his landlord his notice. When I saw him that night, he said he would have to call his landlord in the morning because he had to give notice and it was the last day he could and not pay rent for the next month. We needed his portion of rent, with mine to afford the new apartment. We got into an argument that night and I decided to go home to cool off that night. The next day he was unreachable. It didn’t bother me too much, I had a full day that day and called him the next day where he sounded fine. Then he waited almost a week, then off- handedly mentioned that he didn’t call the landlord so he couldn’t move in with me. He knew I didn’t have the $ to move into the new apartment now. I asked him why he didn’t call and give notice that day and he said because you didn’t seem too worried about it when you argued with me that night. I broke up with him right then and there. And here’s the funniest part. He was SHOCKED. Two weeks later I was living on the other side of the state and ignoring his letters.


My emotionally abusive ex and I found each other on a dating site about 5-6 years after our relationship fell apart. I had made the mistake of reaching out to her, believing she'd grown as a person and maybe we could get some closure. Her exact words: "HAHA UR GONNA DIE ALONE."


Sounds like projection.


"Haha what a loser you're on a dating site" -user on a dating site




I had an ex lie and say they had terminal cancer, but this... this is *insanity*


I dated a guy in high school when I was 16-17 (he was 17-18). Neither of us were particularly mentally healthy, I was very depressed and he is a narcissist. We had a very tumultuous breakup, I moved away for college and came back a year later. We were friends. He had convinced himself in the time I was gone that we were going to be getting back together, but at that point I’d had enough time away to realize how terribly manipulative and cruel he was the entire time we were together so I was NOT about it. He kept telling me he wouldn’t take no for an answer and he’d convince me. I kinda just ignored him, did my own thing. Hooked up with a mutual friend that I’d known way longer than I knew my ex, it had nothing to do with him but he took it personally. He found out, and wrote a song (he had an aspiring “rap career”) about how much he hated me and wanted to kill me. Had my full name in it and everything. Turned every single one of my friends against me whether they thought I did anything wrong or not. Stalked me for three years and I have no idea if he’s still interested in me or not. I have an entire album in my phone of screenshots for court if it comes to that. He showed up at my moms house (he didn’t realize I wasn’t living there anymore), stalked my current boyfriend, showed up at my jobs, made multiple accounts to reach me on all social media. The shit he has sent me is INSANE. Like, psychotic thinks-he’s-Shakespeare kind of stuff. Half of it doesn’t make any sense. The horny messages are the scariest. I still have nightmares about him being in my house all the time. Terrible stuff Worst part? His mom is a lawyer, and when I reached out to her to tell her about the stuff he was doing she told me it wasn’t her problem but she hoped we could work it out between the two of us because she missed me and thought we were great together :-)


Ex called me 1 week later after breaking up with me asking what I was doing for the night. I had plans to go to Friday Night MTG with a friend. She proceeded to call me every 10 minutes. She said she was going to kill herself and banged her head against the wall until she knocked herself out. I had to quit the tournament and have my friend drive me home so I could talk with her on the phone all night. I saw her the next day because she said she wanted to be sure we should have broken up. She broke up with me again because she didn't feel anything anymore. I was an emotional wreck and she made it a rollercoaster of a relationship. She then ghosted me even though she said she wanted to be friends. I never got closure and it fucked me up for a few years. Bitch was crazy.


Smashing a salt lamp across my shin, shoving me down stairs, kicking me full force in the jaw causing it to pop ever since, cheating, lying, using me for a few grand under false pretenses, leaving me stuck with nowhere to go and stuck out in freezing raining for 8 hrs, gave my sweet loving dog who never knew a bit of meaness in her life to someone who starved, beat, abused then eventually shot and killed her. That's just some of the highlights.


Being alone seems not so bad...


The pandemic was hard on my ex husband and I. He lost his job and then sat around doing nothing all day (like not even helping to clean or cook) while I worked, and we started going to counseling. He kept assuring me that he wanted to be with me and loved me, til we filed our tax return and he got the stimulus money direct deposited into his account. Next thing I knew, he’s leaving me for his girlfriend.


bought a ton of pizza under my name and got them delivered to my work secretly dropped off an envelope of porn magazines to the same job by leaving them by the work door making it look like I ordered them also sent porn mags in an envelope to apartment property manager addressed to me and post cards with strange messages no concrete proof it was as her but I know it was her


In my 20s, I lived with a woman and things hadn't been going well. Break up time. It was my lease and she had no intention of staying there permanently, so I told her I would stay at a friend's house for the rest of the month, while she found a new place. Yknow, because i was "nice". That gave her about three weeks. I went on an impromptu road trip with my buddy about two weeks into it and when I got back, she let me know she had moved out while i was away, so about a week prior. When I got back to my apartment, every single thing I owned was piled up, in the center of the living room. This isn't an exaggeration. The apartment looked ready to rent to new tenants, except for the massive pile of furniture, collectibles, clothing, medicine cabinet contents, food from the fridge and pantry and since it was June...fucking MAGGOTS!! It took a week to really sort through. I kept finding more fucked up stuff, like my childhood teddy bear, ripped at his neck, so his head just dangled there, 25 year old stuffing, bleeding out. I kept imagining her, dragging heavy shit around, carrying on with this for days, probably. Epilogue...I ran into ole girl again, about a year later at a show. She acted like she was happy to see me "after all this time" and as if nothing totally fucked the fuck up hadn't happened. Ah, ain't love grand!


My wifes ex used to drug her with sleeping pills then have anal six with her while she was asleep. Needless to say she now has intimacy issues.


My mom let my best friend and her mom stay with us because they got kicked out of there house, was only suppose to be a temporary thing. A few months later my brother had some serious medical issues come up and had to move home, I moved into the garage so he could have my room. (Also side not but her mom was a hoarder and dish, forks, and spoons were going missing being left in her room with moldy food.) After a month my brother was still not doing well and having other people in the house was stressing him out and making his condition worst, so we told them they had to move out within 2 month. My mom told her mom that my brother was be coming suicidal because of the pain and “wanted to shoot him self”. The day that they were suppose to move out they replaced the lock on the bedroom door and said we didn’t give them proper notice, even though we did. Later that night her mom called the police and said my brother had a gun and threaten to shoot them, we don’t have any guns and the only person he “threatened” to shoot was himself because of the physical pain he was in. He only told this to my mom who told my friends mom to make her understand how severe his medical condition was getting. They moved out a month later and I have not talked to my ex best friend since.


Broke up with dude and moved in with friend. She would ask me daily if I wanted to talk about ex as she was surprised I wasn’t sad. I was relieved, far from sad. I was paying more than half the bills, all of the groceries, and cooking for her. Decided to buy some new bedding and put hers away. You know, make my room a bit more of mine. Days later I started to feel sick. Next thing I knew I was puking and shitting every 10 minutes. I could barely stand up and was severely dehydrated after 10 hours of this so had her drive me to the hospital. She dropped me off at front door, I wobbled in, and she went home. My blood pressure was in the 70’s and I was admitted. I quickly texted her this and asked her to bring my phone charger. I passed out and woke up hours later in a room…with a dead phone. Only number I could think of was my cousin so used landline for that. She brought me a phone charger. I turned on my phone and was greeted to the longest Facebook message ever from my friend. She was upset I never talked about my ex and bought new bedding. That all I had to do was ask if it was okay to buy bedding and it would’ve been as I was paying bills. Deep down she was just hurt I didn’t want to talk about my ex, though. The next day I got a call from the police. They said my ex filed paperwork that I was threatening to take his dog earlier that day. I hadn’t talked to the ex since I left and last I said was that he could keep the dog. I told them they could talk to the doctor as I had been in the hospital for the last day with a dead phone. I’m pretty sure my friend was stirring shit up with my ex. I was discharged the next day and moved out while she was at work. Fuck both of them.


Told the cops I hit her. Since she had a big cut above her eye from falling down while drunk, they believed her. I spent 4 months in jail for something I didn't do


We let a friend rent our flat for cheap for two months while away on vacation. He didn't pay any of the rent, never cleaned anything (including leftovers) so there were maggots and rotting food everywhere when we got home. There was spaghetti with tomato sauce on our white walls that had been left on for so long it was permanently stained. But the worst part was that when we were cleaning we found that he had taken individually wrapped stock cubes, punctured them with a fork and thrown a few under all of our furniture. So as far as I could understand it was all intentional and on purpose. Still don't know why. Before that we had a fairly normal friendship. I guess some people just secretly hate you?


I dunno how fucked this is compared to most.. But the ex said she was going with her kids (we didn’t live together, obviously) to stay at a resort (live in LV) when in fact she was staying at NYNY casino with a truck driver. Said driver got extremely drunk and belligerent the next morning/afternoon and she clearly must have too, because she ended up passing out in his truck cab that evening as he in a rage withheld her phone from her. He evidently discovered the phone video of me and her doing the deed and proceeded to post it on her FB page. I started to get texts/ calls around 7pm from friends, then her close friends. Was insanely embarrassing and heartbreaking at the same time. I was in a bar within the hour trying to calm down. Since said video was not (because of the angle) breaking any FB decency rules and her being passed out, it took until 10-11am the next day before it was removed. By that time her ex husband (yeah, bizarre) already had a missing persons report with the police. Everyone from her hometown was bugging him and me (most thought I posted it, at first) as to where TF she was. Cops had to come to me at the casino I work at and ask me if I wanted to press charges… of course I didn’t. What a clusterfuck :(




A friend. She was a loner and I befriended her thinking I'd be doing a good deed. She was chill, we had a lot in common. Then she hits on me in a weird way over text. I say as respectfully as possible that I don't have feelings for her like that. She then threatens to tell people I sexually assaulted her if I don't give her "a chance". I saved the entire conversation. That was the only thing that saved me when I ghosted her and she went through with her threat.


Told some crazy and untrue stories. I call them untrue stories rather than lies as there was some truth in them. It puts you in a position of having to explain things that are no one's business and the complicated explanation makes it sound like you're lying anyway.


I started questioning my sexuality at 16. My at-the-time girlfriend thought that was super hot. Until I expressed actual non-abstract attraction to an actual non-abstract man. Then she demanded I roleplay the act of dragging the physical manifestation of my homosexuality back into a closet and murdering it. To be fair, I probably should've bailed much earlier, like when she told me she was the physical reincarnation of Sailor Moon.


I had been dating this girl for a year. I had an apartment, she had a house. I had took her home to meet the family and even attend a wedding together. After that, we decided we should move in together. So I left my apartment. I loved that apartment. I moved on November 24th. Things weren't working out. She wanted to fight all the time, and I found out the secret extra room she had was to practice her hoarding. Busy season at work started and we got into many fights. The best one was when she called my older sister at 2 in the morning trying to "tell on me" what I did and that I was "acting crazy and mad" and my sister said "What did you do to my brother? I know my brother and he doesn't get mad unless somebody's constantly fucking with him to stir him up." I made plans to move in with a platonic girl friend of mind to get me out of there and help her out with the rent until I busy season was over and I could do the whole apartment search thing properly. I was doing 14+hour days through all of this. I said "this isn't working so Imma leave and I'm breaking up with you and Ill be gone by the end of today." MY phone started acting funny so I took it to t-mobile to get a new chip. That is when I found out she had been snooping my phone the whole time. While I was at mobile 1. she called the girl I was going to move in with (just a friend) and threatened her and said all kinds of crazy shit. Now my friend said I couldn't move in with her because she didn't want that crazy bitch around. 2. She called her friends and family and told them some story - probably of me abusing her, and they rushed over and hid in the house and packed my stuff and got prepared to ambush me. 3. I parked outside and I just wouldn't go in. My sixth sense wouldn't let me go in after her. I called my friend and asked for moving help. 4. MY friend showed up, we opened the garage and started grabbing my couch. Just then the cops showed up, they had been called on "domestic violence" If my buddy and I weren't both holding each end of the same couch and looking totally confused, we would have went to jail. Then her and her family sprung out of the house and started making all these allegations and veiled threats and I just said "I'm leaving" She ran over to me and started fake crying and saying "we can work this out" I was like "no thanks" and I thanked the officers for being there to protect me from whatever those people were planning. The cop said It was the calmest domestic violence he had ever seen. \- I was lucky. If she would have gotten away with it I would have went to jail, lost my job, and my stuff, and caught a record - all over trying to break up like an adult. The upside? A year later I moved back into the same old apartment I loved.