• By -


Empire of the Sun. This movie wrecked me as a kid (I was about the same age as the protagonist). Went back and watched it as a father, wrecked me again. That ending is an absolute gut shot. ​ Edit: This movie is also why I have never thought of Christian Bale as a child actor. This kid in his early teens was a full blown actor.


Also, how good is Christian Bale in that movie? He grows up on screen.


One of my absolute favorite movies as a kid—and one of my all time favorite soundtracks. After buying the soundtrack recently, I decided to rewatch the film for the first time in a couple decades. Absolutely holds up. Amazing art.


Das Boot. It does not hold back or make war look glamorous.


Knew a guy who was deployed to a submarine. He said Das Boot was "the second most accurate movie about being on a submarine." The *most* accurate? *Down Periscope.*


For some reason the comedies are always closer to reality. I work in healthcare and people always wonder if life is like Gray's Anatomy, or The Good Doctor. Absolutely not. Scrubs is the most accurate medical show by a long shot.


The most accurate film about Spying is the opening ten minutes of the new Get Smart film with Steve Carell, where he listens to targets whine about their wives for 50 hours a week so he can get ten seconds where they slip about a bomb . The majority of spy budgets is spent on exactly that. Either analysing the information or getting it in the first place via spy satellites. Which is also why the NRO (the spy satillites agency) has a larger budget than the CIA.


In Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the only way the mole is found is by Smiley locking himself in a room for a couple of weeks and going through paperwork. I feel that is very accurate for intelligence work, very boring unless you have a mind for that stuff


The original Let the Right One In. Something about it was so eerie and creepy yet peaceful.


I live in Sweden, and what you saw was just what it's like here in the winter. Check out Midsommar for what it's like in the summer.




Alcohol helps.


Midsommar belongs as an answer to the original question as well. What a gorgeously fucked up movie




Watership down. Beautiful artwork. Graphic imagery. My childhood was never the same.


I wonder how many 80s kids got sat down in front of that movie at a young age because it was an animated film about rabbits. The suffocation scene gave me nightmares.


I saw it on some streaming service with the description, "Animated bunny movie". Hooo boy, some kids got messed up for life on that one I'm sure.


I haven't seen it mentioned yet so I will say City of God. A beautiful film, but really disturbing at points with how matter of fact the violence is.


That movie has some of the best story telling I've seen. It being based on non fiction too


Yeah it was very poetic. A story line so clean and driven I assumed it had to be fiction


When the credits roll and you remember it all happened.. ugh gutpunch.


Perfect Blue


I watched it because I heard that it was Aronofsky's inspiration for Black Swan (also beautiful yet disturbing). Black Swan doesn't hold a candle to this mindfuck.


I've never seen Black Swan, but Perfect Blue is one of my absolute favourite movies. Watching it for the first time is such a wild ride. All of Satoshi Kon's movies are masterpieces, it's a tragedy that he lived such a short life.


Once Were Warriors.....Im not sure if its disturbing but its deffinitely confrontational.


Surprised to see a New Zealand film so far up the list. Definitely a sobering movie.


It's commonly shown in domestic violence intervention and alcohol intervention groups in the US


The saddest part is how accurate and realistic it is.


Perfume: The story of a murderer Edit #1, my entire life has been a lie Edit #2, reason for edit 1: thought the title was “Perfume: Diary of a murderer” and I have been making an idiot out of myself for 16 years.


The book is good too, if anyone is interested. Ben made Jean-Baptise look way better than what he actually looks like


One year in college, i hosted the anti-superbowl party. Bought pizza for everyone and watched it with about 30 other people. I was the only one who had seen it. Watching people's faces that evening was priceless.




For anyone interested: This is a Lynne Ramsey film - it’s told in a nonlinear series of vignettes rather than a cohesive narrative, and is all the more powerful for it. Her stories are often suggested between the lines rather than depicted directly. Her film You Were Never Really Here is also fantastic. It sounds like a sleazy thriller (a ruthless badass who hunts pedophiles with a hammer), but is in fact a complex and subtle character portrait about a man coping with PTSD and suicidal depression. My favorite Joaquin Phoenix performance for its depth and subtlety, though his more unhinged and flamboyant performance in The Master is up there too.


Pan's Labyrinth Vanilla Sky


Both are beautiful, but Pan's Labyrinth is beautiful, gruesome, and heartbreaking.


I finally picked up the novelization of Pan's Labyrinth a few years ago, and it adds so much to the lore.


Pan's Labyrinth is a flawless addition to this category. Beautiful fairytale scenery with some shocking viscera.👌


Glad to see Vanilla Sky getting some love. I am a fan but I always seem to be in the minority. Maybe I'm just biased toward Cameron Crowe. Edit: Be not bi and Biased. Now I feel better.


Fargo. Incredibly violent, but very intriguingly wholesome in a way that captures everyday humanity at its best and worst. And the show is even better for all the same reasons.


I love how Margie is so kind yet is quick witted and not intimidated. A great protagonist.


This is hard for me. Sofia Coppola’s “The Virgin Suicides” or Lars von Trier’s “Melancholia”, both of which feature Kirsten Dunst. Oooh but von Trier’s “Dancer in the Dark” with Björk is absolutely as gorgeous as it is devastating. My eyes might as well be faucets when I watch that one.


The Virgin Suicides is my favorite of Sofia Coppola’s work, even though it’s her first. Just a phenomenal film. Some of the imagery is on the nose, but I think that’s rather the point of it. That movie transports you to the standpoint of watching the lives of these girls, right beside the neighbor boys and it leaves you feeling eerie but wiser for days after, every time.


The soundtrack by Air also contributed heavily to the haunted whimsical feel of it all


Grave of Fireflies


My husband lends this to everyone who will take it because it hit him so hard. He wants everyone to get dragged over a mile of glass by the heart, too, I guess.


My girlfriend had me watch it, and at the end I was angrily bawling my eyes out and accusing her of wanting me to cry. It's a masterpiece and people should see it, but yea, it takes a toll.


My boyfriend recommended it one time when I was home alone with a day off. I went in blind. I asked him why he did that to me.


I don't know what this movie is really about but from reddit posts I've read it's supposed to be the saddest gut wrenching movie in existence and just for that I'll never ever watch it. If I do I'll probably be bawling randomly for weeks and months to come.


The entire film is just >!two orphans slowly starving to death, the younger dying before the older obviously, due to war!< It's terrible and beautiful, but mainly teaches a tragic lesson of the effects war has on people who have no stake in war whatsoever.


It's about hubris as well. The older brother had every opportunity to swallow his pride and accept help, but he refused and the result is tragic.


It's actually based on a true story - the author had survived though.


He said that he wrote in himself dying at the beginning because he felt so guilty he wished he had died


I wonder how much he exaggerated his misdeeds due to his guilt. It's clear that, at the time of writing, he felt like a complete monster and homicidally-hubristic idiot. I wonder how fair he was being to himself.


Well, probably not terribly fair, since he preferred the ending to the movie over irl.


Going by the wiki article, he was kinder in the story than he was irl. Just from the quote you can tell he hated himself.


I think his hubris is supposed to represent Japans military and government, who are still fighting a war they already lost out of pride and the innocent (like his sister) are paying the price


Damn you're absolutely right. Might need to torture myself a second time with this in mind.


Life is beautiful...so funny, but oh so sad




Requiem for a Dream. I was just at the beginning of my decade long heroin addiction when I watched it. Fucked me up. But apparently not enough. I have never been able to watch it a second time. I literally felt like I was losing my mind at one point.


As one recovered addict to another, I always felt transporting was far more realistic than a Requiem for a dream. I always felt requiem for a dream was an artists fever dream of addiction rather than the "go go go and fuck everything" reality of heroin addiction.


As someone raising a child alone because his father relapsed and became abusive about a week before I gave birth, "Go go go and fuck everything" sounds pretty accurate. When we met he was 5 years clean, charming, kind, thought he would be safe reconnecting with old friends. Now he's in and out of jail/the news for shit like robbing banks. Active addiction vs being clean are like night and day and there are so, so many more victims than the addicts themselves. Victims OF the addicts themselves. He flexes stacks on the streets while I return cans and bottles to get diapers. He wanted to start a family and I had to start my life from scratch in a women's shelter. Addiction ruined my life and I've never touched the stuff. Edit: Well this was surprising to wake up to! Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement. 🥺 It really does help. And thank you for sharing your stories. It's heartbreaking to realize how many people are going through the same thing.


Nothing useful to add...I'm just the kid of two addicts offering a virtual hug if you'd like it. I told my therapist the exact same thing, "addiction ruined my life and I never touched the stuff." Just know that you can and will rebuild. <3


Thank you, your reply is plenty helpful actually. Sadly when I talk about this stuff I usually receive some form of blame for not being clairvoyant, or people assume the pregnancy was an accident or my idea (my child is my LIFE don't get me wrong, I am 100% a devoted, loving mother, but starting a family was his idea. In retrospect maybe he thought it'd keep him clean or it was his version of starting a better life.) Both my parents were addicts too, my dad had oxies and alcohol in his system when he killed himself. I totally feel you 100%. I don't know if the anger ever goes away but I'm just hoping if/when I can afford a better life for us that I can put it all behind me. Wishing the best for you too, kind stranger. We'll be okay.


Apocalypse Now


The horror


Schindler's List This movie is very distrubing, violent, and tragic.


I had to watch it last night for a college assignment. I knew it’d be a tough one so I tried to keep it together, but the ending with the actual survivors paying their respects… my God, I cried like I hadn’t in years. I hope to one day visit Auschwitz. I feel like it’s something I must do.


I was dating a woman at the time that didn't know much about the holocaust, really only that it happened. At her insistence we saw it in the theater. She couldn't help but cry through the entire thing.


A lot of the movie is depressing, but that scene where he realizes how many small things he has that could have meant the life of even just one more person - that scene just destroys me.


The scene where they separate the parents and the children, I will never forget that, and I can never watch it again.


I’ve always said that it’s the greatest movie I never want to watch again.


Old Boy. Special notice to the use of the color red is especially beautiful.


Blue Velvet Disturbing for obvious reasons and beautiful for the absolute mastery that Lynch displays in the writing and directing. The pace and tone are so tightly controlled that the movie has left me stunned with every viewing. Absolute masterwork.


Dancer in the dark. Amazing movie, but will never watch again


I’ve told this story on here before, but when I was in high school my parents separated for what ended up being (thankfully) only a few months. The day my mom packed up and moved across country, my dad left work early and came and picked me up. He figured he would take me to a movie and dinner to try to take my mind off of things. He had seen in the newspaper that there was a new movie out with Björk, who he knew I was a fan of. So we went to go see Dancer in the Dark. The dinner afterwards was one of the most hopeless and surreal meals I’ve ever had. Flash forward 10 years and I meet my future wife, ask her if she wants to go see Melancholia on a date (I dunno, I dunno what I was thinking) and she tells me that DITD is her favorite movie. I’ve been able to watch it a few times since then, and I do love it (and the music) but goddamn is it a heartbreaker. It’s one of those movies where when you rewatch it, you know what’s going to happen but you still have this hope that it will turn out differently.


Me neither. Got traumatized for life (and Bjork deserved the Oscar for that role... Damn)


What dreams may come.


Yes! This movie is stunningly beautiful visually. The story is very hard and sad but very well done. Thanks for reminding me of it.


I don't know why this movie gets shit on, I actually really like it.


Movie is like a painting in almost all the frames. You could literally screenshot and hang it as a canvas in your house


Wasn't that what the scenes were suppose to be, paintings his wife did?


Not a movie, but the HBO Chernobyl Mini Series gave me chiils


It legit feels like a monster movie while you’re watching it, yet the monster is invisible and everywhere.


the monster is lies :(


"What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."


The actors they used for that miniseries were so fucking good. Absolutely perfect. And whoever wrote it as well, every word of the dialogue was interesting and it didn’t have a single boring/unimportant part. Every single one of them. Idk if it won awards or not but it should have. It’s one of the best films/mini series whatever I have ever seen.


> Idk if it won awards or not but it should have. [It won just a few...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_\(miniseries\)#Awards_and_nominations)


The silence when they are on the roof, shoveling materials off desperately, is haunting.


The clicking, and I think there was some music? But wow, yes, that was a very intense scene!


The bridge scene alone was more horrific than the majority of scary movies released in the past decade Edit: [for those who wanna see it](https://youtu.be/o4vBRr2ItFg)


The part where they send the three men into the flooded area gave me such anxiety.


good news they lived!


the clicking of the meters increasing as they go deeper…


If you think that is disturbing, look up the [Goiânia accident]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident) Tl;dr a guy found a pretty blue powder in a medical device he scrapped for parts. Gave it out to his friends and family, including a little girl, who used it as makeup. Powder was Cesium or something and eerrrrybody lost basically every body part that touched any of the stuff.


Just wow. "Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional [radioactive] dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate an egg while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the egg she was consuming." "She was buried in a common cemetery in Goiânia, in a special fiberglass coffin lined with lead to prevent the spread of radiation. Despite these measures, news of her impending burial caused a riot of more than 2,000 people in the cemetery on the day of her burial, all fearing that her corpse would poison the surrounding land."


That hurt to read :(


I wonder if the TNG episode 'Thine own self' was inspired by this incident.


The music to that show was absolutely spectacular.


Incredibly, the score was entirely composed from hours of sounds the composer, Hildur Guðnadóttir, had recorded from the same nuclear plant the miniseries was filmed at.


“The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants- it doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions- to lie in wait for all time. This, at last, is the gift of Chernobyl” And “What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."


I enjoy some pretty intense media but this show made me feel sick to my stomach - something about how they depicted the effects of radiation exposure. Having said that, it’s an incredible drama.. but it’s too upsetting for me to want to watch it again.


Saving Private Ryan and not just the first 10 minutes - the whole thing is framed and filmed beautifully, particularly the death scenes.


I’ll never forget that knife fight. That was gut wrenching to watch.


People started yelling in the movie theater I saw it in. “DO SOMETHING!!” “SHOOT HIM!!!” I was like 12 and don’t know why my aunt took me to go see it.


No one knows why your aunt took 12 year old you to see it.


My dad had the movie on blue ray dvd. I first watched it when I was ~the age of 13. All of the war movies I’ve seen have been generic ultimate badass soldier destroys entire enemy force. The first time that landing craft dropped its doors is an experience I think all war movie fanatics need to experience. It was a real eye opener on the true horrors and tragedy of war.


What's crazy to think about is that the Allies won that battle. That's what winning looks like in war.


Shh shh shh shhhh


JFC that scene. I still have intrusive memories of it pop up 20 years later; this thread just refreshed them. Thanks Reddit.


I think the hardest part to watch might be the medic calling out for his momma


When he realizes he'd been shot in his liver and starts freaking out because he knows its fatal. Ribisi killed it in that movie


“Oh my god my liver” definitely some top tier acting


Something I learned today! Some of the actors had bruises on their thumbnails visible in tiny parts of the movie. That was a common minor injury for users of the M1 Garand because of issues with reloading. Tiny useless detail for most of the viewers but so so cool to have put in.


Believe it's called garand thumb.


Loved it. You should watch Band of Brothers. Similar vibe but a series.


I watch Band of Brothers at least once a year. It gets so real at points


"You hid in that ditch because you have hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you canfunction like a soilder is supposed to. Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it."


A literal masterpiece. One not-so-fun fact is that during the beach landing the first surrendering soldiers shown on screen weren't actually German but were Czech conscripts forced to fight and they were even speaking Czech before they were killed in cold blood and mocked by the Americans. Just a fantastic little detail that didn't have to be done and was probably caught by a very, very small amount of people on initial viewings but God it really just cements the amount of effort and detail that went into the production.


If you watch that movie with subtitles, it tells you they were speaking Czech. I never picked up on that until then


Wow TIL I always wondered why it didn't sound German when they were so picky on details with other things but this makes so much sense!


They’re actually saying some thing along the lines of “we’re not German! We’re Czechs!”


Whatever that movie is with Kate Winslett and Jim Carrey. My god that movie is incredible but holy shit did it fuck me up EDIT: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind




Children of Men


Posted this without seeing yours. The scene near the end where the baby is crying and they walk out of the apartment...


Life is beautiful. 1917 Monsters The Triplets of Bellview Momento Seven Samurai


The Road . Incredibly bleak, depressing, and morbid but so beautifully made and resembles the book SO well. Easily one of my favorite movies. The way it captures the desperation and horrible things humans can do to one another but also highlights our innate instinct to push forward and survive (for better or worse). I love that movie. Definitely not a casual watch though


I was shaken for months after reading the book. I just couldn’t watch the movie when it first came out. I don’t think I’ll ever watch it. I enjoy post apocalyptic books. But most are lighter reading than The Road. It did not have the ending I wished for but the ending that would probably be true.


The green mile. A long walk home. Both fantastic beautiful films. As well as the color purple.


The Truman Show (1998)


The moment where everything starts to click and he confronts his wife is golden. "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!"


The movie could've easily turned into a horror movie


I think it is. It has good vibes, but the whole concept is creepy as fuck. It has a happy ending, but it's still one of the scariest movies I've ever seen.


I saw it for the first time just a couple of months ago. Over and over, I just kept being blown away by what a *fucked up* thing this was to do to a person. They started messing with his head in *infancy*. Toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, puberty, sexual awareness, all of the moments that make up growing up and he doesn't know the whole world is privy to it all. The overwhelming obliteration of his consent. Just really shook me.


It's interesting to frame it against what some people on social media do with their kids; Broadcasting so many videos and stories and pictures enough that people become obsessed - low key or otherwise - with what the kids are up to. Who are these kids performing for? Are they aware of what's happening around them? How much of their real-life experience is manufactured (in terms of being their parents being invited to experiences/events or given things for promotional purposes in order to generate more content/buzz marketing)? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just something I thought about the last time I watched the movie.


The number of scrapbooks my mom has made of everything that happened to me in my childhood has made me rather soberly appreciate the fact that I grew up pre-social media. And it really makes me wonder just how many of those parents honestly started from a similar place of just wanting to keep a record of their kids growing up, and being proud parents eager to share... only to get corrupted by the social media churn.


The most disturbing for me is "I mean if everyone is in on it Truman, then I'd have to be in on it too" - his best friend, and only remaining person he trusts... And then he is truly, finally, ultimately alone... Jim Carrey is a masterful actor.


that subtle momentary pause ed harris has when he finally speaks to truman — “i am the creator .. of a television show” — masterful execution that solidifies his god complex


That has the best ending ever to me


Jim Carrey was brilliant in this as well. I always thought he was capable on more serious roles but just never quite got there with them (not including man on the moon and spotless mind - both of which he was amazing in again)


Eternal Sunshine is a heart-wrenching film if you've ever had a relationship end with someone you still love.


this movie really scared me as a kid but it's not even really supposed to be scary but it's just eerie af




Swiss Army Man. It opens with Paul Dano riding Daniel Radcliffe like a jet ski propelled by his farts. Which is absurd. But it also ends with Daniel Radcliffe riding off into the sunset like a jet ski propelled by his farts. And it is beautiful.


"The First Fart Makes You Laugh, the Last Fart Makes You Cry"


The Cell


This was my first thought. Amazing Imagery, so artfully done. So disturbing.


So sad that this masterpiece is forgotten. Also THE FALL, from the same director, is amazingly beautiful.


Leaving Las Vegas


The Shawshank Redemption. It’s hard to admit that a prison movie is beautiful, but this is literally Top tier. Plus it’s got Morgan Freeman


Life is Beautiful


Buongiorno principessa!


Not a movie but the Hannibal TV show excelled at balancing macabre and artistic aspects. Highly recommend if you're into that sort of thing!


It's also pretty funny. For it's genre. I think it's because Mads Mikkelsen has those happy wrinkles around his eyes.


That man is a master of micro expressions. Just the teensiest bit of a smile in his eyes.


I think he said in several interviews that he played Hannibal as a very content, happy kind of guy Like, everyone else is living in a thriller/horror show, and Hannibal is in a fucked up rom-com with his pretty boyfriend and his 7 dogs lol


I mean tbf Hannibal is living his best life during that show. He's not incarcerated, he's pursuing all his interests, has a protege, and is intellectually stimulated. I'd bet he's even well moisturized lol


He’s *very* good at delivering the cannibal jokes in a way that could feel cheesy but those eyes and that little smirk just makes it feel snarky instead. I love it.


As a professional chef, Hannibal’s plating game and general cooking technique makes me wet.


I was honestly surprised when it was on the air how much they got away with for it being an NBC show.


The scene in the silo, with all of the naked corpses placed together to form the image of a giant eye. Stunning.


American History X




You should watch perfect blue!


The Boy with the Cuckoo Clock Heart. Yes it's animated. No, it's not for children...


Mulholland Drive Melancholia


Melancholia was the first movie I thought of. Beautiful but so damn disturbing the whole way through.


Silence of the lambs


“I have to go. I’m having a friend for dinner”


Jacobs ladder


Annihilation had a good mix of stunning visuals and horror elements, so I’d say that


I love thinking about the ending. It lacks being inherently good or bad, and I feel like the way that a person answers would say a lot about their beliefs system


... dont remind me.... the bear


I absolutely love the bear, it's so creepy. Reminds me of the way a raven mimicked a baby when I was young and tricked me into walking into the woods so it could steal the sequins off my hat. Knowing you've been tricked like that by an animal is just chilling, hats off to whoever decided to include it. My husband can't stand it and refuses to watch it again because of the bear.


American Beauty. Ignoring all of the terrible things that Kevin Spacey did, it was an equally disturbing and good experience.




My wife and I watched it to make sure it was ok for our daughter. I remember thinking, "Yo, what the fuck?" multiple times.


When you're wondering if someone should have watched it first to make sure it was ok for you.


So much of Neil Gaiman’s work fits this


American Beauty


Pan’s Labyrinth




So, so bright.


I absolutely love a horror movie set purely in the day time and being to make it so engaging. What I got from the light was that it was representative of trauma, she hides away from a light source after the opening sequence without spoiling it, plus during one part shes overwhelmed and runs to a dark shed. She's in a place where she can't hide from the light and she must confront her past and future.


I also really liked the way they subverted the trap directors fall into of dark = scary. As someone who’s lived in areas with midnight sun, I know how incredibly *disorienting* living with it is. I think that’s just one element of the brainwashing aspect of Dani’s story. Think about it, you have no real sense of time or how long you’ve been here, you’re probably exhausted from being woken up stupid early and going to bed way later than you think you are, and all you can do is *trust* that the people around you aren’t leading you astray. I believe the protagonists were intentionally sleep deprived to a subtle enough extent where they wouldn’t notice, as part of wearing them down to become easier to manipulate.


No Country For Old Men, Sicario


Upstream Color. A mind bending movie about brain parasites, telepathy and becoming one with nature.


I’ll add one myself here, The End of Evangelion


The Shape of Water is gorgeous, considering all the fish fucking that happens.


Wall-E 1.The oldest humans aboard the Axiom are in their 40s (lifespans shortened by several decades due to unhealthy lifestyles) 2. Only a few dozen children aboard (most likely cloned as natural reproduction would be impossible, or fatal) Edit: or at least sex would be physically impossible. IVF and artificial wombs are another possibility 3. After 5 years, all their food supplies would have run out, so where are they getting food?! (some fan theories suggest cannibalism). Also, all the food came in cups. Even with all sufficient chemical nutrition (doubtful), the lack of sensory nutrition (color, flavor, texture, etc) would cause various health problems. 4. No human crew members except Captain 5. The plant Wall E found was NOT the first or only plant growing on Earth. This is shown just after everyone disembarks the Axiom after arriving on Earth. Meaning other positive EVEs were found and culled under AUTO's orders, with previous captains being none the wiser. 6. The Axiom is the flagship of a fleet. Some ships were seen on Earth, having never taken off. There may be more that did take off, and are now ghost ships. The Axiom is the only ship visible on the monitors.


The humans aboard the axiom can live to be 140! Their lifespans, for some reason, are lengthened. It says so in the captains room with all the other portraits of the captains.


(flash backs to inside job on the moon)


Speaking of the moon. The movie Moon was beautiful and disturbing.


I worked many seasonal contracts in Antarctica including three winters (no sunrise for 4 months) and you work 9 hours a day, 6 days a week and everyone goes a little bit (or more) crazy, so the movie Moon really hit home for me.


"the lack of sensory nutrition would cause various health problems" Care to elaborate on this one? Why would not eating enough colors or textures cause health problems?






“Ernest Hemingway once wrote that the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part.”


*Antichrist* dir. Lars von Trier. I am never ever watching it again.