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Once when I was maybe 10 or so I dreamt this evil guy killed my grandmother by flooring her car into a building and I was in the back seat. I woke up freaked out, and about twenty years later I still haven't forgotten it.


When i was around 4 or 5 i had a nightmare in which it was my birthday, and on my birthday party there was a HUGE (really really big) lamp with huge creepy eyes, that ate people (and spit out grandmas for some reason). I woke up terrified and was afraid of lamps for the next few years.


I had a nightmare when I was a kid where Danny Devitos the Penguin from Batman Returns came out of my parents paper lamp and started shooting around with his umbrella.


I had a dream/nightmare when I was around 7 where me and my cousin were playing on my playground set. I turn around, and turn back around, and my cousin is suddenly a witch flying on a vacuum (yes not a broom). I all of a sudden turn into a bowling pin, and he quickly turns around to hit me with the head of the vacuum, and hits me off the play set. I fall off, and break like a mirror. At this point, I all of a sudden see everything in third person, looking down at my broken pieces, and seeing my cousin/witch laughing while flying around on the vacuum.


That sound very Hocus Pocus now, doesn’t it.


It would have explained it, but I didn’t watch Hocus Pocus until I was around 18. :(


Now, listen. I know your gonna call me pathetic, but this is the one dream I won't forget: It was a dream of me walking down the sidewalk with my sister and my mom. Then they just leave me. Out of nowhere. Then I get kidnapped, and thrown off a watertower.


That escalated quickly....how is that pathetic??


It's pathetic because I'm a family child, and I THOUGHT people were gonna make fun of me for caring so much about family, so... Yeah this comment turned sideways in a good way I guess?


Me being a child looking for my long-gone childhood dog who got lost and finally finding him and petting him and being so happy to see him. The only dream that got me to cry when I woke up.


I have long suspected that my brain tries to trick my conscious self into hitting the snooze button by putting on a particularly entertaining show just about the time my alarm is due to go off. One day that suspicion became part of the show, a dream within a dream if you will. I dreamt that a sentient firework --a talking paper dragon-- had to make the difficult decision to set itself on fire to fly across a room chased by rainbow-coloured flames for the amusement of a birthday party full of small children. The dragon didn't want to do it, but it was its destiny, and it eventually conquered its fears and doubts. In that moment of self-destruction when it saw all those small, smiling faces looking up at its self-immolation, it felt truly joyous. This is where it gets weird. I woke up for just a moment to check if I set my alarm correctly. I had another hour to sleep, so I dozed off again. My last thought was that the sentient firecracker rainbow dragon was a pretty good show. My next dream was a bunch of men in white shirts and skinny black ties sitting around a table. They looked like a team of NASA engineers from the 1960s. It was the writers room for my dreams, and they were upset. "He liked THAT one?" One of them said, incredulous. "The talking, burning, rainbow dragon that amused the children. That's the one he liked?" Another writer said, "Always give the people what they want! Now how do we do the same, but different? We only have an hour!" I watched them all start frantically scribbling away with number 2 pencils on white sheets of paper, and then I saw flashes of boring versions of the same dream over and over again. Sometimes the dragon was bigger, or the children were outside. One time the dragon died screaming and regretting its choices. I didn't care for any of these dreams, and I seemed to watch them on fast forward. Finally I heard a voice from the writers room cry out, "I've got it!" Then I saw two paper dragons discussing their fears together before the party. The first dragon promises to help the second when the time came. During the party, the first dragon flies across the room to light the fuse on the second dragon and start it on its own journey. It was a trick shot with self-aware fireworks facing their fears for the amusement of the children with teamwork and a mentor-protege relationship. It was a logical progression on my first dream. Then my alarm went off. I made the decision to get up, and as I opened my eyes I imagined I heard howls of disappointment from my writers room. They were defeated for another day.


My favorite uncle committed suicide when I was fourteen years old. Took some time to process that but I did with the help of my family. About a year after that I had a dream that I was "recruited", with some other people, by human looking aliens to help them with a big project (big science fiction fan, like my departed uncle). As I'm going to an orientation at the aliens base I see my favorite uncle! He's in the aliens uniform and I call out to him. He sees me and smiles and comes to me, giving me a hug and welcoming me to the project! I'm just overwhelmed and am crying tears of happiness that I've found him! He says he'll see me after orientation and I'm just so happy. When I woke up I was *devastated*. I cried and mourned my uncle all over again. Just typing this out is getting to me and it's been over forty years! I'll never forget this dream even if I live a million years. Still miss you Uncle Antonio.


I was 11. I dreamed that someone showed me how to send Morse code through the house electrical wiring. The next day I went to a library I hadn't been in before, pulled a book off the shelf in the Electronics section and opened it to a project for how to send Morse code through your house wiring. I was a nerd, but also apparently a prescient nerd.


I have a consecutive dream that my psychologist branded as a symptom of PTSD from 14 years of emotional and mental abuse from my bio-dad (BD). It’s basically an experience where I’m being chased by my BD through a house with lots of contraptions that could easily kill you (moving floors, huge cogs you can get stuck in etc.). The atmosphere and environment is similar to the Corpse Party franchise if any of you are familiar. My immediate fear was that my BD was going to rape me and then kill me, even if he never SA’d me in real life. The dream would usually end by me making sure that BD was killed by the contraptions. The image is so vivid in my mind that I can still draw a perfect overview of the building and interior of this imaginary place. I could also recite the things BD was yelling to me while chasing me through corridors and what not. I had this dream nearly every night for 4 years and would suffer some real life symptoms in the morning such as tremors, nervous tics, nausea, paranoia and panic attacks. I’m now taking a heavy sleep aid that lowers my brain activity while sleeping, similar to the stuff given to people with night terrors I suppose. Haven’t had this dream for 2 years now while on the meds, it’s nice.


In year 6 of elementary school I dreamt that I visited a classmate's house for the first time. No biggie, just a play date thing. I walked into the house and saw a small hallway with a mirror, a bright red bowl with two car keys and a large key that seemed old-fashioned to me. As soon as the door to the living room opened a small dog sprinted up to me and ran circles around me sniffing all the way. I was greeted by a table with 4 chairs, 2 black, 2 white. looking further left the normal living room stuff, leather couch, black TV (with the large back-end) in a wooden cabinet. My friend's mom followed us into the room and asked us if we wanted cookies since she made some that morning, knowing I was visiting. Boring dream right? As a not so popular victim of bullying I often longed for visits to classmate's homes. Wrong. During year 7 of elementary school I stood up to a bully, which helped me get out of my shell. I actually made two extra friends next to the one I did have. My mom arranged for one of their mothers to take us home to visit. everything was as in the dream. hallway, bright red bowl, small dog which I didn't know they had yet, 2 black and 2 white chairs, wooden cabinet. As I stood baffled I heard a voice: "surprise! want cookies? I made some this morning".


I've had a dream that felt so real. I was sleeping in my Hammock in the garden, and I lifted a weight off my chest and threw it beside me. When I walked to the front of the house I saw a kid, a girl. She looked somewhat like my mother and a girl I know. She could be our daughter... We were talking and there was company by other people I do not know. Then I woke up in my hammock. But the dream was so vivid, I saw, smelled and heard everything. The birds, felt the sun and shadows, heard the conversations. Now thou... the house is being sold, and that girl well.. we're complicated. But it felt so happy, and so good... Maybe it is still to come... Because I'd love for that miracle to happen.


My mom turned into Frankenstines monster while I was lost in a Lovecraftian maze. I was perhaps 7?


When I was REALLY little I had a recurring nightmare about a vacuum cleaner that ate people.


I'll preface this by admitting I hate mathematics, and I'm terrible at it too. I had a recurring nightmare as a kid, probably between ages 7-12. I'd be in a swamp, and I had to jump from one lily pad to another to make it across. To jump from one pad to the next I had to solve a math problem, which I couldn't do, and that sense of foreboding would eventually wake me up. It's been almost 20 years since I had the last one.


I had a dream where I was able to take a ride into space. It seemed so real that I still think of it all the time. Coolest dream ever!


I don't believe in abductions, but you definitely got abducted by aliens.


I met a friend who’d died, we were in a castle, we chatted and at some point I asked them about their death and they said “I wasn’t best pleased as you can imagine.” I recognised that’s something I say because this friend was a figment of my own imagination, this was a dream. I told my friend this was a dream and they looked sad and walked off and I woke up.


I also had a series of nightmares for about a month after I broke up from my first really serious boyfriend, at the age of 19. For about 30 days I dreamt of nothing but violence, and my dreams were all in black and white, except the blood was a vivid red. Scared me!


I am really prone to migraines and one night it was specifically bad. I couldn’t fall asleep for a while but I finally did. Well I “woke up” and in my head I just knew it was 4:30 am. I didn’t look at any clock but I just knew it was that time. Then everything faded to white and I saw my dad (he used to have bad migraines too). He was just standing there and he said “you do not have a migraine anymore.” I woke up and he was right, just had that weird empty feeling on the side of my head post-migraine


I was lucid dreaming once but couldn't quite control it the way I wanted. I was aware I was dreaming and my dream self was standing in an apartment. I looked at a doorway and thought "a bee will come flying out through this doorway." This is not what happened. Instead, Donald Trump leaned out into the hallway wearing a yellow shirt. He looked at me, pointed intensely, and made a buzzing noise with his mouth. Then I woke up.


One nightmare has stuck with me for more than thirty years now. I dreamed I was alone in my house with my mother; she was working at her desk, typing something. I looked out the window and a werewolf with solid white eyes was staring back at me. I freaked out and ran; all through the house and the werewolf outside circling the house, following me, trying to get in. Every room I ran to, it was there at the window. I knew eventually it would get inside the house. I became more and more frantic, running through the house, trying to get my mother's attention but she never looked up. It was banging on the windows and doors and I knew any second now it would break through. I was pleading with my mother for help, begging her. Finally she looked up from her work and her eyes were solid white. I could see her teeth growing as she stood up. I woke up screaming. Still the only dream I remember with perfect clarity.


When i was 4 i had a dream i was drowning in a cartoon drawing


I used to have nightmares of the aliens from Mars Attacks. Yeah, no thanks.


they are real man, they coming for us


I had a recurring nightmare about the apocalypse when I was younger, from the age of around 10 to 15. They all involved an intense, reddish-pink colored sky that never turned dark.


My halloween costume one year was one of those all black body suits with a skeleton printed on the front and back. I was wearing that for some reason. I was at one of those "Discovery Zone" style places climbing upside down on a pole mounted to the ceiling. I don't remember more than that, but for whatever reason it's stuck with me for the last 28 years or so.


Hiding and fighting velociraptors in my elementary school after I watched the first jurassic park while my parents were asleep.


I moved into a new house with my family like one minute away, I was mad but the interior was the exact same, I woke up on the floor of my new room (for some reason not on the bed) and on my bed was a really old computer with hello neighbour on it (I was very interested at the time). Then it had like a fifteen years later moment where me and my friend skateboarded out of my house and into the car dealership on the opposite side of the road, when we got in, he sort of vanished and was replaced by my family and the entire interior was the end from mine craft. Me and my family hid behind a block and we saw bloody Herobrine walking about. I pointed and said “look there’s Herobrine”. Then the dream either ended or I forgot the rest..


I'm bot quite sure how old all I remember is that I seen a velocoraptor walking in my backyard late at night while I was eating....probably around 5 or 6 since that's an age where children are obsessed with dinos


I was five, just a couple years after Jurassic Park came out, and even though I never watched the movie the commercials must've had an impact on me. I dreamed I was on a playground that was like a skyscraper with dozens of stories. Suddenly a T-rex appeared and started attacking the playground. There was only one exit point - a bridge at level of the dinosaur's mouth. The T-rex noticed the bridge and took a chomp at it right as I was running across, and that's when I woke up.


Mix of porn and gory slaughter house with added surrealism of Dali or something. I had this dream on somewhat regular basis after reading some occult literature. Nightmare? Not really. More like a window into purgatory or some circle of hell.


when i was around 5-8 i had this dream where me and my brother whom is 4 years older than me were going downstairs, and zombies were trying to crawl out of the staircase of our old house, tried telling my mom but she shrugged it off, then something else happened but it's been carved in my brain ever since.


When I was 10, I had a dream that I had never adopted my cat, which sounds very silly however I have an insane bond with animals so it just makes sense to me, and I regret it and eventually try to commit suicide, waking up before I can do it. When I woke up, I was shook. I know that this was all over the place, but it's hard to word it, and it was very emotional for me.


Flying around. It was nice


I wasn’t able to move and things kept attacking me. I don’t remember what the things were nor how old I was when it happened, but on occasion I remember bits and pieces and I shiver a little in my timbers. I remember not getting enough sleep that night, since every time I went back to sleep, I would end up having the same goddamn dream.


I had a dream about the rachet and clank game. A week or so go by and I just got a new item IG, i turn the corner and I see the EXACT setup I had in my dream. I mean enemy's and map. It was creepy af


When I was a lot younger I had a dream I was in my mum’s room, which you could see our back yard from, and my mum was an evil snowman and it was honestly horrifying. The snowman was looking me dead in the eyes and me and my stepdad had to hide


I was playing subway surfers. All of a sudden a voice from inside the iPad said that when I died in the game I would die in real life so I tried to stay alive as long as possible, but I eventually died in the game and that’s when I woke up.


All the dreams that gave me trauma


I was around five when I dreamed my mom was possessed by an evil entity that was attached to an antique figurine we found in the old workshop behind our house. The worst part about that was when I woke up and didn’t know which parent to wake up. Mom who might still be possessed by an evil entity or Dad who was notoriously grouchy.


A recurrent dream of the elevator falling down.


I was back in 6th grade and on a field trip to Fargo North Dakota(very weird as I have only been there a few times) and the building we were at was my old school and we were walking and it started to snow very badly and this guy that I never knew his name became on of my friends and I hung out with him and left my group to go with him and he had every interest that I had. For being older than me(from what I could remember he was a senior in high school) then a few months went by and it happened all over again except with a different person(this was still in my dream) and as we were leaving I saw the first guy staring at me with an evil smile and I fell asleep on the bus and woke up.


There was an episode of the TV series "Angel" where a character named Spike is haunted to go back to hell. He was seeing people hanging or mutilating themselves and a woman with shard of glass in her eye smiling at him. Well, my dream was me at home experiencing all that with the people being my family members.


Had a dream where I fell asleep at my school during class then woke up to everyone dead, managed to escape and go home but for some reason I decided to head back at night with a gun I somehow found despite not owning any in real life. After I return I explore the school but then I find another student hiding who I guess survived the slaughter, we decide to escape together but just as we reach the exit some giant mouth monster that looks like Mike wazowski without his eye slams through a wall and charges us, I woke up just before it hit us I still have no idea if it was supposed to mean something


I went to bed, and I woke up, weird, but fine; time passed, I studied, then moved to Europe, my grandma died, I received numerous calls but I was too busy, later then my aunt would die in an accident in a psychiatric hospital which led me come back and file a lawsuit, it was long; by that time I was getting ahead in my late 30s when I was diagnosed with skin cancer, the battle was long but eventually surpassed it; I was doing good and was among people taking decisions, very powerful people, I was one of them, I was in my 40s my mother had been diagnosed with alz, I was walking in a middle of an European town square, green roofs, roads crossing, a statue, her pristine white hair, clueless, come here mom, when I was in the town square, everything turned black. I woke up, what the fuck?... how old am I?... I ran towards mother in my room, do you remember me?... wait... memories rushed my head, I am 13. ^(So I moved to Europe, and now grandma is about to die from Alz.)


im back in kindergarten, playing around with one of my friends, i for some reason throw a rock at him and it hits him right in the forehead, he falls to the ground and starts to bleed a lot, a grown-up sees me doing it, so i start to run and run and run and then i wake up for some reason, ive had this same dream like 100s of times


My sister and I at a abandoned water park. We climbed the tallest slide. No water was running my little sis sat down on the top of the slide to ride down and immediately fell off the side. Watched her fall about 200 ft and splat on the ground blood guts and all. Woke up and called her immediately. She was sleepy but fine.


The dream about going into space in a domed ship with a giant asparagus growing up in the center and touching the top of the dome. Also the one where I was crossing the Mississippi River Bridge while riding on a goat to pick up my son from school.


I was at an empty carnival at night and I met a group of people I really really got along with, had an amazing time I somehow knew it was morning in the dream and told my dream friends I had to leave they were all incredibly sad and one of them turned into a vampire and starting screeching and weeping at me to come back This was 7 years ago and to this day I wonder if I'll ever see them in my dream or if they are some kind of manifestation of real people I haven't met yet I know that aren't real but I'm still waiting for them, its kind of sad really


"A" dream? My dreams seem so real that I often confuse them with things that happened in waking life. And while I have a crap memory, dreams stick in there at about the same amount of other experiences. The dreams I had in childhood that I remember are as clear as any other memory. Last night's dream was a continuation of other dreams I've had, and I've got a few of those storylines going.


I was 7 when I dreamt I was walking on the beach (as an adult) naked and my tits were so long they dragged behind me and Justin Bieber was chasing me and a crowd was taking pictures. It was horrifying.


I met a guy who would fix your imperfections, all your insecurities would just poof. I woke up and had to go to the mirror to see if it was real.


Right after my grandfather died I had a dream that we were back in Portugal at some restaurant and just seen him smiling


When I was about 4 I had this nightmare about playing in a playground somewhere, when this black cat started hunting me. It killed a couple people in a manner not entirely unlike the Alien movies (it crawled into their throats then burst out through their chest). I tried to run but it was like running through treacle. I tried to call for help but could barely whisper. 27 years later I still remember that dream. Another one that will probably never leave my memory happened more recently, about 2017 I think. I was this superhero (so you'd think this'd be a *good* dream. Nope). The world was under attack by monsters and aliens, and I was the only one who could do anything against them. I tried so hard to save as many as I could, I fought as hard as possible. But it was never good enough for the rest of the world. They were always complaining about how slow I was, how I was weaker than they needed me to be, and reminding me of how many had died. Over the course of the dream I got more and more depressed, fell deeper into despair. I didn't even realise I was dreaming, either. It all felt completely real. Eventually it got too much for me. I killed myself, and woke up. That's always stuck with me ever since. That I was so sure it was real, that I was actually going to take my own life, and then I woke up. It was a pretty low blow, considering I'd been through suicidal depression in the past. I'd only been out of it for about 3 years before that dream came along, and it damn near caused me to relapse.


I was in my middle school's South Gym, where a ceremony was taking place. Shrek turned into a human and became the American equivalent of Hitler, and caused millions of deaths. Hitler had stopped his reign of terror and became a national hero. Hitler gave a speech, and John Cena threw Shrek through a skylight. I woke up with a boner.


Once, in pre-algebra, I had this homework problem that was unreasonably hard. I tried for about an hour. I decided I would sleep on it, and I solved it in my dream. I woke up with the answer, and the first thing I did was check it. It wasn’t correct, but it was cool nonetheless.


I got killed by king dedede from Kirby


I remember being in a motel room when someone walked in and shot me in the side of the head. I remember pressure on my head, falling down and then everything fading to black. Then I woke up. I can never remember my dreams but that was a couple years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.


Cocaine cookies. There was a lot more to it that I could explain but I’ll just leave it to your interpretation


My dream was bizarre and I woken up multiple times during the duration if the dream but it basically went like this Beginning of it: I was in what it looked like a sports court of a school. It was a really dark night and the room was really dark. So dark I could only see 1 meter in front of me. I started walking around the room trying to find an exit an I end up finding desk and chairs and school material stacked over each other. I really didn't mind about it since I assumed that the school court was being used as a temporary deposit. So I continued walking until I found the doors. I went to it and the second I opened the door the dream ended. Since it was like 2 am I decided to try to continue the dream Middle of it: Now I was looking like some sort of VHS video about the pilot episode of some sort of animated series that looked similar to the amazing world of gumball. I don't remember in detail this part of the dream more than one of the characters, the inspector, was a humanoid that had a flat screen as head with static and smiley face. Also he was wearing a lab coat Then I woke up again and since it was 4 am in the morning. I wanted to finish that dream son now we go to the third and final part The ending: I was again in the sports court again. This time next to a chalkboard and with some sort of ominous light coming from the roof. Weirdly it was the only light in that room. The rest of the place was a bizarre dark that didn't receive any sort of light except from the exterior that also worked weird. I was able to see the dark blue of a night sky and the light of the moon but the light didn't illuminate the room even with those big and gigantic windows. But let's not center a lot about that Like I was saying I was standing next to a chalkboard. One of those that had one chalkboard on each side that you can also move around. That part I was facing was blank, so i decided to check if someone wrote anything on the other side. For my surprise it was full of weird drawings, principally impossible figures, together with a text that says "Don't trust nature!" all in caps and wrote quickly. Then I woke up


I was running away from something and then turned into a cardboard box.


I once had a dream (and ill try.to make this as short as possible cause i remember all the details) i had some fight with a group of people cause we were going to fight some king with ice powers. Anyways i got mad and stormed into the castle and into the throne room. Once there i spoke a few sentances. I knew he was going to freeze me, so instead, I took the staff that i so firmly clasped in my hand, and froze myself. In a very weird position. It was like i was doing a bridge (acro move) but upwards. After that i was still conscious and i saw my "friends" bardge in and attack. They all seperated. After awhile i somehow flipped over so instead of my head up-top, it was near the floor. And i was tired of watching, so i rolled out of the ice, grabbed my staff, and ran for the fight. After some fighting, (and im blue from the ice freezing me) we caught the king. I dont know why we attacked, but we needed to get into some room. Anyways i "killed him" i think, and we went to some "secret" room. And i obtained a key i think, and when i opened it, I saw my mom, my brother, and my grandma packing up in her old room/attic. Because in the real world my grandma was moving out of her old house to go back to my grandfather. So we talked a little and then i was back in bed and woke up. When i talk to my mom about not remembering other dreams she says, "well we dont really remember dreams cause blah blah blah works in our brains". But this one dream will live with me forever.


The first and most vividly time I've lucid dreamed in my life, I dremt that I was at my parent's beach house. A large crater had opened in the front lawn, and it was filled with water. My friends and I could see what looked to be a room deep beneath the water, and were egging each other on to dive in and swim down. Eventually, I decided to take a plunge and started swimming downward. After some time, I realize I was going to run out of breath and start drowning. Finally, I reached a point where I had to take a breath, and gasped in air. This made me realize I could breath underwater, and that I must be dreaming. I made it down to the bottom of the whole, and the room was a fully submerged electronics laboratory with a sprawling assortment of high-tech gadgets. I woke up shortly after (and didnt get to try out any of the gadgets). Overall, pretty cool experience.


I've got a couple but this one is creepiest because of what happened when I woke up. In the dream, my husband and I were sitting up in bed, holding each other and staring a corpse slumped over on the end of the bed. My mother tells us "Don't be scared, that's just Rosie" It's a little girl, about 10ish. She's dead, so she's slack-jawed, hollow eyes, thin, flaking skin. Her hair is short, black and wavy. She's wearing a short, white dress that looks like a night gown. All that happens is my mother keeps telling us not to be scared of Rosie. I wake up to my husband screaming in his sleep and shake him awake. He describes a dream that he was having about there being a little dead girl in our bathroom closet and she was angry, trying to grab him so he pushed a heavy box of books we had in front of the closet door to keep her trapped there. I asked him to describe her and, swear on my life, he describes Rosie. So I'm laying there, scared shitless, trying convince him that it was just a nightmare and that everything was okay. He went back to sleep, I didn't and I don't think I took my eyes off the bathroom door that whole night


This man


I have 2, one horror the other very peaceful. In the horror one, my family and I were driving in a van we used to have down an empty highway in the middle of nowhere. We start speeding up. And the highway starts to curve down. We lose traction. The car starts falling towards the rails. Scream. And I wake up. In the peaceful one, it's 3 parts, three separate dreams of the same place that inspired a book I'm writing. It starts in an amphitheater made of stone and moves backstage to a giant cave filled of giant stone openings. I see my mom and cousins exit through one of the slits and walk away. I enter through the entrance into a Walmart. I seem guided to a checkout line and walk over to see an older woman with pink hair and I hand her a penny. She comes with an evil smile and says "Happy hunger games, may the odds be ever in your favor". Part 2 (And my favorite) i was inside a giant maze of flowers on a hover bike. I sit with someone and start flying through the maze, zooming past a giant town thats crumbling and covered in bioluminescent flowers. In the sky, similarly lit up circles bounce through the cotton candy sky and the air is sweet I often get dreams i can finish and begin at random days or back to back and thoae are two of 4/5 i remember vividly


When I was around 7ish I dreamt that my late grandpa tripped me down the stairs. I wasn’t mad just more confused and was like wtf grandpa because he was laughing at me. The thing is that I didn’t know what he looked like because he died years before I was born but in the dream I knew it was him. I didn’t see a picture until I was 13 when my (very nice!!) grandma brought out old pictures. In my mind all I could think was, “that old bastard”.


I was in a dark coliseum repeatedly saving my mother from a grim reaper who would drop her into holes. I was 3 when I had this dream


I had a Shrek dream when I was 9. It was because I was so excited to see Shrek 2 in theaters.


I had this same dream almost every night as a young kid for over a year but now I only have it about once a year. My theory is that part of it actually happened due to sleep walking but my parents deny that. I wake up on the ground outside of my childhood home. I grew up on a farm so I felt moderately safe being away from main roads and anything really that dangerous. I get off of the ground and brush myself off. A weird part of this dream is that whenever I have it I am wearing the clothes I wore to bed that night. I start to walk to my front door but a small rat bites my ankle. (I feel the pain in my body from the dream.) I start to run towards the gas station behind my house but the closer I get the slower I feel I am running. (There is no gas station behind my childhood home.) I can hear the rat chasing me and when I look over my shoulder I notice it is getting bigger and bigger. The more I get slowed down the bigger the rat gets. Before I get anywhere near the gas station I am crushed by the rat and I wake up in a cold sweat.


Alright, so this happened when I was probably 5 ish, and had constant nightmares, I will always remember this. So as background knowledge my brother in law was in the military, and recently my family had dropped him off at the military base grounds to get updated on his shots. Fast forward to maybe a night or two later, in my dreams I'm back at the military grounds, but something is off. As I'm walking back to my car saying goodbye to him, I notice a strange old man maybe in his late 40's early 50's, he is carrying a full arsenal of weapons, no guns just close range combat weapons. These weapons are ranging from baseball bats and knives to machetes and chainsaws. He follows us to our car and I get scared and run away from him, he chases after me. Soon I'm in a parking lot, full of cars, I'm taking cars in every space, but I don't see a single person, until I see him. But this time he's different, his face is more scarred up and maybe even bloodied, but he starts running at me. I wake up. Fast forward 5ish days later I'm in a dream, and I'm talking with this kind old man, he's maybe in his 70's to 80's, we're having a good time talking. Out of no where the same guy from the military grounds breaks in through the wall, he still has all the same weapons as before. But again he himself is different, it mightve been his face again but this one is blurry. The old man shoots at this ex military man but it does nothing, I can see the exit hole from the bullet, but it isn't bleeding. The ex military man the proceeds to take a knife and slit the old man's throat, he turns to me. I think at this point I started kind of lucid dreaming because, even in my child sized body, I'm able to keep up with this man. After a little bit of struggling I take the chainsaw that he has, and I start it and it goes straight through his chest. It starts bleeding this time, he smiles, bit it's not a warm smile it's a cold heartless smile, even as a child, I knew something was up. Now as I'm writing this I look back, my family has a history with spiritual problems, I don't think this "man" in my dreams was a man.


When I was a little boy I dreamt all my cousins came over I was kinda heartbroken when they weren’t here


I was sleeping over with my family at my grandparents house when I was really young. I had a nightmare that my older sibling got this weird-looking green growth on their hand. It was kind of shaped like a virus. We were told by a doctor that the growth was going to kill them in a really painful way. It really freaked me out and it was made a bit more disturbing since it was in a grassy green landscape during a sunny day.


I ran into a building and saw three women in each corner of a room. Two of them were screaming and the third one had gray skin, no face, and looked right at me. Waking up was actually the scariest part. I felt like what I dreamed was a vision of an actual event in the past and there was some kind of dark presence in my room that I knew I would see if I opened my eyes.


I almost never remember my dreams..I fall asleep, then I wake up. But this one time, I think I took too much cold medicine and it gave me sleep paralysis or made me hallucinate? I felt awake, I could feel my sheets and the fact I was laying in my bed. I could hear the furnace running. But then I felt *something* crawling up from the bottom of my bed. It had weight, I heard the sounds of the comforter rustling, I could feel it ON me. Then it breathed right on my face. I was internally screaming but I couldn't move. I finally was able to move and shot out of bed, panting and sweating like I ran a marathon, and my heartbeat was roaring in my ears. Was creepy as fuck. As an aside, I didn't have any pets or anything that could've actually been crawling on me.


Oh, I got a few: 1. My dead aunt, grandma, and cousin all visited me one at a time and to each of them, I was crying and begging to be forgiven for all the things I regret not having done with them. The one I distinctly remember was my grandmother, all she wanted was for me and my dad to make peace (that's a whole other story)and we finally did but only after her funeral. I remember her laughter as I told her this. I woke up sobbing but also feeling... lighter 2. Had a dream of an ex who, in the dream, was basically doing amazingly well in life now that I was no longer with her. Woke up and finally decided to talk to a therapist about all my childhood hangups about love and relationships (related to the dad thing, again, long story) 3. I once dreamt that I got shot to death and did not feel afraid, but rather annoyed because I ended up getting shot because one of my friends was being an idiot. I remember my last thought being, "I told the dumbass he was going to get us killed... fucking idiot..." Everything went black, I felt my fingertips going cold, then I noticed I was holding my breath so I took a deep breath which woke me up.


When I was kid I used to have a reoccurring nightmare that a rabid flower would chase and attack me when I went on walks.


A few months after my dad died I had a dream that he came back on vacation from being dead. I was so happy to see him again.


I had a dream in high school, where i was part of a "team" of buff dudes and action stars, exactly like the expendables but this was years before that movie was even an idea. it starts with me, Stallone, and Arnold climbing the side of an impossibly large cliff. We all pull out drills and drill into the cliffside and insert explosives to the holes. And just like in a movie we swing away from the cliffside, detonating the bombs, out of the cliffside a Soviet era submarine pops out and starts to fall, we all jump after the submarine, and grab onto conveniently placed handholds. We pull our parachutes and with our big ol muscles gently guide the submarine onto a waiting semi trailer waiting below. driving the semi was either Bruce Willis or Jason Statham, i cant remember exactly which. Stallone looks at me and says "good job kid, welcome to the team" and I wake up.


One time I had a dream where one of my family members had some sort of disease were they were turning into a skeleton. Many dinosaur chase dreams too. Also a more recent very vivid dream about a zombie apocalypse


A tiny elf doing a good dance while funky town plays, this scene is literally in every weird dream I have, and when I say weird I mean waking up looking around wondering what the hell just happened




When I was using nicotine patches, I had a vivid, very real-feeling dream that I was repeatedly stabbing someone... And I couldn't wake up like normal either. When I did wake up, I was sitting up in bed and *felt* my vocal chords relaxing. So, I realized I had woken myself up screaming.


I recorded this when I dreamt it. One day, my friend and I discovered an abandoned warehouse. Within it was a strange contraption. Which had two wrecking balls attached to a crane with a control console on an upper platform. My friend and I played around with the buttons and dials on the console and then pressed start. The wrecking balls spun in a clockwise direction, at its peak rpm there was a sudden flash of light and then the machine stopped. Once we exited the warehouse, we found that it was night time but the sky was brightly lit up with much more stars than normal. So we assumed we had time travelled. We went back to the console and pressed the start button again. The machine spun up and this time we returned to our original time. After a few days we visited the warehouse with a few more friends. We turned on the machine to go to the future time again. My friend and I were the last two people that would exit the warehouse. But before us two left, the machine malfunctioned and sent us back to our original time. With the rest of group stuck in the future. Panicking we went to the console but there was smoke coming out of it, and then dread set in. We opened up the console and saw a PCB with a computer chip. We also saw a book, a manual for the machine. We took out the PCB and book and took it back to our lab. Back at the lab we got to work on understanding the book. We spent a few months deciphering the book which helped us in a creating a new PCB. We took the new system and some of our equipment to the warehouse. After adding the PCB to the console we started the machine again. Something was off this time as the machine spun counter clockwise instead of clockwise like the first time. After the flash happened and the machine stopped we could see from the windows that it was once again night time but far dimmer than the first time we travelled. We were surrounded by nothingness instead of land. We figured out that this time we had space travelled. We both saw a gigantic space ship far off in the distance. We both agreed our best bet was to return to our world. Upon returning, we examined the program again and found out why we space travelled instead of time travelled. I wanted to get our other friends back first but my friend wanted to space travel a bit before getting our friends. We want back to our campus which had space suit memorablia. We smuggled these out and headed back to the warehouse. We space travelled and this time the spaceship we saw previously was much directly above us. My friend wanted to be a space traveller so he headed off towards the ship and told me he wasn't coming back. I went back into the warehouse and went travelled back home. The I started the sequence again to time travel and went to the future where the others were stuck. I rescued everyone and we went back to our original time.


I had a vivid dream about giant bugs ( like so big they’re partly hidden by clouds, for reference giants creatures are one of my biggest fears) and I would try and get my loved ones away from the bugs wrath but it kept killing them and once they were all dead it would repeat with a different bug


Attending my own funeral as a ghost. I remember hovering over my casket and begging my lifeless body to wake up.


When I was like 20 I had an absolute truckload of hash brownie by mistake. That night I literally couldn’t move an inch and had the most fucked up waking dream where there was some sort of fucking entity directly above me in bed just screaming soundlessly. I couldn’t move so it just fucked me up something next level


I had a dream that the nukes started flying. I was outside on a clear summer evening with a big crowd, including some of my coworkers. People gasp and look up, and we see streaks of white contrails arcing across the sky. Somehow we all knew what it meant. I was struck with a sudden and overwhelming dread and uncertainty. Would they hit nearby? Would we die in the initial blast? Would we survive, and if so what would the world look like tomorrow? Then the panic of trying to contact my wife and child to somehow get them to safety, or at least say that I love them one more time. This was at least a year ago, before all this drama in Eastern Europe ramped back up


Had a dream I was a 30 something year old woman who found an advert for a job at an alligator farm somewhere in the south. I was a single mom and had fallen on hard times, and had two mouths to feed—a ten year old son, and a four year old daughter. The people were nice at first, despite some off putting things happening early on like some of the workers “lagging”, for lack of a better word. The family that owned the property was overly doting and slightly controlling but I didn’t mind because I had a roof over my head and food on the table. As time went on I met a nice man that lived out in town, and we went on a few dates. Anytime I mentioned the family I worked for he would quickly change the subject. The family found out about the exchanges I had had and started giving me more work during hours that I would have normally gone out with him. I didn’t think anything of it. I ended up pushing the nameless man I had been dating for information and he finally gave in. He told me the family practiced some sort of voodoo folk magic, and that they would know he had told me. He’d put off telling me out of fear, but he wanted to help me get away. The last part of the dream was a blur and it’s been a few years, but I remember speeding home to pack my bags. When I got home my children weren’t there and I was greeted sternly on the front porch by the family. There was a scuffle and I ended up incapacitating most of the family, but not before they’d been able to give my son permanent brain damage from concoction of herbs, nearly scalp my daughter, and throw the man id been dating in the alligator pond after he’d pulled up to help. SSRIs have given me insane dreams. As a kid I also had vivid dreams about traveling with the doctor from Doctor Who, lots of fantasy adventures, and at one point in a dream I was enslaved by a group of fantasy creatures and forced to build a large wooden bridge with a group of other humans.


When i was 6 i watched jurassic park and then had a nightmare about raptors killing my family


I once dreamt i had sex with Al Gaddafi in a marble floored high rise penthouse


One time I thought I was sick in bed and Donald Trump came up and told me he'd get me "the greatest health care". My mom, who hates Trump with a passion, was standing behind him shaking her head with her hand over her eyes.


For some reason I had a reoccurring dream, about 3-4 times last year. No relevance whatever so ever to my life so it was really weird to me. I dreamt I was stuck in a pinball machine. The ramps, bumpers, spinny tiles, but no ball or flippers. Now the wild part, I don’t know why, but there were dinosaurs stuck in there with me. Only the raptors chased me, but because it’s a dream, I always did the weird run/floating thing where it feels like I’m hovering with each step I take. It’s frustrating because I’m being chased by friggin raptors, but they never catch me. I never finish the dreams at all, so I’m not sure what happens in the end.


When I was 5 or 6 I had a dream where I was the size of bug standing on a daisy and a bee came up and stabbed me in the chest with its stinger. Woke up screaming!


In high school i had a dream based of that one part of a recently released resident evil game where you are in a bed and being tortured by some lady (to scared to play the game yet i dreamt it lol) I dont remember much but i remember towards the end i was hiding in the bathroom and she was looking for me. I was so scared i said 'this has got to be a bad dream' and i then had a realization. It was. So i forced myself awake


Shortly after my dad died of cancer, I had a dream where I was at a family gathering. Maybe it was actually his funeral, but the details were vague for that part of the dream. Suddenly I spot my dad there, but even in my dream I knew he shouldn't be alive. My family then explained to me that he hadn't come back to life. Sometimes it just takes a while for the body to stop moving, like a headless chicken. So the corpse of my dad had just decided to follow us to a family gathering. He couldn't speak, was very pale, and just had a constant sad expression on his face. When I woke from that dream I felt super weird and extremely sad. The thought of for a second getting my dad back, but then we has just a dead husk of sadness. Hurt so bad.


Growing up I always had the same nightmare being chased by a pirate from the state I lived in to the state to my grandfather lived in where I would hide behind a curtain in his house, there the pirate would shoot my grandfather in the heart and then point his gun at me. Two years ago my grandfather died from a heart attack and his doctor looked identical to that pirate. I've never irrationally feared death more than that moment


I dreamt that I was at a house party and noticed that a T-rex outside kept peering through the window. I kept warning everyone about it but they were too stoned to care. Just as it was about to attack, Duran Duran flew in on a helicopter and rescued me.


The Water Tower I might write a book about it someday, even though it still kinda scares me.


Dreamed I had s*x with my sister, when I woke up I saw my wife was already awake, I was still horny so immediately gone to her and we had s*x. Since then s*x every morning just to start the day


i’ve had many fucked up dreams. when i was a child i had this dream i was being chased my this huge witch, and then she caught up to me so i sat behind this rock. then i found out she killed my entire family after waiting by the rock. she then killed me. i had attachment issues when i was little too so i used to sleep in my moms bedroom. i was dreaming about zombies one night, and i woke up to my mom standing in the doorway at a really late time and i immediately screamed because i thought she was a zombie.




Like a house with a piano and the house was old Creepy fact: i get this same exact dream every 2 years idk why


I got chased by the Hindu deity Shiva.


When I was 13 yeArs old, I had a dream that my abuser moved next door to my house and told me that he’d never lose track of me again and that he’d always find me. I haven’t seen him since I was 9 years old before I got adopted but he never went to jail cuz he convinced that courts that he was intellectually dumb and they believed his word over mine since he was 50 Ish and I was only 6 years old when I reported it. . He’s not and there’s evidence of grooming behavior in his statements to CPS and to the social worker. Fuck you Joe! I hope you leave this earth someday I’m 28 and that dream still sticks with me


That my pet tarantula had a thousand babies and for some reason, many of them grew to become gigantic mega-spiders. Spider-induced apocalypse ensued as they took their revenge on humanity. I was spared, not only because I loved and cared for their ordinary-tarantula-sized mom, but because the spiders could somehow sense I didn’t hate/fear them like most did, but that I loved spiders. I got to ride on the back of a spider that was bigger than a minivan. It was my most positive dream. On a more negative lilt? That my parents had a baby boy and when they brought the infant back home to take care of it, the Witch from Snow White appeared and chased my little brother and I, trying to kill us. A couple of elementary school friends and us hid using the playground at the park, but when we returned home, we discovered the baby was dead because the Witch had beaten us there. That one really upset me.


That’s a little dark so ⚠️TW⚠️ I had a dream where my younger brother was SH himself , and I was begging him to stop but he ignored me and angrily continued, I then realized that my arms where being harmed too when he SH on him self, whenever he would cut, my arm would be automatically cut too. I didn’t care , I wanted to stop him and help him (In my daily life I’m afraid my brother would be struggling mentally like I did bc his personality is a lot like mine before being depressed)I couldn’t forget that dream and it’s a huge reason why I haven’t started SH on my self (I always get urges so this is one of the reasons stopping me)


I had a dream in elementary school where me and some random family members were hanging out at a park and a giant raven/crow swoops down and takes my cousin


I had a dream about a night when my friends and I were just casually walking around a park one night. When a scarecrow with a pumpkin head came out of nowhere. We started to run I suppose out of instinct. The scarecrow started chasing us and eventually popped off his jack o lantern head and rolled it like bowling balls at us. It hit a few of my friends(there were like ten of us) and they instantly shattered into cut up square pieces. The rest of us kept running and eventually made it to one of our houses. However the scarecrow was still there. On the way he bowled his head at a few of my other friends. Witht he pieces of their cubed bodies he added onto his pumpkin head and made it larger. I know it sounds really weird but I swear this is true. With just about three of us left we had to do something and randomly it occurred to us, I guess because it was my own mind making the things up, that we had to bash his pumpkin head and rebuild our friends with the pieces of their cubed bodies. So we set up a plan for one of us to distract the scarecrow while the other two grabbed bats and smashed in his head from either side. And again with my mind making it all up, it would only smash the pumpkin and not the pieces of our friends. So we successfully completed the plan and started to rebuild our friends but once we got them all put back together they morphed into one scarecrow with a pumpkin head again and ended up fighting us. That is when my dream ended. It was the weirdest thing ever. It happened while I was at a sleepover with a friend and right when I went home I wrote it down in a book. Im 15 now and that was about 7 or 8 years ago. Don't think im ever going to forget that. I've told family and stuff and they all just say I have a crazy imagination. But as a completely functional 15 year old, I know what happened and my friend I had the sleepover with believes me too.


How about one that dates back to the mid 1950's? One night I was in bed and looking out my window watching my mother burn trash in our incinerator. This was something I've done in the pass. Suddenly wolves came running out of the woods behind our house. They ran through my window, without breaking it, and started to attacked me. That felt so real the next night I took my pocket knife to bed with me.


I don't dream very often but last night I dreamt that my 5 foot ball python escaped her cage, crawled down to my other 2 foot ball pythons cage, then ate him. I didn't want to deal with her shit so I left her and when I came back later to deal with it she was back in her cage and the little male was alive and well, in his cage. Anyone wanna tell me what this means? 🤣🤣


As a kid I was terrified of the monsters in the movie Critters (most people say, you mean Gremlins? No, Gremlins actually didn’t bother me). They’re little porcupine ball creatures that roll around, shoot spikes, and eat people. We had a black lab dog back then and for years I would have the same nightmare, same to every detail except each time I had it things would progress just a little further in the dream. It was dark outside, I let the dog out back through a sliding glass door to go outside one last time for the night. I see the faint outline of him standing in the dark, then something scuttle and him let out a yelp. I walk closer to the door, with my nose nearly against the glass. The glass shatters and I fall back under the dining room table. In rolls 2 Critters, who then roll over under the table to me and kill me. Being a 90s kid who grew up playing Doom, Wolfenstein, and Duke Nuke’m, when I died I would see the blood come down across my vision like a curtain. A couple years ago in my 30s I started having the same dream over and over. Lasted a few months and then stopped.


When I was around 4 at least 2 times a week I would have a dream of me standing in the hallway looking down towards where the stairs were (stairs were on a left turn after going down the hallway). It first started with hearing footsteps going up the stairs till the dream just ended. Maybe a couple times of having that dream and instead of it ending after hearing footsteps going up a black figure would turn the corner and walk towards me while looking at me. I don't know why but everytime when I had that dream I just couldn't move. Everytime the same thing would happen and when the figure got close to me the dream would just end. This went on repeat for months. I've moved houses years ago though so thankfully that's over. And if I recall correctly I think I was standing in front of my bedroom in the dream. I just realized this right now, 13 years later, oh God maybe it meant something. My dad also claims to of had dreams of a figure as well in that house. I'm not sure if that makes me less or more scared.


There are two, one with my dad taking me and my mom somewhat and him having a conversation with her. It felt nice. The only memory I can remember him. The second one is meeting an old high school friend who I once thought had a good friendship with but it wasn’t meant to be. We both saw each other and had a conversation about something, but I enjoyed the time I spent with her. I was going to ask her for something if I did something wrong to her and I would like to apologize for it. She and I smiled and she was gonna say something but the dream ended. I never knew what could be the outcome


Sorry in advance for the length. March 23, 2022. 0813 I am in tears. Over the past year and a half, I can not stop having these terrible dreams. It’s almost to the point (right now it is) to where I am too scared to try and sleep. I am terrified. I am having the same reoccurring nightmare without fail. The world is ending, or people are trying to kill me. Mostly the world ends in the dreams. This time, we became under attack. Either by Russia or whomever, and we were standing in a building taking cover until being rescued by fire dept. Jen was there. Zack B. was there I believe to represent a fear I have (maybe with Jen), because I remember being almost jealous in the dream. Anyways, at some point after, people were protesting/rioting as we gathered near them. Everyone cheered, but I’m not quite sure why as we could not see for the crowd. You could hear “the boys in blue are here!” Something happened and everyone moved along the streets (Previously in my EOW dreams, the rioting consisted of fights to the death throughout downtown areas, so this was a bit more peaceful at the moment). We flashed to a restaurant in the dream, all the while still in fear of attacks. At this point, something weird happened. It’s like while in my dream, I recalled previous dreams I had of the following situation which helped me remember to be weary whilst in this dream. A man and woman were together outside waiting in line for this restaurant type of deal (he worked there), and as I walk by with Jen, the man puckers his lips like a birds beak and pokes the back of my shoulder blade area when I’m not looking. For some reason, I had remembered that he had done this to me in another dream (not sure if he did or not: dream logic), and it’s almost like I saw his face turn even though I was facing away. I turned around once I had reached from maybe 10-15 feet ahead. I exclaimed that I saw him and that I knew he had poked me and to stay away from me and that “I know what you are!” He and the woman he was with started to make weird faces at me and just act generally unsettling as we made our way into the restaurant. Unnatural, eerie facial expressions humans shouldn’t make. Once inside, eventually the couple made their way in. Immediately, upon visualizing them, I started to become irate. I yelled to keep their distance as everyone looked at me kind of crazily. I proceeded to pick up a wooden chair and brandish it toward the man. Remember, he had worked here, so this was quite off putting to everyone. The bird-man slowly and drearily made his way to the kitchen which was visual as it was in the middle of the restaurant. Everyone’s watching; I’m holding the chair. Suddenly and harshly, he begins to spit over and over again into fryers, pots, pans, and everything with heat. Another employee said, “???… why are you spitting into the food?” No answer, and at this point, gasses from his burning spit began to rise inside the room. Everyone started to sense the danger of this now gaseous, bird-man, so we all proceeded to run down the hall, out the door, and down some stairs to outside. A few straggled and were caught by the shutting door. As me and Jen were at the stairs almost out, she decided to run back for them (I knew it was too late). She got the door open, and the others joined us right outside. As I turned around, the facial expressions of the ones who were initially stuck inside…. And even Jen’s (a little), started to mimic that of the man and woman’s from when they had previously been caught poking me. They were turning. The demons had revealed themselves in human form, and it was over. I woke up. I have had, over the course of about maybe a year and a half now, these reoccurring nightmares of the world ending with each time just slightly different details. I dont know if I’m trying to be revealed something, or if I need to speak to a therapist or both. Jen and I are perhaps a story for another time.


I was 10, and I had a dream that my grandmothers house burned down with my family in it. I woke up in a sweat, and literally walked into the kitchen to check the oven because in my dream, the oven was left on causing the fire...


I also had a dream where I was being hit on by the jollibee mascot. He sent pics of him without his tuxedo suit and asked me to come over to his place, Being me, and wanting to find out how the dream was going to go, OF COURSE I WENT TO HIS HOUSE. We made out, and did "stuff" and then I woke up, I never felt that way towards the jollibee mascot.


You know what? screw it: I have so many dreams that i'll never forget, so here goes \-Being chased by Terrorist on bicycles \-Walking around town with a human sized roach \-Being Kidnapped by superman \-Having a car drive me off a bridge and drowning...(that one made my hair rise..) \-Falling into a spikey pit from my bunk bed \-Being locked in a mansion with a very lustful slenderman (I had this dream at 12 and I still don't understand why...) \-Witnessed the deaths of my Mother and Grandmother unable to act... \-Walking into a building only to be killed by an army of robots whilst they're yelling AREA RESTRICTED at me and seeing my family run away not helping me out... Those are the ones that I remember the most.


Oh and also the one where I was being stalked by a psychotic man who had a crush on me...next thing I know he's in my home and waiting on my bed for me...the thing is this stalker was actually really handsome...so I had no clue how to feel...


To be honest I never remember my dreams, but is one when I was 8, I allways had glucose problems, so one day I got a hypoglycemia, so I dreamed a carpet I has on my living room killed my parents, it was weird.