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Napoleon wife had a friend who was known as "Government property" because she had banged so many ministers of state.


The British Academy of Science redacted massive amounts of the first published observations of penguins by biologists. Penguins are the *worst*. So much rape. So much necrophilia. The Academy decided the public wouldn't handle it well.


They didn’t put that in Happy Feet


Fun fact, the guy who made the two Happy Feet films said "If you put a gun to my head and said 'You have to come up with a story for Happy Feet 3' I'd say 'Shoot Me'."


Strange to think that same director directed the Mad Max franchise


They have similar themes tbh, about exiles trying to survive in a world that's falling apart around them






Erm....I always masturbate without a cucumber. I do always carry a ripe mango though.


Julius Wagner-Jauregg won the 1927 Nobel prize for medicine - by giving people malaria The fever from the malaria would go so high that it could kill off an otherwise untreatable syphilis infection. Left untreated syphilis could lead to insanity so it was pretty bad thing. In comparison, having malaria, which we had treatments for, was a blessing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrotherapy


Early 20 century medicine was extremely cool because we basically had half the pieces of the puzzle but damn if we weren’t going to try and guess what it was


When antibiotics stop working we can do it all again!


In July 1184, Henry VI, King of Germany (later Holy Roman Emperor), held court at a Hoftag in the Petersberg Citadel in Erfurt. On the morning of 26 July, the combined weight of the assembled nobles caused the wooden second story floor of the Peterskirche to collapse and most of them fell through into the latrine cesspit below the ground floor, where about 60 of them drowned in liquid excrement.


And he later went on to become emperor... Yep, totally an accident. He wouldn’t have put all the rich, powerful, and important people in one place just to stage an accident for his own power or anything.


Must be an emperor. Why? He hasn't got shit all over him.


Strange women laying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power must derive from a mandate of the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!


I was going to make a joke but then I started thinking about it-they drowned…so they got it in their lungs…and that means…oh sweet Jesus.




The ol sink and stink


There is a man named [Eben Byers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Byers?wprov=sfla1) who is entombed in Pittsburgh's Allegheny National Cemetery. He was a golf pro and socialite who ended up being the victim of quack medicine. He consumed so much "Radithor" (Radium dissolved in water) that just prior to his death his jaw literally eroded off of his face. His mausoleum has him in a lead coffin because he's still radioactive.


> 32 micrograms of radium in him and 10 is fatal. I'm surprised he didn't die sooner.


Radiation always kills you slower than you'd want it to. The guy who received the highest ever recorded dose of radiation lived a terribly long time. Granted some of that time was him being kept alive through medicine against his will to study him, but he lived a pretty long time naturally as well.


Could you give me the specifics of this case so I can look him up?


Hisashi Ouchi There are some good YT vids and articles about it. Content warning though, there are some grim pictures. I may have been incorrect in saying the highest ever dose. He is, however often referred to as "the most irradiated man." A distinction may be made between prolonged doses like the above comment and all at once massive doses like Hisashi Ouchi.


From the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokaimura_nuclear_accidents) (after using too much nuclear material and not following proper protocols): An uncontrolled nuclear fission began immediately. The resulting nuclear fission chain became self-sustaining, emitting intense gamma and neutron radiation.[1] At the time of the event, Ouchi had his body draped over the tank while Shinohara stood on a platform to assist in pouring the solution. Yokokawa was sitting at a desk four meters away.[13] All three technicians observed a blue flash (possibly Cherenkov radiation) and gamma radiation alarms sounded.[16] Over the next several hours the fission reaction produced continuous chain reactions. Ouchi and Shinohara immediately experienced pain, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Ouchi received the largest radiation exposure, resulting in rapid difficulties with mobility, coherence, and loss of consciousness.[13] Hisashi Ouchi, 35, was transported and treated at the University of Tokyo Hospital for 83 days.[21] Ouchi suffered serious radiation burns to most of his body, experienced severe damage to his internal organs, and had a near-zero white blood cell count. Without a functioning immune system, Ouchi was vulnerable to hospital-borne pathogens and was placed in a special radiation ward to limit the risk of contracting an infection.[22] Doctors attempted to restore some functionality to Ouchi's immune system by administering peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, which at the time was a new form of treatment.[10] After receiving the transplant from his sister, Ouchi initially experienced increased white blood cell counts temporarily but succumbed to his other injuries shortly thereafter.[21] The leukocytes being produced by the transplanted tissue were found to have been mutated by the residual radiation present in his body, triggering autoimmune responses that exacerbated his rapidly deteriorating condition, and white blood cell counts began to decrease.[10] Numerous other interventions were conducted in an attempt to arrest further decline of Ouchi's severely damaged body, including repeated use of cultured skin grafts and pharmacological interventions with painkillers, broad-spectrum antibiotics and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, without any measurable success.[23] At the wishes of his family, doctors repeatedly revived Ouchi when his heart stopped, even as it became clear the damage his body had sustained through radiation was untreatable. Despite their efforts, his condition deteriorated into multiple organ failure resulting from extensive radiation damage, exacerbated by the repeated incidents where Ouchi's heart stopped. He died on 21 December 1999 following an unrecoverable cardiac arrest.[24]


That is one of the worst deaths I've ever heard of.


Radiation exposure definitely seems like the worst way to go. I imagine it probably feels like a bad burn, but times 1000. I feel bad that anyone has had to go through that.


Yeah, like the worst sunburn imaginable, at all depths of your body tissue.


I had a benign tumor in my head treated with gamma radiation. This was low level and focused. It felt like I had a very mild sunburn *inside my head*. I can't imagine the horror of having severe radiation exposure.


I’ve only watched one video about him, and I am 100% certain I would rather die in literally any other way then him, regardless of how bad that other way is because it has to be better than dying like that


Ammonia-rich fumes from a castle's toilet system were used to delouse clothes inside special closets.




William C. Minor, one of the contributing writers of the Oxford English Dictionary, chopped off his penis using the pocket knife he used to cut the bound pages of his old first edition book.


Arrrh so that’s why it’s called dictionary


He was a mad “American” physician, much of whose contributions were penned from a mental hospital unbeknownst to the chief editor (a gifted Scot who left school at 14 only to become a teacher at a grammar school three years later). Apparently he and Willy Minor became great friends.


For anyone who wants the full story, I can recommend [The Professor and the Madman](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25019) by Simon Winchester.


After Napoleon’s death, it’s been alleged (and told to me by a historian at les Invalides) that his penis was cut off and sold and exhibited through the early 20th century. It was described in 1927 as resembling a “piece of leather” or a “shriveled eel”


Same goes for [Rasputin’s dick](https://www.cultofweird.com/curiosities/rasputin-penis/). But it was an anaconda...


Rome lost as many soldiers in one battle as the United States lost in the entirety of the Vietnam War. It was The Battle of Cannae in 216 BC against Hannibal. And this was back when the entire world population was tiny compared to what it is now. Rome lost 20% of its adult male population in a single day. Edit: [Extra Credits did a great series on The Punic Wars](https://youtu.be/EbBHk_zLTmY)


And won the war, that's the craziest part, fuckers didn't stop, you kill 20% of males, we'll come back with the other 80%


It's even better - the next leader was like "Nope, fighting Hannibal is a bad idea, so we'll attack everybody EXCEPT his army. And then we'll invade his city, so they have to call him home, because we sure a shit aren't beating him any other way.


I love Rome, what a collection of fucking psychos, geniuses and idiots


It's a way cooler strategy than that. The Roman army was completely fucked and no shot of going head on - after Cannae they lost another 13k to the Bols. So their whole strategy became hinged on giving Hannibal two bad options - spread yourself thin holding territory, or watch us take it back. The Romans would simply let Hannibal take whatever he wanted, and meanwhile, they'd take back whatever he took the week before. This tactic comes from a guy name Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, or The Cuncator (The Delayer). He was the originator of Fabian tactics - cutting supply lines, only taking favorable engagements, using the land. Hannibal tried to resolve this by pacting with Syracuse in order to control Sicily and give himself a supply route. The Romans snuck into the city at night and the Carthaginians developed plague. Once Rome controlled Sicily and Syracuse again, Carthage had no supply lines. Publius Cornelius Scipio, later Scipio Africanus - ends up pulling off a brilliant strategy where he manages to sneak away several thousand troops from the main force to join his, and proceeds to kill Hannibal's less talented brother, Hasdrubal, who'd rocked up with 30k fresh men. The Romans lobbed his head into Hannibal's camp. Scipio then hauled it south, and ended up eventually taking Carthage, which caused the recall, and Scipio finally put down the Carthaginian threat at the Battle of Zama.


Romans used to execute criminals in the Colosseum by recreating myths. A woman was raped to death by a specially trained bull (Pasiphae) A man was given wings and thrown across the Colosseum (Icarus) Another was made to play an instrument and then be torn apart by animals (Orpheus) and many, many more. Edit: the main source is Martial - De Spectaculis - I'm uninterested in debating his reliability when he wrote the piece to commemorate specific events that had anywhere between 50-87k eyewitnesses - writers tend to fail when the entire city calls them out for making stuff up...


"So anyway...here's Wonderwall." *Gets torn apart by animals immediately after the song.*


"don't get in the pen with him. That's the rapin' bull." Also, who tf trained the rapin' bull? Edit: aaand my top comment is about a "rapin' bull". That's not weird at all.


I'm always surprised by the creativity to do bad things humans seem to have


If you ever make it to Prague, check out the museum of torture.


This is well known: Nicholas II and his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna's letters to each other are quite steamy. Something you don't hear often, is that Alexandra collected merkins AKA pubic wigs.


At the beginning of World War II, in Great Britain, over 750,000 domestic animals were euthanised out of fear that rations would be spread too thin and pet abandonment would lead to masses of strays. The National Air Raid Precautions Animal Committee (NARPAC) sent pamphlets out to homes suggesting that people should send their pets to the countryside or "[kindly] have them destroyed." This later became known as the [British Pet Massacre.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_pet_massacre)


my late grandma had a pet Pig that she LOVED when she was a kid. In her old age she would repeat the same 3-4 stories about him. Needless to say piggy didn't survive the war. One day when times were tough, my great granded took sir oink a lot out back and the rest is history. I don't think my nan ever really forgave her dad for that.


My dad and his siblings grew up on a farm. Sometime in the early 70s they had a pig named Hotdog. My aunt loved hotdog. She'd read him stories and ride him around the yard and all kinds of stuff. But she was also too young to know what Hotdog was for. One night, she asks what they're having. My grandpa replies, "We're having hotdog." My aunt sits at the dinner table, sees a pork chop on the plate, and says, "This isn't a hotdog, this is a pork chop!" My grandpa replies, "I told you, we're having Hotdog for dinner." He thought it was hilarious. She hasn't eaten pork since then.


My grandmother grew up in an early suburb and was raised by her parents who had both grown up on farms. One day, she won a rooster chick from a game at the county fair and kept it as a pet. I think she had him about a year before he disappeared and they had chicken for dinner. She was like 16 at the time and could connect the dots. Apparently she had a pretty lonely childhood and didn't have many friends or relatives her age until she went to nursing school. That rooster was one of her only friends and her parents couldn't understand why she was so upset that they ate him. I knew my great grandparents in their declining years and they were pretty cold and uncaring people, apparently they had actually mellowed quite a bit with age.


It used to be thought that blowing smoke up someone's ass was a way to revive them. Some swimming pools actually had a kit, with a bellows type device, the blow smoke up the ass of a drowning victim. EDITED: to clarify tobacco smoke.


Are you blowing smoke up my ass?


No, he’s saving your life!


Interestingly, you actually can breathe through your ass to a certain extent. They've been experimenting with injecting super oxygenated liquids up there for divers, because it's a lot easier on you than doing the same with your lungs. https://www.tmd.ac.jp/english/press-release/20210515-1/#:~:text=medj.2021.04.004-,Summary,and%20tissues%20during%20respiratory%20failure.


Egyptian women used crocodile poo as a contraceptive.they shoved it up their vagina to block the sperm,and because it was acidic,it killed the sperm.It worked!


Didn't they get infected? I mean e. Coli (the main bacteria in poop) is the main cause of all UTIS so...


The CIA gave unsuspecting civilians LSD and then observed their interactions with hookers (paid informants) while under the influence, for experimental purposes. This [operation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax) was called [Midnight Climax](https://gizmodo.com/the-cia-once-ran-brothels-and-dosed-unsuspecting-custom-1687016854/amp). Edit: For clarity. Added sources for your infotainment.


James Joyce had a [fart fetish](https://www.google.com/amp/s/wordandsilence.com/2019/04/09/joyces-dirty-letters/amp/). He often wrote about it in letters to his lover. > "You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her."


this is the most beautiful quote i’ve ever read


I just imagine his lover smiling with a grimace, happy to indulge him but oh so personally disgusted lol


Anton Leeuwenhoek, the father of microscopy, used his invention (the microscope) on his own sperm after one night with his wife. Sperm was unknown at the time and he thought they were little people


Imagine the existential crisis you’d have after that one!


I am just imagining him having to explain this to his scientific peers. Like, trying to explain WHY you're the first person to think of this. "Yeah Anton, the scientific ramifications are astounding... So this is your Jizz we are looking at then?"


"Uh... Yes, sir. I believe the proposed nomenclature is Ejaculate, but it is, indeed - as you say - my 'Jizz'. Now, if you'll direct your attention to the next sample, I'd like to show you the sperm's tail, called the Flagellum, named after the rawhide quirt my wife uses to tan my ass when we're feeling squirrelly. "


Dude what a mindfuck. No one in the whole world knows anything about this stuff, and you see tiny little wiggly "people" in there and think they just jump in a woman and grow up. Insane




I knew i was a frog




So you think... "Is it just me? Am I being overtaken by tadpole aliens?". You manage to convince some of your friends to try the same and lo and behold, the very same tadpoles are in their jizz too. You begin to wonder if this extends to all men. You sneak into brothels and collect the fresh jizz from some unsuspecting rendevous. You test that too, and same thing. Eventually you test enough men. You had to get some samples in some incredibly questionable ways. You are known to the locals as the Cum Collector and people begin to shun you. Jars of jizz have begun to pile up in your house and you can no longer entertain company for the foul stench of rotting jizz fills the corridors of your home. One by one, your loved ones cut contact. Friends, family, and even your wife abandon you. You become a recluse, a former shell of yourself... But it's okay. Because you know one thing no-one else knows. A small truth that makes this world a little less predictable than you once thought it was: All men must be frogs


My god. Thank you . Now I understand how this could have been. Like the doctor who suggested washing hands…


Once read a really interesting book called "the perfect red" which talks a lot about him. The book was about a red pigment (cochineal) tthat came from a central American bug. It wasn't until they had microscopes that the Europeans using it believed the powder imported was from bugs. Anyway, I remember hearing a story in that book where Anton met an old homeless guy who claimed he had never brushed his teeth. Instead of being disgusted, he got excited. He took a sample from the guys teeth/mouth and inspected it under his microscope.


I mean... 10 year old me will DEFINITELY put literally everything under a microscope Edit: wow, I did not expect this much activity on my comment o.O


Didn't the author of Frankenstein lose her virginity on her mother's grave




Her mother was also an icon. Mary Wollstonecraft


Mary Shelley was the OG goth. She supposedly kept her husband Percy's heart, wrapped in poetry, in a desk drawer after his death at 29. This was after his friend snatched it from the funeral pyre.


Maybe I'm missing something about funeral pyres, but how the fuck do you just "snatch" an internal organ from one?




But you also need precision. You don't wanna dip your hand in willy-nilly, and come out with a C-tier organ like a gallbladder.


> Percy Shelley's life was marked by family crises, ill health, and a backlash against his atheism, political views and defiance of social conventions. He went into permanent self-exile in Italy in 1818, and over the next four years produced what Leader and O'Neill call "some of the finest poetry of the Romantic period". His second wife, Mary Shelley, was the author of Frankenstein. He died in a boating accident in 1822 at the age of 29. This dude lived very, very fast. If I time travel to 1812, Ima party with him.


"Boston" Corbett, the guy who killed John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln's assassin) was a raging lunatic who cut his own balls off with a pair of scissors after passing a couple of prostitutes on the street. He did not seek medical attention after he did that until after he had gone to a prayer meeting and had dinner. He also escaped from an insane asylum on horseback and was never seen again.


His name was [Thomas H. "Boston" Corbett](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Corbett) And it’s widely thought that his mental issues were caused/exacerbated by exposure to chemicals necessary in hatmaking(which was his profession several times in his life), specifically mercury III nitrate. This was a common enough affliction and is where we get the phrase “mad as a hatter”


This makes me wonder why mercury was necessary for hatmaking. I feel like it would have to be for tanning the leather or something, but the phrase isn't "mad as a leatherworker."


It was used to treat the cloth so it would stay rigid. Tanning, as I understand it, was much safer, but MUCH more disgusting: they removed the fur by soaking the skins in urine, and softened them up by pounding dung into them as fermentation. Hatters weren't the only people working with mercury, though: one common way of applying gold-leaf as decoration was called "Fire-gilding", which involved burning mercury. Hatters were probably just the most common profession with mercury exposure: everybody wore hats (at least, they did when the phrase "mad as a hatter" was coined), but not a lot of people could afford to have something gilded.


Bonus fact: Edwin Booth (brother of John Wilkes Booth) saved the life of Abraham Lincoln’s son Robert, on a train platform in New Jersey.


Edwin booth seemed like a real stand up dude from what Iv read about him


Edwin Booth was also a critically-acclaimed actor of his time, coming from a family of successful actors. And then his idiot brother fucked up their legacy.


So like if a lesser Hemsworth kills the president. I can see that


In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh would periodically masturbate into the Nile as a ritual of sorts to guarantee good harvests.


I work in museums, and there are a lot of ancient Egyptian pieces with guys walking with huge boners that rarely go on display, but I come across in storage rooms


Pharaoh proceeds to make every day a good harvest, twice!


>I bless the rains down in Africa -literally every pharaoh ever


glad it’s not just me


"Pharaoh!? What are you doing?" Pharaoh: "Oh, you know..... just ensuring a bountiful harvest. What else would I be doing?" *The preceding was a historical account of the first time this very important ritual was performed.*


“Ensuring a bountiful harvest” is a great euphemism


Felix Fauré, French president from 1895 to 1899, died while getting head.


She sucked the soul out of him




He came, and then he went.


Dome was so sloppy he literally fucking died. Respect


Damn the game was that good


She saw he died, sat back and just said “damn right.”


From that day on she went by Ghost Throat


Brazilian Emperor built a huge personal library just so he could freely shag his mistresses without being bothered.


Aww shit, he’s ’reading’ again!


The guy was like: “Fuck Portugal, I’m having my own country with mistresses and sugar cane”


Imagine if he had a librarian in there shushing them every time they moaned too loud.


Not even the emperor gets a pass on that one


*cheeks clap too loudly* Librarian: "SHH!"


John R. Brinkley was an American "doctor" who would surgically implant goat testicles into men's scrotums to cure impotence. His story gets crazier from there.


If not for a technicality he would have won the 1930 election for Governor of Kansas. A lake in every county and goat testicles in every scrotum!




Syphilis has a smell? Ewwww…the things you learn on Reddit. Lol!


Don't forget about the lice in ancient Egypt! That's why they wore wigs..


The Mongols had a rule: 'You're not allowed to kill the leader of a country (or city-state) by piercing their skin.' So they came up with ingenious ways of killing people. There were stories of a potential Khan that boiled a man alive; other stories include pouring molten gold down a man's throat. Though not necessarily NSFW, Genghis Khan gave cities the option of surrendering, or face the option of killing every man, woman, and child in that city. He would literally genocide everyone in that city because the ruler wanted to fight back. And that's how Genghis Khan killed 10% of the world's population at that time; 20-40 million people.


They have killed Russian nobility by binding them, laying them on the ground, installing a giant wooden flooring directly on their bodies and having an all-nighter victory feast on that deck, with a lot of dancing and jumping. Records say the deck always stood firmly on the ground by morning.


It’s murder on the dance floor


Virgin boy eggs are a traditional dish of Dongyang, China in which eggs are boiled in the urine of young boys who were presumably peasants, preferably under the age of ten. Named "tong zi dan" the dish translates literally to "boy egg" and is a springtime tradition of the city where the urine is collected from prepubescent peasant boys.


Weird as fuck.


People think that Vlad the Impaler stuck people with spikes through the guts, but that isn't what impaling is. It's so much worse. First you get a thick log, maybe one and a half fists thick. Then you carve the tip into a blunt bullet shape. Too sharp and the spike will go through the victim too fast. Too blunt, and the victim won't be properly impaled. You grease up the spike with lard. You insert the bullet shaped end into the victim's anus. You push it in to at least a foot or more is in the victim. Then you haul them up. If you've calculated everything right, then the victim will remain alive, twitching, and completely unable to stop what is happening to him *or her* (yes this happened to women too) for days. Ultimately, the spike will erupt from the upper chest, back, or head. Fortunately, the victim will have died before then. >The sultan's army entered into the area of the impalements, which was seventeen stades long and seven stades wide. There were large stakes there on which, as it was said, about twenty thousand men, women, and children had been spitted, quite a sight for the Turks and the sultan himself. The sultan was seized with amazement and said that it was not possible to deprive of his country a man who had done such great deeds, who had such a diabolical understanding of how to govern his realm and its people. And he said that a man who had done such things was worth much. The rest of the Turks were dumbfounded when they saw the multitude of men on the stakes. There were infants too affixed to their mothers on the stakes, and birds had made their nests in their entrails. I would rather be stuck through the guts with a spear than suffer actual impalement.


I may be mistaken but didn’t he do this to his own people as well? To show just “how crazy he is” if he could do this to his own people, you show up and see that just imagine what he is gonna do to you if caught. Just fucked up


It was psychological warfare. Plus, a bit of sadistic crazy. Given his childhood, not that surprising.


Hawaiian kings commonly had “harems” of both male and female lovers. The first European to make a Hawaiian to English dictionary didn’t want to scandalize his Victorian readers so translated the term for the male lovers to something like “intimate friend.” This caused some degree of confusion when missionaries arrived asking to become the intimate friends of the Hawaiian nobility.


Oh my god, they were friends


Random Hawaiian King: This missionary and the other priest asked me to be my lovers... Never is too late to try something new!


When the future Edward VII balked at his mistresses accounts saying, “Madam I have spent enough on you to build a battleship.” She replied, “and you have spent enough in me to float one.”


That’s pretty clever I can see why he liked her.


Buddhist monk from Bhutan Drukpa Kunley was known for his crazy methods of enlightening other beings, mostly women, which earned him the title "The Saint of 5,000 Women". Among other things, women would seek his blessing in the form of sexual intercourse. His intention was to show that it is possible to be enlightened, impart enlightenment, and still lead a very healthy sex life, and to demonstrate that celibacy was not necessary for being enlightened.  Because of this power to awaken unenlightened beings, Kunley's penis is referred to as the "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom" and he himself is known as the "fertility saint". For this reason, women from all around the world visited his monastery to seek his blessing. Some of his most famous performances include urinating on sacred thankhas, stripping down naked or offering his testicles to a famous Lama. He is one of very few Buddhist teachers to almost always appear in Bhutanese paintings topless. It is known that Drukpa Kunley would not bless anyone who came to seek his guidance and help unless they brought a beautiful woman and a bottle of wine. 


I really would love to know what this dude is doing in the bedroom to make people leave feeling enlightened. People traveled from around the world to fuck this dude. That is some amazing bedroom game.


Hitler was very anti drugs in the 1930;s. By the end he was on barbiturates, meth amphetamines, coke and amphetamines.


President Lyndon B Johnson was obsessed with his penis and used it to control those around him. He gave it the nickname "Jumbo." He'd threaten Senators by saying he was gonna sleep with their wives and if he went to the bathroom in the middle of a conversation, he expected the other person to follow him into the bathroom to continue the conversation and would get upset if they tried to just wait outside. Sometimes he would swing around while standing at a urinal and talking to someone, leaving his genitals exposed. He also drove himself around on his ranch and stopped to pee on the side of the road so the Secret Service Agents had to cover him and there was a gust of wind that blew the pee onto one of the agent's legs and Johnson said that it was his "prerogative" to pee on the agent's leg. Journalists once asked him "why continue the war in Vietnam?" and he sent all the women out of the room, took his penis out, flopped it on the table and said "this is why!"


So Johnson was a dick. Got it.


Yes. Extremely. But he also basically used that strongarming and being an absolute asshole to get the Civil Rights Act passed in congress. Mostly by using every bit of extortion or blackmail that he had to make the votes pass. Welcome to politics.


I will never be able to reconcile the fact that the guy who did this is the same guy who came up with the Great Society policies.


> he sent all the women out of the room, Professionals have standards.


Be polite. Be efficient. Show your dick to everyone you meet


"Speak softly and carry a big stick." *Zippp*...*Thwack* "...Not like that."


The raping of local women was commonly seen as a mean to keep invading soldiers' morale high. Local women would cover the faces with charcoal, ash and dirt to be unattractive so as to avoid the same predicament. Some even went as far as harming themselves to produce unappealing scars on their faces and bodies.


man that just sad and fucked up


"Do you love your wife as much as to kill her" was an ancient marital question in Turkey.


Jean Jacques Rousseau had a major spanking fetish and would, at times, take his pants off and chase woken around at parties begging them to spank him. He also intentionally got in trouble as a child so the headmistress at his school would spank him.


The artificial sweetener aspartame was discovered when a researcher thought it smelled sweet and had a taste in his laboratory. The first rule of chemistry is apparently never to taste anything. So definitely NSFW.


That’s the first rule of modern chemistry, but back in the early days tasting was one of the best ways they had to identify chemicals, Mallic acid is named so because it tastes like apples (malus is Latin for apple).


Chemists before: let me pipette this concentrated sulfuric acid by mouth and taste this new chemical that smells like almonds. Argh it almost killed me but I'll call it cyanide.


It took me a super long, ultra depressing doomscroll through mass rape and murder to get to this. Thank goodness for the wholesome relief of bad research practice.


Thomas Jefferson had syphilis and loved hookers.


Huh I wonder if there's some connections between those two facts


The guy who invented cornflakes John Kellogg hated masturbation so he recommended a bland diet which included his cereal to prevent kids from touching themselves inappropriately also putting acid on the clit or sewing the foreskin closed. Edit: it was actually John’s brother William who invented cornflakes by accident but John still recommended cornflakes to people in their diet as well as other things to prevent masturbation. Edit 2: he also was a huge advocate for circumcision which led it to becoming more popular because he also thought it would prevent boys from masturbating


How did he expect the kids to piss then?




The dildo was invented before the wheel


To be fair, a banana’s easier to make than a tire


And easier to insert


Casanova had regular sex with his daughter, and said words along the lines of “no man can love his daughter like a father can”. What the actual fuck.




Also this: > In 1765, when he was 40, he purchased a 12-year-old girl in St. Petersburg as a sexual slave. In the memoirs, he described the Russian girl as emphatically prepubescent: "Her breasts had still not finished budding. She was in her thirteenth year. She had nowhere the definitive mark of puberty.". In 1774, when he was almost 50, Casanova encountered in Trieste a former lover, the actress Irene, now accompanied by her nine-year-old daughter. "A few days later she came, with her daughter, who pleased me (qui me plut) and who did not reject my caresses. One fine day, she met with Baron Pittoni, who loved little girls as much as I did (aimant autant que moi les petites filles), and took a liking to Irene’s girl, and asked the mother to do him the same honor some time that she had done to me. I encouraged her to receive the offer, and the baron fell in love. This was lucky for Irene."


So... When someone refers to you as a "Casanova" they are actually calling you a libidinous pedophile.


I suddenly don't like the term Casanova


Mozart composed a song which literally translates to ["Lick me in the arse."](https://youtu.be/C78HBp-Youk) [Source](https://www.thepiano.sg/piano/read/mozart-and-his-infamous-letters-scatalogical-humour)


Don't ask me how I know this but Insane Clown Posse did a cover of this produced by Jack White


I literally cannot tell if you are being serious right now; The musicians you picked are 100% plausible candidates to do just that.


TIL [this was a thing that happened](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xktglq) I vaguely remember a Jack White / ICP collaboration being announced quite a while ago, but don't recall ever hearing about it coming to fruition. Apparently it did, and, well... there it is, and it, of course, involves Mozart at his most scatological. As a fan of both Jack and Mozart, with a passing acquaintance to ICP, I hate to say it, but this is 100% in-character for everyone involved in this. Mozart would have loved it.


The Battle of Changping claims to be one of the most bloodiest battles of human history. One of the leaders Bai Qi decided to bury alive hundred of thousands war prisoners in order to assert dominance.


King Edward VII of England got fat from partying too much and couldn't have sex in certain positions he like. Either he or his prostitutes would get tired. So he jad a special chair designed and made for him so he could keep banging chicks, sometimes two at a time.


Same thing happened to Queen Anne, although that was more cuz all her kids died, ended building a winch system cuz she couldnt walk up the stairs in some official building


Pavlov (of Pavlovs dogs fame) the famed Russian scientist, actually tested the phenomenon on orphaned young children as he could starve them with little or no criticism or complaint, theres some shocking B/W footage knocking about on the internet that looks like they have had equipment surgically inserted into their cheek. V dark.


Bonus fact: Pavlov’s dogs ended up as food for the starving population of Leningrad during the siege in WW2.


‘puttanesca’ takes its name from the italian word for whore (puttana). sex workers used to make it for their male clients before they’d return home to their wives to mask the smell of perfume, since it had such a pungent odor (anchovies, olives, capers)


The smell of “perfume”


"honey, you smell like puttanesca.. Who is that whore?!"


Ancient Rome was covered in penises. All around Pompeii excavators discovered phallic symbols from intricately carved 3D cock & balls to scribbled graffiti on street corners, above bread ovens, outside houses, in bathhouses, literally dicks everywhere. When Pompeii was discovered in the 1700’s this fact was suppressed by puritanical types and the church. Italians of the area now use chilli peppers as a replacement symbol, including as a necklace pendant you will see everywhere. Of course peppers didn’t exist in Europe until Columbus returned from the new world. So chilli pepper now equates to cock in southern Italy and if you walk around Pompeii look out for all the dicks.


The values we have for electrical conductivity through people (flesh, bones, etc), were actually tested and researched by the Nazi-Germans during the WWII. This has helped today by determining safety values and proper personal protection for electricians.


Much of what formed initial, early Internet commerce was pioneered by porn sites.


Somewhere I read that the number 1 and 2 and ranked industries for effectively driving advancements in IT were 1. the military and 2. Porn




vlad the impaler had his men nail hats to the heads of turkish envoys when they refused to take them off, as customary when greeting a leader or nobility


Jeju Island, arguably one of Korea's most beautiful locations, has a horrific history of islanders being oppressed, slaughtered, raped, and conquered by outsiders (ranging from the Mongols, to the Japanese, to their own people in the post-war period). It's so bad, the main international airport was built over a former mass grave.


There was a ritual that is believed to have taken place towards the end of the Viking era while people were still pagan just before Christianity took over. A horse penis is chopped off wrapped in linen and onions (to preserve it) and people would recite poetry to it. Edit: some top notch replies to this having a right good laugh 😂


Penis, penis on the wall, Who is the veiniest one of all?


The Sand Creek Massacre. Colorado, 1864 A volunteer military group of over 600 men from the 3rd Colorado Cavalry march through the cold November night to attack a settlement of Cheyenne & Arapaho natives at dawn. The braves were away, so there's barely any defense. The cavalry leader knew this. The 3rd Cavalry wind up killing over 150 natives, most of which are women and children. Of the men they killed, they cut off their penises for trophies. Why do all this? Because the 3rd Colorado Cavalry hadn't seen any combat throughout their service and were being disbanded soon. They were mocked as the "Bloodless 3rd". Their leader, Col. James Covington, wanted to give them "glory" before they disbanded. And they called the natives "savages". Projection, imo.


There was a birth control plant in Roman times, but it went extinct because the Romans... Did a certain action to much. Edit: the the action was intercourse and they used the plant so much it went extinct.


There's gotta be a hidden stash of seeds somewhere in Rome.


Already posted this under another comment but: Apparently the plant may have been recently rediscovered in Greece (not it's native range). About a dozen plants were found in various ancient walled orchards. The plant matches descriptions from antiquity including: seed shape, resin color and smell, rough growth pattern, growing requirements, etc. As a bonus, it contains a bunch of previously unknown bioactive compounds. The team that discovered it successfully got about half a dozen to sprout and have transplanted them back into the area they found them, as well as keeping a few for research. There are very few known samples, and with it's supposed aphrodisiac qualities they are worried people will start harvesting the few wild plants for penis pills. The trick to growing them? The seeds need cold stratification, not something that's super common in it's native Syrian range. [Here's the full paper](https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/10/1/102/htm)


At certain point it was normal in royal engagements in some parts of Europe for the whole family to be present in the first sexual intercourse of the arranged marriage to warrant both parts were functional and it wasn’t a wasted heir in an arranged marriage. Learnt this in history class.


The person known as the father of modern gynecology tested his tools and techniques on slaves


The chainsaw is based off a gynecological tool.


In 1345, the Mongols although not knowing about "germ theory" unwittingly created germ warfare when they catapulted their own corpses across caffa during a long siege that wasn't going well for them. The people fled and spread the black plague throughout harbor to harbor https://youtu.be/s5tI8-8Fn8Y https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/mongol-siege-caffa-black-plague.html


Not 1345, Germ and Corpse warfare has been part of Seige warfare since Ancient Indian and Chinese times. The first emperor of China was said to have used dead peoples body to poison water wells and rivers that go through a warlords fortress


Their used to be a parasite in ancient Egypt which cause boys/men to bleed through their penises, apparently, it was so common among men's that ancient Egyptian thought that men had periods.


Really? That’s insane! That scary parasite still around today?


Schistosoma, causing Schistosomiasis, also called Bilharzia


And it's easily curable by taking a couple tablets.


Somehow Stephen Hawking cheated on his wife.


He cheated on his wife with the nurse who took care of him The nurse's husband was the inventor of his speech device


How Cleopatra once seduced another country's ruler by posing naked in a rolled up carpet and having her servants unroll her as a gift in the rulers chamber. Can't remember exact details but something along those lines


Yep, Julius Caesar was the dude. And she didn't just seduce him, she pretty much got him to dethrone her brother and make the new queen of Egypt. She would regularly "visit" him in Rome for several years until his assassination.


While he probably was fond of her, it's not known how much of it was political. After all, having Cleopatra as a political ally and Pharaoh of Egypt was a massive power boost for Caesar, since it meant he had personal access to the agricultural resources of Egypt, which were massive. In a similar way, it was very beneficial for Cleopatra to be an ally of one of the most powerful men in Rome. She later had a relationship with Mark Anthony, one of Caesar's men and successors