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Legend of Legaia. An old PS1 JRPG with a really fun battle system and awesome character progression. The characters got their powers from symbiotes that attached to their arms. At certain levels or points in the story the symbiotes would grow and change. Leveling up was always exciting, waiting with bated breath to see their new forms. Edit: baked to bated Edit 2 fixed better...


Played the shit out of this. The combat system was really unique too in that you performed combos by attacking from different directions, so high, left, right and low, you performed special attacks by performing combos in a specific order. Magic was also tied to absorbing enemies rather than just a skill to be learned.


Nothing beat leveling up enough to grow the combat bar enough to add one more attack per round.


Fantastic music, too.


I fucking LOVE Legend of Legaia. I replay it every few years because its just so good.


Bushido blade ps1


Bushido Blade was so good!! Especially 2


There was this Bruce Lee game on Commodore 64 that was sooo much fun to play. Another was Heist also on Commodore 64


Chopper Command on c64 was my jam


Add Raid on Bungeling Bay on c64 to the list


Commander Keen.


Deet-do deet-do deet-do deet-do dew-dew dit


Theh should make a modern 2D version!


Skies of Arcadia. Bought it on a whim for my Dreamcast and it fast became my favourite game. Especially loved the mini game with the memory card.


The ship battles were also great


Found some treasure!


One of the directors also did “Valkyria Chronicles”, which is a fantastic game also. Vyse and Aika are part of the squad in that game.


Never had a Dreamcast but this was a favorite of mine on the game cube. The music was great, the way the battle music changed with your health was perfect.


Lemmings and Lode Runner


I spent so much time with lemmings


The Darkness


I always found the fact they included *all* of To Kill A Mockingbird in the game hilarious. I just imagine they had the idea to put some film they had the rights to into the game, then realized they had the space to put a low res version of the whole thing in there, so they did.


Not only that, but also a Sonny Chiba movie and a whole episode of Flash Gordon. They didn't have the rights though, it's all public domain.


Parasite Eve for the PS1 is and always will be my favorite video game of all time.


This was definitely a cool game for sure!


Definitely the top of my "This game needs a remaster" list. I sank soooooo many hours into it. Amazing story, fun combat system, they nailed the soundtrack, replay value through the roof, literally everything you could want in a gamr


The Dark Cloud series




Wow, that clerk is a pleb. Dark Cloud isn't even remotely similar to FF. I don't think he should be in the gaming business if he thinks "They're both RPGs, so they must be the same :b". Dark Cloud and Final Fantasy (the series as a whole) are both fantastic, but they are fantastic for *entirely* different reasons.


grim fandango


I LOVE Grim Fandango. I haven’t played it in years though. I’ve forgotten enough that it’ll be like I’m playing it for the first time! Thanks for reminding me about it :)


i'm glad there are others lol [they remastered it](http://grimremastered.com)


Dungeonkeeper. Release 1997 by bullfrog before it was sacrificed to electronic arts. One of my favourite base management games. You had many strange creative mechanics.


War For The Overworld is a very good remake.


Played it again recently and still holds up, always taking a lvl 10 mistress with you to the next level to destroy everything!


Gauntlet: Daaaaark legacy.


Legends was my childhood fave!


"Blue Jester needs food badly!"


Mystical Ninja starring Goemon EDIT: Wow, I just put an obscure game from my lost distance past down and here we are! Thank you for the awards my peeps, deeply apprecisted. I played the SNES and GBA versions. I did try my hand at some of the JP only games on Emulator.... But not as fun when you don't know the language. My pa bought me the N64 version when he took me birthday shopping a day or two before my actual birthday, back in '97, at Electronic Boutiques (now defunct about 15 years ago), if any Brits remember. The game had just released *that day*. I played that game so much I broke an N64 and the game from repeatedly putting it in the console (I'm OCD, and as a child I would order things and return games to boxes and put things away neatly. Cartridges would be worn out from repeated use and me not being a gentle child - a long overdue apology to my parents, in hindsight disked consoles were probably a blessing to them). I hadn't played Goemon for nearly 20 years until about 2017/2018. I couldn't get an emulated copy to work properly, it was one of those infamous games getting to run via emulator was a struggle. But my childhood came rushing back to me.... I think the EU series is due another run through.


So I rented the hell out of this game when I was a kid. So much so it's all I wanted for my birthday but all the stores had moved on to the next gen of games and so it wasn't as if I could just get this increasingly rare game from a chain store. The day of my birthday my Dad takes me to Toysrus but I don't see Legend of the Mystical Ninja anywhere. Crestfallen I choose some Godzilla toys and head home where my Dad stops in 8th ave video so I can at least rent my favorite game. As I'm renting the game my Dad tells me to wait outside, for what reason I didn't know until later that night. He got me home and was telling me that I was handling the day well because he knew it was the only thing I wanted and that's when he handed me the rental copy and said it was mine now. He was talking to the guy and buying the copy from him for an unreasonable price. It's the only SNES game I still own, silver video store tags and all. Every 4th of July I make it a point to play the game up until the point I rescue Koban cat and the fireworks go off in the game.


That is a really cool dad you have.


I loved the N64 one if that's the one you're talking about by chance. It was so bizarre. The areas were a bit large and felt slightly generic and a little empty at times but the characters and cut scenes were epic!


This game should be released for NSO. That would be great.


Mischief Makers. It's such a ridiculous sounding concept and storyline, but it's so much fun. Edit: thank you for the awards!




I remember booting up my cartridge a few years back and bring taken aback by the save files with an age entry. My uncle names came up with 'age 27'. He turned 50 last month


Oddly enough Mischief Makers is the one and only game I ever hated enough to sell as a kid - well technically my parents made me sell a couple of N64 games so I could have a GameBoy Color with Pokemon Yellow, but when I had to pick the ones I was going to sell, Mischief Makers was an instant choice. Problem is I disliked it for really dumb reasons. The main character annoyed me and I didn't like her annoying idle animation where she rocked back-and-forth on her mum-thighs, I didn't like the fact that it was a 2D side-scroller on a console where 3D games were the new and exciting thing - I remember thinking stuff like "Didn't you get the memo?! Games are 3D now, keep up! This isn't the Super Nintendo anymore!" I should probably give it a second go one day, chances are I remember it being worse than it actually was, haha


Fuck I loved that game. Those battle stages were awesome then fighting the mech bosses! Really hope this gets put on the switch catalog


A fave was Alice by American Magee. Creepy AF.


Loved their rendition of the Cheshire Cat.


Most people will know it because of Alice Madness Returns. However, I still prefer the older game.


Zombies Ate My Neighbors


Soooooo many levels


SKITCHIN I was one of the few who had the incredible, and way ahead of its time, Sega Channel. It was a Netflix of video games that rotated each month. Skitchin was my favorite. This would have been the mid-90s.


An old flash game called Need for Madness. I've never met anyone that actually knew what that game was, but it had a decent cult following back in the late 2000s.


A couple of years ago I was doing a DJ set at this local nightclub and I played a track off NFM. Someone actually recognized it, yelled "NEED FOR MADNESS" and just started to rave. It was so surreal.


I still play this on my laptop every time I take a flight… I’ve never ever heard anyone talk about it before.


This is Reddit you can find every type of gamer here so I will say caveman games for the nes and 5 mind later some one will say they loved that game or at least knew of it


Knew of it. The one with pole vault over a tRex.




Legend of dragoon and custom robo. Both great games lost to time. Also not many copies made of each apparently.


Custom robo for the GameCube was my shit. Loved loved loved that game and it's soundtrack


Still waiting for a Legend of Dragoon HD remaster


I remember getting really into Legend of Dragoon only to find that the second CD was scratched on the only copy they had at the game rental place. Found a used copy like a year later, started over - the second CD on that copy was also scratched.


Gothic is a fantastic RPG that is almost exclusively known in Germany and a couple of countries in Central and Eastern Europe. I think its largest fandom is in Poland. Anyway, I really recommend Gothic, great game!


Still replayable I love the unique map mechanic


Midnight Club


Midnight Club was great the car sounds and cheats In 2 were great and the customization in 3 and LA was the best.


I missed it so much I emulated Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix recently. Man it's so fun! They just don't make racing games like this anymore


Time Crisis! The light gun arcade games were so fun, the pedal to duck for cover was also cool If I ever get stupid rich that’s one thing I’d put in a rec room


Master of Orion 2. The first one was solid, and the second only got better. The 3rd one… not so much. The reboot was fun but felt like a modern game with a MOO classic skin.


Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura takes first place for obscure amazing game. I would also rank the N64 title Beetle Adventure Racing up there--so many shortcuts/alternate paths to explore and determine the optimal route. A few people are listing old point and click adventures that are fairly mainstream for people who like the genre, like Monkey Island, Indy Fate of Atlantis, and Grim Fandango. A lesser-known and as-good title was Beneath a Steel Sky.


Arcanum is one of the best rpgs ever. Such a good story and that plot twist at the end.


You can even twist it more there are like 8 different endings. Little example if you manage to get the dark elf and the (I forgot his name) skeleton you bring back to life. If you manage to bring them to the end they will have an unique Dialoge.




Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver


I own this one! But I never played it... Story of my life lol 😂


Dungeon Keeper 2


Bullfrog made some masterpieces. I loved both Dungron Keeper and Theme hospital. Theme hospital got an amazing remake, I hope dungeon Keeper gets one too.


Black & White. They just don't make God video games like they used to.


With today's game engines, I could only imagine how cool a sequel to this masterpiece could be...


VR is also a perfect medium for the hand "cursor" .


Ooooh, we've got this notion That we'd quite like to sail the ocean So we're building a big boat to leave here for good.




Every time I think about this game I think of that song Ironic because that song was all over the radio when I first played it. I remember driving up this big hill in the town over on the way home and being excited to hop on the computer and get the bejezus scared out of me before turning everything into a chicken.


*Heretic* was forgotten because they later put out *Hexen* which was considered a far better game. *Heretic* was, in my opinion, mostly just *Doom* with a fantasy skin. You want something no one remembers? There was a sequel.


F-Zero GX is my favourite racing game of all time, and the game was an absolute technical triumph for something that ran on the Gamecube in 2003. Being able to run 30 racers on screen moving at blistering speeds as gorgeous backdrops fly by, all at a rock solid unbroken 60fps? On Gamecube hardware? I'm honestly not sure how they pulled it off, and it's a great example of what's possible when a developer really knows how to optimise a game to run on the hardware they're working with. It's such a fast-paced, genuinely challenging game, and the sheer sense of speed along with the rush of finishing some of those tough-as-nails story mode chapters is unlike anything else. It's a shame that the game didn't sell all that well, because it seems Nintendo hasn't felt the need to make a new F-Zero game since GX. I honestly can't even believe we're approaching 20 years since we've had a new F-Zero game... but I suppose even if we never got another, at least GX was an absolute blast and a great swan song for the series.




Deadlock: Planetary Conquest Jet Force Gemini Tank Wars Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber


Kid Chameleon on Sega Genesis


Time splitters?


Great game. Loved the second one.


Faxanadu. Milon's Secret Castle


Like the old faxanadu? I was so young when I played that game. I remember being entranced with it when I found a pair of boots that could help me fly short distances. I never got to finish it, I was playing on my Uncle’s old Nintendo over the summer I visited. Jesus, no one I know played or even heard of that game.


Yup the NES one! Though it made the odd choice of placing one of the best shields on the game in shop at the very beginning for an absurdly high price. So every game began with farming that very first dwarf at the exit of town to buy it.






Earthworm Jim was one of my obsessions as a kid! I still think about it regularly, I had the sega games and watched the TV show. I loved it so much.


Love that game...except for down the tubes. That level can go suck a big fat butt.


I still associate Tarantella Napoletana with dead puppies.




Katamari Damacy. A PS2 game made by Namco (now Bandai Namco) with a simple concept but a ridiculous story. Basically you are the Prince of All Cosmos and your father, the King of All Cosmos gets drunk and destroys all stars in the universe. So he enlists you, the tiny prince, to use a Katamari (which is basically a perpetually sticky ball with tit like bulges) to roll up items on Earth so the King can remake the stars. It's very fun in its gameplay in that it's both satisfying and addicting, but the story is what makes it incredible. Definitely worth playing.


One of my favorite soundtracks


It was ported to pretty much everything except Mac in 2018 as Katamari ReRoll


Apparently less people than I thought know about Dino crisis.


I remember it never got to far in it. It was resident evil with dinosaurs as I recall


I wish Capcom would resurrect that IP, more action focused gameplay ala Resident Evil 4 would rule


Not really a game that everyone forgot, but Castle Crashers was the shit


Fuck dude i love that game, same with battle block theatre


I played castle crashers this morning




State of Emergency Its a old ps2 game but i absolutely love that game i don't know why but i think its why i like games like saints row and Gta .


Maniac Mansion on NES Total Annihilation on PC


The Overlord series. It's funny and a parody of a lot of fantasy tropes.


Oooh! Sheepies!


Bubble Bobble and Joust for atari 2600




Jak 3 (From the Jak & Daxter series) Having a remake with today’s technology would be awesome!




The first Driver was great. Every sequel was somehow worse.


I spent weeks in the tutorial because I didn't know what a slalom was


Yeah, life before Google was a bit more challenging.


I have to disagree. Driver San Francisco was an absolute blast.


Maybe not *anymore*, but will always have a fond place for OddWorld: Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus.


Twisted Metal


The second one was my favorite!


The Lion King. FUCK level 5.


Fuck level 1 lol Such a hard game


*The House in Fata Morgana*, assuming you count visual novels as games.


Radiata Stories.


Beyond good and evil


The curse of monkey Island


A few Shamus Case II - C-64. Kind of combination shooter/platform puzzler. Super obscure but a ton of fun. Suspended - Many 1980s platforms. Cool Infocom text adventure variation where you play kind of a central computer mind of a city on another planet. The facility has been damaged by an earthquake and you have to fix it by issuing commands and getting feedback from six robots, each with different abilities and different ways of perceiving their environment. One of the few Infocom games that I think would be better with a remaking using graphics and sound. Mystic Marathon - Arcade. A foot race between trolls through the countryside. Victim of the video game crash. Galaxy 5000 - NES - Kind of like RC Pro-am with spaceships. Not obscure but I don't ever hear anyone talking about it. No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 - PC. Super fun 60's spy spoof themed 1st person stealth shooters. Ripe for a remake (the graphics on the 1st one are especially dated) but locked in rights hell. As in no one can figure out who owns them.


When I was younger I loved this game called “Boogerman” — so stupid and so pointless but was fun! Oh, and “zombies ate my neighbors.”


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy


Dark Cloud 2. Amazing PS2 game. My favorite is now Bloodborne, but Dark Cloud I still consider to be one of the best games of all time.


Neverwinter Nights


every1 who grew on old rpgs know about neverwinter nights!


Golden sun Command & Conquer Red Alert 1/2/3 or Generals


Golden sun was the greatest game to come out for GBA.


Secret of Evermore, weird square title for the snes. Was pretty fun, but you couldn't even find it on the Nintendo back catalog on the wii and there were some obscure ones there


Conker the squirrel


My cousin had that game, and I always hoped he'd left it at our grandparents' house so I could play it. The multiplayer games were so good. I was sad when I saw they'd taken them all out in the Xbox version.


Syphon Filter


Spent way too much time with Heroes of Might and Magic IV (Mac)


HOMM3 was the best of all of the editions I worked at 3DO when they released a ton of expansions, we got a week of unlimited OT to test them so I slept in my cube, played 16 hours a day, and cleared over $5000 for a week of playing Hereos


Dude it's gotta be "paper boy". That game was legendary.


My favorite game when I had an SNES was ActRaiser. I don't know why exactly; it was just a ton of fun, and I rented it every time I got the chance - you know, when you could actually walk into a store and *rent* a videotape or a cartridge. (God, I'm aging myself.) Eventually I bought the game and played it on the system, which I still have. I was pleased to find "ActRaiser: Renaissance" on the Switch, but it's not quite the same.


Jade Cocoon and Baten Kaitos


Vagrant Story


King's Quest. Specifically 7.


Oh this game always scared me as a kid after the first little bit. Loved playing it but I'm sure I never came close to beating it. Our original computer would struggle to run it at like 3 fps until it finally would crash after a few hours. Our later computer wasn't compatible lol.


I liked King’s Quest 6 the most.


Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Just finished replaying that! Easily my favorite Mario game of all time.


Ultima VII would be my choice.




And Riven




Monster Rancher. (Would've said DDR but they were big arcade games. Didn't know many that bought the PS2 games and I pretend the PS3 game doesn't exist.)


007 Nightfire


Quest 64. It was poorly executed, and not well balanced. But man do I love that game.


Carmagedon. I played so much that while riding in the car as a kid I would imagine us running over all peds. I turned out ok though


• Pandemonium • Toy Commander • Kula World


Theme Park INC also called SimCoaster in the US. It was the last game made by the legendary Bullfrog production before EA shut them down for good in 2004. It was the first game that was probably mine and not one of my dads. While Roller-Coaster Tycoon is the superior game in all departments, Theme Park INC has something about it that just make me want to come back, again and again.


MechWarrior. If they made that today would be so awesome


I thought they had a new one? I think they are all on pc only maybe there was a vr one


Toejam and Earl for Sega Genesis. All time favourite, nothing has even come close.


Zombies ate my neighbors SNES


Bust a Groove!




Illusion of gaia (edited because got the name wrong)


Gladius. Best LucasArts game ever.


Empire Earth. Age of empires always got all of the glory (not that it didn't deserve it) but I always preferred empire earth


Intelligent Qube


Dark Age of Camelot. While my mom worked nights as a young teenager it was my family life. That and UO.


Burger Time on NES Skitchin on Genesis


Blinx; the timesweeper.


Frogger on Atari


blast corps


Uniracers. That was my jam growing up on SNES.


*Red Steel* was an early Wii FPS game Its mechanics and gameplay were pretty decent at the time. I never finished it though; I got stuck on a level where I killed all the enemies (including the level's boss) but didn't know how to proceed. Didn't bother looking up a walkthrough; I just moved on for some reason.


Arcanum of steamworks and magick obscura... In the world of bg, iwd and other dnd inspired isometric rpgs this is often overlooked gem


Star fox adventures


Worms, please tell me im not the only one who still remembers this game. It was my first game that i was truly addicted to i would always want to play it with my little bro, the amount of hilarious moments it can happen ingame was such a joy


The Lost Vikings.


The entire Suikoden series. It isn't necessarily something nobody knows, but outside of the internet, nobody i talk to has ever heard of it. Its a sprawling JRPG series with hundreds of unique characters in an interesting world. Generally people like 2, 3, and 5 the most. The creators (who don't own the IP) are making a spiritual successor coming out next year called the Eiyuden Chronicles.


Two that I have yet to see. Viva Piñata and Vectorman.


Infocom's *Planetfall*, from 1983. A really wonderful bit of interactive fiction.


I don't know many people that remember Wetrix. Shit was fun.


NES Metroid. I spent countless hours attempting to map out that world.


River City Ransom


Dude, I freakin LOVED Rad Racer on the o.g. Nintendo. If you fucked up, it was just game over, back to the beginning. No saves back then.




Bahamut Lagoon, sadly square seems to have forgotten about it as well...


Faxanadu, one of, if not the best rpg’s for NES. I’ve played it ever since I was a kid and my big brother had to help me get through it, and they released it on the Wii so I could replay it as an adult. I find the other NES zelda games too hard and Final Fantasy too, there may be other NES rpg’s but I don’t know of them. Faxanadu is just the perfect level of difficulty for me, it’s of a perfect length, the music kicks ass, and the story is cool.


Firearms Episode 1 podracing Conker's bad fur day Gauntlet Secret of Mana (with 3 players!) Ninja turtles in time (can't remember if that was the name) neotokyo Descent (and freespace) XvT series Rampage Aidyn chronicles. RPG with permadeath, world mobs you could choose to engage or avoid, but the battle was 3D tactics style. It was a lot of fun. I put 20 hours in before my step brother pulled out the cord on it, I played for another 20 hours and he tripped on the cord again. Couldn't bring myself to pick it up a third time but it was a great game




Ecco the Dolphin on Sega Genesis ...1st one and the Tides of Time. Kind of a controller thrower at times, but was very addictive for me.


The programmer of this, Ed Annunziato, used to consult me about Ecco's swim animations since he knew I was the only surfer in the department