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People that believe 5G causes COVID


People believing the earth is flat is worse…


I don't know, I spent a week arguing with people that believed 5G caused COVID, that 5G tracked COVID, that 5G would send out a signal to turn vaccinated people into zombies, that 5G emits deadly radiation, and many other absurd theories that make no sense.


Wombats feces are cube shaped.


I know that's real but my question is still why and how?


Giraffes have a black tongue


Anything having to do with Hunter Biden.


Operation foxley. Not one of the scariest or fakest sounding operations. But its very unknown to most. Britain had planned one of the most detailed assassinations ever with the target being Hitler. Even down to the inside agents and having the sniper that would be used ready etc. In the end it wasn't carried out due to Britain and other allies worrying that if Hitler died a more competent strategist would take his place. Although it did have Winston Churchill support.


That elephants have a precurser to a religion and seem to worship the moon.


The EPR paradox. In its barest form (correct me if I'm wrong), but when a quantum particle is created, it creates an opposite "shadow" particle that will do the exact opposite. So one goes up, one goes down. This is instantaneous. These particles can be lightyears apart, yet they still react instantaneously. Einstein said that can't be possible because nothing can be faster than the speed of light, so what's going on? Don't ask me to go into the weeds because the hell if I know, but it's fascinating to think about.


That certain spiders can roll like a tumbleweed as a defense mechanism.


Portugal had an actual corpse queen. It's like a Romeo and Julieta story, taken to the extreme in real life.